Beyond FM LTD

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Photos from Beyond FM LTD's post 12/06/2024

Nduna yofalitsa nkhani Moses Kumkuyu yafotokoza k*t thupi la Malemu Saulos Chilima lilowa m'manda lolemba likudzali pa June 17 ku Nsipe m'boma la Ntcheu.

Malingana ndi Kumkuyu Iwo ati thupili likatengedwa kunyumba yachisoni komwe likusungidwa lachisanu likubwelari ndipo lidzatsogoleredwa ND mapemphero ku church cha St Patrick's ku area 18.

Thupi la malemuwa lidzatengedwa kupita kunyumba kwao ndipo loweruka anthu adzakhala ndi mwai okapereka ulemu wawo omaliza

Lamulungu pa 16 June ndi pomwe thupi la malemu Chilima lidzatengedwere pa bwalo la Civo munzinda wa Lilongwe lisananyamulidwe kumapita kumudzi kwao ku Nsipe m'boma la ntcheu

Kumkuyu wati thupi la malemu Shanil Dzimbiri omwe anakhalako ngati mkaz oyamba wa mtsogoleri liyikidwa m'manda ndi mwambo wachisilikali komabe Iwo ati akubanja nawoso afotokoza za mmene zikhalire.

-vanclayton Damstar-


Boma lakhazikitsa komiti ya nduna zosiyanasiyana k*ti ndizo ziyendetse mwambo WA yemwe anali wachiwiri mtsogoleri wa dziko lino Dr Saulos Chilima

A Chilima anamwalira limodzi ndi anthu ena okwana asanu nd atatu pangozi ya ndege ku chikangawa m'boma la mzimba


Mtsogolero wa Bungwe la FIFA Gianni Infantino waimitsa Kaye ulendo wake obwera mdziko lino kaamba ka imfa ya yemwe anali wachiwiri wa mtsogoleri wa dziko lino Dr Saulos Chilima

Izi ndi malinga ndi chikalata chomwe bungwe la FAM latulutsa Chokhudzika ndi imfa ya achilima komaso anthu ena omwe ataya miyoyo yawo pa ngoziyi yomwe yachitika dzulo

Bungweli lati a Infantino amayembekezeka kufika mdziko muno kudzayendera ntchito Zina za Bungweli ndipo amayembekezereka kudzakumana ndi a chilima.

Bungwe la FAM, komaso mtsogoleri wa bungweli a Fleetwood Haiya ati imfa ya a Chilima yakhudzaso kwambiri mbali ya zamasewero kamba koti anathandizirako kupeza thandizo la ndalama ku standard Bank mu chaka cha 2007

-vanclayton Damstar-

Photos from Beyond FM LTD's post 09/06/2024


Namitete Zitha were shown the exit door from the 2024 Castel Cup by Blue Eagles FC on Saturday after suffering a 2 nil defeat at Champion Stadium in Mponera.

Laurent Banda and Blessings Malemia scored for the Area 30 based outfit.

Football Association of Malawi President Fleetwood Haiya together with officials from Castel Malawi company attended the launch for the competitions regional level this year.

Central Region Football Association General Secretary Antonio Manda said they feel honoured that this year's competition launch was held in his territory.

Manda did not hide his emotions saying as an association, they expect one of their affiliated teams to reach the final of the cup.

"As a Region, we're so excited to have Castel Cup 2024 season kicked off in our region. Our people had a good feel about the event and we look forward to seeing our team lifting the cup". Manda said

Team Manager for Namitete Zitha Ringo Kanshulu blamed their loss on officiation saying they disallowed their clear goal.

"We out played Eagles in all angles but unfortunately the man on the center couldn't give us a goal we scored clearly, it demoralised the boys ,anyway we will concentrate on Premier Division of the main league otherwise Castel for us is gone". Said Kanshulu

Football Association President Fleetwood Haiya distributed 217 Match Balls to 31 District teams to be used for Castel Cup games at District level.

This year's Castel Champion will walk away with 55 Million Kwacha.

Castel Malawi has increased the sponsorship package from 320 Million Kwacha to 400 Million Kwacha this year

-Vanclayton Damstar-


FCB Nyasa Big Bullets has described as the acts of violence happened Saturday June 2nd at Kamuzu stadium unsporty During TNM superleague match against silver strikers.

