Vortex Reteats

Vortex Retreat
An integrative approach to evolution and healing , in positive energy vortices of the planet 🌎

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 30/10/2022

Our coconut concrete rooms

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 19/10/2022

An integrative approach to Evolutionïżœand Healing in positive Energyïżœvortices of the Planet
ïżœïżœOur vision for Vortex Retreats is become a model of sustainability through our way of building, our relationships, between us and with the environment.ïżœAt the heart of our location is a very large beautiful cenote...

Through practical application of ancient wisdom within the modern world, we build bridges for the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing of all people, from all cultures, and from all spiritual traditions and walks of life. In this natural way, we channel the healing and rejuvenation of the planet herself. Using holistic models based upon our points of focus listed above, we engage as a community to improve social and environmental life via spiritual evolution and maturation on the collective and individual levels.


Raindrops on roses,
and whiskers on kittens.

I love creating spaces where people know that all of themselves is welcome.

I love forming pods of friendship, collaboration, and trust.

I love introducing humans to their wild selves, and their wild selves to each other.

I love being able to bring all my playfulness, my softness, my full spectrum self to the table.

I love that I have found the freedom to be location independent.

Brown paper packages tied up with string,
These are a few of my favorite things.

My Octopus Teacher has lessons for us all  | Virgin 15/04/2021

My Octopus Teacher has lessons for us all | Virgin Delighted to speak recently with Craig Foster, the star of My Octopus Teacher, one of the most wonderful documentaries I have ever seen.

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 15/04/2021

On 30th April we're hosting a 3-day Theta Healing Course with José Manuel Oyarzo Cuche, who is a direct student of Vianna, the founder of this method and has personally experienced the benefits of this teaching. ThetaHealing is a healing method that works directly to your subconscious mind through Theta brain waves, transforming emotions, toxins, injuries, genes and beliefs that no longer serve. The first weekend (starting 04/30) is a Basic DNA, and a week after Advanced DNA Certification. Basic is a prerequisite for advanced. The cost includes the course, translation if needed, course materials, vegan healthy lunch on both full days and access to the private cenote.
04/30 - 05/02 Basic DNA Certification, $5500
05/07 - 05/09 Advanced DNA Certification $6000
If you want to join both we can arrange a small discount.
More info and reservation Jakob's WhatsApp +447455485819
There's only 12 spots per course

This complex microbial warfare is taking place in a single drop of water 21/03/2021

This complex microbial warfare is taking place in a single drop of water Hungry fungus recruits bacteria and their viruses to snag prey

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 21/03/2021

Join us on unify Facebook

Photos from ÂĄÂĄÂĄQue onda con los Dinosaurios's post 18/02/2021
Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 15/01/2021

I prayed for change, so I changed my mind.
I prayed for guidance and learned to trust myself.
I prayed for happiness and realized I am not my ego.
I prayed for peace and learned to accept others unconditionally.
I prayed for abundance and realized my doubt kept it out.
I prayed for wealth and realized it is my health.
I prayed for a miracle and realized I am the miracle.
I prayed for a soul mate and realized I am the One.
I prayed for love and realized it’s always knocking, but I have to allow it in.

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 28/10/2020

This is the age for our transformational retreats in Tulum! Please like and follow for a glimpse into AWESOMENESS!

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 28/10/2020

to empower another, is to empower yourself.to celebrate another, is to celebrate yourself and to free another is to free yourfself!"

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 23/08/2020

SERVICE & using the POWER of LOVE to demonstrate your ability to make a difference.
Sit on mother earth for a few moments every day and SEE & FEEL the rains coming down and smell the ozone from the rain. Use the power of your ability to conjure up rain in your thoughts, visions & feelings. See & FEEL the well-being of the plants and the animals and our human family. Feel your gratitude for the beauty of life & all living beings. Do this several times a day and let me know who is participating

CrystalWind.ca - Higher Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening 15/08/2020

