李氏诊所 - Queen's Avenue Clinic

Queen's Avenue Clinic is a well-known interna

李氏诊所在医美界是一所著名的微整诊所,医生持有LCP (Letter of Credentialing and Privileging) 和马来西亚卫生部微整执照,并且多次接受著名杂志社的专访。我们会提供最专业与安全的微整疗程,帮助顾客们重拾自信心。

为什么选择李氏诊所 ?
- 医生持有LCP 执照
- 专业与合格的医生和医疗助理
- 提供多种疗程
- 价钱公开且合理
- 免费的专业咨询
- 经受本地与外国的顾客极力推荐

Website: www.queensavenueclinic.com

Instagram: Queens Avenue.Clinic

YouTube: queens avenue clinic

E-mail: [email protected]

KL BRANCH: 03-9200 5937


✨ 国庆日快乐!🇲🇾 ✨
在这个欢庆国家独立与团结的日子里,Queen's Avenue Clinic 祝愿大家国庆日快乐!🎉

📢 请注意,本诊所将于2024年8月31日国庆日休息。

✨ Happy National Day, Malaysia! 🇲🇾 ✨
As we celebrate our nation's independence and unity, Queen's Avenue Clinic wishes everyone a joyful and proud National Day! 🎉

📢 Please note that our clinic will be closed on 31 August 2024 in observance of National Day.

✨ Selamat Hari Kebangsaan, Malaysia! 🇲🇾 ✨
Sempena Hari Kebangsaan ini, Klinik Queen's Avenue mengucapkan Selamat Hari Kebangsaan yang penuh dengan kebanggaan dan kegembiraan! 🎉

📢 Harap maklum bahawa klinik kami akan ditutup pada 31 Ogos 2024 untuk menyambut Hari Kebangsaan.



[重播] 拉皮真的已经不用开刀了?� Part.2
Facelift without going under the knife? �


更多问题可以点击以下链接来询问我们哦,还能和我们的医生免费video call咨询脸部!还等什么?快快点击以下链接!
KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
JB: https://wa.me/60102187805

#拉皮 #无动刀拉皮 #胶原蛋白 #胶原蛋白线 #马上见效 #赘肉


🚨 男士们注意! 🚨 感觉精力不济、性欲减退、甚至勃起困难?Mr. Wong也曾如此——直到他在 Queen's Avenue Clinic 找到了真正的解决方案。💪
🚨 Attention Men! 🚨 Feeling low on energy, losing your s*x drive, or struggling with erectile dysfunction? Mr. Wong felt the same—until he found the real solution at Queen's Avenue Clinic. 💪

一个月前,他接受了全面的血液荷尔蒙检查和先进的冲击波疗法(Shockwave Therapy),现在他的“弟弟”不仅每天早上自然“报到”,在性生活中更是硬度持久,精力充沛!🔥
A month ago, he underwent a comprehensive blood hormone test and advanced shockwave therapy. Now, his “little brother” naturally “reports in” every morning, and he's experiencing longer-lasting hardness and renewed energy in the bedroom! 🔥

你还在犹豫什么❓男性荷尔蒙在40岁后急速下降。别再浪费时间❌和金钱💰在不安全的速效药上了。看看 Mr. Wong 如何在短短一个月内彻底改变生活!
What are you waiting for? Men's hormone levels drop rapidly after 40. Stop wasting time and money on unsafe quick fixes. See how Mr. Wong completely transformed his life in just one month!

🔍 我们提供免费咨询服务。现在就行动,掌握自己的健康,重振雄风!💥👇🏼
🔍 We offer free consultations. Take charge of your health today and regain your vitality! 💥👇🏼
☎️ JB: https://wa.me/60102187805
☎️ KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
☎Puchong: https://wa.me/60109502918

#男性健康 #性功能改善 #阳痿 #性 *x


[重播] 拉皮真的已经不用开刀了?� Part.1
Facelift without going under the knife? �


更多问题可以点击以下链接来询问我们哦,还能和我们的医生免费video call咨询脸部!还等什么?快快点击以下链接!
KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
JB: https://wa.me/60102187805

#拉皮 #无动刀拉皮 #胶原蛋白 #胶原蛋白线 #马上见效 #赘肉


[重播] 微整医生让你凹陷脸秒变富贵脸!Part.2



现场观众可 call in 进来免费咨询医生�,医生会当场和你连线给予建议,还有机会赢取免费疗程!

