Kambo Connection Baja Sur

Kambo Connection Baja Sur

Conexion con uno mismo, su cuerpo, patrones mentales, emociones, deseos y sueños! usando el Kambo

Photos from Kambo Connection Baja Sur's post 29/03/2021

My Bio
My story starts out as many people’s. Early childhood trauma, divorced parents and the lack of a healthy male role model leads to emotional repression, identity crisis and rebellion. My disconnection with nature and the feminine coupled with a constant drive to be perfect and crippling self-judgement eventually resulted in alcohol abuse and the release of bottled emotions through rage and other unconscious behavior. The unsustainable pace at work, the codependent relationship at home and the constant disappointment with myself were the particulars of a life sentence I wasn’t even aware of: Chronic Depression.
Then something happened on February 14, 2013. My son Mateo was born and something clicked in me the first time I held him. Soon thereafter I gave up alcohol. I went all in and completed a rigorous, 3 level, self-growth, leadership program where I rekindled the fire of my spirit. I started believing in myself again and the magic returned to my life.
I was initiated into the Sacred Medicine realm one day after Christmas 2015, when I participated in my 1st Ayahuasca ceremony. I was there to support my child’s mother during her alternative addiction recovery program, little did I know the grandmother had a lot of healing in store for me!
The fearless spirit of the frog, Kambo, showed up shortly thereafter with many teachings. From then on with the blessings and wisdom from those two medicines, I was able to release traumas, fears and illusions and remember the truth: I am a luminous being in transit on this earth for the purpose of growth and learning using love, peace, joy and gratitude as unlimited resources that are always available. And I get to have as much fun as I can in the process!!!
I have humbly accepted the call to work with the medicine of Kambo, certified by the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (iakp.org) in 2018. I am also a certified Addiction Recovery Coach.
Since then I’ve supported hundreds of people in detoxifying their bodies, strengthening their immune systems, release personal blocks and repressed emotions, treat chronic conditions such as addictions, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, autoimmune disease, diabetes among others. Since my training I’ve learned that every one’s journey is different so I approach every ceremony with compassion and openness and use my intuition in the service of the highest good. It is a pleasure and a great honor to serve as a guide for people in their healing journey with this powerful medicine and I remain grateful for I always learn something new from every process and that helps me lead a more connected and beautiful life!! Ahoooo!!!!


During these times of concern about viruses and vaccinations, here’s a good alternative for those looking to reinforce their immunity using the tools gifted to us by our beautiful and powerful Mother Nature!! Blessings to all!!!

Photos from Kambo Connection Baja Sur's post 19/03/2020

Concerned about the integrity of your immune system?
Dermaseptin, of the many beneficial peptides found in Kambo, plays a "key role in the defense against a broad spectrum of pathogens including enveloped viruses".

Preocupado por la integridad de tu sistema inmunológico?
Dermaseptin, uno de los tantos péptidos beneficiosos que contiene el Kambo, juega "un papel importante en la defensa contra un amplio gama de patógenos incluidos los virus encapsulados"


Photos from Kambo Connection Baja Sur's post 28/08/2019

Gracias Ranita, George, Mariana y Jerssin por una bonita ceremonia, gracias por su entrega y su sanacion! Gracias a mi hermano Cocho por su apoyo! Que las bendiciones y beneficios les continúen ayudando en su camino! ✌🏾❤️🐸🌈

Four Ways Kambo Can Enhance the Effectiveness of Ayahuasca Treatments 26/08/2019

Cuatro Maneras como el Kambo puede Incrementar la Efectividad de la Ayahuasca:
1. Purga el Sistema Digestivo para una mejor absorción.
2. Incrementa la circulación para facilitar el Cruce de la Barrera Hematoencefalica.
3. Facilita la apertura a una Experiencia Psicoactiva.
4. Incrementa la Conexión Mente-Cuerpo antes de un Viaje Psicoactivo.

Four Ways Kambo Can Enhance the Effectiveness of Ayahuasca Treatments:
1. Purging Your Digestive Tract for More Effective Absorption.
2. Increasing Circulation to Facilitate Crossing of the Blood-Brain Barrier.
3. Easing You Into Psychedelic Experiences.
4. Creating Greater Awareness of Your Body Before a Psychedelic Treatment.

https://psychedelictimes.com/four-ways-kambo -enhance-effectiveness-ayahuasca-treatments/

Four Ways Kambo Can Enhance the Effectiveness of Ayahuasca Treatments Taking kambo before an ayahuasca treatment can help you prepare for the experience and enhance the effectiveness of both substances.

Photos from Kambo Connection Baja Sur's post 15/08/2019

Connect the dots with Kambo to bring about lasting change.

