MQ Preschool

Mohamed Qasim Preschool - A preschool, the first to be administered by the government in Hulhumalè.

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 04/09/2024

ދިވެހި ފުލުހުން މަދަނީ ބައެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި މަސައްކަތްކުރަން ފެށިތާ 20 އަހަރު ފުރުމުގެ މުނާސަބަތުގައި ، ފުލުހުން ބޭނުންކުަރަމުން އައި ތަކެތި ޤައުމީ ދާރުލްއާސާރުގައި ވަނީ ދައްކާލެވިފައެވެ. މިހަރަކާތުގައި ސްކޫލްގެ ޕްރީކަބް އަދި ސްޓަރގެ ދަރިވަރުންވަނީ ބައިވެރިވެފައެވެ.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Maldives Police Service

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 03/09/2024

ޤައުމީ ދުވަހުގެ ހަރަކާތްތަކުގެ ތެރެއިން. 🇲🇻

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 29/08/2024

Little Bakers 🧁

Cupcake decorating engages multiple senses, such as touch, sight, and taste, providing an opportunity for children to explore different textures and colors. The intricate process of handling icing bags and applying delicate decorations helps children refine their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Looks like they had a wonderful time.

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 28/08/2024

Star Outing 🌟

Students visited central park to explore about nature. Natural environment allows children to learn by doing and experimenting with ideas. 🍀

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Maldives Girl Guides Association

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 28/08/2024

Session on Cyber Crime for parents.

A session on Cyber Crime was conducted by Neighborhood Police to create awareness on digital parenting and how to keep their kids digital experience safe, fun and secure.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Crime Prevention - A Shared Responsibility

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 27/08/2024

Madhaha Ran Adu 1446
Awarding Ceremony 🌟

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 21/08/2024

އަދަބީ ހަފްތާ- މައުޟޫއަށް ވާހަކަދެއްކުން 🇲🇻

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Dhivehibahuge Ekedamee

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 20/08/2024

އަދަބީ ހަފްތާ- ރައިވަރު ކިޔުން 🇲🇻

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Dhivehibahuge Ekedamee

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 19/08/2024

އަދަބީ ހަފްތާ🇲🇻

އަދަބީ ހަފްތާއަކީ ދަރިވަރުންގެ މެދުގައި އަދަބިއްޔާަތަށް ލޯބި ޖެއްސުމާއި ދަރިވަރުންގެ ހުނަރު ތަރައްޤީ ކުރުމުގެ ގޮތުން ބޭއްވޭ ހަރަކާތްތަކެކެވެ. މިގޮތުންް އަދަބީ ހަފްތާގަައި ދަރިވަަރުންގެ ބަނދިކިޔުން، ރައިވަރުކިޔުން އަދި މައުޟޫއަށް ވާހަކަދެއްކުން ފަދަ ހުށަހެޅުންްތައްް ހިމެނިފައިވެއެވެ.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Dhivehibahuge Ekedamee

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 19/08/2024

އަދަބީ ހަފްތާ🇲🇻

އަދަބީ ހަފްތާއަކީ ދަރިވަރުންގެ މެދުގައި އަދަބިއްޔާަތަށް ލޯބި ޖެއްސުމާއި ދަރިވަރުންގެ ހުނަރު ތަރައްޤީ ކުރުމުގެ ގޮތުން ބޭއްވޭ ހަރަކާތްތަކެކެވެ. މިގޮތުންް އަދަބީ ހަފްތާގަައި ދަރިވަަރުންގެ ބަނދިކިޔުން، ރައިވަރުކިޔުން އަދި މައުޟޫއަށް ވާހަކަދެއްކުން ފަދަ ހުށަހެޅުންްތައްް ހިމެނިފައިވެއެވެ.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Dhivehibahuge Ekedamee

