United Nations in Maldives

The Official page of the United Nations System in Maldives.

Photos from United Nations in Maldives's post 01/07/2024

UN Resident Coordinator Mr. Bradley Busetto paid a courtesy call on Speaker of the People's Majlis, reaffirming UN's longstanding partnership with the People's Majlis. He reaffirmed the continued collaborations for promoting good governance, especially in civic education and youth empowerment.

Photos from United Nations in Maldives's post 30/06/2024

Maldives has made significant progress in assessing the gaps for disaster resilience with the Early Warning For All initiative! 🌐📡 Enhancing our preparedness for natural hazards to protect our islands and communities. 🏝️💪
Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy, Maldives Maldivian Red Crescent Disaster Management Authority-Maldives

އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ ރަށްރަށާއި މުޖުތަމަޢުތައް ޙިމާޔަތްކުރުމަށްޓަކައި ޤުދުރަތީ ކާރިޘާތަކުން ކުރިމަތި ވެދާނެ ނުރައްކާތަކަށް ތައްޔާރުވެ، ވިލުނުވެރިކަން އިތުކުކުރުން މުހިއްމު! 'އާލީ ވަރނިންގ ފޯ އޯލް' އިނީޝިއޭޓިވްއާއެކު, ރާއްޖެއިން ދަނީ މިކަމަށް މުހިންމު ފިޔަވަޅުތައް އަޅަމުން. 🌐📡

Photos from Ministry of Finance's post 29/06/2024

Here are some highlights for the in September:
🔹 Improving global governance
🔹 Accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
Its very important for Maldives to capture the vision and needs of in the . Have your voice heard in this conversation ! 🌍✨


Join the campaign and have your say in shaping global multilateralism! Every voice and action count for a sustainable future. From reducing waste to conserving energy, your efforts can create real change.
Lets inspire others to do the same: https://bit.ly/SoF24-challenge

ކެމްޕެއިނާ ގުޅިވަޑައިގަންނަވާ! ތިމާވެށި ހިމާޔަތްކުރުމަށް އަޅުގަނޑުމެން ކުރާ ކޮންމެ މަސައްކަތަކީ ވެސް ދެމެހެއްޓެނިވި މުސްތަގުބަލަކަށް އެއިން އަސަރުކުރާނެ ކަމެއް! ކުނި މަދުކުރުމުން ފެށިގެން ހަކަތަ ހިމާޔަތްކުރުމާ ހަމައަށް، ތިޔަ ބޭފުޅުން ކުރައްވާ ކޮންމެ މަސައްކަތުން ހަގީގީ ބަދަލެއް ގެނެވިދާނެ. އެންމެންވެސް މި ކަމުގައި ކުރިއަށް ދިއުމަށް ހިތްވަރުދެމާ! 🌍✨ https://bit.ly/SoF24-challenge


Meet Saani Simaad, a dynamic young leader
His journey towards creating change began at the young age of 16. In May 2024, he proudly represented the Maldives as the sole young delegate at the SIDS4 conference in Antigua and Barbuda.

Saani's message resonates clearly: "Our dreams know no bounds. Let's rise together, speak up, and shape a brighter tomorrow collectively." 🌟
With the support from UNICEF Maldives Saani's trajectory underscores the transformative power of youth as agents of change. With the right opportunities, young people can truly make a difference. The United Nations in Maldives stands committed to fostering and driving forward.

ސާނީ ސިމާދުއާ ބައްދަލުކުރައްވާ!.
ސާނީ ވަނީ ޢުމުރުން 16 އަހަރުން ފެށިގެން އުޖާލާ މުޖުތަމައަކަށްޓަކައި، ހެޔޮ ބަދަލުތަކެއް ގެންނަން މަސައްކަތް ފަށާފަ. ވަކިން ޚާއްސަކޮށް ތިމާވެށީގެ ދާއިރާއިން. މިދިޔަ މެއި މަހު އެންޓިގުއާ އެންޑް ބާބުޑާގައި ބޭއްވި ސިޑްސް4 ކޮންފަރެންސްގައި ރާއްޖެ ތަމްސީލުކުރެއްވައި، ޒުވާން މަންދޫބެއްގެ ގޮތުން ސާއިން ވަނީ ޒުވާނުންގެ އަޑު އުފުލާފަ.

