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Photos from Cannabinoil Malaysia's post 30/06/2022


The Benefits of Medical Ma*****na and CBD Oil for Autism

Children’s Hospital will study medical ma*****na’s effect on children with autism

An upcoming study at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia will be the first of its kind in the United States to examine the benefits of medical ma*****na in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study is in partnership with an Australian biopharmaceutical company called Zelda Therapeutics, who will be funding the study.

Athena Zupp, the director of Children’s Hospital’s Center for Clinical Pharmacology, told that “the hospital will not provide any cannabis products to children. This is truly an observational study. We’re not giving them anything. We’re just gathering data to educate ourselves.” The researchers will be working with children who are already covered under Pennsylvania’s Safe Harbor Provision. (Wood, 2017) The study is expected to begin early this year.

Medications traditionally used to help children with ASD

In a study published in 2008 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, atypical antipsychotics are described as, “indispensable in the treatment of a variety of symptoms in autism.” The study examines the efficacy of haloperidol and risperidone for treating behavioral symptoms commonly associated with autism including aggression, anger, and self-injurious behaviors. It concludes that the medications can alleviate these behaviors when behavioral interventions are ineffective but warns that potential side effects must be considered and weighed.

Benefits of Medical Ma*****na and CBD Oil for Autism

The most common side effects listed include weight gain, hyperprolactinemia (elevated serum prolactin), sedation, adverse cognitive effects, and tardive dyskinesia (involuntary, repetitive body movements). (Posey, Stigler, Erickson, & McDougle, 2008) While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved these medications for use in children with autism, some parents are still wary of these potential side effects.

Can Medical Ma*****na Treat Autism Symptoms?

Many parents of autistic children are advocating for the legalization of medical ma*****na to help treat some of the symptoms of autism including reducing anxiety, self-injurious behaviors, sleep dysregulation, and trouble with social interactions.

Mothers Advocating Medical Ma*****na for Autism (MAMMA) is a parent advocacy group with chapters in seven U.S. states (Arizona, Georgia, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Iowa, and Illinois). MAMMA’s goal is to give all children with autism legal access to medical ma*****na under the care of a physician. The group’s website provides testimonials from 10 families who claim ma*****na has greatly helped their child’s symptoms. Several of these families testimonials consider themselves “medical refugees” moving across state lines so their children will be eligible for the use of medical ma*****na for seizures and other qualifying conditions.

Other families submitted testimonials anonymously and say they will continue to use ma*****na illegally until legislation is passed in their states or autism is considered a qualifying condition. Most of the testimonials praise ma*****na for helping their children reduce self-injurious behaviors and regulate their moods and sleep, with some families claiming that the plant reduced their child’s seizures, a common co-occurring symptom of autism. The families affiliated with MAMMA and other similar groups say medical ma*****na alleviates their child from the side effects of traditional pharmaceuticals sometimes prescribed for children with autism including antipsychotic medications.

Can CBD oil help with aggression caused by autism?

We have a dedicated guide for parents looking for more information on CBD oil for autism

Since parents have started using CBD oil to help ease aggression in their children caused by autism, the anecdotal evidence has been overwhelmingly positive. Some parents report that their children who used to be unreachable during fits of rage are able to implement calming techniques; other parents report decreased instances of physical violence.

Benefits of Medical Ma*****na and CBD Oil for Autism

In 2010, Lester Grinspoon, MD urged doctors to take this anecdotal evidence seriously and conduct further medical research on the effects of CBD oil on aggression. Many researchers are focused on the question of what causes autism aggression rather on guiding research efforts towards looking for ways to manage the aggression that many children with autism and his/her families have to navigate daily. CBD oil for anger and aggression is a welcomed option for many families who have previously tried medications traditionally used to help children with autism deal with strong emotions. As more research is done on medical ma*****na, CBD oil, and autism, scientists will have a better idea of how CBD interacts with the brain of an autistic child and why it is so effective.

