Dulce Refugio Shelter
We are a shelter in Matamoros, Mexico that provides a safe place for immigrants seeking asylum in the United States. Thank you and God bless.
Our goal is to be the Lord's hands and feet to asylum seekers at the border by providing them a safe and clean place to sleep, three meals a day, and shower. We also offer them medical attention, and transportation to the international bridge when they are called to cross into the USA. We shelter daily between two hundred and three hundred asylum seekers due to the daily increase of new arrivals a
We continue to provide potable water to our dear brothers and sisters seeking asylum.
Last week we had a mini vacation Bible school for the children of the shelter in Matamoros. They children played, sang, hit piñatas, hit lots of candies, ate lunch, and were reminded that Jesus loves them.
God bless all refugees 👏🏼
We continue to support our brothers and sisters seeking asylum.
We have committed to bring every week potable water to the shelter for asylum seekers in Matamoros, Mexico.
Hermanos y hermanas migrantes tengan cuidado en Matamoros con las estafas. Lean la foto.
ATENCIÓN: hay un video en las redes sociales afirmando que la frontera está abierta y que todos pueden pasar a los Estados Unidos. Esa es s una gran mentira!
La frontera no está abierta y solo puedes pasar a través de la app CBPOne. Tengan cuidado y no hagan caso a videos y noticias de la internet. Mejor metanse a la página oficial del CBP.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Securing America's Borders
We continue to support our brothers and sisters at the refugee camp.
Feliz Navidad a todos, especialmente a nuestros hermanos y hermanas migrantes. Que Dios los bendiga grandemente 🙏🏼
We also had the opportunity to go the shelter for asylum seekers to celebrate Christmas with the children. We took piñatas, candies, gifts, beanies, and lots of love.
Today we went to the refugee camp in Matamoros to have a “posada navideña” for the children of the camp. The children had a great 🙌🏼
No fuimos llamados para juzgar a todos, sino para amar a todos.
Refugiados, recuerden que la única manera de entrar legalmente y de poder recibir asilo político en los Estados Unidos es por medio de la app CBPOne. Si alguien les quiere cobrar prometiéndoles que pasarán más rápido a través de ellos, es una estafa porque este proceso es completamente GRATIS y solamente ustedes pueden llenar la aplicación.
Bendiciones a todos.
We continue to help our dear brother and sisters seeking asylum.
MIGRANTES: esta página es falsa. El procedimiento de CBPOne es completamente gratis.
También recuerden que nadie los puede ayudar con este procedimiento. Ni siquiera un abogado u organización. Tengan cuidado.
Day 3 of vacation Bible school! Everyday we get more children!
These children live in horrible conditions at the refugee camp. No running water, no electricity, no restroom, no food, and not knowing if they will ever get asylum in the United States.
Hence, our goal is to help them forget for a little bit about their terrible situation.
Today they sang, they played, the made crafts, they had lunch, and were reminded that God loves them.
One Mission Ministries
Thanks to the Lord and Rio Valley Relief Project we distributed food for 60 families at the Haitian refugee camp in Matamoros.
One of our churches providing food and some fun for the children at the Matamoros’ Haitian camp. Keep them in your prayers 🙏🏼
At the refugee camp in Matamoros reinforcing the bases of the water tanks so that more tanks do not burst.
One of our water tanks at the refugee camp burst, but thank God and our supporters we were able to replace it. Today was super hot, but God is good!
Mission Ministries
Today we were able to provide food for 1,000 asylum seekers at the refugee camp in Matamoros. However, there are almost 4,000 asylum seekers. This means that about 3,000 didn’t get any food. Please keep them in your prayers.
Would you prayerfully consider supporting our ministry, so we can provide more food?
Thanks to your support today we distributed food for 300 families at the refugee camp in Matamoros. Please keep them, and keep us in your prayers.
All donations are tax deductible.
There are over 3,000 asylum seekers at the refugee camp in Matamoros waiting to enter legally into the USA, plus new arrivals everyday. They are struggling to survive, but thanks to your prayers and support we bring them water, food, toiletries, and pastoral care.
If you would like to support our effort, you can safely give through our website. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you 🙏🏼
Información para los migrantes de parte de:
ACNUR, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados
Este comunicado acaba de ser anunciado por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Tomen su tiempo para leerlo y compártanlo.
Estemos orando por los familiares de nuestros hermanos migrantes que fueron atropellados esta mañana en Brownsville, Texas. Dios les de consuelo y fortaleza.
ABC news visited the refugee camp in Matamoros
Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.
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Contato la empresa
Calle Cuitláhuac #65, Colonia
Matamoros, 87580
Somos una organización sin fines de lucro llamados a servir en las necesidades del prójimo ya sean
Matamoros, 87019
Apoyando en asistencia social con medicina para personas en situación de vulnerabilidad económica a través del acceso a salud esta pagina es sin fines de lucro y sin asociación a a...
Matamoros, 87350
Protegiendo sonrisas AC. es una asociación benéfica creada por especialistas cuya función es brin
Matamoros, 87380
Realizamos cirugías gratuitas a niñas y niños con Labio y Paladar Hendido
Avenida Canales N. 172 A Esq. San Carlos
Matamoros, 87410
Apoya en alimentación educación y formación de carácter con baces bíblicas dando como resultado menos
3a 110 E/Magallanes Y Hernan Cortez Col. Euzkadi
Matamoros, 87455
AMAMEE MATAMOROS A. C. Asociacion Matamorence de Apoyo a Menores con Enfermedades Especiales