Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics

"Angin Berlabuh—Asian Documentary Comics" invites audience to explore the myriad possibilities of comics as documentary.

The show, which runs from May 6 until May 28, is brought together by Ruang Kongsi, Slowork Publishing, the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan, and Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia, while the venue is co-sponsored by Hin Bus Depot and COEX. Admission is free.

「Angin Berlabuh 亞洲紀實漫畫原稿展」,集結了數十幀臺、馬紀實漫畫家的精彩原作,將讓本地觀衆一窺漫畫在記錄領域的各種可能性。

展覽由共思社(Ruang Kongsi)、台灣慢工出版社、台灣文化部及駐馬來西亞臺北經濟文化辦事處聯合呈現,興巴士藝廊和COEX贊助場地,展期至5月28日止,免費開放參觀。

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 01/06/2023

Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics exhibition ended successfully because of your participation! Thanks!


Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 31/05/2023

Last week's events with inspiring workshop and talk!


See you all tomorrow in our last week events!

𝟮𝟳/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟭𝟬𝗮𝗺
🟡【Workshop I 工作坊】The Maximalist City I 不極簡城市
By NOvia Shin 🟡

𝟮𝟳/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟴𝗽𝗺
🔵【Talk I 座談】Graphics as a medium for social engagement and protest I 圖像作為社會介入與抗爭的媒介
By Fahmi Reza🔵

Angin Berlabuh 亞洲紀實漫畫原稿展——用紀實漫畫說出屬於自己的故事,臺馬藝術家檳城共掀新浪潮! - 臺灣漫畫基地 23/05/2023


Angin Berlabuh 亞洲紀實漫畫原稿展——用紀實漫畫說出屬於自己的故事,臺馬藝術家檳城共掀新浪潮! - 臺灣漫畫基地 由臺灣慢工出版《熱帶季風》系列所掀起的紀實漫畫浪潮,作品原稿...

用紀實漫畫說出屬於自己的故事 臺馬藝術家檳城共掀新浪潮 - 奧丁丁新聞 OwlNews 23/05/2023


用紀實漫畫說出屬於自己的故事 臺馬藝術家檳城共掀新浪潮 - 奧丁丁新聞 OwlNews 波新聞─李雲/台北由臺灣慢工出版《熱帶季風》系列所掀起的紀實漫畫浪潮,作品原稿於臺灣及香港展出後,5月6日至28日將在馬來西亞檳城首要文創空間興巴士(HinBusDepot)呈現。由駐馬來西亞代表處文化組與檳城人文團體共...

用紀實漫畫說出屬於自己的故事 臺馬藝術家檳城共掀新浪潮 - 好視新聞網 23/05/2023

【國外 - 媒體報導】感謝好視新聞的報導。

用紀實漫畫說出屬於自己的故事 臺馬藝術家檳城共掀新浪潮 - 好視新聞網 由臺灣慢工出版《熱帶季風》系列所掀起的紀實漫畫浪潮,作品原稿於臺灣及香港展出後,5月6日至28日將在馬來西亞檳 […]

用紀實漫畫說出屬於自己的故事 臺馬藝術家檳城共掀新浪潮 | 中央社訊息平台 22/05/2023


“展題中的馬來文Angin Berlabuh有風徘徊停駐之意,意在凸顯展覽於東北季風轉向西南季風之際抵達馬來西亞,且作品內容罕見定錨於東南亞的特性。”

用紀實漫畫說出屬於自己的故事 臺馬藝術家檳城共掀新浪潮 | 中央社訊息平台 由臺灣慢工出版《熱帶季風》系列所掀起的紀實漫畫浪潮,作品原稿於臺灣及香港展出後,5月6日至28日將在馬來西亞檳城首要文創空間興巴士(Hin Bus Depot)呈現。由駐馬來西亞代表處文化組與檳城人文團體共思社(Ruang Kongsi)....

纪实漫画5月6日展出 地点在槟城兴巴士艺廊 - 地方 - 北马新闻 | 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily Malaysia Latest News and Headlines 22/05/2023

【本地 - 媒體報導】感謝星洲日報的報導。

纪实漫画5月6日展出 地点在槟城兴巴士艺廊 - 地方 - 北马新闻 | 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily Malaysia Latest News and Headlines 在东北季候风转向西南季候风之际的5月,由台湾慢工出版《热带季风》系列所掀起的纪实漫画浪潮,作品原稿于台湾和香港展出后,5月6日将于槟城兴巴士艺廊登场...

