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One of the local upcoming producers Precious Kapakasa also known as P-Kay has advised his fellow young producers not to be involved in piracy.

P-Kay says an act of using instrumentals from other artists without the consent of the owner leads to unprofessionalism.

He added that as for him he create his own beat and instrumental which he sell to artists who came to his studio for music production.

"I made my own beat and instrumentals which help me to run away from piracy because I know that when I do take a beat of someone it's against the law, I advice my fellow up coming producers to refrain from using other beats and instrumentals from within the country or outside the country" He said.

P-Kay who is the owner of P-Kay Records studio in Lilongwe has helped many up -and- coming artists by producing and recording their songs.

He has been in production industries for four years.

By Hosea Banda - Lilongwe


Kafukufuku akuti a Malawi ochuluka ali ndi mantha ndi chiopsezo choti chaka chino kutha kukhala njara yaikulu.

Maganizo anu ndiotani pa ganizoli ?



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The Senior Resident Magistrate Court in Lilongwe on 15 September 2022 convicted and sentenced Mr Odoi Kamanga to three years imprisonment for theft and five years imprisonment for money laundering which will are to run concurrently.

According to a statement issued by the Anti Corruption Bureau-ACB and signed by its Principal Public Relations Officer Egrita Ndalama, Kamanga while working with the department of Tourism in 2013 borrowed a business registration certificate from Esnarth Ndovie to use it for a tender submission at the department and the department paid through cheque a total amount of K12,950,000.00 to Esnart Ndovie despite the fact that she did not render any service nor supplied any goods to Malawi government.

Ndovie cashed the cheque with a directive from Kamanga and in 2014 ACB arrested Ndovie and pleaded guilty and charged with theft and convicted to three and half years at the time Kamanga had fled the country.

Upon return, ACB arrested Kamanga and taken him to court and on 15 September the court convicted and sentenced him to 8 years imprisonment in relation to the issue.

By Kenneth Kamphonje(Lilongwe)


The Malawi National Beach Soccer team has been drawn in group A at the African Beach Soccer Cup of Nations tournament to be held in Mozambique next month.

Following CAF draw, Malawi has been drawn together with the hosts Mozambique, Nigeria and Morroco in the group.

Malawi National Beach Soccer team qualified for the tournament for the first time following their victory over Tanzania in the qualifiers.

Reported by Blessings Nelson Gwede(Ntcheu)


The Ministry Of Lands has assured contractors Who awarded contracts by government through the ministry to construct houses of people with Albinism in the in 13 districts that they will be paid once the process is concluded.

In an interview with Funde Online,spokesperson in the ministry Enock Chingoni revealed that there were some hiccups which delayed the payments of the constructors but the ministry has electrified the problem and is in the process of finalising it and soon the payments will be made.

Chingoni added that 16 out of 26 houses which were earmarked in the 2021/22 financial year have been completed.

This is coming after some contractors cry foul over the delayed payments.

Reported By Kenneth Kamphonje(Lilongwe)


As today Malawi join the lest of the world in commemorating International Day of Democracy, Speaker of Parliament, the Right Honourable Catherine Gotani Hara, MP, will attend an academic event at the University of Malawi in Zomba to commemorate the day.

According to a communication from Malawi Parliament, the event has been organised by the European Union Delegation to Malawi and it will showcase a video documentary on
Malawi’s political landscape.

This year’s theme is ‘'To uphold and promote the principles of democracy’' The audience will comprise political science students and
faculty members.

The United Nations General Assembly resolved to observe 15 September as the
International Day of Democracy with the purpose of promoting and upholding the
principles of democracy.

Reported By Kenneth Kamphonje(Lilongwe)



The Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) has revised downwards prices for Petrol from K1, 946 per each litre to K1, 746 per each litre, effective tommorow Thursday.

According to communication from MERA, the new prices have been necessitated by drop of landing costs on the global market.

However, price for Diesel remains the same.

Reported By Misheck Msumba (Lilongwe).


Police in Mangochi District have arrested Black Mjoho, 27, on suspicion that he stabbed and robbed a motorcycle taxi operator in Malindi area in the district.

