The Ark Bistro Garden

Resort style atmosphere, we serving our signature Nanyang Laksa, western food, BBQ & beers! Dine in SOP. FULLY Vaccinated with MY SEJATERA CERTIFICATE


We are HIRING!!Welcome to apply🤩
*Foreigner with permit are welcome to apply*

Kitchen Cook & Helper (Western Food) 👨‍🍳
-To ensure that the stock items taken are in good condition.
-To ensure the amount of food to prepare are according to the standard recipe and for consistent preparation.
-Follow the sanitation and maintain a cleanliness in the kitchen at all times.

Major Benefits for all roles
-Staff meal & stay provided etc,will be explored when interview

Please whatsapp call +6016 2399854 to arrange interview or
Walk in to 22.1 Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Molek 81100 Johor Bahru

The Ark Bistro Garden Resort style atmosphere, we serving our signature Nanyang Laksa, western food, BBQ & beers!

Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 14/11/2024

🇲🇾这家隐藏的西餐厅已经是next level了…

和朋友点了一桌的食物 这里真的太适合聚餐了!有本地美食 西餐 还有烧烤等等…
点了那么多菜都没踩雷 价钱中等 属于平价西餐 但是好吃程度是max 对我而言性价比超高的!

The Ark Bistro Garden
No 22,Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Molek 81100 Johor Bahru

4pm - 2am (星期日休息)

Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 11/11/2024

店里装修主打一个松弛感 让你感觉很chill

这款完全是我的爱,绝大部分的猪扒都是蛮硬的 但这家不会,肉嫩多汁,一口接着一口

通常香肠都是配菜,这里的香肠可以作为主食,就知道香肠的来头肯定不简单。是猪肉香肠 我一边切 香肠的汁水一边溢出来 实打实的纯肉香~绝!

料多到超出我的预想了 也是我喜欢的薄饼披萨 外皮酥脆 中间的配料酸 甜 咸都有了 整体看起来也非常开胃 我想一个人干完整个披萨

厨师烹饪技艺精湛!既保留了完美的鱼皮 还让鱼肉保持汁水充分。超厚的鱼扒!一份就把我给干饱了

📍| The Ark Bistro Garden
No 22,Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Johor Jaya 81100 JB
营业时间:4pm - 2am (星期天休息)


Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 06/11/2024

这么有水准的西餐厅 为什么还没火遍新山?!

新山人 你们的嘴是真的严…….
每道菜都很用心 食物吃得出来材料都是优质食材👍
真心推荐大家过来试试 会有惊喜

#新山美食 #新山 #新山西餐 #新山西餐厅 #柔佛美食 #新山约会好去处 #新山聚餐 #新山美食探店

Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 06/11/2024

We are HIRING!!Welcome to apply🤩
*Foreigner with permit are welcome to apply*

-Maintain cleanliness of the workplace
-Prepare and serve beverages according to standard recipes
-Fulfill customers' orders accordingly and appropriately

-To be able to make menu suggestions to customers.
-Take food and beverages orders from customers.
-Ensure table and dining area are clean.
-Always keep work stations clear, clean and tidy.

Major Benefits for all roles
-Staff meal provided and etc,will be explored when interview

Please whatsapp call +6016 2399854 to arrange interview or
Walk in to 22.1 Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Molek 81100 Johor Bahru

Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 03/11/2024
Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 03/11/2024


Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 29/10/2024

最近一到周五或周六晚上 朋友问要去哪里聚

📍The Ark Bistro Garden (Kopilicious同排)
No 22,24 Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Molek 81100 Johor Bahru
营业时间:4pm - 2am(星期天休息)

#新山宝藏餐厅分享 #新山好去处

Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 20/10/2024


Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 19/10/2024



我哪里来的自信 因为我来过好几次
啤酒 whiskey tequila cocktails brandy等~

店名:The Ark Bistro Garden (Kopilicious同排)
地址:No 22,24,Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Molek 81100 Johor Bahru
营业时间: 4pm - 2am

#新山美食推荐 #新山美食 #新山美食探店 #新山西餐 #新山网红餐厅 #新山美食打卡 #新山约会餐厅 #新山朋友聚餐 #新山公司聚会

Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 16/10/2024

每次来他们家 都会让我忘记卡路里

太多种食物的选择了 本地餐 西餐 中餐都有
食物上桌卖相也很好 忍不住食指大动!


地点The Ark Bistro Garden(Kopilicious同排)
地址:No 22.1,Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Molek 81100 Johor Bahru
营业时间:4pm-2am (星期天休息)

#新山吃喝玩乐 #新山美食推荐 #新山西餐推荐 #柔佛新山 #新山西餐 #宝藏餐厅分享 #新山美食探店

Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 14/10/2024

We are HIRING!!Welcome to apply🤩
*Foreigner with permit are welcome to apply*

-Maintain cleanliness of the workplace
-Prepare and serve beverages according to standard recipes
-Fulfill customers' orders accordingly and appropriately

Kitchen Helper👨‍🍳
-To ensure that the stock items taken are in good condition.
-To ensure the amount of food to prepare are according to the standard recipe and for consistent preparation.
-Follow the sanitation and maintain a cleanliness in the kitchen at all times.

-To be able to make menu suggestions to customers.
-Take food and beverages orders from customers.
-Ensure table and dining area are clean.
-Always keep work stations clear, clean and tidy.

Major Benefits for all roles
-Staff meal provided and etc,will be explored when interview

Please whatsapp call +6016 2399854 to arrange interview or
Walk in to 22.1 Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Molek 81100 Johor Bahru


We are HIRING!!Welcome to apply🤩
*Foreigner with permit are welcome to apply*

-Maintain cleanliness of the workplace
-Prepare and serve beverages according to standard recipes
-Fulfill customers' orders accordingly and appropriately

Kitchen Helper👨‍🍳
-To ensure that the stock items taken are in good condition.
-To ensure the amount of food to prepare are according to the standard recipe and for consistent preparation.
-Follow the sanitation and maintain a cleanliness in the kitchen at all times.

