MM Network Malaysia

Company Reg: 199901017469 (CO.492369-X)
License: AJL931537
Phone: +603-5630 1188 We are more than just a business.

We strongly believe that every individual has the opportunity to attain a better quality of life and health through MM Network.


美好的一天, 从 OriStrath 开始。🥰

A beautiful day start from OriStrath. 💪


迎接世界肝炎日 | 一人一生,一个肝脏❤️


Welcome to World Hepatitis Day | One Person, One Life, One Liver ❤️
💡 Every year on July 28th, World Hepatitis Day is held to raise awareness about viral hepatitis. Viral hepatitis causes liver inflammation, leading to severe diseases and liver cancer.
💡 You have only one life and one liver. Hepatitis can destroy both your liver and your life.
💡 Your liver silently performs over 500 vital functions daily to keep you alive.
💡 However, viral hepatitis infections are silent and show symptoms only when the disease becomes severe. There are many different types of hepatitis viruses (from hepatitis A to E), but hepatitis B and C are the most concerning.
The liver is a vital organ responsible for digestion, metabolism, and filtration in the body, but it is also a fragile organ.😅
Unhealthy habits can weaken its function. 😱
💡 Changing your lifestyle and caring for your liver can reignite the flame of health, and it will reward you with more vitality.
💡 Let's join hands to reject unhealthy habits that harm the liver. Let's protect the liver and strive for our health.
📍The best liver protection product【YoKōso Complex Enzyme】.
💛【YoKōso Complex Enzyme】has the efficacy of liver and kidney protection. It effectively enhances liver detoxification function, regulates liver metabolism, aids in detoxification and liver nourishment, assists in revitalizing liver cells, promotes liver cell repair within the body, and nourishes, soothes, and purifies the blood.
💛Increase metabolic rate and generate new cell
💛Anti-inflammation and anti-bacterial
💛Blood Purifying
💛Effectively remove free radicals
💛Promotes blood circulation
💛Improve blood fat, cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and uric acid
💛Enhance the immune system, and preserve our body’s total equilibrium
💛Promote digestion and absorption





学会使用健富乐国际产品 (起到引导和示范的作用)



Learn to use MM Network's products (Playing a guiding and demonstrating role)
When we ask our team partners to use products, we must first use all products ourselves.
The longer you use the product, the more persuasive it becomes. 💖
💡 Confidence comes from the product, and personally experiencing its benefits is essential.
💡 This will enable every leader in the team to have a high level of confidence in the product, greatly enhancing team stability.




🤎【UReShi 优乐喜人参咖啡】采用香醇口感的Arabica咖啡豆和略带坚果和回甘味的Robusta咖啡豆以达到绝妙的平衡。


When we are alone, coffee is the best companion. ☕ Whether we are in a study or sitting at a desk focused on work, the presence of ginseng coffee offers unique comfort and support. 👍
That cup of ginseng coffee is not just a beverage; it is a solace for the soul. Its taste allows us to find strength in tranquillity, making our thoughts clearer. 😊
Every sip feels like a conversation with oneself, finding inner balance and peace. 🤎
UReShi GinSeng Coffee becomes a unique source of creativity, making every burst of inspiration more natural and smoother. It reminds us that even when alone, we can enjoy a rich and fulfilling inner world. 🤎
🤎【UReShi GinSeng Coffee】 is formulated with the perfect blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans to provide the indulgent flavour profile of coffee.😋
🤎With the fortification of Korean GinSeng extract, 【UReShi GinSeng Coffee】 keeps you energetic and focused all day long!
An aromatic, tasty & functional delight that will have You asking for More! ❤️
☕️Korean GinSeng extract: Enhances focus, alertness and reduces caffeine induced crash
☕️Lightly sweetened with Sugarcane
☕️100% natural flavour, colour and ingredients
Super healthy and nice to drink👍🏻👍🏻



