The Sunrise Malawi Online

The Sunrise Malawi Online

No One Argues With The Winner🏆


Bantu Saunders Jumah, the President of the Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party (MRP), asserts that treason became a thing of the past in Malawi after 1994.

In his statement, Jumah reflects on the era of Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda's Malawi Congress Party (MCP) government, during which those opposed to Banda were often labeled as enemies of the nation. He expresses concern that, despite the advent of multiparty democracy in 1994, some individuals continue to employ treason charges to intimidate those who organize protests against the current President.

Jumah calls on District Commissioners to refrain from using treason accusations in their communications with activists who plan demonstrations against the sitting President, emphasizing that such protests are protected by the country's constitution.

Addressing the recent letter from Dr. Lawford Palani, the District Commissioner for Lilongwe, which characterized Malawi First's march towards State House as treason, Jumah disputes this notion, citing the law that allows protesters to stand 100 meters away from the State House. He questions the reasoning behind such accusations and calls for clarification, asserting that activists and protesters are well aware of the applicable laws.

Furthermore, Jumah defends Malawi First's right to present a petition to President Chakwera at the State House, given Chakwera's previous commitment to resign if unable to effectively govern within two years. With Chakwera now in his third year in office, Jumah believes that the citizens have lost trust in him and that their grievances should be addressed through the petition.

Ultimately, Jumah urges all District Commissioners across the country not to misuse their authority, emphasizing that Malawi is a democracy where freedom of speech, association, opinion, and the right to address grievances with the Head of State are fundamental rights.

Reported By: Vincent Gunde


Total Land Care Malawi (TLC) has joined forces with C-Quest Capital (CQC) to launch a transformative initiative known as the Regenerative Agriculture and Forestry Techniques (RAFT) project in the Dowa district. This ambitious 8-year endeavor aims to enhance sustainable productivity and climate resilience among smallholder farmers in Traditional Authorities Chakhaza and Mkukula, mirroring similar efforts in Dedza, Mchinji, Balaka, Mangochi, and Dowa.

The RAFT program will encompass various facets, including the distribution of high-value crop seeds, fostering beekeeping among organized groups, and the production and sale of Tephrosia seeds and wood. These efforts are geared towards replenishing forest cover and biodiversity.

At a meeting with the Dowa District Executive Committee (Dec) held in the district's boma, Jephthah Maliro, Total Land Care's Agri-Business and Marketing Officer, outlined the program's initial focus on Assisted Natural Regeneration in degraded woodlands during its first year. Subsequently, the project will introduce Nature-Based Solution interventions, employing integrated community-based approaches at the Group Village Heads level, and supplying necessary inputs.

As a testament to success, communities that excel in RAFT interventions, which encompass Natural Tree Regeneration, tree and bamboo planting, Agro-forestry systems, and conservation agriculture, will receive incentives.

Maliro emphasized the program's numerous benefits, including the restoration of biodiversity, improved soil fertility, enhanced crop yields, reduced dependency on expensive fertilizers, and greater water retention for optimal crop growth. To further reduce reliance on natural trees, the initiative will engage communities in planting giant bamboos for fuelwood and construction materials.

Mercy Mpakule, the Director of Planning and Development at Dowa District Council, expressed her enthusiasm for the program's potential to boost soil fertility through the planting of Tephrosia seeds and wood. She encouraged project partners to concentrate their efforts in specific areas to tangibly measure the project's impact and transform those regions, rather than spreading interventions across the entire district.

The collaborative program spearheaded by Total Land Care in partnership with rural communities will focus on 2,500 hectares in the Dowa district, with a total budget of $348,738.93. Nationally, it will encompass 7,000 hectares, with a budget of $1,145,274.11.

Reported By: Vincent Gunde


Kamlepo Kalua Calls on Malawi First Leaders to Unite

Kamlepo Kalua, a prominent freedom fighter and Member of Parliament for Rumphi East, has called on Malawi First leaders to address internal issues.

He expressed support for the group's potential to bring positive change to Malawi and urged unity.

Bantu Saunders Jumah also emphasized the need for activism and suggested forming a Revolutionary Human Rights Federation for the 2025 elections.

Both leaders emphasized the importance of a united front to bring meaningful change to the country.

