Eyez O2O Optometry
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Optometry Service. Prescription Glasses, Contact Lenses and treatment.
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Cara mendapatkan lensa anti Blu-ray percuma bernilai RM399 How to get free Digital Blue Lenses worth RM399
For better eye protection glasses, we are advise you to choose for selected frame collection.
Welcomes to seek for our profesional guidelines.
【武漢肺炎】梁卓偉:眼鏡某程度可避飛沬 無近視可考慮配平光鏡 武漢肺炎疫情在內地大幅擴散,本港目前有5宗確診個案,不少市民亦人心惶惶,市面上購買口罩、配戴口罩的人數大增。行政長官林鄭月娥聯同高官、學者今日(25日)見記者。香港大學醫學院院長梁卓偉會上表示,本港不少人...
MCO时段24小时不停面对电话电脑,眼睛是我们生命中的使命,有没有近视的你是否也带上一副防蓝光的眼镜? 你拥有一副蓝光眼镜吗?
如何免费获得价值RM399的蓝光镜片 How to get free Digital Blue Lenses worth RM399
最时尚的最引爆潮流的护眼护脸的大方眼镜, 室内室外都适合。
RM X9 限时抢购。只有50副。
"The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don't have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it."
We protects your eyes👓
Have you put on Crizal Prevacia Coated Lenses?
Visit us for more information😊
Remember to protect your eyes from harmful blue light 😲
滑手機要小心!美研究發現:螢幕藍光會加速失明 美國科學家表示,他們已經發現智慧手機、筆記型電腦和其他數位裝置的藍光(blue light),是如何損害人類視力且加速失明的過程。
Light under Control.
Visit us for more excitement❣
Give your eyes a break! Human eyes aren’t meant for prolonged looking at short distances. Long hours of using high technology digital devices may lead to digital eye strain.
😍😍😍 Let's take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feets away. 🤓
Your eyes may feel tired and irritated after focusing on computer screen 💻 or driving for a long period of time 🚙. However you can minimize your eye strain throughout the day by just close and relax your eyes for 1️⃣ minute! No matter how busy your schedule is, spend just 1️⃣ minute of your time to rest your eyelid, which very much helpful to reduce stress too!
That’s it… 1️⃣ minute done well‼️👀
游水戴隱形眼鏡 小心角膜潰瘍 - 晴報 - 健康 - 護眼之道 夏日炎炎想消暑,不少人都會選擇游泳,但是有近視的朋友難免會糾結,到底可不可以戴隱形眼鏡下水呢? 有眼科專科醫生表示,戴著隱形眼鏡游泳,可能增加會眼睛發炎和角膜潰瘍的機會,嚴重更可影響視力。 可導致角膜
Looking for something stunning and practical as a Father's Day present?
These Polarized Chromatic Sunglasses is the perfect one!
✅ Auto Darkening Lens
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1 For RM 89
2 For RM138 Now ❣
1岁开始玩手机 2岁半近视900度|中國報 (北京9日综合电)中国江苏省扬州2岁半的女童小曼,从1岁左右开始家人就给她看手机,每次都让她看很长时间。经医院检查,目前孩子双眼近视900度。医生提醒:3岁以下...
增加孩子睡眠的时间,能降低近视风险。 --【星洲国际】 小孩睡眠不足和近视风险大有关系,台湾国健署进行儿童青少年视力监测发现,睡眠时间不足9小时者,比睡眠时间达9小时者,近视风险增加9倍。
总看见蚊子飞?别怕!这里有预防飞蚊症的小撇步 – my Wellness保你健康 飞蚊症患者眼睛看到的东西 总是看见蚊子在飞,却又不是蚊子?那一定是飞蚊症在作祟! 飞蚊症一般是由眼睛里的玻璃体变质而引起的,是一种自然的视力老化现象。随着年纪增长,玻璃体会“液化”,产生一些混浊物。 因而...
It’s Raya season and we’d like to give away some beautiful Freshlook® CC Lens for you to have bigger and beautiful looking eyes!
All you need to do is spot the number of Freshlook® boxes in this photo and TAG 3 friends.
Don’t forget to LIKE our page as well.
20 lucky winners will be chosen to win 2 boxes of FreshLook® CC Lens worth RM109.
CONTEST ENDS: 11.59pm, 20th June 2019.
T&C apply: https://bit.ly/2MAWbmo
Which one do you think🥰?
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my Muslim friends!
Salam Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri❣
Maaf Zahir & Batin.
常調最高亮度看手機 女子眼角膜驚現500洞 台灣一名25歲秘書陳小姐,因常在大太陽下看手機,將手機螢幕亮度調至最強,但下班未調暗,晚上也關燈看手機追劇,去年7月開始雙眼紅腫、淚流不止。醫生檢查後發現,其視力變差、結膜充血,角膜還有多達5、600個破洞,.....
Tell me more about this lenses🤔🤔🤔
Super comfy with Attractive colors available❣
Visit us now for more❤❤❤
Next time a patient asks you, “Why are my lenses so expensive?” tell them simply, “Lenses are hard to make!” And boy, are they!
Starting from raw chemicals, these are converted into the highest form plastics can take in the world. The lens blank needs to be defect-free and clear and the correct hardness and curves.
At the lab, no two Rxs are ever the same. Each job is uniquely processed using very expensive equipment and trained labor.
Next, some special type of coating needs to be put on it. Typically, AR coatings are applied where the slightest defect in any of the prior processes are shown up. Many times, you have to start over.