【ProMeto 优肠乐】专利排毒的黄金组合益生菌的排毒系统保护配方,专为改善您的肠道健康而配制。让我们轻松排出肠胃垃圾,提升健康,享受轻盈。太棒了🥰
【ProMeto 优肠乐】是100%天然的丹麦独特配方,富含专利的黄金组合益生菌及益生元,由高品质水溶性纤维与非水溶性纤维结合及排毒系统保护草药配方所组成。
✅净肠 ✅排毒 ✅清脂 ✅排油
❌ 绝不含泻药等成分
❌ 绝对安全无依赖性
❌ 绝对无副作用反应
【ProMeto 优肠乐】让你感觉内在轻松,外在年轻。


Everyone desires to lead a healthy life, but many are unsure where to start.🥺
🤫Today, let me tell you a secret: the key to a healthy life lies in the intestines! 📢Maintaining good intestinal health not only improves skin conditions and regulates bowel movements but also helps enhance digestion efficiency and immunity.🛡💪
【ProMeto】is your reliable assistant in building a healthy intestine, making your body healthier from the intestines, and keeping various health problems at bay. A little care, starting from the intestines! 🌿✨
【ProMeto】is 100% natural patented ingredients from Denmark. Enriched with patented probiotics and prebiotic, made of high quality water soluble fibers and non water soluble fibers, natural herbs.
Powerful health benefits of【ProMeto】
👉 Prevent hemorrhoid growth and constipation
👉 Clean mucoid plaque and toxic substances
👉 Acts as blood purifier
👉 Normalize organ function
👉 Balance blood pH value
👉 Increase metabolic rate
👉 Reduce cancer risks
👉 Control ideal body weight
👉 Maintain normal blood sugar and cholesterol level







☎️03-5630 1188 或 📲Whatsapp 017-332 6786


发现 #结肠息肉?是否意味着结肠癌在靠近?😅
近年来,结肠癌发病率逐渐升高,每个人一生中有 1/20 的几率患上。早期发现可以显着降低死亡风险。
⚠️ #结肠息肉 是一种常见的胃肠道疾病,通常出现在结肠内壁上。息肉的形态各异,有的像木耳,有的像蘑菇,还有的像土丘或珠峰……
研究表明,大多数 #结肠癌 是由腺瘤性息肉发展而来,腺瘤性息肉的癌变率高达 2.9%~9.4%。 😖
⚠️ #排毒 不仅能帮助改善健康,还能养成更健康的生活习惯。特别是在预防结肠息肉方面,排毒显得尤为重要。
推荐您💚【ProMeto 优肠乐】是100%天然的丹麦独特配方,富含专利的黄金组合益生菌及益生元,由高品质水溶性纤维与非水溶性纤维结合及排毒系统保护草药配方所组成。它可以为您的 #肠胃环境保持平衡 ,帮助您 #维持健康 。


Found Colon Polyps? Does It Mean Colon Cancer? 😅
In recent years, the incidence of colon cancer has been rising, with a 1 in 20 chance of developing it in a lifetime. Early detection can significantly reduce the risk of death.
⚠️ Colon polyps are a common gastrointestinal condition, typically appearing on the inner wall of the colon. They come in various shapes—some look like mushrooms, others like ear fungus, and some like small hills or even Mount Everest…
Research shows that most colon cancers develop from adenomatous polyps, which have a cancerous transformation rate of 2.9% to 9.4%. 😖
⚠️ Our bodies accumulate toxins daily, affecting our health.
⚠️ Detox can boost immunity, increase energy, improve digestion, enhance skin health, and reduce chronic disease risk.
⚠️ It also helps you develop healthier lifestyle habits for long-term wellness. Regular detox prepares you better for future health challenges.
⚠️ Detox is crucial for preventing colon polyps.
💚【ProMeto】 Your Gut Expert can help maintain healthy harmony by bringing balance to your belly.
💚【ProMeto】 is 100% natural patented ingredients from Denmark. Enriched with patented probiotics and prebiotic, made of high quality water soluble fibers and non water soluble fibers, natural herbs.
Powerful health benefits of 【ProMeto】
💚 Prevent hemorrhoid growth and constipation
💚 Clean mucoid plaque and toxic substances
💚 Acts as blood purifier
💚 Normalize organ function
💚 Balance blood pH value
💚 Increase metabolic rate
💚 Reduce cancer risks
💚 Control ideal body weight
💚 Maintain normal blood sugar and cholesterol level




