
A New Era At Rightwiz, we have the expertise to bring the best out of your business by putting together contents that communicate your message effectively.

Our experience includes crafting professional contents such as books and corporate profiles to frequently produced publications for both on-screen and on print. Grateful for our breadth of experience, we are confident about the contents we produce. Effectively, our contents have been created for branding, communication, marketing, sales, events, charity as well as corporate.

Free Shipping From Amazon.SG to Malaysia 01/09/2022

Dear friends in Malaysia and also in Singapore, if you haven't yet bought our book, now is the time.

Amazon.SG is offering FREE Shipping to Malaysia for a limited time if your order is more than S$40. This is total value of your order, so you can combine with other Eligible Products to qualify for FREE Shipping.

What is Eligible Products?

Well, Amazon has qualified certain products to be eligible for this offer and my book "What If You Could Complete Jeremiah in 8 Weeks?" is one of them. Yay!!

Wait no more, grab your paperback version now!!

Free Shipping From Amazon.SG to Malaysia International Free Delivery is available on eligible products shipped to Malaysia where orders have an aggregate value of S$40 or more.

How Are You Doing on Social Media? 02/06/2022

Remember we made a series of postings using the "hazard" frames? Well, there were 24 postings in all and we learnt something from there.

Some of the highlights are:

>> It's ok to share a good post from someone else on LinkedIn to give you better exposure.
>> Overcome the blind spot syndrome by not posting too frequently.
>> Usage breeds familiarity and that's how Ivan Tan grew his twitter following by about 10x!

More insights in the article! https://bit.ly/3x2EZKv

p/s: shameless for new connections, appreciate every Follow and Connect!

How Are You Doing on Social Media? Mine is having a blast…and that’s probably the order of things to come from now on.


*** Well, if it ain't broken, why fix it? ***

Recently we had our company website at https://rightwiz.com/ updated. The aim was to make it a little more exciting and to capture the attention of the users because conventionally, a publishing company would have lots to say since we are a content driven company...and seriously, we've been told "who has the time to read these days??"

But it didn't go down well with a friend - and he's one of those that really mattered by the way.

He genuinely has an interest to see us do well and didn't hesitate to schedule a call from Singapore to chat for an hour about why we should go back to the more professional looking site we had before.

To him, the new site looked more like a high school project but the old, had a sense of professionalism to it and embodied what we do.

Taking this opportunity to say a big thanks to Dave Newman for redirecting our adrenaline to be more exciting in the right direction. We have restored the site!

It's up up and away now!!


Wishing all our Muslim friends and families, a very warm and joyful Raya Aidilfitri.


This is Season Finale.

We just would like to take this opportunity to thank all our friends and followers who have taken the time to read, engage, comment and share our posts. 

We can't stress enough that despite the very busy social media platforms we're on these days, you still took the time to read, reflect, tap, click, comment and share. This is immense in a world valued more by quantity than quality. 

Thank You 1,000x!!! 

We hope you like what you've seen and that it'll inspire you. 

Feel free to also kick up a fuss if you feel otherwise about our posts. We're all ears and ready to listen.

If you feel somehow we must connect to explore on possible opportunities, please do not hesitate to give us a shout. We're more than happy to get on the line with you.

Finally, may you go on to receive a bountiful harvest this year now that we're already in the month of May 2022!!


It's perfectly alright when they lay it down on you but when you do the same in return, all hell breaks loose.

If you know one in your midst, don't you ever feel like giving them a taste of their own medicine? 

But sometimes, what rings true to is also the saying about the vessels and the noise. We just can't help but to infer the same about them.

Do you know an empty vessel among you? Does he/she shoot faster than they think? Have you ever shot back? If not, maybe it's time.


Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the angriest of them all?

But seriously, what can anger contribute? What does the angry one aim to accomplish?

Speaking from personal experience, I have had better and more rewarding results from a calm state of mind and a harmonious environment than when things were at boiling point.

It's like asking what you'll get from mixing the furnace and the volcano; nothing but overbearing heat and melting temperatures.

Are you an angry one? Do you interact angrily frequently? 


"It takes a village to raise a child," says the popular proverb.

But if the villagers do not share a common goal, it is likely that the pursuit to raise the child may crumble. Put another way, if the village is made up of iffy characters among her inhabitants, that aspiration to nurture the child well will also dissipate.

It is not uncommon for people to be at loggerheads for differing viewpoints and life principles. But should we always be at conflicting terms? It can get pretty stressful when we do, especially if we're living and breathing in the same village.


Could instant noodles and microwave ovens be the culprits?

drive faster - cook faster - drive thru - 2-in-1 - 3-in-1 - bullets, laser - cinemas, then streaming - steam train, now autonomous - pay phone to smartphone...

While I look forward to "Beam me up Scotty!", it is by no means a serious issue when 30 seconds of lull equates to boredom. 

Imagine we had to sit through the 3 hours drive to visit a relative with no one in our generation to talk to. Framed in today's context, we're superheroes with respectable superpowers.