In a statement released today, FCB Nyasa Big Bullets says it believes that football is a sport that brings entertainment to people from all walks of life.

The statement highlights that as such the safety of Football stakeholders during football matches must be compromised.

However, Bullets apologized to Silver Strikers team for the bad conduct and they have vowed to cover the costs of repairing their team bus

" We vehemently condemn the actions of the fans responsible for this incident."



Flames coach Patrick Mabedi has named a 26-man squad for the upcoming 2026 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers against Sao Tome and Equatorial Guinea.

Malawi will host São Tomé and Príncipe at the Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe on Thursday June 6, before flying out to Malabo the following day to face Equatorial Guinea on Monday June 10.

However Gabadinho mhango is not on the final squad of Flames to face Sao Tome and Equatorial Guinea respectively

Photos from Beyond FM LTD's post 02/06/2024


Bungwe la za chifundo la Moyo Ngwathu pansi pa ndondomeko yoona za ukhondo ya WAWE sabata yatha lagawa zipangizo zoika madzi khomo lililonse kwa mbwatalika mu mzinda wa Lilongwe zokwana one thousand.

Ngati njira imodzi yopititsira patsogolo ntchito zaukhondo, bungweli lomwe likulimbitsa kukhala moyo waukhondo komaso malo otetezeka likugwira ntchitoyi ku delari ncholinga chofuna kupititsa patsogolo kasamalidwe ka zinthu ndi kukhala a ukhondo pakhomo lililonse.

Mkulu oyendetsa ntchito za bungweli Ringo Kanshulu wati iyi ndi mbali imodzi imene bungwe lawo likugwira pofuna kulimbikitsa umoyo ndi thanzi labwino kwa anthu ozungulira delari.

" Sitilekezera p***a tiliso ndi zambiri zoti tifikire anthu mdelari koma chidwi chathu ndi choti anthu akhale komanso kupeza madzi ndi kukhala aukhondo nthawi zonse popewa matenda ochuruka" Kanshulu anatero.

Bungweli lakhala likuperekaso zinthu zosiyanasiyana kuphatikizapo chakudya, kudzala mitengo komaso kulimbikitsa anyamata ndi atsikana kupitiliza maphunziro msukulu kungotchulapo mwa zina.

Wolemba: Vanclayton Damstar

Zithunzi: Moyo Ngwathu

Photos from Beyond FM LTD's post 02/06/2024


Chinsinsi maonga anachokera panja mkumwetsa chigoli chokhako chomwe chapezetsa ma pointsi onse atatu pomwe Silver Strikers yavupula FCB Nyasa Big Bullets ku Blantyre pa Kamuzu stadium lamulungu.

FCB Nyasa Big Bullets yagonja koyamba chaka chino.

Mponda anadabwitsa ochemelera a timu yake pomwe anatulutsa Mark Fodya nkulowetsa Chinsinsi Maonga pasanathe mphindi 30 Fodya asanakhazikike

Maonga anamwetsa chigoli mphindi imodzi yomweyo atangogunda mpira koyamba k*ti Silver itsogole.

Mu mphindi zoonjezera ochemelera a FCB Nyasa Bullets anayamba kuponya zinthu zosiyanasiyana zomwe zinachititsa oimbira masewerowa kuimitsa masewerowa ndipo sanapitilireso.

Zateremu timu ya Silver yatsegula kuchuluka kwama pointsi ndi mlingo okwana 7 pama timu ena onse.

Wolemba: Vanclayton Damstar

Zithunzi: Silver media

Photos from Beyond FM LTD's post 02/06/2024


Malipoti akusonyeza k*ti Bus ya Team ya Silver Strikers yagendedwa ndi omwe akuganiziridwa k*ti ndi ochemelera a timu ya FCB Nyasa Big Bullets pa Kamuzu stadium

NYASA Big Bullets yagonja pamasewerowa ndi chigoli chimodzi kwa ziii.

Tikupatsirani zambiri pa nkhaniyi



People in Ntcheu will smile again as His Grace Ministries led by Reverend McLean Chimwenje will unveil a football sponsorship package for the district on Friday in Ntcheu

General Secretary for the Central Region Football Association, CRFA Antonio Manda has confirmed the development.