亲爱的兄弟姐妹,家人们 👩‍❤️‍👨
🟢在养生营里,报名人数爆满全场🔥,多达 250 位参加者👏🏻🙌🏻,因为有家人们积极的参与和带动💃🕺,全场带出活泼,喜乐,快乐的感染力。🥰
非常感谢大家的参与,让养生营顺利圆满完成 🙌🏻🥳
祝福大家,健康,富足,快乐 🥰🌈
我们下一个活动再见 👋🏻


【MM Wellness Camp 2024】🧘🏻‍♀️🍃
💚Let you experience a healthy lifestyle with a balanced body, mind and soul in a relaxed, lively, vivid and interesting way, enhance the body's self-healing ability and immunity, activate the body's natural therapy function, and effectively prevent diseases.🥰
We would like to thanks everyone who participated at the MM Wellness Camp 2024 at Copthorne Hotel, Cameron Highlands.🙌🏻🥳
See you at our next event.👋🏻
Wishing you Healthier, Wealthier, and Happier!




💥 2025年 MM 旅游奖励 ❤ 2天1夜【马六甲 幸福春游】🌻🎉
👉🏻竞赛期间:01/07/2024 – 30/09/2024
✅每月个人销售 (PS) 必须达致至少50PV 及
✅每月保持个人组织销售 (PGS) 1,000PV 资格
必须在3个月竞赛期内累积个人小组业绩 (PGS)
✨4,000 PV (PGS) 得到 1张 旅游奖励
✨8,000 PV (PGS) 得到 2张 旅游奖励
✨12,000 PV (PGS) 得到 3张 旅游奖励,以此类推…


💥 2025 MM Leadership Incentive Trip ❤ 2 Days 1 Night - Malacca Spring Outing 🌻🎉
👉🏻Campaign Period: 01/07/2024 – 30/09/2024
👉🏻Target Group: Group manager and above ranking
✅Within the valid period, monthly Personal Sales (PS) must reach minimum of 50PV and achieve monthly Personal Group Sales (PGS) 1,000PV qualification to entitled accumulation.
👉🏻Campaign Condition:
Accumulated Personal Group Sales PV in 3 months
✨4,000 PV (PGS) entitled to 1 ticket
✨8,000 PV (PGS) entitled to 2 tickets
✨12,000 PV (PGS) entitled to 3 tickets and so on…
⚠️Terms and Conditions apply
☎For more information please call 03-56301188.




⚠️近年的研究指出, #肠道菌失衡 会导致胃肠道疾病的增加!
推荐你💚丹麦消化系统排毒疗法【ProMeto 优肠乐】
💚【ProMeto 优肠乐】是100%天然的丹麦独特配方,富含专利的黄金组合 #益生菌及益生元,由高品质 #水溶性纤维与非水溶性纤维 结合及排毒系统保护 #草药 配方所组成。它可以为您的 #肠胃环境保持平衡 ,帮助您 #维持健康 。
1. 乳酸菌 – 调节免疫力,抑制过敏现象,预防癌症
2. 双歧杆菌 - 改善排便,预防腹泻,调节免疫力,镇压病原体
1. 燕麦 - 降低血压中的胆固醇含量,延缓糖类的吸收
2. 玉米 - 帮助促进消化健康,控制肥胖与体重
1. 车前子 -软化大便,增加粪便体积
2. 糙米 - 对心脏有益,降低癌症风险

1. 奶蓟 + 螺旋藻 = 保护肝脏
2. 蒲公英 + 番茄 = 保护泌尿系统
3. 甘草根 + 绿茶 = 保护胃
4. 叶绿素 = 保护脾脏
5. 柠檬 + 甜菊 = 保护胰脏

