Aloeva Pharmacy
Aloeva Pharmacy is an independent pharmacy serving the neighborhood in Sentul area.
Wishing all our Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha from Aloeva Pharmacy! 🌙✨ May your day be filled with many blessings and happiness💙
Tidak perlu laser? Tidak perlu suntikan Vitamin C? Semua bahan natural?
Ye betul! Pakai Dr Fade hari ini dan korang akan nampak perubahan dalam 2 minggu! 💯
9 bahan aktif yang premium diimport dari Europe - pasti merawat jeragat yang degil!!!
Tentu ada kelulusan dari Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM)!
📌 Boleh didapati di Aloeva Pharmacy
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Kami dari Aloeva Pharmacy ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua yang menyambut hari mulia ini 🌙
Waktu operasi kedai adalah seperti berikut :
10/4/2024 - TUTUP
11/4/2024 - 9AM-9PM
Untuk yang balik kampung, berhati-hati di jalan raya~
✨𝐓𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐤 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦✨adalah herba yang mempunyai banyak jenis faedah kesihatan, terutamanya dalam meningkatkan kesihatan pernafasan dan imunniti. Ia telah digunakan untuk merawat batuk kronik, sinus, asma dan alahan pernafasan.
Dan kini, sebotol 𝐍𝐇 𝐓𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐬 sehari boleh menjadikan anda sihat dan kuat setiap hari!
Sekarang, harga PROMOSI 1 PACK HANYA RM50 sahaja!
Kuatkan badan anda sebelum Raya ini!
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❗Sudah 2 minggu berpuasa, ada yang masih mengalami masalah gastric / pedih ulu hati /perut kembung walaupun sudah cuba pelbagai ubat atau supplement? 😢😔
📌 Jangan risau, ade Gavisgard! 👍 Mengandungi campuran kacang soya dengan soya fermentasi yang boleh membantu dalam 10 minit saje!
📌 Sekarang boleh didapati di Aloeva Pharmacy
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TikTok · BioPlus Check out BioPlus’s video.
Ada sesiapa yg mengalami masalah susah untuk tidur? 🤔Terutamanya waktu bulan ramadan ini? 🧐
Korang boleh cuba Enrich Ezimag ini! Mempunyai kandungan yang sesuai untuk relax minda dan otot anda! Guarantee ORI!💯💯
Vitamin C
Vitamin B6
Dr Fade is now available at Aloeva Pharmacy 🥳🥳
Dr Fade kini boleh didapati di Aloeva Pharmacy 🥳🥳
Dr Fade 现在可以在 Aloeva Pharmacy 购买 🥳🥳
Dr Fade 祛斑膏来到【吉隆玻 Sentul】啦 😍
想 try 很久料的姐妹们可以到【Aloeva Pharmacy】就能免费试用 🥳
Aloeva Pharmacy, Sentul
📍 地址:832-C, Jalan Taman Dato Senu, Sentul Garden, 51000 Sentul, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
📞 电话号码:017-9639053/010-7060797
🕰️ 营业时间:星期一到星期日 9.00am- 9.00pm
✅ 免费试用
✅ 现场咨询
✅ 当场拿货,不怕被骗
每天早晚涂1次,就可以轻松解决斑斑问题~ 超过【4,000】位姐妹用了都讲有效!
👩🦰 Ms. Tan: 之前用过很多祛斑膏,弄到脸很干,用了 Dr Fade 祛斑膏后,皮肤没有那么干了,斑斑也明显淡化了!
👩🦳 Ms. Casey: 跟了我好多年的老人斑,现在都淡去了,整个脸看起来也不会那么暗淡!
👩 Ms. Catherine: 我是一个皮肤很容易敏感的人,之前用过好多不适合的,终于给我试到 Dr Fade,用了不但没有不舒服,反而脸上黑斑 & 黄褐斑淡了许多!真心推荐!
这些真的都是顾客花时间写给我们的好评 🌟 4.7/5.0分的好评,都是姐妹们帮我们大力介绍出去的,分享给身边有需要的人 ❣️
到底 Dr Fade 祛斑膏为什么会那么有效呢?
这个 Dr Fade 祛斑膏是能够让你先把皮肤养好!再通过【3个步骤】将斑斑连根拔起:
Step 1:分解在皮肤表层和底层的色素
Step 2:深层补水来促进皮肤新陈代谢
Step 3:将已分解的色素通通排出体外 👋
【全马独一无二】的养肤祛斑功效,还能通过 #阻挡紫外线和空气污染 来减少对色素的刺激,达到 #断根斑斑生长 的保护效果 ✨ 坚持使用,还能促进胶原细胞、抚平细纹,让皮肤更加紧致 🥰 #难怪越用皮肤越好!
