The Future Market

Strange knowledge has increased again.


Anyone wishing to learn about trading bitcoin options contracts can contact this page and a professional broker will be available for you, but you will need to pay 10% of your total profit as compensation. The timing of the payment can be agreed with the broker providing the service to you. Note: Please follow the advice of your broker in arranging your investment. If you follow the advice of your broker and make a reasonable investment plan but lose money, this page will negotiate with the broker to compensate you for your losses up to 200K USD, otherwise this page will not be responsible for any losses incurred.


In the past few days, bitcoin retail investors have once again been reeled in.


After a long period of silence, the price of BTC has continued to rise and has recovered to the 30,000 mark. It is expected that this rise will mark a major market change in the future. The Web3 era is about to enter, and cryptocurrency may be the general direction of the future.


The following is a list of some of the most recent public companies:

Roblox Corporation (RBLX) - game developer, listed on the NYSE on March 10, 2021.
Coupang Inc. (CPNG) - Korean e-commerce giant, listed on Nasdaq on March 11, 2021.
Coinbase Global, Inc. (COIN) - digital currency exchange, listed on NASDAQ on April 14, 2021.
UiPath, Inc. (PATH) - software automation company, listed on NASDAQ on April 21, 2021.
AppLovin Corporation (APP) - mobile game and application developer, listed on NASDAQ on April 15, 2021.
Roblox Corporation (RBLX) - game developer, listed on the NYSE on March 10, 2021.
Squarespace, Inc. (SQSP) - website and e-commerce platform provider, listed on Nasdaq on May 19, 2021.
Roblox Corporation (RBLX) - The game developer quickly gained a lot of market attention and investor favor after going public, but the risks it may face include:
Highly dependent on the number of users and activity, if the number of users and activity decline, it will affect the company's revenue and profits.
There are objectionable content and child protection issues that could lead to legal action and loss of reputation.
Threats from competitors, including other online gaming and social media platforms.
Coupang Inc. (CPNG) - The South Korean e-commerce giant quickly became the focus of global investors following its IPO, but possible risks include:
Highly dependent on the Korean market, failure to succeed in other markets will affect the company's revenue and profits.
There are logistics and supply chain issues that can lead to delayed deliveries and a poor user experience.
Threats from competitors, including other e-commerce platforms and online retailers.
Coinbase Global, Inc. (COIN) - This digital currency exchange has attracted a lot of investors and attention after listing, but the risks it may face include:
Highly dependent on the cryptocurrency market, if the cryptocurrency market fluctuates greatly, it will affect the company's revenue and profits.
There are regulatory risks, which could lead to legal action and regulatory pressure on companies as governments around the world increase their oversight of cryptocurrencies.
Threats from competitors, including other digital currency exchanges and cryptocurrency wallet providers.
UiPath, Inc. (PATH) - The software automation company has garnered a lot of attention from investors and users after going public, but risks it may face include:
Highly dependent on corporate customers, failure to attract and retain customers will impact the company's revenue and profits.
There are technical challenges, including the complexity of the automation software and high maintenance costs.
Threats from competitors, including other automation software providers and cloud computing service providers.
AppLovin Corporation (APP) - The mobile game and app developer has garnered a lot of attention from investors and users after going public, but risks it may face include:
Highly dependent on advertising revenue, if the advertising market declines, it will affect the company's revenue and profits.
There are problems with user growth and activity. If it cannot attract enough users and increase user activity, it will affect the company's business development.
Threats from competitors, including other mobile game and app developers and ad technology providers.
Squarespace, Inc. (SQSP) - The website and e-commerce platform provider has garnered a lot of attention from investors and users after going public, but risks it may face include:
Highly dependent on subscription revenue, if the number of subscriptions declines, it will affect the company's revenue and profits.
There are brand recognition and market share issues, and if it cannot differentiate itself from competitors and expand market share, it will affect the company's business development.
Threats from competitors, including other website and e-commerce platform providers as well as online marketplaces and social media platforms.
It should be noted that these risks and challenges will not necessarily affect the business and stock performance of these companies, and investors should conduct their own research and risk assessment and invest cautiously.

