Penang Straits and Oriental Museum, George Town Videos

Videos by Penang Straits and Oriental Museum in George Town. Penang's first museum to showcase Chinese artefacts and those recovered from shipwrecks

Celebrating History & Art

We are delighted to share with you the news of our upcoming relocation to a prestigious new address nestled in the heart of Georgetown: 20 Stewart Lane. This splendid location is discreetly tucked behind the illustrious Goddess of Mercy temple on Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling / Pitt Street.

We are eagerly awaiting the moment when we can welcome you through our new doors. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting journey. In the meantime, allow us to share our endeavours from the past year.

#MuseumWonders #ChineseOpera #penang好去处 #ImmersiveExperiences #CulturalHeritage #penang好去处 #MuseumExperiences #ArtAndCulture #DiscoverPenang #penang一日游 #penang手 #PenangTourism #ChineseOpera #ArtisticExpressions #ImmersiveExperiences #槟城必去景点 #PenangTourism

Other Penang Straits and Oriental Museum videos

Celebrating History & Art
We are delighted to share with you the news of our upcoming relocation to a prestigious new address nestled in the heart of Georgetown: 20 Stewart Lane. This splendid location is discreetly tucked behind the illustrious Goddess of Mercy temple on Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling / Pitt Street. We are eagerly awaiting the moment when we can welcome you through our new doors. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting journey. In the meantime, allow us to share our endeavours from the past year. #MuseumWonders #ChineseOpera #penang好去处 #ImmersiveExperiences #CulturalHeritage #penang好去处 #MuseumExperiences #ArtAndCulture #DiscoverPenang #penang一日游 #penang手 #PenangTourism #ChineseOpera #ArtisticExpressions #ImmersiveExperiences #槟城必去景点 #PenangTourism

We are delighted to share with you the news of our upcoming relocation to a prestigious new address nestled in the heart of Georgetown: 20 Stewart Lane. This splendid location is discreetly tucked behind the illustrious Goddess of Mercy temple on Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling / Pitt Street. We are eagerly awaiting the moment when we can welcome you through our new doors. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting journey. In the meantime, allow us to share our endeavours from the past year. #MuseumWonders #ChineseOpera #penang好去处 #ImmersiveExperiences #CulturalHeritage #penang好去处 #MuseumExperiences #ArtAndCulture #DiscoverPenang #penang一日游 #penang手 #PenangTourism #ChineseOpera #ArtisticExpressions #ImmersiveExperiences #槟城必去景点 #PenangTourism

Celebrating History and Art 2022-23
We are delighted to share with you the news of our upcoming relocation to a prestigious new address nestled in the heart of Georgetown: 20 Stewart Lane. This splendid location is discreetly tucked behind the illustrious Goddess of Mercy temple on Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling / Pitt Street. We are eagerly awaiting the moment when we can welcome you through our new doors. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting journey. In the meantime, allow us to share our endeavours from the past year. #MuseumWonders #ChineseOpera #penang好去处 #ImmersiveExperiences #CulturalHeritage #penang好去处 #MuseumExperiences #ArtAndCulture #DiscoverPenang #penang一日游 #penang手 #PenangTourism #ChineseOpera #ArtisticExpressions #ImmersiveExperiences #槟城必去景点 #PenangTourism