Faith-based publishing

He is an entrepreneur who practices faith-based self-love as a light to the world since a believer's potentials is a light to the world as life unfolds.

Potter's Faith-based publishing is an online platform for motivational e-books and quotes to knowledgeably live through faith without religion & racism as life unfolds in God's love to love one another Ebitimi David Igbiki the author of Potter's Faith-based publishing, a Nigerian by birth, an Earthling born under the sign of Aquarius, who water bear through faith as life unfolds without religion a


"Let there be light (knowledge), since there's no production but consumption in darkness (ignorance)."

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"Jesus Christ is our Lord of Host as we explore individual faith on his earth sans organised religion and racism teachings to love others."

Photos from Faith-based publishing's post 18/11/2023

In Portentous Connection: Love Found in a Glimpse, Ava and Ryan venture close as they navigate the complexities of an affection that opposes the common. From their fortunate experience at a train station to the profundities of a connection that rises above time, this story divulges the significant excursion of two spirits weaved by destiny's unpredictable plan.

In the midst of the sections of their lives unpredictably woven into the Legend's Excursion structure, witness Ava, a youthful craftsman looking for motivation, and Ryan, a performer in quest for his energy, as they explore through the phases of development, solidarity, and the getting-through force of adoration.

From their underlying experience loaded with extraordinary flashes to their snapshots of weakness and shared development, the book dives into the subtleties of their relationship. Their process turns into a demonstration of flexibility, shared dreams, and immovable responsibility, finishing in an adoration that outperforms limits and embraces the immortal quintessence of time everlasting.

Through 90 parts complicatedly made to reflect the Legend's Excursion, Portentous Connection: Love Found in a Glimpse illustrates an adoration that goes the distance, exhibiting the excellence of a Connection that resists the impediments of the actual world and embodies the everlasting hug of genuine romance.

This depiction epitomizes the pith of Ava and Ryan's excursion, stressing the topics of destiny, getting through adoration, and the immortal idea of their bond, all inside the system of the Legend's Process illustrated before.
゚viral ゚

Photos from Faith-based publishing's post 10/10/2023

Join the Solidarity Searchers on a ground-breaking excursion in "Faith Disclosed: A Manual for Loving Beyond Religion and Prejudice." In this wonderful story, the Solidarity Searchers set out determined to eliminate the Shroud of Conviction that has long separated mankind, endeavoring to cultivate solidarity, love, and understanding in reality as we know it where divisions given religion and bigotry have won for a long time.
Drawing motivation from the sacred text of Galatians 3:28, which declares, "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are every one of the one in Christ Jesus," the Solidarity Searchers guide perusers through 50 convincing parts, each a fundamental stage in their legend's process.

From the Secretive Starting points of their main goal to the last disclosing of a world changed, perusers will be enamored by a story woven with components of rush, love, parties, Faith, supplication, sentiment, struggle, difficulty, activity, secret, and tension.

"Faith Revealed" isn't simply a book; it's a significant investigation of the human soul's capacity to rise above division and bias. Join the Solidarity Searchers as they show that, with immovable Faith and love, we can move "Beyond Religion and Prejudice" towards a future where solidarity, understanding, and acknowledgment rule.

Photos from Faith-based publishing's post 09/10/2023

"The Leadership Narratives: A Story for Ages" is a significant investigation of credible Leadership that takes perusers on an extraordinary Voyage of self-disclosure, development, and perseverance through influence. In this enrapturing story, the maze fills in as both a figurative and actual scene, addressing the many-sided way of Leadership and self-acknowledgment.

Through 50 convincing sections, perusers go with Alex, our hero, as they explore the maze's difficulties, face internal evil presences, and embrace the standards of valid Leadership. Every section unfurls a special feature of Leadership, from versatility and cooperation to morals and heritage, all while drawing from the insight of coaches and confided-in partners.

As the caption proposes, this book isn't simply a manual for Leadership; it's a story for ages. Inside its pages, you'll track down a rich embroidery of stories, examples, and experiences from pioneers who've strolled this way previously. Their encounters, entwined with Alex's, structure a complete story that catches the substance of bona fide Leadership.

