You & Me 友恩蜜
Nearby beauty salons
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Sky Park One City Jalan Usj
D-07-G, Ground Floor Garden Shoppe@Onecity Jalan USJ 25/1A
Health & Beauty Product Distribution
用户名 : Ivy Tan
用户名: ming605
是我的大舅舅介绍我的🤣 一个中年男生跟我讲卫生棉🤣🤣🤣还说这产品好👍👍👍我就呆 B了😅 他还跟说:「我也用过男士养神垫了!」🤨我就愣在那边了🤔想了。。又想,想了又想🤔
过了不久就我舅的老朋友也跟我说了桃花恋产品,他介绍一位从槟城来的 Mr Jeffrey (王总)来民都鲁,叫我去听他介绍桃花恋产品。他问你们知道市场的卫生棉是什么东西做的呢!我就说不知道🤭。后来,他跟我们解释后就明白了!听了后就觉得太恐怖了😱
就这样我就开始用桃花恋卫生巾产品。对我来说,我也用了很多年在市场上的卫生棉产品。我拿来做比较,觉得桃花恋的产品真的好棒好棒。👍👍👍用了它,感觉我没有用卫生棉,很舒服,很透气,就感觉我没有来月经的感觉。更不会觉得很闷,很难受。如果是女人的话,每个人都会有这样的体验过。因为来月经就是很烦躁,很累,感觉下面在夹着什么东西?就是说很不舒服的感觉。姐妹们,你们有过这样的感觉吗?我的月经也来了很准,肚子也没这么痛了,你也会看得到,我用了桃花恋卫生巾,可以看到它有什么反应。它效果真的很不错,也很棒。我用了抑菌洗液用了它也没骚痒 异味 白带 也没了!人就轻松了很多,感觉超舒服的。。用了抑菌洗液它也是我的最爱哦!
直到今天 我从来没有后悔
买了 桃花恋🌸
每年都去检查 做手术 吃药💊
自己的白带 异味骚痒解决了
妇科疾病 真的太恐怖😱
每年都去检查 做手术 吃药💊
自己的白带 异味骚痒解决了
Participation Number: M00003057
Username: ming605
Personal experience
✅Hi everyone,🤗I am here to share the reason I chose Taohualove!🌸
I didn’t know much about Gynecology problems until the last few years when I heard about sickness such as cervical cancer, which is terrifying.😱
The reason I got to know Taohualove?🌸
My uncle🤣, a middle-aged man, introduced me to it. 🤣🤣🤣I was stunned when he talked to me about sanitary pads, telling me about how good it is.👍👍👍 I was even shocked😅 when he told me that he used the Men Energising Pantyliners.🤨🤔
No longer later, my uncle’s friend told me about Taohualove’s products as well and introduced me to Mr Jeffrey (Director Wang) who came to Bintulu from Penang. He explained to us about the materials that the sanitary pads in the market are made of, which was scary. 🤭😱After considering, I decided to place an order and join membership.📝
With that, I started using Taohualove sanitary pads. For years I’ve used several brands of sanitary pads. By comparison, Taohualove’s products are really great 👍👍👍as it is comfortable and breathable, giving me a feelingless menstruation. I believe every woman has the same experience during menstruation, feeling very frustrated, very tired, and uneasy underneath. It's true right? Well after using it, my menstruation arrived on time and I hardly felt any pain. There you can see the effectiveness. The Antibacterial Wash is one of my favourite as well because it reduced the itch, smell, and leucorrhea; which made me feel much easier and comfortable.
Until today, I’ve never regretted choosing Taohualove.🌸
There are lots of serious Gynecology cases where the patient has to go through check-ups, surgery, and medication every year, spending all of their spendings.💊
That’s why I chose Taohualove. 🌸By using it, my problems such as leucorrhea, odd smell, and itch have been solved. At the same time, it helps to prevent Gynecology problems which are really scary. Most importantly, every woman will, more or less, face these problems. (I am really afraid as well.) Some of them still didn’t get cured even after spending lots of money for treatment.
Relating to that, Taohualove is good as it helps to reduce lots of menstruation issues and prevent Gynecology problems!
Thanks for your time reading.
