Aspro Realty

We are specialized on new projects in Kuala Lumpur & Selangor

[LUXURY CONDO IN KLCC] EP6 - STAR RESIDENCES is where you can indulge yourself like a SUPERSTAR!!!! 23/08/2024

[LUXURY CONDO IN KLCC] EP6 - STAR RESIDENCES is where you can indulge yourself like a SUPERSTAR!!!! Located along Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, the Star Residences is a 57-storey completed freehold high-end residential condominium. It is also one of the top ten tall...

【吉隆坡黄金地段】EP4 一个美轮美奂 ,高贵优雅, 让您凸显身份以及享受极致奢华生活的优质建筑项目 | 真正的奢华在于细节和细腻的体验当中 | 现代成功人士的的身份的象征和财富以及 17/08/2024

【吉隆坡黄金地段】EP4 一个美轮美奂 ,高贵优雅, 让您凸显身份以及享受极致奢华生活的优质建筑项目 | 真正的奢华在于细节和细腻的体验当中 | 现代成功人士的的身份的象征和财富以及 康莱豪华服务式高级公寓以康莱路(Jalan Conlay)🐾🐾命名,前身为吉兰丹苏丹行宫🫅🫅🕌🕌地段,康莱豪华服务式高级公寓 (The Conlay) 位于这吉隆坡繁华都市🏰🏰一偶,四周静谧,安如泰山,生活机能佳。与皇家官邸为邻.....

【吉隆坡网红打卡公寓】EP5 年轻人爱不释手的网红度假打卡公寓 | 让您享有高租金回酬率 💷🪙💱💰💸 10/08/2024

【吉隆坡网红打卡公寓】EP5 年轻人爱不释手的网红度假打卡公寓 | 让您享有高租金回酬率 💷🪙💱💰💸 全新的The FACE Suites (菲斯时尚豪华酒店式公寓)🏬🏬第二期是健商在第一期取得极佳口碑👍👍和业绩后☘️☘️乘胜追击隆重推出的。The FACE Suites 第一期在2017年推出后迅速蹿红💃💃, 不但荣获各大住宿网例如, booki...

Sharon 看房趣 (Sharon's Property Fun) 🏘️| 第一集(Episode 1) DAWN KLCC 酒店式公寓 05/08/2024

Sharon 看房趣 (Sharon's Property Fun) 🏘️| 第一集(Episode 1) DAWN KLCC 酒店式公寓 近年来,马来西亚的旅游人数已经迅速的恢复到疫情前的水平。数据显示, 我国去年的入境游客量不但超越了传统旅游大国-泰国🏖️,更打破了2,600万人次😱😱,成为了东南亚之最。我国旅游业的蓬勃发展除了意味着旅游人.....


哈啰大家好,我是Sharon。Sharon 看房趣是我与我丈夫一起开设的Youtube频道。我们将会通过这个频道为大家介绍马来西亚房的地产。

所谓金窝🏘️银窝🏡不如自己的狗窝🏕️🤔。买房对一些人来说可是一件大事😱,一大笔投资💰💰。所以有些人两夫妻结了婚🎎👩‍❤️‍👨,所说的是大事听老公的🤵小事听老婆的👰。买房在您家里算是大事还是小事呢🤷?有些人可能认为地点很重要, 房子🏠大小很重要,周围的设施很重要,可能房子的设计很重要,那到底那一点是您认为最重要的点呢🤷?

在于买房上,两夫妻🫂可能会有不同的看法。先生🕺可能认为附近的社交圈,方便是很重要的。因为他不想塞在车🚗🚗龙里呆个一两个小时才到家,那会让他感到非常的疲惫。而太太💃呢则认为她的厨房呀或者是她的衣柜呀衣帽间可能需要非常的舒适非常的大,设计感非常的强。而到底怎样的房子🏘️才适合你呢?在购买您的理想房子🏡的时候,你首要的考虑因素是什么呢?请在以下的评论区与我们分享。就让我们这个频道接下来带您去看看马来西亚的房产项目🏤🏠🏡, 看看有哪一些是适合您的梦想家园💯💯。



联络方式 :
☎️ 电话 :+6011 3180 1278
📧 电邮 : [email protected]

YouTube 官方视频


Hello everyone, I'm Sharon. My husband and I have started a YouTube channel called "Sharon 看房趣" (Sharon Properties Fun), where we will introduce Malaysian real estate to all of you.