【ProMeto 优肠乐】是你的肠道专家,能全方位保护你的肠道健康。


⚠️ Recent studies have indicated that dysbiosis can lead to an increase in gastrointestinal diseases!
⚠️ Gastrointestinal diseases refer to a series of diseases that occur in the stomach and intestines, covering various types such as gastric ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastritis, duodenal ulcers, enteritis, Crohn's disease, and more.
⚠️ These diseases can bring varying degrees of pain and discomfort to patients, severely affecting their quality of life. The incidence of gastrointestinal diseases is on the rise, becoming a global health issue.
💡 Balanced diet, regular exercise, avoiding overeating, and reducing life stress are all effective methods for preventing gastrointestinal diseases.
💚【ProMeto】 is 100% natural patented ingredients from Denmark. Enriched with patented probiotics and prebiotic, made of high quality water soluble fibers and non water soluble fibers, natural herbs.
💚Synergistic Combination of Probiotics Strains:
1. Lactobacillus – Immunostimulation, allergy suppression, cancer prevention.
2. Bifidobacterium - Bowel movement improvement, diarrhea prevention, immunostimulation, repression of pathogen.
💚Synergistic Combination of Fiber:
Soluble fiber
1. Oat - Lowers blood cholesterol, delays the release of sugars into bloodstream.
2. Corn - Promote digestive health, obesity and weight control
Non soluble fiber
1. PSYLLIUM HUSK - Soften the stools, Increase f***l bulk
2. Brown rice - Good for the heart, reduce the risk of cancer
💚Synergistic Combination of Herb:
1. Milk thistle + Spirulina = Liver
2. Dandelion + Tomato = Urinary system
3. Licorice + Green tea = Stomach
4. Chlorophyll = Spleen
5. Lemon + Stevia = Pancreas
💚【ProMeto】 Your Gut Expert can help restore and maintain the balance of gut microbiota.




💡要化解肠胃危机,【ProMeto 优肠乐】助你摄取足够营养及纤维,降低胆固醇同时好好照顾肠中益菌,从根源开始击退各种慢性病。
【ProMeto 优肠乐】是100%天然的丹麦独特配方,富含专利的黄金组合益生菌及益生元,由高品质水溶性纤维与非水溶性纤维结合及排毒系统保护草药配方所组成。
【ProMeto 优肠乐】让你感觉内在轻松,外在年轻。


Amazing Facts About the Gut 😅
⚠️ 99% of toxins in the human body enter through the gut.
⚠️ 84% of viruses in the human body enter through the gut.
⚠️ Aging in the human body is influenced 50% by the brain and 50% by the gut.
Did you know... The gut is closely related to human health.
⚠️ If your diet is unbalanced, you misuse antibiotics, or experience high stress and lack of rest, harmful bacteria can thrive in your gut. This can not only cause constipation but also lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body. These toxins can spread to other organs through the bloodstream, leading to immune and nervous system disorders, and causing chronic diseases. 🥴
【ProMeto】 is 100% natural patented ingredients from Denmark. Enriched with patented probiotics and prebiotic, made of high quality water soluble fibers and non water soluble fibers, natural herbs.
Powerful health benefits of 【ProMeto】
👉 Prevent hemorrhoid growth and constipation
👉 Clean mucoid plaque and toxic substances
👉 Acts as blood purifier
👉 Normalize organ function
👉 Balance blood pH value
👉 Increase metabolic rate
👉 Reduce cancer risks
👉 Control ideal body weight
👉 Maintain normal blood sugar and cholesterol level



