Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College

MAFSC is a Joint Professional Military Educational Institution located in PUSPAHANAS at Putrajaya. Military Education Center

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 14/10/2021


12 Oct 2021 – The annual Firepower Training (FPT) was successfully conducted at the Gemas Range in the presence of Jeneral Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain, Chief of Army. The FM/DS and Course Participants (CP) of the Malaysian Command and Staff Course (MCSC) Serial 50/2021 attended the FPT as part of the college’s Southern Region Capabilities and Operational Studies (SRCOS) program.

The FPT has always been an important event in the MCSC’s calendar as it provides the CP with an opportunity to witness the battlefield effects and ranges of direct and indirect fire weapon platforms. Most importantly, FPT provides the CP with an understanding of joint fires coordination and effects involving the Malaysian Army, Navy and Air Force. In addition, the knowledge gained from FPT will assist CP to improve their joint operational planning skills which supports command decision making through improved awareness of the employment of joint firepower capabilities.

Five CP, including Overseas Course Participants (OCP), were given the opportunity by the Chief of Army to get a first-hand experience firing high calibre weapon platforms such as the MBT PT 91M and AV8 Gempita.

Brig Jen Hj Fazal bin Hj Abdul Rahman, Commandant of the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) conveyes his sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Chief of Army, 3rd Inf Div and the FPT team for this memorable occasion.



24 SEP 2021 - The FM/DS and Course Participants (CP) of the Malaysian Command and Staff Course (MCSC) 50/2021 attended a promotion ceremony of an Overseas Course Participant (OCP) from the Bangladesh Navy. Lt Cdr Razeen Ibne Wahid was promoted to the rank of Commander in an auspicious occasion held at the PUSPAHANAS Main Auditorium.

Brig Jen Hj Fazal bin Hj Abdul Rahman, Commandant of the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) was the guest of honour of the event. The Commandant and Kol Mohd Hafizar bin Md Idris, Chief of Directing Staf (CDS) was given the honour to attach the rank to Cdr Razeen.

The Commandant extended his congratulations to Cdr Razeen and posed for group photos together with the Head of Departments (HOD).

Cdr Razeen has been in the Bangladesh Navy for nearly 18 years. His appointment before attending MCSC was as a Naval Directing Staff at the Bangladesh Naval Academy.


MCSC SER 50/2021 UPDATES NO 16/2021
MCSC SER 50/2021

1. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful All the praises and thanks be to Allah Almighty, the Giver of bountiful blessings and gifts. Prayers and peace of Allah be upon the noble Prophet and upon his family and companions, the honorable followers.

2. Ladies and gentlemen, muslims around the world welcome another new year in the Islamic calendar. Shukr (gratitude) to Allah SWT for we have come to the end and of 1442H and the beginning of 1443H. It was 1443 years ago that Prophet Muhammad and the early muslims migrated from Makkah to Madinah, which marked the first year of the hijrah calendar. We have come to a new year where should feel thankful and grateful for Allah SWT has given us another opportunity to prove ourself as humble servant if this world.

3. Despite of what is going on around the world today, especially in bracing through the pandemic, it is not comparable to what the Prophet Muhammad and his companions had experienced in making the hijrah from Mecca to Madinah. The hijrah has significance not just to the Islamic world but also to world civilisation. It did not merely signify a final destination for Makkah Muslims, but was also the beginning of a continuous effort to establish a strong and resilient ummah.

4. When I look at Cohort 50/2021, with its multiracial and multireligious participants, we have so much to learn from the hijrah historical episode. As time goes by, we should be integrated and stronger as a cohort. Respect, tolerance and mutual understanding should be the essence of relationships among fellow FM/DS and course participants. What we are learning here is not only to defend our respective nations but also lessons in nation-building, leadership, tolerance, charity and unselfish conducts that could lead to the transformation of self, mindset and way of life as Prophet Muhammad has taught us.

5. The New Year has crawled in and we do not know what is in store for us in the coming year. We are ignorant as to where our life will head to. It is our hope that Allah SWT allow us to begin this New Year with the door of forgiveness. I pray and plead that Allah will continue to shower us with taufiq (prosperity) and hidayah (guidance) to us in this year for us to continue to do good deeds and a harmonious life. InsyaAllah.