Happy New Years
In Mayan astrology we entered today blue storm

The Cosmic Squeeze: Magnetics, Exhaustion and the Second Half

Blessings Beloveds ~

We are literally going through a strong portal in this Now.
Maybe you feel the magnetic squeeze as the bridges open. Maybe you see and feel the cosmic sand pulling away before the tsunami of light. Maybe you see the golden stargates. The second half is about to anchor into our collective reality quite quickly, culminating in the December-January transformation. As always, we can flow with this in the calm of Zero Point, or wrestle with the currents in the chaotic fray of the storm.
From the higher perspective, I see the unification of many Gatekeepers, Guides and Starseeds concerned with highest unfoldments of the Divine Plan this year. We are in the amplified second half of this Sacred wild ride of 2020, and physicalization of the etheric is getting quite physical.⁠
Ease and grace, dear hearts. Focus on humble, heart-centered, service-to-all creation of Freedom, Peace and Victory of the True Light. Consciousness resets are inevitable.⁠ The second half of this cosmic-shifting year clarifies your timeline choices. 20/20 clarity affects everything; no stone unturned, no distortion unnoticed, both personally and globally.
The Zero Point energies make us feel as if everything is happening, and nothing is happening at the same time. Keep it simple, deal with the Now. This Global reset is training us to trust the Presence within, and New Earth dynamics of consistent alignment with highest interests of all concerned.
Magnetic Shifts causing fatigue and Revelation
Timelines are based on personal and collective torus fields. These fields hold a bandwidth of frequency which provides a certain experience. Torus fields hold vibrational realities in place. This is how time dynamics, energy fields, planetary expressions, personal and collective expressions are co-created. They are directly reflected in activated DNA. When your DNA rebundles and holds the proper torus shape, you reflect the Universal model – and can shift timelines, memories, and realities.
Thoughts, emotions and actions imprint the toroidal flows; the spiral loops within the torus field. In denser realms, these lower-level vibrations/subconscious patterns keep the torus fields locked in place to create an experience of separation and linear time. Our collective experience of time is based on emotional imprints on a torus field. Personal DNA creates time in the same way. Emotions create dense memory fields which maintain the illusion of past-present-future; a structure of linear time and separation. Emotions are magnetic, thoughts are electric. Both contribute to the dense structure of linear realities. These dense electro-magnetic fields keep us just out of phase with the truth of our Divine Presence, or nonlinear Now.
Higher vibrational timelines (spiral torus loops) do not retain memory in the same way. They are crystalline, multidimensional, less dense. It is a very different, less linear experience of time. As we Ascend, we open to higher vibrational, less dense, less emotional and more fluid timelines. This is why emotional clearing, neutrality and healing is such an important component of our process.
Stars, Galaxies and Universes are capable of running multiple realities – multiple torus fields – at once. The Solar Cosmic Christ template does the same for HUmans, providing multidimensional awareness, operating through Source/Heart coherence of Divine Love. We are a reflection, a fractal representation, of the Universal operation.
Higher frequency light penetrates everything during the Ascension. The newly reactivated organic stargate system amplifies this. Plasma influxes literally shake (vibrate) the old structures to release collective creations, creating Freedom from old experiences. Magnetic fields shift, break apart, cause polarity shifts to reveal the new magnetics of higher realities. We lose attachment to negative memory. Collective distortions are revealed and released.
Perhaps most predominant personal physical effect in this Now is the exhaustion associated with shifting magnetics. Gaia’s wide-open stargate system is providing access to the new realms of New Earth. Magnetic shifts pull apart the old, as they open the consciousness to a new experience – with our conscious choice. And it triggers our DNA torus fields to follow suit.
Our DNA holds the record of all we have been and will be across the dimensions and densities. Magnetic unlocking releases what is not needed, and amplifies what we command. This amplification of DNA-related activity, affected by global magnetics, can exhaust the body as it tries to keep up with the demands of the new light and purification of the subconscious.
Support for the Exhaustion
The waves during a magnetic shift cause dramatic ebbs and flows. This intensifies as the crystalline overrides the lower realms by quantum effect (higher vibration pops open the pathways to higher vibrational fields, aka Gateways.)
This can exhaust our energy fields, as the personal torus fields consistently expand and contract to harmonize the physical body, Gaia’s fields, and the Ascension timelines through our DNA. A lot is happening at once as the Zero Point triggers intensify.
A few tools for dealing with exhaustion:
* Know it is a Global effect. Don’t make it an issue; rest. Accept the deep transformation we are in. We all need REST in order to hold the balance.
* Collective clearing is exhausting. Watching the old burn is exhausting. Limit your exposure to scattering of thought, emotions and duality. Limit social media scrolling or disclosure-hunting; keep all of your brain and heart as coherent as possible.
* DNA rewriting the whole physical experience with magnetic shifts right now. Take superb care of yourself and rest when needed. It’s not forever, don’t make it a problem.
* Earthing and grounding in nature assist. Walk or meditate in nature to rejuvenate, even for a few minutes. Get in natural water when available: the plasma (ascended water) codes are ON.
* Use the morning: The frequencies at SUNrise always have elixirs for the Ascending Soul.
* Glimpse the Comet: Mystical, Soul-replenishing codes are flowing through Neowise. Make the effort to get out after SUNset during the New Moon dark sky nights.
* Freedom Codes are releasing the old Self. It feels like death of the Old Self, and often just like death. Embrace the quantum perspective; looks like death of the old paradigm, old self, old distortions, paired with the simultaneously revelation of New.
* This is New Earth training us to be free in the Creator State. To adapt and evolve with the new light dynamics of consistent *always in the Now* flow.
* There were many reminders last year to use the *GO windows* – the moments, hours, days when creation flows with ease and grace. Creativity does help. Small micro-movements toward a goal or simple acts of creativity please the heart and soothe the Soul.
* Micro-movements help to light-ground. It may be a moment, a minute, an hour, a day or two 
 small movements of the heart. It helps to balance the fatigue of magnetic expansion & contraction.