Perusers are welcome to ponder their Leadership processes, drawing motivation from the maze's exciting bends in the road. Whether you're a carefully prepared pioneer looking for new points of view or a hopeful chief hoping to set out on an extraordinary journey, "The Leadership Narratives" offers significant direction and significant comprehension of leading truly and leaving an enduring inheritance.

Join Alex and their mates in praising the effect of genuine Leadership in the last section, "The Last Festival," and find how realness can change lives, rousing ages to come.

Photos from Faith-based publishing's post 08/10/2023

"In the Shadow of Affection: A Secret Disentangled" is an enrapturing and endearing sentiment that takes you on a legendary excursion loaded up with interest, love, and flexibility. In this story of sentiment, goal, and reclamation, you'll follow the existences of two people united by puzzling wrongdoing, and as they disentangle the mysteries of the case, they likewise find the profound love that has been concealing in the shadows.
Join Sarah and Mark as they explore an intricate snare of secrets and difficulties, set against the beautiful background of a beachside local area. From the charm of gatherings to the reliability of canines, from enthusiastic minutes to genuine supplication, and from the levels of sentiment to the profundities of contention, this story has everything.

Every section in this book, propelled by the Hero's Journey framework, will keep you as eager and anxious as can be, turning a large number of pages. From the primary puzzling wrongdoing to the last goal, you'll observe the development of a strong and thorough affection. Their process will lead you through the exhilarating activity, complex secret, and inspiring sentiment that will amaze you.

With each disclosure and goal, you'll be enthralled by the strength of their adoration and the examples they've advanced en route. The ocean side, with its steadily streaming waves, turns into a person in itself, representing the recurring pattern of their lives and the consistently consistent reestablishment of trust and love.

"In the Shadow of Affection: A Secret Disentangled" is a story of adoration's victory, an excursion of change, and a demonstration of the getting through force of affection and responsibility. A story will reverberate with your heart, leaving you with a re-established feeling of trust and the conviction that adoration can beat even the most intricate difficulties.

Photos from Faith-based publishing's post 08/10/2023

"In the Shadow of Affection: A Secret Disentangled" is an enrapturing and endearing sentiment that takes you on a legendary excursion loaded up with interest, love, and flexibility. In this story of sentiment, goal, and reclamation, you'll follow the existences of two people united by puzzling wrongdoing, and as they disentangle the mysteries of the case, they likewise find the profound love that has been concealing in the shadows.
Join Sarah and Mark as they explore an intricate snare of secrets and difficulties, set against the beautiful background of a beachside local area. From the charm of gatherings to the reliability of canines, from enthusiastic minutes to genuine supplication, and from the levels of sentiment to the profundities of contention, this story has everything.

Every section in this book, propelled by the Hero's Journey framework, will keep you as eager and anxious as can be, turning a large number of pages. From the primary puzzling wrongdoing to the last goal, you'll observe the development of a strong and thorough affection. Their process will lead you through the exhilarating activity, complex secret, and inspiring sentiment that will amaze you.

With each disclosure and goal, you'll be enthralled by the strength of their adoration and the examples they've advanced en route. The ocean side, with its steadily streaming waves, turns into a person in itself, representing the recurring pattern of their lives and the consistently consistent reestablishment of trust and love.

"In the Shadow of Affection: A Secret Disentangled" is a story of adoration's victory, an excursion of change, and a demonstration of the getting through force of affection and responsibility. A story will reverberate with your heart, leaving you with a re-established feeling of trust and the conviction that adoration can beat even the most intricate difficulties.

Photos from Faith-based publishing's post 07/10/2023

Set out on a significant and extraordinary Voyage with "Living Your Reality: A Spiritual Voyage to Credibility." This smart aide takes you through the different scenes of self-disclosure, directing you toward a more profound connection with your true self, the heavenly, and your general surroundings.

