Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店

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Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 07/10/2023

蒙砂白水晶阿弥陀佛手链 Frosted Clear Quartz Amitabha Bracelet
RM 38

Diameter: 10mm

Clear Quartz relieve its bearer’s mental health from stress, anxiety, and depression. It is amazing for strengthening energy. It channels universal energy, absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. To aid concentration and memory, ward off bad luck and anti-radiation.
白水晶主健康,平衡个人身心,情绪及体内能量,有助集中精神。最具有平衡的能量,当「护身符」、「平安符」最好。提高工作效率,记忆力。镇宅辟邪, 抗辐射。

#蒙砂白水晶阿弥陀佛手链 #健康 #平衡个人身心 #助集中精神 #护身符 #平安符 #提高工作效率 #镇宅辟邪 #抗辐射

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 07/10/2023

十二生肖铃铛小摆件/钥匙扣 Copper 12 Chinese Zodiac with Bell Small Ornaments/ Keychain
RM 25

(L) 2.3cm x (H) 3.8cm
(长) 2.3cm x (高) 3.8cm

Bell usually is a symbol of clear sound, alertness, and is also used to ward off evil, possessing protective and blessing powers.
Rat- symbolizes prosperity, growth, and good luck
Cow- symbolizes diligence, loyalty, endurance and strength, and courage
Tiger- symbol of bravery, have the meaning of warding off evil and ensuring well-being in all directions
Rabbit- gentle and elegant, clever, symbolizing loyalty with the auspicious meaning of longevity
Dragon- regarded as noble, symbolizing the power to ward off evil and protect the nation's prosperity and people's well-being
Snake- symbolizing adaptability, the ability to overcome strength with flexibility
Horse- symbolizing loyalty, honesty, the courage to move forward, and the idea that life continues
Goat- symbolizes gentleness, kindness, and purity
Monkey- symbolizes freedom, agility, cleverness, and the power to ward off evil
Rooster- 'ji' (which sounds like 'luck' in Chinese), symbolizing luck and the ability to attract wealth, gather financial resources, ward off negative energies
Dog- symbolizes cleverness, bravery, trustworthiness, and peace
Pig- living in harmony, with the meaning of a peaceful and prosperous life
鼠- 善处逆境,子孙繁衍,家业兴旺的象征。有生生不息,繁盛不衰之吉祥寓意
牛- 勤奋朴实,诚挚忠厚,忍辱负重,勇武倔强的象征
虎- 被视为威武勇猛,有辟邪降魅,四方安康之吉祥寓意
兔- 温柔文静,纯洁高雅,机智灵敏,忠厚善良的象征, 长生不老之吉祥寓意
龙- 被视为尊贵神圣, 有惩邪镇恶,国泰民安之吉祥寓意
蛇- 灵活应变, 有以柔克刚,百折不挠的寓意
马- 忠实诚信,有勇往直前,生命不息的寓意
羊- 温文善良,仁慈和睦,顺天随人,纯洁高尚的象征
猴- 自由敏捷,聪明灵巧,有驱魔降妖的寓意
鸡- ‘吉同音’,寓意着吉祥,可招财,聚四方之财源,有化煞驱邪,斩桃花的作用
狗- 机智聪慧,赤诚勇敢,尽职守信,和平安宁之吉祥寓意
猪- 与世无争的象征,有安居乐业,丰衣足食的寓意

#十二生肖铃铛小摆件钥匙扣 #鼠 #牛 #虎 #兔 #龙 #蛇 #马 #羊 #猴 #鸡 #狗 #猪 #驱除邪恶 #吉祥寓意

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 21/09/2023

虎眼/缅甸玉/东陵玉貔貅吊坠/摆件 Yellow Tiger Eyes/Myanmar jade/Aventurine PiXiu Pendant/Ornaments
A- RM 38
B- RM 58
C- RM 108
D- RM 38

A- (L) 2.0cm x (W) 0.9cm - 1.4cm x (H) 3.4cm - 3.5cm
B- (L) 2.0cm x (W) 1.1cm - 1.3cm x (H) 3.4cm - 3.5cm
C- (L) 3.6cm x (W) 1.3cm x (H) 4.7cm
D- (L) 1.9cm x (W) 1.2cm - 1.3cm x (H) 3.4cm - 3.6cm
All includes silver-plated necklace.
A- (长) 2.0cm x (宽) 0.9cm - 1.4cm x (高) 3.4cm - 3.5cm
B- (长) 2.0cm x (宽) 1.1cm - 1.3cm x (高) 3.4cm - 3.5cm
C- (长) 3.6cm x (宽) 1.3cm x (高) 4.7cm
D- (长) 1.9cm x (宽) 1.2cm - 1.3cm x (高) 3.4cm - 3.6cm

