Wangi Durian 旺亿榴莲, Shah Alam Videos

Videos by Wangi Durian 旺亿榴莲 in Shah Alam. 猫山王树苗 Anak Pokok Musang King 黑刺树苗 Anak Pokok Black Thorn 榴莲果实 Buah Dur

Orders from Hong Kong are still coming in strong! A big thank you to all our customers from Hong Kong for your continuous support and referring your friends to our durians.

On top of Fresh Musang King and Black Thorn durians, we now have frozen durian pulps where you can mix a few variety of durians to enjoy. More details will be shared soon!!

大家好吖!! 多谢大家一路以来嘎支持,並介绍我地啲榴槤俾您亲戚好友。 係榴槤季結束前,香港啲單仲有好多!

我地除开新鲜貓山王同黑刺榴槤之外,而家仲有冷凍榴莲果肉,你可以隨意混合幾個吾同榴莲品種。 我們將會分享更多的資訊給大家!!

Other Wangi Durian 旺亿榴莲 videos

Orders from Hong Kong are still coming in strong! A big thank you to all our customers from Hong Kong for your continuous support and referring your friends to our durians. On top of Fresh Musang King and Black Thorn durians, we now have frozen durian pulps where you can mix a few variety of durians to enjoy. More details will be shared soon!! 大家好吖!! 多谢大家一路以来嘎支持,並介绍我地啲榴槤俾您亲戚好友。 係榴槤季結束前,香港啲單仲有好多! 我地除开新鲜貓山王同黑刺榴槤之外,而家仲有冷凍榴莲果肉,你可以隨意混合幾個吾同榴莲品種。 我們將會分享更多的資訊給大家!!

Sebilangan orang mungkin tidak mempunyai banyak ... tetapi mereka tetap menolong jiran dengan apa yang mereka mampu walaupun sedikit, walaupun sakit. Inilah definisi sebenar #kitajagakita *** #wangifoodaid update Date: 18 July 2021 Location: Pangsapuri Chi Liung, Klang Total Spent: RM833 + groceries donated by FR Freight Malaysia Thank you to FR Freight Malaysia for donating some groceries and supporting our small effort. Dino and many of her neighbours used to work at GM Klang but they have been laid off because the shops at GM are not allowed to open and the business owners can’t afford to retain them. It's heartwarming but heartbreaking at the same time, that eventhough they are struggling financially, they would still extend what little help they can to take care of each other. Malaysia's legions of migrant workers have been hit the hardest, especial women migrant workers. They don't get access to government assistance or medical benefits and they don't get assistance from ex employers because they are contract workers. Thousands who lost their jobs have not been paid their previous salaries either. They are marginalised and they face discrimination all the time. Without any official account, the fate of these migrant workers remain largely unknown during this difficult time. #benderaputih #wangidurian #foodaid #pkp2021 #covid19

Durians collected from farm! Heading back to KL soon with our durians. Fresh from farm daily!

Dubbed as 'Black Gold', this kind of Musang King fruit has dark greyish fibre undertones. Durian aficionados would appreciate it when they see this. It comes with a stronger bitter note, satisfying the most delicate of durian tastebuds. But those who know would see the dark spots and complain that our durian is spoiled 🤦🏻‍♀️ #truestory #wangiclassroom #durianmusangking #musangking #blackgoldmusangking #durianruntuh #durianvideos #durianfanatics #durianlovers #durians #durianmalaysia #wangidurian

Made a home-made video tutorial on how to open durian at home.. but failed 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ So.. admin present to you.. 𝙏𝙐𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙄𝘼𝙇 𝙊𝙉 𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙏 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝙏𝙊 𝘿𝙊 𝙒𝙃𝙀𝙉 𝙏𝙍𝙔𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙏𝙊 𝙊𝙋𝙀𝙉 𝘿𝙐𝙍𝙄𝘼𝙉 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙊𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙁𝙍𝙊𝙈 𝙃𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙋𝙃𝙊𝙉𝙀. 1. Always check camera angle again and again after fixing on tripod coz the holder can senget and fall downwards. 2. Don't try to be cameraman, editor, director, durian opener and all bao ka liao. Get help from your mother, sister, brother, husband or security guard. 3. Invest in beauty light. 4. Don't shoot after 7pm. Shadow everywhere. Need to bring the durian next to window or outside. Which brings to my next point. 5. Don't bring durian inside a room to shoot. The smell lasted for 3 days. 🙄 6. Next time, do it in the shop. 7. Ask boss for 1 more spare durian. Don't be so kedekut. WTF. So confident 1 durian can kautim 1 video. #durian #durianruntuh #d13 #durianvideos #durianfanatics #durianlovers #durians #homemadevideo #durianmalaysia #wangidurian #wangiclassroom

Durians will be sent out as soon as we finish sorting them for delivery.