之前我总是为了生理期而苦恼😖 定期检查还发现我的子宫里有粒莫名的钻石💎 眞的好可怕😱每个月来月事、犹如噩梦循环😫😫不但肚子疼痛、乳房胀痛、更严重的是晕疼过去😵💫
经过产品搭配🌸养元垫、抑菌内置洗液、抑菌精华液🌸 加上乖乖的配合使用!经期排出很多血块,在调理期间也排出很多黄色的液体、黏液、垃圾毒素😢 我告诉自己说不要怕、这是调理反应,坚持使用必有奇迹出现🙏🙏 果然。。。一个月、两个月⏳……天啊!奇迹果眞出现!!复诊时🏥子宫的钻石💎 不翼而飞,不知何时被扒走消失啦🤪 经痛消失、乳房不再疼痛……感觉自身任督二脉被打通🤣🤣
真的感恩遇到🌸桃花恋🌸现在的我找回了自信、健康的动力❤️ 愿全天下女人也能结缘桃花、远离妇科疾病❤️
Hi 大家好,我的名字是wei wei,是一名专业私密治疗师,很开心有缘分认识到you &me 这品牌,由于自己是一名私密治疗师,所以我选择产品一定是很谨慎的,因为要🈶效果之外,也一定不能🈶任何副作用,这是对顾客的一份责任。
在18个月前,本身的我一直都有经痛,月经期间失眠和月经不准时的问题.在机缘巧合下经过一个同事的推荐,我抱着半信半疑的心态使用了.结果真的改善了以上的问题.现在的我,已经跟困扰说bye bye了🙂
本身的我,也是在经营着微商.对于保健产品,我是比较少接触的.因为,担心顾客没有耐心的长期使用(通常是吃的,喝的 和擦的🤣),就见不到效果.桃花恋就比较特别,桃花恋是随身必需品和保健结合.所以我只需在分享我个人使用桃花恋的经历和效果.就有了不错的顾客群和收入❤️❤️❤️桃花恋真的很棒而且还是一间产品会说话的公司❤️感恩有你❤️
我是RogerNg(Subang Jaya) 😀😀😀😀😄
Hi 大家好 我是意灵
来自马来西亚东马 诗巫
因为缘分让我遇见桃花恋卫生巾 护垫 🌸🌸
所以就去问 了解一下 ☺️
那时才知道桃花恋护垫是可以调理子宫的 ,平时我是没有用护垫的习惯。。所以我先买了两包试试 也用了日用的卫生巾 🌸 用了觉得不错 👍
所以11月我就决定入会员 因为自用自省钱 🤭 为了调理身体更健康 所以我每天都使用护垫。。用着用着发现改善减轻了我月经前的一些症状 🙏 头晕 头疼 腰疼 肚子疼 胸疼 这些问题都减轻一些。。(还在努力调理)而桃花日用卫生巾🌸 非常好用 薄薄的吸收力非常强,也很透气。。有时还帮我排出很多血块 也改善了我来经的时间,不再是短短的两天还是三天了 😅
过后我也搭配泡泡液和抑菌精华一起使用 ,用的时候排了肮脏的白带 😅
最近发现好像也改善了我晚上会夜尿问题,因为我最近发现晚上没有一直起来上厕所了 😂😂 这真的太好了 至少可以多睡会了 🤭
感恩遇见桃花恋 🌸🌸
希望我的分享可以让更多人认识桃花恋 🌸🌸🌸 帮助更多人远离妇科问题 🙏🙏
也希望自己越来越健康 ❤️❤️
Participation Number: M00003783
Username: yeeling78
Hi everyone, I’m Yee Ling from Sibu, East Malaysia.
I came across Taohualove Sanitary Pads and Pantyliners by fate.🌸🌸
When I was thinking of changing to a new sanitary pad brand previously, coincidentally, in October 2020, I came across a sharing by Taohualove’s tutors on WeChat. 🌸
With that, I dropped a message to get more information.😊
Only at that time I knew that Taohualove Pantyliners are able to recuperate the uterus. As I did not have the habit to use pantyliners previously, I decided to try it out with 2 boxes as well as the day use sanitary pad.🌸 Felt nice after using it.👍
In November, I decided to join the membership to spend wisely.🤭 Also, to build a healthier body, I used the pantyliners everyday. Day by day, I noticed that it has effectively reduced my pre-menstrual symptoms🙏 such as dizziness, headache, period bloating, and chest swelling; and I’m still in the process of recuperating. Moreover, I’m also using Taohualove’s day-use🌸 sanitary pads which are really good in terms of thinness and breathable. It also “absorbed” lots of blood clots out from my body and recuperated my menstruation duration.😅
Later on, I used the Antibacterial Wash and Antibacterial Essence as well, and excreted leucorrhea.
