
Laboratorio de pruebas mecánicas y de corrosión, cursos y consultorías En labcor damos solución a tus problemas de corrosión o fallas mecánicas con materias.


Joseph Subda, especialista en ecoat de Axalta Powder Coating Systems , explica la diferencia entre estas dos pruebas de resistencia a la corrosión.

Las pruebas de niebla salina y cíclicas son métodos de prueba estandarizados que se utilizan para probar la resistencia a la corrosión de materiales y revestimientos de superficies. Los materiales a ensayar suelen ser metálicos con un revestimiento superficial destinado a proporcionar un grado de protección contra la corrosión. Las pruebas permiten la comparación de la resistencia a la corrosión relativa de los recubrimientos en un marco de tiempo acelerado o comprimido... Lee aquí el artículo completo


Effect of common alloying elements in Steel


Iron-Iron Carbide Phase Diagram

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META EXPO Entry no. 2


Submit any Metallurgy or Materials Science Concepts Artistically.

All interested metallurgists and material scientists are welcome to grab this wonderful opportunity.

1st winner: ₹5000
2nd winner: ₹2000
3rd winner: ₹100
4th to 10th: ₹500 Each
Participation certificates for all participants

There is no participation fee for the META EXPO competition.

Registration form:

Last date: 31st October 2022
Result announcement- 14th November 2022

Contact us for more information at [email protected].

Como calcular Límite elástico con origin "how to calcule yield strength" 27/07/2022

Como calcular Límite elástico con origin "how to calcule yield strength" En este video veremos como calcular el límite elástico de un diagrama esfuerzo deformación mediante el uso de datos y el software origin lab


Stainless Steels

Principio y aplicaciones de la técnica XRF para PMI 16/06/2022

Principio y aplicaciones de la técnica XRF para PMI La fluorescencia de rayos X (XRF) para la identificación positiva de materiales o (PMI) es una técnica analítica no destructiva bien establecida de la espectroscopia de emisión de rayos X. Esta técnica es una herramienta poderosa para análisis rápidos no destructivos de múltiples elementos y...

Photos from Labcor's post 02/06/2022

Análisis químico de minerales mediante técnicas XRF.

Photos from Labcor's post 25/05/2022

En LABCOR se cuenta con cámara de rayos ultra violeta para la evaluación de envejecimiento acelerado de distintos tipos de plásticos, impermeables, pieles etc. Las lamparas UV ofrecen una simulación de similar a la exposición de la luz del sol con longitudes de onda que van desde los 356 a 295 nm simulando hasta 1.75 veces la luz de medio día en verano. Además, se puede reproducir ciclos de condensación alternados con radiación ultra violeta lo que genera una situación similar al envejecimiento natural en la interperie.

Photos from Labcor's post 25/05/2022

ASTM D3574-17 Test B1 Identation Force Deflection IFD en poliuretano

Photos from Labcor's post 25/05/2022

Densidad en poliuretanos ASTM D3574-17 Test A


Crystallite size Vs. Grain size Vs. Particle size


Duplex stainless steels are Fe-Ni-Cr alloys consisting of ferritic-austenitic microstructure at room temperature. These steels generally possess beneficial combinations of the austenitic and ferritic phases. Duplex stainless steels exhibit greater toughness and better weldability than ferritic stainless steel. They have higher strength and better corrosion resistance than austenitic stainless steel. Their good engineering performance has led to an increasing number of applications, mainly in corrosive environments such as sour gas pipelines and chemical reaction vessels.
The picture shows the blue austenitic phase as “islands” surrounded by the gray ferritic phase. When duplex stainless steel is melted it solidifies from the liquid phase to a completely ferritic structure. As the material cools to room temperature, about half of the ferritic grains transform to austenitic grains (“islands”). The result is a microstructure of roughly 50% austenite and 50% ferrite.

Etched with Electrolytic - NaOH 30%
Magnification 500x
Differential interference contrast microscopy technique

Source: Marco Canato

Cámara de niebla salina ASTM B117 - 11/02/2022

Cámara de niebla salina ASTM B117 - Saber más sobre cómo funciona este estándar ayuda a las partes interesadas y a las empresas a evaluar la calidad de sus materiales.


Elige tu favorito


Refractometro de NaCl. Según la norma B117 para cámara de niebla salina. Debe ser a una porcentaje de 5% de NaCl en conjunto con agua destilada.


Arrancamos con la puesta a punto de cámara salina.


Indentación. 500 gf



Indentador Vickers FUTURE TECH (JAPAN) medición de perfil de dureza en cordón de soldadura...

Photos from Labcor's post 28/09/2021

Continuamos con nuestros cursos de capacitación a la empresa Industrial Diseñadora de Autopartes en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jal.
El pasado 25 de septiembre se realizó el curso práctico sobre preparación de muestras metalográficas, realizado en conjunto con el Ivan Farias y con el soporte de LABCOR.

# Metallographic


High Entropy Alloys😉😉
(Only for fun)


An Ellingham diagram shows the relation between temperature and the stability of a compound. It is basically a graphical representation of Gibbs Energy Flow.