Penang exhibition reframes comic book art as a documentary form 22/05/2023

【Media Coverage】Thank you to The Star & Jeremy for covering our exhibition, Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics.

“Documentary comics have caught on in the last few years and we’re seeing more of it now. This shows that comics could be more than just entertainment."

Penang exhibition reframes comic book art as a documentary form Group exhibition in George Town highlights how documentary comics are giving lesser-known stories a voice

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 20/05/2023

Thank you for joining us in the Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics week 3 events! Full of joy with Speaker Aliow and also Lefty!

8 more days for the exhibition!



New Talk in closing week by Fahmi Reza

𝟮𝟳/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟴𝗽𝗺
🔵【Talk I 座談】Graphics as a medium for social engagement and protest

【About Speaker】Fahmi Reza
Hails from Kuala Lumpur, Fahmi Reza is a self-taught political graphic designer and activist. Through his artistic prowess and fearless activism, Fahmi has been an outspoken critic of the Malaysian government for the past 20 years. As a result, he has faced numerous repercussions, including arrests, charges, bans, and even a jail sentence. Driven by his passion for social justice, Fahmi seeks to merge art, activism, and politics. He constantly explores the role of design and art in driving social change. His work serves as a testament to the power of art in igniting political discourse and promoting social change.


Registration link 報名鏈接:


This coming Saturday events, see you all soon!

𝟮𝟬/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟭𝟭𝗮𝗺
🔵【Dialogue】Oh the Good Old Comics Times! 【專題對話】漫畫的美好年代 🔵
by Aliow 阿料 + Lefty Julian 甘承耀
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗
𝟮𝟬/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟮𝗽𝗺
🟡【Workshop】Visualising Your Childhood【工作坊】漫畫童年 🟡by Lefty Julian 甘承耀
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 14/05/2023

Intense but meaningful weekend! 🥰

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 13/05/2023

Thank you for all the participation, more inspiring talks, and workshops to go!

𝟭𝟰/𝟱 (𝗦𝗨𝗡) 𝟭𝟭𝗮𝗺
🟠【Artist Sharing I 藝術家分享】Lefty Julian 甘承耀
🔖Conduct in ENGLISH.
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

𝟭𝟰/𝟱 (𝗦𝗨𝗡) 𝟮𝗽𝗺 *Non-professional skill needed. Bring your stories to share! We welcome senior citizen! 無需繪畫經驗,帶你的故事來與我們分享!我們歡迎銀髮族*
🟡【Workshop】7 x 7 【工作坊】7 x 7 by Adoor Yeh 阿多
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

𝟭𝟰/𝟱 (𝗦𝗨𝗡) 𝟮𝗽𝗺
🟡【2-Day Workshop - PART 2】Whose Story and What? 誰的故事,我們再說一次


For 8pm workshop introduction please access through COEX entrance!

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 13/05/2023

See you all soon, 2pm COEXTangga!
🟠【Artists Sharing】Tseng Yao-Ching + 61Chi I 曾耀慶 + 劉宜其

And don't miss tonight's workshop introduction at 8pm (IS FREE)!
🟡【2-Day Workshop】Whose Story and What? I 誰的故事,我們再說一次🟡

✨Session (1) 8pm - 9pm *Open to Public I 對外開放,免費參與*
- Introduction of concepts 概念說明
- Introduction of content materials 創作資料與內容說明

🧲Recommend for writers and visual narration practitioners I 適合對象:文字(記者、小說家、劇本作家等)、圖像創作者(平面設計師、藝術家、插畫家、導演等)。

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 12/05/2023

【Dialogue】Between Truth and Fiction I 真實與虛構的邊界
Thank you for joining us and see you all soon!

𝟭𝟯/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟮𝗽𝗺
🟠【Artists Sharing】Tseng Yao-Ching + 61Chi 【藝術家分享】曾耀慶 + 劉宜其 🟠
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

𝟭𝟯/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟰:𝟯𝟬𝗽𝗺
🟠【Artists Sharing】NOvia Shin + Adoor Yeh【藝術家分享】冼佩珊 + 阿多 🟠
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

𝟭𝟯/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟴𝗽𝗺 & 𝟭𝟰/𝟱 (𝗦𝗨𝗡) 𝟮𝗽𝗺
🟡【2-Day Workshop】Whose Story and What? 【2日-工作坊】誰的故事,我們再說一次🟡
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗


Talk by Slowork Publishing, Huang Pei-Shan
is happening now!