Be present with how you feel and what is needed moment-by-moment. Stillness and clearing, creativity and rest. Recommit to your faith in Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. We got this.ïżœLet us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,
Shared with divine

CrystalWind.ca - Higher Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening Empowering astrology and spiritual articles, channelings, crystal healings, angel messages and more curated daily to help inspire, motivate and guide.

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 28/07/2020

We are all in this together! This transformation. This flowering of the human being. You are a part of that flowering. You are That flowering. You are flowering embodied.

Your flowering will assit others in their new expression. Your transformation will activate others transformations. Your Love activates and inspires other’s Love. Your Joy will activate others Joy. You clarity will activate others clarity. This is the Flow of Grace.

These activations are taking place at a global level. There are many assisting at this time. Deep within the human heart there are frequencies, codes and possibilities waiting to be activated. Once the heart is attuned, the flowering is activated and the deep transformation of the human being begins.

Our frequency supports and serves this transformation of humanity. We are always with you.

It’s a celebration!

The Elohim

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 22/07/2020

I’ll be interviewed by Daniel Pinchbeck
On Thursday 11:30 am on regenerative transformational communities.

To Log in put in. EXPERT coupon code

This course is about

Building Our Regenerative Future features lectures, live interviews with experts in the areas we investigate, optional workshop exercises, optional reading and watching lists, and guidelines for future study.
This month-long intensive webinar has three essential goals:
* To help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the crucial macro trends that matter to your future.
* To give you the tools to move from understanding to direct action, through the creation of regenerative projects and communities.
* To build a global community network with a shared understanding, focused on accelerating transformation.

Milana Shamuri


I and Ruben help curate unify
Day out of time event is to inspire us to be more connected to ourselves and build awareness about the environmental issues that affect us locally and globally. It is a community-driven all that curates art, talks, music, wellness and cultural experiences as a platform to inspire change and foster awareness amongst attendees

Milana Shamuri
Sasha Stone

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 22/07/2020

Activation of the Luminous Body invites an integrated heart-centered life. Luminosity directs the way to peaceful existence and evolutionary development by accessing higher dimensional guidance.

Luminosity is the experience of Unconditional Love on a “mission.” Unconditional Love accelerates evolutionary development.

Luminosity celebrates the whole because it exists. It has the power to reopen the third-dimensional heart, broken and shut down by isolative pain, by reintroducing multi-dimensional connection and wholeness.

Luminosity radiates through the multidimensional heart that serves as a multi-dimensional Light Chamber for expression.

The Luminous Body’s qualities are:

* Transparent and bright,
* Joyful and soft,
* Buoyant and fluid,
* “Super” intelligence
* Gender balanced.

The Luminous Body feels/sees whole systems and incorporates all the individual components into a cohesive whole.

“Rational” facilities do not determine the course for your life. Developing Awareness accesses creative energies of the Luminous heart. The Luminous heart creates perfect experiences for your universal life expressions.

The human heart is as afraid of taking control as the human mind is of surrendering control. Let the luminous heart love the irrational human mind to calm it down to receive guidance. The Luminous multidimensional heart is a frequency transducer providing assistance for the transformation of the human body/mind into full cohesion with the intelligent multi-dimensional heart.