1 MUHARRAM 1443H/9 AUGUST 2021

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 08/08/2021


The Badan Kebajikan Angkatan Tentera (BAKAT) of the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) conducted online classes on 7 Aug 21 to expose its members on videography and essay writing. The classes was conducted through Microsoft Teams to allow all the MAFSC BAKAT members to participate in this new norm of learning environment.

Puan Hajah Habibah binti Haji Mazlan who is the MAFSC BAKAT Chairperson and other 43 participants attended the three hours classes which is aimed to impart new knowledge to the members. The new skills will allow its members to prepare and participate in future BAKAT competition such as cooking and essay writing.

The session began with an opening speech by the BAKAT Chairperson who highlighted the objectives of the session. She also took the opportunity to welcome six new members to the MAFSC BAKAT. Following that, the first class was taken by En. Raffie bin Md Salleh on videography skills in creating a good cooking video. The subsequent class on essay writing was conducted by Dr Shaliza bt Kamaruddin, UiTM Senior Lecturer. Participants were taught technique and skills in writing a good essay.

The session concluded with the closing speech by the BAKAT Chairperson. Puan Hajah Habibah congratulated the organising committee and all members for their outstanding support in making the event successful.

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 01/07/2021


The MAFSC G1 Coord Handing Over Taking Over (HOTO) was conducted at the Commandant’s Office on 1 July 2021. The HOTO was conducted between Kol Meor Anas bin Meor Ahmad and Lt Kol Idham bin Hj Md Rusli. The event was witnessed by the Commandant and Chief of Directing Staff (CDS). Kol Meor Anas bin Meor Ahmad was promoted to Kol effective 18 June 2021 and will be posted to 5 Div as the Chief of Staff. The College would like to wish all the best to Kol Meor Anas bin Meor Ahamd on his future posting. The event was conducted in compliance with Covid-19 SOP.

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 21/06/2021


The Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) held the ‘Handing and Taking Over’ (HOTO) ceremony for the college’s BAKAT Advisor on 20 June 2021. This event was conducted through the MS-Teams online platform and was joined by 30 Faculty Members (FM) and Directing Staff (DS) wives. As part of the HOTO, a briefing was given by Lt Kol Johan Wahidi bin Mohd Arip RMAF, updating the forthcoming planning for BAKAT’s activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The ceremony was also to allow the BAKAT members to communicate online with each other.

The ceremony began with a welcoming speech by Puan Hjh Habibah Binti Hj Mazlan, the MAFSC BAKAT Chairperson. In her speech, she elaborated on the BAKAT activities that have been conducted to date. She highlighted that those activities that have been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be carried out when situation permits. The BAKAT Chairperson went on to extend her warmest gratitude to all the outgoing DS wives for their commitment and participation in the college’s BAKAT activities. She also welcomed the new FM/DS wives that have been posted into MAFSC recently. The BAKAT members were reminded to stay true to the BAKAT spirit, anticipate the incoming activities and to remain focus on their role as the wife of a DS. Before concluding her speech, she thanked Lt Kol Johan Wahidi bin Mohd Arip RMAF for the commitment given during his tenure as the MAFSC BAKAT Advisor.

The HOTO ceremony ended with Lt Kol Johan Wahidi bin Mohd Arif RMAF officially handing over the duty of MAFSC BAKAT Advisor to Lt Kol Raja Amizan bin Raja Ibrahim in the virtual platform. The HOTO ceremony was witnessed by Brig Gen Hj Fazal bin Hj Abdul Rahman the Commandant of MAFSC.

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 04/06/2021

Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) online Hari Raya Eid- ul- Fitri 1442 Hijrah

4 JUNE 2021 - The aura of festivities filled the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) Microsoft Teams window for its online Hari Raya Eid- ul- Fitri 1442 Hijrah celebration. The program aims to commemorate the holy festival of Muslims in Malaysia and as a manifestation of the triumph over the month-long fasting. This was the second curricular activitiy conducted virtually for this cohort.

Themed "The Greatness of A Culture Can Be In Its Festival" , the program was joined by Course Participants (CP) including the Faculty Members and Directing Staffs (FM/DS) doning their best baju melayu, sampin and songkok.

The program started with an introductory remarks by designated committee member, followed by a du'a recitation to seek blessings from Allah Almighty. The Chairman of the Raya do, Mej Mohd Zaid bin Mohd Tazali proceeded the agenda with his speech and followed by an infotainment video presentation showcasing the Malaysians ways of Hari Raya celebration as well as how it is celebrated in Malaysian military operation setting.

