Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.

SEC is a state GLC dedicated to spearheading the energy resource development in Sabah


We are pleased to invite all experienced and reputable contractors to submit a tender for the following project. For further details, please contact our Corporate Services & Property Division at 088-311290 or our Labuan Office at 087-417162. Thank you.



Merafak Sembah Ucapan Setinggi-Tinggi Tahniah



Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia
Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Ke-17


We are pleased to invite all experienced and reputable contractors to submit a tender for the following project. For further details, please contact our Information & Computer Services (ICS) Division at 088-311290. Thank you.


Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) has paid the Sabah State Government a dividend of RM14 million for the financial year that ended on 31 December 2023.

The Chief Executive Officer of SEC, Datuk Adzmir Abd Rahman, presented the dividend payment to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance (MOF), Datuk Sofian Alfian Nair, in a ceremony witnessed by the Chief Minister of Sabah, YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji bin Haji Noor.

Also present at the ceremony were the State Secretary, YB Datuk Seri Panglima Sr. Safar Untong, SEC Chairman, YB Datuk Annuar Ayub, SEC Deputy Chairman, YB Datuk Hassan A. Gani, SEC COO, Ir. Hj Ahmad Jafar, and Deputy Permanent Secretary of MOF, Puan Anthea James. The ceremony took place at the Sabah State Assembly.

SEC's dividend payments have seen an increase over the years, and the company believes that with good corporate governance and sound business management, the dividend payments will continue to rise in the years to come. To date, SEC has contributed a total of RM255.5 million in dividends to the Government.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 11/07/2024

Nurturing Sabah's Youth - Contribution to State Educational Fund (Tabung Pendidikan Negeri Sabah)

In support of the state education initiative, the Chairman of SEC, YB Datuk Annuar Ayub, presented a mock cheque of RM100,000.00 to the Chief Minister of Sabah, YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji bin Haji Noor, for the State Educational Fund (Tabung Pendidikan Negeri Sabah). The presentation took place during the launch of Sabah Education Sponsorship Portal at Menara Kinabalu on July 2, 2024. SEC CEO, Datuk Adzmir Abd Rahman, was also present at the event.

The State Educational Fund is a key initiative by the Sabah state government to ensure that children in Sabah, particularly those from the lower-income group (B40), have access to higher education institutions.

The initiative aligns with the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ) direction, to propel Sabah to greater progress and development. It is also in line with SEC's commitment to invest in human capital development, focusing on nurturing local talent.


Congratulations to YBhg Datuk Adzmir Abd Rahman, CEO of Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd (SEC), on his appointment as a Council Member of the Malaysian Gas Association (MGA) for the 2024/25 term.

Formed on 21st July 1986 by leading global oil and gas companies including PETRONAS, Shell, Esso, BP, and Caltex, MGA is Malaysia's leading advocate for the natural gas industry. MGA serves as an effective platform to unite key industry players in pursuit of a common vision.

The MGA council members are exceptional leaders from various corporate organizations, which was patronized by the PETRONAS President and Group CEO, YM Tengku Muhammad Taufik.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 06/07/2024

Energizing Progress for Sabah Security & Sustainability

At the 11th Sabah Oil, Gas, and Energy Conference and Exhibition (SOGCE) recently, Datuk Adzmir Abd Rahman unveiled SEC's various initiatives during his special address under the theme "Energizing Progress: For Sabah Security and Sustainability."

He stated that SEC is making strategic moves to enhance Sabah’s energy security and sustainability while continues to be the backbone of the state's energy supply primarily through its natural gas operations. Delivering an impressive 264 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd), SEC supplies 86% of fuel needed for the state power generation. Through its power generation portfolio, SEC's group of companies lights up 500,000 households and empowers 8,000 local talents across the energy value chain.

Looking ahead, SEC's gas delivery is expected to increase beyond 500 mmscfd, positioning the company as one of the largest gas providers in Malaysia.

He stated that natural gas while not a green energy source, is considered a transitional fuel due to its lower carbon footprint compared to other fossil fuels. As the cleanest fossil fuel, it plays a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions while renewable energy sources are under development and integration.