Luminosity is received, amplified, and transmitted through the bioluminous crystal grid. Multi-dimensional creativity is downloaded into life forms throughout the universe through the crystal grid. For humanity, the downloading of new expressions of Being assist us in our evolutionary expression and can be realised through the bioluminous crystal grid That we Are.

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 09/07/2020

Let's fly away...
Free as birds...
Beautiful like butterflies..
Like the self propelled flowers that we are... Love is calling me. The choice is made now. It is time to become the star. Standing slowly, I release the hilt, and it falls down beyond the earth beneath me into the cavernous beauty of the sky where it dissolves into stardust and blows away on time’s winds. I must be naked, open-handed to step. I must carry nothing, and trust.
I am breathing.

Home - Unify Tulum 05/07/2020


Tulum, Mexico Eco-community project at the magical cenote ixchel is looking for a Volunteers that can help with our gardens and chid care
At the heart of our location is a very large beautiful cenote...

We are a community of unite people who are dedicated to the Preservation of the Environment and Indigenous Culture.

We are committed to actualizing this paradigm shift and demonstrating what is possible through ordinary human efforts, in service to Mother Nature and the infinite human potential. Our focus is on water treatment, gardening and environmental education.

As humans, we are inexorably linked to the earth and each other, all a part of this magnificent symbiotic organism called life.


please contact Milana Shamuri
[email protected] (984)166-2016

Home - Unify Tulum Unify Tulum is a non-profit eco-hub of environmentalists, biologists, and activists dedicated to the conservation and preservation of Tulum.


When you visit an CenoteIxChel , you should consider it you’re home for the time being. An this home belongs to nobody, but to everybody in general. CenoteIxChel is the outcome of the work and contribution of many residents and visitors. Each person cares for this place without any sense of ownership. In the course of the time, this attitude will lead to a greater understanding and inner experience of detachment, face to face with our frustrations, ambitions, insecurities, and weaknesses. We begin to reassess things in our angle of vision change.
CenoteIxChel is designed for simplicity. it provides gives us what we need and not what we want. A simple life allows us to deal more easily and spontaneously with the world. The food is simple to gain good health any correct balance which will help on the path of yoga. Living close with others can be a challenge but by doing so we begin to understand the nature of human psychology. We are able to asses our own mind, limitations and faults, which is a great change from the modern culture and we begin to cultivate tolerance, compassion and most importantly, Yes
As a resident you are expected to clean up after yourself and participate in karma yoga. Respect all those living in it. You are part of a community. Those who live here are volunteers and are working for all, so please respect this. They have made the choice to be here and follow the yogic life. Please refrain from the natural but destructive tendencies of gossip, criticism, negative thinking and talking, anger and jealousy. Accept that you are here to learn, to begin to understand yourself. Do not try to avoid looking within comparing it to the luxuries of back home. Be aware of what you actually need, everything is catered for here, everything else is a want and not a necessity.
Make the most of being in this environment, your other life will be there when you leave the Ashram. Live in the now, do not think it should be like or like that. Accept that you are here , remember that it is not a resort or summer camp. It is up to you how much you want to gain from being here. Try to live this simple life with openness, and co.operation and you will gain a greater understanding of yourself and the world as well as bringing harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.
Please read and abide the code of conduct for the CenoteIxChel . Enjoy your stay!

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 20/03/2020

Learning From Corona: What Is Possible Through Fear

Must Also Be Possible Through Trust

Dear friends and partners all over the world,

Thanks to the coronavirus, we as humanity are currently learning something very precious. We're learning how powerful and efficient something incredibly tiny can be when it resonates with a latent field. This tiny thing, in this case, is a virus. The latent field is fear – an immense, collective fear of the future: an ingredient and counterpart of turbo-capitalism on the edge of global collapse.

Things are happening today that no one else has been able to achieve, not the climate strikes or environmental actions of recent years, nor the UN in all its years of existence, nor all the efforts, threats, appeals, movements and scientists, nor the Pope or other authorities. Now we're seeing determined, rigorous action across all continents. Industry, tourism, education, sports... Large areas of public life in many countries of the world have been locked down. Humanity is on pause. And suddenly, the skies over China and northern Italy are clearing up again – air pollution is decreasing dramatically – people stay at home and finally have time for themselves, to reflect and contemplate, think about what is essential, be with their children and the people close to them. In Italy, they're singing to each other from windows and balconies.