Photos from MM Network Malaysia's post 22/07/2024

我们由衷感恩各位 “家人们” 在这美好的日子里与我们共度美好时光,共同见证生命的疗愈力,探索轻松健康的生活方式,一同创造幸福与快乐。
❣️因为有你们的支持,我们才能成功 ❣️因为有你们的参与,我们共同创造健康、富足、快乐的人生!💗 让我们共享健康的喜悦,喜迎幸福与安康。
😊💌 健富乐国际也祝愿大家每一天都健康、富足、快乐!
"We are thankful for the presence of all the VIP guests, members, and leaders who attended MM Network’s [Love Life, Love Health] event.🥰
We are grateful to the "MM family members" for spending this happy and beautiful day with us, to witness the healing power of life, exploring simple healthy methods to create a better life together. 😍
Our main goal is to enhance the quality of life for more people by conveying health concepts through high-quality nutritional supplements.
❣️Because of your support, we succeed. ❣️ Because of your participation, we are co-creating a healthier, wealthier, and happier life together! 💗 Let us together share the joy of health, welcoming well-being in our life. 😊
💌 MM Network, Wishing you all, Healthier, Wealthier, Happier🥰🌈




日期:23/07/2024 @ 星期二
Zoom直播: 肠道致命伤 | 便秘后患无穷
🎤 主讲人: 庄富升老师 Xam Ch‘ng

- 营养分析师
- 虹膜分析师
- 健康专题讲师
- 大马认证培训师

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 686 168 6168
Passcode: 818181
💡MM Network 健富乐,您幸福的伙伴!🥰
👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻关注我们 Follow Us👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
面子书专业 page👉🏻 MM Network Malaysia
#庄富升 #饮食疗法


如果你面对 #排便困难 #肠胃不适 #皮肤暗暗黄黄 一定要看过来!
可以尝试服用💚【ProMeto 优肠乐】- 100%天然的丹麦独特配方,富含专利的黄金组合益生菌及益生元,由高品质水溶性纤维与非水溶性纤维结合及排毒系统保护草药配方所组成。让你能轻松与便意说BYE BYE 的同时也能调理肠道健康,减低患上大肠癌的风险😚

【ProMeto 优肠乐】让你感觉内在轻松,外在年轻。


"Constipation Woes? The Solution is Here!"
If you're struggling with , you need to check this out!
Constipation has become a common health issue for modern people. Whether it's due to work stress, irregular eating habits, or lack of exercise, constipation can seriously affect your quality of life. 💩
⚠️ Straining during bowel movements and passing dry, hard stools
⚠️ Feeling of incomplete evacuation after bowel movements
⚠️ Difficulty and pain during bowel movements
then you are experiencing constipation. 💩
Constipation is a common digestive problem, typically characterized by infrequent bowel movements, difficulty passing stool, or hard, dry stools.
Constipation not only makes you feel uncomfortable but can also lead to other health problems, such as haemorrhoids, bowel obstruction, and indigestion. To address these issues, we offer a safe and effective constipation solution.
You can try 💚【ProMeto】– is 100% natural patented ingredients from Denmark. Enriched with patented probiotics and prebiotic, made of high quality water soluble fibers and non water soluble fibers, natural herbs.
Powerful health benefits of 【ProMeto】
💚 Prevent hemorrhoid growth and constipation
💚 Clean mucoid plaque and toxic substances
💚 Acts as blood purifier
💚 Normalize organ function
💚 Balance blood pH value
💚 Increase metabolic rate
💚 Reduce cancer risks
💚 Control ideal body weight
💚 Maintain normal blood sugar and cholesterol level




学会使用健富乐国际产品 (与消费者站在一起)
💡消费者就会感到对方也是一位消费者,于是就会产生一种亲近感,消除心理上 “被推销” 的距离感。💖



Learn to use MM Network's products (Standing with consumers' interests)
💡 Direct sales leaders who personally use MM Network's products can position themselves on the same level as consumers, bridging the gap with them.
💡 Consumers will feel that the leader is also a consumer, creating a sense of closeness and eliminating the psychological distance of feeling "pitched to." 💖




