MK Global Transformation Center

Company Vision:
To create an unconditional love community. Company Mission:
1. To shine light on darkness through focus. customize and holistic strategy.

To assist individuals regain power through holistic approaches.
3. To serve as lighthouse in healing trauma and blockages.


Selamat Hari Malaysia
Happy Malaysia Day

A Day to celebrate the wholeness of one Malaysia, forming total of 13 states into a country.


The soul craving for experience, road trip recently really made me sing. Such a long time didn't drive. A very good time to practice my driving skills. All my worries gone, after jump into car and start to drive for a long journey. Felt satisfied when i successful reached destination and checked in. Thank you for all the experience gained. Although tiring however very fulfilled.

Photos from MK Global Transformation Center's post 11/04/2022

I want to share about my dream today. I like vanlife naturelife. The main purpose of having a mobile home on wheel is i can stay in nature and travel around the world. It treats As my home as well as office. I can work in my rv at the same time travel. I had a visual this morning to modify the kitchen area at the back of rv into washing machine area, stove and sink.

Besides serve as healer and Oracle, i also plan for few projects:
1. Stay in nature for longer period of time.
I am aim to travel on 4wd to explore forests, beaches, valley, riverside, waterfall and etc. I will study how we can stay close with nature with our food and life well taking care of.
2. Study of healing effect of nature. I believed nature vibe can be captured into video we shoot using high tech devices. This energy captured can be beneficial and having healing effect even we are no physical in the nature. It is similar like having VR experience but no need any VR devices.
2. Visiting sacred places and shooting documentary of these places, Egypt, Greek, Italy, UK, China, Japan, Taiwan and etc.
3. Save the Ocean project. I always dream of doing something for the ocean. More on cleaning the beaches and ocean and etc. Even thought i can't dive, i can organize the event/volunteer project. I can have mobile kitchen serve as centralized kitchen to prepare food for them. I use rv serve as mobile office. The purpose of mobile kitchen for outdoor cooking as well as events cooking. I have mobile office carry mobile kitchen.
4. Prepare healthy food for hiker and backpacker. To prepare various type of energy bar or food to boost energy using natural ingredient, stevia as sugar replacement in various pastry and delicacies.

This is the visual of my projects and i surrender everything to God in on how it can manifest into my life.


Truly agree ascension is 99% emotional clearing and processing.

I experience clearing after i clean the house, after i exercises, after series of massages sessions, after traveling to island beach, after hiking, watching tv drama also clearing, perhaps yoga the next. All about emotional clearing and processing. I feel we are recycling this energy into new form of energy, becoming spiritual being. The more we recycle this, The healthier and balance we are. To conclude, the following things help in emotional clearing:
1. Body movement, Eg. Exercise, gym, hiking, walking, yoga, dancing
2. Declutter or clean your house/surrounding
3. Full body massage, sauna, spa
4. Connect to nature, Eg. Forest, beaches, mountain, waterfall and etc.


Electric Deer Moon of Service ( 20th Sept to 17th Oct 2021)

The 13 moon calendar from Mayan culture has a total of 13 months. The month we used in the gregorian calendar is referred to as the moon of planetary wavespell in 13 moon calendar. Each moon has a totem animal and galactic tones. The galactic tone consists of a question to be answered. So every moon, there is collective kin that governs the energy of each moon. How to find the collective kin of each moon?

It needs to refer to yearly kin. For example, this year is the year of yellow electric seed, from wavespell of wind. There is a total of 13 kin in wind wavespell. Each kin will govern one moon and it will be called collective kin. This moon is the third moon out of 13 moons and the third kin in wind wavespell is blue night. So the collective kin for this moon is Yellow Electric Seed (kin224).
The answer from the galactic tone of every moon is from the collective kin.
Galactic Tone: How can I best serve?
Answer: Yellow Electric Seed

Planting seed of awakening is my best service. Planting seeds can have many ways. One of the ways is through writing and spread awareness through words we share with others. It can be a Facebook post, an article, an email. You can also teach others knowledge and wisdom with others. Guiding people to connect more inward instead of the outward world. Individual who are yellow seed as their galactic signature, they are the supreme manifestator. Ability to manifest dreams into reality and the key point is the need to be patient. So, we need to be more patient this month too. Seeds are like intentions, once planted, we need to shower with fertilizer to manifest into form. Same as intentions, once we envision, we need to go through the clearing process. God will help us to remove blocks, releasing the old patterns that defer us, attuning to the frequency of the intention we set. When we start to set an intention, we started to use our power. We need to continue to heal/ purify ourselves to be more powerful. So, leave your victimized story behind, take our power back
and be responsible for all things that happened to us.