Who or what could cause this? Who has so much power? We've heard conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus, but we deliberately don't deal with them here. If the new coronavirus was actually passed to humans from wildlife, we could see it as a measure of nature to help humanity to finally change our lives.

Regardless of whether the virus is man-made or natural, it shows us how fragile and vulnerable our globalized systems are and that humanity is capable of fundamentally changing its collective behavior, literally from one day to the next. Let's take the forced pause mode to imagine how a healing transformation in our societies could come about! How will we supply ourselves – who are the ones around us that we can cooperate with – what will we do when the global systems actually collapse?

Perhaps later we will look back on the corona crisis as a great collective exercise in which we began to develop the decentralized community systems with which we could respond to the ecological and social crises. Fear and panic aren't good advisors. The qualities we need most at this time of radical change are trust, mutual support, responsibility for the whole, flexibility and openness in the face of the unpredictable.

Something remains startling: the incredible power of the virus and its ability to show humanity that we're much more intimately connected than we thought. When a substance in our airways, which is only transmitted through direct contact, spreads around the world within a few weeks, we can say: We are indeed one breath.
And that is good news. Why shouldn't we also be able to use this intimate unity of life on Earth to start a positive movement? What is possible through fear must also be possible through trust. From mouth to mouth, something quite different than a virus could then be shared.

Above all, there is a message of hope and certainty for the future: that we're part of a large community of people, animals, nature and divine beings who form a unified whole, who support, help, perceive, complement and love each other. The Earth and humanity can be healed, even at this stage, and in a short time, if we humans realize and accept our real task. Love and unity are the basic substance in the alliance of all living beings – that is the good news.

What do we need to make this good news spread just as quickly as the virus does now?

We need to resonate with another collective field within us, one that is much deeper than fear – a field that is still hidden at the moment. It's the collective field of trust, the matrix of life, which Dieter Duhm refers to as the “sacred matrix.” For, despite all the suffering, all the horrors of the past and all the threats, life is still oriented towards joy, curiosity and survival. There is a core within us that knows this. This core is called trust.

And as absurd as it may seem to many in the face of all the precautions and restrictions, this is our common task now – to strengthen the field of trust through everything we do, think, communicate and how we interact with each other. This is also our work in developing Healing Biotopes: working together to shake off the trauma of fear and activate the deeper layer of trust. This will be the foundation of a new culture.

With warm regards on behalf of the Tamera community,
Leila Dregger

Photos from Vortex Reteats's post 19/03/2020

This post is about how to hack coronavirus. No, I don’t know how to cure it, but we know some ways that it behaves, and we can use that information in our favor.

One of the things that it does is damage people’s hearts, not just lungs. It seems to do this through increasing inflammation beyond what would be normal, what we call a cytokine storm. A cytokine storm happens when your immune system starts pumping out so many cytokine proteins that they start attacking healthy cells and causing a lot of inflammation.

A new paper that came out a week ago in China, called Clinical Predictors of Mortality Due to COVID-19 Based on An Analysis of Data of 150 Patients From Wuhan, China,[1] and provided some really interesting information.

Researchers found that around 33% of people are coming out of it with respiratory failure and heart damage, which is useful information. They provide the name of the inflammatory cytokine that seems to rise, that’s causing the problem, which is interleukin-6, commonly known as IL-6. This is a major clue.

So, I came up with a list of things that I’m going to do to inhibit IL-6 before or even during an infection. Most of these have been tested in humans or in animals — not against coronavirus specifically, but in the context of IL-6. Since we don’t know what cures coronavirus, that’s all we have to work with right now.

In fact, in many cases, these lower or inhibit IL-6. So if you want to stop a cytokine storm, this is your list of big guns. You could take these before or even during an infection, if your doctor says it’s okay.

I’m sure there are people who will stand up and say, “There is no evidence that this or that works.” News flash: no one knows how to cure coronavirus, so what are we going to do? We’re going to be better than average. That said, here’s your list. Contains affiliate links.

This is something that I actually take when I fly, especially during cold and flu season, whether or not I’m staring down the barrel of a coronavirus epidemic. Andrographis is an herb, and out of dozens and dozens of plants that have been tested, this is something that inhibits IL-6 very potently, in fact, more than some prescription drugs.

You can get it in combination with echinacea, and that combination was studied in one or two trials, and it actually reduced respiratory tract, viral and bacterial infections by, I believe, 20%. And it also reduced the severity of them.