"As an association we are pleased with the the development considering what Rev MacLean Chimwenje and his ministry are doing to the association,we are humbled" Manda said.

Manda has also urged all individuals, companies and the cooperate world to emulate what the ministry is doing

The function will take place at Ntcheu Municipal Council's Office.

-Vanclayton Damstar-

Photos from Beyond FM LTD's post 16/05/2024


The Goshen Women's cup tournament final is expected to be played this coming Sunday, while on the same day Silver Strikers will host Mighty Mukuru Wanderers in the TNM superleague at Silver Stadium.

The first ever womens football tournament kicked off on Monday bringing teams from all regions to take part as one way of restructuring women's football in the country.

According to the revised fixture from the superleague of Malawi's the two football giants will be meeting in Lilongwe.

However this is going to affect the womens final in terms of patronage though it is free of charge for spectators.

Seasoned Journalist Lifu Litete wrote on his page that Football Association of Malawi needs to intervene and postpone Silver and Nomads game to a later date inorder to give chance for the ladies so that people should appreciate the talent as well.

He added that both associations are affiliated to the football mother body of which it is very simple to roll.

Litete further said that, they should keep in mind on how last year's final at Mpira stadium was filled to capacity because there was no any activity on the day. "And this can be achieved by having the 2 games separated with one being played on Saturday and another on Sunday" Litete wrote.

Nevertheless patronage for the Sunday's final will be affected as the two power houses followers will flood to Area 47 to cheer their teams.

Regardless of the situation, only few will match to Bingu National Stadium to witness the final due to commitment and passionate.

Women's football committee is yet to comment on the matter.

Men's football will dominate the day surely.

Trans World Radio reporter ,Bright Lunda says ,the two bodies could have highlighted how important women's football is to grow, therefore asked Sulom and Women's football committees to sit down and resolve the Sundays conflict through Football Association of Malawi competitions committee.

The Goshen-FAM National women's championship semifinal will proceed from Friday as Ascent take on Silver Strikers Ladies while MDF Lioness will host their city counterpart Civil Service Women.

Will the two affiliated bodies have a roundtable discussion for a change of dates?

Football lovers are yet to decide where to be on Sunday if the fixtures remains untouched.

-Vanclayton Damstar-
Pic: courtesy of FAM media

Photos from Beyond FM LTD's post 06/05/2024


Week five of the TNM super league produced 14 goals in total, as the highest number of goals were scored at Dedza stadium on Sunday between dedza dynamos and Mafco FC .

A midweek game which was played last Thursday at karonga stadium saw Mighty Tigers collect maximum points in their away fixture against chitipa united.

Hitman Precious Chipungu scored the lone goal for tigers as Lucky Tizola was named man of the match.

On Saturday it was time for the anticipated Derby, power of the centuries in Malawi's football as Mighty Mukuru Wanderers hosted their long rival Nyasa Big Bullets.

Isaac kaliyati opened the scoring on the day for the nomads in the 20th minute with a long range shot from his left foot after NBB defense slept.

It was a high tension derby to Mayamiko Kanjere who was the centre referee on the day though he proved not to be shaken throughout the match.

In the second half NBB young and energetic Patrick Mwaungulu leveled the match after exchanging three passes onto the Nomads half with substitute Ronald Chitiyo and lanjesi nkhoma before mwaungulu's left bullet that Richard Chipuwa couldn't do otherwise in goals but to let it in.

Gaddie Chirwa was voted man of the match in the stalemate derby

The central bankers are now leading the chart with 13 points with 5 games played so far after a successful trip from the northern region against bottom team Baka City.

An own goal from Chimwemwe Kalyala of Baka City ,while Binwell Katinji added the second on 88th minute for the bankers to come with a cleansheet. Chikondi Kamanga was man of the match.

Mzuzu derby between Mzuzu City Hammers and Moyale Barracks ended in 1 all draw . Isaiah Nyirenda scored for Hammers while the kaning'ina soldier's Khumbo Mhone was the one on target. Chimwemwe Chunga of Mzuzu city was voted man of match.

Mafco got baptized at Dedza with three goals to nothing as they've now conceded 8 goals in a space of 10 days and managed to get 1 goal.