For a continual and reliable energy supply, Datuk Adzmir elaborated on SEC's strategies which involve a diversified mix that includes natural gas, solar, and hydro resources to mitigates risks and enhances resilience.

On sustainability, he explained that SEC is investing in various projects including extending natural gas supply through Kota Kinabalu, Kimanis, and Sipitang, expanding its large-scale solar project in Tg. Kubong, Labuan and the 187.5 MW Ulu Padas hydroelectric dam project in Kemabong, Tenom.

SEC is also exploring the potential for wind energy in Sabah. The State Government has given the green light to SEC to conduct a comprehensive study to develop up to 100 MW wind energy resources in the northern region of Sabah. Datuk Adzmir acknowledged that this effort is challenging given the state's geography known as the "Land Below the Wind" but remains optimistic.

Operational efficiency is central to SEC’s strategy, achieved through industry best practices, digital operations, and capability building. SEC is also investing in human capital development, focusing on nurturing local talent. These initiatives not only support SEC's operational needs but also contribute to the economic development of the state.

In conclusion, SEC remains dedicated to providing reliable and sustainable energy which is vital for meeting Sabah’s growing energy needs while focusing on efficiency and a just energy transition. This transition is not only about shifting energy sources but also about transforming people's lives. It must be fair and equitable to ensure that underpriviledged individuals are not negatively impacted but instead benefit from the transition.


Salam Ma’al Hijrah 🌙 Marilah kita bersama-sama melangkah ke tahun baru Islam dengan tekad dan usaha untuk mencapai kecemerlangan ✨

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 26/06/2024

Engagement with Jabatan Bomba & Penyelamat Malaysia, Negeri Sabah

Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) recently organized a series of important briefings for the Jabatan Bomba & Penyelamat Malaysia (JBPM), Negeri Sabah. These sessions were specifically conducted for the Fire Station Chiefs of Balai Bomba Kota Kinabalu, Lintas, Tuaran, Kimanis, and Sipitang.

The primary goal of these briefings was to enhance mutual understanding and foster collaboration between SEC and the JBPM. Our team provided detailed insights into the natural gas distribution and transmission operations managed by SEC. This included comprehensive overviews of our gas reticulation system, along with the safety measures and protocols that ensure the secure and efficient delivery of natural gas to our customers.

Fire safety is a critical aspect of our operations. The briefings served as a platform to discuss and reinforce fire safety measures specific to SEC’s natural gas operations. By engaging with the JBPM, we explored various scenarios and emergency response strategies to ensure preparedness in the event of a fire incident.

In addition to immediate discussions on safety and operations, these briefings also laid the groundwork for future collaboration. We focused on the potential for joint fire drills and training exercises. These collaborative efforts aim to enhance readiness and coordination between SEC and JBPM, ensuring a swift and effective response in emergency situations.

We extend our gratitude to the Fire Station Chiefs of Balai Bomba Kota Kinabalu, Lintas, Tuaran, Kimanis, and Sipitang for their active participation and valuable insights during these briefings. We look forward to ongoing collaboration, united by the shared goal of maintaining safety and emergency preparedness.


Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha! Semoga semangat pengorbanan membawa keberkatan yang tidak terhingga kepada kita semua 🌙

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 10/06/2024

A Visit to Orphanage Home: Empowering with Technology and Hope

SEC had the opportunity of donating 10 units of upgraded and new computers and peripherals to Baitul Hidayah Orphanage Home in Kudat during the weekend. This orphanage shelters 15 young hearts filled with hope, despite missing full parental love, essential daily needs, and educational resources.

Leading the convoy of 4 vehicles from Kota Kinabalu early in the morning was the CEO, Datuk Adzmir Abd Rahman, and the group arrived at their destination around noon.

During the meet and greet session with the children and their caretakers, he shared a heartfelt message emphasizing the importance of discipline in daily routines, starting with a simple yet powerful habit: wake up early and making their beds each morning.

He believes that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of generational poverty, opening doors to a brighter future.

He also stressed that those with the means to help, including state GLCs, and individuals should strive to lift up these children, ensuring they have the resources they need to succeed in their life.