Pixiu is to attract wealth and ward off evil spirits, also can improve wealth and luck.
A:Yellow Tiger Eyes- brings success in riches and luck,wards off bad luck
B,C:Myanmar jade- also known as jadeite jade, protects the body, have a safe life, and can also promote physical health
D:Aventurine- has natural spiritual strength that can hold the negative stuff away and bring peace, also capable of increasing the chances and luck of the wearer
A:虎眼- 象征财富,有助于招财,辟邪保平安
B,C:缅甸玉- 又称翡翠玉,翡翠护身,平安一生,也可以促进身体健康
D:东陵玉- 具有与生俱来的灵性能量,带有辟邪的功效,除去厄运,并吸引贵人,长期佩戴者带来好机会,好运和财运

#虎眼 #缅甸玉 #东陵玉貔貅吊坠摆件 #象征财富 #招财 #辟邪保平安 #平安一生 #促进身体健康 #除去厄运 #吸引贵人 #好运 #改善财运 #旺家运 #化煞镇宅

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 21/09/2023

黑曜石/金曜石/粉晶貔貅吊坠/摆件 Black Obsidian/Golden Obsidian/Rose Quartz Pi Xiu Pendant/Ornaments
A- RM 38
B- RM 38
C- RM 35
D- RM 108

A,D- Black Obsidian
B- Golden Obsidian
A,B- (L) 1.8cm x (W) 1.1cm - 1.4cm x (H) 3.3cm - 3.4cm
C- (L) 2.0cm - 2.3cm x (W) 0.9cm - 1.3cm x (H) 3.2cm - 3.7cm
D- (L) 3.3cm x (W) 2.5cm x (H) 5.7cm
All includes silver-plated necklace.
A,D- 黑曜石
B- 金曜石
A,B- (长) 1.8cm x (宽)1.1cm - 1.4cm x (高) 3.3cm - 3.4cm
C- (长) 2.0cm - 2.3cm x (宽) 0.9cm - 1.3cm x (高) 3.2cm - 3.7cm
D- (长) 3.3cm x (宽) 2.5cm x (高) 5.7cm

Pixiu is to attract wealth and ward off evil spirits, also can improve wealth and luck.
Black Obsidian- strong psychic protection stone, eliminates the negative energy of the body, helps to remove sickness and relieve discomfort
Golden Obsidian- considered the finest type of obsidian, ward off evil, attract wealth, strengthen faith and self-confidence with prolonged wear
Rose Quartz- enhance own aura in the pink light, can increase the edge of the opposite s*x, recruit love luck and improve interpersonal relationships
黑曜石- 极度辟邪,能强力化解负性能量,帮助排出人体上的病气、浊气,舒缓不适
金曜石- 是黑曜石中的极品,辟邪,招财聚财,长期佩戴能加强信念与自信心
粉晶- 可以增强自身气场里的粉红光,可增异性缘,招桃花运, 改善人际关系

#黑曜石 #金曜石 #粉晶貔貅吊坠摆件 #极度辟邪 #化解负性能量 #排出人体上的病气 #舒缓不适 #辟邪 #招财聚财 #加强信念 #加强自信心 #强自身气场 #增异性缘 #招桃花运 #改善人际关系

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 21/09/2023

铜摆件 Copper Ornaments
A-RM 128
B- RM 128
C- RM 118
D- RM 68
E- RM 198

A- (L) 14.8cm x (W) 5.2cm x (H) 14.6cm
B- (L) 11.9cm x (W) 6.1cm x (H) 10.0cm
C- (L) 15.8cm x (W) 4.5cm x (H) 6.2cm
D- (L) 5.4cm x (W) 8.9cm x (H) 3.3cm
E- (L) 14.6cm x (W) 8.5cm x (H) 7.3cm
A- (长) 14.8cm x (宽) 5.2cm x (高) 14.6cm
B- (长) 11.9cm x (宽) 6.1cm x (高) 10.0cm
C- (长) 15.8cm x (宽) 4.5cm x (高) 6.2cm
D- (长) 5.4cm x (宽) 8.9cm x (高) 3.3cm
E- (长) 14.6cm x (宽) 8.5cm x (高) 7.3cm

Tiger- symbol of bravery, have the meaning of warding off evil and ensuring well-being in all directions
Horse- symbolizing loyalty, honesty, the courage to move forward, and the idea that life continues
Turtle- symbolizing longevity, auspiciousness, have the effect of warding off evil, dispelling disasters, safeguarding against harm, and attracting wealth
Rhino - symbol of good luck, strength, and wisdom
Mandarin duck- symbol of love, marriage, intimacy, harmony, and happiness
虎- 被视为威武勇猛,有辟邪降魅,四方安康之吉祥寓意
马- 忠实诚信,有勇往直前,生命不息的寓意
龟- 象征着长寿、吉祥,有避邪挡煞、消灾避害、镇宅纳财的寓意
犀牛- 吉祥报喜,力量与智慧的象征
鸳鸯- 爱情,婚姻,亲密关系,和谐与幸福的象征