International studies focus on children and medical ma*****na and CBD oil

In January 2017, Dr. Aran, the director of the neuro-pediatric unit at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, spearheaded the inaugural clinical trial to determine medical ma*****na’s effects on children with autism. The study followed 120 children and young adults with autism as they received CBD oil.

This compound contains low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is high in cannabinoids and is not psychoactive, therefore children receiving the oil did not feel “high.” Dr. Aran hopes to take the guesswork out of how medical ma*****na helps children with autism so that they can be treated with more precision and lower risk of potential unknown effects with prolonged use. The results of this study are expected to be released in the coming months.

A study from Brazil showed that taking a CBD product twice a day results in significant improvements in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. So there is more and more clinical evidence of CBD in autism.

Autism symptoms are difficult to treat. That's because every situation is different, so standard treatments don't exist. Currently, people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) receive attention therapy, (cognitive) behavioral therapy, group treatments, physiotherapy, speech therapy and much more. Various treatments are often combined.

Many patients experience enormous benefits by adding cannabidiol (CBD) to a treatment plan. They are better able to deal with stimuli, suffer less from anger outbursts and tics, experience more rest and are less introverted.

There is currently increasing research into how CBD works in autism. Unfortunately, clinical research is scarce, but that is also about to change. This is partly thanks to a team of Brazilian researchers , who recently studied the impact of CBD-rich extracts in a group of patients.

93% experienced improvements

During the study, a CBD rich extract with a 75: 1 CBD: THC ratio was used. This ratio was administered to a group of 15 patients aged 6-17 years with autism. The study lasted 6 months, during which time they received a dose of between 50 and 100 mg CBD every day.

“Fourteen of the fifteen patients (93%) showed improvements equal to or greater than 30 percent in at least one symptom category. Most of the patients who adhered to treatment had improvements in more than one symptom category. Seven patients (47%) had improvements equal to or greater than 30 percent in four or more symptom categories. Two patients (13%) presented improvements equal to or greater than 30 percent in two symptom categories, and five patients (33 percent) presented improvements equal to or greater than 30 percent in one symptom category, ”the authors said.

"Most of the patients in this study had improved symptoms"

Based on their study, the team concludes: “The findings presented taken together indicate that CBD-enriched CE [cannabis extracts] have positive effects on multiple autistic symptoms, without the typical side effects found with regular treatments. Most of the patients in this study had improved symptoms even after supervised use of other neuropsychiatric drugs. “
How to advocate for the legalization of medical ma*****na for autism

Parents interested in advocating for the legalization of medical ma*****na in their area or having autism listed as a qualifying condition can do so in a variety of ways. Contacting your local representatives via email, phone call, or setting up a meeting is an important step in letting your government know that it is an important issue for you. The more hospitals conduct studies on the impact of medical ma*****na on children with autism, the more information will be available to parents and lawmakers.

Encouraging hospitals to begin their own studies and trials is crucial in gathering the information needed to learn more. Finally, joining a group like MAMMA could help you stay informed on new studies and advocacy opportunities.


CBD oil for autism

Wood, S. (2017, December 11). Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to study medical ma*****na and autism. Retrieved 2018, from*****na-and-autism-20171211.html

Posey, D. J., Stigler, K. A., Erickson, C. A., & McDougle, C. J. (2008, January 02).

Antipsychotics in the treatment of autism. Retrieved from

Risks and side effects. Retrieved from

Links to epilepsy and autism. Retrieved from



Made In Thailand


Bagi yang masih terbelenggu dengan stigma tentang istilah "g***a" ..anggapan mereka, penagihan g***a dan medical ma*****na adalah isu yang sama..
Pada asas logika, negara-negara maju yang telah pun melaksanakan Medical Ma*****na di hospital milik kerajaan ,penggunaan g***a adalah satu kajian sains perubatan dan teknologi RnDnya kini mencapai tahap Nano-Bio-chemical dalam phytocannabinoids dalam endocannabinoids sistem bagi rawatan ke atas Autism,Kanser,Alzheimeir's,Parkinson,Kidney failure dan lain-lain lagi

