Chris & Andrea

Información de contacto, mapa y direcciones, formulario de contacto, horario de apertura, servicios, puntuaciones, fotos, videos y anuncios de Chris & Andrea, Creador digital, Cabo San Lucas.

🇨🇦 Couple Retired from Rat Race After Starting A Highly Profitable Online Biz.
🏝️Now living We Are Living Our Dream Life in Cabo
👇🏼Click link in Bio To Learn How You Can Do It Too!


🫢 Let’s do some Disney Mom Math

Frequent trips to Disney are a non negotiable for me

It’s where I feel most inspired, nostalgic, happy and at the same time get to enjoy the magic through our kiddos eyes

2 days and we’ll be back to our home away from home

Obviously if we were working jobs we wouldn’t be able to afford to go as often as we do

😱 It would’ve actually taken me about 5 years to save up for this trip if I was at my old job and putting away $300 every single month for 5 YEARS

A child’s life drastically changes in 5 years

The way they experience the world changes

The magic they see in the world vanishes in the blink of an eye

I know I only have a very very short time to make as many memories with our kids as possible

So when I feel called for some Disney magic in our lives, I want to make it happen asap!

🫣What would’ve taken me 5 years to save up for took me JUST UNDER A MONTH to save up for with our business

The 🍒 on the top in that this is a business trip because we will be capturing content while we are there that we can use as marketing for our business ads.

So even though it’s not a cheap trip, it’s a wise investment for marketing expense purposes

See you soon Mickey!


Still looking for that regret my high school math teacher promised me I would have when I got older for skipping class everyday…

When I hit high school, I had zero interest in what education was being offered and simply refused to waste my teen years pretending that it was important to me.

I saw high school as a prison that was trying to condition me to be a well kept citizen.

I genuinely enjoyed every single class I skipped out on to go have fun with my friends and likely would have regretted not doing it had I not have.

No I don’t regret the freedom I chose over a false sense of security good grades and attendance offered.

I never graduated.

I didn’t even want that label of “accomplishment”

I’ve always believed in myself more than the system…

I’ve seen the system let down pretty much every person who has become a slave to it.

If you have a kid in school that simply doesn’t want to be there, don’t force it.

They intuitively know they have bigger and better plans then the system has to offer.


Ready to start your own high ticket online biz and finally start creating life on your own terms?

Learn exactly how we were able to leave our 9-5’s and live a life we once only dreamed of!

We created a simple system to follow that allows ANYONE ready and willing to GO ALL IN on making their dream life a reality.

Trading your time for money with today’s economy is a dangerous trap to stay stuck in.

Let us help you create a REAL solution to set you and your family up for life while creating a massive impact in the world!

This is for you if,
✅ You are tired of trading your time for money
✅ Willing to leverage social media to build your biz
✅ You are coachable and can follow step by step video training
✅ you want to create a positive impact in the world
✅ You are willing to invest in building your business
✅ You have dreams of a better quality life for yourself and your family.

This is not for you if
❌You are looking for a get rich quick scheme
❌Zero interest in putting in the work required to live your best life
❌ you are not willing to invest a few bucks a day on your business

We will be taking on ONLY 3 people this upcoming month that are READY to Quantum Leap into their freedom lives

Click the link below to access our 30 Minute Webclass to learn more about the business that changed our entire lives


I remember how hard this guy worked in construction every single day while I was struggling to build our online business.

I was trying to obtain as much information as possible but it wasn’t translating into the results I wanted.

Systems were complicated, mentorship was misaligned and my vibe was coming off desperate.

It would have made logical sense to throw in the towel but this guy believed in me.

We got me a new mentor, new system and naturally new energy of belief came along with it.

Then the results started to follow.

Everything slowly started to align.

Opportunities presented themselves.

The right people entered our lives.

I was inches away from giving up but this guy believed in me and I believed he deserved better than working on a job site his entire life.

It’s nearly impossible for one person in a relationship to have a vision of creating a better future if they don’t have the person they would be creating that future with, have their back.

It’s soooo easy for partners to talk each other out of their dreams but it’s fu***ng epic what we can create when we talk each other into it.