Photos from The Future Market's post 02/04/2023

Market Research:

Bitcoin is a digital currency supported by a set of computer algorithms and cryptography principles without the intervention of a central bank or other central authority. According to CoinMarketCap data, as of April 3, 2023, Bitcoin's market capitalization was about $1.6 trillion, and its price was about $75,000.
Globally, Bitcoin is widely used in fintech. More and more companies are beginning to accept Bitcoin as a payment method, including Microsoft, Dell, Stripe, PayPal, etc. In addition, the governments of some countries have also begun to research and explore the use of digital currencies, including China, the United States, Japan, etc.

risk assessment:
As a digital currency, Bitcoin has certain risks. Here are a few potential risks:
Volatility: The price of Bitcoin is very volatile and can rise or fall significantly within a short period of time.
Security: Although Bitcoin uses advanced cryptography to protect transactions, if you accidentally disclose your private key to others, your assets may be stolen.
Legal risk: The legal status of Bitcoin is unclear, and some countries may restrict or prohibit the use of Bitcoin.

Future Potential Assessment:
The future potential of Bitcoin is very large. Here are a few possible factors:
Market acceptance: Bitcoin has been widely used in the financial technology field, and as more companies and governments begin to research and explore the use of digital currencies, the market acceptance of Bitcoin may continue to increase.
Demand: The total amount of Bitcoin is limited, only 21 million. As more and more people realize the value and scarcity of Bitcoin, demand will likely continue to increase.
Technological advances: Bitcoin's technology is constantly evolving, and as technology continues to improve, Bitcoin's security and usability may be further improved.

As a digital currency, Bitcoin has certain risks, but its future potential is very large. If you have enough risk tolerance, Bitcoin may be a good investment choice. However, due to the large fluctuations in the price of Bitcoin, it is recommended that investors should adjust according to their own financial status and risk tolerance

The development of artificial intelligence technology has already had a huge impact in many fields, including the financial field and the cryptocurrency market. Therefore, the popularity of artificial intelligence has had a positive impact on the cryptocurrency market.
With the continuous development and application of artificial intelligence technology, it is expected that more intelligent investment and trading platforms will emerge to help investors better manage their cryptocurrency assets. In addition, artificial intelligence technology can also be used for cryptocurrency mining and trading, improving transaction speed and efficiency, and further promoting the development of the cryptocurrency market.
Although the future trend of the cryptocurrency market is difficult to predict, with the continuous application and development of artificial intelligence technology, it is believed that more innovation and progress will be brought to the cryptocurrency market, and the transparency and stability of the market will be improved. At the same time, investors also need to stay vigilant and carefully study market trends and risks in order to make more informed investment decisions.

Photos from The Future Market's post 06/03/2023

Research and development, OEM, and production


The Doomsday Clock (also known as the Doomsday Clock, Hong Kong called the Doomsday Clock; English: Doomsday Clock) is a fictional clock face, established by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago in 1947, marking the extent to which the world is threatened by nuclear weapons: 12 o'clock symbolizes the outbreak of a nuclear war, and the magazine moves the minute hand forward or backward in response to the world situation to remind everyone to face up to the problem.
On January 27, 2021, the time on the Doomsday Clock is set at 100 seconds before midnight.
On January 24, 2023 local time, a team of scientists from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced at the press conference of the National Press Club in Washington that the "Doomsday Clock" will be moved forward by 10 seconds, only 10 seconds away from midnight, which symbolizes the end of the world. 90 seconds left.