Recently, I noticed that it has been treating my night urination.😂😂 This is so delightful as it earned me more sleep time.🤭
It’s a blessing to have come across Taohualove🌸🌸
Sincerely hope that my sharing would introduce Taohualove🌸🌸🌸 to more people and help them to be free from Gynecology problems🙏🙏; at the same time praying for my own health.❤️❤️
Participation Number: M00003390
User Name: viviankok
Hi all,
I would like to share with you all my own experience. Yes! I have period pain since I was a teenager and every month before my period, definitely I couldn't go to school and I néed to take MC to see doctor and take the menstrual panadol. There was 1 time when menstrual pain until I can't wake up, eat and bath on that day... I just lying on the bed for the whole day.
So my parents bring me to Chinese doctor to check what happen to me. The doctor told me that I'm a heavy flow person which mean the 1st and 2nd day of my menstruation definitely will be heavy flow, the doctor advice me reduce ice water. I did follow the doctor's advice.
However when I'm 20 years old, during period and my tummy started to pain, it make me couldn't sleep for whole night. So my parents send me to hospital to do body check and gynae check too. End up, the gynae told me that inside my o***y got a cyst around 2-3cm and he suggest me to remove it. After the operation, he do explain to me that, my o***y got cyst and I need to do pap smear every year.
I did it every year before I got married, luckily I able to pregnant for my 1st child and smooth delivery, unfortunately after 2 years my women health problems come back... So i decided to check with my gynae see what make me pain again..
Doctor suspected I have endometriosis and he suggest me to do the operation.. And again I need to go for my 2nd operation..
After 2 year, my hubby and i plan to have 2nd bb, but it seems is not easy for us, as myself is not really a fertility person and I did twice operation before. Thx god 🙏🏻 finally I pregnant and 👧 smooth delivery of my 2nd child..
My skin very sensitive, my private part will easily itchy whenever the weather is too hot or stuffy... Sometimes i feel uncomfortable... And I still suffer from period pain even I had deliver 2kids... Luckily my friend recommended me to YOU & ME pad. I have been using this pad almost 1 year and I found that my period no longer pain and my itchiness improve.
Every women out there, if you all have same issue like what I go thru , why not try this pad and it really help and improve my health. l hope nobody go thru the same experience that I have.
This is all my sharing!
用户名: viviankok
所以呢我的父母就带我去看中医希望可以了解我的身体出了什么状况。中医检查了后说我的体质是月经流量非常大的人,月经第一天和第二天肯定会月经流量很大,中医建议我少喝冰水。 我确实也听从了医生的建议。
但是到了20岁的时候,经期我的肚子开始疼,整晚睡不着。 所以我父母就送我去医院做身体检查和妇科检查。 最后,妇科医生告诉我,我的卵巢内有一个大约 2-3 厘米的囊肿,他建议我将其切除。 手术之后,医生跟我解释说,我的卵巢有囊肿,我需要每年做子宫颈抹片检查。
我每年结婚前都会做子宫颈抹片检查,幸运的是我能够怀上我的第一个孩子并且顺利分娩,不幸的是两年后我的女性妇科问题又回来了......所以我决定和我的妇产科检查一下,看看是什么让我再次疼痛 ..
2年后,我和我老公有计划要有二胎宝宝,但对我们来说似乎并不容易,因为我不容易怀孕的了,毕竟我之前做过两次手术。 谢天谢地🙏🏻终于怀孕了👧顺利生下第二个宝宝..