Reported By Vincent Gunde



The organization, situated at Dzaleka Refugee Camp-Lilambwe Village in Senior Chief Msakambewa's area, expressed its gratitude for the support of the Dowa District Council. Together, they are working to create a brighter future for the district's youth.

In the year 2023, the Digital Malawi Project in Dowa has achieved significant milestones, particularly in training Dowa students in website development. During a meeting with the Dowa District executive committee (Dec) at the Boma, the Project's Team Leader, Deborah Ntakirutimana, provided an update on the project's progress. She reported that they have successfully trained 93 students from the district in computer-based website development at their central office.

Ntakirutimana mentioned that the last cohort for 2023 is currently underway and will continue until the end of November. Their outreach to local schools covered all 8 schools in the Chigudu zone from August to September 2023.

She highlighted that the project has provided training to students from various schools in the district, including Chigudu Primary School (48 pupils), Mwangala Primary School (43 pupils), Thedze (75 pupils), Mtenthela (62 pupils), Mkanga (52 pupils), Kapatamoyo (59 pupils), Mcheza Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) (52 pupils), and Golong'ozi CDSS (58 pupils).

Ntakirutimana also revealed that the project has expanded to the Nalunga zone from 2nd October 2023, engaging with four schools: Nalunga Primary and Secondary School, Windu Primary School, and Kanyanyata Primary School.

"We are fully committed to further expanding and empowering the youth of Dowa district," stated Ntakirutimana. She acknowledged that, despite the project's remarkable successes, they face challenges such as fuel scarcity, a national issue. However, they remain dedicated to adhering to their program schedules and ensuring transportation for students.

Reported By Vincent Gunde


Prominent Activists Munlo and Longwe Pledge to Continue the Fight Against MCP

In a resolute declaration, two prominent rights activists, Comrade Redson Munlo and Sir Charles Ben Longwe, have vowed to intensify their efforts in the fight against the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and its leader, President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, until Malawi is liberated from what they perceive as the oppressive grip of the MCP.

Munlo, a passionate activist, expressed his unwavering commitment to the cause, declaring that he would persist in his fight "till the last drop of his blood." He emphasized his determination to prevent the return of the MCP, a party he believes has caused immense suffering and hardship for the poor, leaving them in unbearable conditions and sorrow. Munlo also made it clear that he would not let anyone with ill intentions manipulate the members of his movement for planned demonstrations against Chakwera's government.

"I will fight till my last drop of my blood," Munlo asserted in an audio message.

Similarly, Sir Charles Ben Longwe affirmed his dedication to the cause alongside Redson Munlo, stating that they have no friends and are committed to standing with the Malawians suffering from issues like hunger due to soaring maize prices, a lack of fertilizer in distribution points, inadequate medical supplies in hospitals, fuel shortages, and forex constraints.

Longwe contended that the MCP-led government has no allies in Malawi and that the party is widely criticized for not prioritizing the welfare of citizens. He firmly conveyed that he would not associate with corrupt politicians who are undermining the nation.

The activists dismissed calls for them to return to Malawi and participate in street demonstrations against President Chakwera and the MCP, citing the historical role of figures like Chakufwa Thom Chihana and Kamlepo Kalua, who initiated the fight for Malawi's freedom from outside the country. Longwe stated that he would continue his activism from a distance, emphasizing that it's the responsibility of Malawians within the nation to lead the fight for their country.

Regarding the status of their organization, Malawi First, Longwe clarified that it has not disbanded. He assured Malawians that they remain committed to their cause and made it clear that Bon Kalindo and Richard Chimwemwe Mphepo are on one side while he and Redson Munlo are on the other.

Longwe also suggested that Vice President Dr. Saulosi Klaus Chilima should give up on his aspirations of becoming President, asserting that Malawians are not inclined to support him as long as Malawi First continues its mission.

Reported By: Vincent Gunde



The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services, part of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change, has announced that Dowa district is anticipating regular rainfall patterns for the period starting from October 2023. According to the department, October will bring dry conditions and strong winds to most parts of Dowa. However, as we move into November and December, there's a high likelihood of significant rainfall in many areas of the district.

During a meeting involving government sectors and NGOs aimed at spreading this crucial information in Dowa, the department's Meteorologist, Edwin Tadeyo, disclosed that from mid-November to the second week of December 2023, Dowa is expected to receive around 25 mm of rainfall, and the entire rainy season is predicted to last 138 days.