一定要留守我们 星期五 11/12/2020 晚上九点的现场疗程直播
当然少不了观众朋友们期待的问答游戏比赛 上期没有获奖的朋友机会来咯 !!�
这一期将会送出填补凹线疗程 价值 RM1400 �一定要留守我们的直播, 看直播赢奖!


[重播] 微整医生让你凹陷脸秒变富贵脸!Part.1



现场观众可 call in 进来免费咨询医生�,医生会当场和你连线给予建议,还有机会赢取免费疗程!

一定要留守我们 星期五 11/12/2020 晚上九点的现场疗程直播
当然少不了观众朋友们期待的问答游戏比赛 上期没有获奖的朋友机会来咯 !!�
这一期将会送出填补凹线疗程 价值 RM1400 �一定要留守我们的直播, 看直播赢奖!


[重播] 躺着也能瘦 无需节食/运动 Part.2


躺着也能瘦?! 而且还无需节食 无需运动! 有没有那么厉害哦?�

那你就要留守我们 这个星期五 4/12/2020 晚上九点 李氏诊所面子书直播
一定要点击 "�Get Reminder/ �接受提醒 "当我们直播时你就会第一时间收到通知�!

1. 我这样算肥咩?什么体重才算标准?
2. 糖尿病不吃药可以吗?
3. 为什么我连喝水都会肥?
4. 医生教你躺着也能瘦
5. 减肥不瘦胸部

就让我们李氏诊所专业医生和大家分享 如何躺着也能瘦!

当然少不了观众朋友们期待的问答游戏比赛 上期没有获奖的朋友机会来咯 !!这期我们会送出一个月的瘦身疗程� ! 一定要留守我们的直播, 看直播赢奖!�

KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
JB: https://wa.me/60102187805

Photos from 李氏诊所 - Queen's Avenue Clinic's post 23/08/2024

🌟 Celebrating a Milestone! 🌟

We're heartfelt thank you to our incredible HR staff for five years of outstanding service at Queens Avenue Clinic! 🥂✨ Your hard work, support, and commitment have played a huge part in our growth and success. Here’s to many more years together! 🎉👏


✨ 私密处护理 --- 让你再次感受到性感和自信的力量 ✨

🌟 女性私密处的变化可能会影响自信和生活质量,但你不必为此烦恼!通过透明质酸注s,我们可以帮助你恢复阴C的弹性和丰满度,让你再次感受到性感和自信的力量。🌸


立即联系Queen’s Avenue Clinic,让我们帮你找回最美好的自己!✨
☎KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
☎️JB: https://wa.me/60102187805

✨ Intimate Area Care --- Let you feel s*xy and confident again ✨

🌟 Changes in a woman's intimate area can affect confidence and quality of life, but you don't need to worry! Through hyaluronic acid injections, we can help restore the elasticity and fullness of your labxx, allowing you to once again feel s*xy and confident. 🌸

Moreover, this treatment can also even out the skin tone of your intimate area, making you feel comfortable and satisfied in every aspect of life. Whether it's the subtle changes after 30 or the concerns after childbirth, we can provide a personalized care plan that suits you.

Contact Queen’s Avenue Clinic today, and let us help you rediscover the best version of yourself! ✨
☎KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
☎️JB: https://wa.me/60102187805

#女性健康 #私密护理 #自信提升 #透明质酸 #阴道 #改善 #私密处 #变化 #产后


[重播] 躺着也能瘦 无需节食/运动 Part.1


躺着也能瘦?! 而且还无需节食 无需运动! 有没有那么厉害哦?�

那你就要留守我们 这个星期五 4/12/2020 晚上九点 李氏诊所面子书直播
一定要点击 "�Get Reminder/ �接受提醒 "当我们直播时你就会第一时间收到通知�!

