Badrul Hisham Architect

Badrul Hisham Architect :
Architectural and Interior Architecture
@ Ipoh, Perak
Project Management


BADRUL HISHAM ARCHITECT [BHA] offers Architectural & Interior Architecture Design consultancy. With its Kuala Lumpur-based associate firm, BADRUL HISHAM SOLUTIONS [BHS], BHA also complements its architectural consultancy work with Property Research, Development and Project Management advisory services. The combined experience and resources of the firm enables BHA to offer a comprehensive

‘Professional buck-passers’: why the excoriating Grenfell report was right to damn architects 08/09/2024

Kebakaran Grenfell Tower, UK
Dalam artikel pautan di bawah ini tertulis satu para, yang saya tampal di bawah, mengkritik Silibus Kursus Seni Bina di UK.
Harap penyusun silibus Kursus Seni Bina Malaysia sedar yang mengikut bulat-bulat silibus luar negara, hanya sebab nak dapat 'international compliance' tidak semestinya baik.
Kita pun tidak ada Master Builders, dan kita tidak ada ramai bergelar pakar itu ini yang benar-benar pakar pembinaan.
Wajar silibus Kursus Seni Bina Malaysia diolah lebih realistik dengan cara pembinaan dan pendekatan lokal dan menyusun kursus selari dengan keperluan negara kita. Agar kita tidak terus terperangkap dengan cara pendidikan yang tidak sesuai dengan negara kita.
Anyone who has been to a degree show or a “crit”, where students present their work to a jury of critics, will know that architectural education is a five-year training in visual representation and rhetorical obfuscation, with precious little time spent on learning how to actually make a building. It is a course that produces countless cod philosophers, gonzo anthropologists and aspiring conceptual artists, but few technically capable designers who know their cavity barriers from their damp proof membranes.

‘Professional buck-passers’: why the excoriating Grenfell report was right to damn architects The ultimate responsibility for the tower’s safety lay with its architect, said the 1,700-page report, which highlighted a ‘widespread failure among the profession’. Why are so many architects now utterly detached from the realities of construction?

Photos from Badrul Hisham Architect's post 08/09/2024

Seharian di Kuliah Pengajian Alam Bina UiTM Puncak Alam. Semoga usaha kami membantu bakal-bakal arkitek berbuah kejayaan bagi mereka.

Photos from Badrul Hisham Architect's post 06/09/2024

Worksyop esok bertukar Lokasi ke
Dewan Kuliah KAB
Kompleks Alam Bina Dan Seni Reka
UITM Puncak Alam

Photos from Badrul Hisham Architect's post 23/08/2024



We are looking for an ambitious and dedicated fresh graduate architect to join our office in Ipoh, Perak.
If you are interested, please email your resume to:
[email protected]
Our admin can only communicate with candidates via email, please do not message your queries here. Thanks.


Literal Translation

The unique building with the interwoven facade design in the image is indeed located in Bursa, Turkey.

This structure, known as the Argul Weave Building, is a multi-purpose facility featuring shops, offices, and a rooftop restaurant.

The design by Binaa in collaboration with Smart Architecture is inspired by Bursa's rich textile history, utilizing steel and natural stone to create a facade that resembles woven fabric

The image illustrate a striking architectural design featuring a complex, interwoven facade. This design not only offers a visually captivating appearance but also demonstrates advanced engineering and construction techniques.

The structural framework, as seen in the bottom image, appears to be composed of robust steel, providing significant strength and stability. The cladding material in the top image likely consists of glass-reinforced concrete or a similar composite, ensuring durability and a sleek finish.

This facade design is engineered to withstand various environmental factors, including wind loads and self-weight, ensuring long-lasting performance. The innovative use of materials and construction methods enhances both aesthetic appeal and structural integrity, making it an exemplary model of modern architectural ingenuity.


Photos from Construction Technique's post 23/07/2024

Share sini 👇 untuk rujukan konsep² Bumbung² Ringkas

Education reform: Is this the end of Parts 1, 2 & 3? 21/07/2024

Kesedaran di UK, oleh RIBA dan ARB, bahawa cara "training of architectural students to become registered architects" perlu perubahan.
Not just design & presentation exercises, and more design exercises from Polytechnics to B Arch to M Arch courses.
Walaupun penting, skop Design hanya 10% atau tidak lebih 30% dari tempoh hayat sesuatu projek.
Banyak lagi perkara² penting, malah pada saya lebih penting lagi, yang lain²nya yang hanya diberi 'lip service' di universiti².
Beberapa cabutan dari artikel tersebut:
Meanwhile, off stage, practitioners talked of student workers unable to hit the ground running and the huge cost to their practice of students’ lack of software and technical construction knowledge..
Simpson emphasised that an architect’s competence on day one was mindset as well as knowledge, that they should be ‘consciously incompetent’ – that is, they should ‘know what they don’t know’..
We have to equip graduates with skills: how to interrogate a contract; how to understand cost models; the concept of gravity and building physics. It is about analysis: we don’t know the answer to a lot of things and have to keep reviewing them – as they change.’