我的皮肤非常敏感的,天气太热或太闷时,我的私密处很容易发痒......有时我会感到不舒服......即使我生了两个孩子,我仍然忍受着经痛......幸好我的朋友推荐我桃花恋卫生巾护垫。 我已经使用了将近 1 年了,我发现我的经期不再疼痛,我的瘙痒也有所改善。
女人,如果你们都有和我一样的问题,为什么不试试这个桃花恋卫生巾护垫呢,它真的有助于并改善我的健康。 我希望没有人经历和我一样的经历。
从我大姐叫我卖卫生巾开始,我就拒绝和推辞了她1年🤣🤣🤣,因为觉得女人怎么可能会向男人买卫生巾🌸 (因为男人没机会来月经,根本不能体会来月经的感受😅) 🌸直到1年后,在一个机缘下,我发现了一个情况,就是无论女性怎么样拒绝也好,每个月总要使用卫生巾🙈而且分析了桃花恋和市场其它品牌卫生巾的对比,桃花恋拥有独家专利物理芯片,护理功效站在最前端高科技。
(走过这段路程到今天,真谢谢各位老板娘给于我的信任,愿意述说你们隐私秘密🙏让我可以帮助你们如何去调理和护理) 感恩你们对小弟的信任。
🌸 但行好事 💗 莫问前程 🌸
🌸 感恩桃花恋四位创始人 🌸
🌸 但行好事 💗 莫问前程 🌸
Participation Number: M00000369
Username: KENNYLIEW71
Ever since my sister recommended that I sell sanitary pads, I’ve rejected her for a year. 🤣🤣🤣In my opinion, it’s impossible for women to buy sanitary pads🌸 from a man as men do not have menstruation and wouldn’t understand them😅. 🌸One year later, I coincidentally noticed that women will have to use sanitary pads monthly no matter what🙈. I also analyzed Taohualove’s sanitary pads and other brands in the market - Taohualove owns the exclusive patent of its treatment chip and has the most advanced treatment technology.
Aiming to help women be free from Gynecology problems, I decided to be the first one to bring in Taohualove to Sarawak🌸, promoting it by myself.💪 Although there were several hiccups throughout the process, still I held firm to my aim.
As I was selling, I’ve met a lot of women who have been facing Gynecology problems and due to privacy concerns😢 they are shy to voice it out, which day by day worsen the situation.😭 Even their husbands are unable to understand their pain.❤️
With that, I would like to thank my customers who are willing to trust me and tell me your problems🙏, allowing me to serve and assist you better. Your trust means a lot.
🌸“Be as good as you can❤️ regardless of what it leads you to.”🌸
For men, we tend to think that only women use sanitary pads. However, in Taohualove, there is a Energizing Pantyliner exclusively made for men😅😅😅 to treat Prostatitis, humid sc***um, frequent urination, Hemorrhoid, Impotence, Sexual Impotence, and bacteria growth. As for my personal experience, the most effective outcome is the difference in the morning (men would definitely understand)😘😘😘 and reduced frequent urination.🙏
🌸Thanks to the 4 founders of Taohualove!🌸
🌸Be as good as you can, regardless of what🌸 it leads you to.”🌸
🌸Hopefully all women are free from 🌸
🌸Gynecology problems!🌸
Participation Number: M00004379
Username: elizabethting
Hi everyone! In December last year, I came across the sharing by an ex-colleague about the treatment effects of the 9 elements. Out of curiosity, I decided to give it a try.
I am actually very afraid of menstruation as I have had very serious period pain for about 20 years. To not affect my work, the first thing I would do is take 3 to 6 tablets of painkillers.💊 Still, I would feel uncomfortable and always wanting to lay down. I’ve been using the Nourishing Pantyliner twice daily and the Antibacterial Wash once a week for 5 months.😂 Although I didn’t use a large amount, I could still see the effects. In the beginning of using the Nourishing Pantyliner, a lot of dirty fluid was excreted. Just imagine what would happen if all the fluid stayed in my uterus! It’s literally scary.😖
Miraculously, my period bloating problem has gone after 20 years and I do not need painkillers anymore! Hopefully my sharing is able to help more gorgeous ladies out there.
Thanks to Taohualove’s Sanitary Pads. Also, big thanks to your likes!