The visit to Baitul Hidayah Orphanage Home was not the first for SEC, and as we bid farewell to the children and their wonderful caretakers, we are certain it will not be last visit as well.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 07/06/2024

Mangroves: More Than Just Trees

Did you know mangroves are crucial for our environment? They protect coastlines, prevent erosion, support marine life, and act as natural barriers against storms. Mangroves are also essential for maintaining the health of our coastal ecosystems. They serve as nurseries for fish, crabs, and other marine species, providing shelter and nutrients that support biodiversity.

These remarkable trees also capture and store significant amounts of carbon, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. Sadly, their importance is often overlooked, dismissed as just a bunch of trees.

In line with World Environment Day on June 5, 2024, SEC’s recent CSR program focused on planting 100 mangrove trees at the Kota Kinabalu Wetland Ramsar Site near the city centre. A team of 45 employees, led by SEC’s CEO himself, Datuk Adzmir Abd Rahman, dedicated their time, rolled up their sleeves and got their hands dirty for this cause.

SEC has also contributed financial assistance to the Sabah Wetland Conservation Society in supporting their efforts to advocate for environmental conservation and raise awareness about wetland ecosystems in Sabah.

Every small collective action can lead to a significant, positive impact on our city. The true value of mangroves should no longer be overlooked, and everyone’s participation is needed to protect and restore the last remaining mangrove ecosystems in Kota Kinabalu.


Selamat menyambut Pesta Kaamatan. Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 09/05/2024

SEC's Inaugural Hari Raya Aidilfitri Open House

SEC recently organized its inaugural Hari Raya Aidilfitri open house event on May 6, 2024, at the Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC). The event was graced by the presence of the Chief Minister of Sabah, YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji bin Haji Noor, who also witnessed a donation ceremony. During this ceremony, SEC donated RM200,000.00 to Yayasan Kebajikan Sabah to assist the foundation in alleviating poverty in Sabah. YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji then launched the SEC Anti-Corruption Plan, demonstrating the organization's efforts to improve governance and integrity.

Datuk Adzmir Abd Rahman, the CEO of SEC, in his welcoming remarks, stated that Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd (SEC) plays a crucial role and has responsibilities in assisting the state government to drive growth and development in Sabah, as outlined in the Sabah Maju Jaya development plan.

SEC's initiatives include hiring academically good graduates from less privileged backgrounds, which aids in reducing unemployment and uplifting their families. These employees receive specialized training in Kuala Lumpur and other locations, particularly in the energy sector, enhancing local expertise and reducing reliance on external talent. This strategy is instrumental in creating high-quality jobs in Sabah and narrowing the skills gap. SEC also plans to employ workers from the hardcore poor segment, aligning with the state’s poverty eradication goals.

In supporting the Sabah government’s agenda for women in STEM fields, SEC goes beyond merely hiring female workers for the organization’s operational side. It also offers leadership opportunities to female employees as supervisors, operation and project leaders, which have been utilized effectively, demonstrating remarkable results and proving that women have equal abilities when given space and opportunities.

The Aidilfitri open house event was organized as a gesture of appreciation and gratitude from SEC towards its diverse array of stakeholders who have continuously supported SEC. Attended by approximately 500 guests, the event included key figures from the government, valued customers, the private sector, dedicated SEC employees, and their family members.


Happy Labour Day

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 05/04/2024

Majlis Penyerahan Kuih-Muih Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada Pasukan Keselamatan & Petugas Khas

The "Majlis Penyerahan Kuih-Muih Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada Pasukan Keselamatan dan Petugas Kesihatan" is an annual event organized by the Sabah state government during the Ramadan month. This event commemorates the contributions and sacrifices made by our frontliners in protecting and maintaining safety and harmony in our country and state.

SEC once again participated in this event, alongside various State and Federal ministries, State GLCs, and NGOs in contributing to this noble cause.

During the event, the CEO of SEC, Datuk Adzmir Abd Rahman, presented a symbolic gift basket to the Chief Minister of Sabah, YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji bin Haji Noor, witnessed by the State Secretary, YB Datuk Seri Panglima Sr. Haji Safar bin Untong, JP, and also the Sabah Federal Secretary, Datuk Makhzan bin Mahyuddin.