Because of this moon energy, it will be full of solar energy. As simple as we can go outdoor and enjoy the sunshine in the morning. You can go sunbathe and connect to solar energy. Preferably go out for sunshine before noon. Imagine your body being covered by golden sunlight that helps to wash away anger, hatred, ignorance, detachment, and defilement.

There is a total of 3 wavespell in this moon, mainly white wizard, blue hand, and yellow sun. This moon starts with kin20, Yellow resonant sun, and ends on kin47, blue galactic hand. The main theme of this moon will be timelessness, accomplishments, and awakening. Do spend more quiet time to refresh and rejuvenate yourself. This doesn’t mean the need to be indoor to sit and meditate all the time. It simply means go out from the routine. It can be driving a different route to work, trying new coffee flavors, cook a new recipe, etc. Add in some adventure spirit to keep us alive. Life is not mean stagnant and repetitive, it is about experiences, moving, and exploring. We can go outdoor and enjoy the sunshine and wind. Ever seen kin15, I started to connect to nature more. I enjoy my outdoor cooking and coffee session. I had seen exploring few places nearby. Connecting to nature is something I like and enjoy doing. Rather than stay indoor for a meal, I choose to pack my food, cooking utensil and brew coffee in a nearby park. I feel so refreshing and enjoy this quality time with myself. I start utilizing some camping cookware I bought last year. I feel so fulfilling, call to go out even nearby only. I enjoy refreshing energy from nature. This is accomplishment energy. Besides having a meal in nature, I plan to do my writing outdoor too. I can work in nature too. I gain more idea for my articles writing and haven’t fully implemented yet. I feel my channel more clear, the ability to gain more insight in my writing, etc. I feel myself become more active in experimenting with my desire, not just stay on planning or thinking only.

Another aspect you can do is declutter your house and surroundings. I started to clean my living room and bedroom threw away stuff that I no longer use and re-arranging the items accordingly. It renews my house energy and it helps with my clarity too. By doing so, we are consciously saying Goodbye to things that no longer serve us. I had decided to let go of the old and create space to welcome the new. As an energy being, we constantly interact with the energy around us even though we are not aware. I received a "clearing” session the next day. By cleaning our surroundings, we renew the energy around our house, our consciousness can be cleared too. Connecting to nature and declutter our surroundings prepare us for deeper healing and awakening.

Photos from MK Global Transformation Center's post 04/10/2021

Electric Deer Moon of Service
How can I best serve?
Weekly Energy Reading for blue week 3 - Spirit Evolves Magic
Electric Moon 15-21 / October 4 - 10
Kin 34 White Galactic Wizard to Kin40 Yellow Magnetic Sun

Blue week of transformation this week. Be patient in transformation and take action. There is one clear sign from the tomb of Pacal Votan this week. Kin40, the yellow magnetic sun. (Picture 1) Kin40 and kin26 (White cosmic world-bridger ) located at lower west direction signify the resurrection of new time. Kin40 also represents Mayan 13 Moon Calendar is a tool that helps humans ascend and awakening to their true nature, awakening to God’s power. Meditate and connect to the source to set the intention.

We start the week with kin34, white galactic wizard, which is the challenging power for kin164. kin164 is yearly kin for 2012 (July 26 to July 24, 2013). It is an entry time into a new galactic beam beginning July 26, 2013, and signifies the beginning of a new cycle. (Picture 2) I started my awaken journey during that time and actively attended various spiritual courses to process my wounds. Things that happened during that time may revisit to bring to closure. Kin34 also is the yearly kin for 1987 (July 26 to July 24, 1988), this is the time frame that started the first Harmonic Convergence global peace meditation which occurred on August 16-17, 1987. It was estimated 144,000 people were joining this meditation to pray for mother Gaia. During that time, mass consciousness was awakened to the significance of the year 2012 and turned the world’s attention toward the Maya and their calendric system. It was believed when there are 144,000 people on earth awaken, it help the whole mother Gaia ascend. These 144,000 people carry angelic genetic with a special mission to earth to help mother earth ascension. I would like to highlight that, 16 August 1987 was kin55, blue electric eagle, which is the support power for yearly kin224, yellow electric seed. It is also the collective kin for this moon, the electric deer moon. The whole month being supported by ascending masters and God for ascension.