Aside from genuinely enjoying being around our kids, here’s 3 top reasons why homeschooling made the most sense for us 👇🏼1. “Homeschooling gives us the flexibility to shape our kids’ education around their individual needs and passions, rather than sticking to a rigid system that might not suit them.”2. “We chose homeschooling so we can ensure our children are taught in line with our family values, without being exposed to ideologies that don’t align with what we believe.”3. “In today’s fast-changing world, traditional schooling often falls short in preparing kids for a prosperous future. With homeschooling, we can focus on teaching skills that are truly relevant and adaptable for whatever lies ahead.”Is juggling entrepreneurship and homeschooling easy? Nope. Do I know it’s worth knowing our kids will be fully equipped with real world skills that will allow them to thrive as individuals when they are older?100%Comment HOMESCHOOL if you are also a homeschooling parent. I’d love to follow and learn from your journey.


It finally arrived!
So grateful we are in a position that allows us to homeschool our kiddos!


My crazy Aussie friend had a $21,000 sales day yesterday with our biz!

Look here’s the truth…

You want to live a crazy epic life, you can’t be normal

Normal people settle for jobs until they retire

Normal people save for “so called” retirement

Normal people don’t travel the world full time with their kids

Normal people don’t have pink hair lol

If you aren’t living a crazy epic life, there’s a good chance you need to step out of the normal

There’s always an extra seat at our crazy table!

Love you Danielle!


Getting ready for our 4th Business trip to Disneyland!

Disneyland is obviously my favourite place to create content for social media ads for our online business

It’s a place where while we are technically working we also get to make incredible memories with our kiddos

I love that we get to build this business together as a family

Because we will be gathering content over the 6 days we will be there and at Universal Studios

✅ Flights
✅ Hotels
✅ Park Entry
✅ Some of our meals
✅ And apparel to wear for our content

Are all marketing expenses which mean they are eligible as a tax write off

What places would you choose to go to, to create content for ads if you could choose anywhere in the world??


Cranking out Winning Ads this morning with Steve Preston! Steve earns up to $7500🤯 per sales conversion on the front end

That DOESN’T include any future sales any of his new biz partners he brings in from these ads

Each new biz partner Steve brings on and gets them access to our step by step training to run their own ads, opens up the potential for Steve to earn an average around $50k while his new biz partner is still in the learning phase before they get into a position of earning all the commission’s

If it takes Steve $500 to acquire a new biz partner, on the front end he earns up to $7000

BUT when he gets that biz partner duplicating our process, that $500 investment can turn into a $50,000+ return PLUS he helped set that biz partner free from the 9-5 because by that time his new biz partner will be making far more than what they were making at a job.

✅ This is the power of ads

✅ This is the power of aligning with the highest converting offer in the online space

✅ This is the power of partnering with our team and our exclusive free training and mentorship

Steve was a random guy who reached out me from on of my ads. I’ve earned well over $50k from his efforts and ability to be coachsble.

Steve himself has earned over 6 figures and is about to hit leadership rank for the second time!!

This is next level business building here

As Morgan Wallen and Post Malone say, “team work makes the dream work” 😉


Don’t fear entering the unknown, fear never finding out what was waiting for you on the other side 😉


🔥 So proud of Chris for following his passion for Health, Fitness and FREEDOM!
Be sure to follow his new page 👇🏼


Sometimes we like to take a 5 minute drive to the beach on a weekday and float in the water and reminisce on all the times people told us to stop dreaming and get a real job…

I wonder what those people are doing right now?