ސާނީ ޒުވާނުންނަށް ދޭން ބޭނުންވާ މެސެޖަކީ: "އަހަރެމެންގެ ހުވަފެންތަކަކީ ވަކި ޙައްދެއް ކަނޑައެޅިފަވާ އެއްޗެއް ނޫން. ބޭނުންވަނީ އެންމެން އެކުގައި ތެދުވެ، ވާހަކަ ދައްކައި، އެންމެނަށް އުޖާލާ މާދަމާއެއް ބައްޓަން ކުރުން. 🌟
ޔުނިސެފް މޯލްޑިވްސްގެ އެއްބާރުލުމާއެކު ސާނީގެ ދަނީ އުޖާލާ މުޖުތަމަޢެއް ބިނާކުރުމުގައި ޒުވާނުންގެ މުހިއްމުކަން ދައްކުވައިދެމުން. ރަނގަޅު ފުރުޞަތުތައް ލިބުމުން ޒުވާނުންނަށް ތަފާތެއް ގެނެވިދާނެ. ކުރިއެރުވުމަށާއި ކުރިއަށް ގެންދިއުމަށް ރާއްޖޭގައި ހުންނަ އދ.އޮފީހުން އަބަދުވެސް އެއްބާރުލުން ދެމުން ގެންދާނަން!


May this Eid bring comfort, peace, and relief to those facing adversity. Together, let us celebrate this blessed time and strive to make the world a better place for everyone.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Eid Al-Adha.

މި އަޟްޙާ ޢީދަކީ ދަތި އުނދަގޫތައް ތަޙައްމަލު ކުރަމުންދާ ފަރާތްތަކަށް ހިތްހަމަޖެހުމާއި، ސަލާމަތްތެރިކަން ގެނެސްދޭ ޢީދެއްކަމުގައި ލައްވާށި! އަދި މި އަޟްޙާ ޢީދުގެ އުފާ ފާޅުކުރަމުންދާއިރު، ދުނިޔެއަކީ އެންމެންނަށް ވެސް ރައްކާތެރި، އަމާން ތަނެއްކަމުގައި ހެދުމަށް މަސައްކަތް ކުރަމާ!
އުފާވެރި އަޟްޙާ ޢީދުގެ ހެޔޮއެދުމާއި ތަހުނިޔާ ތިބާއަށާއި ތިބާގެ ޢާއިލާއަށް އަރިސްކުރަން!


Thank you, blood donors. Your selfless donations have had a profound impact on the lives and well-being of hundreds of millions of people, as well as their families and communities across the world.

World Health Organization Maldives


🩸 This , let's recognize and appreciate the selfless donors who save lives every day. Donate blood and make a difference! Learn more about how you can help: who.int/campaigns/world-blood-donor-day

World Health Organization (WHO)

Photos from United Nations in Maldives's post 13/06/2024

🌍 Join the journey towards a sustainable future! The United Nations Sustainable Development Framework 2022-2026 is our roadmap. What role will you play in shaping a greener, fairer world? Share your ideas below!
Read More 👉 https://bitly.cx/rt94N

އ.ދ.ގެ ދެމެހެއްޓެނިވި ތަރައްޤީގެ އޮނިގަނޑު 2022-2026 އަކީ އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ މަގުޗާޓެވެ. މި މަގުޗާޓާ އެއްގޮތަށް ދެމެހެއްޓެނިވި މުސްތަގުބަލަކަށް ކުރާ ދަތުރުގައި ބައިވެރިވަމާ! ފެހި، އިންސާފުވެރި ދުނިޔެއެއް ބައްޓަން ކުރުމުގައި ތިޔަބޭފުޅުން އަދާކުއްވާނީ ކޮން ދައުރެއްތޯ؟ ތިޔަބޭފުޅުންގެ ޚިޔާލުތައް ތިރީގައި ޙިއްޞާކުރައްވާ!


UN Secretary-General António Guterres called on people everywhere to use their voices, and their choices, to help protect the future of our planet. https://www.un.org/.../secretary-generals-special-address...


Afa Husayn, the winner of National Youth Award 2021 – Environment and the founder of , a youth-led environmental movement working towards environmental conservation and empowering youth and women. Straight out of school, Afa and a group of passionate volunteers held several environmental campaigns, organized awareness sessions and advocated for sustainable development projects. Today, Afa is a leading environmental advocate in the Maldives, working towards her mission to bring a sustainable life in harmony with the environment.

