SilverTree Design Studio

SilverTree is a creative studio that helps companies develop visual communication to serve their business needs in a responsible manner. We believe that..

Let your brand do all the work. Let your design do all the talking. Give your marketing needs, the love and attention and they will give you brand experience for a lifetime. SilverTree is a small independent creative studio that helps companies (big & small) to develop visual communication to serve their business needs in a responsible manner. We simply do it by following our design process and cr


Direction, not speed, is the key to reaching your design destination. At SilverTree, we enable in crafting journeys, not just products. Let's explore the path together and create something beautiful for you.


"In the world of digital marketing, your brand isn't just a reflection of your business; it's the heartbeat of your strategy and the compass for your campaigns." - Unknown
A toddler out there with big brain though to enable and scale small businesses.


"Your brand is a reflection of who you are."
It represents your values, your vision, and your mission. It's the essence of your identity, the promise you make to your audience, and the unique story you tell.
Every interaction, every piece of content, and every product you deliver contributes to the tapestry of your brand.
Cultivating a strong brand isn't just about logos and slogans; it's about fostering trust, loyalty, and a sense of community. It's about being authentic, consistent, and transparent in everything you do.


Stand out in the bustling market of Kuala Lumpur with SilverTree Design Studio. Our creative branding solutions ensure your business leaves a lasting impression.


Stand out in the bustling markets of India with SilverTree Design Studio. We are a focused small business enabler and as such our creative branding solutions ensure that your business leaves a lasting impression.
Tap the link in bio to sign up or DM Now to begin.


This cup of coffee isn't just for waking up, it's fueling our next killer social media post.
We are the living
Would you like to try the new Roasted brew ? Comment below to share your thoughts.


Said 'Yes' to the client, but now working for a 'Yes' from the algorithm.
Either way engagement is an adventurous task 😉
DM us 💍, we have discovered lot of hacks !🔋👩‍💼


This tea isn't just a drink, it's a content calendar waiting to happen.


Design Inspo Alert! Great Designers Keep Learning, Especially in the Age of AI.
The design landscape is constantly evolving, and top designers know the importance of staying ahead of the curve. Here's how to embrace continuous learning and create user-centric experiences:
*Trending Now* : AI-Powered Design Tools:

✅Explore the possibilities of software like Figma with its robust design collaboration features.
✅Experiment with the power of text-to-image tools like Midjourney to spark creative brainstorming.

🎁5 ChatGPT Prompts/ Examples to Ignite Your Social Media Presence:🔋

- Develop a social media calendar with day wise themes that educates your audience in your niche.

- Craft a series of social media posts that showcase the evolution of a {insert niche} from concept to final product.

- Design a carousel post outlining the top 5 design trends you predict will dominate the coming year in your industry.

- Generate a blog post outline that delves into the challenges and rewards of a career in design.

- Develop a social media challenge that encourages users to share their own design creations with a specific theme.

Remember, is key! Be open to feedback, experiment with new tools, and embrace the ever-changing world of design.

What design principles are YOU exploring lately? Share your learnings in the comments!


Unlocks the magic of cross-cultural skillSet and flaunt humility with your passport !
Stop limiting yourself. Go out there.
Being open to learning and avoiding assumptions paves the way for:

~Multi-Dimensional Learning
~Empowering Entrepreneurship
~Lifelong Friendships
~Expanding Your Network
So, ditch the rigid mindset and embrace the learning opportunities!

Cross-cultural exchange is a journey of growth, not a destination. Embrace humility and watch your world expand!


Women leaders who embrace humility inspire others. allows for collaboration and empowers your team.
Tag a woman entrepreneur you admire!


"Accept & Acknowledge"
Saying "I don't know" in marketing isn't a weakness, it's an opportunity for growth! Here's how embracing the "Accept & Acknowledge" approach fosters transparency and builds trust:

1. Upskill Yourself:
Take a course, read industry blogs, or watch tutorials to bridge your knowledge gap.

2. Expand Your Network:
Connect with other marketers at conferences, online forums, or local meetups.
Fresh perspectives and diverse experiences can spark brilliant solutions.

3. Adopt a Mentor:
Seek guidance from an experienced marketing professional who can offer valuable insights and support.
A mentor can help you navigate challenges and unlock your full potential.