Surely not what we’re doing 😉


It feels like yesterday but also several lifetimes ago

I’ll never forget how bad I didn’t want to go back to work after having Charlee

I wanted to stay home and be there for every moment of watching her grow

I knew I couldn’t put what needed to be done to achieve that off a single day

Because everyday I didn’t do something to make my dream to be home with her a reality was a day I was taking away from Charlee

Before having kids I had no problem putting things off and saying that “I didn’t have time”

But a switch flipped the day I became a mom

My excuses no longer controlled me rather my desire to create an incredible life experiencing our kiddos grow was a non negotiable

I look back on all the sacrifices we had to make for that dream to become a reality

But it DID become a reality and it’s better than I could’ve ever imagined

I haven’t missed a single day with my babies who are now 5 and 7

The thought never crossed my mind of giving up on the life I wanted to create ESPECIALLY knowing I had such a little moment in time to be the parent I wanted to be before our kids were grown ups themselves

If something means the world to you, be willing to sacrifice anything and everything so that you never have to sacrifice what you know deep down you would regret most.

If your reason is your kids like mine were, I promise you don’t have a day, week, month or year to hold off on what you SHOULD be doing

Their little lives just go by far too fast


🤦‍♀️ This story stings big time!

As much as I feel bad for the guy, I’m also glad I didn’t do what he did

A few days ago I was talking to a guy that was introduced to our business years ago but sat on the fence of actually getting started

He’s an old school guy that didn’t know if he would be successful with the business

He had actually written down a few names of close friends he had that he knew would be all over the opportunity but he never reached out to them to get their feedback.

Well about a year into sitting on the fence, one of his friends that was on his list was introduced to the business by someone else.

To make a long story of regret short, his friend went on to make well over 7 figures with the business and made the person who did introduce him to the business, A LOT OF MONEY.

Money he missed out on because he sat on the fence

He missed out on a completely different life he could be living right now if he followed his intuition and ran the idea past his friend.

He barely talks to his friend anymore because seeing how much it changed his friends life is a constant reminder of the biggest regret of his life (his words not mine)

To this day he still works at his 9-5 he hates.

Making barely enough to get by, his health is in the tank but he still sits on the fence because he feels that he missed his opportunity to change his life


The shout out to Luke Anderson - Building Health and Creating Wealth for crushing out a big day in biz!

We love watching your journey unravel!

So grateful to have you apart of our The Global Freedom Movement team!


✨Opportunties are like sunsets, wait too long and you miss them…


If you are wondering,
✅ Now is good time to move to Mexico


I remember how hard this guy worked in construction every single day while I was struggling to build our online business.

I was trying to obtain as much information as possible but it wasn’t translating into the results I wanted.

Systems were complicated, mentorship was misaligned and my vibe was coming off desperate.

It would have made logical sense to throw in the towel but this guy believed in me.

We got me a new mentor, new system and naturally new energy of belief came along with it.

Then the results started to follow.

Everything slowly started to align.

Opportunities presented themselves.

The right people entered our lives.

I was inches away from giving up but this guy believed in me and I believed he deserved better than working on a job site his entire life.

It’s nearly impossible for one person in a relationship to have a vision of creating a better future if they don’t have the person they would be creating that future with, have their back.

It’s soooo easy for partners to talk each other out of their dreams but it’s fu***ng epic what we can create when we talk each other into it.


Personal development isn’t about becoming someone you are not
It’s unbecoming the person the world dumped so many limits on 🫶🏻


✅ We built our entire business running $5/day ads on Facebook!

Ads are what has allowed us to move to Cabo, work 1-2 hours a day and spend the rest of our time living our dream life.

Over the past 3 years thousands of people have PAID for my ad training through two different high ticket training platforms, freeing hundreds of people from all over the world from the rat race and from spending endless hours prospecting.

A single $5/day has the ability to go out to 300-700 people a day (depending on objection)

I’m not talking about 300-700 random people.

I’m talking about targeting people that are interested in what you have to offer and having them reach out to you vs. You ever having to reach out to them.

Inside our new Facebook group for our team we have created, we have opened the doors to how we run ads on the sense of rather than only promoting the business side itself, we now can run ads about our high ticket offer, tax savings and invitations to a FREE group with FREE training!

So where do you find this training?

You gotta join our FREE Facebook Group
The Global Freedom Movement

One single high converting ad can run for years and be the sole income provider that changes your entire life.

Ads are a literal money machine!

💰 Put $1 in get $5 out

Or in our case put a couple hundred dollars in, get a couple thousand dollars out!