用户名: eliselai
习惯了每天使用护垫我也发觉到我的经前综合症改善90%,甚至可以说我已经不觉得姨妈到是一件痛苦的事情了,血块也没有了,白带异味也 byebye了。甚至连我的霉菌性阴道炎也好了,不需去妇科塞药😅
Participation Number: M00003951
User Name: eliselai
Hey everyone, I am here to share my thoughts using Taohualove’s Nourishing Pantyliner and Antibacterial Wash. Hopefully my sharing would help the ladies who are facing Gynecology problems.💕
In November 2020, I came across the sharing of my kid’s teacher and was curious 🤭about the treatment effects of the 9 elements which lead me to trying it out.😂
Frankly speaking, I am very afraid of menstruation as my period bloating is very serious. Headaches, insomnia, and backache exhausts me and affects my work performance. Even though I rarely drink cold beverages, there are still a lot of blood clots. Also, I have to frequently change underwear because of Leukorrhea that brings along an unpleasant scent.😣
After getting used to using Nourishing Pantyliner daily, I noticed that 90% of my period problems have been cured. I am no longer afraid of menstruation and totally free from blood clots and Leukorrhea; including my Candidal vulvovaginitis problem whereby I do not need to visit the doctor anymore!😅
Hopefully my sharing is able to help, thank you~🌹
用户名: Kim1018
大家好🌹 我今天特别开心想分享我用了这个桃花三宝的产品,改善了我多年反反复复妇科困扰症。希望我的分享能帮助到大家受益良多❤️
感恩我亲爱妹妹推荐这个神奇产品说什么不用吃药啦!不用打针啦!现代科技如此发达,就是有这么一款卫生巾护垫就能解决我的问题😅 因为我的思想比较传统,对外界的新科技东西真的不太了解也不会去相信。
在我开始用产品时觉得很麻烦一直要更换护垫,很不习惯咯。我妹对我真的用心良苦时常打电话对我说: 姐,你一定要好好用护垫,每天坚持不少于5片更换哦,这个产品是让你受益,不会辜负你的啦!相信才有得救☺️健康才是最重要。最后,我的确被这个小护垫给征服了。
我的问题只有我知道,没人能为我承担我的妇科困扰。现在的我Touch wood没有这些妇科问题困扰着我了,心情自然开朗达观☺️
👉产后的后遗症~漏尿,尿频,尿急 调理好!
👉经前期综合~每个月肚子会隐隐作痛,第一天经血出不来,排出都是黑脏脏东西,隔天经血才排出,颜色是暗红色。自从用了产品一切正常 经血是鲜红色!
👉早期乳腺结节~肿块大于2cm 终于消了!
👉更年期症状~ 人生最难熬更年期,有幸用上护垫,没有带来负面情绪!
护垫+精华液+泡泡洗液 +坚持使用😁让我看起来更年轻,桃花恋让我爱不擇手😉
谢谢大家😘 天天好心情🌻🌻
Participation Number: M00000178
Username: Kim1018
Hey there!🌹 Today, I would love to share the Taohua Trio Products that treated my Gynecology problems with all of you. I hope that my sharing would benefit every one of you.❤️
Many thanks to my sister for recommending this “magical” product to me.😅 In the beginning, due to my conservative mindset, I only had little knowledge about the latest technology and did not believe in the Nourishing Pantyliner that could treat my problems without medicine and needles.
At first, I felt very troublesome using the pantyliner as I was not used to needing to keep changing it. But, my sister called me frequently, asking me to change at least 5 times per day and telling me to trust that it will help.😊 In the end, I was indeed very amazed with the pantyliner’s effects.😊
Well, I know my problems, and I am much happier and cheerful now to be free from the Gynecology problems, thanks to Taohualove!🙏💕
Have a look at my problems that it has treated:
👉 Post-pregnancy Sequelae such as urinary incontinence, frequent and urgent urination
👉 Uterus blisters
👉 Menstruation problems: Period pain, Excretion item and colour
👉 Early stage of breast nodules
👉 Menopause symptoms - relieved negative emotions
Lastly, I have to mention that the freckles on my face are fading and I look better now! 😁The consistent use of Nourishing Pantyliners, Antibacterials Wash and Essence is rejuvenating and I can’t handle my love towards it! 😉
Thanks😘 and wishing everyone great days ahead!" 🌻🌻
Participation Number: M00003018
User Name: jiuan228
I’m a Taohua member from Sibu🌸, East Malaysia🇲🇾, who got introduced to the products in March 2020, when my customers shared the Nourishing Pantyliners with me.