Hari ini Thailand dan beberapa buah negara maju, telah pun melaksanakan medical ma*****na di semua hospital milik kerajaan dibawah seliaan Kementerian Kesihatannya.
Namun ..masih ada negara-negara yang menganggap dunia perubatan g***a adalah satu jenayah..Wujudnya stigma ini kerana kejahilan ilmu dan tahap kebangangan yang luar biasa bagi mereka yang berstigma sempit dan paling nyata sekiranya medical ma*****na di laksanakan ,ia akan memberi impak besar dalam pengimportan ubatan farmasi yang menyumbangkan hasil dalam percukaian kerajaan.

Jazakallah Farhan Maaruf..

•Educate •Regulate •Medicate •Legalizeit..

Bantu....Jangan Hukum
Kaji...Bukan Keji..!
Ubah stigma menerusi edukasi


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Photos from Cannabinoil Malaysia's post 30/06/2022


Cannabis is uniquely able to stop the cycle of inflammation and tissue destruction leading to diabetic ulcers and wounds.

Foot ulcers affect approximately 25% of diabetic patients. These are a particular health burden because they are resistant to conventional therapy. Invasive treatments are expensive, while the non-invasive ones are simply ineffective. These ulcers arise from a constellation of internal and external factors. However, poor wound healing on the molecular level is largely attributed to chronic inflammation.

↪ Scientists are now asking the question:

Could medicine exploit the anti-inflammatory abilities of cannabis oil in treating diabetic foot ulcers?

New evidence supports this idea and encourages research in this area.

The Use of CB Receptors in Diabetic Foot Ulcers

We know that immune cells express CB1 and CB2 receptors, and are capable of synthesizing, transporting and catabolizing cannabinoids. Studies on mice have shown that when the enzyme that normally breaks down the endocannabinoid, “anandamide” is elevated, the inflammatory response was reduced. This suggests that indeed, endocannabinoids are capable of modulating the immune response. The activation of the immune inflammatory response is the basis for many disease states, including diabetic foot ulcers.

Studies show that ∆-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (∆-9THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) can calm the inflammation via a few pathways. Firstly, by reducing the production of inflammatory mediators. Inflammatory mediators are molecules, (called cytokines and chemokines) normally released when the body is initiating inflammatory responses. These will also destroy surrounding tissue if over-activated. The second pathway is the induction of regulatory T cells. T cells are immune cells that re-group other immune cells in an effort to calm the inflammation.

CBD exerts inhibitory effects on several pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-12, TNF alfa and interferon-gama (i.e. the “bad guys”) and to enhance IL-4 and IL-10, the anti-inflammatory cytokines (i.e. the “good guys”) (10). In the setting of a diabetic foot ulcer, this would mean reduction of inflammation and repair of the damaged tissue.

Furthermore, Δ9-THC also changes destructive immune cells (TH1) to protective TH2 immune cells, but less effectively than CBD. Both CBD and Δ9-THC can also modulate macrophages, which are scavenger cells in the wound that clean everything up. All the above are pretty compelling pieces of evidence that topical application of cannabis oil would be beneficial for diabetic ulcer treatment.

Cannabinoid Use for Diabetic Ulcers

Another aspect of the refractory nature of diabetic foot ulceration lies in the surrounding tissue of the wound. The main component of this tissue is extracellular matrix (ECM). Under normal healthy conditions, ECM provides support to the surrounding cells and growth factors. Inflammation going awry causes ECM damage. The main players here are the “bad guys” I mention in the above paragraph. When they arrive, a vicious cycle begins with the recruiting of inflammatory mediators and ends with more ECM degradation.

The mechanism behind cannabis’ reversal of ECM damage may be found in a study on protection of ECM degradation in the cartilage. In this study, cannabinoid agonists have shown to reduce IL-1 which led to decreased degradation of collagen and proteoglycans, the main structural components of ECM, resulting in reduction of ECM breakdown.

