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大马5张数字银行执照出炉! 郭鹤年属下公司也上榜 - 财经 - 即时财经 | 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily Malaysia Latest News and Headlines 29/04/2022


大马5张数字银行执照出炉! 郭鹤年属下公司也上榜 - 财经 - 即时财经 | 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily Malaysia Latest News and Headlines 国家银行今日公布5张数字银行执照得主,大马首富郭鹤年属下公司所组财团也成功脱颖而出。...


📣 *iFAST Daily Market Brew* 📣

*Wednesday, April 20, 2022*

*Positive earnings reports lifted US equities; Mixed economic data continued to affect China’s market sentiment*

🇺🇸 S&P 500: 1.61% 📈
🇺🇸 NASDAQ: 2.15% 📈
🇪🇺 Stoxx 600: -0.68% 📉
🇯🇵 Nikkei 225: 0.69% 📈
🇭🇰 HSI Index: -2.28% 📉
🇨🇳 CSI 300: -0.76% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM KLCI: Market Closed
🇲🇾 FBM Small Cap: Market Closed

(returns in local currency terms, data as of 19 April 2022)

• *US equities* rallied on *Tuesday* with *S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite up 1.6% and 2.2%* respectively, as investors shifted attention to the 1Q2022 earnings season with earnings beat from Johnson & Johnson, IBM etc.

• *Asia Pacific markets* were dragged by Chinese equities with *Hang Seng Index and CSI 300 down -2.3% and -0.8%* respectively, following *mixed economic data* recently with March retail sales down -3.5% y/y, below expectations of -1.6% y/y.

💡 *Events Ahead*: 💡

• *Wednesday*, we have German ifo Business Climate and Industrial Production m/m from *EU* and Tertiary Industry Activity m/m from *Japan*, and 1-Year Loan Prime Rate from *China*.

• There will be Unemployment Claims from *US*, EU & German Flash Manufacturing & Services PMI, Final CPI & Final Core CPI y/y, and Consumer Confidence from *EU* and Flash Manufacturing PMI from *Japan* on *Thursday*.

• Lastly on *Friday*, *US* will report Flash Markit Manufacturing & Services PMI and *Malaysia* will report CPI y/y.

💡 *iFAST’s 5 Things You Need To Know Today*: 💡

1. *People's Bank of China (PBOC) unveiled 23 measures* to support economic growth.

2. *IBM Chairman and CEO, Arvind Krishna: “Demand for hybrid cloud and AI drove growth in both Software and Consulting* in the first quarter. Today we’re a more focused business and our results reflect the ex*****on of our strategy," and "We are off to a solid start for the year, and we now see revenue growth for 2022 at the high end of our model.”

3. *KKR led consortium offered USD 14.80 billion (a 37% premium) for Ramsay Health Care*, Australia's largest private hospital operator.

4. *L’Oreal CEO, Nicolas Hieronimus*: “We are not even close to experiencing a luxury down-turn, we see many people that are affluent and even the middle classes want to indulge,” and “*The overall demand for luxury products and premiumized products is very high* – the market is premiumizing overall.”

5. *Lockheed Martin CEO, Jim Taiclet: "We've got demand signals for THAAD and PAC-3 from around the world*," "Especially when you see missiles hitting hospitals and situations like that, and train stations in Ukraine," and "that it's worthwhile to have an effective missile defense capacity in your country."

✅ *Key Takeaways*:

It is encouraging to see the continued earnings beat from US corporates and positive commentaries from corporate leaders on the demand outlook as we go through the current earnings season.

📣 *iFAST 每日市场快讯* 📣

*2022 年 4 月 20 日,星期三*


🇺🇸 标准普尔 500 指数:1.61% 📈
🇺🇸 纳斯达克:2.15% 📈
🇪🇺 斯托克 600:-0.68% 📉
🇯🇵 日经 225:0.69% 📈
🇭🇰 恒指:-2.28% 📉
🇨🇳 CSI300:-0.76% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM KLCI:市场休市
🇲🇾 FBM Small Cap: 市场休市

(以当地货币计算的回报,截至 2022 年 4 月 19 日的数据)

• 美国股市周二上涨,标准普尔 500 指数和纳斯达克综合指数分别上涨 1.6% 和 2.2%,因为投资者将注意力转移到 2022 年第一季度财报季,强生、IBM 等公司的财报皆优于市场预期。

• 亚太市场受中国股市拖累,恒生指数和CSI300 指数分别下跌-2.3% 和-0.8%,此前近期经济数据喜忧参半,3 月份零售额同比下降-3.5%,低于预期的-1.6% y /y。

💡 *未来活动*:💡

• 周三,我们有来自欧盟的德国 ifo 商业环境和工业生产月率月率和来自日本的第三产业活动月率,以及来自中国的 1 年期贷款最优惠利率。

• 周四将有美国、欧盟和德国的初请失业金人数、CPI 和最终核心CPI y/y,以及欧盟消费者信心指数和日本制造业PMI 初值。

• 最后周五,美国将公布 Flash Markit 制造业和服务业采购经理人指数,马来西亚将公布 CPI 同比。

💡 *今日须知五件事*💡

1. 中国人民银行祭出新一轮多达23条支持经济增长的措施。

2. IBM 董事长兼首席执行官 Arvind Krishna:“对混合云和人工智能的需求推动了第一季度软件和咨询业务的增长。今天,我们是一家更加专注的企业,我们的业绩反映了我们战略的执行,”和“我们今年开局良好,现在我们看到 2022 年的收入增长处于我们模式的高端。”

3. KKR 牵头的财团为澳大利亚最大的私立医院运营商 Ramsay Health Care 出价 148 亿美元(溢价 37%)。

4. 欧莱雅首席执行官 Nicolas Hieronimus:“我们甚至还没有接近奢侈品的衰退期,我们看到很多富裕的人甚至中产阶级都想放纵,”和“对奢侈品的整体需求产品和高端产品的比例非常高——市场总体上正在高端化。”

