2071 Likas Bed & Breakfast
2071 Bed&Breakfast is a home-lodging for guests around the world. Location: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,Malaysia
Mobile contact: +60109558407 Just feel at home.
We heartfully welcome you to stay with us. It is a family-run detached house situated a short distance away from the city center of Kota Kinabalu. It is surrounded mostly with residential and schools. You will be staying together with the host. Your rooms are on the ground floor where the host live on the upper floor. We love to mingle with you to share experiences. We also understand the need to have your own personal times.
7月加油 ⛽
愿下半年 有努力 有收获
心有所期 忙而不茫 😀
订房请WhatsApp 010-955 8407
3 月到9月
🐲time no see的朋友
Homestay Booking
#亚庇 #亚庇民宿
刚刚入住的客人要临时➕多5个人进来住宿,他们是一家人,临时到了亚庇才来找住宿,还要是晚上8,9点以后,这位客人希望我能够做下好心让他们5人睡一晚,因为亚庇镇上的hotel全都满了,他们说可以付钱,说的多么可怜我也不同情这些没有planning的人,明知道十二月是学校假期节日假期,四面八方的人都涌入亚庇shopping,他们也敢最后一分钟找住宿,好啦你们怕是要在车搭camp 过夜了。
📣I advise everyone, whether traveling for leisure, business, sports, or meetings, it doesn't matter if you're alone or with family. Please plan your itinerary and book your accommodation in advance!
明年2024年2月不开放Booking 哦
📣📣📣Hey everyone, because there have been a lot of scam calls lately, for safety, I suggest guests booking for the first time to contact me through WhatsApp. Communicating on WhatsApp helps confirm identity more effectively and avoids misunderstandings and potential risks. Thanks a lot for your understanding and cooperation!
1) 任何执法人员,无论是警方、法庭、反贪会等绝不会通过手机进行盘问,若他们有需要盘问,一般上会将相关人士带回警局,进行正当的录口供程序。
📌here are some reminders:
1) Law enforcement officials, whether it's the police, the court, or anti-corruption agencies, will never interrogate you over the phone. If they need to question you, they usually bring you to the police station for a proper statement.
2) If you receive a call from an unknown source, whether they claim to be from a private company, a courier service, or a government official, first ask for their full name and employee ID number. If they claim to be police, ask for their officer ID and request a call back. Hang up, then use another phone to verify if the person and information are legitimate. If they're a scammer, they usually hang up right away.
3) If you get a strange or unclear call, don't use your own phone to access your bank's mobile app to check your account.
📍I hope these points help in identifying scam calls.
for room booking:
📱https://www.wa.me/010-955 8407
一定要去的Lido pasar 😋😋
11,12月还有房哦,赶快赶快booking ☺️
11月:3rd week+ 4th week
12月: 1st week
2024 1 月 + 2 月可以booking了
Pm , wa, inbox 怎样都可以赶快联系我呗📱
12月的booking 紧张,还有朋友要预定房间请早点联络我😙
📱for room booking please wa to:
12月的booking 紧张,还有朋友要预定房间请早点联络我😙
📱for room booking please wa to:
【大馬🇲🇾】一個人去度假勝地『沙巴亞庇』可以做甚麼??所有出海團都要兩人以上才可參加😢|豚長帶團 Ep.94{加雅街假日市集、金沙園生肉麵} #亞庇夜市 #沙巴美食 ://maps.app.goo.gl/Vn6dQWWgsVgoLBNd6金沙園生肉麵https://maps.app.goo.gl/CdfrvphKMTausFpZ9Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joeyful_...
灰常厉害的大叔们都是Full /half marathon 👍👍
住进一间房 ❤️爱上一座城
从一开始的拼了命去争取superhost的荣誉,到中期死命保住Superhost status, 到后面的2,3年就随便有也好没有也好,🤣 说白了就是老娘的好评足够了,不需要靠superhost的光了!
010-955 8407
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Our Story
We heartfully welcome you to stay with us. It is a family-run detached house situated a short distance away from the city center of Kota Kinabalu. It is surrounded mostly with residential and schools.
You will be staying together with the host. Your rooms are on the ground floor where the host live on the upper floor.
We love to mingle with you to share experiences. We also understand the need to have your own personal times. Just feel at home.
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Contact the school
Jalan Mergastua Likas
Kota Kinabalu
21-30 Lorong Damai Point
Kota Kinabalu, 88300
It's all about music education! We believe that learning music is like adding honey into our lives. Therefor it must be fun, interesting and educational.
Kota Kinabalu
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No. 12, First Floor, Lorong Plaza Kingfisher 3, Block C
Kota Kinabalu, 88450
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Kota Kinabalu
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Lot EG-11, Tingkat Bawah, Blok E, Bangunan KWSP, Jalan Karamunsing
Kota Kinabalu, 88100
PTPL College Sabah
P. O. BOX 13891
Kota Kinabalu, 88845
"Bagaimana Cara Membina Kumpulan KUAT & MANTAP LEWAT 4Life Research, Sementara Anda tidak bisa BERCE
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sesiapa yang masih study kat sk likas jadilah ahli....
Smk Agama Inanam
Kota Kinabalu
this is for student born in 89&90.. batch 2002-2006...for reunion 2015...... kalo korg da gmbr zmn retro add la kat sni utk slide show reunion nt... smg pshbtn kt kekal wat selaman...
Kota Kinabalu, EMAIL:[email protected]
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