🤎【UReShi 优乐喜人参咖啡】采用香醇口感的Arabica咖啡豆和略带坚果和回甘味的Robusta咖啡豆以达到绝妙的平衡。


The warmth of coffee is like the care of a friend, always just right. ☕️
In this bustling city, find a quiet corner, a warm cup of coffee, and feel that familiar warmth, as if a friend is gently whispering by your side.
Every sip of ginseng coffee is a delicate care 🤎, bringing warmth and comfort, allowing you to find a moment of relaxation amidst the busyness.
Let coffee accompany you through every important moment. 🤎
🤎【UReShi GinSeng Coffee】 is formulated with the perfect blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans to provide the indulgent flavour profile of coffee.😋
🤎With the fortification of Korean GinSeng extract, 【UReShi GinSeng Coffee】 keeps you energetic and focused all day long!
An aromatic, tasty & functional delight that will have You asking for More! ❤️
☕️Korean GinSeng extract: Enhances focus, alertness and reduces caffeine induced crash
☕️Lightly sweetened with Sugarcane
☕️100% natural flavour, colour and ingredients
Super healthy and nice to drink👍🏻👍🏻



Photos from MM Network Malaysia's post 20/07/2024

亲爱的兄弟姐妹,家人们 👩‍❤️‍👨
在养生营里,报名人数爆满全场,多达 250 位参加者,因为有家人们积极的参与和带动,全场带出活泼,喜乐,快乐的感染力。
非常感谢大家的参与,让养生营顺利圆满完成 🙌🏻🥳
祝福大家,健康,富足,快乐 🥰🌈
我们下一个活动再见 👋🏻


【MM Wellness Camp 2024】🧘🏻‍♀️🍃
Let you experience a healthy lifestyle with a balanced body, mind and soul in a relaxed, lively, vivid and interesting way, enhance the body's self-healing ability and immunity, activate the body's natural therapy function, and effectively prevent diseases.
We would like to thanks everyone who participated at the MM Wellness Camp 2024 at Copthorne Hotel, Cameron Highlands.🙌🏻🥳
See you at our next event.👋🏻
Wishing you Healthier, Wealthier, and Happier!




自1990年来自西藏 | 临床认证 | 效果显著❤️
💜【ProMegra 优美佳】自1990年问世以来已有34年历史⏳,采用完整的欧米伽配方,结合TRICAP™ 微囊化技术萃取其精华,✅拥有多项临床认证✅安全有效。连素食者都可以服用哦~ 💯天然成分
國際有機認證,包括USDA Organic(美國有機認證)、EU Organic(歐盟有機認證)、JAS Organic(日本有機認證)、KOC(韓國有機認證)、China Organic(中國有機認證)。
品質認證方面亦有Halal (清真食品認證)、Kosher(猶太食品認證)、Non-GMO(非轉基因認證)。
於生產層面,除NSF GMP(優良生產認證)外,我們同時擁有多項國際認證包括ISO9001、ISO14001、ISO22000、HACCP(食品安全認證)等。
✨世界优品【ProMegra 优美佳】,含有严选原料:【沙棘果】、【红石榴】及【棕榈油】。😎
🈶 #沙棘果 – 富含欧米伽 3, 6 ,7, 9
🈶 #红石榴 - 富含欧米伽 5
🈶 #棕榈油 - 植物角鲨烯以及全谱生育三烯酚
角鲨烯是构成皮脂的重要组成部分,同时给肌肤提供营养。 角鲨烯还是一种角质层的保湿物质。生育三烯酚支持健康的心血管功能,即维持健康的胆固醇水平。
✨【ProMegra 优美佳】中蕴含Omega 3、5、6、7、9,石榴酸,维生素C,维生素E,生育三烯酚,以及植物角鲨烯。每一种营养都有其独特的好处:👍
💜Omega 3 - 降低心脏病、中风和癌症风险,减少“坏”胆固醇。
💜Omega 5 - 修复细胞,调节葡萄糖代谢,对女性激素和代谢问题有效。
💜Omega 6 - 促进皮肤和头发生长,维持骨骼健康,调节新陈代谢。
💜Omega 7 - 修复眼、口腔、呼吸道、肠道、阴道和皮肤组织,预防心血管疾病。
💜Omega 9 - 提高“有益”胆固醇,降低“坏”胆固醇,保护心血管健康。
💜安石榴苷 - 具有抗氧化、抗癌、抗菌、抗病毒、抗炎等多种药理学功效。
💜维他命 C - 增强免疫、促进胶原蛋白生成
💜维他命 E - 抗氧化、维护皮肤健康。
💜生育三烯酚 – 支持心血管、抗炎。
💜植物角鲨烯 - 促进肝细胞再生并保护肝细胞,从而改善肝脏功能。
每一小包【ProMegra 优美佳】都是全方位的养分来源,为您提供多重保健,让您的健康更全面更有保障。🛡💪