1. 我这样算肥咩?什么体重才算标准?
2. 糖尿病不吃药可以吗?
3. 为什么我连喝水都会肥?
4. 医生教你躺着也能瘦
5. 减肥不瘦胸部

就让我们李氏诊所专业医生和大家分享 如何躺着也能瘦!

当然少不了观众朋友们期待的问答游戏比赛 上期没有获奖的朋友机会来咯 !!这期我们会送出一个月的瘦身疗程� ! 一定要留守我们的直播, 看直播赢奖!�

KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
JB: https://wa.me/60102187805


💡 健康长寿,从现在开始!


1️⃣ 血管再生:让五脏六腑的气血循环更好,提升脑力与体力。
2️⃣ 器官年轻化:延长寿命,保持活力。
3️⃣ 抗炎修复:有效抗老,根治健康问题。


👩‍⚕️ 马上咨询 Queen's Avenue Clinic 的专业医生,获取权威建议,迈向健康长寿的新境界!

💡 Unlock the Secrets to Longevity and Health!

Still relying on traditional supplements for health maintenance? The real key lies in Mesenchymal Umbilical Cord Stem Cells and Exosomes! With these advanced technologies, you can enjoy three major health benefits:

1️⃣ Vascular Regeneration: Improve blood circulation for vital organs, boosting both mental and physical energy.
2️⃣ Organ Rejuvenation: Extend longevity and maintain vitality.
3️⃣ Anti-Inflammation & Repair: Effectively combat aging by addressing root causes and restoring health.

Spending a fortune on supplements? You’re already a step behind! Mastering Exosome and stem cell technologies gives you the edge for true longevity.

👩‍⚕️ Consult the experts at Queen's Avenue Clinic today for professional advice and take the first step towards a healthier, longer life!

想要了解更多?现在就和我们预约吧 👇🏼
Want to know more? Book an appointment with us now 👇🏼
☎️ JB: https://wa.me/60102187805
☎️ KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
☎Puchong: https://wa.me/60109502918

#干细胞 #胎盘提取物 #健康揭秘 #再生医学 #修复 #抗衰老 #重返年轻 #健康新生 #脐带干细胞 #长寿 #活性干细胞


💡 谨慎选择保健品,避免昂贵的误区!


❌ 长期食用胎盘提取物或动物激素,可能会对女性的胸部和生殖器官造成不良影响,男性也不需要过量的女性激素。


👩‍⚕️ 立即咨询 Queen's Avenue Clinic 的专业医生,获得正确的抗老资讯,拒绝昂贵的错误投资!

💡 Be Cautious with Health Supplements and Avoid Costly Mistakes!

Many people spend thousands on oral stem cells, hoping for anti-aging benefits. But do you know where these oral stem cells come from? They’re often derived from sheep, deer, or human placenta, which are rich in growth hormones from pregnant animals—potentially harmful to your health.

❌ Long-term use of placenta extracts or animal-derived hormones can negatively impact women’s breasts and reproductive organs, and men certainly don’t need excess female hormones.

For real anti-aging and regeneration, human umbilical cord stem cells or Exosomes are the only effective choice!

👩‍⚕️ Consult the experts at Queen's Avenue Clinic today for accurate anti-aging advice and avoid making costly mistakes!

想要了解更多?现在就和我们预约吧 👇🏼
Want to know more? Book an appointment with us now 👇🏼
☎️ JB: https://wa.me/60102187805
☎️ KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
☎ Puchong: https://wa.me/60109502918

#干细胞 #胎盘提取物 #健康揭秘 #再生医学 #修复 #抗衰老 #重返年轻 #健康新生 #脐带干细胞 #长寿 #活性干细胞


[重播]� 想要拥有迷人饱满的双唇,梦想中的完美唇型?
瑞典�Restaylane Kysse疗程可以帮助您实现拥有自然、有弹性的果冻唇!

