Yukimoto Penang

We would love to inspire people to live better in confidence and prosper through the healing properties of natural stones Every story has a beginning.

Yukimoto’s journey began with a cold lunchbox brought home from the theatre. Alone in the urban capital, the only thing that brought light to the tired soul was the clear crystal bracelet on the wrist, Super 7, an heirloom passed down from mother. Our founder, paved the way of Yukimoto when she first caught rays of light, like rainbow, reflected off her bracelet as she looked into her fogged bathr


Dear Valued Patrons,

Starting from Saturday, July 1st, our Bangkok Lane store will temporarily close its doors for renovation until further notice. We appreciate your understanding and unwavering support as we embark on this radiant renovation journey.

In the meantime, you can still find updates about our products on Instagram: Yukimoto_official, Facebook or contact us via WhatsApp at 012-5528727 for more information.
Thank you for your continued patronage.

自2023年7月1日(星期六)起,YUKIMOTO Bangkok Lane 店面将暂时关闭进行装修翻新,具体开放日期将另行通知。您可以通过Instagram (yukimoto_official) 或whatsapp (012-5528727) 与我们保持联系,获得宝石的最新资讯。感谢您对YUKIMOTO的信赖与支持,让我们一同期待暂别以后的重逢。

Classically Yours,
Team Yukimoto


Dear valued customers, please be informed that our Bangkok Lane hub will be closed from the 4th (Sat) to the 5th (Sun) of February for pest control management.

We apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused. Thank you for your patience🙏

致尊敬的客户,YUKIMOTO Bangkok Lane店面将于2月4日(星期六)至 5 日(星期日)暂停营业两天,以进行害虫防治管理。

Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 05/09/2022

This sun-kissed Citrine collection is best for an easy, outgoing look. Featuring a handmade tour de force chain pendants, bubble pendants, and ear studs, Citrine is set in 9k white gold and 18k gold. The clarity and radiance from lively Citrine shine through in each piece. Brighten your looks with a tinge of orangy Citrine from our versatile Citrine Golden Run collection any way you like. It is time to join in the Golden Run with the Merchant’s Stone.

如同被阳光轻吻的黄色石英系列适合简约、外向的穿搭造型。永恒魅力,Golden Run 系列将黄色石英镶嵌于手工制9K白金及18K黄金外框,诞生出精湛的手工链式吊坠、泡泡吊坠及耳坠。集聚清澈及光芒,活泼瞩目的黄色石英著作熠熠生辉。即刻以Golden Run 系列的橘黄色石英点缀您的率性风格,与商人之石携手驰骋黄金跑道。


Astronauts hear the clanking of metal... of horseshoes… of armor. In the depths of space, they see something dark skirt past. Atop a dark horse sits its master - the Space Black Knight. In Space Black Knight, Red Rutile Quartz symbolizes the sharp eye of the black knight while a ringlet of Hematite symbolizes the knight’s trusty sidekick. Black Rutile Quartz, like the foreboding black knight, has more than meets the eye. Unlike its perception, Black Rutile Quartz which is connected to the Root Chakra absorbs and purifies bad energies, and amplifies good energies. Don the Space Black Knight - celebrate the legend and allow him to do your bidding.

铁蹄铮铮作响,盔甲的叮当碰撞声在一片漆黑中蔓延。在宇宙的深处,宇航员确切地听见,且瞥见一掠而过的黑影。那是一匹黑马,黑马之上是它的主人——太空黑骑士。Space Black Knight手串采用浑圆高贵的红发晶,象征黑骑士锐利的双眼;适中的赤铁矿小环则象征围绕一圈的真挚伙伴。强大的黑发晶如同黑骑士,风尘扑扑地预言着即将发生的未来。与海底轮相对应,黑发晶能够吸收及净化负能量,并放大具积极性的正面能量。佩戴Space Black Knight手串,与黑骑士并肩而行。

Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 25/08/2022

With the final traces of snow melting away under the sunlight, the Tree of Life awakens and each budding leaf beckons the arrival of Spring. The Tree of Life Aventurine Pendant features Aventurine encased in gold vermeil. In this design, gold vermeil was intricately carved and molded by hand to represent the Tree of Life which sits atop the faceted floating island of Aventurine. Aventurine is derived from the word “Aventura” which means “fortune” or “by chance”. Connected to the Heart Chakra, Aventurine symbolizes luck and prosperity. It is also believed to aid in heart healing by soothing its wearers, aiding them in moving on, and bringing optimism into their lives.