Mangochi Police Spokesperson Amina Tepani Daudi said on August 8, 2022 the suspect posed as a customer and hired a Kabaza operator lmaan Muhammad, 19, from Mgoza Trading Centre to Mangochi Boma.

Daudi said as they were passing Bala area, the suspect produced a sharp object and stabbed the victim on the neck who staggered and fell down while bleeding heavily.

She added the suspect fled with the Lufan motorcycle worthy K800,000 before the victim being rushed to St. Martins Hospital by well-wishers.

After being on the run for some weeks, the suspect over the weekend went back to Mgoza motorcycle taxi stand in order to hire another motorcycle for the same bad intentions, according to Daudi.

The victim recognized him before accomplishing his mission who alerted fellow operators and ganged after him. He was handed over to the police and led them to Nsanama in Machinga where the stolen motorcycle has been recovered.

Mjoho is expected to appear before court tomorrow to answer a charge of robbery which is contrary to section 301 of the Penal code.

Mjoho hails from Saidi Village Traditional Authority Saidi in Machinga District.

Reported By Misheck Msumba (Lilongwe)


Judge Chifundo Kachale has found commissioner Evalista Mvula and 9 other police officers with a case to answer on the murder of Buleya Lule who died in February 2019 while in police custody as he was accused of murdering a boy with albinism.

Three officers Ronnex Kapesa, Robert Chaka and Derreck Mswati however have been acquitted from all the charges.

Reported By Misheck Msumba (Lilongwe)


Nyasa Capital Finance and CRF jointly conducted a round of 32 draw for 65 million kwacha Nyasa Capital Finance Cup today at Civo Club house in Lilongwe.

Speaking after the draw, Nyasa Capital Finance Director Ronald Chiwaula said they expect transparency and fair play from the teams.

Chiwaula further said that they are expecting to get some hidden talent from the competition and expose it.

On his part, Central Region Football Association General Secretary Bernard Chiwiruwiru Harawa said the draw was fair and transparent and that the teams were satisfied which gives them hope that their are going to have better games.

Harawa said the competition is going to be stiff and exciting as other teams from Division 1 will be playing against teams from Premier Division.

Reported By Francisca Zidana (Lilongwe)


MISA Malawi appeared before the parliamentary committee on media, information and communications at the parliament building in Lilongwe where the issue of the revocation of broadcasting licences by the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority ( MACRA ) took center stage.

During the meeting, Misa Malawi stood it's ground citing that revocation of licences it's just too drastic and it can be seen as a systematic violation of freedom of expression in the country.

The media body highlighted that there is need for MACRA to engage with the stations for a win-win agreement instead of just shutting down the stations.

Misa Malawi has however said that they have noted with concern that media houses pay ten times higher in fees linces than other sectors such as tourism and medical sector where the biggest hotels and private hospitals only pay k500, 000 as annual licence fees.

The purpose of the meeting was for the chapter to highlight developments in the media and to seek solutions to some of the challenges the Malawi media is facing.

Reported By Francisca Zidana(Lilongwe)


The Higher Education Students Loans and Grants Board (HESLGB) says it is planning to take loan application procedures to secondary schools in the country in order to urge all students about the loan application processes.

The HESLGB vice board chair person Patricia Nyamalanda said this at the launche of the board's 2021-2026 strategic plan in Lilongwe.

According to Nyamalanda, it is worrisome that many students from higher learning institutions are withdrawing their studies because they lack tuition fees as they hasitated to apply for the loan.

Reported by Blessings Gwede(Ntcheu)


Private schools Associatin of Malawi (PRISAM) has applauded the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) for the good administration of this year's Malawi School Certificate Education( MSCE) examinations.

The Vice President of PRISAM Patricia Chisi, said that the association is impressed with the progress and arrangements made for this year’s MSCE exams administration.

Chisi said PRISAM noted that up to now they are yet to register any challenge observed at any examination center which means that the examination was conducted in a very professional manner overall.

She further said above all, the association is so grateful hearing that authorities who were involved in this year’s MSCE administration have already received their allowances compared to previous years.

“We are not aware of any problems with exam leaks, we also proud of the government, the Ministry of Education, and the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) for improving examination administration," said Chisi.