Sage, oregano, and bay leaves all decrease IL-6. You can pick up alcohol-based sage, oregano, and bay leaf extracts. You can usually find them at natural grocery stores and health specialty stores.

You can also make them into herbal teas. It’s a common misconception that tea has to be dried plant material, but you can use kitchen herbs for tea if you have them on hand. Better yet, if you have an herb store nearby, you can buy dried herbs and make tea out of it. Sage tea is incredibly soothing if you have a cough or sore throat.

Sometimes you can find the herbal oils or essential oils, which are highly concentrated, so you’ll need to dilute them in a carrier oil like Brain Octane Oil. This isn’t the way I get my herbs, but there may be some efficacy there.


Hippocrates said, “all disease begins in the gut.” So far, it’s looking like coronavirus starts by touching funk then touching your face, but his point holds true anyway. When you have a strong gut, your immune system more efficiently fights off disease. Here’s are three ways to feed the good guys.

Grass-fed butter. One of the main reasons I formulated Bulletproof Coffee with grass-fed butter is because it contains butyrate, which decreases inflammation and feeds friendly microbes in your gut,[4] which helps your immune system.
Resistant starch. Resistant starch is “food” for your friendly gut bacteria. If you treat them well, they’ll love you back by fighting off the bad guys and regulating IL-6. The blend I developed for Bulletproof is the one I take every day. It contains acacia gum, larch arabinogalactan, and it also contains hydrolyzed guar gum, because there were studies that showed that those things break down to feed the good guys in your gut.
Probiotics. Probiotics are friendly microbe strains that researchers have identified to help your digest your food and boost your body’s natural defenses. Look for strains like:
Bifidobacterium infants
Saccharomyces boulardii (a beneficial yeast)
Lactobacillus Casei
Lactobacillus salivarius

Trehalose is a sugar that increases hydration in your tissues. Avoid it if you have C diff or if you just got out of the hospital, because it can make C diff worse.


Vitamins A-D-K supplementVitamin D3, zinc, and magnesium are all on the list of top five supplements you should be taking every day anyway. They all have research behind them showing they reduce IL-6.

Get D3, zinc, and magnesium here.


Almost anything that increases mitochondrial function is going to help you with IL-6. One of my favorite mitochondrial boosters is one that I helped to put on the market, called PQQ, is in my Unfair Advantage formula that’s been around for around seven years now. PQQ is shown, in a study, to reduce IL-6. It also contains coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) which strengthens and protects your heart.


Even the medical community is on board with the idea that omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, and doctors almost universally recommend supplementing omega 3’s to their patients, especially to their heart patients. I developed a high-potency formula for Bulletproof that I take every day.


Array of herbs in Curcumin Max supplementCurcumin, the compound in turmeric, contains curcumin in its most bioavailable form, along with rare Chinese herbs that act on inflammation in the body. It’s got some other goodies in there that aren’t actually on my big list here.


Black cumin seed oil is picking up steam in popularity for its effect. It has research behind it for its ability to reduce IL-6 and other inflammatory proteins. It’s also good for people who have excess histamine.


Fisetin is well known in the anti-aging mitochondrial enhancement circles, and cognitive enhancement circles. I included it in a formula I put together called Smart Mode. Fisetin is shown in a study to reduce inflammation on top of its cognitive superpowers.


Hydroxytyrosol is one of my favorite but little-known antibacterial and antiviral compounds that comes from olive oil. You can take olive oil to get it, but you’ll get more of the good stuff if you take capsules of hydroxytyrosol. I’m talking hundreds of times more of this precious antioxidant than olive oil does. I’d do both.


You’ll find this one in formulas to support eye health.


Quercetin reduces inflammation, reduces histamine, and modulates an immune system that has gone into overdrive.[5]


Broccoli sprouts, or sulforaphane, is shown to inhibit IL-6, which is something I wrote about in Head Strong. You can also get sulforaphane in capsules.


Another thing that I do, that a lot of people don’t know about, even though I wrote about it in Super Human, is somebody called melanocyte-stimulating hormone, or MSH, or “Melanotan.” This is really interesting stuff, because it actually does reduce inflammation, especially autoimmune-type of inflammation. It also gives you a tan without very much sun.

I take it for its autoimmune purposes, and because, based on Head Strong research, I believe that having extra melanin inside your eyes and inside your brain can have cognitive and biochemical effects.