This book is organized around ten dazzling parts, each offering a remarkable part of your Spiritual development. It discloses the force of internal insight, Faith, Prayer, fasting, and the quest for realness. With subjects going from self-reflection and facing internal apprehensions to solidarity with the heavenly and motivating others, it digs into the intricacies of the human experience and the unlimited potential for development.

"Living Your Reality" isn't simply a book; it's a solicitation to a long-lasting Voyage. It stresses that validness is certainly not a static objective but a dynamic and steadily developing path. It provokes you to embrace your actual self, permitting it to sparkle in each aspect of your life.

As you explore the sections and retain the key subjects, you'll find the extraordinary capability of supplication, fasting, and self-reflection. You'll observe the rise of your credible self, uncovering its layers and embracing its uniqueness. The authentic force and internal strength will turn into your partner's as you stand up to the difficulties of life.

What separates this book is its ability to rouse others through your Voyage. It explores the expanding influence of credibility, stressing your role as a directing light to everyone around you. It shows the path that solidarity in Prayer and fasting can connect partitions, making an associated and merciful local area. You'll figure out how to serve others, transform love right into it, and leave a significant effect on the world.

"Living Your Reality" isn't simply a manual for self-awareness; it's a solicitation to a significant and constant Voyage of self-disclosure. It's a demonstration of the magnificence of living in credibility and rousing others to do likewise. With the insight granted in these pages, you'll track down the path to living your reality and the long-lasting experience of embracing your genuine self.

Photos from Faith-based publishing's post 06/10/2023

Hey Guys, check out my new book, title: "Fire and Ice: An Affection that Dissolved the Coldest Hearts." Subtitle: "An Excursion of Adoration, Recovery, and the Victory of Profound Opportunity."


In the domain of vast ideas, we track,
Among the pages, our psyches are taken care of.
To every one of the perusers all over,
In books, let shrewdness be your aide.

For in these books, a world unfurls,
A money box of stories told.
In each line, a universe glimmers,
Arousing minds from vast dreams.

The composed word, a strong dream,
In books, we find the way we'll pick.
To encourage trust, to fan the fire,
Our psychological strength, our profound longing.

With each page turned, we develop over again,
Finding skies of various shades.
In writing's hug, we track down discharge,
An emollient for stresses, a way to harmony.

In this way, peruser, let your soul take off,
In books, you'll view as there's in every case more.
An excursion huge, a world unbound,
In each story, a reality is found.

In pages old or stories untold,
The mission for information never becomes old.
For in the domains of composed workmanship,
We track down the way into each heart.

To peruse is to embrace the light,
To keep our psyches always brilliant.
In books, our psychological wings take off,
How about we read, rouse, and arrive at a new level?

Photos from Faith-based publishing's post 04/10/2023

Hello Guys, kindly check out my new book on Amazon. Title: "Living Your Reality: A Spiritual Voyage to Credibility." Subtitle: "Embrace the Path of Self-Revelation, Spiritual Development, and Motivate Others."

Photos from Faith-based publishing's post 02/10/2023

: "Change Your Propensities, Change Your Life." Subtle: "An Excursion of Deep-rooted Self-improvement"

Photos from Faith-based publishing's post 02/10/2023

"Murmurs of the heart" subtle: A Romantic Tale of Perseverance and Genuineness.

Photos from Faith-based publishing's post 04/09/2023

"Stressed Relief: A Journey of Healing, Transformation and Uniting Hearts."


"Get rid of racism and religion to liberate yourself from mental enslavement. God's people live out individual faith in Christ through acts of shared love on earth".


Their purpose is to prove that your faith is genuine. Even gold, which can be destroyed, is tested by fire; and so your faith, which is much more precious than gold, must also be tested, so that it may endure. Then you will receive praise and glory and honor on the Day when Jesus Christ is revealed. - 1 Peter 1:7


"It's interesting living adventure to keep loving better with the lessons learned from pain to let go of bitterness within self & maintain loving knowledgeably like someone who hasn't been hurt before for loving is more imperative & disciplined with lessons learned from pain through living by faith".


"Seek knowledge of truth to live by personal faith without religion & racism to please God, not anyone, for religion & racism are veils used by the wicked to cover witchcraft manipulation within humanity".


