Klinik Pergigian Aquarius

Established since 2013 by Qualified, Highly Skilled & Experienced Dentist, Dr. Azanin Ahmad.

Consultation hours :
Monday to Sunday : 9am to 9pm
โ€ขPlease be noted that for treatments after 6.30pm, all treatments will be entertained by appointment only.

Photos from Klinik Pergigian Aquarius's post 23/01/2024

Gigi geraham bongsu terimpak/Impacted wisdom tooth.

Gigi geraham bongsu terimpak adalah gigi geraham bongsu yang tumbuh secara tidak normal, iaitu tumbuh separuh atau tumbuh condong ke pelbagai arah. Kesannya :

1. Hilang fungsi mengunyah.
2. Gigi susah digosok dan dibersihkan.
3. Menyebabkan luka dan ulser pada p**i dan gusi di sekelilingnya.
4. Menyebabkan beberapa jenis masalah gusi, gigi dan tulang yang lain seperti :
i. Gusi - Gusi terinfeksi yang menyebabkannya berdarah, bengkak, sakit, dan bernanah.
ii. Gigi - Karies terjadi di celah gigi dan akar gigi geraham bongsu dan gigi geraham kedua, yang susah untuk ditampal. Kemudiannya apabila karies membesar dan terkena saraf gigi, akan menyebabkan kedua-dua gigi geraham ini terinfeksi. Gigi akan sakit, bengkak dan bernanah. Kuman akan masuk kebahagian tisu sekitar, dan akan menyebabkan pembengkakan muka dan tisu sekitar.
iii. Tulang - Sista/Cyst atau tumor di sekeliling gigi dan tulang.
5. Menyebabkan kesesakan ruang dan mengganggu ruang gigi-gigi dihadapannya.

Selagi tiada apa-apa gejala atau simptom, tiada rawatan diperlukan, hanya cek semula gigi geraham bongsu setiap 6 bulan. Tetapi bila ada gejala, rawatan awal seperti ubat-ubatan, cabutan atau surgeri mungkin perlu dilakukan untuk mengelakkan gejala yang lebih buruk.
~ Ditulis oleh Dr. Azanin Ahmad.


Assalamualaikum/Hi, pilihan-pilihan Crown & Bridge yang ada di Klinik Pergigian Aquarius, dengan jaminan/warranty 5 tahun, kad jaminan/warranty card diberikan. ZIRCONIA dan IPs E.MAX, kedua-duanya adalah diantara pilihan Crown & Bridge yang terbaik.


Assalamualaikum/Hi dari Dr Azanin Ahmad, anda kehilangan gigi dan yang mana satu menjadi rawatan pilihan anda?


Assalamualaikum/Hi from Dr Azanin Ahmad, have a good day on this blessed Jumaat.

Klinik Pergigian Aquarius Consultation hours :
Monday to Sunday : 9.00am to 9pm
(Please walk in or call 0133628606)


Tahun baru dengan azam baru, Selamat Tahun Baru!


Selamat Aidiladha!

Photos from Klinik Pergigian Aquarius's post 28/07/2020

๐ŸŒดHari Wukuf di Arafah, semoga Allah swt makbulkan doa dan terima semua amalan kita semua, amiin๐ŸŒด

First Aid for a Child Choking 07/07/2020

Heimlick Maneuver + CPR(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), both are two basic compulsary techniques we must learn to save lives, there are few catagories of victims, for the adult, child, infant, for the conscious, unconscious, breathing, non breathing with pulse, non breathing and no pulse. We also need to know when is the best time to call for the paramedics for help. All will be taught in both techniques. We should take a class to learn this, learn from the paramedics and medics. Don't learn from a video, this video is just to show, or else u might break the chest bone while doing CPR, and the choking object is not that easy to spill out if do it wrongly. A very good video.

First Aid for a Child Choking Do you know what to do if a child (1 year to puberty) is choking. This video by Linda Nylander-Housholder, APRN. will demonstrate how to identify signs of ch...


Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

Timeline photos 08/04/2020


Tibanya nisfu Syaaban bermakna kita sudah terlalu hampir dengan Ramadan.

Banyakkan berdoa mudah-mudahan pandemik COVID-19 segera berakhir dan kita dapat menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadan seperti tahun-tahun sebelum ini. InsyaAllah.