Photos from The Future Market's post 11/01/2023

Recently, several videos uploaded by Ukrainian citizens have caused an uproar. In order to supplement combat forces, the Ukrainian government has already begun to "grab strong men" on the street.
A video shows that on the street, a couple who were pushing a stroller were surrounded by Ukrainian conscription officers. Even though the woman kept begging, these staff did not show any mercy, and directly took the man into the pickup truck forcibly. , and finally walk away;
In another video, two men on motorcycles went to the local market to make purchases, but they happened to meet personnel from the conscription agency. One man was stopped and taken away on the spot, while the other man tried to avoid "hunting" , hurriedly drove a motorcycle and forcibly fled the scene.
In addition, there is also the phenomenon of Ukrainian soldiers coming to "arrest people". Several recruiters wearing headgear broke into a private house and forcibly carried away an older Ukrainian man. There was also a child who tried to Pulled the recruiter, but was pushed away.
Faced with these "grabbing strong men" behaviors, the Ukrainian people can only choose to avoid. Some men even dared to go out after being forced to put on makeup, and some people chose to flee across the border. According to the report of the Ukrainian Border Service, it recently captured 3 people trying to flee to Hungary Ukrainian men, one of whom also put on women's clothing and a wig, admitted afterwards that he wanted to avoid conscription in this way, but he still failed in the end.
However, the tricks of the Ukrainian military recruitment agency are far more than that.
A takeaway boy from Ukraine only found out after arriving at the food delivery location that the other party was actually a staff member of the conscription office, so the takeaway boy was "naturally" received a conscription summons.
The most absurd thing is that even government officials have not been able to escape the "claw" of the conscription office. In the city government of Brovali, Kyiv Oblast, officials who were holding a parliament were also broken into by the conscription office. All male government officials in the city were issued conscription summonses, even the mayor of the city.
In addition to these, there are many "tricks" in the Ukrainian military conscription office. Some of them take people away at the funerals of dead officers and soldiers. Disabled people without hands also receive conscription orders. Some of them drive ambulances all over the city to find young Ukrainian men. Even the nightclubs are guarded by conscription officers, so it is no wonder that the outside world joked that "Ukrainian men are gone."
Among the many videos, there is a scene that is very distressing. A group of Ukrainian women surrounded the recruiting officers and asked where their husbands and sons were. They did not know what reason these staff should respond.
At present, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has shown signs of intensification. The two sides are fighting in Donbass, Zaporozhye, Kharkov and other areas. Now the Russian army is still breaking through the strategic locations of Ukraine one after another. The strength of the Ukrainian army Faced with this situation, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the tenth round of conscription, saying that he would recruit another 150,000 soldiers before March, which led to various bizarre conscription incidents.
Of course, just relying on "grabbing strong men" will inevitably not be able to gather 150,000 people, so Ukraine simply turned its idea to the European Union. It is reported that Zelensky has recently issued a notice to the European Union, asking all countries to repatriate Ukrainian refugees who had previously fled to the European Union as soon as possible , especially those men of school age who are eligible for conscription.
At the same time, the Ukrainian government has also made "two-handed preparations". According to media reports, more than 4,000 public security policemen have been transferred to the front line, and these policemen have also been asked to resign from their own jobs to participate in the battle with Russia as commandos. Army combat operations.
What is even more chilling is that in order to control public opinion and ensure the progress of the conscription work, the Ukrainian security department also prohibited the relatives of the soldiers who died in battle from speaking out. She posted on social media asking for help, hoping to get information about her son, but what she waited for was not a response from the Ukrainian government, but a visit from several soldiers with guns. These people asked her to delete the relevant content. After the physical conflict broke out, These soldiers also wanted to forcibly take away the relatives of the soldiers who died in action.
The reason why this matter will be fermented quickly is that the Transcarpathian state borders Hungary, and many local people are Hungarians. Therefore, the Hungarian government and the media have maintained a high degree of attention to this matter. Failed to cover up some chaos.
The picture shows Ukrainian civilians receiving military training
We know that in the previous ninth round of large-scale conscription, the Ukrainian government has relaxed the conditions to men aged 18 to 60, and even some adult women. Now less than three months have passed, and Zelensky once again The conscription order was issued, and it was clear that its front-line warfare had suffered serious setbacks.
There is another statistic worth noting. According to the current information, in the latest round of conscription, the proportion of newly recruited female soldiers in Ukraine has reached nearly a quarter, which means that there are fewer and fewer people in Ukraine who can participate in combat. , and these newly mobilized soldiers obviously do not have sufficient combat effectiveness. On the other hand, Russia's deployment is much more organized. In addition to the 300,000 reserves that have been mobilized before but have not yet been fully deployed on the battlefield, Russian regular troops are also being mobilized from other regions. In addition, about 15,000 people are trained in Belarus and are ready to fight at any time. Obviously, the situation is very difficult for Ukraine.
At this critical moment, the tank commitments of Western countries have not yet been put in place. The United States, citing insufficient production capacity, stated that the M1 tanks would not be delivered until August at the earliest, while the United Kingdom stated that the Challenger 2 would have to wait until summer. No wonder. Zelensky kept emphasizing "too late" in the interview.