#铜摆件 #虎 #马 #龟 #犀牛 #鸳鸯 #威武勇猛 #辟邪降魅 #四方安康 #忠实诚信 #勇往直前 #生命不息 #长寿 #吉祥 #避邪挡煞 #镇宅纳财 #吉祥报喜 #力量与智慧 #爱情 #婚姻 #和谐与幸福

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 21/09/2023

铜铃铛/八卦吊饰挂件 Copper Bell/Ba Gua Hang Decoration
A- RM 8.90
B- RM 13.90
C- RM 18.90
D- RM 8.90

A- 1.0cm
B- 1.7cm
C- 1.8cm
D- (L) 3.0cm x (W) 0.2cm x (H) 3.0cm
A- 1.0cm
B- 1.7cm
C- 1.8cm
D- (L) 3.0cm x (W) 0.2cm x (H) 3.0cm

Bell usually is a symbol of clear sound, alertness, and is also used to ward off evil, possessing protective and blessing powers. Ba Gua has the effect of removing the evil spirits of all directions and ensuring peace.

#铜铃铛 #八卦吊饰挂件 #清晰的声音 #警觉 #驱除邪恶 #保护和祝福的力量 #镇住八方的煞气 #保平安

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 18/09/2023

五帝铜钱铜葫芦钥匙扣 Copper Five Emperors Coins with Gourd Keychain
RM 8

(L) 1.7cm x (H) 4.0cm
(长) 1.7cm x (高) 4.0cm

Five Emperors Coins represent the wealth and glory of 5 prosperous Ching dynasties and are potent energizers for good luck and prosperity. The gourd mouth is small and big, symbolizing the fullness of the treasury and the wealth of the rich. It can promote interpersonal relationships and ward off bad luck.

#五帝铜钱铜葫芦钥匙扣 #皇帝顺治 #康熙 #雍正 #乾隆 #嘉庆 #挡煞 #防小人 #避邪 #旺财 #祈福 #增加财运 #促进人际关系 #收煞除厄

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 18/09/2023

貔貅铜摆件 PiXiu Copper Ornaments
A (Single)- RM 48
B (Single)- RM 78
C (Single)- RM 98

A- (L) 3.7 cm x (W) 4.2cm x (H) 4.6cm
B- (L) 5.5 cm x (W) 6.6cm x (H) 7.2cm
C- (L) 6.7 cm x (W) 8.0cm x (H) 9.5cm
A- (长) 3.7 cm x (宽) 4.2cm x (高) 4.6cm
B- (长) 5.5 cm x (宽) 6.6cm x (高) 7.2cm
C- (长) 6.7 cm x (宽) 8.0cm x (高) 9.5cm

Pixiu is to attract wealth and ward off evil spirits, also can improve wealth and luck.

#貔貅铜摆件 #招财辟邪 #改善财运 #旺家运 #化煞镇宅 #调整风水

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 18/09/2023

铜钵 Buddhism Copper Singing Bowl
A1,A2- RM 118
B- RM 338
C- RM 238

A1,A2- (L) 9.0cm x (H) 3.8cm. Internal (L) 8.3cm
B- (L) 13.8cm x (H) 5.7cm. Internal (L) 12.0cm
C- (L) 12.2cm x (H) 5.5cm. Internal (L) 10.3cm
A1,A2- (长) 9.0cm x (高) 3.8cm. 内 (长) 8.3cm
B- (长) 13.8cm x (高) 5.7cm. 内 (长) 12.0cm
C- (长) 12.2cm x (高) 5.5cm. 内 (长) 10.3cm

The bowl emits a deep and resonant sound that, when struck, creates vibrations capable of inducing a state of physical and mental relaxation. It also balances and harmonizes seven chakra. It can be used to demagnetize and cleanse crystals, enhancing energy and aura.

#铜钵 #身心舒缓 #平衡 #调和人体的七个脉轮 #消磁净化水晶 #提升能量气场

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 18/09/2023

铜小摆件 Copper Small Ornaments
A- RM 98
B- RM 48
C,D,E,F,G,H- RM 18
I- RM 22
J,K- RM 15