📣拥有 SGS 国际认证, CE 认证,GMO 认证,KKM 认证
📣 #0类固醇 #0水银 #0重金属 #0依赖性
Aloeva Pharmacy, Sentul
📍 地址:832-C, Jalan Taman Dato Senu, Sentul Garden, 51000 Sentul, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
📞 电话号码:017-9639053/010-7060797
🕰️ 营业时间:星期一到星期日 9.00am- 9.00pm
🔍 Google Maps 链接:
🚗 Waze 链接:
赶快PM我们或者到线下店抢购,因为有 50% OFFER 啊 🤩
Flexicare is now available at Aloeva Pharmacy 🥳🥳
Flexicare kini boleh didapati di Aloeva Pharmacy 🥳🥳
Flexicare 现在可以在 Aloeva Pharmacy 购买 🥳🥳
Flexicare 筋骨王来到【吉隆玻 Sentul】啦 😍
想 try 很久料的朋友们可以到【Aloeva Pharmacy】就能免费试用 🥳
📍 地址:832-C, Jalan Taman Dato Senu, Sentul Garden, 51000 Sentul, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
📞 电话号码:017-9639053 or 0107060797
🕰️ 营业时间:星期一到星期日 9.00am-9.00pm
✅ 免费试用
✅ 现场咨询
✅ 当场拿货,不怕被骗
每天早晚1次,按摩3分钟,就可以断根疼痛了~ 超过【32,000】为顾客用了都讲有效!
Mr Chow: 本身有颈肩酸痛的问题,就试试买来用看看,涂了一个星期之后就开始觉得颈肩没有那么痛了也可以抬起来
Ms Wenny: 半年前不小心跌倒导致膝盖受伤,看了3个推拿铁打针灸中医师也没能完全康复。老公看到很多FlexiCare的好评就买2罐给我试试,用完一罐有感觉舒缓些,没之前痛,现在用着第二罐
Mrs Wong: 我是因为自己手腕痛买来涂的,用了半罐那样就没有再痛了,有时后看到孩子撞到淤青也有涂,隔天就好很快了,真的很有效!
这些真的都是顾客花时间写给我们的好评 🌟 4.9/5.0分的好评,都是顾客把我们介绍出去的,分享给身边有需要的人 ❣️ []( "")
到底 Flexicare 筋骨膏为什么会那么有效呢?
❗ 其实,真正的问题出现在关节里面 ❗
关节发炎、积液 ▶ 要会【消炎】
关节劳损、疼痛 ▶ 要能【修复】
只有这样, #才能根治关节问题 💯 才不用担心【炎症】和【老化】再将关节吃掉了 🙅♂️
Flexicare 筋骨膏【独家】的【消炎 + 修复】配方,拥有 #6倍的渗透速递,可以渗入皮肤底层,保护关节 🤩 让关节的 #抗炎 和 #抗老损 的变得更加强大 🏆
在这个市场里面,真的只有 Flexicare 筋骨膏,不加激素和内固醇, #唯一 使用高达16种流传百年全草药配方来做到断根关节问题了 🔥 连中医师也说,只有【消炎 + 修复】才能根治,而且不会反弹!
📣拥有 SGS 国际认证, CE 认证,GMO 认证,KKM 认证
📣 #0类固醇 #0化学 #0依赖性 #0止痛药
爱心药剂行 Aloeva Pharmacy, Sentul
📍 地址:832-C, Jalan Taman Dato Senu, Sentul Garden, 51000 Sentul, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
电话号码:017-9639053 or 010-7060797
营业时间:星期一到星期日 9.00am-9.00pm
🔍 Google Maps 链接:
🚗 Waze 链接:
赶快PM我们或者到线下店抢购,因为有 35% OFFER 啊 🤩
Phytosure Phyto Nephro is a plant-based nutrition supplement specially formulated for non-dialysis CKD stage 1-4 patients, featuring a blend of low sodium Isolated Pea Protein, Prebiotic Inulin, Green Plant Blends, and other beneficial nutrients to help fill the nutritional gaps in your diet.
Green Plant Blends is a great antioxidant source for the body and helps to maintain gut health by promoting intestinal bacteria growth, resulting in a decrease in transit time in the gut, thereby helps to reduce toxin build-up.