We are welcoming a new moon on kin36 (6th Oct), yellow planetary warrior. Are you ready to become the warrior of life? With courage and fearlessness in exploring life issues. Warrior spirit doesn’t mean having to go to war, it much prefers to facing your problem, accepting your problems, solving your problem, and letting go once solved. You are usually will start questioning your life starts this new moon. Be patient to wait for the answer to surface.

There is one green box this week, kin39 the blue cosmic storm. (Picture 3) There is galactic activation portal day, signatures of high flow of galactic energies. You can meditate on this day and make wishes to the source. Connect to your solar plexus chakra during meditation. Pray all changes will lead you to more profound wisdom. The challenging power of kin39 is the red cosmic moon, which is the yearly kin for 2018 (July 26 to July 24, 2019). The changes you experience may be related to incidents during that time or things brought to fruition. Connect to universal water to expedite transformation. It can be waterfalls, beaches, rivers, lakes, etc. It is good to go for hiking to have higher visions and perspectives. You may gains different insights this week.

We have a new 13-day wavespell that starts on Sunday, 10 October, kin40 yellow magnetic sun and it ended on 22nd October, kin52 yellow cosmic human. This is the wavespell of awakening. Radiate like the sun and bring warms and love to others. As awaken people, we are fully responsible for our actions, the true human freewill is letting go of ego-minded actions and spread love and joy to everyone we come across. Whatever happens to you this month, take your responsibility and stop blaming others. Stop victimizing yourself and your situation. Take the power back. We have more ability than we can imagine.


The secret of Blue Magnetic Hand


Galactic Archetype for blue hand is Avatar

Photos from MK Global Transformation Center's post 27/09/2021

Electric Deer Moon of Service
How can I best serve?
Weekly Energy Reading for white week 2 - Purification Transmits love
Electric Moon 8-14 / September 27- October 03
Kin 27 Blue Magnetic Hand to Kin33 Red Resonant Skywalker

White week of purification this week. Stay humble to enhance meditation quality. There is one clear sign from the tomb of Pacal Votan this week. Kin30, the white self-existing dog. Kin30, the White self-existing dog is located at the upper of the west direction. Kin26, signify new consciousness of love. It also represents Mayan 13 Moon Calendar is a tool that serving humanity. Meditate and connect to the source to set the intention. Establishing love consciousness in a new form. You have a chance to experience what love means to you on that day, realizing love programming belief or any love-related issues that may occur. You also may reconnect to love in a new consciousness.

We have new 13 day wavespell starts this Monday, 27 Sept, kin27 blue magnetic hand and it ended on 9th October, kin39 blue cosmic storm. Our hand is deeply connected to our heart. you are being encouraged to do things that are close to your heart. Listen to your intuition. During these 13 days, you can also do more handcrafting, writing, reiki, cooking, cleaning and declutter your surroundings, etc. As blue hand has very strong implement/do-it energy, we will usually do it without thinking. You are encouraged to connect to your heart desire before start doing it. The hidden power is from wavespell of wind, which is the wavespell of yearly kin, kin224, yellow electric seed. Wind wavespell is about breathing and connection to our mind. We are being encouraged to spend more quiet time to connect to our breathing and focus on the present moment.

Even though we have Blue magnetic hand (kin27) this Monday signify “do it” energy, we are currently in the week of purification and we are in dark moon heading towards new moon, plus there is mercury retrograde starts 27th September, it will be good to pause, meditate, review and revisit any old projects you plan to start. Purify yourself and meditate to enhance your connection to the divine. You are encouraged to connect to nature more to get inspiration. Go out to nature parks, mountains, beaches, or waterfalls to refresh your soul. Get more quiet time to meditate and rejuvenate before we take any action.