-To be able to make menu suggestions to customers.
-Take food and beverages orders from customers.
-Ensure table and dining area are clean.
-Always keep work stations clear, clean and tidy.

Major Benefits for all roles
-Staff meal provided

The Ark Bistro Garden Resort style atmosphere, we serving our signature Nanyang Laksa, western food, BBQ & beers!


Restaurant crew needed (non-halal)

1. Waiter / Waitress
2. Kitchen helper
3. Bartender

The Ark Bistro Garden Resort style atmosphere, we serving our signature Nanyang Laksa, western food, BBQ & beers!

Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 03/10/2024


一进餐厅就感觉很特别 设计是以🪵为主
因为这里是以船的主题来设计 氛围感不错~
有投影设备 可以点歌~E人来到还可以唱歌😆
食物都很好吃 不踩雷 超多种类的菜品 中餐西餐都有 不管是来约会 朋友聚会 还是家庭聚会 带长辈来也不用担心啦~男女老少 大人小孩 全部拿捏😆

📍The Ark Bistro Garden(Kopilicious同排)
No22,24 Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Molek 81100 Johor Bahru
🕘 4pm-2am(星期天休息)

Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 01/10/2024


高级的食材往往只需要简单的调味~煎牛排能看得出厨师的功夫,5分对我来说太生 9分太熟 7分刚刚好☺️是我喜欢的~

巨香!!!超级脆 一口下去我以为谁在我旁边放鞭炮🧨猪蹄的油脂和猪蹄的瘦肉互相交织在口腔里 超美妙~🤤瘦肉部分也不会太干柴

烤到表皮微焦的羊肩肉 还保留了肉质的鲜嫩
只能说店家准备的食材很新鲜 没有一点的羊膻味~加分加分!

面条劲道爽滑的同时吃完盘里不会剩下惊人的油量 微微辣 越吃越香的那种 真的很赞👍

超新鲜的大虾!!简约而不简单 还有虾膏 一嗦真的上头~肉质Q弹 叉子一撬 肉就轻轻松松从壳分离了

食物好吃 环境不错,店员的态度也很热情!非常推荐大家去试试~

店名:The Ark Bistro Garden
地址:No 22,24 Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Molek 81100 Johor Bahru

Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 24/09/2024

我宣布 这是新山最好吃的餐厅!没有之一

每份食物都很平价 好吃 分量还很足😍
▪️番茄肉酱意大利面 RM14.90
看到这价钱我以为会很小份 哪里知道端上来还挺大份的呢!番茄肉酱不会太酸 味道超超超赞👍
▪️培根奶油蛋酱意大利面 RM19.90
真真真的吼吼吃!不是很浓厚很腻的那种奶油酱!是煮到很刚好让我想一口接一口吃的奶酱🤤他们给的培根巨多 店家真的很舍得给料!
▪️香烤羊扒 RM28.90
新鲜好吃!几乎没有羊骚味~只要切对方式 肉也不会柴 我选的黑胡椒酱 和羊扒整个很搭!配上奶香奶香的薯泥和好吃不腻的coleslaw 爱了爱了!
▪️烧烤鸡脆骨 RM18.90
我真的超爱脆骨的 那种脆脆咯吱咯吱的口感!配上啤酒 真的好上头🤤但不是每个地方都有卖 我在这里实现了烧烤和西餐一起吃 一次性满足我的胃!
▪️招牌玉米饼 RM18.90
看到是招牌就点来试了~玉米片配上浓浓的芝士酱 还有浓香的番茄肉酱 因为酱料都是浓的 所以就算沾了吃起来依然是咔滋咔滋 脆脆的!
📍The Ark Bistro Garden
No 22,24 Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Molek
81100 Johor Bahru
⏰ Mon - Sat | 4pm - 2am

#宝藏西餐厅 #柔佛新山美食 #柔佛新山 #约会餐厅 #放工后的好去处

Photos from The Ark Bistro Garden's post 31/10/2023

My New Generation F4

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Videos (show all)

That’s how I chase customers away when closing 🤣
First Angmo customer on stage! Come join us! 22.1 & 24.1 Jalan Molek 2/2Taman Molek 81100
Ready to get high?!?!?!
Tonight’s band performer, Guitarist Mathew .Come join us!Every Friday & Saturday 8pm to 11:30pmRSVP 0137604433 KK
Tonight’s band performer, Guitarist Mathew .Come join us!Every Friday & Saturday 8pm to 11:30pmRSVP 0137604433 KK
Guitarist Mathew performing now!
Tonight’s band performers!Come join us!Every Friday & Saturday 8:30pm to 11:30pmRSVP 0137604433 KK
Special guess Drummer Dennis!
Today’s Chinese Singer & Keyboard live performance!8:30pm~11:30pmCome join us with our first with keyboard!RSVP 01376044...
Live performance. Come join us!RSVP 0137604433 KK
Come join us!From 8:30pm to 11:30pmEvery Friday & Saturday!RSVP 0137604433 KK
Our Special guest dancer!👏👏😅




22. 1 Jalan Molek 2/2 Taman Molek
Johor Bahru

Opening Hours

Monday 16:00 - 01:00
Tuesday 16:00 - 01:00
Wednesday 16:00 - 01:00
Thursday 16:00 - 01:00
Friday 16:00 - 01:00
Saturday 16:00 - 01:00

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