She has also applauded MANEB for delivering IDs on time, saying that this enabled administrators to address emerging issues promptly and added that she is expecting good results from students who worked so hard.

Reported by Bertha Charles (Lilongwe)


National Economic Empowerment Fund Limited - NEEF has urged the Fund’s loan officers to create more jobs for people through loans.

Speaking during the preliminary assessment meeting with the loan officers held in Mchinji district on Monday at NEEF’s Mchinji office, NEEF Chief Executive Officer Humphrey Mdyetseni reminded the loan officers that NEEF aims to make sure that the funds disbursed can make a notable transformation in the lives of those accessing the loans but also it should create more jobs for other people.

“Let’s make sure to disburse loans under all eighteen loan products to Malawians, this will transform the lives of people and also create more jobs for them" said Mdyetseni.

According to Mdyetseni every loan officer has a responsibility to create 1000 jobs for others through loan disbursements and collections.

He added that NEEF provides diverse product portfolios to ensure that the Fund accommodates entrepreneurs from diverse sectors of the country’s socio-economic fabric.

He further urged all loan officers to disburse loans at least to a minimum of nine products from all the eighteen loan products being offered by NEEF.

So far Mchinji district has disbursed MK 755. 8 million and has collected MK 615. 3 million representing a 65% recovery rate.

The preliminary evaluation serves as a warm-up for the December assessment when each department from every NEEF branch will provide its annual report on the amount of money that has been given out to clients and recovered.

Reported By Kenneth Kamphonje(Lilongwe)


The Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiative-CDEDI has written Parliamentary Committee of Agriculture to summon minister of Agriculture to explain the fertiliser and Maize situation in the country.

According to CDEDI executive director in a letter dated 13 September 2022, the minister should explain to Malawians if the government will processed with Affordable Input Program-AIP or not, if yes what will be the prices for the farm inputs and what is the number targeted beneficiaries and in the wake of of forex shortage, government should come out clearly on the availability of fertiliser considering that we are in the month of September and the 2022/23 growing season is setting in.

CDEDI has also cautioned Parliamentary committee on Agriculture against its stand of sitting back and watch President Lazarus Chakwera and his cabinet killing the Agriculture Development and Marketing Cooperation (ADMARC) which has proven to be a tried and tested tool in making both maize and fertiliser accessible to Malawians especially in those in remote areas.

Reported By Kenneth Kamphonje(Lilongwe)


Former President who is also the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) President Professor Peter Arthur Mutharika is this afternoon expected to hold press briefing at his PAGE House in Mangochi.

His spokesperson Shadric Namalomba has said that Mutharika will among others address matters of national interest with focus on what he says is tough economic times that Malawians are going through at the moment.

Namalomba has singled out fuel and forex shortages among key issues APM will address.

The ex president had also another press briefing in the past few months where he also talked about issues concerning the hardship of life in Malawi.

Reported By Mphatso Emmanuel(Lilongwe)


IMF Calls Off Negotiations With Chakwera's Govt

IMF has called off all negotiations with Lazarus Chakwera's Government on the Extended Credit which was viewed to be the only way the country could have earned forex to sustain the mismanaged economy.

Acording to ZP news, IMF cites the messy economy which makes it difficult to come up with a new ECF.

Recently IMF told the govt to devalue the kwacha in order for it to consider a offering a new ECF.

After Chakwera's govt devalued the Kwacha IMF started changing tune on ECF.

The late Bingu Wa Mutharika outrightly refused to devalue the Kwacha he told IMF to give him a working plan before he can devalue the currency.

Reported By Mphatso Emmanuel(Lilongwe)


Chakwera has failed to leave for United Nations General Assembly today.

Chakwera was expected to leave at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

State house is yet to comment on the matter but reports indicate that he may leave tomorrow morning.

Mphatso Emmanuel(Lilongwe)



Musician Che Wikise has been summoned to appear before Atlas Realtors, a estate agent company for allegedly breaching brand ambassadorial contract over the release of a song "Njoyako."

In a leaked memo forwarded to Wikise by the company, the company is accusing Wikise of composing the song which they say is opposite to the contract agreement.