What is even better - this product is soy-free, lactose-free, gluten-free and vegan-friendly, and it contains 5.4g of protein per serving and 21 multivitamins and minerals. With Phytosure Phyto Nephro, you will improve your energy production, reduce the risk of muscle loss, slow down the progression of CKD and protect against cardiac complications.
Start taking care of your kidney before it is too late! Order now and begin to improve your kidney health today!
Purchase this at
✨KPLASS Cough Relief Patch✨
Patch your cough with KPLASS Cough Relief Patch and avoid having the need to take oral medications - good for those who have difficulties in taking cough syrups! Plus point - relief cough in people with influenza.
Transdermal absorption through acupoint application of the patches instantly relieve cough, dissolve and eliminate phlegm, and comfort throat. Simply locate your 3 acupoints: Tian Tu (center of the collar bone), Dan Zhong (center of the chest) and Da Zhui (top first center bone of spine), and stick these patches! As simple as that! 💯💯
Purchase this at
Boleh mencegah dan merawat influenza!
Kebaikan :
🌱 Melegakan simptom selsema dan selesema (termasuk batuk, sakit tekak, pengumpulan lendir pada saluran pernafasan atas).
🌱 Untuk mengurangkan hidung tersumbat dan lendir lendir yang berkaitan dengan sinusitis, demam/alahan rintis.
🌱 Penyelidikan menunjukkan bahawa jus elderberry hitam berkesan mengurangkan panjang kitaran selesema dan gejala yang disebabkan oleh virus influenza.
Cara pengambilan:
✔️15ml sehari cawan hingga 3 kali sehari jika perlu
✔️Sesuai untuk budak 2 tahun ke atas
Purchase at
🎉Our PWP Blackmores Vitamin C 500mg 60's is back!!!🎉
With every purchase of RM50 and above, get Blackmores Vitamin C 500mg 60's at RM 15 only!!! Even cheaper than before!!!
Promotion ends 20th April 2023
*While stock lasts*
Aloeva Pharmacy wishes all a very Happy New Year 2023. May this year bring you happiness, prosperity and peace!
We are open today as usual! See you around!
Cosmoderm Glow-C contains Vitamin C that is rich in antioxidants where it helps to protect skin cells from damaging free radicals. It also helps to brighten your skin and even out skin tone! Glow-C comes in a range of Cleansing Gel, Toning Essence, Boosting Serum and Brightening Moisture Solution.
Now you can get this range of Cosmoderm Glow-C at Aloeva Pharmacy! Grab it now to give your skin a radiant complexion and bouncy effect! Try it to know it!
Cosmoderm GLOW-C for Brightens & Bouncy Skin We are excited to officially welcome our new range; GLOW-C (Vitamin C) 🍊🍊. Say goodbye to dull, tired and moody skin with only 4 steps 🤗. Exclusive only a...
🎉 PWP - With every purchase of RM50 and above, get Blackmores Vitamin C 500mg 60's at RM 20 only!!! 🎉
Promotion ends 31st October 2022
*While stock lasts*
Happy 65th Malaysia Independence Day! 🇲🇾 🇲🇾 🇲🇾
We are open as usual to serve you.
Available now at Aloeva Pharmacy!
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. 😊
Good Morning!
- Minimum SPM leavers
- Good hourly pay
- 7 hours shift (1 hour break), 3 days a week
- Overtime is available
- Female only
- call us NOW at 017 673 1002
👉 Having runny nose, blocked nose or itchy nose? None stop sneezing due to allergens/dust?
📌 Allertoin Allergy/Rhinitis Nasal Spray is here to help you. It is safe for you and your baby too. No steroid added. The isotonic sea salt content with Ectoin helps to reduce allergen induced inflammations of the nasal mucosa.
📌 Try it today to relieve and reduce the above symptoms!
📌 Ask our healthcare professionals to know the differences between Allertoin Allergy Nasal Spray and Allertoin Rhinitis Nasal Spray!
Remember to always follow the SOP and take good care of yourself and your loved ones! ☺️
Dear valued customers,
🌻 Our operating hours are back to 9am - 9pm 🌻
Thank you for your constant support! :D
👉 Did you know? The right cooking oil can reduce our risk of inflammatory diseases like heart disease, and even cancer?
📌 Studies have found that omega-9 oleic acid is most suitable for cooking compared to the more well-known omega-3 and omega-6. Omega-3 and omega-6 are healthy fats but they are not suitable for cooking because they are more easily oxidized under high heat.
📌 Goketo Omega 3-6-9 contains 70% Omega 9, 13.3% Omega 6 & 3 and MCT 10%, providing a perfect blend of your daily fat intake.