5. 洛克希德·马丁公司首席执行官吉姆·泰克莱特:“我们收到了来自世界各地对萨德和 PAC-3 的需求信号”,“特别是当你看到导弹袭击医院和类似情况,以及乌克兰的火车站时”,以及“在贵国拥有有效的导弹防御能力是值得的。”

✅ *要点*:



📣 *iFAST Daily Market Brew* 📣

*Monday, April 18, 2022*

*Few major markets were closed for Good Friday; China kept MLF rates unchanged*

🇺🇸 S&P 500: Market Closed
🇺🇸 NASDAQ: Market Closed
🇪🇺 Stoxx 600: Market Closed
🇯🇵 Nikkei 225: -0.29% 📉
🇭🇰 HSI Index: Market Closed
🇨🇳 CSI 300: -0.07% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM KLCI: -0.42% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM Small Cap: -0.31% 📉

(returns in local currency terms, data as of 15 April 2022)

• *Asia Pacific markets* lower on *Friday* with *CSI 300 down -0.1%* as China PBOC kept MLF rates unchanged while the announcement on RRR cut was after market closed.

• Japan’s *Nikkei 225 was down -0.3%* following the weak overnight sentiment on Wall Street as bond yield continued to move higher.

• *FBM KLCI index was down -0.4% (6.69) to close at 1,589.01*, mirroring the weak regional market sentiment while market breath was negative with 487 losers versus 310 gainers.

💡 *Events Ahead*: 💡

• On *Monday*, there is National Core CPI y/y from *Japan*, GDP y/y, Fixed Asset Investments YTD/y, Industrial Production y/y, Retail Sales y/y, and Unemployment Rate from *China* and Exports & Imports y/y from *Malaysia*.

• *Japan* to report Revised Industrial Production m/m on *Tuesday*.

• *Wednesday*, we have German ifo Business Climate and Industrial Production m/m from *EU* and Tertiary Industry Activity m/m from *Japan*, and 1-Year Loan Prime Rate from *China*.

• There will be Unemployment Claims from *US*, EU & German Flash Manufacturing & Services PMI, Final CPI & Final Core CPI y/y, and Consumer Confidence from *EU* and Flash Manufacturing PMI from *Japan* on *Thursday*.

• Lastly on *Friday*, *US* will report Flash Markit Manufacturing & Services PMI and *Malaysia* will report CPI y/y.

💡 *iFAST’s 5 Things You Need To Know Today*: 💡

1. *The People's Bank of China (PBOC) to cut the reserve requirement ratio (RRR)* for all banks by 25 basis points, effective from April 25.

2. *Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong: ''The plan is for Lawrence to succeed me as PM*, either before or after (if the PAP wins) the next General Election. It is due in 2025 and will surely be a tough fight."

3. *SINOVAC: ''COVID-19 vaccine (Omicron strain) has been approved for clinical trial* in Hong Kong, China.''

4. *Sri Lanka Finance Minister, Ali Sabry*: "We may need 3-4 billion cash injections from external sources for the rest of the year," ahead of its *talks with International Monetary Fund (IMF) between 19 -24 April*.

5. White House: ''*President Biden will host the Leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Washington, DC* on May 12 and 13 for a U.S.-ASEAN Special Summit.''

✅ *Key Takeaways*:

There is always something for investors to fear about in the market. Therefore, the important of staying invested for the long term and hopefully this can help investors to stay focus on the fundamentals and cancel out short term distractions/noises.

📣 *iFAST 每日市场快讯* 📣

*2022 年 4 月 18 日星期一*


🇺🇸 标准普尔 500 指数:市场休市
🇺🇸 纳斯达克:市场休市
🇪🇺 Stoxx 600:市场休市
🇯🇵 日经 225:-0.29% 📉
🇭🇰 恒指:收市
🇨🇳 CSI300:-0.07% 📉
🇲🇾 富时大马隆综合指数:-0.42% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM 小型股:-0.31% 📉

(以当地货币计算的回报,截至 2022 年 4 月 15 日的数据)

• 周五亚太市场走低,CSI300 指数下跌-0.1%,原因是中国央行维持MLF 利率不变,而降准是在收市后宣布。

• 日本日经225指数下跌-0.3%,因隔夜华尔街情绪疲弱,债券收益率继续走高。

• 富时大马综指下跌-0.4%(6.69),收于1,589.01,反映区域市场情绪疲弱,而市场情绪为负面,487 家下跌对 310 家上涨。

💡 *未来活动*:💡

• 周一有来自日本的全国核心CPI y/y、GDP y/y、固定资产投资y/y、工业生产y/y、零售销售y/y、中国失业率和进出口数据y/来自马来西亚。

• 日本将于周二公布修正后的工业生产月率。

• 周三,我们有来自欧盟的德国 ifo 商业环境和工业生产月率月率和来自日本的第三产业活动月率,以及来自中国的 1 年期贷款最优惠利率。

• 周四将有美国、欧盟和德国的初请失业金人数、CPI 和最终核心CPI y/y,以及欧盟消费者信心指数和日本制造业PMI 初值。

• 最后周五,美国将公布 Flash Markit 制造业和服务业采购经理人指数,马来西亚将公布 CPI 同比。

💡 *今日须知五件事*💡


2. 新加坡总理李显龙:“计划是让劳伦斯在下届大选之前或之后(如果行动党获胜)接替我担任总理。它将于 2025 年到期,肯定会是一场艰苦的战斗。”

3. SINOVAC:“COVID-19 疫苗(Omicron 株)已获准在中国香港进行临床试验。”

4. 斯里兰卡财政部长阿里·萨布里:“在今年剩余时间里,我们可能需要从外部来源注入 3-40 亿美元的现金,”在 4 月 19 日至 24 日与国际货币基金组织 (IMF) 进行会谈之前。