Tadeyo mentioned that the onset of rainfall in Dowa district is projected to occur between the third week of November and the second week of December 2023, with a possibility of below-average rainfall in February 2024. He emphasized the importance of farmers in Dowa district staying tuned to messages and advisories from the Department of Agriculture to receive guidance on the best course of action to support their farming endeavors.

Looking ahead, Tadeyo forecasted a wet January 2024 for Dowa, with most areas receiving rainfall totals ranging from 200 to 250 mm. However, dry spells of seven days or longer are expected in certain areas, particularly in the eastern region under Traditional Authority Chiwere.

"In February 2024, we anticipate below-average rainfall in most areas, with rainfall amounts ranging from 100 to 150 mm. Come April 2024, we expect the cessation of rainfall from the first week to the second week," Tadeyo explained.

Mercy Mpakule, the Director of Planning and Development at Dowa District Council, expressed optimism that government sectors and NGO partners will effectively disseminate this information to all stakeholders, ensuring that it reaches every farmer in the district. She emphasized that Dowa heavily relies on agriculture and serves as a vital food source for other districts across the country. By adhering to the district's downscaled seasonal forecast, farmers in Dowa are anticipated to enjoy a bountiful harvest.

Reported By: Vincent Gunde


District FAM Cup Aims to Crown National Champion, Reveals FAM President

In a significant announcement during the K90 million District FAM Cup launch held in Dowa on Saturday, Football Association of Malawi (FAM) President Walter Nyamilandu shared his organization's ambitions of establishing a national champion within the District FAM Cup.

Nyamilandu emphasized that achieving a national champion in this competition would serve a dual purpose. Firstly, it would facilitate talent identification, providing a platform for budding football stars. Secondly, it would offer valuable insights to football administrators by revealing the strengths and weaknesses of different districts.

"We are determined to broaden the competition's horizons. The goal is to establish a national champion in the District FAM Cup, which will enable us to gauge the performance of various districts," Nyamilandu explained.

He also expressed FAM's intent to potentially make the District FAM Cup a permanent fixture in their calendar, citing its impressive growth and success.

"This competition has exceeded our expectations. We've unearthed new talents, and our plan is to make the District FAM Cup a permanent feature in our annual schedule," Nyamilandu added.

FAM's President further revealed plans to boost the stakes in the District FAM Cup, acknowledging its crucial role in identifying local talent. He indicated that their budget for the next four years includes provisions for increased sponsorship of the competition.

"Over the coming years, we intend to significantly elevate the level of investment in this competition," Nyamilandu stated.

Several key figures in Malawian football, including Austin Ajawa, Chairperson of the Central Region Football Association, and Gift Jere, Chairperson of the Lilongwe District Football Association, lauded FAM for their efforts in organizing the District FAM Cup and acknowledged its role in talent identification within districts.

It's worth noting that in addition to the District FAM Cup, FAM is also sponsoring the Division One FAM Motto League in all three regions of the country.

The launch event witnessed an entertaining match between Tchawale City FC and Kalembelembe of Dzaleka in Dowa, which ended in a 1-1 draw.

The occasion attracted attendees from diverse backgrounds, including representatives from the Northern Region Football Association, Southern Region Football Association, and Central Region Football Association, as well as the Referees Association and various District Football Associations (DFAs).

Reported By: Kondwani Kandiado


Malawi First faces internal division due to Bon Elias Kalindo's personal interests. Deputy President Sir Charles Ben Longwe disapproves of President Kalindo, claiming Kalindo held a secret meeting with Attorney General Thabo Chakaka-Nyirenda at Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre to drop court charges, including illegal ESCOM cable connection. A photo of Kalindo with Minister Richard Chimwendo Banda adds to suspicions.

Longwe accuses Kalindo of not representing the poor and prioritizing personal freedom over leading against MCP dictatorship. Funds raised for Malawi First's demonstrations, including Kalindo's legal fees, are questioned as Kalindo's interests seem self-serving.

Longwe reveals plans for demonstrations on October 25, led by Kalindo, with Longwe and Redson Munlo staying away due to fears of arrest. Longwe alleges that Lilongwe's District Commissioner has informed the police of plans to arrest Munlo for organizing demonstrations to push for President Chakwera's resignation.