Restaylane Kysse 还拥有美国安全认证 �

� KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
� JB: https://wa.me/60102187805

#瑞典 #饱满 #双唇 #唇型 #自然 #弹性 #果冻唇 #安全认证




1️⃣ 活性:真正的干细胞必须是活的,而大多数口服产品在常温下会失去活性。你吃的这些可能只是普通蛋白质,没有实际的再生能力。
2️⃣ 储存条件:真正的活性干细胞需储存在零下180度的Stem Cell Center,保持无菌状态。普通冰箱无法达到这种要求。


有疑问?欢迎随时咨询我们诊所Queen's Avenue Clinic 哦~ 😊
☎KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
☎JB: https://wa.me/60102187805
☎Puchong: https://wa.me/60109502918

🌟【The Truth About Stem Cells Revealed】🌟

Many people ask: "Why oral “stem cells” or placenta extracts seem ineffective.

In reality, effective stem cells must meet two criteria:
1️⃣ Activity: Real active stem cells must be alive, but most oral products lose their activity at room temperature. What you're consuming might just be ordinary protein without real regenerative capabilities.
2️⃣ Storage Conditions: Genuine active stem cells must be stored at -180°C in a Stem Cell Center to maintain a sterile environment. Ordinary refrigerators cannot achieve this.

So, don’t be fooled by market “stem cells”! Effective stem cells should come from the youngest umbilical cords, and storage conditions must be strict. 💪🔬

Have questions? Feel free to consult us at Queen's Avenue Clinic! 😊
☎KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
☎JB: https://wa.me/60102187805
☎Puchong: https://wa.me/60109502918

#干细胞 #胎盘提取物 #健康揭秘 #再生医学 #修复 #抗衰老 #重返年轻 #健康新生 #脐带干细胞 #长寿 #活性干细胞


[重播] 医生教你如何做一夜七次狼; 女生如何摆脱假高潮?Part.2

听听专业医生教你如何做一夜七次狼 � 和 女生如何摆脱假高潮的课题 �!
1. 阴茎中风
2. 没有晨勃不正常?
3. GG多硬才够用?
4. 为什么做到一半会软掉?
5. 医生教你如何做一夜七次狼
6. 阴茎重生仙丹
7. 女生如何摆脱假高潮?
8. 专攻男人这GG点,咸鱼翻身
9. 向性病说Bye Bye

一般医生不会告诉你的秘密 就让我们李氏诊所专业医生来为你解说以上问题!

KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
JB: https://wa.me/60102187805


🌟 MSC 干细胞和外泌体 Exosome:你知道它们的区别吗? 🌟
🌟 MSC Stem Cells and Exosomes: Do You Know the Difference? 🌟

间充质干细胞 (MSC) 来自初生婴儿的脐带👶🏻,具有强大的再生能力❤️‍🩹,能够修复组织💪🏻、抗炎并让器官焕发青春。而 外泌体 Exosome 是由 MSC 分泌的“小孩”,它同样具有惊人的抗炎和修复功效,特别适合轻度压力或健康问题的客户。
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) are derived from the umbilical cord of newborns 👶🏻 and possess powerful regenerative abilities ❤️‍🩹. They can repair tissues 💪🏻, reduce inflammation, and rejuvenate organs. Exosomes, on the other hand, are the 'offspring' secreted by MSCs, offering similarly impressive anti-inflammatory and reparative effects, making them ideal for clients with mild stress or health concerns.