Education reform: Is this the end of Parts 1, 2 & 3? Dramatic shifts are being planned for the way students learn to become architects, as the RIBA and ARB look at different routes to qualification, how to deliver experience, rebalancing specific knowledge and skill sets and CPD, writes Eleanor Young


Semoga kita dapat berhijrah untuk memperbaiki diri kita, dari hari ke hari, dari tahun ke tahun, amal dunia dan amal akhirat, sehingga kita dipanggil balik nanti.
Profesion kita adalah juga amal dunia dan akhirat.

Salaam Maal Hijrah 1446H

Photos from Badrul Hisham Architect's post 20/06/2024

Memberi taklimat kepada Anggota Bomba semasa pemeriksaan bangunan.
Arkitek perlu faham keperluan kebombaan untuk pasif dan aktif agar tidak terkelu semasa ditanya hal² berkaitan bangunan reka bentuk kita.


Para arkitek yang mereka bentuk pembangunan bercampur - tanpa kompartmentasi di sempadan dan satah tegak antara 2 atau lebih Kump**an Maksud berbeza - perlu sedar adanya satu Nota di dalam Jadual 10, UKBS, tertulis di antara Jadual Kump**an Maksud III dan IV, mengenai pembangunan bercampur dianggap sebagai satu risiko keseluruhan.
Di dalam kes-kes begini, keperluan di dalam Jadual 10, UKBS yang lebih ketat akan terpakai untuk keseluruhan pembangunan bercampur dan bukan keperluan-keperluan yang berasingan.


Bincangkan secara ilmiah isu ini dengan hasrat mencari solusi yang praktikal dan bukan dari sudut yang sentimental.
Gomen akan naikkan gaji penjawat awam dan sekali gus minta sektor swasta naikkan gaji staf.
Dalam masa sama,
1. Gomen nak buat projek sendiri, tidak mahu perunding swasta buat kerja.
2. Pemaju swasta p**a akan lantik perunding yang tawar fi perunding jauh di bawah akta iaitu, skala fi minimum yang dianggap skala fi maksimum.
3. Kos operasi seperti lesen perisian / software sentiasa naik mengikut kadar USD vs MYR, bil elektrik juga, cukai pun, dll-nya sentiasa naik.
4. PBT p**a menambahkan halangan-halangan pembinaan hingga menyebabkan permohonan-permohonan kelulusan atau permit pembinaan memakan masa bertahun-tahun untuk perunding membuat susulan dan penyediakan pematuhan demi pematuhan sehingga pembangunan boleh dibina.
5. Banyak firma senibina sekarang sedang menderita aliran tunai negatif. Ramai saja bos arkitek yang tak ada gaji tetap, sebab nak pastikan anak buah ada gaji. Dan ada juga bos yang sedang fikir nak gulung tikar, dari menanggung rugi ?
Dengan senario ringkas di atas, boleh cadangkan bagaimana sektor arkitektur dan perundingan senibina / pembinaan boleh naikkan pendapatan untuk naikkan gaji staf dan firma boleh beroperasi dengan lancar ?


Ejaan terpakainya ialah Landskap
bukan Lanskap


We need an able Part II graduate, or Part I graduate with site experience, to assist us with contract implementation and management of fast track projects with very short contract periods.

If interested, please email us at [email protected].
NOTE: Emails only. Please do not pm fb messages ya, coz the hr does not read the fb messenger. Thanks.


Selamat Beramal di bulan Ramadhan Mubarak.


Cuba dengar TED Talk ini .. Mungkin juga Arkitek boleh tambahbaik diri sebagai seorang profesional dengan 'coaching', bukan sahaja hadir sesi 'CPD' ..
Bagaimana nak usahakan, kena bincang lanjut ...


There is nothing to be embarrased about getting just a passing mark, 'cukup makan', in any exam. Not everybody is an 'A' student who flies with a '4 Flat' in all exams, from his or her school time to colleges to unis to professional exams.