黃珮珊 │ 用圖像說深刻故事 12/05/2023

See you all tonight! 今晚見啦!

𝟭𝟮/𝟱 (𝗙𝗥𝗜) 𝟳𝗽𝗺
🔵【Talk】The Road Taken: Making Documentary Comics 【座談】紀實漫畫的漫漫長路 🔵by Huang Pei-Shan
🔖Conduct in ENGLISH.
Registration Form 報名表格🔗

𝟭𝟮/𝟱 (𝗙𝗥𝗜) 𝟴:𝟯𝟬𝗽𝗺
🔵【Dialogue】Between Truth and Fiction 【專題對話】真實與虛構的邊界 🔵
by Huang Pei-Shan 黃珮珊 x 6 artists
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

黃珮珊 │ 用圖像說深刻故事 原本打算拍紀錄片,卻開了間以紀實漫畫探討社會議題的出版社。十年磨一劍的黃珮珊用穩定札實的腳步,向世界展現了台灣漫畫勇於開創多元的可能。在這掏出手機隨時可以看到五光十色影片的世代,要用最簡單質樸的方式把...

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 11/05/2023

Visitors from The One Academy and Kuala Lumpur today!
感謝今天前來參觀的The One Academy院長與老師,還有從吉隆坡來拜訪的團體。


🔵【Talk】The Road Taken: Making Documentary Comics By Huang Pei-Shan(Taiwan)
【座談】紀實漫畫的漫漫長路 - 講者:黃珮珊(台灣)

Will be conducted in ENGLISH. 此座談將以英語進行。

🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 10/05/2023

Our curator walk through with UCSI University's Students.

策展人帶UCSI 的學生導覽。


Don't miss our second-week events! Meeting with Slowork Publishing's editor, Huang Pei-Shan, and all the artists.

𝟭𝟮/𝟱 (𝗙𝗥𝗜) 𝟳𝗽𝗺
🔵【Talk】The Road Taken: Making Documentary Comics 【座談】紀實漫畫的漫漫長路 🔵by Huang Pei-Shan
🔖Conduct in ENGLISH.
Registration Form 報名表格🔗

𝟭𝟮/𝟱 (𝗙𝗥𝗜) 𝟴:𝟯𝟬𝗽𝗺
🔵【Dialogue】Between Truth and Fiction 【專題對話】真實與虛構的邊界 🔵
by Huang Pei-Shan 黃珮珊 x 6 artists
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

𝟭𝟯/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟮𝗽𝗺
🟠【Artists Sharing】Tseng Yao-Ching + 61Chi 【藝術家分享】曾耀慶 + 劉宜其 🟠
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

𝟭𝟯/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟰:𝟯𝟬𝗽𝗺
🟠【Artists Sharing】NOvia Shin + Adoor Yeh【藝術家分享】冼佩珊 + 阿多 🟠
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

𝟭𝟯/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟴𝗽𝗺 & 𝟭𝟰/𝟱 (𝗦𝗨𝗡) 𝟮𝗽𝗺
🟡【2-Day Workshop】Whose Story and What? 【2日-工作坊】誰的故事,我們再說一次🟡
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

𝟭𝟰/𝟱 (𝗦𝗨𝗡) 𝟭𝟭𝗮𝗺
🟠【Artist Sharing】Lefty Julian 【藝術家分享】甘承耀 🟠
🔖Conduct in ENGLISH.
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

𝟭𝟰/𝟱 (𝗦𝗨𝗡) 𝟮𝗽𝗺
🟡【Workshop】7 x 7 【工作坊】7 x 7🟡 (prior to Senior Citizen) by Adoor Yeh 阿多
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 08/05/2023

🟡Workshop I 工作坊 - Nicolas Verstappen
Here, Then & Now: Opening Comics Windows through Time

“Like how does something happen, and does it reverberate through time? And that act of memory is important, and comics are great for memory. Like even when you have a short comic, like a three panel comic, you've got a past, a present and a future as soon as you look at those three boxes. And that allows you to reflect and compare times.”(Art Spiegelman,2011)

🫢Words from participants I 參與者回饋:
"Through the "window", remind me to unlearn what I have "learn" for visual narration."