暖阳抹走最后一丝冬雪,生命之树逐渐伸展复苏,稚嫩的叶片在萌芽中迎接春天的到来。The Tree of Life Aventurine吊坠的外框采用纯银镀金——以复杂、精致的手工雕刻及塑型,绘制出生命之树伫立于东陵浮岛上的象写意图腾。Aventurine 源自“Aventura”一词,意指“幸运”或“偶然”,中译为东陵玉。东陵玉对应七轮学说中的心轮,象征运气及财富。据悉,东陵玉具有抚慰心灵、赋予佩戴者乐观心态的疗愈特质。


Reopening With a Celebration🥳🎉
After several months of renovations, YUKIMOTO Gurney will be reopening on the 25th of August. Our new business hours will be from 11:00 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily except Wednesdays and Thursdays. As thanks to your love and support, YUKIMOTO hereby launches a reopening event to celebrate by offering you:

1️⃣ A free one-month restring service for non-YUKIMOTO products.
2️⃣ A 5% discount on our gem quality jewelry within 4 days of reopening until the 28th of August.
3️⃣ A collectible Clear Quartz bracelet on a first-come, first-served basis while stocks last, when you spend over RM500 in a single receipt with us until the 8th of September.
*Subject to terms and conditions

With this, we welcome you to behold our transformation together✨

经数月整修,YUKIMOTO Gurney将于八月25日重装开业,往后营业时间为早上11时至晚上8时,每周三及周四双休。承蒙厚爱,YUKIMOTO特此推出开业酬宾活动:

1️⃣ 免费提供为期一个月的换线服务予非YUKIMOTO产品。
2️⃣ 开业四天内在本店购买宝石级产品即可享有5% 折扣,优惠期至8月28日。
3️⃣ 凡单张收据消费满RM500,即可获赠收藏级透明石英手串。活动期至9月8日,先到先得,送完为止。


Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 19/08/2022

Refined white sugar piles into a cone - a sugarloaf. Expert hands place the sugarloaf atop a cake, drizzle rose extract, and caramelize what becomes the most delicious garnish. As the birthstone of January, Rhodolite means inspiration, love, and hope. With a hardness of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, only Rhodolite gemstones of astounding quality and clarity, and deep hypnotizing color are selected. The Rhodolite Sugarloaf 18K Ear Studs feature sugarloaf cut Rhodolite gemstones which sit atop an 18K gold frame reminiscent of a golden cake. Embrace love in yourself and others with the versatile Rhodolite Sugarloaf 18K Ear Studs.

精制白糖点滴堆积成锥形——一座糖面包山倏然展现在眼前。烘焙师将甜面包轻放在蛋糕的尖顶,淋上玫瑰奶油精华,再把美味的摆饰焦糖化。作为一月的诞生石,玫瑰榴石意味着启发、爱与希望。莫氏硬度为7至7.5,YUKIMOTO仅采用优质、高净度及令人惊艳的深色玫瑰榴石。Rhodolite Sugarloaf 18K金耳钉使用糖塔切割,饱满的石榴石镶嵌在 18K 金框中,犹如一块金色的蛋糕。将百搭的Rhodolite Sugarloaf 18K耳钉融入您的日常穿搭,把自己与世界拥入怀中。


Icy glaciers are covered with a crystal clear exterior and thousands of layers of white snow pile atop Mount Everest. Rhodochrosite x Nephrite Jade bracelets constitute Rhodochrosite, White Nephrite Jade, and Clear Quartz to enhance the blend of red and white. The national stone of Argentina and a symbol of romantic love, Rhodochrosite, intertwines with one of the four most famous Jades in China - White Nephrite Jade which holds the meaning of longevity and health. Since ancient times, Orientals have harbored a special place for Jade in their hearts. According to traditional Chinese medicinal theory, Nephrite Jade “nourishes the five internal organs, soothes blood vessels and sharpens the eyes and ears” and its trace elements were believed to be able to enter the human body through friction against the skin when worn to supplement any insufficiencies the wearer may have.