Photos from The Future Market's post 03/01/2023

When new ideas about quantum mechanics spread like wildfire through science in the first half of the 20th century, one of the first things physicists did was apply them to gravity and general relativity. It didn't turn out well. It is clear that these two foundations of modern physics are completely incompatible. When physicists try to fuse these methods together, the resulting equations are bewildered by an infinite number of things that simply can't be explained.
Then in the mid-1960s, there was a breakthrough. Physicists John Wheeler and Bryce DeWitt managed to bring together previously incompatible ideas, resulting in a key result that came to be known as the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. This is important because it avoids an infinite amount of trouble - a huge improvement.
But physicists soon realized that while the Wheeler-DeWitt equation solved one important problem, it introduced another. The new problem is that time plays no role in this equation. In fact, it says that nothing has ever happened in the universe, a prediction that clearly contradicts the observed evidence.
This conundrum, which physicists call the "time problem," has proven to be a thorn in the side of modern physicists, who try to ignore it, with little success. Then in 1983, theorists Don Page and William Woods proposed a new solution based on the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. This is the singular property of two quantum particles co-existing even though they are physically separated.
Entanglement is a deep and powerful link, and Page and Wootters show how it can be used to measure time. The idea is that the way a pair of entangled particles evolve is a sort of clock that can be used to measure changes. But the result depends on the way of observation. One way is to compare the changes in the entangled particles to an external clock that is completely independent of the universe. This is equivalent to a god-like observer outside the universe measuring the evolution of particles using an external clock.
In this case, Page and Wootters showed that the particles would remain completely unchanged—time would not exist in this case. But there is another way to get different results. This is an observer inside the universe comparing the evolution of the particle with the rest of the universe. In this case, an inner observer sees a change, and the difference in the evolution of this entangled particle from other particles is an important measure of time.
It's an elegant and powerful idea. It shows that time is an emergent phenomenon that arises due to the nature of entanglement. It exists only for observers inside the universe. Any God-like outsider could see a static, unchanging universe, as predicted by the Wheeler-DeWitt equation.
Of course, without experimental verification, Page and Wood's idea is nothing more than a philosophical curiosity. And, since there can never be an observer outside the universe, there doesn't seem to be much opportunity to test this idea.
until now. Today, Ekaterina Moreva of the Institute for Metrological Science (INRIM) in Turin, Italy, and a few friends conducted the first experimental test of Page and Woodters' idea. They also confirmed that time is indeed an emergent phenomenon for "inside" observers, but an absent phenomenon for outside observers.
The experiment involved creating a universe consisting of a pair of entangled photons and an observer who could measure their state in one of two ways. First, the observer measures the evolution of the system by becoming entangled with the system. In a second experiment, a god-like observer measured evolution using an external clock completely independent of the toy world.
The experimental details are very simple. Entangled photons each have a polarization that can be changed by passing through a birefringent plate. In the first setup, the observer measures the polarization of a photon, thereby becoming entangled with it. He or she then compares that to the polarization of the second photon. The difference is a measure of time.
In the second setup, the photons pass again through the birefringent plate, which changes their degree of polarization. In this case, however, observers can only measure the global properties of the two photons by comparing them to an independent clock.
In this case, the observer cannot detect any difference between the photons without becoming entangled with one of them. If there is no difference, the system will appear static. In other words, time did not appear.
This is an impressive experiment. Emergence is a popular idea in the scientific community. In particular, physicists have recently gotten excited about the idea that gravity is an emerging phenomenon. So it's a relatively small step to think that time might play out in a similar way.
Of course, what emergent gravity lacks is an experimental demonstration to show how it works in practice. That's why this phase of work is significant. For the first time, it puts an abstract and bizarre idea on a solid experimental basis.
Perhaps most importantly, quantum mechanics and general relativity are not so incompatible. From the perspective of entanglement, the famous "time problem" will disappear. The next step will be to take this idea further, especially at the macro level. How time arises is one thing for photons, and quite another for larger objects, such as humans and train timetables.