Despite these challenges, Longwe pledges to continue the cause, even if Malawi First fails to achieve its liberation objectives.

Reported by: Vincent Gunde


The Dowa Mtsinje chieftaincy dispute continues to persist as legal practitioners representing Mr. Paul Mtandika, from Mtupila and Company, have written a letter to the Dowa District Commissioner, Stallich Mwambiwa. The letter, dated 5th September, 2023, serves as a reminder of the ongoing chieftaincy case between their client, Mr. Paul Mtandika, and Mr.

Benjamin Tenthani, who currently occupies the throne as Sub Traditional Authority Mtsinje unlawfully. The lawyers stressed that the court had previously ruled in favor of Mr. Paul Mtandika, a decision that had been communicated to the District Commissioner's office several times, with the Mtsinje family also notifying the District Commissioner about the matter on 10th August, 2023.

Expressing their concerns in the letter, the legal practitioners questioned the lack of action from the District Commissioner's office in addressing the matter promptly and in accordance with the court's decision.

They sought an audience with the District Commissioner to clarify why the office had not complied with the court order. The family had arranged a meeting for 12th September, 2023, to discuss the chieftaincy issue.

In response, the District Commissioner's office summoned both sides, Mr. Paul Mtandika and Mr. Benjamin Tenthani, to a meeting on 11th October, 2023, to discuss the chieftaincy disputes between Sub Traditional Authority Mtsinje and Group Village Headman Mtsinje.

The District Commissioner requested that all relevant court documents and related paperwork be brought to the meeting. However, it was discovered that Mr. Paul Mtandika's side did not attend the meeting, prompting accusations of contempt of court from the family.

Notably, a High Court Judge, Dr. Chifundo Kachale, had ruled on 24th September, 2015, in favor of Mr. Paul Mtandika, declaring him the legitimate heir to the throne of GVH Mtsinje and nullifying the appointment of Mr. Benjamin Tenthani as either GVH or Senior GVH Mtsinje and his elevation to Sub Traditional Authority Mtsinje.

Despite this ruling, no appeal was lodged by Mr. Benjamin Tenthani within the stipulated 28 days, as ordered by Hon. Justice Lovemore Chikopa SC of the Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal.

By Vincent Gunde


Good morning
Good people, tayamba kale magobo?


Mayeso a form 4 ndiye atuluka, koma Top 10 mulibe tu ijayi ikusokosa pa MBC, anyway Congratulations kwa onse achita bwino


The most protected animal 'Pangolin',
Munayionapo live??


Photolab musafike nayo uku pilizi😂


Happy Birthday SAINT REALEST yachina Saint inalowa gym mwa nyoooo!!!


Dowa legislator hails Chakwera for visionary leadership

Member of Parliament for Dowa North Constituency Enos Kanyerere Chitatanga, has hailed President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera for visionary leadership as evidenced by one of his area Chinkhwili receiving a new development of a modern Police Unit.

Chitatanga said he is happy that areas surrounding Chinkhwil will be better served with the police Unit claiming that previously, the communities had to travel long distances to Mponela, Madisi and Bowa to report the crime rate for the area.

He said Chinkhwil trading centre has a Community Day Secondary School (CDSS), ADMARC, Health Centre and business shops saying all these require maximum security and the police unit will serve all thereby increasing development of the area.

“The crime rate which was high in the area due to the absence of the police unit will be a thing of the past and we are happy for this,” said Chitatatanga.

The MP called for dialogue and contact to take place whenever there are misunderstandings between police officers and members of the surrounding community saying issues of vandalism and damaging police units re**rd development of an area.

Speaking earlier, Traditional Authority Chakhaza advised his subjects to provide care and ownership of the modern police unit saying the building is for them while police officers come and go hence a great need for all to take care of their own development.

Chief Chakhaza expressed hope that communities will provide care of their own Police Unit for it to serve all and reduce crime rate in the area observing that where there is maximum security, development comes fast to the area.

In his remarks, Dowa District Council’s Chairperson Councilor Mayamiko Kambewa, said he is delighted that construction of the model police unit at Chinkhwili has been completed in time expressing hope that the remaining works will follow the same time limit.

Kambewa said it was the wish of the council to bring something new to the communities at Chinkhwili for people to appreciate saying the police unit has added beauty to the area.