澄澈晶莹的冰川被有着玻璃质感的表层所覆盖,千层的皑皑白雪堆积在连绵的珠穆朗玛峰之上。Rhodochrosite x Nephrite Jade 手串的取材采用红纹石,白色和田玉及透明石英,红白交错相得益彰。红纹石是阿根廷的国石,同时也是浪漫恋情的象征;作为中国四大名玉之一的白色和田玉则有着长寿、健康的寓意。自古以来,东方人对玉情有独钟——据悉,和田玉具有“滋养五脏、疏通血脉”的疗愈特性,其所蕴含的微量元素也可通过佩戴时与肌肤产生的摩擦进入人体体内,补充日常饮食营养摄取的不足。

Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 10/08/2022

With unique patterns like the ocean’s dappling waves, the rare Larimar only originates from one source— the Dominican Republic. With wet colours of the ocean, Larimar is bursting with baths of life as refreshing as Summer. YUKIMOTO X LARIMAR is encompassed with 18k gold of pure craftsmanship, with diamond as a finishing touch; classic and timeless. With the generous and elegant, peaceful and serene Larimar, join Yukimoto for a holiday by the ocean.

纹路别致如斑驳的海面,珍稀的海纹石仅有一个产地——多米尼加共和国。个体饱满,色泽水润,尽显夏日趣味。YUKIMOTO X LARIMAR 由纯工匠手艺18K金打造而成,钻石作为点睛之笔,经典永不退时。大方优雅,悠闲宁静,YUKIMOTO诚邀您一起共度海上假日。


The Earth begins to tremble and something underground begins to rumble before a deafening silence ensues. Suddenly, gases, ash, and lava erupt from the volcano. Flowing down onto and into the land, lava turns into magma ranging from 600°C to 1200°C, morphing together with Clear Quartz to form Phantom Quartz. Phantom Quartz Half Bodies embody metals, minerals, and ores that derive from Earth’s core - each gemstone is pricelessly individual. Paired with a handmade Sterling Silver planet to symbolize Earth’s eternal beauty and power, the Earth Phantom bracelet enhances beautiful Phantom Quartz Half Bodies. Embrace Earth and experience Phantom Quartz’s healing abilities, learn to let go, move on and grow.

地壳忽而开始振动,底下不知名的声响震耳欲聋,随之而来的是针落有声的寂静。刹那间,大量气体、灰烬和岩浆从火山口一涌而出。岩浆瞬间流入陆地,形成约600°C 至 1200°C的高温熔岩,再经透明石英包裹形成幽灵石英。半盆式的幽灵石英呈现了源自地球核心、形式各异的金属,矿物质及矿石——正如每颗宝石都是天然形成且无价的存在。Earth Phantom手串结合手工制作的纯银行星造型装饰,象征地球永恒的美丽及能量,更凸显半盆幽灵石英的特色。即日起,佩戴Earth Phantom手串:拥抱及感受、学习与疗愈、前进和成长。

Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 05/08/2022

On the moon, a snow-white rabbit stands on its hind legs. With keen red eyes, it holds a pestle and a mortar, pounding away to create the elixir of immortality. Red Rabbit Rutile Quartz, also known as Red Angel Hair Rutile Quartz, is a half-body gemstone of exceptional grade. Half with the best clarity and the other half with the most tantalizing red, Red Rabbit Rutile Quartz is a powerful gemstone that symbolizes luck, prosperity, and vitality. As a rare Quartz, these gemstones emit a high frequency yet are known to have a calming effect. Unlike most high-frequency Rutile Quartz gemstones which are unsuitable for those who have anxiety and depression, Red Rabbit Rutile Quartz is an exception and the only one which can alleviate such symptoms. Go over the moon with the healing and protecting Red Rabbit Rutile Quartz.

月球上,双眼敏锐、一身雪白的兔子用后腿站立,手掌拿着杵臼,在敲敲打打下炼出长生不老的灵药。因其内部的发丝极为纤细,红兔毛石英又称维纳斯石英,此款尤为半盆式的收藏级能量石。完美净度与诱人红色参半,红兔毛石英象征幸运、繁荣及活力。作为发晶家族里的稀有品种,高频率的红兔毛石英也具有镇静作用。有别于其他高频的发晶,红兔毛石英是众多发晶中唯一能够缓解焦虑及抑郁的能量石。佩戴Red Rabbit Rutile Quartz手串,一同翻越月球,漫游星际。


Peer closely enough into the darkness and you will find that a rainbow hides. Rays of light shine through crystals and under the subtle inky shroud, distinct colors peek through. Unlike brightly-colored Tourmaline, the rarity and unique quality of Classic Old Mine Tourmaline’s dark tone last forevermore. Originating from Brazil, high iron content is what morphs it into dark nobility among crystals. As a variety of Tourmaline, Classic Old Mine Tourmaline also releases far-infrared rays and negative ions which are conductive to metabolism and blood circulation. It especially aids in detoxification, eliminating edemas, and improving the endocrine system.