4. Discuss & Find Solutions in Your Community:
Ask questions on social media forums or industry groups.
You'd be surprised how many others share similar challenges!
Sharing your knowledge gaps fosters collaboration and community learning.

By openly acknowledging what you don't know, you show your audience that you're:

~Authentic: Real people don't have all the answers.
~Committed to Growth: A desire to learn is a key ingredient for success.
~In Tune with Your Audience: Building genuine connections fosters stronger relationships.

This transparent approach not only pays back with knowledge, but also demonstrates the relevance of your projects by highlighting your dedication to staying current with industry trends and best practices.

Let's move beyond perfectionism and embrace the power of learning together!


🌟The Bridge Between Good Intentions and Impact
🌷The Unexpected Reward: Growth and Connection
Have you ever encountered challenges while being humble in doing what you do in your profession ? Love to know your thoughts !


allows spaces for open sharing and collaboration. Join our design community to share and learn!"
Share posts, invite friends, and participate actively. By amplifying our voices, we can create a space that fosters connection, growth, and mutual success.
To Request Group Link for Malaysia, DM SilverTreeMalaysia
To Request Group Link for India , DM SilverTreeIndia


Humility allows marketers to learn from mistakes, adapt to change, and continuously improve.
What's your growth mindset tip?


In a world obsessed with results, how can marketers embrace humility to drive long-term growth? Share your thoughts in the comments!


Its been a while in the design & marketing industry, countless connections previously plus currently as an expat, and a passion for community building have led me to a powerful truth: humility is key.

We juggle so many roles – mothers, wives, leaders, friends, marketers... each with its own demands. But in the pursuit of success, humility can be forgotten.

Here’s the thing: growth comes from unexpected places. Thanking for the wonderful opportunity to let me embrace my flaws and practicing humility.
Here’s why humility matters:

🌿Strengthens Relationships: Open communication and acknowledging your limitations fosters trust and collaboration.
🌿Empowers Others: Celebrating others’ achievements inspires growth and builds a supportive environment.
🌿Fuels Continuous Learning: Humility allows you to embrace new ideas and perspectives.
What are your thoughts on the role of humility? .


Struggling to make your brand heard in the digital noise? Silvertree is here to be your one-stop shop for all things communication design, social media, and digital marketing!
From crafting a captivating brand identity to developing engaging social media strategies and implementing cutting-edge marketing campaigns, we help businesses of all sizes tell their stories and achieve their goals.
Ready to elevate your brand experience? Let's chat! Direct message Now !

Photos from SilverTree Design Studio's post 08/05/2024

How to Create a Weak Brand Presence in Today's Times?
At Silvertree, we help founders build powerful brands that connect and convert. Let's chat about crafting a brand that truly stands out!
Leave a comment and tell us your biggest branding challenge!


Progress over perfection. Keep pushing forward, no matter the obstacles.


Did you know? Over 5.35 billion people use the internet globally!
That's a massive audience for small businesses to reach.
Are you leveraging the power of social media to connect with potential customers?
SilverTree Design Studio can help you create a killer online presence! ✨
Let's chat about how to make your small business shine online! DM us for a free consultation.
Data according to Statista, January 2024.


Who needs validation when you’re the CEO of your own destiny?
So, on this Women’s Day, let’s ask ourselves: Can we turn the runway of life into our own comedy show, where theme is our ‘unapologetic awesomeness’ ?

Photos from SilverTree Design Studio's post 06/03/2024

Unlock your personal brand’s full potential! ✨

Swipe through these simple and yet so effective hacks that will have you standing out online Or WhatsApp us +91 85888 30840 for a quick brand audit.

🧩💪 🌱


Once upon a time in the digital kingdom, there was a wise merchant named Marco who ran a small but thriving market. One day, he heard about a magical land called Social Media, where merchants could showcase their goods to a vast audience. Intrigued, Marco decided to embark on a journey to Social Media to boost his business.

Upon entering Social Media, Marco was greeted by various platforms, each representing a different village in the vast kingdom. There was the Village of Facebook, the Town of Twitter, the Kingdom of Instagram, and the Realm of LinkedIn. Eager to make his mark, Marco started sharing tales of his market, posting pictures of his finest products, and engaging with the villagers.