Chinkhwili model police unit has been constructed with support from the World Bank funded -Governance to Enable Service Delivery (Gesp) project amounting to over MK72 million.

By Vincent Gunde


Mpando wa ACB Chairperson umafunika mphongo, yoti yasuta chamba nkutopa ndipo sungaiwuzenso zochita osati achina Malita


Koma ma bus a City Tours akanapuma atopa.


Kell Kay timakufira aise, ndiwe dolo HEAVY, olo JB nyimbo zako amadzifira🥰


Ka Chibwenzi kakangotha ati "Iam a strong woman"
Aaaa mbuzi yachabe chabe, mesa strong ukanapilira mchibwenzimo mxiew


79'| Peter Banda's freekick goes over the bar, 2-2...


Amene mmatha betting, ipaseni straight win Bullets
Fakani ka 10pin ndithu


Lanjesi Nkhoma wagwilisa penalty uku.

Bullets akuichapabe 2 kwa iyayi


Mafana a Civil Service United, akusewelesa mpenene wa biggy pa Kamuzu Stadium 🏟️

FCB Nyasa Big Bullets 0-2 Civo Service United

Mpira sunachenjere bwino tchuwa


Amusinja kamodzi mphwaaaaaaa

• FCB Nyasa Big Bullets 0-1 Civil Service United


16'| FCB Nyasa Big Bullets 0-0 Civil Service United


Vuto mkuyamba uhule mtatenga kale matenda ncholinga choti mtivulaze.

Simnachenjere bwino


Kodi Mkuti Mhone Micium anathera kuti?

Nanga performance ya Blue Eagles 🔵 ikumukhuza bwanji iyeyo kuti mpakana achite kubisala nayo chonchi?

Last year anali pokopoko, PANO kuli ziii

Eish, football can humble you gently



Eish, likanakhala boma la DPP, bwenzi PANO kuli lalalala, Malawi ndi movie


Court grants Malawi First demonstrations to State House on

In a dramatic turn of events, the court has lifted a ban by the Lilongwe District Council, Lilongwe Model Police Station and Lingadzi Police Station restricting Malawi First organizers from holding their planned demonstrations to State House in Lilongwe.

The demos have been organized to deliver a petition to President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera that he has failed to run the country therefore, he should resign from his position and call for fresh elections within 90 days.

It is likely that Malawians angered by the late cancellation of the planned demos will go to the demonstrations which will start from the Lilongwe Community Centre ground off to M1 Road to Area 18 Roundabout to Kamuzu Palace, ready for any attack.

Self-spoken Karonga based businessperson Lyton Mangochi, said the authorities in Malawi have learnt no lesson from 2011 late cancellation of the demonstrations which provoked the citizens to go on rampage destroying property and looting.

Mangochi said many lives were lost due to careless mistakes as evidenced with two funded Malawians behind cancellation of the well anticipated protests claiming that holding of demonstrations is a clause provided for in the Republican Constitution.

”It seems that politicians in Malawi have forgotten the 2011 demonstrations which claimed lives of innocent Malawians due to late cancellation of demos,” said Mangochi.

Mrs. Elizabeth Katantha Mwale of Area 49 in Lilongwe, has appealed to the Malawi Police Service [MPS] to exercise their professionalism in treating protesters with care that any spark against them, will raise their tempers.

Katantha said in some countries, police officers allow demonstrators to be in the middle while providing security on their sides without interfering with whatever they will be doing up to the point of delivering their petition to reach the authorities.

She has accused the MCP led government of playing dirty tricks to cancel the planned demonstrations warning the party and President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera that if anything happens to the organizers of the demos or protesters, they will be held accountable as the whole world is watching over events in Malawi.

“We pray to Police officers not to provoke the demonstrators anymore to avoid a repeat of the 2011 demonstrations,” said Katantha Mwale.

In news just in, Political Activist Hon. Bon Elias Kalindo was in the morning of Tuesday arrested by police for the offenses not yet established but many are suspected to be those of organizing Malawi First demonstrations to the State House.

Kalindo was part of the group which was at the Lilongwe District Commissioners office to deliver an injunction lifted by the court to go ahead with the planned demonstrations on 30th August, 2023.

By: Vincent Gunde

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