5. 白宫:“拜登总统将于 5 月 12 日至 13 日在华盛顿特区接待东南亚国家联盟 (ASEAN) 领导人,参加美国-东盟特别峰会。”

✅ *要点*:





📣 *iFAST Daily Market Brew* 📣

*Wednesday, April 13, 2022*

*US March CPI at 8.5%, highest since 1981; China’s Premier Li issued a third growth warning*

🇺🇸 S&P 500: -0.34% 📉
🇺🇸 NASDAQ: -0.30% 📉
🇪🇺 STOXX 600: -0.35% 📉
🇯🇵 Nikkei 225: -1.81% 📉
🇭🇰 HSI: 0.52% 📈
🇨🇳 CSI 300: 1.95% 📈
🇲🇾 FBM KLCI: -0.47% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM Small Cap: 0.02% 📈

(returns in local currency terms, data as of 12 April 2022)

• *Wall Street reversed earlier gains and ended in negative territory on Tuesday with both S&P 500 index and Nasdaq Composite down -0.3%*, while *US March CPI came in at 8.5% y/y* (prior: 7.9%), higher than market expectations of 8.4%.

• *German April ZEW Economic Sentiment came in at -41.0 (prior: -39.3)*, beating market expectations of -48.0.

• *Chinese equities rebounded with CSI 300 index and Hang Seng index up 2.0% and 0.5% respectively* amid prospects of more economic supports from Beijing after China’s Premier Li issued a third growth warning alongside Beijing’s approval of the first batch of video games licenses since July 2021.

• *FBM KLCI index declined -0.5% (-7.48 points) to close at 1,597.13* amid a mixed regional market performance while the overall market breadth was negative with 578 decliners outnumbering 340 gainers.

💡 *Events Ahead:* 💡

• Investors will be paying attention to *EU Industrial Production m/m* on *Wednesday*.

• *Thursday* will have *Retail Sales & Core Retail Sales m/m and Unemployment Claims* from *US* while *EU* to release *Main Refinancing Rate, ECB Press Conference & Monetary Policy Statement*.

• On *Friday*, *China* will report *Unemployment Rate*.

💡 *iFAST’s 5 Things You Need To Know Today*: 💡

1. *Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard: “US central bank will move expeditiously to raise interest rates and return surging inflation to its 2% target.”*

2. *US 10-year treasuries pared losses after yields once rose to 2.8320%, the highest level since December 2018*.

3. *China’s Premier Li Keqiang: “Authorities should add a sense of urgency when implementing existing policies. China will study and adopt stronger economic policies as needed to support the economy.”*

4. *The National Press and Publication Administration in China published a list of 45 domestic game titles on its website*, approving the first batch of new video game licenses, after a 8-month-long hiatus that put the world’s largest mobile gaming arena on edge.

5. *Russian President Vladimir Putin: “Peace talks with Ukraine are stalled and vowed to continue his military operation there even as he called the conflict a tragedy.”*

✅ *Key Takeaways*:

We are seeing more positive news flows coming from China with the latest being China’s Premier Li urging pro-growth measures to be accelerated and restarting of its video game approvals. There may also be a possibility that China will be implementing a shorter Covid quarantines.

📣 *iFAST 每日市场快讯* 📣

*2022 年 4 月 13 日,星期三*

*美国 3 月 CPI 报在8.5%,为 1981 年以来最高水平;中国总理李克强发布第三次发经济增长警示信号*

🇺🇸 标准普尔 500 指数:-0.34% 📉
🇺🇸 纳斯达克:-0.30% 📉
🇪🇺 斯托克 600:-0.35% 📉
🇯🇵 日经 225:-1.81% 📉
🇭🇰 恒指:0.52% 📈
🇨🇳 沪深 300:1.95% 📈
🇲🇾 富时大马隆综指:-0.47% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM 小型股:0.02% 📈

(以当地货币计算的回报,截至 2022 年 4 月 12 日的数据)

• 周二华尔街逆转早前涨幅并收于负值,标准普尔500指数和纳斯达克综合指数均下跌-0.3%,而美国3月CPI同比上涨8.5%(之前:7.9%),高于市场预期8.4%。

• 德国4 月ZEW 经济景气指数为-41.0(之前:-39.3),优于市场预期的-48.0。

• 中国股市反弹,沪深 300 指数和恒生指数分别上涨 2.0% 和 0.5%,在中国总理李克强发布第三次经济增长警示信号以及北京批准自 2021 年 7 月以来的第一批线上视频游戏牌照后,预示北京将提供更多经济上的支持。 .

• 富时大马综指下跌-0.5%(-7.48 点),收于1,597.13 点,区域市场表现参差不齐,而整体市场广度为负,578 只下跌股超过340 只上涨股。

💡 未来活动:💡

• 周三投资者将关注欧盟工业生产月率。

• 周四将有美国的零售销售和核心零售销售月率和失业救济申请,而欧盟将发布主要再融资利率、欧洲央行新闻发布会和货币政策声明。

• 周五,中国将公布失业率。

💡 *今日须知五件事*💡

1. 美联储理事莱尔布雷纳德:“美国央行将迅速采取行动提高利率,并将飙升的通胀率恢复到 2% 的目标。”

2. 美国10年期国债收益率一度升至2.8320%,为2018年12月以来最高水平,收复失地。

3. 中国国务院总理李克强:“当局在实施现有政策时应增加紧迫感。中国将根据需要研究并采取更有力的经济政策来支持经济。”

4. 中国国家新闻出版署在其网站上公布了 45 款国产游戏的名单,在长达 8 个月将全球最大的移动游戏领域边缘化后,批准了第一批新的线上视频游戏许可证。

5. 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京:“与乌克兰的和平谈判陷入僵局,并誓言将继续在那里开展军事行动,尽管他称这场冲突是一场悲剧。”