Lapis Lazuli is known as a historical rock aggregated of Lazurite, gold Pyrite, and Calcite. It ranges from deep blue to royal blue. The name Lapis in Latin is referred to as a ‘stone’ while Lazuli comes from a Persian word ‘Lazhuward’ that brings the meaning of ‘blue’. The history of lapis lazuli can be traced back to the ancient civilization more than 7000 years ago.

As a kind of gem and pigment, lapis lazuli was a precious gift commonly used in ancient Babylon and Egypt. It was usually presented to the King and the Royal family. A large number of lapis lazuli ornaments were also unearthed from the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, including the famous golden mask made of lapis lazuli and various gems, which weigh 11 kilograms.

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of friendship that would last forever. Besides, Lapis Lazuli corresponds to the Third-eye chakra and Throat Chakra. During meditation, Lapis Lazuli can help you to meditate deeply and focus on the process of meditation easily. It is also said to improve your eloquence and communication skills. Lapis lazuli works well with the art of language. It will help you to express your thoughts in the most accurate form. In terms of career, it will boost your communication skills and enhance persuasiveness.

Lapis Lazuli 青金石
互赠青金石象征巩固的友谊,是见证友情的最佳宝石 ,祝愿你和她的友谊细水长流。另外,青金石对应七轮中的眉心轮,在你进行静坐时,青金石可以帮助你进行深层的冥想,更容易进入静思的状态。深蓝色的青金石也能够帮助提升你的口才和沟通能力,她会偕同语言的艺术,在不破坏彼此关系的前提下帮你说出难以启齿的事情。在事业方面,她的协助会让你的说辞更具说服力,能够更好地在人前展现你的能力。


Sapphire is a gemstone associated with royalty. It is believed to attract abundance, blessings, and gifts.


21 - the coming of age, the symbol of maturity, wisdom, and freedom.
Search deep within the sea of your soul and find the locker surrounded by the blinding luster of Baby Pearls. Free yourself of inhibitions, unlock your potential, and explore deeper depths with Locker 21. Yukimoto's Locker 21 is a handmade contemporary piece that is androgynous and minimalistic. Effortlessly matching with daily outfits to elevate them, Locker 21 is a versatile fashion piece to add to your collection.

深入灵魂的汪洋,探寻蕴藏在珍珠光彩底下的挂锁。年末,YUKIMOTO邀您携同Locker 21,挣脱固有束缚,探索未知潜能。Locker 21 为匠心手作现代单品,引领极简风潮,时尚无关性别。简易百搭,即日起将Locker 21 纳入您的收藏。


Currents stir the ocean and with every swish, the seaweed and anemone follow. On a journey scouring for food, the green sea turtle settles down for some fresh seaweed. In the Turtle Rutile Bracelet, golden stoppers resemble the turtle’s golden sun-kissed spots. With Green Rutile Quartz representing seaweed and how the green turtle looks beneath its shell, and Red Rutile Quartz representing the darker and warmer tones on its shell, Turtle Rutile Bracelet is a masterpiece inspired by the beauty of the ocean. Known as the super career stone, Green Rutile Quartz beckons health and wealth while Red Rutile Quartz inspires, amplifies intention, and aids in manifestation. Embrace your true calling with Turtle Rutile Bracelet.

洋流席卷海洋,柔软的海藻和海葵随着每一次的拍打起舞摇摆。在寻找食物的旅途中,绿海龟就此常驻,汲取新鲜的养分。Turtle Rutile手串里饰有的金色圆粒好似海龟身上附有的太阳之吻。此作品以绿发晶石英象征海藻及厚重龟壳之下的绿色海龟;红发晶石英则意味着坚硬外壳上的深色、温暖色调。YUKIMOTO Turtle Rutile手串是启发自美丽汪洋的灵感大作。以事业之石闻名,绿发晶石英唤醒健康与财富;红发晶石英能够激发、增强动力, 力争上游。佩戴Turtle Rutile手串,开启您的人生征途。


Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and be transported into a state of zen. With a distinct scent lasting beyond decades, Red Sandalwood holds a legendary status. Sourced from India, this precious fragrant wood has even become part of the rituals of various religions. Its medicinal properties can be traced back all the way to the late 16th century in the Compendium of Materia Medica where medical scholars recorded that Red Sandalwood aided in blood purification, fluid retention, treating digestive issues, and coughs. Red Sandalwood was also known to help alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia, improve its user’s focus, and is used in cosmetics and supplements. Heal and transcend with Yukimoto’s 100% authentic Red Sandalwood Bracelets.