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 18/08/2024

ޕީޓީއަޭ އިފްތިތާހު ކުރުމުގެ ގޮތުން ބޭއްވުނު ހަފްލާގެ ތެރެއިން.
މިހަފްލާގައި މިހާރުގެ އަދި ކުރީގެ ޕީޓީއޭގެ މެމްބަރުން ބައިވެރިވެފައިވޭ. އަދި
މިހަފްލާ ޝަރަފުވެރިކޮށްދެއްވާފައިވަނީ ޕީ.އެސް.އެމްގެ އެމް.ޑީ ޒީނާ ޒާހިރު.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Zeena Zahir


ޕީޓީއަޭ އިފްތިތާހު ކުރުމުގެ ހަފްލާގައި ބެލެނިވެރިން ހުށަހަޅައިދިން ޝުކުރުގެ އައިޓަމް.

މިހަފްލާ ޝަރަފުވެރިކޮށްދެއްވި ކަމަށްޓަކައި ޕީ.އެސް.އެމްގެ އެމް.ޑީ ޒީނާ ޒާހިރުއަށް އިޙްލާސްތެރިކަމާއި އެކު ޝުކުރު ދަންނަވަން.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Zeena Zahir


Announcement ‼️

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 08/08/2024

Skill development 🧹

Students always look up for thursdays with excitement.

This thursday we focused on skill development such as washing clothes, hanging clothes, folding clothes, ironing, sweeping and mopping.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 08/08/2024

Visit to King Salman Mosque 🕌

Students visit to King Salman Mosque to learn about theme “namaadhu”. Opportunities like these
reinforces the value of practicing Islam.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Ministry of Islamic Affairs

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 08/08/2024

Fruit Day 🍒🍓

A Fund Raising event by PTA.

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 06/08/2024

Awareness session on First Aid. 🏥🩹

A session on First Aid was conducted for all teachers and admin staff. The session mainly highlighted immediate assistance that can be given to any person with an illness or an injury until medical service is available.

On behalf of our school staff we would like to thank Angeela Naseer (Community Health Cordinator) and Sameer Ahmed (Senior Communityr Health Officer) for conducting a very fruitful session.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Hulhumale Hospital

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 05/08/2024

School visit by students and teachers of Kaamil Didi Primary School.

Students were given information about our school and they visited classrooms and other important places at school. Students also participated in joyful activities with our students and teachers.

Our staff and students had a wonderful time. 😊

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Kaamil Didi Primary School

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 04/08/2024

Star Investiture Ceremony.

Thank you Madam Fathimath Yusuf for gracing our Star Investiture ceremony with your presence.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Maafannu Madharusa
Maldives Girl Guides Association

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 04/08/2024

Water Play Day💦

Water play is a great sensory rich experience for children. Children enhance their gross motor skills, coordination and physical fitness through lifting, pouring, carrying, running and splashing.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 04/08/2024

Egg Brushing!!! 🥚🪥🦷

It’s a great way to show how much food and drinks they consume can affect their teeth, if not cared properly.

This activity was carried on to learn about the importance of cleanliness and brushing teeth regularly.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 04/08/2024

Precub students field visit to Maldives Fire & Rescue. This field visit helped students understand about fire safety, prevention and precautions.

Thank you MNDF Fire & Rescue team.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 04/08/2024

Madhaha Ran’Adu 1446 🌟

Madhaha Ran’Adu is an annual competition, which is held to promote love for reciting Madhaha. It is also a great opportunity for students to discover their talent and boost their confidence.

Thank You Mohamed Abdul Gani and Ismail Mubarik for judging this competition. We highly appreciate your presence.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
National Centre for the Arts, Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 29/07/2024

UKG Parents along with their students participated to create a photo frame relating to the theme “My family”. Opportunities like these helps students to build a good relationship with their parents through play.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 29/07/2024

To learn more on theme "My School" LKG students visited Maafannu Madharusa enhancing a new learning experience.