✅ *要点:*



📣 Daily Market Brew* 📣

*Monday, April 11, 2022*

*US 10-year Treasury Yield notched a three-year high; Concerns on hawkish FOMC meeting minutes lingers*

🇺🇸 S&P 500: -0.27% 📉
🇺🇸 NASDAQ: -1.34% 📉
🇪🇺 STOXX 600: 1.31% 📈
🇯🇵 Nikkei 225: 0.36% 📈
🇭🇰 HSI: 0.29% 📈
🇨🇳 CSI 300: 0.51% 📈
🇲🇾 FBM KLCI: 0.41% 📈
🇲🇾 FBM Small Cap: 0.71% 📈

(returns in local currency terms, data as of 08 April 2022)

• *US equities closed lower on Friday with S&P 500 index and Nasdaq Composite down -0.3% and -1.3% respectively*, amid selloff in technology sector as investors continued to digest a firm hawkish stance from Federal Reserve while *US 10-year Treasury Yield rose above 2.70% for the first time since March 2019*.

• *Asia Pacific equities ended higher with CSI 300 index and Hang Seng index up 0.5% and 0.3% respectively*, amid positive sentiment surrounding the Chinese property sector on easing credit and regulatory policies.

• *Japan March consumer confidence came in at 32.8* (prior: 35.3), lower than market expectations of 34.0.

• *FBM KLCI index gained 0.4% (6.50 points) to close at 1,607.29* on positive regional market sentiment while *Malaysia February unemployment rate came in at a near two-year low of 4.1%* (prior: 4.2%), in line with market expectations.

💡 *Events Ahead:* 💡

• *China* will release *CPI y/y* and *Malaysia* will report *Industrial Production y/y and Retail Sales y/y* on *Monday*.

• *US CPI & Core CPI m/m* and *German ZEW Economic Sentiment* will be reported while *New Loans and Total Social Financing (TSF)* from *China* will be available on *Tuesday*.

• Investors will be paying attention to *EU Industrial Production m/m* on *Wednesday*.

• *Thursday* will have *Retail Sales & Core Retail Sales m/m and Unemployment Claims* from *US* while *EU* to release *Main Refinancing Rate, ECB Press Conference & Monetary Policy Statement*.

• On *Friday*, *China* will report *Unemployment Rate*.

💡 5 Things You Need To Know Today*: 💡

1. *EU countries agreed to ban coal imports from Russia, the first time the bloc’s sanctions have targeted Russia’s crucial energy revenues*.

2. *Incumbent Emmanuel Macron is leading on the first round of the French presidential election on Sunday polls*.

3. *S&P Global Market Intelligence: “Onshore Chinese firms in CSI 300 index pay a record USD 157.2 billion (RMB 1 trillion) dividends for 2021*.

4. *GoTo Group, the Indonesian tech giant (a merger between Gojek, the ride-hailing company and Tokopedia, the online-shopping startup) will start trading on 11 April 2022, Monday*.

5. *Thailand Deputy Health Minister Satit Pitutecha: “Thailand plans to scrap a mandatory RT-PCR test on arrival for foreign visitors from next month* to step up efforts to attract more tourists amid a rebound in global travel.

✅ *Key Takeaways*:

Positive catalysts such as policy stimulus in China for a more stable macro backdrop, and a step-up boost from reopening economies in Asia should give investors comfort and propel Asia equities rebound higher.

📣每日市场快讯* 📣

*2022 年 4 月 11 日,星期一*

*美国10年期国债收益率创三年新高;对鹰派 FOMC 会议纪要的担忧挥之不去*

🇺🇸 标准普尔 500 指数:-0.27% 📉
🇺🇸 纳斯达克:-1.34% 📉
🇪🇺 STOXX 600:1.31% 📈
🇯🇵 日经 225:0.36% 📈
🇭🇰 恒指:0.29% 📈
🇨🇳 CSI300:0.51% 📈
🇲🇾 富时大马隆综合指数:0.41% 📈
🇲🇾 FBM 小型股:0.71% 📈

(以当地货币计算的回报,截至 2022 年 4 月 8 日的数据)

• 美国股市周五收低,标普500指数和纳斯达克综合指数分别下跌-0.3%和-1.3%,科技股出现了强烈的抛售潮,因投资者继续消化美联储坚定的鹰派立场,同时美国10年期国债收益率持续上升,为 2019 年 3 月首次以来在2.70%的水平以上。

• 亚太股市收高,CSI300 指数和恒生指数分别上涨 0.5% 和 0.3%,被中国房地产行业对放宽信贷和监管政策的积极情绪提振。

• 日本 3 月消费者信心指数为 32.8(之前:35.3),低于市场预期的 34.0。

• 富时大马综指上涨 0.4%(6.50 点),收于 1,607.29,因区域市场情绪积极,而马来西亚 2 月失业率处于近两年低点 4.1%(之前:4.2%),符合市场预期。

💡 *未来活动*:💡

• 中国将于周一公布CPI y/y,马来西亚将公布工业生产y/y 和零售销售y/y。

• 美国 CPI 和核心 CPI m/m 以及德国 ZEW 经济景气指数将在周二公布,而中国的新贷款和社会融资总额 (TSF) 将于周二公布。

• 周三投资者将关注欧盟工业生产月率。

• 周四将有美国的零售销售和核心零售销售月率和失业救济申请,而欧盟将发布主要再融资利率、欧洲央行新闻发布会和货币政策声明。

• 周五,中国将公布失业率。
[11/04, 08:55] +60 16-298 6698: 💡 *今日须知五件事*💡

1. 欧盟国家同意禁止从俄罗斯进口煤炭,这是欧盟制裁首次针对俄罗斯的关键能源收入。

2. 在周日的第一轮法国总统选举中,现任总统马克龙领先。

3. S&P Global Market Intelligence:“CSI300 指数中的在岸中国公司在 2021 年支付的股息达到创纪录的 1572 亿美元(1 万亿元人民币)。

4. 印度尼西亚科技巨头 GoTo Group(由叫车公司 Gojek 和在线购物初创公司 Tokopedia 合并)将于 2022 年 4 月 11 日星期一开始交易。

5. 泰国卫生部副部长 Satit Pitutecha:“泰国计划从下个月开始取消外国游客抵达时的强制性 RT-PCR 检测,以在全球旅游反弹的情况下加大力度吸引更多游客。

✅ *要点*:



Scam! Please take note!!