A. Mary Magdalene: Unconditional Love
“Love yourself, others, and every situation – no matter what the outward appearances may be.”
Message from Mary Magdalene: “I am not what most people think, yet to defend myself would be to sink to a lower level than I feel comfortable with. I am one with the Divine, just as you are, and it is here that I choose to reside. The lower levels of human bickering, judgement, and chaos are just that: lower levels. I choose to do my work from the level of the higher consciousness, where love reigns supreme. It is here where the most good can be done, and I urge you to do the same. Where you dwell in consciousness is where you truly dwell. So, focus your thoughts on the good things that you can find in people, and rise above all appearances otherwise.”
Various meanings of this card: Do not worry what others think or say. Heal this situation with love. Send love to those who have hurt or misjudged you. Forgive yourself for what you think you have done or not done. Release old un-forgiveness toward others to help yourself heal and move on.
B. Rhiannon: Sorceress
“you are a magical person who can manifest your clear intentions into reality.”
Message from Rhiannon: “A large part of my power stems from my connection to animals and nature. If you have been indoors too long, you can recapture your personal power by simply stepping outside. This simple motion will do you a world of good in reawakening your sleeping, magical, spiritual nature. Allow the light of the sun, the moon and the stars to stir ancient memories that may be dormant. Recall the times of your magical abilities, and then put them to use immediately for the good of the entire planet. Resume the mission that was once aborted through the misdeeds of past time leaders. Take up your spiritual arms and move with swift speed into the night, awakening one and all to the magic that is life itself. This is a mission that must be accomplished, and you are the one who can help us with it.
Various meanings of this card: Have absolute faith that your dream is manifested. Make a clear decision. Put your energy into manifesting your dreams. Know that you deserve to receive good. When you win, others win too. Keep your thoughts focused on your desire and away from fear.
C. Green Tara: Delegation
Ask others, Including me, to help you, instead of trying to do everything by yourself.
Message from Green Tara: “When you feel resentment in your heart because you are carrying more than your share of the load, you are doing no favours for anyone, including yourself. You need to ask for help to ensure that you have private time for contemplation and rest. One of the reasons why I am able to sit so peacefully is that I know the secret of true productivity. It does not come through struggle or strife. Rather, it comes from a clear and focused mind that is unchallenged by indecisiveness. You see, making decisions is the shortest route to triumphant passages. Once you make up your mind, the rest follows quite naturally. I therefore urge you to sit quietly and follow the footsteps of your mind. Be open to your heart’s meanderings. They will quietly lead you to make your most important decisions, and the rest will fall into place.”
Various meanings of this card: Do not try to be a superwoman or superman. Give your children chores. Ask your partner for help. Accept assistance as it is offered to you. Release guilt or the belief that it is weak to ask for help. Be a team player.
D. Maat (Fairness)
“This situation will be handled in a fair and just manner.”
Message from Maat: Let me suggest another definition for fairness: It’s when all parties involved surrender their personal agendas in favor of the greater good for the entirety of the group. This requires trust in the wisdom of the whole. When it comes to matters of disputes, the attacks are based on fears that you may not receive your share. Yet, attacks amplify the hurt and the pain that caused the dispute in the first place. Why not surrender your attachment to a specific outcome, and instead, direct your holy will toward the resolution of the argument? Hold a firm vision of a peaceful outcome, and let the pieces fall into place in a harmonious manner.
Various Meanings of This Card: A lawsuit will be resolved • A dispute will end harmoniously • You’ll be treated fairly • Keep everyone’s needs in mind during negotiations • Release guilt and shame, as these emotions can attract a punishing attack.
E. Guinevere ~ True Love
” The romantic stirrings in your heart have propelled the universe to deliver great love to you.”
Message from Guinevere: “Romance is not an outmoded concept-far from it! Romance is the time honored precept of merging with the Divine as it is manifest within another human being. Romance is also playfulness, which heralds springtime, flowers, and new life. You need not be in a partnership to evoke romance, however. You can manifest it for yourself through laughter, surrounding yourself with beauty, and indulging in luxurious treats. Romance is the life force of the universe, and it is a worthwhile goal indeed!”
Various meanings of this card: Your soul mate relationship has arrived or is soon arriving. There is renewed passion in an existing relationship. You are a very romantic person. Your romantic needs are not being met, and you must take steps to alleviate this.