Promise Kamwendo's brace and own goal by Ben Mbewe of Mafco managed to give Dedza the first victory of the season. Kamwendo was also man of the match for yesterday's game.

Zeliat Nkhoma's lone goal was enough for Kamuzu barrack to get maximum points over Bangwe All Stars. He was later voted player of the match.

Emmanuel Saviel of Civil service united got the manature as well for being man of the match in Sunday's game after beating Fomo by a goal to nil

Karonga United and creck sporting shared point each after their match ended in a 1 all draw. Saulos Moyo of Karonga and George chaomba of Creck were on target. Goalstopper emmance Nyirenda of Creck was voted player of the Match.

Meanwhile the league continues this week with more action to follow.

By: Vanclayton Damstar

Pic: courtesy of Media Team

Photos from Beyond FM LTD's post 03/05/2024

Thupi la yemwe anali osewera wakale wa timu ya Silver Strikers Davie Moya lalowa mmanda tsopano kwa Biwi munzinda wa Lilongwe

Mwambo omwe unatsogoleredwa ndi mwambo wa misa umene sunatenge nthawi yaitali k*ti ulendo operekeza bambo Moya uyambe.

Mmene nthawi imakwana 15:24 nyimbo ya " Lowa Lowa " inali ili pakamwa kwa amai odzadzidwa ndi nthumanzi ya chisoni.

Moya anamenyako matimu a Civo service,Epac FC,Blue eagles asanamize kusewera mpira wake mu 2016. Mu zaka zomwe wakhala akusewera ku timu ya Silver moya anawinako mphoto ya TNM superleague komaso standard Bank.

Moya anamwalira lachitatu lapitali pachipatala chachikulu cha Kamuzu central.

Olemba: Vanclayton Damstar


Mwambo wa Maliro wa katswiri wakale wa Team ya Silver Strikers Davie Moya uli mkati tsopano kunyumba kwao ku kawale munzinda wa Lilongwe

Moya anamwalira lachitatu lapitali pa chipatala chachikulu cha Kamuzu munzindawu

Mwambowu wasonkhanitsa khwimbi la anthu osiyanasiyana kuphatikizapo osewera mpira wa miyendo,azisudzo ,andale komaso amipingo yosiyanasiyana

Pakanali pano yemwe akuimira gulu lotchedwa One Love Family,Gabriel Chirwa ,yemweso ND oyendetsa zintchito za timu ya Civil service ndi amene akuyankhura

Thupi la malemu Davie Moya lilowa mmanda masanawa kwa biwi munzinda wa Lilongwe

Olemba: Vanclayton Damstar



Central Region Football Association, CRFA has disclosed that referees will be rotated in their 2024 season games.

According to Antonio Manda, General secretary of the association the centre referee will be the only one being rotated weekly.

One centre referee will be rotated in all preliminary games, while in the final group all refs will be rotated, said Manda

He Further said that home grown refs are prone to be bias towards home teams. "We want to deal with it, though quality goes with huge expenditure", siad Manda.

When asked about more expenses for the rotation, Manda agreed that it will surely attract huge expenses on them.

The CRFA league was launched last week in Dowa District where relegated Blue Eagles from top flight league thrashed Dzaleka Future by 4 goals to nil.

By: Vanclayton Damstar



BY : Vanclayton Damstar

The body of former silver strikers player and reserve coach Davie Moya has arrived at his home yard ,Kawale, Lilongwe from KCH mortuary where he has passed on.

Moya died on Wednesday night after a long illness.

According to his close friend Bothwell Saka says Moya died due to Kidney failure.

Moya started his football career with Civil Service United before joining Blue Eagles and then he joined Silver Strikers in 2007.

Saka added that Moya's first accolade was in 2008 when he won the Standard Bank championship after beating Mighty Wanderers by a goal to nil.

Moya took a shot from a distance which was then scored by Bothwell Saka through a rebound.

He earned his first flames call up during Davie Mpes's time as head coach for the senior men's team.

However Moya was loaned to relegated Epac FC and then to the Central Bankes in 2012.

After a one year period, the renowned freekick specialist hanged his boots.