Few days ago, my husband just received this type of call from LHDN and told him that he had no make payments for YA 2020.. the number is 01×... and yesterday, I also received call from court said I have court Saman.. and the number also 01×.. so this all are scam, please careful. If you are really have Saman or any payments not paid in LHDN or Court.. they will send letters or statements by written notices.. and not calls you guys!! Please take note!


5 Things You Need To Know Today*: 💡

1. The latest *FOMC meeting minutes* revealed a strong indication of *50 basis point rate hikes* next and the Fed officials also reached consensus on *shrinking the balance sheet by USD 95 billion a month*, doubling the last tightening effort (USD 50 billion) made by the Fed back in 2017-2019.

2. *Chinese state-owned refiners* are *honouring the long-term and existing Russian oil contracts* but avoiding new spot deals despite steep discounts.

3. *US* will impose *full blocking sanctions on Russia’s Sberbank*, which is the largest Russian bank that holds one-third of the country’s total banking assets.

4. *Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen*: “Russia’s actions, including the atrocities committed against innocent Ukrainians in Bucha, are reprehensible, represent an unacceptable affront to the rules-based global order, and will have enormous economic repercussions for the world.”

5. *US natural gas futures reached the highest level since 2014* at USD 6.3 per million British thermal units on expectations of stronger demand.

✅ *Key Takeaways*:

The shrinking of balance sheet will reduce the liquidity in the market and in generally it will adversely impact the equity market, however, history has proven that companies with strong fundamentals are able to weather through the tightening cycle better than others.

Daily Market Brew* 📣

*Thursday, April 7, 2022*

*Wall Street extended losses on tightening policy plans by the Fed; Chinese equities retreated on contracting PMI data*

🇺🇸 S&P 500: -0.97% 📉
🇺🇸 NASDAQ: -2.22% 📉
🇪🇺 Stoxx 600: -1.52% 📉
🇯🇵 Nikkei 225: -1.58% 📉
🇭🇰 HSI Index: -1.87% 📉
🇨🇳 CSI 300: -0.29% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM KLCI: 0.50% 📈
🇲🇾 FBM Small Cap: 0.71% 📈

(returns in local currency terms, data as of 6 April 2022)

• *US equities extended its losing streak* on *Wednesday* with *S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite declining -1.0% and -2.2% respectively* as the latest FOMC meeting minutes revealed strong indications of 50 basis point rate hikes and balance sheet reduction in coming meetings.

• *European equities closed lower* with *STOXX 600 falling -1.5%* against the backdrop of hawkish remarks from several Fed officials and further sanctions on Russia.

• *Asia Pacific bourses were broadly lower* with *Hang Seng Index declining -1.9%* to lead losses, dragged by technology heavyweights alongside *CSI 300 retreated -0.3%* as disappointing PMI data clouded growth outlook.

• *China’s Caixin services PMI* in March was a *big miss at 42.0* (forecast: 49.6), the *sharpest activity decline since February 2020* amid renewed Covid-19 restrictions in several provinces.

• *FBM KLCI index bucked regional downtrend to close firmly higher by 0.5%* (7.93 point) at 1,604.72, lifted by banking and plantation sectors amid reopening of borders and higher commodity prices.

💡 *Events Ahead*: 💡

• *US unemployment claims* will be released on *Thursday*.

• *Japan’s consumer confidence* and *Malaysia’s unemployment rate* are set to release on *Friday*.

每日市场快讯* 📣

*2022 年 4 月 7 日,星期四*

*华尔街因美联储收紧政策计划而继续下跌;中国股市因 PMI 数据收缩而回落*

🇺🇸 标准普尔 500 指数:-0.97% 📉
🇺🇸 纳斯达克:-2.22% 📉
🇪🇺 斯托克 600:-1.52% 📉
🇯🇵 日经 225:-1.58% 📉
🇭🇰 恒指:-1.87% 📉
🇨🇳 CSI300:-0.29% 📉
🇲🇾 富时大马隆综指:0.50% 📈
🇲🇾 FBM 小型股:0.71% 📈

(以当地货币计算的回报,截至 2022 年 4 月 6 日的数据)

• 美国股市周三延续跌势,标准普尔500 指数和纳斯达克综合指数分别下跌-1.0% 和-2.2%,因为最新的联邦公开市场委员会会议纪要显示大多数的官员对于在接下来的货币政策会议上加息50 个基点和缩减资产负债表达成共识。

• 欧洲股市收低,STOXX 600 指数下跌-1.5%,因联储局多位官员发表鹰派言论以及对俄罗斯进一步制裁。

• 亚太股市普遍走低,恒生指数下跌-1.9%领跌,受科技权重股拖累,沪深300指数下跌-0.3%,因令人失望的PMI数据为经济增长前景蒙上阴影。

• 中国 3 月财新服务业采购经理人指数为42.0 严重低于预期(预测:49.6),这是自 2020 年 2 月以来的最大活动降幅,主要因为多个省份重新实施 Covid-19 限制。

• 富时大马隆综指逆势上扬,收于 1,604.72 点,上涨 0.5%(7.93 点),银行和种植业在边境重新开放和大宗商品价格上涨的情况下提振。

💡 *未来活动*:💡

• 美国初请失业金人数将于周四公布。

• 日本消费者信心指数和马来西亚失业率将于周五公布。
[07/04, 09:00] +60 16-298 6698: 💡 *今日须知五件事*💡

1. 最新的 FOMC 会议纪要显示了在接下来的货币政策会议上加息 50 个基点的强烈迹象,美联储官员还就每月缩表 950 亿美元达成共识,这也是继美联储相比在上次2017-2019 年的收紧政策两倍的数额(500 亿美元)。