The program concluded with the speech by Commandant wishing everyone a prosperous and blessed Eid, alongside a reminder of celebrating the festivity with adherence to current SOP and to always prioritise safety above all.


MCSC SER 50/2021 UPDATES NO 13/2021

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Salam Sejahtera and good evening to all Faculty Members, Directing Staff and Course Participants of MCSC Cohort 50/2021.

Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic situation in the country, all Malaysian were unable to celebrate the major festivals in the way we used to do. This has been a new norm since the pandemic hit the whole world. As the date 31st May 2021 is ‘Hari Gawai’, it is an important festival to our Sarawakian friends from the Dayak ethnic of Iban, Bidayuh, Kangar, Kenya, Kelabit and Ulu. All. MAFSC Faculty Members, Directing Staffs, our families and I would sincerely take this opportunity to wish all Course Participants of MCSC Cohort 50/2021 from the Dayak ethnic, ‘Selamat Hari Gawai’ to you and your family. We empathize with your current feelings about being away from your loved ones. Nevertheless, the spirit of celebrating ‘Hari Gawai’ this year should remain high through the use of virtual interaction with your relatives and friends. Lastly, we sincerely pray for a better next year so that all of you will be able to celebrate ‘Hari Gawai’ physically with lots of joy and laughter. Thank you. Stay safe and stay home.


30 MAY 2021

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 27/04/2021

Comparative Study Research (CSR) programme, MSCS 50/2021.

27 April 2021 - As the finale of the Comparative Study Research (CSR) programme, MSCS 50/2021 Course Participants (CP) successfully conducted a central brief on “China and the South China Sea: ASEAN and FPDA Members Strategic Responses”, at PUSPAHANAS Auditorium. The event was moderated by Associate Prof Dr Adam Leong Kok Wey and graced with the presence of Tuan Ahmad Nadzri bin Mohd Hassan (Deputy Secretary General (Policy)), Vice Admiral Dato Pahlawan Syed Zarul Putra bin Syed Abdullah (President PUSPAHANAS), Brig Jen Hj Fazal bin Hj Abdul Rahman, Commandant of Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC), as well as Chief Directing Staff, Directing Staff/Faculty Members.

The central brief is a culmination of research and hard work from the one-week CSR virtual visit to China, Australia, Singapore, and Vietnam. During which, Course Participants (CP) were given privileged access to ambassadors, senior officials from government agencies, policy think tanks, and academia, who provided various perspectives and insights behind the countries’ respective policy in the South China Sea (SCS). It was an opportunity for the CP to put forth differing perspectives from various countries, to appreciate the strategic complexities and challenges with the on-going developments in the SCS.

In addition, the central brief was a platform for the CP to apply new knowledge on strategic studies and international relations learnt over the past few months. All CP enthusiastically infused their briefs or discussions with terminologies such as “hedging” and “geo-political competition”.

Through the programme, the entire cohort gained a deeper understanding on the SCS issues and an appreciation of various countries’ policy and underlying strategic logic
by applying analytical frameworks to sharpen their analysis, including the use of instruments of national power (diplomatic, information, military, and economic).

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 24/04/2021


PUTRAJAYA, 23 April 2021 - The Chief of Army Malaysia (COA) Jeneral Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain delivered his Key Note Address to the Malaysian Command and Staff Course (MCSC) Cohort 50/21 entitled “The Malaysian Army Operational And Training Environment In Relation To The Army4NextG: The Application To The Defence White Paper”, at the National Centre for Defence Studies (PUSPAHANAS), Putrajaya. In attendance was Vice Admiral Dato’ Pahlawan Syed Zahrul Putra Bin Syed Abdullah and the Commandant of the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC), Brigedier Jeneral Haji Fazal bin Haji Abdul Rahman.

The event commenced with the presentation of the Key Note Address followed by Question and Answer session which was moderated by the Commandant and attended by the Assistant Chief of Staff Operation and Training, Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Abdul Aziz bin Ismail. The event had a two-prong objective, to impart the Malaysian Army Strategic Development Plan to the MAFSC course participants, as well as to discuss the challenges in its implementation amidst the dynamic geostrategic and geoeconomic environment. The fruitful session has provided the course participants with the preparation necessary to future generation leaders to steer the organisation effectively and efficiently despite the limited resources.

