Ching Han Guan 鍾漢元, Ipoh Videos

Videos by Ching Han Guan 鍾漢元 in Ipoh. Ipoh biscuit shop since 1949, pioneering meat floss biscuit and specialized in soft candy.

#handmade #手工 #UFO #walnut #核桃 #ipoh #怡保 #1949

Other Ching Han Guan 鍾漢元 videos

#handmade #手工 #UFO #walnut #核桃 #ipoh #怡保 #1949

#handmade #mooncake #ipoh

What makes the pastry so flaky? Something you 'knead' to know: water dough & oil dough Water dough and oil dough are the fundamental combination for flaky Chinese pastry. There is 4 primary ingredients in water dough ( also known as traditional pastry dough) which are flour, fats, salt & water. While oil dough only requires flour and fats. 酥皮的秘诀 关于你不知道的酥: 油皮和水皮 酥皮的层次基础就是水油皮的比列 相辅相成 水皮也就是大家熟悉的由面粉,脂肪,盐和糖组成基本面团 油皮的就是脂肪(例子:牛油/酥油等)和面粉的混合物 #chg #chgipoh #chinghanguan #dough #waterandoildough #signaturebiscuitscrust #baking #craftmanship #authentic #since1949 #鍾漢元 #怡保 #水油皮 #招牌餅 #传统手工 #火候 #烘培

Here's something you 'knead' to know; the purpose of water & oil dough The ratio of ingredient will affect the texture of the pastry, from tender to flaky. Water dough serves as the main dough of a pastry while the oil dough plays a crucial role in separating the layers during the baking process. Water dough is the fundamental of a pastry which gives the shape and body while the water dough must be flexible enough to form a good thin sheet to wrap/protect and ensure the oil dough in forming a good layering during the baking process. Depending on the choice of fats used, the purpose of oil dough provide tenderness, mouth feel and flavor to the finished crust. 关于你不知道的酥:水皮和油皮的用途 一颗好饼酥不酥取决于水油皮的比例 层层相叠 相辅相成 水皮 也就是大家熟悉的由面粉脂肪盐和糖组成基本面团 水皮需要有一定的张力在最薄的状态之下包裹油皮,确保油皮在烘焙的过程中能产生很好的层次感。 油皮, 也就是脂肪(例子: 牛油/酥油 等)和面粉和成的面团。除了层次感,一个好油皮基底也在增添口感和味道中扮演锦上添花角色。 #chg #chgipoh #chinghanguan #dough #waterandoildough #signaturebiscuitscrust #baking #craftmanship #authentic #since1949 #鍾漢元 #怡保 #水油皮 #招牌餅 #传统手工 #火候 #烘培

Something you ‘knead’ to know: Water & Oil Dough Fold,Roll,Repeat. Let the oven do the magic to create the flaky crust for our signature biscuits! 关于你不知道的酥:水油皮 折,卷再重复。 水油皮在包裹馅料后 将会在烤箱里经过火候的锻炼变成成层次分明的招牌饼啦 #chg #chgipoh #chinghanguan #dough #waterandoildough #signaturebiscuitscrust #baking #craftmanship #authentic #since1949 #鍾漢元 #怡保 #水油皮 #招牌餅 #传统手工 #火候 #烘培