Our expert doctors explain the differences and similarities between the two ✅:
🔹 如何选择适合你的MSC/Exosome?
🔹 How to choose the right MSC/Exosome for you?
🔹 免费专业医生咨询,给你量身定制的健康方案
🔹 Free professional consultation to create a personalized health plan

想要了解更多?现在就和我们预约吧 👇🏼
Want to know more? Book an appointment with us now 👇🏼
☎️ JB: https://wa.me/60102187805
☎️ KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
☎Puchong: https://wa.me/60109502918

#健康 #长寿 #外泌体 #抗老化


[重播] 医生教你如何做一夜七次狼; 女生如何摆脱假高潮?Part.1

听听专业医生教你如何做一夜七次狼 � 和 女生如何摆脱假高潮的课题 �!
1. 阴茎中风
2. 没有晨勃不正常?
3. GG多硬才够用?
4. 为什么做到一半会软掉?
5. 医生教你如何做一夜七次狼
6. 阴茎重生仙丹
7. 女生如何摆脱假高潮?
8. 专攻男人这GG点,咸鱼翻身
9. 向性病说Bye Bye

一般医生不会告诉你的秘密 就让我们李氏诊所专业医生来为你解说以上问题!

KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
JB: https://wa.me/60102187805


最近NMN和NAD很火,但你知道它们和间充质干细胞Exosome (MSC) 有什么区别吗?🚗💥
NMN and NAD are trending lately, but do you know the difference between them and Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) Exosomes? 🚗💥

We dive deep into NMN and NAD from the perspective of regenerative medicine. While they are nutritional supplements 💊 that can only provide a slight energy boost 🤏🏻, find out why celebrities 👨🏻‍🎤 and public figures 👨🏻‍💼 opt for MSC to stay youthful and full of vitality, and how this could be the key to transforming your health and future. 🌟

Let MSC help you change your health and extend your lifespan. Take control of your future health and start making changes today! ✨

想要了解更多?现在就和我们预约吧 👇🏼
Want to know more? Book an appointment with us now 👇🏼
☎️ JB: https://wa.me/60102187805
☎️ KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
☎Puchong: https://wa.me/60109502918

#营养保健品 #长寿 #健康 #抗老


男人多长才够用,女人多深才标准? Part.2
1. 男人最爱听的床话
2. 前戏和"xing"�要做多久?
3. 男人多长才够用,女人多深才标准?
4. 真正的 G-**ot 在哪里?
5. 女人不满足,是男人还是女人的 问题?
6. 男人为什么硬不起来?
7. 男人多毛就是性欲强?
8. 专攻这些地方让他欲火焚身

这个视频有专业医生和大家聊聊 男女性冷感的课题 �

KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
JB: https://wa.me/60102187805


✨ Unlock Radiant and tighten Skin with ZAFFIRO! ✨

Experience the ultimate skin transformation with the dual power function of hydro-exfoliation and infrared thermo-lifting. Say goodbye to dullness, fine lines, and uneven texture—hello to brighter, tighter, and rejuvenated skin! Perfect formula for the face. 🌟

The key benefits of ZAFFIRO include:
✅ Skin Exfoliation and Deep Cleansing
✅ Improve Lymphatic Drainage
✅ Improvement of Skin Texture
✅ Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles
✅ Overall Skin Rejuvenation

This combination of treatments makes ZAFFIRO a powerful tool for achieving a radiant and youthful complexion 🤩

Want to know more? Book an appointment with us to get free doctor consultation👇🏻
☎KL: https://wa.me/60133902919

✨ ZAFFIRO 解锁您亮丽紧致的肌肤!✨


ZAFFIRO 的主要功效包括:
✅ 皮肤去角质和深层清洁
✅ 改善淋巴排毒
✅ 改善皮肤纹理
✅ 减少细纹和皱纹
✅ 全面焕活肌肤

这种组合治疗使 ZAFFIRO 成为实现光彩和年轻肤质的强大工具 🤩

☎KL: https://wa.me/60133902919


[�重播] 男人多长才够用,女人多深才标准?