In metallurgy, we make use of the Ellingham diagram to plot the reduction process equations. This helps us to find the most suitable reducing agent when we reduce oxides to give us pure metals. Let us take a look at some important properties of the Ellingham Diagram

Here ΔG is plotted in relation to the temperature. The slope of the curve is the entropy and the intercept represents the enthalpy.
As you know the ΔH (enthalpy) is not affected by the temperature
Even ΔS that is the entropy is unaffected by the temperature. However, there is a condition here, that a phase change should not occur.
We will plot the temperature on the Y-axis and the ΔG on the X axis
Metals that have curves at the bottom of the diagram reduce the metals found more towards the top
The reaction of metal with air can be generally represented as

M (s) + O2 (g) → MO (s)

Now when reducing metal oxides the ΔH is almost always negative (exothermic) reaction. Also since in the reaction (as seen above), we are going from the gaseous state to the solid state ΔS is also negative. Hence as the temperature increases, the value of TΔS will also increase, and the slope of the reaction goes upwards

Exceptions to Ellingham Diagram
There are cases when the entropy is not negative, and the slope will not be upwards. Let us take a look at few such examples

C(s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g): Entropy of solids is negligible. So here one molecule of gas is resulting in one molecule of gas. Hence there is almost no net entropy. So there will be no slope, it is completely horizontal.
2C (s)+ O2 (g) → 2CO (g): Here one mole of gas is giving you two moles of gas as products. So here the entropy will be positive. And as a result, this curve will go downwards.
Limitations of Ellingham Diagram
It does not consider the kinetics of the reactions.
Also, it does not provide complete information about the oxides and their formations. Say for example more than one oxide is possible. The diagram gives us no representation of this scenario
Uses of Ellingham Diagram
1) Alumino Thermic Process

The Ellingham curve on the graph actually lies lower than most of the other metals such as iron. This essentially means Aluminium can be used as a reducing agent for oxides of all the metals that lie above it in the graph. Since aluminium oxide is more stable it is used in the extraction of chromium by a thermite process.

2) Extraction of Iron

Extraction of iron from its oxide is done in a blast furnace. Here the ore mixes with coke and limestone in the furnace. Actually, the reduction of the iron oxides happens at different temperatures. The lower part of the furnace is kept at a much higher temperature than the top. This process was developed after understanding the reactions with the help of thermodynamics. These reactions are as follows

At temperatures of 500-800 K

3Fe2O3 + CO → 2 Fe3O4 + CO2

Fe3O4 + 4CO → 3Fe + 4 CO2

Fe2O3 + CO → 2FeO + CO2

At temperatures of 900-1500 K

C + CO2 → 2CO

FeO + CO → Fe + CO2


Rockwell C en espárragos de 8 in.


Curso LABCOR de tecnología de la soldadura en instalaciones de IDEA automotriz.


Compresión en Yeso para dentista Bajo norma ASTM C109


Microscopia Óptica para Metalografías, estimación de tamaño de grano, análisis de inclusiones no metálicas, estimación de películas de recubrimiento. aumentos de 10, 20, 50 y 100x.


Mordazas de máquina universal instaron hasta 150 KN, en compresión o tensión.


Newly-Developed Material Has Extremely Low Thermal Conductivity

The new superlattice material, Bi4O4SeCl2, developed by a team of scientists from the United Kingdom and France, combines two different arrangements of atoms that were each found to slow down the speed at which heat moves through the structure of a solid.

The material we have discovered has the lowest thermal conductivity of any inorganic solid and is nearly as poor a conductor of heat as air itself,” said senior author Professor Matt Rosseinsky, a researcher in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Liverpool.
“The implications of this discovery are significant, both for fundamental scientific understanding and for practical applications in thermoelectric devices that harvest waste heat and as thermal barrier coatings for more efficient gas turbines.”

Quinn D. Gibson et al. Low thermal conductivity in a modular inorganic material with bonding anisotropy and mismatch. Science, published online July 15, 2021; doi: 10.1126/science.abh1619

Photos from Labcor's post 17/07/2021

Laboratorio de pruebas metalúrgicas


Iron carbon/Cementite phase diagram
What is the most unique thing about this diagram?

The Most studied diagram by metallurgical engineering, mechanical engineering, material science engineering student.

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Science, Technology and Innovation - World @ Rodrigo Nunes Cal 19/02/2021

Interesting web

Science, Technology and Innovation - World @ Rodrigo Nunes Cal Sem categoria Dr. Eli Van Allen Associate Professor – clinical computational oncology! Prev.: | Discl.: sent this message for me and other people by Twitter ´´This is great – thanks so much for sha...

Notes of the Rietvelt Method 18/02/2021

The Rietveld method is a powerful to extracting detailed crystal structural information from X-ray and neutron powder diffraction data. Since then structural details dictate much of the physical and chemical attributes of materials, knowledge of them is crucial to our understanding of those properties and our ability to manipulate them. Since most materials of technological interest are not available as single crystals but often are available only in polycrystalline or powder form, the Rietveld method has become very important and is now widely used in all branches of science that deal with materials at the atomic level.

Notes of the Rietvelt Method The Rietveld method is a powerful to extracting detailed crystal structural information from X-ray and neutron powder diffraction data. Since then structural details dictate much of the physical and chemical attributes of materials, knowledge of them is crucial to our understanding of those properti...

X-ray production a brief history. 12/02/2021

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is one of the most widely used analytical instruments in chemistry, physics, and materials science research and can be a very valuable tool.

X-ray production a brief history. XRD is the experimental technique primarily used to determine the geometrical arrangement of the atoms or molecules within matter (crystal structure). When a crystal is bombarded by a beam of X-rays, X-rays are scattered by electron shells, and the angles through which the beam is diffracted reveal....

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