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Vital Habits
Vital Habits

Ayahuasca Path
by iBeLieveUs


You are made of magic ⭐⚘⚡


Yawanawa are the boar tribe. The came as an animal and in their story their people transformed from this animal, warriors of the forest, a pack together, being together like this bringing strength and security.

Their culture was nearly being lost however the last remaining elders, the leaders of the tribe managed to save the culture and pass the knowledge down to the people through prayers and dedication. Saving their culture allowing the people of the tribe to share now with us their healing and their medicine in that being sacred medicine Uni/ayahuasca in the form of ceremonies. Drinking medicine is a ritual to them, with medicine they call it Uni and rapê, these medicines and the ritual opens things for them, opens their thoughtss, their hearts, their connection. It is medicine that brings the ability to connect with the creator and the nature.

In the past young people never drank uni only the pajes, who used it for healing people, pajes being like the spiritual doctors of the tribe and uni being their tool to allow more force to heal the patient. However, its another moment, a different form now, now men and women can drink even younger people, everyone drinks together to celebrate life and to give thanks for what they are living now, blessed from the knowledge passed down from their past ancestors, its a ritual to connect with the creator and bring a lot of joy. This is the form of the Yawanawa ceremony each tribe have their form.


✨We are sitting in circle,
We are sitting to study,
We are sitting to remember,
Once again we are asking for the plant medicines to help us understand.💫

All pure love
Till infinite light


Today is a good day to start a preparation for your next ceremony 😉


Most clean you come more you will be sensible to the master plants teachings. So:
💦 eat healthy, drink water, avoid noisy places and be far of situations that generate stress on you. We are responsible for your inner peace.
👗 dress yourself with comfortable and beautiful clothes (a ceremony is always a special moment of our life). By experience I recommend you lighter colours.
🛴on the way remember why you are coming here
😇 when already in the ceremony local connect your heart with the land. Ask permission to sit. (Pm me if you have doubts in how to do it, it’s a work that we do in silence)
🕊offerings are welcome. You can offer seeds to the land, a prayer, a song, a ride, a tabaco to the fire, something to the house or to the family. The best way of trying the abundance is offering.

🍶Bring your bottle of water.

Remind: always ask permission before a talking or some offering for those facilitating your circle. In a ceremony we need to respect the time for each actions. It is what allows the energy perfectly follow. 💫

Last and big note:

❕❕❕you matter❕❕❕


Dear Familia, just a reminder that the r**e workshop and ceremony is tonight. For those who would like to attend please send me a private message. And to be clear this experience is more than just trying r**e; it is a workshop sharing about the medicine for those interested in the traditions; how the medicine works, the different types of rappe available,how it should be served and when it should be used etc etc. See you tonight!

🪶TETË PAWÃ is a cultural and traditional medicine prayer and an indigenous descendant of the Kuntanawa people from Acre, Brazil.
He started his spiritual search in 2002 with one of the most renowned shamans in the state of acre Benk Pyanko while also studying medicine with Ashaninka people for 8 years.
In 2010 he returned to the culture of his people to continue his studies in healing medicine. With shaman Hunivu, he did several studies in medicine, traditional for smoking, spiritual baths and to drink as a tonic for the healing of matter. Medicines to heal the spiritual vision and to connect the spirit with the sacred plants of our ancestors.
At this moment that the planet is passing by, he is helping people with our cultural medicine. With tonic is prayer and chants to connect the human being with the sacred plants and mother earth, where our essence of life is. He is also a composer of Icarus chants from Amazon.

▫️Date: Septiembre, 21st
📍Casa Amazonia, Akumal
Contribution: 500 mxn

✔️ Confirm your presence (pm)


Rapé (pronounced Hape) is a sacred shamanic medicine used by tribes of the Amazon. It is a s***f made of various tree ashes, combined with fine to***co. The latter is not the common type used in ci******es, but rather Nicotina Rustica which is highly potent. The resulting powder is highly refined.
When applied and served in a manner that honors the tradition it is coming from. Rapé is a powerful medicine. It can provide insight, guidance, protection, cleansing and healing. It is a holy sacrament, not a substance, and thus should be treated accordingly. When working with Rapé, we work with the Rapé Spirit. Each blend has a different spirit associated with it.