>> Zipper busted in the public? Hollywood coined it Wardrobe Malfunction.
>> Gravy splashed onto your white top? Most people have survived such catastrophe.
>> Screamed at in front of 765 people? Companies pay top dollar to go viral but imagine you don't have to.
>> Super late to the wedding? Spotlight's on the bride and groom, not you.
>> Overdressed for the occasion? At least you're IG-ready.

It's tough being an adult because of the unprecedented amount of unexpected "missteps" we may face.

From the juggling of risks (eg. physical, finances, health) to managing distasteful relationships (eg. course mates, colleagues, neighbours), we have them all decked out in our adult life.

The million dollar question is this - how do you attain equilibrium and embarrassment-free? If we got it, is it then possible to hold it at (ceteris paribus x infinity)?

Fat chance!!!

Every adult worth his/her salt has lived through "harrowing" experiences like those above but when we reflect on them again in the future, we would often end up laughing about it.

Like most things in life, a little crack in our life seriously wouldn't hurt because it's really not the end of the world. All we need to do is tweak our mindset to overcome the momentary setback, and yes it can be done.


As the saying goes, still water runs deep, we can never really assume there's nothing wrong when our surroundings seem peaceful and serene.

In the Malaysian context specifically, the lockdown that extended well into 3Q 2021 has unnecessarily affected the economic survival of some of her citizens. Barring those that have experienced astronomical profits, there are still those who are reeling from the slowdown caused by the extended "imprisonment."

If the just concluded Good Friday, Easter Sunday and the soon to come Eid Mubarak, or Hari Raya Aidilfitri as it is more popularly known in Malaysia, are anything to go by, then the seeking of forgiveness and the willingness to forgive may just be the right thing to do. A touch of empathy, compassion, mercy and grace might help too.


Keep Calm and Carry On...

Don't Panic...

Stay Focus...


Don't Beat Yourself Over It...

Take It Easy...


One Step At A time

It'll All Work Out...
..just some of the ways to calm our nerves and keep our composure.

Wishing you a good week ahead!


In spirit, truth
for love, despair
a knife into man

In light, darkness
memories, moments
Knife remains
distant; away

"For what good is a man" 
in trials, tragedies
Relying on nothing
but blade of knife?

Heavenly Father
forgive our temperaments
pardon our tongues
Rid off the knife, sabre, sickle
into abyss; eternity

sins and all
Bow, fade they shall
in hopes and in sum
Be not the knife
weapon it's not
Celebrate life 
even if enemies

Think. Breathe.


There are and there are friends, period.


But to be bold and honest, some of us will have to stand up and call a spade a spade. that seems to be the right thing to do. But when vociferous intimidation comes from the non-sensical "enemy", you begin to wonder if it's ok to still stand your ground.

Marriage counsellors often say, "don't major in the minor." 

Imagine if you have to kick up a fuss over a few drops of coffee on the floor, forgot altogether to wear a pair of matching socks, bought the wrong brand of ketchup, insulting your brother-in-law in a humorous brotherly way, are these really worth the wrestlemania?

For Christ's sake, grow up!


The only positive insanity that comes to mind is Linsanity, named after the meteoric rise of NBA star Jeremy Lin who turned the New York Knicks around in 2012. Other than that, insanity doesn't have that much of a good reputation, much less a good connotation when used in any sentence except in the same vein as "wicked" to mean cool, great, awesome, along those lines.

Insecurity however is different, it can have profound damage on someone if not dealt with properly. For example, insecurity...

>> prevents one from launching out
>> suppresses one to be inferior
>> limits ambition
>> prohibits one from even dreaming
>> diminishes opportunities, present as well as future
>> keeps you at bay most if not all of the time
>> tires everyone out eventually
>> even inhibits a family from growing, in all sense of the word
>> is as good as a killer of passion, determination and diligence
>> is a battle lost before it began
>> resides in perfectionists masked by the dreadful pride
>> fakes and feigns
>> defies logic the wrong way
>> plagues like a disease, paralysing the mind and imprisons one's life

Got something to add? Go ahead and list it in the comments.

Beat the defeatist mindset, beat insecurity NOW!


Can you confidently summarise your life now? Is there anyone who can fairly describe how you are and what you represent? Are you still a work-in-progress with the best still yet to come? Are these just preliminary questions to get you to the personal branding exercise?

I reckon we often paint the wrong picture about someone by just looking at their appearance, their CVs, their reputation from their "enemies" and so on. But without inspecting the rest of the characteristics, values, principles, behaviours and beliefs, it would be terribly unjust to just call someone black, grey or pink.

Life indeed has many twists and turns and through it, we'll traverse the ups and downs in the different seasons of our lives. Whether alone or with someone, I believe there is divine power that encapsulates every of our move but the big question remains - to whom do we ascribed such divine power to?

In this auspicious day of the Easter Sunday, where believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is in a way a new beginning but as all beginnings are, it also marks the end of a previous chapter. It was only through His death on the cross on Good Friday were we able to see then what it meant all along. 