"I see the past, now, and future through the "window"! "


Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 08/05/2023

🔵Talk I 座談 - Nicolas Verstappen
Everywhere All at Once: Challenging Time, Space and Storytelling in Non-linear Comics Narratives

🫢Words from participants I 參與者回饋:
"This is an eye-opening talk! Is really inspiring! "



Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 08/05/2023

Thank You for joining us in the Opening of Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics I 感謝大家出席展覽開幕!


The show, which runs from May 6 until May 28, is brought together by Ruang Kongsi, 慢工出版 Slowork Publishing, Taiwan's Ministry of Cultural and Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia, while the venue is co-sponsored by Hin Bus Depot and COEX.

展覽由共思社(Ruang Kongsi)、台灣慢工出版社、台灣文化部及駐馬來西亞臺北經濟文化辦事處聯合呈現,興巴士藝廊和COEX贊助場地。


Opening keynotes by Lim Cheng Tju

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 06/05/2023

We are open!


Angin Berlabuh——Asian Documentary Comics Setting up!
Angin Berlabuh 亞洲紀實漫畫原稿展 - 佈展中!

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 04/05/2023

Angin Berlabuh——Asian Documentary Comics Setting up!
Angin Berlabuh 亞洲紀實漫畫原稿展 - 佈展中!

Photo By Tan Lay Heong


【🔵Dialogue Session】Aliow 阿料

Former comic editor and writer. Currently, an art educator who spends his free time creating short-form comic art.

【Publication 出版品】
2008–2015 Oka! (連載漫畫)(和漫画家银吉合作的作品),嘉陽出版
2006 Punch! (單行本)Gala Unggul Resources Sdn. Bhd.
2001–2003 sotsot(漫画月刊/主编) Basic Black & White Sdn. Bhd.

Event :
𝟮𝟬/𝟱 (𝗦𝗔𝗧) 𝟭𝟭𝗮𝗺
🔵【Dialogue】Oh the Good Old Comics Times! 【專題對話】漫畫的美好年代 🔵
by Aliow 阿料 + Lefty Julian 甘承耀
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗


【🔵Talk & 🔵Dialogue Session 】Huang Pei-Shan 黃珮珊

Pei-Shan is the editor-in-chief of Slowork Publishing. She was formerly trained in theatre design and contemporary art in both Taiwan and Marseille. In 2013, she founded Slowork, a publishing house that is dedicated to developing graphic novels with unique Asian styles and original documentary comics. Her forte lies in discovering new talents and producing works of local and regional culture. Now, she is working on introducing Slowork comics to the world.


【Website or Link】

Events :
🔵May 12, 7pm-8pm at COEX Tangga🔵
【Talk】 The Road Taken: Making Documentary Comics 紀實漫畫的漫漫長路
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗

🔵May 12, 8.30pm-10pm at COEX Tangga🔵
【Dialogues Session】 Between Truth and Fiction 真實與虛構的邊界
🔗Registration Form 報名表格🔗


【🔵Talk & 🟡Workshop】Nicolas Verstappen

Nicolas Verstappen is a Belgian lecturer and comics scholar at the International Program of the Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He is the author of the Eisner Award-nominated book The Art of Thai Comics: A Century of Strips and Stripes (River Books, 2021). His academic research mainly focuses on the history of Thai and Burmese comics, comics as a language of psychic trauma, and experimental comics composition. He is the editor of the XeroXed and GAP - ช่องว่าง comics zine series and an occasional panel moderator, exhibition curator, and creative workshops coordinator (Pierre Feuille Ciseaux international comics residency-laboratory). He also launched the Thai Comics Archives aimed at preserving Siamese and Thai comics for academic research. Numerous works by his students are displayed on his website From Dusk Till Drawn.