1. 男人最爱听的床话
2. 前戏和"xing"�要做多久?
3. 男人多长才够用,女人多深才标准?
4. 真正的 G-**ot 在哪里?
5. 女人不满足,是男人还是女人的 问题?
6. 男人为什么硬不起来?
7. 男人多毛就是性欲强?
8. 专攻这些地方让他欲火焚身

我们Queen's Avenue Clinic 的专业医生和大家聊聊 男女性冷感的课题�

KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
JB: https://wa.me/60102187805


[重播] 阴道紧不紧,1招让你知道

1) 阴道会因为性行为而变松弛吗?
2) 在做ai时,为什么有噗噗的声音?
3) 我没生过,但男友投诉我阴道松弛。
4) 选择剖腹产,就不会阴道松弛了吗?
5) 10个妈妈,9个漏尿?
6) 阴道松弛,2招让你紧紧的

听听我们Queen's Avenue Clinic 李氏诊所专业医生教你如何用1招就可以让阴道紧紧的!

KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
JB: https://wa.me/60102187805


[重播] 阴道紧不紧,1招让你知道

1) 阴道会因为性行为而变松弛吗?
2) 在做ai时,为什么有噗噗的声音?
3) 我没生过,但男友投诉我阴道松弛。
4) 选择剖腹产,就不会阴道松弛了吗?
5) 10个妈妈,9个漏尿?
6) 阴道松弛,2招让你紧紧的

听听我们Queen's Avenue Clinic 李氏诊所专业医生教你如何用1招就可以让阴道紧紧的!

KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
JB: https://wa.me/60102187805


[重播] 关于Ellansé少女�

� 让Dr. Elizabeth带你了解Ellansé少女�的逆龄功效 �


� 最强胶原蛋白填补,一针见效!
� 立刻填补凹陷,让您散发自信笑容。
� 时刻绽放少女风采,焕发自然美丽。
� 荣获CE Mark欧洲安全认证,FDA批准,品质保障。


�KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
�JB: https://wa.me/60102187805

#少女针 #胶原蛋白 #增生 #年轻 #恢复弹性 #抗衰老 #填充剂 #填补凹陷 #效果自然 #马来西亚



� 生产后阴道松了怎么办?

� 阴道松弛
� 尿失禁
� 子宫下垂

*免费video call与医生咨询

想要了解更多?现在就和我们预约吧 �
� KL: https://wa.me/60133902919


✨ 生物同质性荷尔蒙替代疗法 ✨
✨ Bioidentical Hormonal Replacement Therapy ✨

🔴 容易疲劳
🔴 月经失调
🔴 容易发胖
🔴 记忆力下降
🔴 脱发


☎️ KL: https://wa.me/60133902919
☎️ JB: https://wa.me/60102187805


🥰 客户真实反馈:无痕增大疗程改变生活! 💕🤩
🥰 Client Testimonial: Non-Surgical Instant Pe**le Enlargement Treatment! 💕🤩

"这次疗程让我重新找回了自信,效果真的超出我的预期。" - 李先生
"This treatment helped me regain my confidence, and the results truly exceeded my expectations." - Mr. Li

💪 现代男性的专属选择!我们的无痕增大疗程不仅安全无痛✅,而且效果显著😯。听听我们的客户李先生如何分享他的亲身体验和收获 🪄💯
The exclusive choice for modern men! Our Non-surgical instant pe**le enlargement treatment is not only safe and painless but also delivers remarkable results. Hear from our client Mr. Li as he shares his personal experience and benefits.

🔍 【疗程亮点】:
🔍 Treatment Highlights:

Painless: Our professional medical team ensures a safe and comfortable procedure.
Quick Results: Short recovery time with immediate, noticeable effects.
Customized Solutions: Tailored treatment plans based on individual needs.

