Videos by Yoga Hum Centre in Malacca City. Yoga Hum Centre operating since Oct 2003. The teachers at Yoga Hum Center are qualified, have experience and knowledge and are dependable and focused.
Yin Yang Flow is a fun, creative way to explore both the yin and yang sides of yoga in a well-rounded and thoughtful practice.
Yin Yang Flow is a fun, creative way to explore both the yin and yang sides of yoga in a well-rounded and thoughtful practice.
The synchronizing of physical movement with your breath in HATHA Yoga is called VINYASA. This technique allows you to create a deeper absorption of awareness through a rhythmic moving meditation while practicing yoga.
行星颂钵大敲击法是一种深层治疗的自然疗法,可以修复人体气场,让人体的负面能量随之得到转化。 行星颂钵跟宇宙行星能量和谐同频共振时,人体能量便和大自然的频率合而为一,进而达到疗愈身心性的疾病。当体内的能量能够和谐流动,自愈能力亦被唤醒。 行星颂钵的音波震动越过理性思维,直接于意识对话,当头脑透过声音净化整理之后,让身心体验一种清明直觉。 行星颂钵的泛音能帮助人身体放松,平衡和调和人体的七个脉轮。 ▶️参考人体的七个脉轮和您的身体,事业,情感对应链接,所以不要忽略它!! 行星颂钵音疗适合压力过大的人。 ▶️参考压力对健康的急性影响 ▶️参考压力对健康的慢性影响
💖曼陀罗能量彩绘工作坊💖 8月24日 (短片1) 以下链接是下半场,有兴趣参加的同学们请赶紧报名,名额有限🙏🏻 💖曼陀罗能量彩绘工作坊💖 日期/时间: 8月31日 (周六) 7pm - 9pm