Qitian Dasheng Sun Wukong- given the name of Victorious Fighting Buddha, symbolizes winning every battle
“Niu Zhuan Qian Kun”- turning the situation around for wealth, luck, and success
Baby Buddha- for children: about happiness, protected by the Buddha. for adults: about finding their original purpose and gaining great wisdom
Manjushri- increase wisdom, remove obstacles, achieve desires
Jigong- recruiting positive wealth and popularity, avoiding villains and official injustice, peace, Jigong helping and saving people
PiXiu- attract wealth and ward off evil spirits, also can improve wealth and luck
Dragon Turtle- dispelling negative energy, attracting wealth and good fortune, promoting health, and symbolizing auspicious longevity
Turtle- ward off evil, dispel negative energy, ensure good fortune and safety, promote longevity, and attract positive energy and wealth
Buddha's Hand Lotus- symbolizes inspiration, good luck, and abundant blessings
Feng Shui Coffin- symbolizes wealth, good fortune, and career advancement
齐天大圣- 被封斗战胜佛, 寓意百战百胜
牛(扭)转乾坤- 招财聚财,转运助运,吉祥如意,旺事业,化不顺
宝宝佛- 于孩子,欢喜纯真,佛祖佑护;于大人,寻回初心,修得大智大慧
文殊菩萨- 增长智慧,去除障碍,达成心愿
济公- 招正横财,避险,人缘,避小人,官非,平安,济公慈悲为怀,济世救人
貔貅- 招财辟邪,可以改善财运,也具有旺家运的功效,化煞镇宅,调整风水
龙龟- 化煞,招财旺运,保健康,吉祥长寿的象征
乌龟- 辟邪镇宅,化煞,吉祥保平安,长寿,纳气吸财
佛手莲花- 禅意、启迪、吉祥、福气满满、好运不断的象征
升棺发财- 财源广进,大吉大利,加官进爵的寓意

#铜小摆件 #齐天大圣 #牛转乾坤 #宝宝佛 #文殊菩萨 #济公 #貔貅 #龙龟 #乌龟 #佛手莲花 #升棺发财 #百战百胜 #招财聚财 #转运助运 #吉祥如意 #旺事业 #化不顺 #佛祖佑护 #增长智慧 #去除障碍 #达成心愿 #避小人 #改善财运 #吉祥长寿 #辟邪镇宅 #福气满满 #财源广进 #加官进爵

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 18/09/2023

铜小挂件/小摆件 Copper Small Hang Decorations/Ornaments
RM 28

A- (L) 3.3cm x (W) 3.4cm x (H) 1.3cm
B- (L) 2.3cm x (W) 0.3cm x (H) 4.3cm
C- (L) 1.2cm x (W) 1.2cm x (H) 5.0cm
D- (L) 1.9cm x (W) 4.0cm x (H) 1.2cm
E- (L) 1.6cm x (W) 4.0cm x (H) 0.7cm
F- (L) 2.1cm x (W) 3.2cm x (H) 1.1cm
G- (L) 6.5cm x (W) 1.4cm x (H) 0.1cm
A- (长) 3.3cm x (宽) 3.4cm x (高) 1.3cm
B- (长) 2.3cm x (宽) 0.3cm x (高) 4.3cm
C- (长) 1.2cm x (宽) 1.2cm x (高) 5.0cm
D- (长) 1.9cm x (宽) 4.0cm x (高) 1.2cm
E- (长) 1.6cm x (宽) 4.0cm x (高) 0.7cm
F- (长) 2.1cm x (宽) 3.2cm x (高) 1.1cm
G- (长) 6.5cm x (宽) 1.4cm x (高) 0.1cm

Small dustpan with mouse and corn- good harvest, daily accumulation of wealth, and continuous good luck
Abacus- represents wealth and prosperity, signifying financial success and a high social status
Pagoda Tower -benefits education, luck, career, and home protection
Cicada- have the concept of being "wealthy" or having "endless riches", carries positive connotations of achieving remarkable success in either academics or one's career, symbolizing a sudden rise to fame and fortune
PiXiu- attract wealth and ward off evil spirits, also can improve wealth and luck
Ruler- maturity, and seriousness, representing both good luck and depth
小簸箕老鼠玉米- 五谷丰登,日进斗金, 好运连连的寓意
蝉- 蝉谐音“缠”,有腰缠万贯的寓意,在学业上还是事业上有一鸣惊人、一夜成名的美好寓意
貔貅- 招财辟邪,可以改善财运,也具有旺家运的功效,化煞镇宅,调整风水
龟壳- 代表着“富甲天下”,具有长寿、财富、尊贵的寓意
尺- 寓指细致入微、成熟稳重、认真之义,寓意吉祥又有内涵

#铜小挂件小摆件 #小簸箕老鼠玉米 #算盘 #文昌塔 #蝉 #貔貅 #龟壳 #尺 #五谷丰登 #日进斗金 #好运连连 #招财进宝 #镇宅 #助事业 #助学业 #腰缠万贯 #一鸣惊人 #招财辟邪 #改善财运 #调整风水 #富甲天下 #长寿 #细致入微 #成熟稳重