Time Tested since 1990 | Safe and Reliable From Tibet❤️
💜【ProMegra】has been available for 34 years since its launch in 1990⏳, using a complete Omega formula combined with TRICAP™ microencapsulation technology, 💯natural ingredients, ✅safe and effective. Even vegetarians can take it!
Range from research, and material selection to production process and inspection, each step maintains consistently high and strict standards.
Organic and international certifications, including USDA Organic (US organic certification), EU Organic (EU organic certification), JAS Organic (Japanese organic certification), KOC (Korea organic certification), and China Organic (China organic certification).
In terms of quality certification, our products are also certified by Halal (Halal food certification), Kosher (Kosher food certification), and Non-GMO (certified non-GMO).
In terms of production, in addition to NSF GMP (Good Manufacturing Certification), We also have several international certifications including ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO22000, HACCP (food safety certification), etc.
✅Seabuckthorn - rich in omega fatty acids 3,6,7,9
From an organic farm located at an altitude of 4,500 meters on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is rich in anthocyanins, flavonoids, and polyphenols, with an antioxidant capacity 70 times stronger than vitamin C. It contains more than 190 active substances and 8 essential amino acids.
✅Pomegranate - rich in omega fatty acids 5
From the Mediterranean, carefully selected organic Spanish pomegranates. Clinically proven to effectively help lower harmful cholesterol oxLDL (oxidized low-density lipoprotein) and improve hypertension conditions.
✅Palm Oil - natural plant squalene with tocotrienols
Squalene is an important component of sebum, providing nourishment to the skin. Squalene also acts as a moisturizing substance for the stratum corneum. Phytosterols support healthy cardiovascular function by maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
✨In contrast, every sachet of【ProMegra】contains Omega 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, Punicalagin, Vitamins C and E, Tocotrienol, and Squalene. Each nutrient holds its unique benefits:👍
💜【ProMegra】is rich in Omega 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, each type of Omega fatty acid has unique benefits:
💜Omega 3 - Reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer, lowers "bad" cholesterol.
💜Omega 5 - Repairs cells, regulates glucose metabolism, effective for female hormones and metabolism.
💜Omega 6 - Promotes skin and hair growth, maintains bone health, regulates metabolism.
💜Omega 7 - Repairs eye, oral, respiratory, intestinal, vaginal, and skin tissues, prevents cardiovascular diseases.
💜Omega 9 - Increases "beneficial" cholesterol, lowers "bad" cholesterol, protects cardiovascular health.
💜 Punicalagin - Possesses multiple pharmacological effects including antioxidation, anticancer, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammation.
💜 Vitamin C - Boosts immunity, promotes collagen production.
💜 Vitamin E - Antioxidation, maintains skin health.
💜 Tocotrienol - Supports cardiovascular health, anti-inflammation.
💜 Squalene - Promotes liver cell regeneration and protection, improving liver function.
Each packet of ProMegra is a comprehensive source of nutrients, providing multi-faceted health protection, enhancing your overall health🛡💪. Medical research proves that continuous use for 1 to 3 months yields amazing results, effectively and without rebound. ✨✨