Photos from MK Global Transformation Center's post 22/09/2021

Electric Deer Moon of Service
How can I best serve?
Weekly Energy Reading for Red week 1 - Art Awakens Love
Electric Moon 1-7 / September 20-26
Kin 20 Yellow Resonant Sun to Kin 26 White Cosmic World-Bridger

Red week of initiation. Knowledge initiates higher views and perspectives. There are two green boxes this week, kin 20 Yellow Resonant Sun (20th September) and kin22 White Solar Wind (22th September). There are galactic activation portal days, signatures of high flow of galactic energies. You can meditate on these two days and make wishes to the source. Connect to your crown chakra (Kin20, 20th Sept) and connect to the 3rd eye chakra (Kin22, 22 Sept) during meditation. Kin20 and Kin 26 are two galactic signature indicate two of the 13 clear signs from the tomb of Pacal Votan. Kin20, Yellow Resonant Sun located at the lower bottom of the east direction. Kin26, White Cosmic World-Bridger is located at the lower bottom of the west direction. Kin26, White Cosmic World-Bridger signify “big key” to open the God-consciousness.

We have the energy of masculine represent by God Father (Kin20, Yellow Resonant Sun) and energy of feminine represent by Bolon Ik (kin22 White Solar Wind, Mayan Queen - represent feminine essence of unconditional love in Mayan 13 Moon Calendar) coming in to assist us to access higher knowledge and perspectives, connect to source energy. There is a course about Church of Christ Sophia by my mentor, Emily Joy Harris is being launched this week, on 20th and 26th September. Sign up for free/ donation is welcome. You have a chance to get to know Christ Sophia and Church from new perspectives. We have the opportunity to access cosmic knowledge from the class. There will be a replay for you to watch at your convenient time. Grab the chance. Here is the link,

As the power of the sun essence assists in burning out egos, there are awakenings/ big realizations/ revelations in this week. You may gain higher perspectives on issues you have facing, gaining insight about yourself, your lifestyle, habits, current issues, etc. Good week to declutter our home heading toward falls equinox, Mabon. Change is coming and let’s open to ending and welcome to new beginnings. We do not need to be perfect to starts; we can perfect ourselves along the way as we go. Mabon on 22/23 September, signify harvesting time. Good time to seek guidance from the divine and review what we have gone through for the last nine months. Start planning for next year. When we plan well, we are more ready for the adventures ahead.

I came across a lot of information about solar energy usage these few days. It ranges from the solar rechargeable lamp, solar portable power station to solar Bluetooth speaker. It may be a great time to explore how to maximize solar energy usage in our daily lives. We are more connecting to nature as we use solar energy to charge our devices. We are part of nature.

Photos from MK Global Transformation Center's post 21/09/2021

21 September 2021
Triple Goddess Day

Triple Goddess Day is viewed as a triunity of 3 distinct aspects/ figures united in one being. There are 3 figures often described as the maiden, the mother and the crone. It also represent 3 phases of moon, mainly new moon, full moon and dark moon. The most popular Goddess of moon in Greek culture are Artemis, Selene and Hecate.

As for today, change of season is coming. The night time will be longer and the day time is getting shorter. We are heading towards ending and new beginning at the same time.

Let's get Goddess reading and guidance for next year before Mabon. We can plan ahead for the coming time.

Pick either two card and comment below. You can PM me too. The result will announce tomorrow.