Nevertheless Moya's performance during his time as a player excited the executive committee at Silver, who offered him the role as an assistant coach.

Moya played alongside ,Lucky Malata, Rodrick Gonani, Lameck Kachimanga, Blessings Tembo, Ndaziona Chatsalira, Zambian based Chawanangwa Kaonga, late Charles Swinie and Ndaziona Chilemba aka Mbolero just to mention a few..

Born in Kawale in 1982 ,Moya has died at the age of 42

He is expected to buried tomorrow at Biwi, near Lilongwe girls secondary cementry

His 8 year period with the Central Bankers will be remembered with flowers of the skies in blue


Tamia Ja wanjatidwa

Apolisi ku Lilongwe anjata Hannah Jabes amene amadziwikaso k*ti Tamia Ja pomwe akumuganizila k*ti anaba ndalama zankhaninkhani.

Malingana ndi mneneli wa polisi ya Lingadzi, Cassim Manda wati Tamia Ja wamangidwa lachinayi pomwe mkulu wina wazamalonda adatumiza ndalama zokwana K8,000,000 kwa msungwanayu mwangozi ndipo adapempha mtsikanayu k*ti amubwezere ndalamazo zomwe adavomera k*ti abweza akabwera paulendo wake waku South Africa.

Mkulu wazamalondayu wati adazizwa ndimachitidwe a Tamia Ja pomwe amachita njomba kubwezela ndalama zomwe adalandila mwangozizo zomw zapangitsa apolisi kumunjata Jabes.

Wolemba: Gift Tembo



Apolisi ku Lumbadzi akusunga mchitokosi Gift Kuopsa amene wapha bambo ake kamba kakusamvana komwe kudaliko pakati pa awiriwa.

Malingana ndi mkulu wofalitsa nkhani z apolisi ku Lumbadzi a Felix Kwinyani ak*ti Gift adavulaza bambo akewa atamukaniza kugwetsa mtengo wina zomwe sizidamusangalatse mkuluyu amene ali ndizaka 27 zakubadwa.

Bambo akewa amene ndi a Kuopsa Kabotolo adatengedwera kuchipatala cha Kamuzu Central komwe adamwalilira lachiwiri.

Malingana ndi mmodzi amene adaona izi zikuchitika wauza Beyond Online k*ti anthu okwiya adanugwira mnyamatayu namukuntha modetsa nkhawa ndipo adapulumukila mkamwa mwa mbuzi pomwe apolisi adafika mwamsanga pamalowa.

Zotsatira zakuchipatala zikusonyeza k*ti bambo Kabotolo adamwalira kamba kovulala msana ndi mmutu.

Wolemba- Gift Tembo- Lumbadzi


Mmene zayendela mu Premier League la Mulungu

Sheffield 0- 5 Brighton
Luton 1- 2 Man Utd

Manchester United idavutika kwambiri mmasewelowa pomwe Luton idapanikiza Manchester mwankhanza.

Masapota ambiri okonda Manchester adali ndinkhawa k*ti akadatha kusambwadzidwa mmasewelowa.

Wolemba: Gift Tembo- Lilongwe

Photos from Beyond FM LTD's post 16/02/2024


Apolisi amanga bambo wina wazaka 25, Beyard Penias pomuganizila k*ti adatchola kachisi wa Kanyungu umene uli pansi pa Dzenza CCAP Mission.

Mkuluyu akuganiziridwa k*ti usiku wapa 15 ndi 16 january chaka chino adatchola kachisiyu ndikubamo katundu monga mbale zokwana 20, miphika inayi ikulu ikulu, nsalu ndi mosungilamo zakudya k*ti zisazizile ndipo katundu yenseyu akukwana K550,000.00.

Malingana ndi mkulu wofalitsa nkhani za apolisi ku Kanengo l, Gresham Ngwira wati mkulu wapakachisichi, Davie Namoni ndi amene adakatula madandowa k*ti mbala zina zinatchola ndikuba katundu pamalopa zimene zidapangitsa apolisi aku Nsungwi amene ali pansi pa Kanengo kuyamba ntchito yosaka mbala yopanda manthayi.