闭上双眼、深呼吸,以平静的身心进入禅思状态。自成一格的独特香气持续沉淀数十年,成就红檀香木的传奇地位。此源自印度的珍贵香木早已成为多种信仰仪式中的一部分。16 世纪后期,李时珍的《本草纲目》曾记载红檀香木具有净化血液,治疗水潴留及肠胃消化问题和咳嗽的药用特性。据悉,红檀香木也有助于减轻焦虑及抑郁、失眠及增强注意力,多被用于美妆及保健品制作。佩戴纯正优的YUKIMOTO Red Sandalwood 手串:疗愈自我,实现价值。

Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 08/07/2022

Passionate yet pure, red and blue are a matchless duo. Smooth, yet flexible red cylinders draw an interesting contrast against faceted blue spheres. Arranged in an alternating symmetrical fashion, the rarest variety of Spinel, Blue Spinel, is paired with the organic and individual gemstone, the Sardinian Coral to form the exquisite Coral x Blue Spinel collection. Laced together with 14kgf from the USA, beautiful Blue Spinel associated with the throat and third-eye chakras work hand in hand with Sardinian Coral from Italy to provide wearers with peace, protection, and healing. Don our ever-elegant, minimalistic, and versatile Coral x Blue Spinel collection now available in earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.

热情而纯洁,红与蓝魅力重合。光滑、率性的红色圆柱与多面的蓝色球体打造出视觉上的鲜明对比。尖晶石中最稀有的品种——蓝色尖晶石与撒丁红珊瑚以活泼、时尚的对称排序,呈现精致的Coral x Blue Spinel系列。此系列链身以美国14kgf 作为连接,其中对应喉轮与眉心轮的蓝色尖晶石和产自意大利的撒丁红珊瑚结合,散发平静、守护及疗愈的特质。Coral x Blue Spinel系列现含括项链、手链及耳坠。优雅简约,随心出行。

Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 06/07/2022

As if welcoming royalty, red and gold contrast and complement one another. Warm, red, and fiery passion is encapsulated into magnificent Rubies that embody love, power, and nobility. As the birthstone of July, Rubies have been revered and coveted for centuries. Legend has it that a large Ruby was once offered in exchange for a city. As one of the four most precious gemstones, rare Rubies have even been recorded in ancient Sanskrit writings and the Bible. Stimulating the Base Chakra, Rubies empower the wearer with confidence and vitality. With power, prosper with exquisite Rubies by donning Yukimoto’s latest Ruby necklace and Ruby Clover 14kgf pendant.

仿佛正为皇室的莅临作准备,红与金的鲜明对比相互衬托。温暖、鲜红及炽热的热忱被包裹在华丽的红宝石里,体现强而有力的爱、力量和高尚。作为七月的诞生石,红宝石在几个世纪以来都备受人们的追求及推崇——相传价值连城的大颗红宝石曾被用以交换一座城市。四大瑰丽宝石之一,稀有红宝石的身影也曾出现在古代梵文著作及圣经的书面记载里。在古印度的七轮学说中,红宝石对应海底轮,能够给予佩戴者自信及活力。雍容大度,熠熠星影;佩戴YUKIMOTO 崭新的Ruby项链及Ruby Clover 14kgf 吊坠,尽显时尚张力。

Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 01/07/2022

The lavender garden emanates faint wasps of serenity and with the gentle evening breeze, love is in the air. With a deep purple, Amethyst, the birthstone of February symbolizes loyalty, creativity, and spirituality. Akin to rich wine, Amethyst has also been used to embellish Queen Elizabeth of England’s treasure - St. Edward’s crown which has been seen in various ceremonies. With Amethyst as the core, Yukimoto has created compelling designs with Tanzanite and Peridot to complement Amethyst. Chic, fresh, and classy, don Yukimoto’s latest collection and experience romance in the lavender garden.


Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 27/06/2022

Thin ice veils the road, and danger looms. The angular, irregularly-shaped Clear Quartz is exhibited in its most raw, primitive form, emanating wild and immense power. Our esteemed Black Ice collection is handcrafted in Sterling silver with ingenious classic designs of varied textures. Raw and untouched Clear Quartz has the most powerful energy in the universe, threatening to burst forth at the snap of a finger. Lurking near danger that is barely contained, the cold wind bites, and Black Ice waits for its turn.

薄冰覆路,危机四伏。棱角分明的不规则形透明石英以最原始的形态呈现,展露巨大的原石能量。Black Ice 系列以纯银纯手工打造形象各异的经典设计,尽显巧思;未经打磨的透明石英拥有宇宙间最强大的能量,弹指即可迸发向上,危险气息蕴含其下。寒风冷冽,Black Ice 系列静伺悬崖,一触即发。


Made with honey and stardust, the honey star guides travelers to a secret chocolaty treasure. Along the pathway lined with chocolate ball-like rocks, the vanilla moon lights up their way. 100% authentic and handcrafted, our latest piece features seemingly crunchy Sandalwood beads and a golden Fossil Coral star. Within the Sandalwood x Fossil Coral Bead Bracelet, pristine white Mammoth Ivory and Black Copper Rutile draw a polarizing contrast. Symbolizing purity and emanating high-frequency vibrations, Sandalwood x Fossil Coral Bead Bracelet heals and protects. Celebrate nature and change up your style with the organic Sandalwood x Fossil Coral Bead Bracelet.

由蜂蜜和星尘结合而成,旅客们在蜂蜜之星的引领下探索隐蔽的巧克力宝藏地。沿着铺满了巧克力球的石子路前行,香草月亮照亮了这段有趣的旅程。100%认证正品及以手工制作,此作品以外层看似松脆的檀香木珠子为主,及金色的珊瑚化石星星作为点缀。皓白的猛犸象牙与黑铜钛的暗黑赋予作品鲜明的反差感。象征纯洁与高频能量,Sandalwood x Fossil Coral 手串是疗愈及守护的代名词。拥抱自然,让天然的Sandalwood x Fossil Coral 手串偕您玩转百搭造型。

Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 20/06/2022

A classic, timeless gemstone, Super Seven is Yukimoto’s founder, Michele Ong’s, stone of enlightenment. Among thousands of gems, Super Seven is a beloved darling. Sourced from Brazil, Super Seven comprises seven minerals which are Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Rutile, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, and Cacoxenite. Super Seven exudes a very high-vibration frequency which corresponds to all the chakras in the seven-chakra theory and connects its wearers with the vast universe. Most Super Seven gemstones on the market are multi-colored, however, our star product, Purple Rutile Super Seven is a rare variety.

经典晶石,永恒流传。超级七是YUKIMOTO品牌创始人Michele Ong的启蒙之石,同时也是万千宝石中备受钟爱的珠宝宠儿。产自巴西,超级七一名源于它内部的七种矿物质,其中包括紫水晶、茶水晶、白水晶、黃磷铁矿、针铁矿、纤铁矿和金红石。它具有极高的振动频率,可对应七轮学说中的所有轮脉,在冥冥中与宇宙产生连结。市场上的超级七以缤纷多色的形态呈现居多,全紫色超级七是家族内较为罕见的品种。

Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 17/06/2022

With a golden core, precious gemstones are strung together. Perfectly smooth, lustrous, and vitreous gemstones of shades of pearly white to peachy pink unite in harmony. Harboring an elegant and minimalistic approach, gemstones from the land and sea astonish with their beautiful hues.

The lustrous Pearls enhances Momo Coral’s vibrant peach for a beautiful contrast. Adorn our Japanese Momo Coral series fit for royalty to add a splash of warmth to your collection.


珍珠的光泽使Momo Coral的桃色更为显著,展现美丽对比。携YUKIMOTO日本Momo Coral系列,为你的收藏增添贵气与暖意。


Blessed by the earth and the gods, a seed representing life and creation is embellished with beauty lines and spots. Rudraksha, also known as the “Tears of Shiva”, is a powerful gemstone that aligns and activates the entire Chakra column to provide its wearer healing; be it spiritual, physical, or emotional. It improves blood circulation, has anti-aging effects, and exudes positivity. In the Rudraksha Pumpkin bracelet, high-vibration Rudraksha gemstones take the centerstage. Mammoth Ivory which symbolizes purity and pumpkin Aventurine, the stone of opportunity, contrast brilliantly against Rudraksha’s organic earthiness. In life, we go through the rough, and fight against the grain in training to become more than mundane.