After using it, I noticed that the pantyliner core became very dirty with a lot of brown fluid. 😱I’ve never “cleansed” my uterus before. That said, with the monthly menstruation, no wonder it would get so dirty.😨I’ve been using other pantyliners previously, but none of them were so effective. 👍 As I know deeper and better about Taohualove, I decided to join its membership in August to continue treating my uterus. Later on, a box of pantyliners was finished and I found out that I had no more period problems, where I used to feel mild pain and loss of appetite. I am able to go around and eat anything I like just like normal! 😂During menstruation, I’d wear Taohua Day Use as it has strong absorbance and I do not feel a thing wearing it.❤️
After trying out the Sanitary Pads, I used the Antibacterial Wash and Antibacterial Essence together after my menstruation, which helps to kill bacteria, eliminate itchiness, and diminish inflammation.
I’m grateful to have used Taohualove products and have awareness on reproductive system issues before being diagnosed with any sickness. Well, prevention is always better than cure. 😊Moreover, after subscribing to Taohua's membership, I’ve gained more knowledge about Gynecology which is useful to be passed on.
Taohualove Trio Products protect your privacy and ease self-treatment at home. Hopefully all men and women focus on their reproductive system’s health."🙏
用户名: Elaine01
"Participation Number: M00000216
User Name: Elaine01
I would like to share my experience using Taohualove's products with everyone!🥳
It was my mom who introduced me to Taohualove's products. After using the sanitary pads, I've benefited a lot and my body condition has improved. Also, I'm free from period bloating after using the Nourishing Panyliners. No more period pain! I am really grateful to use such awesome products and would like to express my gratitude to Taohualove and everyone of you.
This video tells my story of using Taohualove's products."🥳❤️🥰
用户名:Lai Sin Kong
其实我自己是有点抗拒,毕竟穿卫生巾是女人的玩意😆 ,怎么叫我一个大男人穿,对吧?
"Participation Number: M00001105
User Name: Lai Sin Kong
It’s a blessing to have come across great products that benefit my wife and I.
I used to have night urination (Nocturia) problems and got up 2 to 3 times every night. It has been a long-term problem and my wife did recommend me Taohualove’s Men Energising Pantyliner to treat nocturia and prevent prostate issues as I age.
To be honest, I was rather reluctant as, normally, only women would wear pantyliners, but I couldn’t resist my wife’s persuasion.😆 The pantyliner didn’t give an uncomfortable feel as I thought it would previously. Instead, I felt warmth using it. I used 2 to 3 pantyliners per day and the night urination was cured after a week.
In October 2020, I hurt my hand during work and had 20+ stitches. After that, my wife asked me to remove the bandage, and I rejected as the doctor said not to, concerning that the wound might get infected due to inappropriate handling.
She asked me not to worry as she has the Antibacterial Wash which can treat Gynecology issues in the humid uterus such as Cervical Ectropion, Leucorrhea, and Ovarian Cyst. Relatively, it will be able to treat my hand.
I chose to believe her and removed the bandage. She was shocked at the amount of stitches. Then, she applied the Antibacterial Wash, Antibacterial Essence, and wrapped the wounded area with Pantyliner core.
She changed it every night daily. 2 days later, I brought along the product for exchanging at work as I felt that it was effective.
The wound recovered one week later after changing it twice a day. We were shocked and felt really grateful for having Taohualove’s products."
(不懂有没有人在我这样的年纪会懂, 还是只有我不懂)
只为了让自己能够看过去比较年轻😬 哈哈哈哈
对不对 xD
还不是我亲爱的姑姑 介绍的🤣
我心想 要mehhh
我才买 "某某某" 的牌子
(有登过广告的哦 大牌子哦)
在有一天 我姑丈来我店这里
就直接办卡 买了🤣
直到今天 我从来没有后悔
买了 桃花恋🌺
妇科疾病 真的太恐怖了
骚痒 异味 白带
甚至是经痛的问题 月经来不准
还有量少 乳房胀痛的问题
严重的妇科问题 一直好不了
每年都去检查 做手术 吃药
要也是自己花嘛 对不对🤣
自己的白带 异味骚痒解决了
Participation number: M00001674
User Name: syxw6350
Personal Experience Sharing
Today, I would like to share the reason I chose Taohualove with all of you. 🌺
To be honest, I had no idea what Gynecology issues were a long time ago. I haven't even heard about it before (Not really sure whether it's just me or everyone of my age at that time does not have the knowledge as well).