Photos from Ibelieveus's post 14/04/2021

Bom dia, amigos!
Gostaria de apresentar a vocês a microdosagem de ayahuasca.
A microdosagem consiste em administrar doses mínimas porém suficientes para a obtenção dos benefícios fitoterápicos de uma extração.
Este medicamento fitoterápico é composto de extrato de caapi (jagube), chá ayahuasqueiro, água destilada e álcool. Sendo chá ayahuasqueiro elaborado de maneira tradicional na cocção de jagube (caapi) e chacrona (viridis).
A fórmula permite alcançar os benefícios das plantas sem produzir percepções alucinógenas. Sendo estes:
► combate ao estresse e a insônia
► desânimo, depressão e ansiedade
► lucidez para todo tipo de confusão ou dúvida
► Relaxamento e ajuda a descansar, ajudando a combater o medo trazendo assim a firmeza e entendimento de processos internos através da ampliação de consciência!
Com o uso frequente desta medicina acontece um conjunto de efeitos sutis que melhoram a situação das pessoas gradativamente, sem a necessidade de passar pelo processo de limpeza físico ou emocional que é causado pela ingestão convencional do chá de Ayahuasca.
Também é indicado para pessoas que buscam
► parar de fumar ou com outros vícios
► a melhora da memória
► o aumento da criatividade
O tratamento dura cerca de 2 meses e será acompanhado por mim ou por algum outro ter**euta por mim designado. Para observar os efeitos, o uso deve ser feito regularmente.
Este composto é neuroestimulante e um iMAO, possuindo assim contra-indicações e sendo necessária uma pré-avaliação de cada um antes do uso.

Indique a amigos que você ache que possa se beneficiar deste tratamento.
Eu estou com os últimos frascos em Uberlândia e diante uma viagem que se aproxima eu não pretendo formular mais, somente acabar com o estoque restante.
Envio para todo o Brasil, Américas e Europa. Exceto França, Lousiana (USA) e Canadá.

Renata Satil
Desenvolvedora iBelieveUs @ Uberlândia


Se não está sendo fácil cuidar das sombras, porque não direcionar este momento presente para simplesmente contemplar a luz? ✨Minimamente tudo vai parecer mais claro. :) 💫
Hoje enquanto o sol se levantava no horizonte ele me disse: olhe para mim, olhe para toda esta luz.
Enquanto eu estava ali seduzida por tamanha beleza, não existia força de qualquer escuridão que pudesse chamar minha atenção. Eu estava ocupada com o que brilha, com o que reluz.
Lembrei então que o que eu vejo é o que reverbera em mim.
Você já deve ter ouvido que devemos trabalhar as nossas sombras. Que isto é preciso para que possamos nos sentir melhor e para tornarmos alguém melhor. Porém o que poucos dizem é que por trás de nossas sombras poderemos encontrar mais sombras e o trabalho pode se tornar difícil se a gente não estiver devidamente preparado. Então primeiramente é necessário se fortalecer. É necessário ter um ponto de claridade com uma âncora firmada para que não nos percamos em meio a escuridão que desbravaremos.
E não há mal nenhum em se agarrar no que sempre vai vibrar alto. Não há nada mal em depender da luz. Ser dependente da luz até ser luz.

Quem me contou isso foi o sol! 🌞

Timeline photos 31/03/2021

The intention of ceremonies and rituals are to enrich a person’s life and serve as sources of guidance for reaching goals and life milestones. Ceremonies and rituals provide a safe space for powerful transformation to occur. On the level of the brain, ceremonies and rituals provide a sacred platform for neuroplasticity to occur. With a clear and concise commitment that there needs to be a neural pathway in the brain that needs to change, ceremonies allow new neural pathways to form in the brain that are healthier and serve as motivational forces. These practices are not intended to substitute for any innate life path or belief; they aim to nurture the joy and fulfillment found in each person’s authentic self.