ތިމާވެއްޓަށް ޚިދުމަތްކުރާ ފަރާތްތަކުގެ އަގުވަޒަންކުރުމުގެ ގޮތުން ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ ދެއްވާ ޒުވާނުންގެ ޤައުމީ އިނާމް 2021 ލިބިވަޑައިގެންފައިވާ، އަދި ތިމާވެށި ހިމާޔަތްކުރުމަށާއި ޒުވާނުންނާއި އަންހެނުން ބާރުވެރިކުރުވުމަށް މަސައްކަތްކުރާ ޒުވާނުން އިސްނަގައިގެން ހިންގާ ތިމާވެށީގެ ހަރަކާތެއް ކަމަށްވާ ބީލީފްގެ ބާނީ އަފާ ހުސައިން.
ސްކޫލު ދައުރު ނިންމުމަށްފަހު، އަފާ އާއި ޒުވާން ވޮލަންޓިއަރުންގެ ބަޔަކު ވަނީ ތިމާވެށި ޙިމާޔަތްކުރުމަށް ތަފާތު ހަރަކާތްތައް ބާއްވައި، ހޭލުންތެރިކުރުމުގެ ސެޝަންތައް ކުރިއަށްގެންގޮސް، ދެމެހެއްޓެނިވި ތަރައްގީގެ މަޝްރޫއުތަކަށް ވަކާލާތުކުރަން ފަށާފަ. މިއަދު އަފާއަކީ ރާއްޖޭގެ ތިމާވެށްޓަށް ވަކާލާތުކޮށް، ދެމެހެއްޓެނިވި ދިރިއުޅުމެއް ގެނައުމަށް ކުރާ މަސައްކަތުގައި އިސްކޮށް ހަރަކާތްތެރިވާ ޒުވާނެއް.


Climate Dictionary:
The "blue economy" concept seeks to promote economic development, social inclusion, and the preservation or improvement of livelihoods while at the same time ensuring environmental sustainability of the oceans and coastal areas.

"ނޫ އިޤްތިޞާދު" ކޮންސެޕްޓަކީ އިޤްތިޞާދީ ކުރިއެރުމާއި، އިޖުތިމާޢީ ގޮތުން ބައިވެރިކުރުމާއި، ދިރިއުޅުމުގެ ކަންކަން ޙިމާޔަތްކޮށް ނުވަތަ ކުރިއެރުވައި، ކަނޑުތަކާއި ގޮނޑުދޮށުގެ ސަރަޙައްދުތަކުގެ ތިމާވެށީގެ ޙާލަތު ދެމެހެއްޓެނިވި ގޮތެއްގައި ކުރިއަރުވަން މަސައްކަތްކުރާ ކޮންސެޕްޓެކެވެ.

Photos from United Nations in Maldives's post 08/06/2024

Thank you, Dr. Ahmed Anwar and Villa College, for the insightful publications presented at . United Nations in Maldives welcomes the research for evidence-based decision making by policy makers.

Photos from United Nations in Maldives's post 08/06/2024

UN Resident Coordinator Mr. Bradley J. Busetto delivered the opening remarks at , highlighting the Maldives' digital transformation. With 84% internet pe*******on, projects like Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization, and Diversification (DMADD), and ambitions to be "Small Island Digital States," we're paving the way for sustainable growth and resilience. United Nations in Maldives is committed to future collaboration for more digitalization. Let's keep pushing forward!
އާބާދީގެ 84 އިންސައްތައަށް އިންޓްނެޓް ބޭނުންކުރެވޭނެ މަގު ފަހި ކޮށްދީ، ޑިޖިޓަލް މޯލްޑިވްސް ފޯ އެޑަޕްޓޭޝަން، ޑިސެންޓްރަލައިޒޭޝަން، އެންޑް ޑައިވަރސިފިކޭޝަން (ޑީއެމްއޭޑީޑީ) ފަދަ މަޝްރޫއުތަކާއި، ކުދި ޖަޒީރާ ޑިޖިޓަލް ޤައުމަކަށް ވުމުގެ އުއމީދުތަކާއެކު ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ މިދަނީ ދެމެހެއްޓެނިވި ތަރައްޤީއާއެކު ވިލުނުވެރިކަމަށް މަގުފަހިކޮށްދެމުންނެވެ. ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ޑިޖިޓަލައިޒޭޝަން ކުރިއަށް އޮތްތަނުގައި އިތުރަށް ތަރައްޤީ ކުރުމަށް އެއްބާރުލުން ދިނުމަށް ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގަ ހުންނަ އދގެ އޮފީހުން އަބަދުވެސް ތައްޔާރު. - އދ ގެ ސަފީރު - #އެސްޑީޖީ17 #އެސްޑީޖީއެމްވީ

Villa College


"The ocean sustains and enhances all life on Earth. But our ocean is in trouble. Now is the time for governments, businesses, investors, scientists and communities to come together in defense of our ocean."
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres for World Ocean Day

Read more: https://worldoceanday.org/

OpEd: World Environmental Day: For island states, both communities and the ocean must be protected from the climate emergency 06/06/2024

On the occasion of , the UN Resident Coordinator Mr. Bradley James Busetto and Minister of Climate Change, Environment and Energy Mr. Thoriq Ibrahim highlight the urgent need to protect island communities and oceans from the climate emergency.
Read more: https://edition.mv/features/33879
Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy, Maldives

OpEd: World Environmental Day: For island states, both communities and the ocean must be protected from the climate emergency Opinion Editorial by the H.E. Mr. Thoriq Ibrahim, Minister of Climate Change, Environment and Energy and Mr. Bradley Busetto, interim UN Resident Coordinator.