When the dispensers have their own finishing lab, it’s common to see a very expensive lens ruined at this final stage of the process.
And that’s just a small number of the reasons I could have made.
【一張照片拯救眼癌女嬰生命 母親:攝影師拯救了她】http://bit.ly/2Hv9znK
【患眼癌突破黑暗考入中大音樂系 21歲女生冀辦視障音樂學校:看不見也有尊嚴】http://bit.ly/2JW4AOk
#兒童健康 #眼癌 #視網膜母細胞瘤
媽媽憑一張相片拯救女兒生命 5歲女眼睛有白點證患眼癌 一張照片,隨時挽救了孩子的生命!澳洲一位媽媽為5歲女兒拍照時,發現女兒的左眼瞳孔有一點白光,緊急帶女兒到醫院檢查,證實女兒罹患視網膜母細胞瘤,是一種傳播迅速的眼癌,需立即做手術摘除眼球保命。 據澳洲《
Harini tengok dua kes yang sangat menyedihkan di klinik.. Nak kongsi satu kes dulu..
Remaja 14 tahun.. Datang klinik sebab mata kabur, kiri lebih teruk dari kanan.. Bila bertanya lebih lanjut, pesakit ini 2 tahun lepas ada masalah alergik mata. Pernah berjumpa doktor mata di hospital lain Dan kemudian nya tidak pergi lagi (my Ophthalmology colleague could have guessed by now)
Tanya lagi, ada guna apa2 ubat ke? Ada.. Terus gugur jantung.. Dah boleh agak apa jawapan dia.. Parents pesakit membelikannya maxitrol di PHARMACY (sejenis steroid eye drop, refer gambar), pesakit menggunakan ubat tersebut SETIAP HARI, sekurang2 ya LIMA KALI SEHARI, terutamanya mata KIRI untuk tempoh SETAHUN. 😭😭😭😭
**maxitrol selalunya diberi kepada pesakit lepas menjalani pembedahan mata, kekerapan yg maksimum selalunya 4 kali sehari, untuk sebulan, dengan pemantauan doktor mata untuk monitor tekanan mata**
Bila check mata dia, mata kiri RAPD positive (bukti kerosakan saraf), tekanan mata kanan 34mmHg, kiri 42mmHg (normal 10-21mmHg). Ada katarak mata kiri.
Bila tgk saraf mata, mata kanan 0.6, mata kiri 0.8 (normal 0.3, sila rujuk gambar)
Diagnosis: Left eye advanced glaucoma, right eye glaucoma 2' to steroid abuse. Dalam kata lain, mata kiri BUTA, mata kanan separa BUTA disebabkan oleh steroid eye drop.
Its extremely frustrating when ophthalmologists get cases like this. He is only 14! Bila Tanya mcm mana pelajaran di sekolah, dia cakap susah doktor. Mata tak nampak 😭😭😭 it broke my heart. He became blind because of ignorance. On many level, by many people. Malaysia, bukan negara maju lagi.. We seriously lack in educating our people. Ini penduduk Bandar, Internet di hujung jari, doktor ada di mana2.
Budak 14 tahun, kini buta sebelah mata. Of course its not the end of the world, but the journey that awaits him isn't easy..
Keratitis 😱😱😱
Inflammation of the cornea.
Keratitis may due to,
✴ infection
✴dry eyes
✴disorders of the eyelids
✴physical and chemical injury
✴underlying medical diseases.
Keratitis symptoms and signs include
👁eye pain
👁blurred vision
👁eye redness.
Beware with the infection risk. Seek for us for better solution.👁👁
I hesitated for a moment before writing to you, but I believe deep in heart, this is the right thing to do!
To start with, my name is En Ni, I am a community pharmacist.
I read your articles in SinChew 医识力 about how purchasing fake eye drop can be detrimental. Could not help myself to put a big clap and a “hi-5”
The counterfeit incidence is real, and is dangerous.
One day before your article is published, my pharmacist reported to me about cloudy eye drop that the customer bought online!
The eye drop should be clear in colour, but it was not how it supposed to be.
My pharmacist was being scolded badly for selling “expensive” because he bought at a price way lower than our cost!
I have seen how customers pay through nose on products that are believed to cure cataracts without surgery
I have heard about talks where children are advised to use “magical eye drops” to cure myopia!
It popped through the social media about how products like “老树根一滴光” is selling virally!
As a pharmacist, I reported to the respective department.
I tried my very best to educate patients and my young pharmacists to be brave in combating this counterfeit war.
But It is way too difficult.
We are being cautioned to not voice about counterfeit because it may affect various sectors.
We are advised to tell fellow Malaysians that we are “safe” from counterfeit medicines
In fact, we are not!
I was about to give up, to be honest, but your article came across!
Standing bright and bold.
Thank you for voicing out and educate our fellow Malaysians.
Thank you for lighting up the fire for us, pharmacists, to continue educate and educate our public
As healthcare professionals, the best that we can do, apart from treatment, is education.
Hope to hear and see more from you in media or publication.
Thank you very much.
“For A Healthy & Vibrant World”
Thanks with regards,
Lim En Ni 林恩妮 Pharmacy Care & Development Manager
Mengadap skrin /& gadget elektronik TIDAK digalakkan untuk BUDAK🧑👧 dan juga tidak lebih 1 jam untuk Kanak-kanak kecil - saranan WHO😱😱😱
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Our Mission to delivers the greatest eye care experience by ensuring personal service and offer extremely competitive products in terms of quality and styling to achieve better vis...