Walaupun tiada amalan yang dikhususkan pada malam nisfu Syaaban, ambillah peluang dengan beramal sebanyak-banyaknya sama ada dengan membaca al-Quran, solat sunat, berzikir dan lain-lain lagi.

Sumber rujukan : https://muftiwp.gov.my/en/artikel/irsyad-al-hadith/1121-irsyad-al-hadith-siri-ke-70-kelebihan-malam-nisfu-sya-ban

Timeline photos 08/04/2020


Daripada Abdullah bin Amr RA, bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda:

ูŠูŽุทู‘ูŽู„ูุนู ุงู„ู„ู‡ู ุนุฒู‘ูŽ ูˆุฌู„ู‘ูŽ ุฅู„ู‰ ุฎูŽู„ู’ู‚ูู‡ู ู„ูŠู„ูŽุฉูŽ ุงู„ู†ู‘ูุตูู ู…ูู†ู’ ุดูŽุนู’ุจูŽุงู†ูŽ ุŒ ููŠูŽุบู’ููุฑู ู„ูุนุจุงุฏูู‡ู ุฅูู„ู‘ูŽุง ู„ูุงุซู’ู†ูŽูŠู’ู†ู ู…ูุดูŽุงุญูู†ู ุŒ ูˆู‚ูŽุงุชูู„ู ู†ูŽูู’ุณู

Maksudnya: โ€œAllah SWT melihat pada malam nisfu Syaโ€™ban kemudian mengampunkan hamba-Nya kecuali dua (golongan) iaitu orang yang bermusuhan dan orang yang membunuh diriโ€. [Riwayat Ahmad, no. Hadith 6353] Ibn Hajar mengatakan sanadnya layyin (salah satu daripada ciri hadith dhaif). [Lihat: al-Zawajir โ€˜an Iqtiraf al-Kabair, 2:43] Manakala Ahmad Syakir mengatakan sanadnya adalah sahih [Lihat: Musnad Ahmad, 10:127]


Klinik Pergigian Aquarius - Build a confident smile for your kids.
Just by taking them for every 6 months dental check up can lessen their phobia to the dentist, as well as improving their oral health care and increasing their self confidence.
Book an appointment now by calling us Klinik Pergigian Aquarius at 03 89617281.

Photos from Klinik Pergigian Aquarius's post 21/09/2019

Loose Tooth In Adult - by Klinik Pergigian Aquarius.
As milk teeth dentition, it is a must for the teeth to become loose, so that they can be replaced by the permanent teeth dentition.
But for the permanent teeth dentition, having a loose tooth that is not treated, will leads to the tooth to be lost permanently.

These are the causes of the tooth to become loose :
1. Gum disease - plaque that has not been removed by brushing and flossing can be harden to create Tartar. Hard Tartar can only be removed by dentist, by Scaling procedure. Tartar that is seated between tooth and gum, that has not been removed, can detach the tooth from the gum, and this will result in the tooth to become loose.
2. Underlying disease like uncontrol Diebetes, can also promote and worsen gum disease.
3. Habits - habitually and frequently tooth grinding at nights, or clenching teeth during days can loosen the teeth. Injured surrounding tissues around the teeth due to clenching and grinding will lead the tooth to become loose.
4. During pregnancy - the changes of hormones during pregnancy can cause the tooth to become loose.
5. Injury - during injury like car accident, fall down etc., hard impact on tooth can injures the tooth and the surrounding tissues resulting in the tooth to become loose.

When a tooth become more loose and the problem become irreversible, we will loose the tooth forever.
These are some treatments to prevent tooth lost or to maintain the tooth loose problem from
getting worse :
1. Basic oral health care - Brushing 2 times daily, in the morning and before bedtime, flossing once in 24 hours, regular check up to dentist twice a year, is the first move to prevent oral health problems.
2. Scaling by dentist to remove Tartar. This treatment is also can be supported with some medications. For worse cases, deep cleaning or surgical might take place.
3. Treatment for Diebetes is needed to stabilise the Diebetes problem from getting worse and uncontrollable.
4. Removable Mouth Guard is construct for patient to wear at night or during days for tooth grinding and clenching problems to prevent the tooth from the impact of grinding and clenching.
5. Wire Splint is place to attach the loose tooth with other teeth to stabilised the loose tooth.