Kutsatila kafukufuku wawo, apolisi adakwanisa kupeza katundu amene adabedwayo komanso kupeza bambo Penias amene akuwaganizila k*ti ndiwo anaba katunduyu ndipo akuyembekezeka kukayankha mlandu woba ndik*tchoka nyumba.

Bamboyu amachokera mmudzi mwa Kanjoka, T/A M'bang'ombe m'boma la Lilongwe.

Wolemba: Gift Tembo- Lilongwe.


Mponda aliku Bwandiro tsopano.

Team ya Silver Strikers yalemba ntchito Peter Mponda amene anali wachiwiri kwa mphunzitsi wa FCB Nyasa Big Bullets ndipo tsopano ayambe k*tumikila Silver.

Mponda wafika mmawa wa la Mulungu pabwalo la ndege la Kamuzu International Airport komwe anakalandilidwa ndi akuluakulu a Silver komanso osewera ena.

Mponda akhale akuphunzitsa team ya Silver Strikers FC pamgwirizano wa chaka chimodzi.

Mponda wauza olemba nkhani k*ti akhale akuwonjezera osewera ochepa kamba kak*ti kuli kale ena osewera abwino.

Wolemba: Gift Tembo, Bwandiro_ Lilongwe


Bweretsani zikalata zokuyenelezani apo biii mulangidwa, MACRA

Bungwe la MACRA lachenjeza nyumba zowulutsa mawu mdziko muno k*ti zisiye kunenelela mipira yakunja ngati akuwonela pa kanema.

Malingana ndi mkulu wa bungweli, Daud Suleman wati nyumba zowulutsila mawu zikuyenela kuwonetsa zilolezo zawo zonenelela mipira yakunjayi ponena k*ti sakuyenela k*tero malingana ndi malamulo.

Kalatayi yati kunenelera mipira yakunja pomawonera pa kanema ngati Super Sport, Sky Sports, BBC ndizina ndimulandu.

MACRA yapereka masiku asanu ndi awiri k*ti nyumbazi zipereke zikalata zawozi.

Wolemba: Gift Tembo



Arsenal pakwawo yapha Liverpool ndizigoli zitatu kwa chimodzi.

Arsenal idagoletsa zigoli zawo kuchokela kwa Saka pa mphindi 14 asanabweze Gabriel amene adadzimwetsa pa 45+3.

Arsenal inapeza zigoli zina ziwiri mchigawo chomaliza kudzera mwa Martineli komanso Trossard k*ti masewero athere 3-1.

Liverpool lero ndi Chelsea apanga ubale.

Wolemba: Gift Tembo


Arsenal 3-1 Liverpool
⚽️ Saka 14'
⚽️ Gabriel 45+3 OG
⚽️ Martineli 67'
⚽️ Trossard L 91+2'

Reported by Gift Tembo


Arsenal 2-1 Liverpool
⚽️ Saka 14'
⚽️ Gabriel 45+3 OG
⚽️ Martineli 67'

Reported by Gift Tembo


Arsenal 1-1 Liverpool
⚽️Saka 14
⚽️Gabriel (own goal) 45+3

Reported by Gift Tembo



Arsenal 1-0 Liverpool
⚽️ Bukayo Saka 14"
24 minutes played

Reported by Gift Tembo



Team ya FOMO FC tsopano ndi akatswiri amu Thumbs Up Southern Region atagonjetsa Ntopwa FC 3-4 kudzela pama penote.

Masewerowa adathela 1 kwa 1 pak*tha pa mphindi 90 ndipo zidalowa kumapenote.

Zatelemu team ya FOMO yalowa mu TNM Super League.

Team ya Chelsea ayichita nkhanza pakhomo pakwawo pa Stamford Bridge pomwe yakanthidwa momvetsa chisoni ndi team ya Wolves.

Chelsea yagonja ndizigoli zinayi kwa ziwiri zomwe zakwiyitsa ena mwa okonda team yi.

Manchester United yachita chamuna pomwe yagonjetsa team ya Westham United ndizigoli zitatu kwa chilowele pa Old Trafford.

Pakadali pano masewero a Arsenal ndi Liverpool alimkati.

Wolemba : Gift Tembo


Happy birthday to our former presenter Van Crayton

Akhwangwala mumawakumbukila bwanji pa Beyond FM radio

Beyond FM Malawi 25/12/2023

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