If there are certain habits you would like to manage a little better or altogether replace for healthier ones but after thinking about it or even trying a few times you feel like it’s too hard, that you lack the willpower, or that it isn’t the right time for one reason or another, read on.
I express this to the best of my understanding gained through my personal experience and relationship with the Medicine, reading people's testimonials or talking to colleagues about their own experiences and opinions, and also from reading articles and books on the academic side of things.
There are many tools in the arsenal for releasing addictions, the main one in my opinion being self-awareness and acceptance, however Kambo, the secretion from the Amazonian tree frog Phyllo Medusa Bicolor, is a particularly nifty one and here’s why:
Kambo is a powerful natural detoxifier, which means that it squeezes toxins out of our cells and organs improving our bodily functions. If our system is running smoothly it doesn’t crave something it doesn’t need.
Kambo’s neuropeptides reset and enhance our cognitive functions which means that it dissipates the fog from our mind allowing us a clear view of our neural pathways which are basically the automatic programs in our brain that run in the subconscious. Those programs dictate the decisions we make by signaling the production of chemicals which can produce overwhelming emotions and viceversa.
This bring us to the nitty gritty part: the emotions. The process of taking Kambo is a great practice of the invaluable skill of letting go. We all have to surrender, I mean at some point our life on this beautiful planet will end and we will surrender our body and everything that feels like us; so why not practice with some of those habits that we hold on to so strongly to the detriment of our mental, physical and emotional health? We have to understand and release the addiction to the emotions that tend to run our show!
These habits are not us, they are not a part of our being. They are simply a compilation of agreements made long ago when we were young that had the valid purpose of teaching us to adapt to the world around us and our social group. Unfortunately some of them have now become deeply rooted programs that left unchecked run in the background producing all kinds of neural chemical reactions. These psycho-emotional reactions is what we try to balance, tweak, or fill by using substances which sometimes becomes a hindrance to our well-being. It’s time to write a new code!
If this topic interests you I invite to reflect on it, cultivate discernment and reach out to me if you would like to use Kambo and other useful tools that have helped me and many others I know to connect the dots to our own healing and wellness path. Blessings!
With Love,

Photos from Kambo Connection Baja Sur's post 15/08/2019

Conecta los puntos con Kambo para lograr un cambio duradero.

Si tienes ciertos hábitos que te gustaría manejar un poco mejor o reemplazar por completo por otros más saludables, pero después de pensarlo o incluso intentarlo algunas veces, sientes que es demasiado difícil, que te falla la fuerza de voluntad o que no es el momento adecuado por una razón u otra, sigue leyendo.
Opino de esto, con el entendimiento obtenido a través de mi experiencia personal y relación con la Medicina, leyendo testimonios de personas o hablando con mis colegas sobre sus experiencias y opiniones, y también leyendo artículos y libros del aspecto académico.
Hay muchas herramientas en el arsenal para dejar una adiccion, la principal en mi opinión es la autoconciencia y la aceptación, sin embargo, Kambo la secreción de la rana arbórea Amazónica Phyllo Medusa Bicolor, es particularmente ingeniosa y he aquí por qué:
Kambo es un poderoso desintoxicante natural, lo que significa que exprime las toxinas de nuestras células y órganos mejorando nuestras funciones corporales. Si nuestro sistema funciona sin problemas, no anhela nada que no necesite.
Los neuropéptidos de Kambo restablecen y mejoran nuestras funciones cognitivas, lo que significa que disipa la niebla de nuestra mente, lo que nos permite una visión clara de nuestras patrones neuronales, que son básicamente los programas automáticos en nuestro cerebro que se ejecutan en el subconsciente. Esos programas dictan las decisiones que tomamos ya que señalan la producción de compuestos químicos que pueden producir emociones abrumadoras y viceversa.
Esto nos lleva a la parte esencial: las emociones. El proceso de recibir Kambo es una gran práctica de la invaluable habilidad de soltar. Todos tenemos que entregarnos, quiero decir que en algún momento nuestra vida en este hermoso planeta terminará y entregaremos nuestro cuerpo y todo lo que concebimos como nuestro; Entonces, ¿por qué no practicar con algunos de esos hábitos a los que nos aferramos tan fuertemente a perjuicio de nuestra salud mental, física y emocional? ¡Tenemos que entender y soltar la adicción a las emociones que tienden a dirigir nuestra novela!
Estos hábitos no somos nosotros, no son parte de nuestro ser. Son simplemente una recopilación de acuerdos hechos hace mucho tiempo cuando éramos niños que tenían el propósito válido de enseñarnos a adaptarnos al mundo que nos rodea y a nuestro grupo social. Desafortunadamente, algunos de ellos se han convertido en programas profundamente arraigados que si dejamos sin monitorear, producen todo tipo de reacciones químicas neuronales. Estas reacciones psicoemocionales es lo que tratamos de equilibrar, ajustar o llenar mediante el uso de sustancias que en algunos casos se convierten en un obstáculo para nuestro bienestar. Es hora de escribir un nuevo código.
Si este tema te interesa, te aliento a que reflexiones sobre el, cultives discernimiento y comunícate conmigo si deseas utilizar Kambo u otras herramientas que a mí y a muchos otros que conozco han servido para conectar los puntos de nuestro propio camino de curación y bienestar. Buen día!
Con Amor,

Photos from Kambo Connection Baja Sur's post 31/05/2019

Grateful for the work I embody and practice and blessed for the place where I get to do it in!

Photos from Kambo Connection Baja Sur's post 31/05/2019

Group and Private Ceremonies in Todos Santos Friday & Saturday June 7 & 8, small groups, pm for more info or call 612 194 0374

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