Se não está sendo fácil cuidar das sombras, porque não direcionar este momento presente para simplesmente contemplar a luz? Minimamente tudo vai parecer mais claro. :) 💫✨
Hoje enquanto o sol se levantava no horizonte ele me disse: olhe para mim, olhe para toda esta luz.
Enquanto eu estava ali seduzida por tamanha beleza, não existia força de qualquer escuridão que pudesse chamar minha atenção. Eu estava ocupada com o que brilha, com o que reluz.
Lembrei então que o que eu vejo é o que reverbera em mim.
Você já deve ter ouvido que devemos trabalhar as nossas sombras. Que isto é preciso para que possamos nos sentir melhor e para tornarmos alguém melhor. Porém o que poucos dizem é que por trás de nossas sombras poderemos encontrar mais sombras e o trabalho pode se tornar difícil se a gente não estiver devidamente preparado. Então primeiramente é necessário se fortalecer. É necessário ter um ponto de claridade com uma âncora firmada para que não nos percamos em meio a escuridão que desbravaremos.
E não há mal nenhum em se agarrar no que sempre vai vibrar alto. Não há nada mal em depender da luz. Ser dependente da luz até ser luz.
Quem me contou isso foi o sol! 🌞

Photos from Ibelieveus's post 09/03/2021

I have doubts when referring ayahuasca as a tool.
This medicine shows us the shadow and the light. And then it reminds us of love and we end up vibrating at such high frequency.
Sometimes, when the experience is strong or we are unable to decode the message, it may end in the vibration of fear, but generally this lasts for a short period.
Research shows us that patients with traumas, depressive and anxious reduce these aspects to a low level for days and sometimes the benefit of the remedy lasts for a lifetime.
What the medicine shows us makes us change forever. Exist the before and after of medicine.
So after drinking there is only a finite range of possibilities and we cannot go much further than that. We become a bit or much better, but always better than before.
A tool cannot give us direction.
Or do you believe that we are essentially good and this tool just adjusts us to what we already are?
Artist: David Nuno
Dragón de los Mil Ojos

Timeline photos 08/03/2021

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒚:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
There is a Cherokee prophecy that speaks about this century.
It states that the bird of humanity has a male wing and a female wing.
The bird of humanity has been flying for centuries with primarily only its male wing and the female wing has been unable to extend.
Due to this the male or yang wing has gotten overly muscularized to the point of violence, and the bird of humanity has been soaring in circles unable to fly in the right direction.
The prophecy says that in the 21st century the female wing will fully extend and express itself fully in men and women.
The male energy or the yang energy will relax and the bird of humanity will soar." ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Within women (and men) lives the feminine, yin, or omega principle.
This principle has long been "cast out" or "shamed" within society, however; this is the very essence that our world is needing. It's the exhale, the silent wisdom, the intuition, the connection to our earth, humanity, love, and creator. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
As women, we have this essence very alive within us, however, we have learned to become more masculine to survive in this over masculinized world.
It is more important than ever that we soften into our feminine again.
That we learn to trust our own pace, rhythm, and ways of creating and being.
It's time for us to focus less on achievement and more on connection. Through this, we will achieve more than we could push ourselves to succeed, be good enough, or make it.
It's time to learn to lead, create, and manifest by following the subtle messages of your body and heart.
In this way, we will heal ourselves. We will inspire our communities and empower others to soar with us!

🐺Shared from Global Sisterhood

Timeline photos 18/02/2021

Im just inspired by a collab of and


With the permission of the mother ayahuasca herself and with the request of the forest's guardians I turn public that we deliver ancestral medicine ayahuasca for FACILITATORS to any country in America and Europe (other countries sob consulting) 📬📭
Our facilitators must prove their safe way to serve our medicine. Medical screening, instructions for diets, integration support and clear space holders should be part essencial of their practices. 🤩
Wild harvest 🍃🌱🌿
Many blessings to all ✨⭐️💫

Timeline photos 27/01/2021

Then hot discussions around the topic indigenous vs. income generation in a medicine group
I felt to share with you a little bit of my vision about the theme. A view that was just opened after daily living with indigenous people.
Some of you know me. And know that I’m very close to the Yawanawa people, that I lived q quite of time with them. However, I would like to warn you, that the experience I share here doesn’t come only from this coliving and I don’t speak specifically about them.
In Paraty I was a neighbor to the Guarani people’s village and their land was my second home, I’m considered a member of the family. I have countless Huni Kuin friends, friends with whom I have traveled, prayed, worked and who still maintain daily virtual contact. My daughter's paternal family is Guarani and part of them live in indigenous lands, she can even speak a little of Guarani language. I made several long-term visits to Shipibos friends and did some work in Peruvian lands. I also experienced living a little with people of Mexican origin, paths that were opened to me by working with ancestral medicines.
So I will be pretentious and say: Indigenous people like money!!!!!! Shamans like money!
And if you want their work and you don’t want to pay, you’re more of an explorer.
Ayahuasca people have a very broad view of existence, but that doesn't make them deny the benefits of the resources that money brings.
It’s not because people live in harmony in the middle of the forest it means they don’t aspire for more. Believe me, the youth of the villages, as well as the youth of the cities, want the latest generation phones. The dream of many families’ parents is to have a powerful chainsaw to facilitate their work in building houses or else they dream of a more comfortable boat to be able to go up the river with their families (preferably with an engine that doesn't make as much noise.)
The dream of one most respected Shaman I met was to build a restaurant along the river; so that tourists could stop for a rest and eat, thus generating income for his people.
Continue ⬇️