想要了解更多?现在就和我们预约吧 👇🏼
Want to know more? Book an appointment with us now 👇🏼
☎️ JB: https://wa.me/60102187805
☎️ KL: https://wa.me/60133902919

#无痕增大 #男性健康 #客户反馈 #自信提升 #性生活 #男性 #专业医生 #伴侣 **le

Photos from 李氏诊所 - Queen's Avenue Clinic's post 29/07/2024

🌟 Dr. Elizabeth Lee and Dr. Nicole Lee attended the Inbiotec Amber Workshop featuring the esteemed Dr. Lidici Santana Rodriguez from Spain! 🇪🇸✨ With over 30 years of experience and expertise in aesthetic treatments, Dr. Rodriguez shared her groundbreaking insights on "Redefining Skin Building Through the Mesosinia Technique." 🌿💉
Thank you, Dr. Rodriguez, for the invaluable knowledge and for inspiring us with your expertise! 🙌🏼✨

Photos from 李氏诊所 - Queen's Avenue Clinic's post 27/07/2024

🎉 Exciting News! 🎉
We are thrilled to announce that our clinic has been awarded the Teoxane Award for Most Dynamic Clinic 2023! 🏆 The award ceremony took place last night at the Hilton Hotel Kuala Lumpur, and it was a night to remember.
A huge thank you to Teosyal and everyone who made this possible. Special shoutout to Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Nicole for their dedication and hard work.
Let's check out these amazing moments from the event! 📸✨

Photos from 李氏诊所 - Queen's Avenue Clinic's post 27/07/2024

Dr Elizabeth was so excited to participate in yesterday’s Maili Train the Trainer event at Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Dr. Franco Vercesi, the founder and director of Centro Medico Galeno in Milan, Italy, shared invaluable insights into Maili's OxiFree™ technology and clinical evidence. Grateful for the hands-on sessions and case study sharing. It was an amazing opportunity to expand knowledge and network with fellow professionals in the field.

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Videos (show all)

[重播] 拉皮真的已经不用开刀了?� Part.2
🚨 男士们注意! 🚨 感觉精力不济、性欲减退、甚至勃起困难?Mr. Wong也曾如此——直到他在 Queen's Avenue Clinic 找到了真正的解决方案。💪🚨 Attention Men! 🚨 Feeling low on ene...
[重播] 拉皮真的已经不用开刀了?� Part.1
[重播] 微整医生让你凹陷脸秒变富贵脸!Part.2
[重播] 微整医生让你凹陷脸秒变富贵脸!Part.1
[重播] 躺着也能瘦 无需节食/运动 Part.2
✨ 私密处护理 --- 让你再次感受到性感和自信的力量 ✨🌟 女性私密处的变化可能会影响自信和生活质量,但你不必为此烦恼!通过透明质酸注s,我们可以帮助你恢复阴C的弹性和丰满度,让你再次感受到性感和自信的力量。🌸不仅如此,这个疗程还能均匀阴...
[重播] 躺着也能瘦 无需节食/运动 Part.1
💡 健康长寿,从现在开始!还在依赖传统营养品保健吗?其实真正的秘诀是间充质脐带干细胞和Exosome!通过这两项前沿技术,你可以收获三大健康优势:1️⃣ 血管再生:让五脏六腑的气血循环更好,提升脑力与体力。2️⃣ 器官年轻化:延长寿命,保持...
💡 谨慎选择保健品,避免昂贵的误区!很多人花了数万令吉购买口服干细胞,期待抗老效果。但你知道这些口服干细胞的来源吗?通常来自羊、鹿或人类胎盘,这些含有大量怀孕动物的生长激素,对健康反而有害。❌ 长期食用胎盘提取物或动物激素,可能会对女性的胸...
[重播]� 想要拥有迷人饱满的双唇,梦想中的完美唇型?
🌟【干细胞真相揭秘】🌟常有人问,为什么口服的“干细胞”或胎盘提取物吃了没效果?其实,真正有效的干细胞必须满足两个条件:1️⃣ 活性:真正的干细胞必须是活的,而大多数口服产品在常温下会失去活性。你吃的这些可能只是普通蛋白质,没有实际的再生能力...



Kampong Dollah

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 18:00

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