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 09/04/2021


3 April 2021 - The Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) held its BAKAT Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the year of 2021 on this day (Saturday – 3 Apr 21). The college’s BAKAT AGM was conducted following the AGM of BAKAT Gabungan which was conducted on the 12 March 2021 at Auditorium Binary, Kompleks Haigate. For this year, MAFSC BAKAT AGM was attended by a total of 36 MAFSC BAKAT members comprises of the wives’ of all officers and soldiers of the college.

MAFSC Commandant, Brig Jen Hj Fazal bin Hj Abdul Rahman officiated the meeting and during his opening address he emphasized that MASFC BAKAT is unique as compared to other units. This is because not only the strength of MAFSC is small in numbers, but a huge portion of the college manning consist of officers with the rank of Lt Col and equivalent from the 3 services who serves as the college Directing Staff (DS). These DS brings along a wealth of knowledge and experience having served as unit, ships or squadrons Commanding Officers. Of cause, together with these officers are their wife’s who have also performed the role of BAKAT Chairpersons. Thus, the Commandant stresses that it is our collective responsibility to educate the MAFSC Course Participants, and their wives as future leaders.

After the AGM was officiated, MAFSC BAKAT Chairperson, Puan Hjh Habibah binti Hj Mazlan started the AGM by thanking the college BAKAT Advisors, Lt Kol Johan Wahidi bin Mohd Arip TUDM and Lt Kol Nizar bin Hj Yusof on their role to manage the college BAKAT activities. She also recorded her appreciation to the former MAFSC BAKAT Secretary, Puan Nor Harsiyati binti Harun and congratulated Puan Mawar binti A.Rahim who has been appointed as the new MAFSC BAKAT Secretary. In her speech, Puan Hjh Habibah reminded to all on the importance of welfare in all BAKAT activities. She related that in the middle or core of the word BAKAT is the alphabet “K”, which also signifies Kebajikan. Thus, it is imperative to uphold Kebajikan or welfare as the objective of all BAKAT activities. In addition, Pn Hjh Habibah has also informed to all the various initiatives by BAKAT Gabungan especially to those families who are in the income bracket of B40. It is hoped that these initiatives will assist those families who are in financial needs.

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 06/04/2021

MAFSC BAKAT Programme – From Virtual to Physical, and obviously many-many challenges along the way.

As with other MAFSC activities, BAKAT programme was also impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, acknowledging the importance of physically getting to know each other in person in order to achieve the welfare aspect in the conduct of BAKAT, the college strive to have its BAKAT programme meet-up and it was finally materialised in the three days Wives’ Enrichment Course (WEC). Just a quick flashback, MCSC Serial 50/21 BAKAT programme started virtually on the 21 Feb 21. At that time, the MAFSC Commandant, Brig Jen Hj Fazal bin Hj Abdul Rahman gave his opening address and announced the MCSC BAKAT CPW Committee. Following the announcement, MAFSC BAKAT Chairperson, Puan Hjh Habibah binti Hj Mazlan gave her address to all CPW and outlined the BAKAT activities for 2021. However, at that time with all the uncertainties of the pandemic, it was not known exactly when or even if the planned activity can be conducted.

Finally on the 1 Apr 21, with strict adherence to the COVID-19 SOP, the college’s Hikmat Hall stand witness to the audacity of the FM/ DS and Course Participants Wives’(CPW) as the MAFSC Commandant, Brig Gen Hj Fazal bin Hj Abdul Rahman officiates the opening of the Wives’ Enrichment Course which was attended by a total of 127 participants, consist of the Course Participants wives’ (CPW) of the Malaysian Command and Staff Course Serial 50/21 as well as DS wives’(DSW). The three day course was designed to enhance CPW with the required knowledge and competencies to perform the role of a BAKAT Chairperson at unit or staff level. The conduct of the is unique as CPW gets the opportunity to formally learn on the Roles and Organisation of BAKAT from the MAF BAKAT Secretariat, welfare related subject from JRP, financial managements from AKPK and health benefits from the Royal Medical Corps. In addition, CPW also gets the opportunity to informally learn from DSW through the concept of Mentor and Mentee whereby DSW will take up the role as a mentor to share their experience to guide CPW in the organising of the WEC.