Loose tooth can be noticeable when the tooth starts to move out of the normal teeth alignment.
If the tooth is left untreatable and has to be pull out, replacing it by denture, bridge or implant can be done, or in some cases, just leave it as it is๐Ÿ˜.


Salam Aidiladha Mubarak to my beloved family and friends, and to all, may we be happy on this blessed day onwards and may all our good wishes come true, allahumma ameen.

Photos from Klinik Pergigian Aquarius's post 07/08/2019

Bad Denture vs Good Denture.
~by Klinik Pergigian Aquarius.

Today i'm going to discuss the differences between the good and the bad dentures.

There are several types of dentures like metal, flexible, and plastic. Those are made according to the condition of the teeth and oral cavity itself. Eventhough made by different kinds of materials, but the features of a good dentures must be improving the functions of the teeth and the appearance of patient.
So i will list the features of a good and bad dentures below :
-A good denture must be fitted firmly on the gum and teeth, not loose. Make sure during biting and eating, the denture is firm, not rocking up and down. This shows that the denture is not fit on the gum and there is a space between the denture and the gum that made it not sit firmly on the gum. For a good denture, there must be no or least space between the denture and the gum.
-A good denture should improve the function of the teeth and oral cavity, during eating and talking. If you find it difficult to eat during wearing the denture due to loose and rocking, pain during biting, or gum sore occur, these are all the bad features of a denture. If u find difficulty to speak or to pronounce words during wearing the denture, it is also a bad features of a denture.
-If the denture did not improve the appearance, or maybe worsen the appearance, such as Gummy Smile and Facial & Lips Collapse occurs, it is not a good denture.

There is also natural causes that make a denture to have a less function on us. As we get older, the bone ridge of the gum will shrink thoroughly, that make a denture to have a less retention on gum, and the denture may become loose. Lower denture are prone to be loose compare to upper denture due to the presence of tongue.
In lab, an experience dental technician will surely produce a better denture compared to non experience dental technician. An experience dental technician will produre a real shining, real pink colour, and real gum conture of a denture, just like real gum. The fake teeth also will be choosed and placed on the denture just like real teeth conture.

If your denture have those bad features as i have listed above, then u can consult me, make an appointment by calling us Klinik Pergigian Aquarius.
~A Perfect Denture lead a Perfect Smile~

Photos from Klinik Pergigian Aquarius's post 02/08/2019

May we have a blessed and happy Friday by the grace of Allah, allahumma ameen.
- to share today's tazkirah.

Photos from Klinik Pergigian Aquarius's post 10/06/2019

Penggunaan serbuk arang pada permukaan gigi sebagai agen pemutih-oleh Klinik Pergigian Aquarius.

Sejak akhir-akhir ni, apabila pemeriksaan gigi dijalankan bagi setiap pesakit di Klinik Pergigian Aquarius, doktor terjumpa banyak kes pesakit yang masih muda tetapi mempunyai masalah hakisan gigi yang teruk. Bila ditanya, rupanya masalah ini berpunca dari trend memberus gigi menggunakan serbuk arang yang kebanyakannya dibeli secara online.
Diharap pesakit dapat merujuk dahulu kepada doktor pergigian apabila ingin menggunakan apa2 produk baru atau kaedah2 penjagaan gigi yang baru, yang berbeza dengan kaedah yang biasa.

Ini sedikit fakta penting yang doktor nak kongsi berkenaan penggunaan serbuk arang pada gigi :
-Serbuk arang yang mempunyai butir2 yang besar dan kasar lebih senang menghakis gigi berbanding ubat gigi yang mempunyai butir2 yang halus.
-Lapisan pertama gigi yang berwarna putih, iaitu Enamel akan lebih mudah terhakis dan menjadi nipis. Lapisan kedua gigi yang berwarna kuning, iaitu Dentin akan lebih mudah kelihatan, sekaligus gigi akan kelihatan lebih kuning.
-Apabila gigi semakin nipis, ruang saraf di bawah Dentin, iaitu Pulpa akan lebih dekat dengan permukaan luar, oleh itu gigi akan menjadi lebih sensitif dengan rasa panas atau sejuk, seterusnya gigi akan menjadi ngilu.
-Serbuk arang tidak memutihkan gigi, sebaliknya hanya membersihkan gigi. Untuk membuang sisa2 makanan yang lembut pada permukaan gigi, penggunaan berus gigi lembut dan ubat gigi berflorida sudah mencukupi. Penggunaan serbuk arang bukan hanya membuang sisa makanan, malah permukaan gigi turut terhakis. Selain gigi, gusi juga mudah terluka dan terhakis, ulser juga senang terjadi.