There’s no place like home🏘️🏡. Many people say that owning their own house, having their dream home, is important🏕️😱. Buying a house is a big deal for some, a significant investment. So, for some couples🎎👩‍❤️‍👨, when it comes to decision-making, they say that the big things are decided by the husband🤵, while the smaller things are left to the wife👰. Is buying a house considered a big or small matter at home🤷? Some might think location is crucial, the size of the house 🏠matters, nearby amenities are important, or even the design of the house matters. So, what do you think is the most important factor?

When it comes to buying a house, couples 🫂might have different opinions. The husband 🕺might think that a good social circle nearby and convenience are important. He wouldn't want to spend one or two hours stuck in traffic🚗🚗 before getting home, which can be exhausting. On the other hand, the wife 💃might think that her kitchen or her wardrobe and dressing room need to be very comfortable and spacious, with a strong sense of design. So, what kind of house🏘️ is suitable for your family? What are your primary considerations when purchasing your dream home🏡? Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section below. Let us take you take you through this channel to see some property projects 🏤🏠🏡in Malaysia, and see which ones might be suitable for your dream home💯💯.

Please feel free to contact ☎️📞us to obtain more details about Malaysia's real estate🏠🏡. We would be delighted to arrange property viewings for you and provide more information on buying incentives and tips💲💲.


You are more than welcome to get in touch with us through :
☎️ Tel :+6011 3180 1278
📧 Email : [email protected]

Please check out Sharon's YouTube


In the bustling urban life, where you and I are constantly on the go, we always need to find a warm haven after a busy day to let our weary souls rest. A home filled with warmth, happiness, and harmony will be our ideal sanctuary. Coming home will also be the most pleasant thing at the end of each day because only home can let us truly relax and let go of all worries. But what kind of home is considered perfect?

We sincerely invite you to explore this brand new ready-to-move-in property located in Kuala Lumpur. If you are looking for a blend of taste and luxury, this project will definitely meet all your needs!

Situated in the exclusive embassy enclave of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, it is a prime location within the city's golden area. With superior geographical environment, excellent living functions, outstanding security management, freehold property tenure, and extremely rare low-density large unit design concept, it not only provides you with the most unique and prestigious living experience but also ensures that your privacy and personal space are meticulously maintained.

Our project advocates luxury taste, emphasizes delicacy and refinement, and focuses on a high-quality and beautiful life. Beauty, fashion, high-end, practicality, convenience, and tranquility are all covered here. This also expresses our sincerity - to provide you with the happiest home of the highest quality in the metropolis.

Please get in touch with us @011 3180 1278 today for a viewing appointment

YouTube Channel:

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顾客自备饮料被茶室老板大骂 “没叫水的客人都是穷人” | 中马 | 地方 07/03/2024

顾客自备饮料被茶室老板大骂 “没叫水的客人都是穷人” | 中马 | 地方 (蒲种5日讯)一名顾客因自备饮料到茶室消费,没料到被茶室老板大骂,还被老板娘讽刺“没叫水的客人都是穷人”!一名网民于昨日在面子书群组发贴文表示,一家位于美兰迪再也(Meranti Jaya)的茶室老板及老板娘态度恶劣.....


