Una Mejor Forma de Vida para Todos "Mexico"
"Una Mejor Forma de Vida para Todos" es El Negocio del Bienestar Económico, Financiero y de Salud
Miles de Promotores Independientes están encontrando el modo de eliminar deudas y lograr la libertad económica. Es una tienda en linea con infinidad de productos en cuatro ramos diferentes, es como tiendas de cadena, pagas tu membresía anual y tienes derecho a comprar, no se te obliga a nada y tu decides cuanto quieres pagar, aparte es la unica empresa que te regresa tu dinero si estas inconforme
Agradezco lo compartido en este devenir de inspiraciones múltiples, agradezco al Creador por mi vida, por sus vidas y por todo lo creado.
Agradezco por lo finito dentro de lo infinto.
¡Agradécelo todo!
La gratitud es el solvente que diluye la queja y es el solvente que diluye todo lo que aqueja.
La Gratitud es el toque mágico que atrae la abundancia, es la decisión de no renegar en las "vicisitudes" que se presentan como enseñanza y aprendizaje.
La Gratitud es la posibilidad de darle paso abierto a la alegría y ésta sea
la mayor prueba de nuestra humildad.
¡Agradécelo todo!
Agradece por la oportunidad de VIVIR, de estar, por ser, por tener, por ganar, por perder, por ir, por venir, por intentar, por errar, por conocer y por sentir.
Si agradeces, tu cuenta espiritual ganará intereses y tus ojos verán un nuevo colorido cada día.
No escucharás ruidos, ni bullicio que distrae, sino melodías que atraen como imanes.
Tu vida será una gran caricia, por tu vibración y
te harás invisible e invencible.
Siempre agradécelo todo, no te quejes del llanto, las lágrimas liberan...celebra que escuchas, hay quienes no pueden escuchar.
No te lamentes por el pasado, agradece la enseñanza y el tiempo que has vivido.
No reniegues de tu familia, eres bendecido por ello, alégrate de no estar sin compañía.
El vaso siempre está medio lleno; jamás, medio vacío.
No hay cosas que olvidamos, hay cosas que recordamos.
Agradecerlo todo, no es más que un asunto de enfoque.
Uno elige ver virtudes o defectos,
Premiar o castigar...
Siempre se tienen dos fichas .
Que en el tiempo transitado y por lo que nos queda transitar, nos permita trascender las miserias… y así Agradecerlo todo.
Agradezco al Creador por sus presencias.
¡Que a todos lleguen, múltiples bendiciones!
“I ran my own cleaning business for 25 years. I struggled with many debilitating health issues and was concerned how this could affect my future. Digging in and doing my own research, I found that each of the cleaning products I used was linked to serious health risks. I never made a connection between my health and those products until I replaced those caustic chemicals with the EcoSense line and started consistently taking the Peak Performance Pack. Daily, I recorded the progress I felt as I continued to see an increase in positive health markers.”
—Laura, Montana
When you purchase national brand cleaning products, you’ll see that their labels are loaded with warnings and advisories. Why? Because the toxic chemical ingredients in products like these are dangerous! New, independent research is confirming this like never before. Read more here: https://bit.ly/2qkVO1b. It’s up to you to become educated and to educate your friends.
Remember what it felt like to feel AWESOME? Believe it or not, those days are not just locked in your past. Your future holds untold experiences when you’re feeling your best. The body does amazing things when given the right nutrition. This is your life! Make it the best life possible with the clinically proven Peak Performance Nutrition Pack.
Believe it or not, you’re going in the right direction. Because now you’ve got 20 grams of high-quality, multi-source protein to take with you in a convenient, delicious bar. Extra muscle-building, recovery-speeding power, ready right when you want it. Now that’s productive.
Cambiar a inglés
¿Estás advertido? Un estudio internacional reciente descubrió que el uso de productos de limpieza de marcas nacionales tan solo una vez por semana causaba la misma disminución en la capacidad pulmonar que fumar un paquete de ci*******os al día. Esto incluye aerosoles, espumas, líquidos y toallitas húmedas. Hoy es el día para eliminar esos productos de su hogar y reemplazarlos con una alternativa mejor y más segura.
Are you aware? A recent international study discovered that using national brand cleaning products as little as once per week caused the same decrease in lung capacity as smoking a pack of ci******es a day. This includes sprays, foams, liquids, and wipes. Today is the day to eliminate those products from your home and replace them with a better, safer alternative.
Hoy que es domingo de cocina... nada como tener el poder desinfectante de SoluGuard Botanical (uno de mis productos favoritos). Mata el 99.9% de bacterias y viruses... ¡sin alcohol, sin cloro! ¡Sino con el poder del tomillo! solo en Melaleuca.