First batch of durians have been sent out just now. We're rushing the 2nd batch now. We're trying to process the orders as fast as we can but we have to filter and ensure quality. Please have a lil patience ya.. 🙇🏻‍♀️

Ni nak tunjuk sikit, bagi teaser. Sapa yg dah masuk order, boleh la dapat Musang King petang ni ye. Kalau ada sesiapa yang nak order, booking dah close minggu ni untuk Musang King tapi boleh pre-order for next weekend. Harga berpatutan: Musang King 400g RM58 Musang King 1.2kg RM170 Yang berminat sila Whatsapp, jangan minta PM tepi ye. Takut busy nanti tak sempat nak reply.

Musang King orders are closed for this weekend but other durians are still available. Thank you so much to everyone who ordered. More durians will be dropping soon and we'll be able to take on more orders towards mid season. #wangidurian #durianking #musangking #kingofkingsdurians #durianmusangking #musangkingdurians #durianlovers #durianruntuh #musimdurian #durians #malaysiandurian #fathersday #HappyFathersDay #pkp2021 #lockdownlife #FMCO

猜猜有几公斤?全是皇中皇,想要其它的品种,留守我们: 开放预定,请联络我们: Wangi Durian 小编 YouTube :

Wangi Durian Live
Live on Facebook 12Jun

阿公生日你们在忙什么? 两分钟让带你看看我们位于Asahan 的榴莲芭 FMCO不要趴趴走,家人你来保护 榴莲我们自己来照顾。加油! 要找榴莲苗和果苗的老板记们得找旺亿 树苗品种: 1. 猫山王 2. 黑刺 3. Jawi Super 4. D101 5. Tupai King 6. 罗汉番石榴 7. Avacado 鳄梨果 8. 人参果 9. 红毛丹 10. Ping Pong 龙眼 / 红龙眼 / 胡椒龙眼 11. 椰子 12. 酸柑 13. 日本山竹 14. 菠萝蜜 果苗价钱从RM15起 有兴趣请连咯我,我们的苗场在士毛月Semenyih。 上门取货! *FMCO 3.0 禁止开放·* 欢迎致电询问: Bernard YouTube : #wangidurian #wangidurian旺亿榴莲 #榴莲树苗 #猫山王树苗 #黑刺树苗 #罗汉番石榴 #jawisuper #d101 #tupaiking #avacadolove #avacado #鳄梨果 #duriantree #blackthornplant #musangkingplant #semenyih #AsahanFarm

老板静静的把灌水系统升级了! 为了确保榴莲宝宝能够充分的得到水分,这个够够力的水泵能直接把水池里的水不间断一路灌溉到山顶。 问题来了,那我们要如何处置那7个旧的水泵呢? 要找榴莲苗和果苗的老板记们得找旺亿 树苗品种: 1. 猫山王 2. 黑刺 3. Jawi Super 4. D101 5. Tupai King 6. 罗汉番石榴 7. Avacado 鳄梨果 8. 人参果 9. 红毛丹 10. Ping Pong 龙眼 / 红龙眼 / 胡椒龙眼 11. 椰子 12. 酸柑 13. 日本山竹 14. 菠萝蜜 果苗价钱从RM15起 有兴趣请连咯我,我们的苗场在士毛月Semenyih。 上门取货! *FMCO 3.0 禁止开放·* 欢迎致电询问: Bernard YouTube : #wangidurian #wangidurian旺亿榴莲 #榴莲树苗 #猫山王树苗 #黑刺树苗 #罗汉番石榴 #jawisuper #d101 #tupaiking #avacadolove #avacado #鳄梨果 #duriantree #blackthornplant #musangkingplant #semenyih #AsahanFarm

How to choose a good tree?
How to choose a good and healthy tree for your farm? Let's us show you 如何选择好的树苗? 让我们来告诉你,保证毫无保留! 要找榴莲苗和果苗的老板记们得找旺亿 树苗品种: 1. 猫山王 2. 黑刺 3. Jawi Super 4. D101 5. Tupai King 6. 罗汉番石榴 7. Avacado 鳄梨果 8. 人参果 9. 红毛丹 10. Ping Pong 龙眼 / 红龙眼 / 胡椒龙眼 11. 椰子 12. 酸柑 13. 日本山竹 14. 菠萝蜜 果苗价钱从RM15起 有兴趣请连咯我,我们的苗场在士毛月Semenyih。 上门取货! 欢迎致电询问: Bernard YouTube : #wangidurian #wangidurian旺亿榴莲 #榴莲树苗 #猫山王树苗 #黑刺树苗 #罗汉番石榴 #jawisuper #d101 #tupaiking #avacadolove #avacado #鳄梨果 #duriantree #blackthornplant #musangkingplant #semenyih