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 18/09/2023

铜小挂件/小摆件 Small Copper Hang Decoration/Ornaments
RM 28

A- (L) 1.5cm x (W) 1.5cmx (H) 4.4cm
B1,B2- (L) 3.6m - 4.1cm x (W) 1.1cm - 1.2cm x (H) 1.7cm - 1.9cm
C- (L) 1.3cm x (W) 0.5cmx (H) 6.0cm
D-( L) 2.6cm x (W) 1.1cmx (H) 5.4cm
E1,E2- (L) 1.6cm - 1.8cm x (W) 1.0cm - 1.7cm x (H) 5.5cm - 5.8cm
A- (长) 1.5cm x (宽) 1.5cmx (高) 4.4cm
B1,B2- (长) 3.6m - 4.1cm x (宽) 1.1cm - 1.2cm x (高) 1.7cm - 1.9cm
C- (长) 1.3cm x (宽) 0.5cmx (高) 6.0cm
D-( 长) 2.6cm x (宽) 1.1cmx (高) 5.4cm
E1,E2- (长) 1.6cm - 1.8cm x (宽) 1.0cm - 1.7cm x (高) 5.5cm - 5.8cm

Peanut- symbolizes long life, the birth of a noble son at an early age, and having many children for abundant blessings
Bull- enhances career and wealth, also dispelling negative energy
Dragon-patterned sword- dragon symbolizes power, nobility, and the sword can help ward off evil spirits
Coiled dragon auspicious cloud axe- dragon symbolizes power, nobility, auspicious clouds are a symbol of good fortune, and the axe is capable of slaying demons and evil spirits
Stick of Fortune -symbolizing everything smooth and peaceful as desired
花生- 寓意长命百岁,早生贵子,多子多福
旺市牛- 旺事业运,旺偏财,还能够化煞驱邪
盘龙祥云斧- 龙象征权势,高贵,祥云是吉祥的象征,斧能够斩妖除魔
如意棒- 寓意万事順利,平安如意

#铜小挂件小摆件 #花生 #旺市牛 #龙纹大刀 #盘龙祥云斧 #如意棒 #长命百岁 #早生贵子 #多子多福 #旺事业运 #旺偏财 #化煞驱邪 #龙象征权势 #大刀可帮助驱邪 #吉祥 #万事順利 #平安如意

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 14/09/2023

铜小摆件 Copper Small Ornaments
A- RM 15
B1,B2- RM 25
C- RM 18
D- RM 28

A- (L) 1.7cm x (W) 3.2cm x (H) 2.4cm
B1, B2- (L) 2.0cm - 2.1cm x (W) 3.6cm - 4.0cm x (H) 2.5cm - 2.7cm
C- (L) 1.2cm x (W) 1.1cm x (H) 5.4cm
D- (L) 3.2cm x (W) 1.2cm x (H) 5.9cm
A- (长) 1.7cm x (宽) 3.2cm x (高) 2.4cm
B1, B2- (长) 2.0cm - 2.1cm x (宽) 3.6cm - 4.0cm x (高) 2.5cm - 2.7cm
C- (长) 1.2cm x (宽) 1.1cm x (高) 5.4cm
D- (长) 3.2cm x (宽) 1.2cm x (高) 5.9cm

Dragon Turtle- dispelling negative energy, attracting wealth and good fortune, promoting health, and symbolizing auspicious longevity
Vajra Devil's Pestle- has the effect of warding off evil, protecting and ensuring safety, and can help enhance personal good luck

#铜小摆件 #龙龟 #金刚降魔杵 #化煞 #招财旺运 #保健康 #吉祥长寿 #驱邪辟邪 #佑保平安 #帮助提升个人的好运气

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 14/09/2023

直孔黑曜石南无阿弥陀佛球 Straight Hole Black Obsidian Namo Amitabha Ball
A- RM 18
B- RM 28

A- 24.7mm
B- 30.0mm
A- 24.7mm
B- 30.0mm

Black Obsidian is a strong psychic protection stone. It eliminates the negative energy of the body and promote new energy,prevent the intrusion of negative energy, corresponding to the root chakra, ensure safety.
在水晶家族之中,黑曜石极度辟邪,能强力化解负性能量,防止低灵的侵扰,对应海底轮, 可保平安。

#直孔黑曜石南无阿弥陀佛球 #极度辟邪 #能强力化解负性能量 #防止低灵的侵扰 #对应海底轮 #可保平安

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 14/09/2023

铜鼎香炉 Copper Incense Burner
RM 28

(L) 4.9cm x (W) 3.8cm x (H) 5.3cm
Internal Dimension:
(L) 4.2cm x (W) 3.3cm x (H) 2.4cm
(长) 4.9cm x (宽) 3.8cm x (高) 5.3cm
(长) 4.2cm x (宽) 3.3cm x (高) 2.4cm

The incense burner has an embossed "sheng" character in Chinese,which symbolizes prosperity, growth,and great development.