Moreover, I only focused on facial skincare previously by applying face masks and skincare products to look rejuvenated. I've even taken detoxing products before. All for the sake of health.😬
So, how did I came across Taohualove? 🌺It was through the recommendation of my aunt. 🤣I was reluctant to purchase at that time as I just purchased sanitary pads from # # # brand (it was a big brand with advertisements all around); and, to be honest, I felt that the current one was working fine. 😅Until one day, I was persuaded by my uncle and joined membership. 🤣🤣And I have never regreted since then!🌺
We would normally neglect Gynecology issues when it has mild symptoms such as itchiness, odd odour, and Leucorrhea. Even situations such as menstrual pain, inconsistent time and amount, as well as breast pain are tend to be neglected. The important thing is, most of the girls would face these problems.😅
Frankly speaking, I am worried about these problems as well. What if I am diagnosed with some serious Gynecology sickness as I age? I've been reading several articles and news about people having these problems and spent thousands for treatment; and yet they did not recover. Well, I definitely do not want to get into that situation and that's the main reason I chose Taohualove!❤️
After using Taohualove's products, all of my premenstrual problems inclusding Leucorrhea, itching, and breast pain were cured! 🤭Moreover, it also helps to prevent Gynecology sicknesses. What a great product!"
Participation Number: M00003959
User Name: Elaine0819
I came across Taohualove in 2019 from a friend and bought the products for socialization. Initially I just felt like trying it out, but surprisingly, I became a beneficiary; thanks to Taohualove and my friend.
I am someone who has a very unstable menstruation period cycle. During menstruation, I tend to have problems such as itchiness, Urethritis, and blood clot excretions. Additionally, it only lasted for 3 days every time. After using Taohualove's sanitary pads, all of these problems are now gone! In the beginning of using, a large amount of blood clots were excreted which gave me a large shock.🤭🤭 After that I knew that it was the functioning of the sanitary pads. I fell in love the moment I used it!😍
To have used such awesome products is indeed a blessing!"☺️☺️
用户名:Tan Saw Teng
Participation Number: M00003583
User Name: Tan Saw Teng
When you've enjoyed the benefits, would you like to share the great products with the other people? Well, I am very honoured to share my personal experience with all of you.
2 years ago I had no idea why my menstrual period just wouldn't stop. It came every day and lasted for a year. Throughout that year, I visited the doctor but my private area was unable to be checked due to the non-stop period. The doctor could only carry out ultrasound checks on my abdomen.
After checking, a 3.8mm Ovarian Cyst was found in my uterus. Since then, I've visited the hospital more often until the Cyst grew bigger to 4.5mm. Fortunately, the hysteroscopy report indicated that it isn't cancer. But my menstrual period still lasted every day.
Here, I would like to thank my friend for introducing Taohualove products to me. As I've been seeing her share Taohualove products, I told her my problems and she recommended me the products to improve my menstruation.
With that, I decided to sign a 3-month package.
I used about 8 to 10 Nourishing Pantyliners per day. Moreover, I was shocked when I started to use Taohualove's sanitary pads because lots of blood clot were excreted. I informed my friend about the situation and she said that it's an after-use reaction. Surprisingly, after one week, my menstruation stopped for 1-2 days. During these 2 days, I applied a lot of Antibacterial Wash and wore Comfort Pants when I went for bed. When I visited the doctor again for the checkup, the doctor told me that my Ovarian Cyst had disappeared. It was so unbelievable for me as I've only started treatment for one and a half month.
I am so blessed that my friend recommended Taohualove products to me which treated the cyst. Relating to that, I do not need to undergo an operation to remove my uterus.
Normally, if one is diagnosed with Uterus Fibroids or Ovarian Cyst, the medical advise would be operation or even uterus-removing if the situation gets serious. Thanks to Taohualove and the blessings on me which allowed me to use such great products in time."
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About Us
YOU & ME was founded on the mission to keep women around the world away from gynecological diseases. Through diligent research and development, baked by cutting-edge technology, our products are designed to improve women’s gynecological health. We are committed to making this mission a success, because YOU & ME is all about love and care.
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