The symbolic gift basket represents 15 boxes of Kuih-Muih Hari Raya, which were distributed to 15 receiving agencies such as PDRM, ATM, Immigration, Health Department, and others.

A heartfelt thank you to all the frontliners for your unwavering dedication and selfless sacrifices in service to our country. Your tireless efforts inspire us all.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 01/04/2024

Empowering Tomorrow: SEC's Solar Farm Lighting the Path to Renewable Energy

SEC's 5MW Large Scale Solar farm located at Tg. Kubong, Labuan has achieved its Initial Operational Date (IOD) target on 28 April 2024 with the first power injection to the grid recorded at 3.30pm. This milestone contributes an additional 5MW to the existing energy supply for Sabah and Labuan.

With this added capacity, SEC has achieved two key ambitions of the Sabah state government: increasing the state's energy margin and also embracing sustainability through the utilization of green, renewable solar power.

SEC solar farm project has also attracted the attention of the Federal government as 2 days after the Initial Operational Date, the solar farm hosted a visit from YB Dr. Zaliha Mustafa, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, responsible for Federal Territories. Accompanying her was YB Dato' Indera Dr. Suhaili bin Abdul Rahman, Labuan M.P. cm SEC Board of Director, along with several other senior government officials.

SEC's Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Ir. Haji Ahmad Jafar, and the Project Manager, Muhammad Faruq Binting, provided briefings to YB Dr. Zaliha and her delegation before proceeding with a site visit to the 17-acre-wide solar farm.

SEC's Large-Scale Solar Farm underscores our dedication to renewable energy in the region. With support from both state and federal authorities, we believe that reducing carbon emissions and transitioning towards a more sustainable future is achievable sooner rather than later.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 22/03/2024

Zakat Perniagaan / Majlis Berbuka Puasa

Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) has fulfilled its obligation for the payment of business zakat to the Bahagian Zakat, Majlis Ugama Islam Sabah (MUIS) for the year ending 2023.

The business zakat handover ceremony was officiated by Datuk Adzmir Abd Rahman, CEO of SEC, to Mr. Iwansuzairie bin Hari, Head of Zakat Department of MUIS, witnessed by YB Datuk Annuar Ayub, Chairman of SEC, YB Datuk Hassan A Gani Pg Amir, Deputy Chairman, and members of the SEC Board of Directors during the Majlis Berbuka Puasa KSR-SEC bersama Madrasah Waqaf Islamiah Sabah (MAWIS) on March 21, 2024.

During the same event, Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi SEC also distributed Raya goodies to the Asnaf kids from MAWIS and donation for the construction of the school's mosque.

SEC is always committed to giving back to the community while ensuring that the bond among our staff and management continues to strengthen through hosting festive events and gatherings like this. It's not just about giving back, it's about building real connections and unity within our organization.


Marhaban ya Ramadan 1445

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 08/03/2024


Increasing women's participation in the workforce is a key objective of the Madani Economy and aligns with the Sabah government’s Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya development plan. The aim is to foster just and fair human capital development in the state.

In response to the government’s call to narrow the gender gap in the Malaysian workforce, especially in the energy sector, SEC goes beyond rhetoric to take meaningful action. We firmly believe that progress results from deeds, not words alone.

Dinie Amani, the Operation Engineer and team leader for SEC's Alamanda Magnolia project at Kimanis, embodies this belief. Leading a team of older and more experienced men in a traditionally male-dominated industry, she earned their respect through industry knowledge and self-confidence. In her view, self-confidence is a crucial trait for achieving goals, particularly for aspiring young women engineers.

Dinie has always been fascinated with engineering since childhood, believing that engineering provides solutions to any problem. Juggling her profession as an engineer and her personal life, she believes that time management is key, as she holds firm to the wisdom of Charles Buxton, a philanthropist, and writer: “You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.”

To encourage more women to join the energy field, Dinie advocates for companies to highlight female talent, inspiring the next generation. She also calls for aggressive recruitment of female STEM graduates, urging them to explore new opportunities.