Begitu juga dengan penggunaan ubat gigi whitening untuk memutihkan gigi. Ubat gigi jenis ini biasanya mempunyai butir2 yang lebih besar dari ubat gigi biasa. Oleh itu gigi lebih senang terhakis dan menjadi nipis.

Untuk memberus gigi, penggunaan ubat gigi berflorida sudah mencukupi. Jika anda mempunyai masalah gigi kuning, gigi berubah warna dan sebagainya, sila rujuk doktor pergigian untuk nasihat rawatan yang betul.

Di bawah ini doktor sertakan artikel tentang kajian penggunaan serbuk arang pada gigi.



Eid Mubarak to all muslims.


Selamat Hari Ibu untuk Syurgaku๐Ÿ˜Š, ibuku ๐Ÿ’“A. Khan๐Ÿ’“, dan untuk semua ibu di dunia ini. Ya Allah, berikanlah ibuku dan semua ibu-ibu di dunia ini kesihatan yang baik, dipanjangkan umur mereka dalam keberkatan, dan diberikan kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan kepada mereka di dunia dan akhirat, amiin๐Ÿค—


๐ŸŒดSalam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak buat semua umat Islam. Hargai setiap saat di bulan yang mulia dan dicintai ini. Semoga dipermudahkan dan diberkati segala amalan kita, diampuni segala dosa, dan dimakbulkan doa-doa yang baik, amiin.๐ŸŒด

Photos from Klinik Pergigian Aquarius's post 27/04/2019

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan!
Di bulan mulia ini, Klinik Pergigian Aquarius akan beroperasi seperti biasa.
Untuk makluman pesakit, rawatan pergigian yang tidak membatalkan puasa ada mencabut gigi, menampal gigi, 'Scaling & Polishing', 'Tooth Whitening', suntikan ubat bius dan sebagainya.(sila rujuk artikel Pejabat M***i Wilayah Persekutuan di bawah).



Salam Nisfu Sya'ban buat semua umat Islam. Berdoa dan memohon hanya padaNya.

Photos from Klinik Pergigian Aquarius's post 16/04/2019

Super Gorgeous Smile!!
A combination treatments of Scaling & Polishing and Tooth Whitening can give you a charming smile this coming Aidilfitri. For further enquiries, please call us, Klinik Pergigian Aquarius at 03-89617281.


Free Dental Check Up & Oral Health Awareness.
Come and celebrate the Oral Health Month 2019 with us. For the whole month of April, we are conducting a Free Dental Check Up to emphasis and to encourage the Awareness of the Oral Health Care to all our beloved patients. Do not hesitate to visit our dentist, and bring along your loved ones.

Want your practice to be the top-listed Dentist in Seri Kembangan?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.





35-G, Jalan PDR 5, Kawasan Perniagaan Desa Ria, Balakong
Seri Kembangan

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00

Other Oral Surgeons in Seri Kembangan (show all)
Klinik pergigian An-nisa Seri Kembangan Klinik pergigian An-nisa Seri Kembangan
Seri Kembangan, 43300

Klinik pergigian yang menyediakan rawatan pergigian oleh doktor gigi yang bertauliah dan berpengalam

Klinik Pergigian Liza Maria Klinik Pergigian Liza Maria
171-1 Jalan LP7/2 Kinrara Uptown Taman Lestari Perdana
Seri Kembangan, 43300

Klinik Pergigian Liza Maria menyediakan rawatan pergigian profesional pada harga yang berpatutan.

Grace Dental Clinic Grace Dental Clinic
1503B, Ground Floor, Jalan Besar
Seri Kembangan, 43300

HP 0176889985