Taken together, ample evidence exists supporting the use of topical cannabis oil in treating diabetic foot ulcers. Although we are lacking pre-clinical and clinical studies at this time, the existence of cannabinoid receptors in the skin and immune cells suggests potentially beneficial cannabinoid signaling. Moreover, both Δ9-THC and CBD seem to boost the efficacy of cannabis in healing ulcers. Thus cannabis oil preparations containing both cannabinoids are likely to confer the most healing benefit to diabetic ulcer lesions.

More details,inbox me via fb page


Photos from Cannabinoil Malaysia's post 29/06/2022


•Everything You Need to Know about .
•Educate yourself about the healing cannabis concentrate.

For over a decade now, Canadian medical ma*****na activist Rick Simpson has been educating people about the incredible healing potential of cannabis oil.In 2003, Simpson discovered three suspicious spots on his face and neck and was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma skin cancer.When surgery didn’t work, he decided to explore an alternate route; using the same extracted cannabis oil he’d been making and taking orally for over a year on his newly discovered cancer.

Simpson had been treating some health conditions from a previous injury with his cannabis oil when he recalled a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute stating that THC was found to kill cancer in mice. So, Simpson proceeded to apply the oil topically to the cancerous spots on his neck and face and covered them with bandages. In just four days, the skin underneath was healthy and pink. He was healing.
Excited that he had discovered a cure to his cancer, Simpson began helping others heal, spreading the good word ever since.

Despite encountering opposition from his own doctor, local authorities, pharmaceutical companies, government health agencies, and the United Nations, Simpson has not only healed his own ailments, he’s also successfully treated over 5,000 patients—free of charge—for all kinds of conditions, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, insomnia, diabetes, depression, osteoporosis, asthma, and more. He even cured his mother’s psoriasis.
Although the technique Rick Simpson uses to make concentrated cannabis oil is nothing new, he popularized the precise specifications of his oil through activism and patient outreach by sharing his knowledge with anyone who needs it. Eventually, his cannabis oil became known as “Rick Simpson Oil,” or . Simpson believes that in order to treat serious medical maladies, it’s best to apply the gooey extract to the skin directly or to swallow it, instead of smoking it.

➡️ What is the difference between RSO and CBD Oil?

RSO is highly-concentrated cannabis oil extracted from female cannabis plants that contain at least 20 % of THC or more.
Simpson favors - and - content when treating cancerous.Whereas CBD Oil is made from the drug-producing Cannabis Indica that’s been bred to contain low concentrations of THC or the hemp-producing Cannabis Sativa, which produces nearly no amount of THC but does produce some amount of CBD.

➡️ How potent is it?

Rick Simpson concentrated cannabis oil is quite potent, ranging from 60 to 90 percent THC.
Simpson outlines dosage recommendations on his website, including a method for microdosing and titration when consuming RSO orally, which is incredibly helpful in preventing anxietysymptoms often associated with potent levels of THC.
When used topically in the treatment of skin conditions or pain, RSO is a potent curative, yet non-psychoactive. It’s always a good idea to consult with a physician who is well-versed in the field of Cannabis Therapeutics, like the Canna MDs.
It’s also important to keep in mind that everyone’s body chemistry and tolerance is different; finding your perfect dose takes a bit of focus and experimentation.

➡️ How to Use RSO ?

For medical patients, it is always recommended to consult your physician before starting any new treatment regimen. However, as there are many physicians who refuse to discuss cannabis as a course of treatment, proceed with the Rick Simpson method at your own discretion.

📌....For one patient, the goal is to gradually consume :
60 grams of Rick Simpson Oil over the course of a 90-day period.

↪ ..Week 1: Start with three doses every day.Each dose should be about the size of half a grain of rice and should be administered once every eight hours (in the morning, noon, and night). The first dose will be about ¼ of a drop of RSO.