At first, everything seemed magical. The villagers of Social Media were intrigued by Marco's offerings, and his market gained attention. But soon, Marco realized that Social Media was not just a land of endless prosperity. It had its challenges.

The Village of Facebook had a fickle algorithm that sometimes hid Marco's posts from view. The Town of Twitter moved at lightning speed, making it challenging for Marco to stand out amidst the constant chatter. The Kingdom of Instagram demanded visually stunning displays, and the Realm of LinkedIn valued professional connections.

Undeterred, Marco sought the guidance of the wise Social Media Sages, who advised him to craft unique stories, use captivating visuals, and tailor his messages to each village's preferences. They also cautioned him against the temptation of shortcuts and urged him to build genuine relationships with the villagers.

As Marco adapted his strategies, he noticed a change. The villagers started sharing his stories with their friends, and his market's reputation grew. Over time, he built a loyal following that transcended the boundaries of individual villages. The once challenging algorithms became allies, and the fast-paced nature of Social Media became a rhythm Marco could dance to.

P. S. the parable of Marco's Social Media Marketing journey teaches us that success in the digital kingdom requires more than just posting and hoping for the best.


🚀 🚀

In every business, there's a delicate balance between strategy and action. From defining Positioning to chasing Revenue, it's a journey of turning dreams into goals and goals into profits. Are you more inclined towards the Strategic Thought or Tactical Ex*****on? 🤔💪

How do you navigate this terrain?

Positioning 🧠 Strategic Thinking Vs Tactical Ex*****on 💪
In the world of business, it's all about finding the right balance between strategy and ex*****on. Marketers focus on strategic positioning, shaping the brand's identity, while sales teams are in the trenches, driving revenue through tactical ex*****on.

Technical Knowledge 📚 Vs Goal-Oriented 🎯
Marketers dive deep into technicalities, understanding the market, consumer behavior, and trends. Sales, on the other hand, set their sights on the end goal, forging connections and sealing deals.

Brand Affinity ❤️ Vs Customer Relationships 💼
Marketing builds brand affinity, creating emotional connections with customers. Sales teams nurture these relationships, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customers' Perspective 👥 Vs Investor & PR Focus 📊
Marketing sees the world through the eyes of customers, tailoring messages to resonate with their needs. Sales teams broaden the view, considering investors, stakeholders, and the wider audience.

And finally, never underestimate the power of Brand Perspective 👁️‍🗨️. How you see your brand matters just as much as how your customers perceive it. Are you aligned?

Let's keep the conversation going! Share your thoughts below and tag a fellow entrepreneur to join the discussion.

Together, we can conquer the Marketing Vs Sales puzzle! 🧩💪 🌱


🌱 Embrace the Power of Growth Mindset and Affirmations! 🌱

A growth mindset is the cornerstone of personal development and achievement. 🚀 It's the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and effort. 💪 Pairing this mindset with affirmations can work wonders! Here's why it's crucial:

1️⃣ Positive Reinforcement: Affirmations reinforce the belief that growth and improvement are possible, fostering a can-do attitude. 🌟

2️⃣ Overcoming Challenges: They provide a mental toolkit to tackle challenges head-on, turning obstacles into opportunities. 🛠️

3️⃣ Building Confidence: Affirmations boost confidence, helping us step out of our comfort zones and into the realm of growth. 💥

4️⃣ Cultivating Resilience: They fortify our mental resilience, enabling us to bounce back from setbacks with newfound

5️⃣ Fostering a Positive Outlook: Affirmations promote positivity, which has a ripple effect on all aspects of our lives. 🌈

Let's nurture our growth mindset with daily affirmations! 💫 Remember, every positive thought is a step toward a more fulfilling, accomplished you! 🌟

strength. 💪


Today's a good day to have a good day.
Turning dreams into plans, one step at a time!
#808 #1176 #520 #741


Here are some statistics and facts that emphasise the importance of prioritising people over business on social media:

User Engagement: According to a study by Sprout Social, 57% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand they follow on social media.

Customer Trust and Loyalty: A survey by Edelman found that 53% of customers are more likely to be loyal to a brand that they follow on social media.

Customer Service Impact: Approximately 71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend it to others (Ambassador).

Content Preferences: The 2021 HubSpot Not Another State of Marketing Report highlighted that 65% of consumers prefer content from brands to be educational or informative.