Despite men dominating the Malaysian energy sector, recent statistics indicate a brewing transformation, with more women graduating in STEM fields, signaling a positive change for the cause.

*This write-up is in conjunction with International Women's Day 2024, celebrating the strength, resilience, and achievements of women worldwide.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 19/02/2024

SEC’s KSR Blood Donation Drive 2024

SEC’s Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi 2023/2024 (KSR) recently organized a Blood Donation Drive 2024, held in collaboration with Jabatan Transfusi Darah QEH II and ITCC Mall Penampang. The overwhelming response from the community persisted until the last minute, with an astonishing 88 donours, surpassing the initial goal of 50. The public support that day is truly commendable and deeply appreciated!

A heartfelt appreciation to each and every one who not only participated as donours but also took the initiative to spread the word to this noble cause. It’s heartening to see such a strong sense of community and compassion. Your contributions will undoubtedly make a significant impact on those in need. Let’s continue to work together in creating an environment that’s supportive and nurturing for everyone.

This event highlights SEC’s dedication to making a positive impact on society, showcasing that Sabah Energy Corporation is not only about business success but also about fostering a sense of community and giving back.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 23/01/2024

Wildlife Wonders: Tabin Wildlife Resort

On 12 January 2024, 31 SEC staff embarked on an Educational Trip to Tabin Wildlife Resort, Lahad Datu, as part of SEC’s Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi 2023/2024 initiative (KSR). Departing from Kota Kinabalu via a 40-seater coach at 3.30 am, they reached Lahad Datu by noon before switching to a smaller vehicle for the remaining 1.5-hour journey to the resort.

Tabin Wildlife Resort, in which SEC holds a stake as a shareholder, provided the perfect setting for the main activities during the trip. These activities encompassed exploring the Mud Volcano, participating in Jungle Trekking, visiting Lipad Waterfall, and engaging in a Night Safari. Amidst their adventure, the group encountered a diverse array of wildlife, including the Moonrat, Oriental Pied Hornbill, Mousedeer, Buffy Fish Owl, and various other captivating species.

Established in 1984, Tabin Wildlife Resort was designated a Wildlife Reserve primarily due to its abundant forest-dwelling animals, some of which are in critical endangerment. The reserve is home to Sabah’s three largest mammals—the Borneo Pygmy Elephant, Sumatran Rhinoceros, and Tembadau.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 12/01/2024

Empowering Integrity

SEC recently organized an Integrity Talk session presented by Tuan PKPj Alexander S. Kunghi, the Deputy Director (Prevention) SPRM Sabah. During the session, Tuan PKPj Alexander shared valuable insights on "Rasuah, Salahguna Kuasa dan Penyelewengan".

CEO, Datuk Adzmir Abd Rahman together with SEC's Board of Directors, YB Datuk Hassan A Gani Pg Amir (Deputy Chairman), YBhg Datuk Lasiah Baranting @ Anita, and YBrs Ir. Haji Rohan Bin Ahmat also attended the session.

At SEC, we are committed to building a culture of transparency and accountability among our employees, and we believe that this is key to a better future. Let's work together to create a foundation for ethical excellence.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 10/01/2024

The Green Steel Project

SEC has handed over the Heads of Agreement to Esteel Enterprise Sabah Sdn Bhd (Esteel Sabah), a subsidiary of Singapore's Green Esteel Pte Ltd. This agreement entails SEC supplying 100 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of natural gas for Esteel Sabah's steel manufacturing plant and an additional 50 mmscfd of natural gas for the plant's power generation over the next 20 years.

Representing SEC at the Heads of Agreement handover ceremony was Datuk Adzmir Abd Rahman, the Chief Executive Officer of SEC, while Esteel Sabah was represented by the Managing Director, Mr. Xu Yihang. Witnessing the handover ceremony were the Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Haji Noor, Minister of Industrial Development & Entrepreneurship Datuk Phoong Jin Zhe, SEC Chairman, Datuk Annuar Ayub, and State Secretary Datuk Seri Panglima Sr. Safar Untong.