Various activities were conducted during the course starting with ice-breaking session whereby all participants are required to engage with each other in games. This serves as an opportunity for them to get to know each other better. The highlight of the WEC is when all participants gets the opportunity to engage with the Chairperson of BAKAT Gabungan (Datin Norhayati binti Usul), Chairperson of BAKAT Markas Angkatan Bersama (Datin Hjh Nazriah binti Hj Mahmood) and Chairperson of BAKAT PUSPAHANAS (Datin Maria binti Kamarulzaman). During the dialogue session with these 3 BAKAT Chairpersons, course participants learned first-hand experience on how to balance their commitment as a military wife as well as appreciating the welfare aspect in BAKAT engagements. Feedback received from course participants with regards of the conduct of WEC has been positive, additionally they hoped that the class on service benefits to be increase for future courses.

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 04/04/2021


The Introduction Night for Malaysian Command and Staff Course (MCSC) Cohort 50/2021 has taken place at the Malaysian Armed Forces Officers Mess, Kuala Lumpur on 2nd April 2021. The event was primarily aimed at officially welcoming the Course Participants (CP) and spouses to the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) and provide them with a platform to introduce themselves and spouses to the Directing Staff (DS), Faculty Members (FM) and fellow CP. It also serves the objectives of allowing interactions and establishing working relationship among them. The secondary objective is to familiarise CP with COVID19 SOP in organising or attending an event under difficult or limited pandemic situation.

The event commenced with a Meet and Greet session with the Commandant and wife, the Chief of Directing Staff and wife as well as Head of Training Development and wife being introduced to all CP and spouses. The subsequent agenda was on-stage Introduction Session which was led by the FM/DS and spouses and all CP and spouses from Syndicates 1 to 15.

The night's exuberant ambience was manifested from the excitement displayed by the interactions established between the wives and the CP. The OCP were also doning their best traditional outfit adding to the merriment of the event. It was concluded at 2300H and it is hoped that its objectives will commensurate with the duration of the CP stay at MAFSC.

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 30/03/2021


PUTRAJAYA, 29 March 21 - Chief of Defence Force (CDF) Malaysia, Gen Tan Sri Dato' Sri Hj. Affendi bin Buang RMAF has officiated the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) Golden Jubilee Logo at the PUSPAHANAS this morning. In attendance were Dato' Seri Muez bin Abd Aziz, Secretary General, Ministry of Defence Malaysia, Chief of Navy, Chief of Air Force, the Malaysian Armed Forces Headquarters Chief of Staff, President of PUSPAHANAS and the Army Headquarters Chief of Staff on behalf of the Chief of Army.

This year marks the 50th anniversary since the college's establishment in 1971. The idea of initiating the college has been stoutly voiced in 1969 by the Prime Minister, YAB Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein, to fulfill the demand and requirement of professional military education in the Malaysian Armed Forces. To date, the college is preserving its prestigious responsibility in producing outstanding and credible leaders not only for the Malaysian Armed Forces but also the regional armed forces.

Preceding the ceremony was the 83rd Board of Governors Meeting chaired by the CDF. The annual meeting serves the purpose of discussing the administrative matters pertaining to the MAFSC and as a platform in strengthening the institution as one of the prestigious Military Intellectual Centre in the world.

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 16/03/2021


The Malaysian Command and Staff Course Serial 50/21 Flag Hoisting Ceremony occurred on 16 Mac 21 at the PUSPAHANAS Main Auditorium. The event was officiated by the Commandant of the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC). A total of 22 flags from 22 countries (including Malaysia) had been raised during the auspicious ceremony. The ceremony symbolised the participation of 36 Overseas Course Participants(OCPs) from 21 countries. The OCPs had expressed great honour in representing their respective countries.

The flags were carried by the Course Participants (CPs) representing their respective country. This Flag Hoisting Ceremony was the second time for the College. It was also the first time for the event being conducted inside the PUSPAHANAS Main Auditorium. The first event organised by the previous cohort took place last year at the Main Entrance of MAFSC. Throughout the program, all CPs were required to adhere the Covid-19 SOPs.

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 15/03/2021


The Malaysian Command and Staff Course Serial 50/21 that began on 2 Feb 21 was conducted using online platforms. This was due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) that was imposed by the government and the reporting day for all Course Participants (CPs) to the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) then had to be postponed. All lectures and some co-curricular activities was conducted via online platform for almost two months.

The day of 15 Mar 21 could be marked as a historic day for the CPs as this was the first day for the physical report to this college. The first day programme began with several briefings mainly focussing on Safety, Occupational and Health, Admin and Training, Mess brief and finally the briefing on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). All these briefings were held at the PUSPAHANAS Main Auditorium. The briefings were delivered to enable CPs to understand better on specific areas.