#铜鼎香炉 #浮雕盛字 #寓意鼎盛 #兴旺发达

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 14/09/2023

铜钱鸡摆件 Copper Coin Rooster Ornaments

(L) 4.7cm x (W) 8.3cm x (H) 12.4cm
(长) 4.7cm x (宽) 8.3cm x (高) 12.4cm

"Chicken and 'ji' (which sounds like 'luck' in Chinese), symbolizing luck and the ability to attract wealth, gather financial resources, ward off negative energies, and improve personal aura and career prospects.

#福字鸡铜摆件 #寓意着吉祥 #可招财 #聚四方之财源 #化煞驱邪 #斩桃花的作用 #可助旺个人的气场和事业运

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 14/09/2023

福字鸡铜摆件 Fortune Character Rooster Copper Ornaments
A- RM 88
B- RM 128
C- RM 208
D- RM 238
E- RM 338
F- RM 438

A- (L) 3.0cm x (W) 5.9cm x (H) 9.6cm
B- (L) 4.5cm x (W) 9.7cm x (H) 14.0cm
C- (L) 5.6cm x (W) 11.0cm x (H) 18.1cm
D- (L) 6.3cm x (W) 13.7cm x (H) 19.5cm
E- (L) 6.4cm x (W) 15.5cm x (H) 24.3cm
F- (L) 10.9cm x (W) 16.5cm x (H) 26.2cm
A- (长) 3.0cm x (宽) 5.9cm x (高) 9.6cm
B- (长) 4.5cm x (宽) 9.7cm x (高) 14.0cm
C- (长) 5.6cm x (宽) 11.0cm x (高) 18.1cm
D- (长) 6.3cm x (宽) 13.7cm x (高) 19.5cm
E- (长) 6.4cm x (宽) 15.5cm x (高) 24.3cm
F- (长) 10.9cm x (宽) 16.5cm x (高) 26.2cm

"Chicken and 'ji' (which sounds like 'luck' in Chinese), symbolizing luck and the ability to attract wealth, gather financial resources, ward off negative energies, and improve personal aura and career prospects.

#福字鸡铜摆件 #寓意着吉祥 #可招财 #聚四方之财源 #化煞驱邪 #斩桃花的作用 #可助旺个人的气场和事业运

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 14/09/2023

电镀金钥匙扣 Gold-Plated Keychain
A,B,C,D,E,F- RM 25.90

(L) 1.0cm - 2.9cm x (W) 0.25cm - 1.3cm x (H) 2.4cm - 3.9cm
(长) 1.0cm - 2.9cm x (宽) 0.25cm - 1.3cm x (高) 2.4cm - 3.9cm

Pagoda Tower -benefits education, luck, career, and home protection
Stick of Fortune -symbolizing everything smooth and peaceful as desired
Knot of Fortune -symbolizing all wishes fulfilled and good fortune as desired
Crab -attracting wealth from all directions, prospering in every corner of the world
Pineapple -it symbolizes attracting wealth and bringing good fortune
Five Element Pagoda -compensates for imbalances in the Five Elements of one's destiny, aiding in turning bad luck into good luck, can also ward off evil spirit
如意棒- 寓意万事順利,平安如意
如意结- 寓意万事称心,吉祥如意
黄梨- 有“旺来”的谐音,寓意招财及带来好运
五轮塔- 弥补八字五行不齐,八字行背运时助转好运, 可辟邪化煞

#电镀金钥匙扣 #文昌塔 #如意棒 #如意结 #螃蟹 #黄梨 #五轮塔 #镇宅 #万事順利 #平安如意 #万事称心 #吉祥如意 #八方招财 #纵横天下 #招财及带来好运 #转好运 #辟邪化煞 #助学业 #助事业 #弥补八字五行不齐

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 14/09/2023

武财神铜摆件 Military God of Wealth Copper Ornaments
A- RM 88
B- RM 198

A-(L) 8.6cm x (W) 4.2cm x (H) 7.7cm
B-(L) 14.3cm x (W) 7.9cm x (H) 12.4cm
A-(长) 8.6cm x (宽) 4.2cm x (高) 7.7cm
B-(长) 14.3cm x (宽) 7.9cm x (高) 12.4cm

The Military God of Wealth is placed facing outside and towards the main entrance. This positioning serves a dual purpose: it attracts prosperity into the house and guards the doorway to prevent negative energy from entering. This symbol of good fortune, can attracts wealth and enhances positive luck.

#武财神铜摆件 #招财入屋 #镇守门户 #阻挡邪气入室 #吉祥象征 #强化好运

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 30/08/2023

八卦剑/铜钱剑 Ba Gua/Copper Coin Sword
A, B- Rm 33

A- (L) 3.7cm x (W) 0.3cm x (H) 16.5cm
B- (L) 5.8cm x (W) 0.3cm x (H) 16.7cm
A- (长) 3.7cm x (宽) 0.3cm x (高) 16.5cm
B- (长) 5.8cm x (宽) 0.3cm x (高) 16.7cm

Ba Gua Sword which can remove the evil spirits of all directions and has the effect of ensuring peace. Hanging a sword made of coins at home can ward off negative energies, boost luck, and dispel romantic entanglements and negative influences.