2. 中国国有炼油厂正在履行长期和现有的俄罗斯石油合同,尽管油价折扣幅度很大,但中方仍避免新的现货交易。

3. 美国将对俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行实施全面封锁制裁,该银行是俄罗斯最大的银行并拥有该国银行总资产的三分之一。

4. 财政部长珍妮特耶伦:“俄罗斯的行为,包括在布查对无辜乌克兰人犯下的暴行,是应受谴责的,是对基于规则的全球秩序的不可接受的侮辱,这将对世界产生巨大的经济影响。”

5. 美国天然气期货价格达到 2014 年以来的最高水平,为每百万英热单位 6.3 美元,因预期需求强劲。

✅ *要点*:



*Daily Market Brew* 📣

*Wednesday, April 6, 2022*

*Wall Street retreated following hawkish remarks by Lael Brainard; Asian equities were flat ahead of US FOMC meeting minutes*

🇺🇸 S&P 500: -1.24% 📉
🇺🇸 NASDAQ: -2.25% 📉
🇪🇺 Stoxx 600: 0.19% 📈
🇯🇵 Nikkei 225: 0.19% 📈
🇭🇰 HSI Index: Market Closed
🇨🇳 CSI 300: Market Closed
🇲🇾 FBM KLCI: -0.13% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM Small Cap: 0.94% 📈

(returns in local currency terms, data as of 5 April 2022)

• *US equities retreated on Tuesday* with *S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite declining -1.2% and -2.3%* respectively with technology sector took the hit after hawkish remarks by Fed Governor Lael Brainard, who normally favors loose monetary policy.

• The *ISM Services PMI in US improved to 58.3 in March* (Feb: 56.5) as labor shortages have eased slightly on declining Covid-19 cases.

• *European equities traded sideways* with *STOXX 600 edged higher by 0.2%*, led by 2% gain in utilities while markets continued to monitor the developments in Ukraine and potential new sanctions against Russia.

• The *final Markit services PMI within Eurozone* increased to *55.6 in March*, signalling a strong rate of expansion in service sector output at the end of the first quarter.

• *Asia Pacific markets were flat* with *Nikkei 225 up 0.2%* amid cautious market sentiment, dragged by financial sector while Chinese markets were closed for Qing Ming festival.

• *FBM KLCI index closed marginally lower by -0.1%* (2.13 point) at 1,596.79 despite gainers outnumbered decliners 653 to 308, in line with the flattish regional markets ahead of the FOMC meeting minutes.

💡 *Events Ahead*: 💡

• *China’s Caixin services PMI* and *FOMC meeting minutes* will be available on *Wednesday*.

• *US unemployment claims* will be released on *Thursday*.

• *Japan’s consumer confidence* and *Malaysia’s unemployment rate* are set to release on *Friday*.

5 Things You Need To Know Today*: 💡

1. The *Reserve Bank of Australia* kept its *benchmark cash rate unchanged* at a record low of *0.1%* in April meeting, in line with market expectations but signalled a more hawkish policy approach in coming meetings.

2. The *World Bank* has *trimmed its Malaysia GDP growth forecast* in 2022 from *5.8% to 5.5%*, citing the uncertainties surrounding the Russia-Ukraine war.

3. The *European Commission (EU)* will propose an *import ban on Russia’s coal, wood, chemicals, and other products* that are worth about USD 9.86 billion a year.

4. *Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard*: “Given that the recovery has been considerably stronger and faster than in the previous cycle, I expect the balance sheet to shrink considerably more rapidly than in the previous recovery, with significantly larger caps and a much shorter period to phase in the maximum caps compared with 2017-19.”

5. The *US prohibited the Russian government from using reserves* held at US financial institutions to pay its sovereign debt holders, a renewed sanction that sparked the *default risk concerns*.

✅ *Key Takeaways*:

Continous monetary policy tightening seems imminent following the hawkish speeches by various Fed governors, given the running-hot inflation.While markets will continue to be volatile, we believe the policy path is well communicated and any potential selloff would present an attractive opportunity for long-term investors.


1. 澳大利亚储备银行在 4 月会议上维持基准现金利率在 0.1% 的历史低位不变,符合市场预期,但暗示未来会议将采取更加强硬的政策态度。

2. 世界银行将马来西亚 2022 年 GDP 增长预测从 5.8% 下调至 5.5%,理由是俄乌战争存在不确定性。

3. 欧盟委员会(EU)将提议对俄罗斯每年价值约98.6亿美元的煤炭、木材、化学品和其他产品实施进口禁令。

4. 美联储理事莱尔·布雷纳德:“鉴于经济复苏比上一个周期更加强劲和快速,我预计资产负债表的收缩速度将比前一次复苏快得多,上限明显更大,与 2017-19 年相比周期更短,并逐步提高上限。”

5. 美国禁止俄罗斯政府使用在美国金融机构持有的储备支付其主权债务持有人,这新一轮的制裁引发了违约风险担忧。

✅ *要点*:


每日市场快讯* 📣

*2022 年 4 月 6 日,星期三*

*在莱尔·布雷纳德(Lael Brainard)发表鹰派言论后,华尔街回落;亚洲股市在美国联邦公开市场委员会会议纪要前持平*

🇺🇸 标准普尔 500 指数:-1.24% 📉
🇺🇸 纳斯达克:-2.25% 📉
🇪🇺 斯托克 600:0.19% 📈
🇯🇵 日经 225:0.19% 📈
🇭🇰 恒指:市场休市
🇨🇳 CSI300:市场休市
🇲🇾 富时隆综指:-0.13% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM 小型股:0.94% 📈