Thank You Maafannu Madharusa for the great hospitality.
Our kids enjoyed spending time at your school.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 29/07/2024

Stars Visit to Masjidul Rasheedh

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 29/07/2024

"The most beautiful thing about meeting new people is discovering new perspectives and understanding the world from their eyes." - unknown-

Pre-cub students field Visit to Kaamil Didi Primary School to learn about respectful interaction and making new friends.

Thank you Kaamil Didi Primary School for accommodating our students. They had a lovely time.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives


Wishing you all a very happy independence day 🇲🇻❤️

“Joashey Genai Mee” by MQPS Choir students.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 21/07/2024

'Unveiling Visions 2024' features a stunning art piece by one of our teachers Aminath Shazra Shahidh. 😍

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives


We are amazed by her talent. Congratulations on your success. We are so proud of you. Aminath Shazra Shahid 🥰

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 21/07/2024

ތުއްތުކުދިން ކުޅުމުގެތެރެއިން އުނގެނި ތަރުބިއްޔަތުވުމުގެ މުހިންމުކަމާމެދު ހޭލުންތެރިކުރުމަށް އެން.އައި.އީ އާއި ޔުނިސެފް އަދި ސްކޫލްތައް ގުޅިގެން ކުރިއަށްގެދިޔަ " ތުއްތު ކުދިންގެ ކުޅިވަރުސަމާ"ގެތެރެއިން.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
National Institute of Education, Maldives
UNICEF Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 19/07/2024

Field visit to Mazjidh Azeeza Moosa to learn and understand importance of 5 pillars of Islam in our daily lives. This is a precub badge activity on belief and attitude.

Thank You Male' City Council for this opportunity.

The Scout Association of Maldives

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 19/07/2024

A glimps of Art Exhibition “Creative Sparks”. Students expressed their interests and creativity as Artists. 🎨🖌️

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 18/07/2024
Photos from MQ Preschool's post 15/07/2024

We are proud to announce that our student Airyn Rifaq Rasheedh of UKG 5 donated 2 books, which were written by Airyn and her brother Aryn Rifaq Rasheedh. 📚❤️❤️

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 15/07/2024

Completion of Life Skills Training held on 10th & 11th July 2024.

This program was facilitated by Senior Training and Development Executive of Civil Service Training Institute Mariyam Muneer.

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 14/07/2024

އިދާރި މުވައްޒަފުންގެ ދުވަސް 2024 💐
އިދާރީ ދުވަސް ފާހަގަ ކުރުމުގެ ގޮތުން ބޭއްވުނު ހަފްލާގެ ތެރެއިން.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 14/07/2024

އިދާރި މުވައްޒަފުންގެ ދުވަސް 2024🌸💐

އިދާރި މުވައްޒަފުންގެ ދުވަސް ފާހަގަ ކުރުމުގެ ގޮތުން ހެނދުނު ސައިފޮދަކުން މަރުޙަބާ ކިޔުން.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

Photos from MQ Preschool's post 14/07/2024

Uniform bodies pre-cub, stars and band were inaugurated with enjoyable activites. Students were also given information about the purpose of these activities and how uniform bodies can have a good impact throughout thier lives.

Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives

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Videos (show all)

Wishing you all a very happy independence day 🇲🇻❤️“Joashey Genai Mee” by MQPS Choir students.Ministry of Education - Rep...
A Glimps of SEN Unit Activities:Sponge Play: Squeezing a sponge requires the use of small muscles in the hands and finge...
ތިމާވެށިގެ ދުވަސް 2024 ☘️🪴
Gaumee Salam by Choir student accompanied by school Band. 🇲🇻Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives
Thank You Song
Glimpse of Graduation.  Welcome Item by LKG students.
Guard of Honor
On this blessed occasion of Eid, may Allah's blessings fill our lives with joy, peace and prosperity🌙✨.  Wishing you all...
Every year, on April 2 World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated to empower and encourage children with autism to lead a ...
May this Ramadan bring peace, prosperity and happiness to you and your loved ones.  Ramazan Kareem 🤍🌙
Happy Women’s Day 🌸




Chambeylee Magu, Hulhumale

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