What we should be ashamed of is our feeling of superiority and sufficiency of our knowledge, and that we unabashedly believe we have more than enough of it to plough our way in whatever direction, and journey.

When we pass a test or an exam, be mindful that it may just mean that we had just enough knowledge on the subject matter, but it may not be good enough for us to use that knowledge.

Knowledge and learning is a lifelong journey. Each journey poses different challenges and that is what we should be mindful of. That, we may well just have enough knowledge to start the journey, but we may need to learn more and more as we embark on the journey in order to complete it.

Our basic knowledge should be sufficient to prepare us for each of our journeys, but be mindful that as we embark on every journey, there will be different challenges that we need to tackle.

Some challenges along the journeys will be easy to overcome, but most, I believe, we will need to learn during the journey in order to overcome them.

The main preparation for these journeys is that we should be aware that we may well have enough provisions to start the journeys, but to complete them, we must be ready to learn new things and overcome new challenges along the way, each time.


The local architecture professional licensure exam (not the actual name of the exam ya, its just i thougth it sound more glamourous) give full licence to a successful candidate to work on all types of buildings in Malaysia.

With the licence comes a heavy responsibility and pressure to perform.
If you dive into the private practice pool, you will realise that the pool has a depth of an ocean and comes with the big waves too.

The exams are there not just for the sake of passing them, but to prepare successful candidates for the wonder dives into the depth of oceans and rise up to surf the big waves.

As a start, go get the 50 marks, pass the exams. Then you can go dive further and surf to reach 60, 70, and perhaps > 80 marks or better.


Untuk kefahaman konsep

Photos from Badrul Hisham Architect's post 21/01/2024

Uniform Building By-Laws, 1984 [UBBL]
ByLaw 106 - Dimensions of Staircases
(1) UBBL 2021 for risers ≤ 180mm and treads ≥ 275mm
* UBBL 2012 – 1984 for risers ≤ 180mm and treads ≥ 255mm
(2) width of staircase as per ByLaw 168 and
(3) depth of landings ≥ width of staircases
ByLaw 107 - Handrails
(1) Handrails to stairs with ≥ 4 risers
(2) staircase width > 2200mm to have intermediate handrails
(3) except residentials, staircases ≥ 1100mm to have HANDRAILS ON BOTH SIDES.
By the way, the specified width in the UBBL is for per flight of stairs, i.e. up or down. Not the whole width of the staircase well or staircase shaft.
(4) Handrails not to project >100mm, i.e. ≤ 100mm, from face of walls, with height between 825mm and 900mm measured from stairs nosing, and ≥ 900mm at landings.
ByLaw 108 - Maximum Flights
≥ number of risers ≤ 16nos per flight
ByLaw 110 - No Obstructions in Staircases
(1) No obstructions or projections to stairs, except handrails from walls or headroom ≥ 2m above floors, landings, or risers
ByLaw 111 - Lighting and Ventilation in Staircases,
ByLaw 164 - Door Closers for Fire Doors
ByLaw 168 - Staircases
(1) every upper floor to have ≥ 2nos separate staircases, except ByLaw 194
(2) staircase redundancy, if 1no staircase not available, then the rest to accommodate highest occupancy load as per 7th Schedule
(3) only handrails may encroach into the required width of staircase up to 80mm,
(4) width of staircases maintained and
(5) door swings do not encroach width of landings
ByLaws 198, 199 and 200 Ventilation in Staircases
ByLaw 174A - Final Exits, refer definitions.
ByLaw 177 - Computing Number of Staircases and Staircase Width
(b) Street Floor Exits to take on occupant of street floor and a % of load from floors above which discharge onto the street floor
(c) & (f) exits and path of travel should not decrease in width (d) minimum number of exits = 2 nos,
(e) at least 1no exit staircase to be 2-unit width = 1100mm, except 900mm wide staircase may be used for floors where total occupancy load for all floors < 50 persons.
ByLaw 181 - Width of Means of Escape
1 unit = 550mm and
any Fraction of Unit to be Round Up = 300mm [1/2 Unit],
but width no less than 700mm

Note: Door’s widths to refer to HORIZONTAL EXITS and stair’s widths to refer to STAIRS in 7th Schedule. Refer Note (3) in 7th Schedule, Unit Width for Exit Doorway is measured as CLEAR WIDTH when doorway is open, i.e., less door frames and door width, which obstruct the access when fully opened.

Photos from Architectural Engineering Discoveries's post 20/01/2024

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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
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Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
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