深受大地与众神的祝福,细腻的线条完美勾勒出象征生命与造物的种子。金刚菩提子也被称作“湿婆之泪”——一种能够对齐并激活轮脉,给予佩戴者心理、生理及情感疗愈的强大宝石。据说,金刚菩提子也具有增进血液循环、抗老及散发正向能量的作用。Rudraksha Pumpkin手串以高频金刚菩提为视觉中心,环绕以纯洁标识的猛犸象牙及机会之石——东陵玉南瓜雕刻,与菩提子的有机、质朴形成鲜明对比。与YUKIMOTO一同攀越坎坷山丘,蜕变不凡。


Mellifluous voices intermingle in perfect harmony. Throughout the marble hall, their voices reverberate across the pristine white walls and dark brown floors. Against the marble-like Howlite gemstones with individual and unique color variegations, Kopi Agate gemstones to coffee candy, and raw Herkimer Diamonds add symmetrical dimension and contrast. With Kopi Agate as a stabilizer, 100% raw Herkimer Diamonds from the USA channel the universal Life Force and exceptionally amplify energy. Howlite gemstones associated with the Crown Chakra help to provide awareness to its wearer while Agate grounds and balances, and Herkimer Diamonds heal extraordinarily. Don our latest bracelet of harmony and grace and carry yourself to a higher space.



During the Mesoproterozoic Era 1.2 billion years ago, oxygen began to appear in the atmosphere, and the collisions of meteorites fused Amethyst gemstones with rare metals at impact to form the oldest variety of Quartz in history - Auralite 23. To date, this rare, highly prized gemstone has only been found in the depths of the Boreal Forest 800km north of Thunder Bay in Ontario, Canada. Auralite 23’s befitting name derives from its own composition; it consists of up to 23 types of minerals which are Titanite, Cacoxene, Lepidocrocite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Garnet, Epidote, Bornite, and Rutile. Yukimoto’s Auralite 23 bracelets are of premium quality and high clarity, and perfect as collectibles.

12亿年前的中元古代,氧气开始出现在大气层中,紫色石英矿在外来陨石的撞击下与地面的稀有金属交融,形成史上最古老的石英品种——极光23。迄今为止,这种罕见的宝石仅产于加拿大安大略省桑德贝以北 800 公里的北方森林。极光23一名源自其内部特点,即集23种矿物质于一体:榍石、黄磷铁矿、纤铁矿、青銅石、赤铁矿、磁铁矿、黄铁矿、针铁矿、软锰矿、金、银、铂、镍、铜、铁、褐铁矿、闪锌矿、铜蓝、黄铜矿、石榴石、绿帘石、斑铜矿、金红石。YUKIMOTO极光23手串质量优良、晶体透析,适宜作为珍藏用途。

Photos from Yukimoto Penang's post 10/06/2022

Turquoise, the captivating sea-green stone of the ancients, represents wisdom, tranquility, protection, good fortune, and hope.

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Videos (show all)

Reopening With a Celebration🥳🎉After several months of renovations, YUKIMOTO Gurney will be reopening on the 25th of Augu...
In 2018, Michele Ong, the founder of YUKIMOTO, obtained the first power stone in her life—Super Seven and started a jour...
M&M chocolate agate! First batch yet last batch
Whispering into each others' ears, their hearts raced.After a year, Yukimoto's Valentine's Day special You & Me bracelet...
Yukimoto Christmas Holiday 21 Collection
11.11 Your wish come true!!🧞‍♂️Join in Yukimoto's Double 11 campaign from 10/11 to 12/11 to enjoy an 11% discount on sel...
Earn Reward Points with any purchase, and get double the points on your birthday🎉Earn 1 point per RM 1 spent online via ...
Thank you, your transaction is complete. #AkaMelodySuperSeven#Yukimoto
Pearl Collection #Yukimoto #classicallyyours



27, Lorong Bangkok
George Town

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Monday 10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday 10:00 - 19:00

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