✅ It’s the ultimate network marketing hack that low ticket companies just don’t have the profit margins for.

✅ and the ad budget spent is 100% tax write off

I bring this up as we are currently testing never used before strategies that will set us even further apart from the paid platforms that can only promote one angle of our business. Once we get them dialed in, we will be sharing with all our you to use!

If you want to learn the most profitable skillset in the online space, reach out to us to request to join our free Facebook group. 😎


I’ve learnt to accept most people would rather complain about their jobs, taxes, health and lack of freedom then actually doing anything about it

Hence why I only have like 2 friends 😂


Have you been waiting for your big break that WILL change your life?

An opportunity to get started with the MOST PROFITABLE business in the entire industry

✅ with ZERO money up front out of pocket

✅ get PAID up to $1180 just for getting started

✅ Access to our sales automation and training platform valued at $1,188/year FREE

✅ And earn up to $3150 on your first sale that our team will close for you (we actually close your first 6 sales for you)

Tomorrow night we will be showing you exactly how to step up in your financial life with so much ammunition in your back pocket that you CAN NOT fail!

Imagine what your life WOULD look like if you bet on yourself leveraging a proven system to start earning up to $7500 every sale you make???

Will you give yourself permission to at least gain the knowledge of knowing how to do it?

If so drop 💰💰💰 in the comments below and I’ll get you a private link to our live event tomorrow night at 6pm PST and exclusive offer that will ONLY be available for attendees

See you there!


It’s not Mondays you hate.
It’s the system you subscribed to that you hate.


Why anyone would ever procrastinate on doing better for their themselves and their families will always be beyond me.

You and your families health, well-being and time here on this earth isn’t something you should ever allow to be a debate inside your head that causes you to do nothing.

Tell yourself that you have permission to do whatever you need to do in order to improve your life.


Is it easy? No
Is it worth it?

As one of my favourite mentors says
“Do what is easy and your life will be hard. Do what is hard and your life will become easy”

Doing something different than you’ve always done is a hard decision to make but that’s how you know it’ll be worth it 😉


May all the problems in your life be your fierce fire of motivation to go after it instead of your lame disempowering excuse to do nothing

Photos from Chris & Andrea's post 01/07/2024

Spent a little time going down memory lane today reminiscing on life in Canada.

Happy Canada Day! 🇨🇦❤️🙏


Excuses are expensive
Waiting is expensive
Regret is expensive

Don’t be one of those people that think they can afford 💩 like this in their life


Every morning I go up on our rooftop that overlooks Lands End and downtown San Lucas and read a chapter out of The Magic

I remember when I first read this book

I was working at a job I hated, drowning in debt and worried about the future…

This book taught me to look past all the things I didn’t have at the time and focus on all the things I was grateful for that I did have in my life.

Things like a bed to sleep in
Eyes to see
Voice to speak
People in my life who love me
A job to pay the bills
Banks that lent me money when I needed it

I even learned to be grateful for the hard times because they hold priceless knowledge and strength we could not obtain other wise.

Living in Cabo for the past 2 years, I’ll admit there has been times I take it for granted but as soon as I pick this book up, I’m reminded of how far I’ve come and how much further I desire to go.

I will never start pursuing a better version of myself

Gratitude is the backbone of my success

5 years ago I wouldn’t have even believed this could be my life

Just because we can’t see how incredible life can be in the future, doesn’t mean it’s not possible

Faith, gratitude and an openness to let life take you beyond your wildest dreams


I HIGHLY recommend starting an online biz, quitting your day job, moving to your favourite place and enjoying the rest of your life doing what you love 💕

¿Quieres que tu empresa sea el Compañía De Medios mas cotizado en Cabo San Lucas?
Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.



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Citas Al Whats App 6242634108 Lun a Sábado de 10Am a 8 Pm Extensión de Pestañas Mink ¡Agenda Ya!

Creadora de contenido Redes Sociales Creadora de contenido Redes Sociales
Cabo San Lucas
Cabo San Lucas, 23473

Gema García Gema García
Cabo San Lucas

Yo no tengo LIMITES,si no METAS