"The earth is where the knowledgeable exercise individual faith (confidence) without religion & racism to please God, not anyone, for the world and all that's on earth belong to the Lord by faith without religion & racism".


"Forget not, because we hate to be enslaved as ignorant that are always slave to darkness, we simply created our way out by seeking knowledge of our choice to sail as light on all waters through individual confidence as knowledgeable sailor that doesn't need update from darkness to sail with a compass in God's love. It's buccaneering, it's individualism, it's voyage of faith".


"Forget not, because it's individual life to live through personal faith not ours, always watch out for decadent in angel clothing personalities that are manipulating others into living in darkness, if they are here, they are everywhere on earth".


"Forget not, It's good life because you are living now because you can forgive yourself by accepting all wrong doing & mistake as an opportunity to seek the right knowledge to right thy wrong and live better as life goes on".


"Keep living by individual faith in peace ✌️ & protect the peace you possessed within yourself by staying away from those without peace within themselves. Energy doesn't lie, know them by energy not words for there is no true peace in negative vibration".


"No matter the noise makers around you, the confidence that enable you to stand out and maintain living your understanding & perspective is thy faith as a knowledgeable person, never give up on that".


Work out potential is knowledgeable permanent work


"The reason depression & untimely death visit most people it's because they gave up their permanent work (potential) for temporary job (worshipping money & people pleasing) without the awareness that it's witchcraft manipulation".


⦁ Hebrews 9:28 In the same manner Christ also was offered in sacrifice once to take away the sins of many. He will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who are waiting for him.
⦁ God's love
⦁ Because you first loved us, Lord, the way we love you delights us.
⦁ However, because thy perfect love cast away all fears, there is no fear in thy love within us.
⦁ We will be eternally grateful for the confidence we have developed in your love' because to love is to continue living knowledgeably via individual belief since there is no end to seeking knowledge as progress progresses through faith without religion or prejudice.


• 2 Peter 3:16He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. Isaiah 44:9 All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind; they are ignorant, to their own shame. Isaiah 45:20“Gather together and come; assemble, you fugitives from the nations. Ignorant are those who carry about idols of wood, who pray to gods that cannot save.

• Self-love
• Ebitimi David Igbiki
• Because we have self-love, the thought of seeing U's keeps us happy, giving thanks to the Lord for each individual voyage of faith, free of religion and racism, because it is living knowledgeably by confidence, keeping living good with individual belief, it is good life, righteous peace, joy in thy holy Ghost is our Kingdom of God through believer.


• Knowledgeable Energy!
• Ebitimi David Igbiki

• 1 Peter 2:15 For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.

• The entrance is always open for people to come in and out of the lives of knowledgeable individuals because well-informed energy benefits both the ignorant and the educated without seeking compensation from individuals but rather observing and knowing them as they live obliviously or learnedly because the ill-informed public is more common on earth than informed persons, and the conversant has no time-wasting to make anyone understand them because anyone who is not well-informed is not knowledgeable. However, knowledge and ignorance are sought based on individual choice.

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Set out on a ground-breaking excursion towards a more extravagant retirement with "Resign Rich, Live More Expensive." Th...
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"Endless Ethos: Exploring Humankind through the Moral Ages" is an enlightening compilation exemplifying the extraordinar...
Set out on an excursion that rises above boundaries and embraces the force of aggregate Purpose in "Worldwide Purpose: J...
"Plunge into ' Flighty Elation,' a contemporary self-improvement romance story weaved with the attractive charm of a Hyp...
Set out on a supernatural odyssey with Nathan, a soul looking for reason, exploring the unknown domains of adoration and...
Set out on a phenomenal excursion through the dazzling story of "Whispers of Recovery: A Love Orchestra." Join Jake and ...
"Forget not, the earth is of the Lord to explore individual faith in God's love to love one another sans organised relig...
"Forget not, the earth is of the Lord to explore individual faith in God's love to love one another sans organised relig...
"Forget not, the earth is of the Lord to explore individual faith in God's love to love one another sans organised relig...




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