The Green Steel Project by Esteel Sabah is a three-phase project worth RM20 billion, which opted for natural gas as a reducing agent instead of coke and coal, reducing carbon emissions by 70 per cent and making it low carbon, efficient, and environmentally friendly.

SEC remains committed to its role as one of the top state government-linked companies (GLCs), actively promoting an economic landscape that is not only thriving but also sustainable. With a steadfast dedication to responsible business practices and strategic partnerships, SEC aims to contribute significantly to the growth and development of the region.


Merry Christmas & Happy new year 2024

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 20/12/2023


As we approach the end of 2023, SEC has successfully concluded its Annual Christmas Luncheon on December 13th, 2023. This longstanding tradition was an excellent opportunity for us to celebrate our incredible staff's hard work and dedication and reflect on all we had accomplished throughout the year. Together, with the unwavering support of our dedicated Board of Directors, we were able to achieve great things, and we are truly grateful for the contributions of everyone involved.

The luncheon was a joyous occasion filled with festive cheer, during which our CEO expressed heartfelt gratitude for the company's success this year. Together, we looked back on our notable accomplishments as a team. As we take a well-deserved holiday break, we look forward to returning in the new year refreshed and ready to tackle even more challenges and opportunities.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Let's carry the spirit of collaboration and success into 2024.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 20/12/2023

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Tahfiz

In November, Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SEC) collaborated with NIOSH Sabah & WP Labuan, and successfully implemented the “OSH in Tahfiz” Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, held at Sekolah Rendah Islam Tahfiz Al-Ilmi Keningau, Sabah. The program’s objective was to instil awareness of occupational safety and health in Tahfiz and religious school institutions.

Various activities were conducted, including Workplace Inspection and Needs Assessment (WINA), Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Awareness Talks, OSH Exhibitions, an OSH Poster Drawing Competition, and the Hazard Hunt Game.

The program involved the participation of 16 Sekolah Agama Negeri (SAN) and Sekolah Agama Rakyat (SAR) from the surrounding Keningau District. At the closing ceremony on 1st December 2023, SEC presented a CSR contribution to Sekolah Rendah Islam Tahfiz Al Ilmi Keningau, which included safety and firefighting equipment, as well as road traffic signboards.

The contribution was presented by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer/Chief Operating Officer, Tuan Hj. Ir. Ahmad Jaafar. Concurrently, representatives from NIOSH Sabah & W.P Labuan, led by En. Wan Sarman Sakan, presented the “OSH in Tahfiz Module” to the attending SAN/SAR representatives


Sabah Energy Corporation CSR Collaboration with Yayasan Kebajikan Sabah (YKS) - Program Oksigen O² Untuk Rakyat

After the successful launch of Program Oksigen Untuk Rakyat on 13th March 2023, which was officiated by YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji bin Noor, SEC and YKS had started distributing the oxygen tanks and machines with the assistance of Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sabah (JKNS) on 20th July 2023, at Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sabah, Rumah Persekutuan, Kota Kinabalu. Puan Dayang Kamariah Datu Bistari, Head of Human Resources and Administration, represented SEC.

A total of 60 oxygen tanks and 60 oxygen machines will be distributed throughout Sabah, with a target of 10 oxygen tanks and 10 oxygen machines for each zone, where applications can be made through JKNS.

SEC hopes that the availability of such service can alleviate the burden of financially disadvantaged Sabahans who require oxygen equipment at home, thus reducing the need for hospital visits.

Photos from Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn. Bhd.'s post 25/07/2023

Empowering The Next Generation of Innovators

On Saturday, 22nd July, SEC Chairman, YB Datuk Annuar Ayub, had the honor of officiating the RoboKV competition for Sabah Zone and W.P Labuan 2023 at Kolej Vokasional Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. He was accompanied by the CEO, Adzmir Abdul Rahman, during the officiating event.

The CEO was impressed with the skills and technical knowledge shown by the students participating in the competition and shared that many SEC employees from the operation workforce also come from TVET backgrounds.

At SEC, we are committed to supporting educational institutions and nurturing local talents right from an early stage. Through initiatives like this, we aim to inspire and cultivate the brightest minds in robotics and technology, paving the way for a sustainable and innovative future.

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