↪..Weeks 2 through 5: Double your dose every four days.
The average person will take between three and five weeks to reach the full dosage of one gram of RSO per day.

↪..Weeks 5 through 12: Take one gram of RSO daily until you’ve consumed the full 60 grams.

Eventually, the patient will be taking about 8-9 rice-sized drops of RSO every eight hours.

The taste of the RSO may be slightly bitter or unpleasant !

⚠️ yourself about the healing cannabis concentrate..Send your messages for more details.




The cognitive changes in the brains of people with Down syndrome may be helped by cannabinoid therapy that corrects memory deficits.

, or , is one of the main genetic causes of intellectual disability. It has a frequency of 1 in 700 to 1000 live births. Intellectual disability is displayed by learning and memory deficits that can be pinpointed to occur in specific areas of the brain, called the ‘hippocampus cognitive domains’.

The mouse is the model for the study of trisomy conditions.Trisomy 21 is analogous to Trisomy 16 in mice as the gene loci are very similar. And this is how researchers came to understand how the endocannabinoid system is involved in the regulation of neurological processes that underlie cognitive deficits in Trisomy 21.

📌 Cognitive Problems Caused By Changes in Neurons

Researchers have found several reasons for the intellectual disability that can accompany Down Syndrome.
There are changes in the communication between neurons in the hippocampus as well as an imbalance between neurons that excite and those that inhibit.
The endocannabinoid system has emerged as one of the main regulators of all these processes, prompting one group of researchers to investigate its involvement in Down syndrome.

📌 Too Many CB1 Receptors Leads to Cognitive Problems.

Researchers identified that CB1 receptors play a role in characteristic cognitive patterns seen in two different mouse models for Down syndrome.
The first observation they made is that there seems to be an overabundance of CB1 in neurons of the hippocampus, and these are overly activated.
The result is this serious dampening of connecting neurons that convey cognitive abilities.

When they tested this theory by using knockdown trisomy mice that were bred to have decreased CB1 receptors, the memory deficits were gone.
The assessment of this change was looked at over two tests: novel object recognition test and novel place recognition test.

During the tests, mice that had memory deficits performed poorly, and couldn’t recognize the objects or places that they were previously introduced to.On the contrary, when CB1 receptor activity was decreased, the memory was rescued. The same results were obtained when CB1 was activated using a pharmaceutical called Rimonabant.

These results suggest that increased number CB1 receptors and their hyperexcited state in the hippocampus creates imbalance in neurotransmission.And that this is responsible for lowered cognitive abilities.

Other Receptors Problems May Be Involved
There is some evidence that other components of the endocannabinoid system, such as CB2 receptor and fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) could be implicated in Down Syndrome.

Post-mortem analysis of brains from individuals with Down syndrome identified that Alzheimer-like beta amyloid plaques are evident, and that specific brain cell types associated with the plaques have excess CB2 and FAAH.
Although scientists can’t definitively say whether these changes are a cause or a consequence of amyloid beta deposition in Down syndrome, it could suggest novel therapeutic targets to prevent cognitive decline in these patients.

➡️ What Can Cannabis Do About It?

Given that CB2 activation is associated with anti-inflammatory effects, CB2 agonists may have a neuroprotective effect.Likewise, since FAAH levels are high, endocannabinoid levels are likely chronically reduced and supplementation with exogenous cannabinoids may have therapeutic benefits.

Additionally, by the age of 30 to 40, people with Down Syndrome have a significant build up of these sticky amyloid plaques that are also found in Alzehimer’s. In fact, a study at the University of South Florida declared these two disorders to be variations of the same disease. Cannabinoid therapy has been found to be enormously helpful in preventing and breaking down these plaque in vivo and in vitro.

Pre-clinical studies have shown that administration of THC at 3mg/kg per day for 4 weeks lead to a reduction in Aß plaques and preservation of neurons.