When it comes to lung capacity (or your body’s ability to take in oxygen) new research shows that using national brand cleaning products as little as once per week causes the same decrease in lung capacity as if you were to smoke a pack of ci******es a day. Crazy? Not when you think about those toxic ingredients being breathed into your sensitive lung tissue where they cause irritation, inflammation, and scarring—rendering your lung tissues unable to exchange carbon dioxide for fresh oxygen. Do your family a favor and rid your home of these caustic, dangerous chemicals.
Simple enough, right? Not if you have damaged lungs with reduced air capacity. And yet, according to new research, that’s exactly what happens to those who clean their homes with national brand cleaners as little as once per week! The damage the chemicals in these products can do to the interior of your lungs is terrifying. Their fumes create chronic irritation and inflammation of the airways, leading to irreparable scarring of lung tissue, stealing from you the chance to live life to its fullest. Read more here: https://bit.ly/2qkVO1b.
Though we can’t guarantee you’ll feel 15 again, we can promise that if you take the Peak Performance Nutrition Pack consistently for 90 days, you’ll feel the difference or we’ll give you a full credit. Only you know what you’ll do with that extra energy! Today is the day you start feeling awesome again.
What does it cost to clean your home? The price of a few cleaning products at the grocery store? Turns out you may be paying a lot more than that. With new, independent research asserting that national brand cleaners are as dangerous to lung health as smoking a pack of ci******es a day for 20 years, it’s become clear that the price may be far higher than anyone thought. Read the study details here: https://bit.ly/2qkVO1b.
Get up. Get out. Get moving! And don’t forget to take your Access Bar fifteen minutes before your workout. It doesn’t matter if it’s high-intensity interval training or an evening stroll through the neighborhood. Only Access technology provides the ideal nutrition to help your body turn fat into fuel, increase lean muscle, and prevent weight regain.
Free radicals! Everyone has them. The damage they do throughout your body is random. Trillions of molecules are affected every second. In fact, free radicals are altering your cells as you read this. Science has learned that reducing free radicals is not only key to longevity and improved health, but it can also add years to your life and life to your years. That’s why the research confirming the Peak Performance Nutrition Pack is consistently capable of reducing free radical levels is so profound. Learn more at FreiburgStudy.com
The average home contains 62 toxic chemicals. Most of them enter in the form of cleaning products. Ironic. If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to rid your home of the dangerous national cleaning products that contain so many harmful chemicals. And join the many Melaleuca households that proudly claim that their home is toxin-free.
Cuando limpias, "Lo Qué Spraeas en el Aire, se queda en el Aire". Tú Familia respira el aire De Tú casa Todo el dia y Toda la noche. Un estudio Reciente confirma Qué Los limpiadores de casa de Marcas Nacionales son tan peligrosos para tus Pulmones cómo fumar una cajetilla de ci****os al dia. ¿Qué clase de aire QUIERES en tu casa?
What is cleaning your home with national brand cleaners doing to your lungs? According to new independent research, using these products as little as once per week will reduce your lung capacity as much as someone who smokes a pack of ci******es a day. The dangerous chemicals inside create chronic irritation and inflammation, leading to irreparable scarring of lung tissue. Read more here: https://bit.ly/2qkVO1b
The surest way to earn even more Loyalty Shopping Dollars? Do all of your online shopping with Melaleuca’s retail partners through Melaleuca Marketplace. Melaleuca Preferred Members now earn DOUBLE the rebates and are rewarded in Loyalty Shopping Dollars. That means more Melaleuca wellness products for you! It’s super simple, and the rewards are unbelievable! To discover what kinds of rebates are waiting for you, visit Melaleuca.com/RetailPartners.
Protect the air you breathe! A recent international study on lung damage proved that using national brand cleaners as little as once a week was as damaging to lung function as smoking a pack of ci******es a day for 20 years.
Conoce los nuevos Productos de Melaleuca
Meet the Newest Melaleuca Products Announced at Convention 2018 - Melaleuca Journal Several amazing new Melaleuca products were just unveiled at Convention 2018 in Salt Lake City. Thousands in attendance cheered as each one of these exclusive wellness products was introduced on stage. For more than 30 years, Melaleuca’s Preferred Members have come to expect the very best from The...
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Municipio De Tlajomulco De Zúñiga
Municipio De Tlajomulco De Zúñiga
Empresa mexicana de consultoría para administración pública y educación. Provee de soluciones innovadoras y de alta eficacia.
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Municipio De Tlajomulco De Zúñiga, 45650
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Municipio De Tlajomulco De Zúñiga, 45654
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