#八卦剑铜钱剑 #镇住八方的煞气 #保平安 #辟邪 #能助运旺运 #可化解桃花煞和小人

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 30/08/2023

黑铜聚宝盆 Black Copper Cornucopia Ornaments

Internal Diameter- 10.1 cm
(L) 10.8cm x (H) 5.9cm
口径- 10.1 cm
(长) 10.8cm x (高) 5.9cm

Cornucopia collects and attracts wealth, symbolizing prosperity and auspiciousness. When combined with coins, it magnifies financial opportunities and accumulates wealth energy. The bat-shaped with coins and three-dimensional fish carvings enhance the aesthetic appeal with intricate patterns and designs.

#黑铜聚宝盆 #聚气引财 #财运滚滚 #寓意吉祥 #加硬币可放大财源 #聚拢财气 #蝙蝠铜钱 #双鱼雕刻 #造型美观

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 30/08/2023

四大神兽铜炉 Four Great Beasts Copper Furnace
RM 238

Internal Diameter- 10.1cm
(L) 12.3cm x (H) 6.2cm
口径- 10.1cm
(长) 12.3cm x (高) 6.2cm

In ancient Chinese mythology, guardian deities watch over the four cardinal directions: Azure Dragon in the east, Vermilion Bird in the south, White Tiger in the west, and Black Tortoise in the north. The Azure Dragon symbolizes power and influence, the Black Tortoise represents longevity and prosperity, the Vermilion Bird signifies auspiciousness and peace, and the White Tiger embodies prayers for abundance. The Azure Dragon symbolizes power and influence, the Black Tortoise represents longevity and prosperity, the Vermilion Bird signifies auspiciousness and peace, and the White Tiger embodies prayers for abundance.

Intricately carved in three dimensions, it combines exquisite details with a graceful and elegant design.

#四大神兽铜炉 #青龙 #朱雀 #白虎 #玄武 #威泽四方 #长寿和繁衍 #吉祥和太平 #祈丰 #底部是十二生肖的设计

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 30/08/2023

镀银白铜大清龙纹仿古币 Silver Plated Copper Dragon Antique Coins
RM 10

Diameter: 37mm

"Dragon Silver" denotes silver coins from late Qing dynasty featuring a dragon image. The dragon symbolizes protection and prosperity. It's believed to attract wealth, safeguard assets, and dispel negative energies.

#镀银白铜大清龙纹仿古币 #龙银是清末 #龙神守护家宅 #借运招财 #可将财气引入宅内 #增强财运磁场 #帮助守财 #化解煞气

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 30/08/2023

紫水晶紫晶树摆件 Amethyst Crystal Tree Ornaments
A, B, C - RM 88

(L) 8.0cm - 8.4 cm x (W) 4.7cm - 6.5cm (H) 17.0cm - 19.0cm
(长) 8.0cm - 8.4 cm x (宽) 4.7cm - 6.5cm (高) 17.0cm - 19.0cm

Amethyst improve knowledge and wisdom, enhance income luck and wealth luck, improve personal connections.
紫晶有助于提升智慧,招财, 招人缘。

#紫水晶紫晶树摆件 #助于提升智慧 #招财 #招人缘

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 30/08/2023

七层/九层文昌塔铜摆件 Seven/Nine Layer Copper Pagoda Tower
A- RM 98
B - RM 118

A- (L) 4.7cm x (W) 4.3cm x (H) 13.7cm
B- (L) 4.8cm x (W) 4.2cm x (H) 16.5cm
A- (长) 4.7cm x (宽) 4.3cm x (高) 13.7cm
B- (长) 4.8cm x (宽) 4.2cm x (高) 16.5cm

Pagoda Tower benefits education, luck, career, and home protection. It symbolizes continuous growth and intelligence. Typically featuring seven or nine tiers, the higher the number of tiers, the greater its power to enhance learning and fortune.

#七层九层文昌塔铜摆件 #助学 #助运 #助事业 #镇宅 #象征着步步高升 #聪明智慧

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 30/08/2023

旺市牛铜摆件 Feng Shui Copper Bull Ornaments
A- RM 268
B- RM 398

A- (L) 19.0cm x (W) 12.7cm x (H) 12.8cm
B- (L) 23.5cm x (W) 12.5cm x (H) 16.0cm
A- (长) 19.0cm x (宽) 12.7cm x (高) 12.8cm
B- (长) 23.5cm x (宽) 12.5cm x (高) 16.0cm

Feng Shui Copper Bull not only enhances career propects and boosts wealth accumulation, but also has the ability to dispel negative energy. For individuals in business, placing it at home can enhance financial prospects, while those experiencing career advancement can place it in their office to energize their professional journey. The prosperous bull is an essential symbol for individuals engaged in stock trading, real estate, finance, economics, banking, and related fields, serving as a vital charm to attract wealth.