Among others, the lyrics "K10, 000 is not enough to buy a house," has angered the company. Saying, the lyrics are not tandem with the contract which he signed with the Atlas Realtors Company that he represents.

According to the company, they had agreed with Wikise to among others, to influence target market to buy products and services from Atlas.

Wikise is yet comment on the matter.

Reported By Misheck Msumba(Lilongwe)


President Lazarus Chakwera is this afternoon expected to leave the country for 77th Session of UNGA Summit in USA.

The President is to return on October 2 2022, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This will be the first time the President to attend UNGA meeting, since assuming to power in 2020.

Reported By Misheck Msumba(Lilongwe).


Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC), COMESA Competition Commission CCC and the University of Johannesburg’s Centre for Competition Regulation and Economic Development-CCRED will from 12 to 16 September, 2022 host the 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation-ACER week in Salima.

The ACER week provides a valuable platform for competition authorities and other regulators to share knowledge, keep abreast of key developments across the region, and build networks for collaboration between agencies.

According to a statement from CFTC and signed by its acting executive director Apoche Itimu, the week will include three professional training programmes which will run concurrently from 12 to 14 September, and thereafter a conference from 15 to 16 September 2022.

The Minister of Trade and Industry Honourable Mark Katsonga Phiri, M.P will officially open the conference on 15 September, 2022 which seeks to address issues of direct interest to competition authorities, economic regulators and industrial development practitioners in Africa.

The Commission is honoured to co-host the ACER week alongside CCC and CCRED, as part of enhancing its collaboration and cooperation with international bodies in the enforcement of competition and consumer protection laws and capacity building, leads part of the statement.

By Kenneth Kamphonje(Lilongwe)


EGENCO to shut down Tedzani IV for 15 days

Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) says it will shut down Tedzani IV Power Plant for 15 days in order to carry out maintenance works which means a total of 19.1 Megawatts will not be available.

In the past days, the country have been experiencing interrupted electricity supply to the same problems.

Mphatso Emmanuel



President Lazarus Chakwera has assented into law seven bills, including the much awaited Corrupt Practices Amendment Act.

According to a press statement signed by State House Director of Communication Sean Kampondeni, the assented bills were passed by the legislatures in the just ended sitting of parliament.

The Corrupt Practices Amendment Act will now give the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) power to prosecute corruption cases without seeking consent from the Director of Public Prosections (DPP).

Reported By Misheck Msumba(Lilongwe)


President Lazarus Chakwera has directed that flags in Malawi should fly at half-mast in respect of the departed Queen Elizabeth ll of the United Kingdom who died on Thursday.

According to a statement signed by Secretary to President and Cabinet Colleen Zamba, the flags will fly at half-mast for 10 days as in honour of the Queen who died at the age of 96.

By Kenneth Kamphonje-Lilongwe


Lulu, whose real name is Lawrence Mkwisa, has revealed the performance of the international artist at his album launch from Tanzania, Diamond Platnumz.

Lulu revealed this at his page that it is confirmed that Platnumz is one of the international artist who will perform.

The album is expected to be launched this year in Lilongwe golf club on Sunday 23 October.

By Abdulmalick Jannah-Blantyre


President Lazarus Chakwera has this morning signed the condolence book at the British High Commission in Lilongwe after the death of Queen Elizabeth II of the UK at the Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

Chakwera extended his condolences on behalf of Malawians.

By Peter Kakwinja Magawa-Mzuzu


AC Milan have reached full agreement with Sandro Tonali to extend the contract until June 2027.

According to Fabrizio Romano, there is no talks during summer with English clubs - Tonali only wanted to stay at AC Milan.

New deal will be officially signed later today.

By Abdulmalick Jannah-Blantyre.


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described the death of Queen Elizabeth as the end of a chapter in history, as leaders from South Pacific nations mourned the death of the 96-year-old monarch.

According to SABC News, Royal Queen died after serving the position for seventy years and died at the age of 96.

By Abdulmalick Jannah-Blantyre


Bologna have reached an agreement with Thiago Motta to be appointed as new manager.

According to the journalist, Fabrizio Romano, Motta is expected to sign in the coming hours.

He will replace Sinisa Mihajlović who has been sacked few days ago.

By Abdulmalick Jannah-Blantyre

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