Join us in honoring our fallen United Nations colleagues.
Since 2011, the Secretary-General has held an Annual Memorial Service to commemorate UN personnel who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
This year’s Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, 6 June 2024 from 18:00 -19:00 in the Trusteeship Council Chamber of the UN Secretariat.
Please join us in recognising their sacrifice: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1l/k1lbsa5vss
UNDP Maldives
UNFPA Maldives
World Health Organization Maldives
UNICEF Maldives

Photos from UNDP Maldives's post 05/06/2024

Join Us for a Unique Virtual Reality Experience!
In celebration of UN Virtual Worlds Day on June 14, 2024, we invite you to a global foresight exercise exploring the future of virtual worlds and their alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On 7 June at 9am (EST) we will be holding a session on the potential of virtual worlds using the virtual office platform https://www.arthur.digital/
A limited number of licenses will be made available on a first come first served basis. If you have your VR headset and are ready to go please feel free to RSVP here: https://bitly.cx/pt1X

📅 Date: June 7, 2024
🕘 Time: 9:00 AM EST
📍 Platform: https://www.arthur.digital/

Photos from United Nations in Maldives's post 05/06/2024

UN Resident Coordinator Mr. Bradley James Busetto participated in the 5 million Tree Planting Project, initiated by the government on World Environment Day 2024. Every sapling we plant today is a step towards a more resilient tomorrow, combating climate change impacts,reducing our carbon footprint and restoring our planet.

Photos from UNICEF Maldives's post 02/06/2024

Kicking off Global Parenting Month ! 💙 Congrats to UNICEF Maldives& Ministry of Education - Republic of Maldives for launching facilitator trainings on universal packages for parents of early childhood, middle childhood & adolescents. The Joint Programme is set to empower parents with essential skills for positive parenting! 🌟👏

Read more about the "Beleniveriyaa"👉 https://bitly.cx/Gy5Nt


United Nations in Maldives commends President Dr Mohamed Muizzu's active engagement at , advocating for climate action and addressing key issues for The government's engagement with global leaders underscore the 🇲🇻 commitment to collaborative solutions for sustainable development.


A fragmented world needs a common path forward.
This September’s Summit of the Future represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to come together to tackle the challenges of today & safeguard

Read More👉 https://bit.ly/SotF2024
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"September’s Summit of the Future will be a moment for countries to carry ideas forward through a New Agenda for Peace, which links peacekeeping with all efforts to prevent and end conflict.” United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres for the International day of UN Peacekeepers - United Nations Peacekeeping


The Maldives underscores the significance of international cooperation in the digital transformation journey. Targeted investments in innovation, robust protection laws & inclusive participation in standard-setting negotiations are crucial. United Nations in Maldives remains committed to forging a resilient digital future for all.


Invitation to submit proposal
External collaborator to facilitate the establishment and operationalisation of the TLDF in Maldives
Apply by 15-June -24
More info: https://t.ly/RS0fc


“We cannot accept the disappearance of any country or culture under the rising waves.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres urges greater global support for small island developing countries facing major climate challenges & economic shocks.

Photos from UNICEF Maldives's post 29/05/2024
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Maldives has made significant progress in assessing the gaps for disaster resilience with the Early Warning For All init...
Meet Saani Simaad, a dynamic young leaderHis journey towards creating change began at the young age of 16. In May 2024, ...
Thank you, blood donors. Your selfless donations have had a profound impact on the lives and well-being of hundreds of m...
Afa Husayn, the winner of National Youth Award   2021 – Environment and the founder of #BeLeaf, a youth-led environmenta...
Nature nurtures us, and it's our responsibility to protect it. Ignoring this means we're the first to suffer. The earth ...
Reflecting on our progress with the Government and partners, UNMaldives remains steadfast in advancing children's rights...
Embracing partnerships is key to unlocking the full potential of the #SDGs. Collaboration fosters innovation, amplifies ...
"2023 has been a year of enormous suffering, violence, and climate chaos. 2024 must be a year for rebuilding trust and r...
As we celebrate #UDHR75, how much do you know about your rights? Knowledge is key to upholding the values of dignity, eq...
Human Rights are universalDignity, Freedom, andJustice for All. #HumanRights75#Act4RightsNowްއިންސާނީ ހައްގުތަކަކީ އިންސ...
Peace Day ‘22: End Racism, Build Peace



H. Aage, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, 4th Floor

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00

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IPNLF Maldives IPNLF Maldives
6th Floor BKT Building Boduthakurufaanu Magu
Male, 20026

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