(以当地货币计算的回报,截至 2022 年 4 月 5 日的数据)

• 美国股市周二回落,标准普尔500 指数和纳斯达克综合指数分别下跌-1.2% 和-2.3%,科技板块在美联储理事莱尔布雷纳德(Lael Brainard) 发表鹰派言论后下跌,因该理事通常支持宽松的货币政策。

• 美国 ISM 服务业采购经理人指数在 3 月(2 月:56.5)改善至 58.3,因为 Covid-19 病例下降导致劳动力短缺略有缓解。

• 欧洲股市横盘整理,STOXX 600 小幅上涨 0.2%,其中公用事业股上涨 2%,而市场继续关注乌克兰的事态发展和可能对俄罗斯实施的新制裁。

• 欧元区3 月份Markit 服务业PMI 终值升至55.6,表明第一季度末服务业产出增长强劲。

• 亚太市场持平,日经 225 指数上涨 0.2%,因市场情绪谨慎,受金融板块拖累,而中国市场因清明节休市。

• 富时隆综指收盘微跌-0.1%(2.13 点)至1,596.79 点,尽管上涨者多于下跌者653 至308 只,在FOMC会议纪要前的区域市场持平一致。

💡 *未来活动*:💡

• 中国财新服务业采购经理人指数和联邦公开市场委员会会议纪要将于周三公布。

• 美国初请失业金人数将于周四公布。

• 日本消费者信心指数和马来西亚失业率将于周五公布。


Daily Market Brew 📣

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

US equities powered by tech rally; Hang Seng Index extended gains on easing US delisting concerns

🇺🇸 S&P 500: 0.81% 📈
🇺🇸 NASDAQ: 1.90% 📈
🇪🇺 Stoxx 600: 0.84% 📈
🇯🇵 Nikkei 225: 0.25% 📈
🇭🇰 HSI Index: 2.10% 📈
🇨🇳 CSI 300: Market Closed
🇲🇾 FBM KLCI: -0.22% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM Small Cap: 1.50% 📈

(returns in local currency terms, data as of 4 April 2022)

• Wall Street ended higher on Monday with S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite rising 0.8% and 1.9% respectively, with Twitter rising 27% to lead the tech rally while yield curve remained inverted.

• European equities extended gains with STOXX 600 rising 0.8%, lifted by technology and consumer discretionary sectors while investors continue to digest th…
[08:40, 05/04/2022] +60 16-298 6698: 💡 iFAST’s 5 Things You Need To Know Today: 💡

1. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has revealed a 9.2% stake in social media platform, Twitter, worth nearly USD 3 billion and making him the largest shareholder of the company, propelled the share price of Twitter by 27.1%.

2. India’s largest private lender, HDFC Bank will merge with the housing finance firm, HDFC through a USD 40 billion deal, on set to create a financial sector behemoth.

3. The European Union (EU) are now recognising the Covid-19 vaccination and test certificates issued by Malaysian government, effective from 4th April 2022 onwards.

4. The CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz has suspended billions of dollars in share repurchases to shift the company’s focus back to cafes, customers and employees, share price ended -3.7% lower after the announcement.

5. JPMorgan CEO, Jamie Dimon: “The Fed began raising rates last month and signaled several more increases this year, including a potential half percentage point instead of the traditional quarter point at the next meeting. This process will cause lots of consternation and very volatile markets.”

✅ Key Takeaways:

Various countries are on stage to reopen their borders despite the emergence of new Covid variants, such as Omicron XE as we are moving towards endemic phase, and this shall support the economy recovery moving forward.

每日市场快讯 📣

2022 年 4 月 5 日,星期二


🇺🇸 标准普尔 500 指数:0.81% 📈
🇺🇸 纳斯达克:1.90% 📈
🇪🇺 斯托克 600:0.84% 📈
🇯🇵 日经 225:0.25% 📈
🇭🇰 恒指:2.10% 📈
🇨🇳 CSI300:市场休市
🇲🇾 富时大马隆综合指数:-0.22% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM 小型股:1.50% 📈

(以当地货币计算的回报,截至 2022 年 4 月 4 日的数据)

• 华尔街周一收高,标准普尔 500 指数和纳斯达克综合指数分别上涨 0.8% 和 1.9%,Twitter 上涨 27% 领涨科技股,而收益率曲线仍然倒挂。

• 欧洲股市延续涨势,STOXX 600 指数上涨 0.8%,受科技和非必需消费品板块提振,同时投资者继续消化西方大国进一步制裁俄罗斯的可能性。

• 亚太市场欢欣鼓舞,恒生指数上涨 2.1%,受中国科技股因缓解美国退市担忧而推动,而日经 225 指数在美国国债收益率曲线后谨慎的市场情绪在最后一个小时勉强维持上涨 0.3%倒置。

• 富时大马综指回落-0.2%(3.49 点),收于1,598.92 点,在连续两天上涨后出现获利回吐,尽管上涨者多于下跌者617 至355 只,但与区域趋势相反。

💡 未来活动:💡

• 周二将看到澳大利亚的利率决定、欧元区的最终Markit 服务业采购经理人指数以及美国的最终Markit 和ISM 服务业采购经理人指数。

• 中国财新服务业采购经理人指数和联邦公开市场委员会会议纪要将于周三公布。

• 美国初请失业金人数将于周四公布。

• 日本消费者信心指数和马来西亚失业率将于周五公布。
[08:41, 05/04/2022] +60 16-298 6698: 💡 今日须知五件事💡

1. 特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克透露持有社交媒体平台Twitter 9.2%的股份,价值近30亿美元,成为公司第一大股东,推动Twitter股价上涨27.1%。