💜【ProMegra 优美佳】经过医学研究证明 #有效改善干眼症狀👀✨
💜【ProMegra 优美佳】自1990年问世以来已有34年历史⏳, #采用完整的欧米伽配方,结合TRICAP™ 微囊化技术萃取其精华,✅拥有多项临床认证✅安全有效。 #连素食者都可以服用哦~ 💯 #天然成分 。
👨‍🔬研究:在 20-75 岁的 100 名女性中进行了随机、双盲、安慰剂对照的交叉试验。
剂量:口服每天2小包 ProMegra 或安慰剂(分馏椰子和棕榈油),持续3个月。
✅与安慰剂组相比,感觉眼睛干燥的受试者减少了18% 。
每一小包【ProMegra 优美佳】都是全方位的养分来源,为您提供多重保健,让您的健康更全面更有保障。🛡💪
【ProMegra 优美佳】还你水亮明眸✨👀


Eye redness could be a symptom of dry eye syndrome❗👁️
Have you noticed frequent redness in your eyes along with dryness, burning, and blurred vision? These could be early signs of dry eye! Dry eye is a common eye condition mainly caused by insufficient tear production or rapid tear evaporation, leading to dryness on the eye's surface. 😅
Eye redness is a sign of dilated blood vessels, usually associated with inflammation or irritation. In dry eye patients, the dry surface of the eye can cause minor damage to the cornea and conjunctiva, triggering an inflammatory response and resulting in redness. 👁️
Prolonged use of electronic screens, environmental pollution, and air conditioning can all contribute to dry eye❗
No more worries about dry eyes! Here are some effective tips to relieve dry eye symptoms! 👁️
Recommended to you…
💜【ProMegra】has been clinical proven to relief from dry eyes.👀✨
💜【ProMegra】has been available for 34 years since its launch in 1990⏳, using a complete Omega formula combined with TRICAP™ microencapsulation technology, 💯natural ingredients, ✅safe and effective. Even vegetarians can take it!
Randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial was conducted in 100 women of 20 - 75 years old.
Oral intake of 2 sachets of ProMegra or placebo (Fractionated coconut and palm oil) per day for 3 months.
Significant improvement for eye health:
✅18% less subjects felt dryness in eyes compared with the placebo group.
✅17% less subjects felt burning in eyes compared with the placebo group.
Each packet of ProMegra is a comprehensive source of nutrients, providing multi-faceted health protection, enhancing your overall health🛡💪. Medical research proves that continuous use for 1 to 3 months yields amazing results, effectively and without rebound. ✨✨
【ProMegra】improves the brightness and clarity to your eyes.✨👀



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MM Network Sdn Bhd has been established since 2002. Our business is dealing with health supplement products, both oversea and local products. Our objectives are promote high quality lifestyle and raise the health awareness among public. We provide free health tests and consultation to our customers, reduce their potential health risk. Our company is growing and expanding and we want you to be part of it!

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【再见胃痛,从此不再戒口】.Loh Chun Wei l 多年胃痛问题.⚠之前我的健康状况一直不理想,#患有胃痛问题,持续了三四年。⚠那段时间几乎 #每周有三四天都必须去诊所🩺,#每个月至少要去一次私人医院打点滴🏥。期间我还一直住院🛌、打针...
We are delighted to announce that our national treasure of Switzerland is about to launch a brand-new, convenient packag...
【一款产品,三重功效】改善脚溃烂、三高和月经血崩.Lee Ee Ling l 脚溃烂、三高和月经血崩.1️⃣由于之前煮菜时不小心被油溅到🔥,我的脚上出现了🦶🏻🔥 #伤口和水泡。⚠因为 #患有高血糖 问题,尽管一直在服药和看医生控制💊,#脚上...
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【改善气喘,步步轻松】.Tang Swee Chin l 气喘.⚠️我有 #气喘问题❗以前 #走几步路都会气喘吁吁😤。自从开始每天服用1包【YoKōso活力复合酵素】后,大约吃了5 - 6包,就明显感觉气喘问题改善了很多。👏🏻👍🏻.现在,我...


No. 1, Jalan PJS 8/18, Dataran Mentari (Sunway)
Petaling Jaya

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 18:00
Thursday 09:30 - 18:00
Friday 09:30 - 18:00

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