Not every book has a good ending but you'll never know how it concludes if you stopped half way...like if we just stopped at Good Friday, or maybe at the word sin, forgiveness or Jesus Christ. To some, this could be a story worth uncovering to the end.

Blessed Easter!


"Controversy", "outcry of injustice", "appalling court ruling" among others have filled the cyberspace in Malaysia in the last 24 hours. Case in point, a car driver who crashed into and killed 8 teenagers cycling on illegally modified bicycles at 3am with poor lighting on a certain stretch of the road back in 2017 was sentenced to 6 years in prison after being acquitted of the charges just last year.

Who was at fault? Who should really be guilty? Why were the teenagers on the road in the wee hours? Where were their parents? Did they even know of the children's whereabouts? Why was the verdict overturned? Are there invisible hands pressuring the system?

There are times we fight for what's right but there are times, we just have to get our minds in good shape before we can even stand straight when measured against the facts and the law.

Put it another way, if one cannot deduce the case based on merit, then it distorts and in fact insults justice. If this is permitted to go as far as bending it to fit cultural norms and expectations, then the legal framework is as good as null and void. In its place should be folklore practices, fairy tale-led happy endings and cultural beliefs to suit the time and season.

May God help Malaysia, for she is declining rapidly every second of the day!

p/s: This is also a time for the real leaders to stand up and speak up.


With celebrity preachers dropping one after another like fallen angels, it's hard to separate sometimes the good from evil and the right from wrong.

We live quite possibly in the most dangerous times with technology capable of changing identities and matching them with the wrong persons. "The sky's the limit" some say but the consequences can be futile if not directed properly.

In the same way, when "preachers" are held in the highest esteem, we too may fall into the wrong hands, following instead what men intend to inculcate rather than the actual intent of our Maker Himself.

The fine line between truths and total lies is separated only by a thin veil - the veil of dramatic smokescreen to convince, so one will toe the line like an obedient soldier. But when God chose David, it was not because he already looked like a warrior and a king. As such, it wouldn't be wrong for us to also wade through the smoke and lights and go straight for the core thing at work.

When we're there, we should find that it inspires us for God, not command us to bow down to just that one man who holds the mic.

Beware of false leaders, they can ruin your life, as much as they have ruined theirs.

Like, Share, Follow.


Ultimately, when we die and leave this place, and if at all we are going to continue to be on people's minds, it will be what we have done in our lifetime and whether we have attended to someone's needs.

Matthew 6:19-20 compels us to store up treasures in heaven that will never be destroyed by moths, rust or thieves.

Ironically though, we sometimes spend our waking moments pursuing the very things that are susceptible by the same forces.

I believe having a heart bigger than your pride and ego will be a good start to fulfilling that call, what more when Covid-19 has come like a thief at night, unannounced and uninvited to steal what we've built up over the years with just a snap of the finger. The damage it caused has left many at the brink of su***de and at the crossroads of survival.

Have a heart, be sensitive, be sensible and bridge that gap. Trust me, it will go a long way.

Share if you like.


According to James 1:5, it says we can ask God to give us wisdom if we're short of it. He will surely give it to us generously.

But do you know, wolves dressed in sheep skin, jackets and pinstripe suits will also share their "wisdom" with the world as if it is bible truth?

It pays to be watchful and mindful of who we seek advice from. Beyond insightful concepts and words of encouragement, we need them to be practical and effective, and better if the advisor has some spiritual grounding. This way, his/her advice will anchor our steps and not let us get carried away too far mistaking fluff for the real stuff.


There's politics everywhere - It's in the office, it's in the government, it's in the schools, it's in the house of worship, it's in the village, it's in the charitable organisations, it's at home, it's among relatives, it's between countries, it's over zoom, WhatsApp and there's Camp A, Camp B, the Right Camp, the Wrong Camp, the good guys, the bad guys and what have you.

Politics is just about everywhere. So long as human beings can congregate, it is quite inevitable to see the establishment of hierarchies in the territory. But it's as counterproductive as it is toxic but unfortunately it is just difficult to get rid of unless you stem it right from the beginning.

Manoeuvring and navigating out of it may still be a priority to survive in any work environment but let's remember that productivity in the end is the primary objective, and human relationships shouldn't really be trampled on at any expense. And when politics does rear its ugly head, we'll just have to deal with it no matter how toxic it is, not just scoot off standing on the fence or worse, swayed because of the deal sweeteners Camp C throws at you.

May the force be with you!


Time and tide wait for no man, says the famous proverb and it certainly rings true.

The pandemic days of Covid-19 that seems to be coming to an end has displaced many from their normal repertoire. Although socialverse has been filled with imagery of joy, laughter and excitement, the new world we live in today has made it equally tricky for some to survive.

This quote is perhaps better suited for those yearning for a new season after the lengthy periods of instability and uncertainty.

If this is applicable to you, it is my sincere wish that you will find the wisdom and opportunity to strike that balance in your life and may you also find the vigour and strength to step up and move on quickly when the time comes to do so. This shall help to upload all the unnecessary baggage from your shoulders and pave the way for a blistering pace in the new season!

Move on and move on quickly my friends!

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