比利時人,現為泰國朱拉隆功大學傳播藝術學院國際課程的講師和漫畫學者,主要研究泰國、緬甸漫畫史,漫畫作為心理創傷的語言以及實驗性漫畫構圖。名下著有曾獲艾斯納獎提名的《泰國漫畫藝術:百年漫畫史》,亦是 XeroXed 和 GAP 漫畫合輯系列的編輯,偶爾也擔任專題主持人、策展人和創作工作坊協調人(Pierre Feuille Ciseaux 國際漫畫駐村實驗室)。他還創立了泰國漫畫檔案館,旨在保存暹羅和泰國漫畫作品,供學術研究之用。旗下許多學生的作品都展示在他的網站 From Dusk Till Drawn。

【Publication 出版品】
2021 The Art of Thai Comics: A Century of Strips and Stripes (River Books, Eisner-Award Nominee)

Academic writings on

【Website or Link】

Events :
🔵May 7, 10am-11am at COEX Tangga🔵
【Talk】Everywhere All at Once: Challenging Time, Space and Storytelling in Non-linear Comics Narratives
🔗Registration link 報名鏈接🔗

🟡May 7, 1pm-3pm at RuangKongsi@COEX🟡
【Workshop】Here, Then & Now: Opening Comics Windows through Time
🔗Registration link 報名鏈接🔗


【🔵Opening Speaker】Lim Cheng Tju 林增如

Lim Cheng Tju writes about history and popular culture, especially Southeast Asian comics. He is the Singapore editor for the International Journal of Comic Art. He also writes and edits comics sometimes.


【Publication 出版品】

2017 Writer, Guidebook to Nanyang Diplomacy, COSH
2012 Co-writer, The University Socialist Club and the Contest for Malaya: Tangled Strands of Modernity, Amsterdam University Press / NUS Press
2010 Co-editor, Liquid City Vol 2, Image Comics

【Website or Link】

Events :
🔵May 6, 8pm at Hin Bus Depot, Deck🔵
Comics from Asia in 2023

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 27/04/2023

"Angin Berlabuh—Asian Documentary Comics" exhibition will showcase 5 artists from the "Monsoon" series: Lefty Julian and NOvia Shin from Malaysia; Adoor Yeh, Tseng Yao-Ching, and 61Chi from Taiwan.

「Angin Berlabuh 亞洲紀實漫畫原稿展」將展示《熱帶季風》中5位藝術家的作品,2位來自馬來西亞的藝術家:甘承耀、 冼佩珊,和3位來自台灣的藝術家:阿多、曾耀慶、劉宜其。

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 26/04/2023

【What is Documentary Comics?】🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏻🙋🏿‍♂️

Nicolas Verstappen 💬
“Documentaries in comics form. Non-fiction and related to comics journalism.”

“Disaster Drawn: Visual Witness, Comics, and Documentary Form” by Hilary L Chute
“Frames and Framing in Documentary Comics”by Johannes C.P. Schmid
“Creating Comics as Journalism, Memoir & Nonfiction”by Randy Duncan, Michael Ray Taylor & David Stoddard


慢工出版 Slowork Publishing💬
“紀錄漫畫簡單的說就是以漫畫的形式紀錄真實的內容,如同紀錄片或者紀錄文學。 這樣的作品不僅僅為“紀錄”提供了新的平台,也能將漫畫藝術帶到另一個層次。


MAUS, 作者Art Spiegelman
Persepolis 我在伊朗長大/茉莉人生, 作者 Marjane Satrapi

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 25/04/2023

【Preview the Monsoon series before the exhibition!】📖
Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics will showcase 5 artists from Slowork Publishing’s Monsoon series. Let's preview the series before the exhibition!

「Angin Berlabuh 亞洲紀實漫畫原稿展」將展示《熱帶季風》系列中5位藝術家的原稿作品,展前先到共思社預覽刊物吧!

【Ruang Kongsi Library 共思社】
Sat 六 11AM-6PM
Sun 日 11AM-2PM

Photos from Angin Berlabuh - Asian Documentary Comics's post 23/04/2023

🎊Our exciting events are out! 🎊

慢工出版 Slowork Publishing
Ct Lim
Nicolas Verstappen
Wee Liang Liow
Lefty Julian
NOvia Shin
Adoor Yeh : SIDE DOOR
61Chi Art
Yc T


🇲🇾 Let's celebrate Raya with Lat~
⭐️Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2023! 開齋節快樂!⭐️

Malaysia's significant cartoonist Lat illustrates the scenes of Malaysian Life.
大馬國寶級漫畫家Lat 以漫畫紀錄馬來西亞人的日常生活。


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1 more day to go! 還有一天就開展啦!




Hin Bus Depot & RuangKongsi@COEX
George Town

Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 19:00
Thursday 12:00 - 19:00
Friday 12:00 - 19:00
Saturday 12:00 - 19:00
Sunday 12:00 - 19:00

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