Timeline photos 21/01/2021

Who behind the scenes? She is me :)

“Unity consciousness
Weaving cross our planet
Remembering, we are rising as one

The world is a wild and beautiful place
We are constantly evolving as a human race
I truly believe this is a time for greatness
Everyone is invited to embody their light
Living life as love and shining bright
The shackles of fear breaking once and for all
This is a song for all the rainbow warriors
The brilliant ones leading the way”

Beautiful song by

Timeline photos 21/01/2021

The message of the elements
" 🌊 the water said: Flow, don't be damned. Life is constant movement, do not stop.
🔥 the fire said: Transform yourself, do not remain immobile in the emptiness of apparent calm. Life is a fire, a constant crackle.
💨 Ar the air said: Free yourself, let go, let go of everything that keeps you from being and flying free. Life is a sigh, a breath, an instant.
🌎Terra the earth said: Take root, raise your branches and bloom. Life contains the mystery of every seed and the ancient wisdom of all forests.
❤ HEART said: Open up, expand and love, love everything that your infinite soul can love. Life, if not life!
❤🙏🏻 Be earth, be fire, be water, be air ... But much more, be LOVE ...

Timeline photos 16/01/2021

Ayahuasca is probably the most developed technology known to humanity. The intelligence of it brings human minds to their very end of boundaries and beyond. It is this voice which speaks to you in whatever language your mother tongue is and reveals profound teachings.

Timeline photos 12/01/2021

Ayahuasca molecule representation

Like bits of light that change your code of life

Timeline photos 11/01/2021

This image represents so much my Brazil!
But I don’t believe that its due to their typicality, representativeness or even to the countless appearances in books, catalogs or reports making them symbols of our nation.
My feeling comes mainly from memories of nights around the fire with friends / family. On those nights in Amazon they frequently was dressed with a macaw plume on their heads talking about the jaguars that lives near our village. Of course, always where there is a circle of people, it is also expected to have some golden lion monkeys (monkeys) hopping around us.

Timeline photos 08/01/2021

About me...

“As a Projector, you are a natural guide. You are looking for success and efficiency. You are there to guide the energy of others only when asked to do so.
Having received the formal invitation, you need to be careful not to control the energy but
to guide its use.
You have a knack for working with people and an instinct to know how to present things
so that your message is received.
You can instinctively and spontaneously adjust your position in the face of any change in

Your gift, when you follow your intuition, to naturally create beauty around you.
You have a rare ability to think for yourself and be in the right place at the right time.
The risk is not to trust your intuition. You have it.”

I’m waiting for you!

Timeline photos 07/01/2021

How can you safely experience this controversial plant? Which has the power to cure chronic diseases from addiction to immune disorders to PTSD.

Photos from Ibelieveus's post 06/01/2021

I often hear people say, “I cannot really describe it,” when speaking of their ayahuasca visions. And, it makes sense—how can we talk about otherworldly images and multiverses, the places and spaces of the ineffable, and non-linguistic experiences? Often, these experiences unfold in imagery that defies what we know and are able to see in the three-dimensional reality of our day-to-day consciousness.

@ Ibiza


« It's with integral, ethical, respectful, multidisciplinary care and based on scientific evidence that we will lift thousands of people out of intense suffering to build a more prosperous society. »

London Real’s documentary in which Dennis McKenna references the words of the infamous Rolling Stones song by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards when he says “You don’t always get what you want with ayahuasca; but you always get what you need”. In a world with 300 million people suffering from depression and a rising su***de rate, radical change is required to address the current mental health emergency. In Reconnect we explore the role that plant medicine Ayahuasca can play in expelling past traumas and finding enlightenment. His ayahuasca ceremonies witnessed in Reconnect see Brian Rose find clarity about his life and place in the world.

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