One research group has recently shown that THC has anti- Aß properties in vitro.Namely, they found that incubation of cells that produce Aß with THC resulted in a time-and dose-dependent arrest of Aß production. The authors also underlined that the amount of THC used to treat the cells corresponds to very low doses of THC, and in fact were a thousand times lower compared to the doses of THC that have been shown to cause cognitive impairments in rat studies.

Moreover, they found no cytotoxic side effects of this dose of THC in cells, suggesting that likely this treatment would be safe and effective in the pre-clinical studies that would transpire from this data.

Further studies are needed to find out if changing CB1 activity can have the same benefit for humans with Trisomy 21.
If if does, then cannabis will be an excellent therapy to help manage cognitive impairment.

: MedicineRxLeaf




A comparison of the antitumoral activity of single-molecule THC and whole plant cannabis oil.

It’s no secret that many cancer patients are using cannabis to help manage pain, fatigue, nausea, and other side effects of chemotherapy. Less well known is the fact that extensive preclinical research shows that plant cannabinoids — most notably, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) – produce antitumor responses in various animal models of cancer.

The vast majority of this preclinical research has examined the anticancer activity of pure compounds, mainly THC isolates. But medical cannabis patients aren’t using pure, single-molecule THC to battle cancer. Instead, they are consuming whole plant cannabis oil extracts that include hundreds of compounds, many of which also have therapeutic properties. These artisanal cannabis oil preparations are available in licensed dispensaries in states where medical cannabis is legal and elsewhere via the unregulated black market.

Thus far, however, few rigorous studies have analyzed the effects of whole plant cannabis extracts. So a team of Spanish researchers, led by Cristina Sanchez at Complutense University in Madrid, decided to compare the efficacy of pure THC isolates and THC-rich oil extracts in a series of preclinical experiments that focused on breast cancer. (The oil extracts were provided by Aunt Zelda’s, a California-based medical cannabis producer.) The researchers also investigated the effects of pure THC and an artisanal THC-rich oil formulation when each was combined with standard chemotherapy drugs.

Their findings were reported in a 2018 article – “Appraising the ‘Entourage Effect’: Antitumor action of a pure cannabinoid versus a botanical drug preparation in preclinical models of breast cancer” – which was published in the journal Biochemical Pharmacology. The phrase “entourage effect” in this context refers to the full-spectrum synergistic interplay between numerous cannabis compounds – cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids – that impart a therapeutic impact that’s greater than the sum of the plant’s individual components.

📌Both THC and the artisanal THC-rich oil were shown to have antitumoral properties, but the oil worked better than the THC isolate for three different breast cancer subtypes.

➡️ Scientific Studies on CBD and Cancer

It is estimated that one in eight women will develop breast cancer. Breast cancer is tricky to treat because there are few biomarkers that signal when someone has the disease, and many patients show or develop resistance to current therapies. Moreover, several specific types of breast cancer respond poorly to modern treatment. These difficulties underscore the importance of exploring new treatments for breast cancer.

Two biomarkers frequently used to diagnose breast cancer are hormonal receptors (the estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor) and the HER2 oncogene (a gene which can transform a normal cell into a tumor cell). But a more aggressive malignancy, known as “triple-negative breast cancer,” doesn’t express hormonal receptors or the HER2 oncogene. No targeted therapy exists for triple-negative breast cancer, so patients are treated with harsh chemotherapies that indiscriminately kill proliferating cells, whether cancerous or not.

These three types of cancer :

..were used as models for “Appraising the entourage effect.”

In all models of breast cancer studied, in vitro as well as in vivo, the whole plant extract was significantly more effective at producing anticancer effects than single-molecule THC. These results were largely consistent for type of cancer and type of model. Researchers tested the compounds in cell cultures (petri dishes) and in rodent models .


In the case of hormone-sensitive breast cancer cells, whole plant extract was found to be 15-25% more potent than THC alone. In live-animal models single molecule THC exhibited no significant antitumor response, unlike the whole plant extract, which had a pronounced antitumor effect. Testing on lab animals is a necessary step towards establishing the efficacy of a specific clinical treatment.