Photos from The Future Market's post 02/01/2023

What is a gamma ray burst!
Gamma Ray Burst (GRB for short), also known as Gamma-ray burst, is a phenomenon in which the intensity of gamma rays from a certain direction in the sky suddenly increases in a short period of time, and then rapidly weakens, and the duration is between 0.1- For 1000 seconds, the radiation is mainly concentrated in the energy range of 0.1-100MeV. Gamma-ray bursts were discovered in 1967. For decades, people have not understood their nature very clearly, but it is basically certain that they are eruptions that occur in stellar-class celestial bodies on the cosmological scale. Gamma-ray bursts are one of the most active research fields in astronomy. They were listed as one of the top ten scientific and technological advances of the year by the US magazine Science twice in 1997 and 1999.
Gamma-ray bursts are the most powerful bursts in the known universe, theorized to be produced by the collapse and explosion of a massive star as it runs out of fuel, or by the merger of two nearby compact stars (black holes or neutron stars). Gamma-ray bursts can be as short as a thousandth of a second and as long as several hours, releasing huge amounts of energy in a short period of time. If compared with the sun, it releases in a few minutes the equivalent of trillions of years of sunlight, and the energy of a single photon emitted is usually hundreds of thousands of times that of typical sunlight.

Physicists have found through calculations that powerful gamma-ray bursts can kill a certain range of life in the universe, and what is even more deadly is that gamma-ray bursts still occur regularly, which is bad news for life in the universe, because this Circumstances can prevent cosmic life from evolving into advanced species. According to the latest assessment, gamma-ray bursts may have cleared about 90% of the galaxy space, and the Milky Way is also impacted by gamma-ray bursts. Life on earth may face a similar fate in the future. Gamma-ray bursts come from stars that explode at the end of their lives, with powerful radiation that can damage DNA and cause planets to lose their atmospheres.

Scientists have also discovered that gamma-ray bursts have hit the earth in the past 500 million years or so, leading to the extinction of a large number of lives. This explanation may explain why we still have not found other life in the universe. Scientists have also discovered gamma-ray bursts based on sky survey observations. Could render many galaxies lifeless. The earth has also been "baptized" by gamma-ray bursts in the past years, but life on earth has survived tenaciously. This situation will also occur on other celestial bodies in the universe, which means that life on other celestial bodies may have a more tenacious life. vitality.

In the past 500 million years or so, gamma-ray burst events in the Milky Way have made most of the Milky Way unviable. Tsvi Piran, a physicist from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said that we have discovered deadly gamma-ray bursts in the Milky Way. Gamma-ray bursts may also occur around the earth, but the gamma-ray bursts near the center of the Milky Way are more powerful, and the probability of gamma-ray bursts at the edge of the Milky Way will be less than 50%. In terms of distance, the probability of life in the universe surviving about 32,000 light-years away from the center of the Milky Way will be greater.

From the distribution characteristics of galaxies, it can be seen that life is suitable for living on the edge of large galaxies, and the space environment here is the safest. Therefore, only the edges of large galaxies are suitable for survival, and such spaces account for about 10% of galaxies. According to the observation results of space telescopes, gamma-ray bursts occur almost every day in the universe, and the direction is random. If a planet with life is unfortunately on the release path of gamma-ray bursts, then the Will encounter catastrophe, scientists believe that the probability of such an event happening is one in 10 million.

Photos from The Future Market's post 28/12/2022

The four most powerful forces in the universe, one more powerful than the other.

Supermassive black holes.
Black holes are 'the power of God divided by zero'
Scientists believe that at the core of all galaxies are supermassive black holes.
Mass of a supermassive black hole = 1 million to 10 billion times the mass of the sun.
The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way is roughly equivalent to 4 million to 5 million suns,
It governs 100 billion to 400 billion stars and countless other interstellar matter in the Milky Way. If it is a super black hole with a mass of 10 billion times the sun, its power cannot be estimated.

supernova explosion - the big explosion before the death of some stars
Gamma-ray bursts produced by supernova explosions are life-sweepers in the universe.
An international research team led by D**g Subo, a researcher at Peking University, announced in 2015 that they had observed the most powerful supernova explosion ever recorded in human history. About 20 times the luminosity.