#旺市牛铜摆件 #旺事业运 #旺偏财 #化煞驱邪 #必备旺财之宝

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 30/08/2023

石敢当铜摆件 Shi Gan Dang Mountain Copper Ornaments
A- RM 78
B- RM 128

A- (L) 8.2cm x (W) 3.1cm x (H) 7.2cm
B- (L) 11.5cm x (W) 6.7cm x (H) 11.3cm
A- (长) 8.2cm x (宽) 3.1cm x (高) 7.2cm
B- (长) 11.5cm x (宽) 6.7cm x (高) 11.3cm

The Shi Gan Dang has Feng Shui benefits of dispelling negativity, boosting home prosperity, and enhancing career and wealth prospects. It also offers protection and stability to the household.

#石敢当铜摆件 #化煞 #辟邪 #兴旺家宅 #提升运势 #利于事业兴隆 #容易升官加爵 #财源不断 #安定镇宅

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 30/08/2023

马上封候(猴)/马上赢(蝇)铜摆件 Monkey Ride on Back of Horse/Fly on Back of Horse Copper Ornaments
A- RM 118
B- RM 118

A- (L) 10.2cm x (W) 4.2cm x (H) 10.3cm
B- (L) 8.6cm x (W) 4.0cm x (H) 10.5cm
A- (长) 10.2cm x (宽) 4.2cm x (高) 10.3cm
B- (长) 8.6cm x (宽) 4.0cm x (高) 10.5cm

A: This phrase depicts a monkey riding on the back of a horse. The horse represents speediness, ,while the monkey represents being appointed to a noble position. It conveys the idea of swiftly ascending to a higher official rank and achieving wealth.
B: In this expression, a fly is depicted on the back of a horse. The horse again signifies immediacy, while the fly symbolizes winning. It conveys the concept of winning immediately.
A: 马上封候-一只猴子骑在马背上,马代表马上,猴子代表封候,是马上升官发财的意思
B: 马上赢-一只苍蝇在马背上,马代表马上,苍蝇代表赢,马上赢的意思

#马上封猴马上蝇铜摆件 #马上升官发财 #马上赢

Photos from Jing Ying Crystal & Souvenir 晶盈水晶艺品土产店's post 30/08/2023

桃木剑吊饰 Mahogany Sword Hanging Decoration

(L) 9.5cm x (W) 1.5cm x (H) 2.6cm
(长) 9.5cm x (宽) 1.5cm x (高) 2.6cm

The Mahogany Sword, a Taoist tool, is valued in Chinese culture for its abilities in home protection, attracting blessings, warding off evil, inviting wealth, and resolving romantic conflicts involving third parties in relationships.
桃木剑是道教的一种法器,在中国传统习俗中也被认为有镇宅、纳福、辟邪、招财、化桃花煞, 能化解婚姻情感中有第三者出现的烦恼。

#桃木剑吊饰 #道教的一种法器 #镇宅 #纳福 #招财 #辟邪 #化桃花煞 #能化解婚姻情感中有第三者出现的烦恼

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Our Story

Our shop located at Jonker Street, Melaka.

We selling Crystals, Stones, Cooper, Feng Shui Items & etc.

We also selling Yogurt Egg Ice Cream 鸡蛋冰 which famous on Jonker Street, Melaka.

Notice: May 2020

One of our Crystal shop which located at Jalan Tokong 观音亭街, is moving to Jonker Street, Melaka.

Videos (show all)

红铜钛晶手链 Red Titanium Rutilated Quartz Bracelet
紫幽灵手链 Amethyst Phantom Bracelet
彩发晶手链 Mixed Rutilated Quartz Bracelet
玛瑙天珠吊坠 Agate Dzi Beads Pendant
白幽灵手链 White Phantom Bracelet
白阿塞斯特莱水晶摆件 Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite Ornaments
红发晶/红钛晶摆件 Red Rutilated Quartz Ornaments
血石/虎眼石鸡摆件 Bloodstone / Yellow Tiger Eyes Rooster Small Ornaments
黄色黄水晶球 Citrine Crystal Ball
葫芦发晶吊坠 HuLou Rutilated Quartz Pendant
银镁矿花摆件 Silver Magnesite Quartz Crystal Ornaments
橘粉菠萝骨干白晶簇摆件 Tangerine Elestial Quartz Cluster Ornaments




29 & 29A Jalan Hang Kasturi, Melaka
Malacca City

Opening Hours

Monday 10:30 - 16:30
Tuesday 10:30 - 16:30
Wednesday 10:30 - 18:30
Thursday 10:30 - 18:30
Friday 10:30 - 00:00
Saturday 10:30 - 00:00
Sunday 10:30 - 22:30

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