When the cannabinoid preparations were added to tamoxifen, a standard chemotherapy drug, in a cell plate, the combined therapy was about 20-25% more effective than chemotherapy alone. But these results were not replicated in live-animal trials. Importantly, the cannabinoids also did not negatively impact the efficacy of the chemotherapy. This suggests that at the very least using cannabis as an add-on treatment to deal with common side effects of chemotherapy, like nausea and appetite loss, won’t impede chemotherapy’s ability to destroy cancer cells.

In hormone-sensitive breast cancer, it appears that THC produces effects via interaction with the CB2 cannabinoid receptor. CB2 receptor activation has received significant attention because of its potential to treat diseases while avoiding the “high” mediated by the CB1 cannabinoid receptor, which THC also activates. When THC binds to CB1, it causes the swimmy-headed feelings of intoxication associated with cannabis consumption.


Whole plant extract was found to be significantly more potent than THC for HER2-positive breast cancer cells. Both single-molecule THC and whole plant extract showed antitumor effects when the experiment was replicated in mice. Additionally, both THC and the whole plant extract amplified the anticancer effects of lapatinib, the standard chemotherapy drug for HER2 breast cancer.

As with hormone-sensitive breast cancer, THC’s antitumoral effect in HER2-positive breast cancer experiments was shown to be mediated by the CB2 cannabinoid receptor. Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, a subsequent report by Cristina Sanchez and other Spanish scientists noted that HER2 and CB2 receptors are often found in the same exact place on cells.

CB2 actually conjoins with HER2 – forming what is called a dimer – and this dimerization is associated with poor treatment outcome for breast cancer. The PNAS report shed new light on THC’s anticancer mechanism of action: When THC binds to the CB2 receptor, it breaks up the CB2-HER2 dimer, triggering a chain reaction of signals that culminates in tumor regression.


Triple-negative, the breast cancer subtype with the worst prognosis, does not generally respond well to chemotherapy. But the Spanish group found that THC and THC-rich cannabis oil both offer some hope in improving treatment outcomes for this highly aggressive cancer. Again, the whole plant extract was found to be more effective than THC alone in decreasing the viability of cancer cells in vitro as well as in mouse model studies.

There are several other examples where a combination of plant cannabinoids and standard chemotherapy agents have produced a heightened antitumoral response that exceeded the potency of either therapy alone. A phase 2 clinical trial tested the strength of Sativex, an equal THC and CBD mixture, combined with temozolomide, the “gold-standard” chemo for brain cancer, and the results were positive.

Cancer patients are often treated with several single-compound drugs in an effort to create a treatment that can hit multiple targets. “Although current medicine is mostly based on the use of pure compounds that have single targets,” the Spanish scientists write, “it is increasingly obvious that for diseases as complex as cancer, multi-target approaches could conceivably be more effective.”

The results of the Spanish study, along with compelling data from other researchers, suggest a promising future for whole plant cannabis oil extracts and multitarget cancer therapies. But the Western medical system and its typical drug development procedures are not conducive to the approval of complex botanical preparations as multitarget medicaments – in part because elucidating a precise mechanism of action when numerous compounds are involved is much more difficult than studying a single-molecule pharmaceutical that’s geared toward a single, primary outcome.


The fact that both the THC isolate and the whole plant cannabis extract were shown to be effective at reducing tumor viability is truly groundbreaking and should be an impetus for advancing the development of nontoxic, cannabinoid-based treatments for breast cancer.

Cannabinoid therapies are particularly promising for tumor-producing cancers given that “no overtly cannabis-resistant tumors have been described so far,” according to the Spanish researchers. “Considering how different cancer subtypes are, and the fact that the viability of non-transformed cells is not affected by cannabinoids at the concentrations they kill tumor cells, it is tempting to speculate that these compounds tackle essential, as yet unidentified, cellular functions that all cancer cells share, and that are absent in their non-cancerous counterparts.”