The Big Bang theory, the universe from 0 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8 to infinity. …
Dao begets one, one, two, two, three, and three, and all things are born. The universe is replicated and expanded to the current state.
If in the future, humans create a nano-robot that can replicate itself, the ultimate task for the robot is to replicate.
Theoretically, robots can copy themselves unlimitedly, and eventually turn the earth into a copy factory, the solar system into a copy factory, the galaxy into a copy factory, and finally even the universe into a copy factory.

The greatest strength, intelligence.
Wisdom is definitely the most powerful force in the universe. Wisdom can change everything in the universe if given enough time.
Even create new universes.
At present, human beings have created a new universe in the virtual world.
Wisdom is a living development, unpredictable.
As long as enough time is given, the extent to which wisdom develops is simply unimaginable.

Photos from The Future Market's post 25/12/2022

When it comes to cancer cells, everyone is talking about it! As one of the most terrifying diseases of human beings, the medical community has not yet had a clear cure for cancer. But if we change our thinking, is it possible for cancer cells to make human beings live forever?
We know that different human cells have different division times. When the number of divisions reaches the upper limit, the cells will die. If things go on like this, various organs of the human body will age, and this is the main cause of human death.

immortal cancer cells
Cancer cells are different from other cells in the human body. They break the restriction of the human body on cells and can proliferate indefinitely. Moreover, cancer cells can also spread this characteristic to surrounding cells, so that other surrounding cells are not limited by the number of divisions, and this proliferation will cause human lesions, which is cancer.
In addition, cancer cells are easy to metastasize. It seems that they are completely out of the control of the human body, and they will partially invade the surrounding normal tissues and even transfer to other parts of the body through the internal circulatory system or lymphatic system.
Modern genetic research shows that there are proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in the human body. The proto-oncogene can control the cycle of cell division and proliferation in shopping mode, while the tumor suppressor gene can inhibit the abnormal proliferation of cells. The combination of the two can make Cells divide normally, and various functions of the human body can function normally.
When the balance of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes is broken, cancer cells are born!

Is genetic mutation evolution
In fact, this is a false proposition. For life on earth, there is no doubt that the evolution of each species is accompanied by genetic mutations, but for humans, good genetic mutations are evolution, and bad genetic mutations are diseases. ! And this good and bad is actually judged by human subjective consciousness!
Cancer cells are the product of gene mutations, while carcinogenic factors are external causes.
There are many carcinogens, and the most important carcinogens are various radioactive rays, including some electromagnetic waves. But in fact, mainly including mental factors, genetic factors, lifestyle, etc. are also carcinogenic factors to some extent!
When the effect of carcinogenic factors on cells reaches a certain level, the proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in human cells will mutate! The balance between the two will be broken, so cancer cells will be produced. Therefore, the essence of cancer cells is gene mutation.
Unlike the gene mutation of viruses, there is only one case of gene mutation in cancer cells, which is to break the balance between proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, thereby giving birth to cancer cells. In this sense, cancer cells seem to be directional mutations of genes ! The purpose is to get out of the control of the human body!

Can Cancer Cells Make You Immortal?
Since cancer cells can divide and proliferate indefinitely, and will not die due to the exhaustion of divisions, does it mean that cancer cells are the "key" to human immortality?
This is an interesting question, although today's science cannot give us an answer!
Humans are evolved from lower life forms, and human beings are obviously not the pinnacle of evolution, because both our bodies and our consciousness have many defects, and the essence of evolution is not only the adaptation to nature, but also The level of life has improved, so we have reason to believe that the final form of evolution must be a perfect life, and even a living body that can survive in the universe.
For many people, the perfect living body should be immortal, whether it is consciousness or body!
But the magic is that our cells can divide infinitely, which is a kind of cellular instinct, and this instinct is bound by proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, and cancer cells break free from this restraint.
From the point of view that cancer cells can cause death, the existence of cancer cells is wrong, at least from an evolutionary perspective.
But if we change the way of thinking about the problem, if our body evolves again, becomes able to withstand the infinite division of cancer cells, and then reaches a new evolutionary balance point while this infinite division, does it mean that immortality is no longer fantasy?
Of course, judging from the current situation, this is undoubtedly a fantasy! However, the existence of cancer cells may tell us a possible fact: the "key" of immortality has always been with us, but it takes a long time for human beings to find it!

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