🏡The dream of owning a home has long been a cornerstone of many of you and me. Of course, you can rent a home instead of owning it. However, whether you are renting or owning a home, you are still paying a mortgage, right? 💰

💯So why renting if for the same amount of money or less you can own a place to call your own? Homeownership provides you a sense of belonging of pride, stability, security, and accomplishment. It also provides you the freedom to personalise and customise a living space according to your own preference and taste which you can call your home! ❤️

🔔We are very happy of introducing you this latest mixed development project that’s breathing new life into Selayang! You can now own a modern, trendy, lovely dream home in Selayang, a matured cc neighbourhood at a highly affordable and attractive price.

➡️This is the gateway to a leisurely and home living balanced world whereby educational 📚, commercial 🏪 healthcare 🧑🏻‍⚕️and shopping amenities 🛍️🛒are just right at your doorstep and you can indulge yourself with close to 30 types of retreat inspired facilities daily at a price which is financial friendly, and we can guarantee it is value for money! 💲💲

🤷🏻‍♀️Why renting if you can own your dream home as low as RM1,300 per month? 🤩🤩Give yourself an opportunity to build your own equity and wealth today! We have prepared many layouts for you to choose. 🏘️

📥Contact us @ +011 3180 1278 immediately for viewing appointment!

YouTube Channel:

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2024年吉隆坡最新高级公寓项目 15/01/2024

2024年吉隆坡最新高级公寓项目 🏡🏡您正在寻找一个低调与奢华完美结合的住宅投资项目吗?万勿错过这个独具一格, 坐落于吉隆坡市中心🌆黄金地段的超级项目!!⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️🥂本地...

【买屋子教会我的事】只要选对这5个P,就不怕吃大亏😂! 31/01/2023

【买屋子教会我的事】只要选对这5个P,就不怕吃大亏😂! 最近和朋友聚会,几乎都会聊到买屋子的话题。有些是买了第二间、第三间在换地方的,有些是投资的😄。每个人要的都会不一样,不过当中却让我发现了一些共同点。不管谁要买房都可以这样做评估的。这集的主题要谢谢其.....

【房市普拉斯+】新房子到底需不需要做天花板?燈具要怎麼裝?用"一招"破解你我迷思! @CtiFinance ​@unique-design 31/01/2023

【房市普拉斯+】新房子到底需不需要做天花板?燈具要怎麼裝?用"一招"破解你我迷思! @CtiFinance ​@unique-design 買新房子總是會有個疑問 天花板到底要不要遮起來?遮或不遮 我的燈具應該怎麼挑選 管線會不會很醜 還有空調....那你必須看這集~~告訴你該怎麼辦! #天花板 #買屋 #燈具 #裝潢 #空間設計 #新房 #管線 #空調影片授權: -design ...

【马来西亚房产】外国人可以购买大马房地产? 18/12/2022

【马来西亚房产】外国人可以购买大马房地产? 许多外国人移居马来西亚除了拥有温和的气候,性价比的医疗,留学以及退休生活以外,在马来西亚买房也是相当稳定的投资选项既能传承下一代。 #怎样移民马来西亚 #马来西亚 #马来西亚第二家园 #第二家园 #马来西亚房产...

马来西亚四大城市,买房投资怎么选?吉隆坡VS槟城VS新山VS马六甲 | 本地人告诉你,有些地方别碰! 18/12/2022

马来西亚四大城市,买房投资怎么选?吉隆坡VS槟城VS新山VS马六甲 | 本地人告诉你,有些地方别碰! 马来西亚买房,四大热门城市怎么选?🏷首都吉隆坡集全国资源,海岛槟城华人氛围浓,新山房产广告铺天盖地,马六甲旅游必选。这四大房产热门投资区域,外国人买房该怎么选? #马来西亚房产 #吉隆坡买房 #买房投资 #东南....

上海小戶型改造:一家四口30㎡的家 03/12/2022

上海小戶型改造:一家四口30㎡的家 50多歲的金選民,具有12年設計經驗。2017年,他買下一間僅有30㎡,一臥一廚的上海老房,卻通過巧妙地設計,改造出了兩室、兩廳、兩衛,還有休閒區、洗衣房等大大小小十幾個空間,每一個空間都用到極致,滿足了一家四口.....

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