2. 印度最大的私人贷方 HDFC 银行将通过 400 亿美元的交易与住房金融公司 HDFC 合并,以创建一个金融业巨头。

3. 欧盟(EU)现在承认马来西亚政府颁发的 Covid-19 疫苗接种和测试证书,从 2022 年 4 月 4 日起生效。

4. 星巴克首席执行官霍华德舒尔茨暂停了数十亿美元的股票回购,将公司的重心转移到咖啡馆、顾客和员工身上,公告后股价收低-3.7%。

5. 摩根大通首席执行官杰米戴蒙:“美联储上个月开始加息,并暗示今年还会再加息,包括可能在下次会议上加息 0.5 个百分点,而不是传统的 25 个百分点。这个过程将引起很多恐慌和非常动荡的市场。”

✅ 要点:

尽管出现了新的 Covid 变体,例如 Omicron XE,但随着我们正走向流行阶段,各个国家都在重新开放边境,这将支持经济复苏向前发展。


Daily Market Brew 📣

Friday, March 25, 2022

US equities recouped yesterday's losses on upbeat economic data; Tencent’s weak earnings dragged market sentiment

🇺🇸 S&P 500: 1.44% 📈
🇺🇸 NASDAQ: 1.93% 📈
🇪🇺 Stoxx 600: -0.18% 📉
🇯🇵 Nikkei 225: 0.25% 📈
🇭🇰 HSI Index: -0.94% 📉
🇨🇳 CSI 300: -0.59% 📉
🇲🇾 FBM KLCI: 0.07% 📈
🇲🇾 FBM Small Cap: 0.40% 📈

(returns in local currency terms, data as of 24 March 2022)

• Wall Street recouped most of Wednesday’s losses with S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite rising 1.4% and 1.9% respectively to stage a broad-based rebound, lead by materials and chipmakers amid upbeat economic data.

• US unemployment claims continued to decrease to 187k, topping analysts’ estimates of 210k and also the lowest level since…
[08:53, 25/03/2022] +60 16-298 6698: 💡 iFAST’s 5 Things You Need To Know Today: 💡

1. Tencent reported revenue of 144.18 billion Chinese yuan in 4Q2021, missing forecasts of 147.6 billion Chinese yuan, which is also the slowest quarter revenue growth on record of 8% y/y, causing the share price to slump 5.9% to HKD 366.

2. Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock: “The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades. It has left many communities and people feeling isolated and looking inward. I believe this has exacerbated the polarization and extremist behavior we are seeing across society today.”

3. Western alliance agreed to bolster Ukraine aid and impose fresh sanctions on Russia, targeting its defense companies, parliament members, and chief executive of the country’s largest bank.

4. Russia President Vladimir Putin demanded that natural gas sold to “unfriendly” countries to be paid in rubles, causing the currency to appreciate against USD after the announcement.

5. Uber has reached an agreement to list all New York City yellow cabs on its app, a partnership that could ease the driver shortage issue while directing more businesses to cab drivers.

✅ Key Takeaways:

It is likely that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could speed up a reversal of globalisation trend that the world has enjoyed in recent decades and this reversal would have profound impact on world economy such as new investments to ensure self-sufficiency etc.

每日市场快讯 📣

2022 年 3 月 25 日,星期五


🇺🇸 标准普尔 500 指数:1.44% 📈
🇺🇸 纳斯达克:1.93% 📈
🇪🇺 斯托克 600:-0.18% 📉
🇯🇵 日经 225:0.25% 📈
🇭🇰 恒指:-0.94% 📉
🇨🇳 CSI300:-0.59% 📉
🇲🇾 富时隆综指:0.07% 📈
🇲🇾 FBM 小型股:0.40% 📈

(以当地货币计算的回报,截至 2022 年 3 月 24 日的数据)

• 华尔街收复了周三的大部分跌幅,标准普尔500 指数和纳斯达克综合指数分别上涨1.4% 和1.9%,在经济数据乐观的情况下,材料和芯片制造商领涨,全面反弹。

• 美国申请失业救济人数继续下降至 187,000 人,超过分析师估计的 210,000 人,也是自 1969 年 9 月以来的最低水平。

• 3 月份美国 Markit 制造业和服务业 PMI 闪存分别改善至 58.5 和 58.9,分别超过预期的 56.6 和 56.0,达到数月高点,随着经济解封经济活动亦逐步恢复。

• 欧元区 3 月份制造业和服务业 PMI 初值分别录得 57.0(2 月:58.2)和 54.8(2 月:55.5),由于供应链问题,较上月下滑,但两个 PMI 仍处于正值区域。

• 亚太股市涨跌互现,恒生指数回落-0.9% 领跌,因腾讯报告盈利令人失望,沪深300 指数在隔夜华尔街下跌后下跌-0.6%,市场情绪疲弱。

• 富时大马综指小幅上涨0.1%(1.09 点)至1,598.97 点,市场广度为正,上涨者多于下跌者482 至429 家,追随区域表现低迷。

💡 未来活动:💡

• 德国 ifo 商业景气将于周五公布。

💡 今日须知五件事💡

1. 腾讯公布 2021 年第四季度营收 1441.8 亿元人民币,低于预期的 1476 亿元人民币,这也是有记录以来最慢的季度营收同比增长 8%,导致股价暴跌 5.9% 至 366 港元。

2. 贝莱德 (BlackRock) 首席执行官拉里芬克 (Larry Fink):“俄罗斯入侵乌克兰结束了我们在过去 30 年经历的全球化。它让许多社区和人们感到孤立和向内看。我相信这加剧了我们今天在整个社会看到的两极分化和极端主义行为。”

3. 西方国家同意加强对乌克兰的援助并对俄罗斯实施新的制裁,尤其针对俄罗斯的国防公司、议会成员和该国最大银行的首席执行官。

4. 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京要求向“不友好”国家出售的天然气以卢布支付,导致卢布兑美元在宣布后升值。

5. 优步Uber已达成协议,在其应用程序上列出所有纽约市的黄色出租车,这种合作伙伴关系可以缓解司机短缺问题,同时将更多业务引导给出租车司机。

✅ 要点:


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