I should mention that this one is an injectible.


testosterone-replacement-therapy_header newAnother one of my favorite supplements of all time, that could be beneficial here, would be 
 drum roll 
 testosterone. (That’s me getting a testosterone pellet inserted into my hip.) Testosterone can inhibit inflammation as well. Some of these studies are talking about IL-6 in animals, but remember we’re approaching this as what you would do if you had to hack a problem. What’s likely to work, versus what is proven 100% to work.


There is a study is on mice about glycine, which is the primary amino acid in collage, being beneficial. I definitely think that’s worth doing. Glycine is one of the amino acids in collagen.


Bromelain and serrapeptase are digestive enzymes that help digest protein, and is also something that is probably worth your time. It may help you break up mucus.


Another thing that could be beneficial, that is actually in Super Human, is called low-dose naltrexone (LDN), which is a general anti-inflammatory. LDN could have IL-6 specific inhibitory effects. This one is available by prescription.


Astaxanthin is what makes salmon and flamingoes pink. It is in my Eye Armor formula and improves neutrophils, which makes it good at inhibiting inflammation.


One of my favorite herbs of all time is rosemary. We grow so much of it in my garden here, and in rosemary, you’ll find something called rosmarinic acid, which actually regulates inflammatory cytokine production.

You can actually take rosemary extract capsules, or eat a lot of Rosemary, I actually do both. I think it’s really worth your time to do that, assuming you aren’t allergic to it.


If I was very, very ill and working on fighting things, I would be on a serious L-glutamine regimen. L-glutamine can reduce IL-6 directly, at least in mice, and probably does it in humans. It makes you feel better really fast. There is nothing that will throw you out of ketosis faster than L-glutamine though, except for a Tw***ie.


What are the things you could do that might increase your levels of IL-6?


I’ve been saying this in every one of my posts about coronavirus: if you’re eating fried stuff, and you have lots of sugar, it is going to increase inflammation and IL-6. Eating foods that are high in the glycemic index are not going to be good for you either.


Here’s how to improve your sleep, and you can use melatonin if you need it.


We also know that over-training or long endurance training is not good for IL-6. It stresses your body, and too much stress is a bad thing.


Short fasts are fine, like 12-18 hour intermittent fasts, especially if your body is fully acclimated to that eating pattern. You don’t need extra stress right now, though.

It’s good to be in ketosis, because of its anti-inflammatory effect. However, there are studies that show that having some carbohydrates, some glucose present, is good to fight off a virus infection.

If your condition develops into a bacterial pneumonia, fasting will be beneficial.


If you’re exposed to toxic mold, your risk of getting any disease goes through the roof, including this one, and your odds of fighting it off go down.

If you’re dealing with toxic mold, you’ve got to do something about that. The best thing you can do is get out. If you can’t afford to get out, get air filters and fix the water leaks. Look at my company called Homebiotic, which has been around for five years, that has a $29 probiotic you spray around your house.


If you smoke, consider this your wakeup call. Smokers have a much higher chance of dying from coronavirus, because it alters your lung’s built-in defense mechanisms.[6] A high proportion of people are dying in China because there is such a high proportion of smokers there. You’ve got to stop.

It’s not just ci******es that present a problem. Smoking pot knocks out the defenses in your lungs in the same way, so you’ve got to stop that too. That doesn’t mean you have to stop using cannabis products — you can replace smoking ma*****na with edibles. Va**ng probably isn’t a good idea. And if you’re drinking alcohol, just stop for a few months. It’s worth it.

Now, no one has clinically trialed any of the things I’m talking about in the context of coronavirus. What we do know is that these actually affect inflammation via changing IL-6.

So what would you want to do, if you might be exposed to something like this, or someone you care about would be? You could wait until a drug or some other thing was clinically trialed, double-blind studied, maybe six months from now before you decide.

Or you could do what I do as a biohacker and say, “Well, given what we know, what is the most logical way that I can be not average?” So if you can get a little bit better than average results, great. You might actually, though, get worse than average results. It’s just, you’ve got to play the odds, and in my opinion, my exclusive non-medical opinion, that you are paying nothing for, and therefore should not trust until you talk to your doctor, or anything else.

If you have suggestions for this, please put it into the comment thread. Please share them on Instagram. I really want to know more, but this is the kind of biohacking perspective that’s oftentimes missing.

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