Subsequently, the CPs were briefed on documents processing that were required by the Admin Department, Training Department and the National Defence University of Malaysia (NDUM) during the registration process. MAFSC orientation of the college facilities by their respecting Senior DSs was conducted to show the CPs the area within the PUSPAHANAS Complex. The events were conducted in accordance to the respective Divisions allowing the adherence of COVID-19 social distancing.

The final event for the day was the rehearsal for the Flag Hoisting Ceremony to prepare the CPs for the following day ceremony.

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 25/02/2021


The Handing Over and Taking Over (HOTO) ceremony between Kol Azizan Long Ji bin Harun and Lt Kol Meor Anas bin Meor Ahmad was held on 25 Feb 2021 at the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) Multi Purpose Hall. The HOTO was witnessed by the Commandant with the presence of all FM/DS and staff sof the MAFSC. Kol Azizan Long Ji bin Harun was promoted to Kol on 24 Feb 2021 to the 8 x 8 Team Project. In the same event, three staffs of the MAFSC were promoted and the event was officiated by the Commandant, Chief of Directing Staff (CDS) and Head of Training Department (HTD). After the Promotion Ceremony, the Commandant also presented mementos to outgoing and retired staffs as a token of appreciation.

The event continued with a speech from the Commandant. In his speech, he congratulated those promoted and reminded all of the MAFSC to always follow the SOPs during this pandemic. He announced that the students for Cohort 50/2021 will report on 15 March 21. He also informed that PUSPAHANAS has been allowed to conduct Friday Prayers independently at the Surau starting from 26 Feb 21. The ceremony was conducted with all present complying with the COVID-19 SOP.

Photos from Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College's post 21/02/2021


The Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) conducted the Badan Kebajikan Keluarga Angkatan Tentera (BAKAT) online meeting on 21 Feb 2021 at 1430H using Microsoft Teams online platform. The BAKAT is also known as the ‘Malaysian Armed Forces Family Welfare’ organisation. The meeting was conducted to mark the opening and to officiate the beginning of the BAKAT program for the MCSC Serial 50/2021. There were a total of 151 participants comprising of all FM/DS wives and CP wives who attended this virtual meeting. This is the first time in MAFSC history after 50 years of existence that the BAKAT meeting was held virtually.

The session began with the opening speech by YBhg Brig Jen Hj Fazal bin Hj Abdul Rahman, the Commandant of MAFSC who congratulated all the CP wives for the achievement of their husbands being selected to attend the MCSC Serial 50/2021. He welcomed the wives and their families to the college and encouraged them to participate in all activities which can provide them with great opportunities to strengthen their networking and camaraderie. Next, the Commandant briefly explained the history of the College. He, then he concisely briefed on the objectives of the BAKAT program designed by the college. At the end of his speech, the Commandant announced the BAKAT leadership line-up for MCSC Cohort 50/2021. The Commandant hoped that the newly elected committee members would work together with the FM/DS wives in achieving the derived objectives.

The second session began with the opening remarks by Puan Hajjah Habibah Bte Mazlan, the MAFSC BAKAT Chairperson. In her speech, she welcomed all the CP wives and provided them with a short history of the establishment of BAKAT. She emphasised that the role of BAKAT is to provide welfare services to their members and families. This will be the main focus in the conduct of BAKAT activities and the college will adhere to the guidance and the wisdom set by the College Board of Governors (BOG). At the same time, she reminded the wives to be respectful among each other and to actively participate in all planned programs, be it, virtual or face-to-face activities. She then announced the five main activities that were planned for this cohort. At the end of this event, the Commandant and BAKAT Chairperson took the opportunity to formally receive all the OCP wives (OCPW) as the new member of the MAFSC BAKAT organisation. This is indeed a unique moment as the MAFSC BAKAT organisation consists of members from overseas.

As for the meeting today, 20 out of 32 OCPW participated through the virtual platform. There were 17 OCPW who joined the online meeting from Malaysia while 3 OCPW wives joined from outside of Malaysia. Those who joined from outside of Malaysia are two OCPW from Indonesia and one OCPW from Saudi Arabia. The meeting was adjourned at 1530H.

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Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College, National Centre For Defence Studies, No. 1 Jalan PUPAHANAS P1, Presint 1

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00

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