Influence of User-Generated Content: 85% of consumers find visual user-generated content (UGC) more influential than brand-generated photos or videos (CrowdRiff).

Social Proof Matters: Nielsen reports that 92% of consumers trust organic, user-generated content more than they trust traditional advertising.

The Impact of Authenticity: 86% of consumers say authenticity is a key factor when deciding what brands they like and support (Stackla).

Attention Span and Content Length: According to a study by Microsoft, the average human attention span has fallen to just 8 seconds, making concise and engaging content crucial on social media.

Mobile Dominance: 52.2% of all online traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones in 2018 (Statista). This emphasizes the need for mobile-friendly and easily digestible content.

Social Media Influence on Purchase Decisions: 74% of consumers rely on social media to guide their purchasing decisions (Sprout Social).

Feedback and Improvement: 71% of consumers who have had a positive social media experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others, while 67% are likely to make a purchase (Ambassador).

The Role of Influencers: 49% of consumers depend on influencer recommendations on social media to make purchasing decisions (ION).

Remember : The power of building meaningful connections and providing value to your audience on social media. By focusing on the people, businesses can foster loyalty, trust, and ultimately drive growth.

Photos from SilverTree Design Studio's post 16/10/2023

🎉 Attention Small Business Owners & Founders! Join Our Exclusive Networking Facebook Group! 🚀

👋 Are you ready to take your small business to new heights? We are building a small focused -happy place just for you!

Introducing our vibrant community of like-minded business owners, where opportunities for brand promotion, events, workshops, and so much more await! 🌟

Why Join Us? 🤝

1️⃣ Connect with a Supportive Community: Network with fellow entrepreneurs who understand the hustle and are eager to share their experiences.

2️⃣ Boost Your Brand: Get the word out about your business through shoutouts, collaborations, and exclusive promotional events.

3️⃣ Learn and Grow: Access workshops, webinars, and resources to sharpen your skills and expand your business horizons.

4️⃣ Stay in the Loop: Be the first to know about industry trends, hot tips, and upcoming events that could skyrocket your success!

Ready to be part of something amazing? 🚀 Simply click the link in bio or (check comments to request access and let's embark on this exciting journey together!

Tag your fellow entrepreneurs who need to see this! Let's build, grow, and succeed together! 🌱💪


📣Behold the enchantments of weaving thy own personal brand. These are the magical advantages it brings:

In today's digital age, establishing credibility and building a reputation is more important than ever. With the vast amount of information available online, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd and reach your target audience. However, with the right approach, you can increase your lead generation and build a strong professional outreach.

One of the most effective ways to achieve these goals is by sharing valuable content. By providing your audience with high-quality information relevant to your industry, you can establish yourself as an expert and build trust with potential clients.

To make the most of your content marketing efforts, it's important to create a strategy that aligns with your business goals. This includes identifying your target audience, determining the types of content that will resonate with them, and developing a plan for distribution and promotion.

Additionally, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in content marketing. This may include incorporating video or interactive content, optimizing your content for search engines, and leveraging social media platforms to reach a wider audience.

By focusing on establishing credibility, increasing lead generation, and building a strong professional outreach through valuable content, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your industry and attract new business opportunities.

Schedule a free consultation for your page !
Email at [email protected]

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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🚀 Elevate Your Productivity with! 🌟 The Secret AI Tool to Skyrocket Your Social Media Presence! 📈💥 Don’t Miss ...
Discover the power of AI in marketing! 🚀 .🔉AI-driven strategies are changing the game. From personalized content to data...
Hare Krishna !❤️May the divine melodies of Lord Krishna’s flute fill your life with joy, love, and creativity. 🎶💖.🌟 Happ...
With keyword marketing, you can create a more effective digital marketing strategy that will help you reach your target ...
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Diwaligreetings 2021
😖Posts Ignored everyday ? .😭Are you struggling to keep up with all the posts and get more followers to drive engagement ...
The 12 week challenge 🤩�.�👉🏻 Upscale your social media presence with branding and engagement ideas�👉🏻 Get Leads & Genuin...
For all the aspiring #coronapreneurs, Click here!




Kuala Lumpur

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 06:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 06:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 06:00
Thursday 09:00 - 06:00
Friday 09:00 - 06:00
Saturday 09:00 - 05:00

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