The Spanish breast cancer study underscores the importance of the entourage effect by demonstrating that full spectrum artisanal cannabis oil extract with numerous components is more effective than pure THC.* “[A]lthough the pharmacology of cannabis drug preparation extracts is obviously more complex to study,” the researchers acknowledge, “this therapeutic approach has the potential to produce better therapeutic responses than pure cannabinoids.”

The Spanish scientists emphasize that the whole plant cannabis drug preparation “did not, in any case, diminish the antitumor efficacy of any of the standard treatments.” That’s good news for cancer patients who use cannabis to manage the adverse side effects of chemo. Cannabis is very likely a safe add-on therapy for treating pain and nausea and for appetite stimulation. And it may also increase the efficacy of standard chemotherapy treatments, which means that chemo could be more effective – requiring lower and less toxic doses – when used in combination with cannabis.


*An interesting finding from the Spanish breast cancer study pertains to the not fully understood role of terpenes, the aromatic compounds that give cannabis its distinctive smell. The scientists created a “terpene cocktail” composed of the five most prominent terpenes in the full-spectrum cannabis oil extract: beta-caryophyllene, alpha-humulene, nerolidol, linalool, and beta-pinene. When added to the THC isolate, however, this terpene cocktail failed to increase the antitumoral efficacy of the single-molecule cannabinoid. This could mean that mixing a few terpenes with pure THC does not adequately recreate the qualities of a full-spectrum cannabis oil extract. Or it could be that other compounds in the oil extract are responsible for enhancing THC’s anticancer impact. The authors note that the whole plant cannabis oil extract used in the study also contained measurable amounts of cannabigerol (CBG) and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA – the ‘raw’ form of THC that won’t get you high). CBG has demonstrated effectiveness against colon cancer in preclinical models, and THCA is known to interact with a PPAR (nuclear) receptor that mediates apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cell lines. A combination of all these compounds may be required to achieve the antitumoral response observed in the Spanish breast cancer study.


• Blasco-Benito S, Moreno E, Seijo-Vila M, Tundidor I, Andradas C, Caffarel MM, Caro-Villalobos M, Urigüen L, Diez-Alarcia R, Moreno-Bueno G, Hernández L, Manso L, Homar-Ruano P, McCormick PJ, Bibic L, Bernadó-Morales C, Arribas J, Canals M, Casadó V, Canela EI, Guzmán M, Pérez-Gómez E, Sánchez C. Therapeutic targeting of HER2-CB2R heteromers in HER2-positive breast cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Feb 26;116(9):3863-3872. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1815034116.

• Blasco-Benito, S.; Seijo-Vila, M.; Caro-Villalobos, M.; Tundidor, I.; Andradas, C.; García-Taboada, E.; Wade, J.; Smith, S.; Guzmán, M.; Pérez-Gómez, E.; Gordon, M.; Sánchez, C. Appraising the “Entourage Effect”: Antitumor Action of a Pure Cannabinoid versus a Botanical Drug Preparation in Preclinical Models of Breast Cancer. Biochem. Pharma. 2018, 157, 285.

• Bray, F.; Ferlay, J.; Soerjomataram, I.; Siegel, R. L.; Torre, L. A.; Jemal, A. Cancer Statistics, 2018. Ca-Cancer J. Clin. 2018, 68, 394.

• Caffarel, M. M.; Andradas, E.; Perez-Gomez, M.; Guzmán, M.; Sánchez, C. Cannabinoids: a New Hope for Breast Cancer Therapy? Cancer Treat. Rev. 2012, 38, 911.

• Campos, A. C.; Fogaca, M. V.; Sacarante, F. F.; Joca, S. R. L.; Sales, A. J.; Gomes, F. V.; Sonego, A. B.; Rodrigues, N. S.; Galve-Roperh, I.; Guimaraes, F. S. Plastic and Neuroprotective Mechanisms Involved in the Therapeutic Effects of Cannabidiol in Psychiatric Disorders. Front. Pharmacol. 2017, 8, 269.

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