- If you have any questions can contact us through whatsapp or messenger :
- If Interested can order at :
Happy Independence Day to all my fellow Malaysians! 🇲🇾 🇲🇾 🇲🇾
⭐ Do you have hair fall problem?
⭐ Do you have itchy scalp/dandruff problem?
⭐ Tried many products and still not working?
⭐ Worry no more with Audace Regan Hair Reactive & Hair Fall Control Shampoo!
👉🏻 Regan Extra Hair Reactive and Hair Fall Control Shampoo is the result of many years of research and development in Germany. This shampoo effectively cleans and removes hardened sebum and dandruff flakes.
👉🏻 It strengthens the hair from its roots and provides optimal conditioning for healthy scalp and thicker hair. It also contains Balm Mint that has antiseptics effect and is soothing to the scalp.
👉🏻 Use it together with the Regan Hair Reactive and Hair Fall Control Tonic for best result!
🛒 Available now at Aloeva Pharmacy!
🔥 Aweld Portable Oxygen 600ml now available in Aloeva Pharmacy! 🔥
📌 Oxygen purity: ≥99.5%
📌 Portable & light weight
Benefits :
👉Promotes health & wellness
👉Boosts stamina
👉Boosts immunity
👉Reduces stress
👉Relaxes mind
Instantly restores the body and brain oxygen level!
🔥🔥SPECIAL OFFER --> 1 box (6 cans) - RM 129 ONLY!🔥🔥
If you have any questions or interested to order, can contact -
Varian baharu Delta COVID-19 boleh menjangkiti seseorang dalam tempoh 15 saat. 😰😱
Kalau tiada apa-apa penting di luar, duduk di rumah je! Sentiasa mengamalkan SOP yang telah ditetapkan.
Varian Delta merupakan Variant of Concern (VOC) paling dominan di seluruh dunia dan paling bahaya.
Simptom-simptom yang perlu diberi perhatian antaranya:
🔴 Sakit kepala berpanjangan
🔴 Keletihan dan kelesuan
🔴 Hidung berair/tersumbat
🔴 muntah
🔥 This is now available at Aloeva Pharmacy!🔥
👉Fast and easy to use.. Results within 15 minutes! Get for you and your family now!
Fret not, this is approved by the Medical Device Authority (MDA).
📌 Sensitivity 100% (5/5), 94.74% (18/19)
📌 Specificity 100% (4/4), 100% (73/73)
1 test kit RM 45 only!
If Interested can order at :
👉 Pada bulan Ramadan yang mulia ini, adakah anda mengalami masalah kembung perut, gastric atau pedih ulu hati? Jika ya, anda perlu cuba ini pH Alkalising green mix plus. Ia diperbuat daripada 100% bahan semulajadi!!!
📌Waktu yang paling sesuai dalam bulan ini adalah 2 kali sehari, iaitu waktu sahur dan sebelum tidur, dibancuh dalam setengah gelas air.
Korang tau tak buah delima:
📌 Kaya dengan antioksidan
📌 Kaya dengan Vitamin C
📌 Bagus untuk kecantikan kulit
📌 Bersifat anti-radang
📌 Kaya dengan asid folik 👶🏼
Tu lah antara sebab-sebab kenapa kitorang 💓💓💓 sangat buah yang banyak khasiat ni! Sekarang boleh didapati di Farmasi Aloeva! 😍😍😍
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
Contact the practice
Jalan Taman Dato Senu
Kuala Lumpur
Opening Hours
Monday | 09:00 - 21:00 |
Tuesday | 09:00 - 21:00 |
Wednesday | 09:00 - 21:00 |
Thursday | 09:00 - 21:00 |
Friday | 09:00 - 21:00 |
Saturday | 09:00 - 21:00 |
Sunday | 09:00 - 21:00 |
Kuala Lumpur, 52100
Specialize in providing solution & fogging machine to kills germs
Sentral, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur, 50470
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39-2R , Blok H, Jalan Maju 3/3 , Taman Lembah Maju
Kuala Lumpur, 56100
SWR HOLDING MALAYSIA INC.PTE LTD merupakan salah satu syarikat perbekalan perubatan yang berdaftar . SWR menawarkan perkhidmatan bagi membekal mesin penumpu oksigen bertaraf peruba...
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Medi-Kao is a one stop medical supply company in Indonesia which was established in 1993 and based in Jakarta Barat, Indonesia.
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Bandar Tun Razak
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NO. 63 Wisma 16 Sulaman, Jalan Sulaman, Kota Kinabalu
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