(Taken from Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards, with divine guidance and protection)


Energy Reading for Electric Deer moon of Service (20 .09. 2021 to 17.10.2021) - 28 days
Kin 20 to Kin 47
Yellow Resonant Sun to Blue Galactic Hand
Welcome to the Electric Deer Moon of Service! This is the third Moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.
The Autumnal Equinox occurs on the third day of this Moon on Kin 22: White Solar Wind (Bolon Ik) - for USA, South America, Europe region, Middle East, South Africa
Forth day on kin 23: Blue Planetary Night - for Asia, Asia Pacific, Oceania region
Note that the New Spin, Kin 1, began on September 1. This means that the 30 days of “September” are synchronized with the first 30 days of the Tzolkin.
This Moon’s totem animal is the deer, reminding us of gentleness and staying attuned with Nature.
As we attune to the Universal Patterns of Nature we are entered into the awareness of the noosphere: the Planetary Mind made conscious.
In light of our entry into the Electric Moon in the Electric Seed year, here is an exercise to activate the noosphere. You will just need a sheet of paper and a quiet space.
1.Relax your mind/body
Practice conscious breathing and natural mind meditation to calm and focus your mind.
As the mind relaxes, become aware of the part of you witnessing your thoughts; this is your conscious mind.
2. Focus on the subject at hand: the noosphere
When you feel calm and present, begin to focus your mind on the noosphere, the planetary mental sphere. Imagine it as the sum of all human thought. It is operated by the psi bank, a memory storage and retrieval system that wraps around our planet. Allow your mind to form images of this. This is how we understand and integrate knowledge. The purpose is to hold one thought-form for as long as possible. The more clearly you can hold the thought-form, the more you will magnetize knowledge.
3. Allow the unconscious to speak
When we hold our focus on the noosphere, we can dip into the unconscious mind. To “get the message” that the unconscious is trying to communicate requires us to hold our focus. But it is a relaxed focus.
4. Create
Now go to your piece of paper and write down what came to you or draw whatever image you saw. The key is to bring to consciousness what you accessed in the unconscious mind.
5. Take a break
Now we take a break and do other things. Later in the day, go back to your writing or drawing and see what messages you receive. This is the first step to beginning to access noospheric consciousness. If we focus on anything long enough, then it reveals its secrets.
In this exercise, we are entering the frequency of the noosphere by using imagination.
We are learning how to bring the planetary collective unconscious into a unified state made fully conscious.
(quoted from NOOS newsletter)
Kin20, Yellow Resonant Sun is a galactic activation portal day. This signify with a high flow of galactic energy. Meditate and connect with your crown chakra and make wishes to God.


Lunar Moon of Challenge
What is my Challenge?
Weekly Energy Reading for Yellow fourth week - Dreaming Evolves Love
Lunar Moon 22-28/ 13-19 Sept 2021
Kin 13 Red Cosmic Skywalker to Kin 19 Blue Rhythmic Storm

8th week in the 13 moon calendar this week.

A week of ripening. We are entering the week of harvesting. What you are manifesting will have visible progress in this week. If you are awaiting a reply/ confirmation, you are likely to get it in this week. Kin13 is the guidance power for 2018 (26th July 2018 to 25th July 2019), Kin169 Red Cosmic Moon. Things that happened during that time may come to a ripening time/ moving toward another dimension.
Red skywalker also refers to explore the new/ unknown, mobility, moving house/ work location, moving across dimensions. It is easy to jump a timeline/ across dimensions this week. It can be a busy week for you to travel around, explore new places/ things, running errands, etc. Jumping timeline also refers to upgrading the quality of life to a more efficient, effective, and convenient way. So take this chance to explore new places, new lifestyles, new recipes, new meditation techniques, etc.

We have entered a new 13 days cycle on kin14, white magnetic wizard (14th to 26th Sept 2021). Wizard wavespell usually has a lot of unplanned/ unexpected happen during these 13 days. This usually dealing with time. Good time to meditate, prayer and having a ritual. Wizard energy also deals with timelessness. Forget about time these 13 days. This means do not limit or control by time energy. Learn to stay peaceful and find the blessing in disguise when the thing is not going according to your plan. The divine intervention is more prevalent in these 13 days.

As the wizard wavespell spread across the lunar moon of challenge and the electric moon of service (third moon in 13 moon calendar), let’s reflect on what are challenges you face to offer the best service to others? It is more content building, skills needed to express yourself, deep ios about yourself, “I am not good enough”, “I am not ready” etc.


Creating Money: Attracting abundance

I had taken a life review the last few days about what happened back in 2013-2014. I had attended many courses during that time, mainly spiritual training to stay peaceful. I began my journey started back in 2012 July due to work stress. One of the courses I attended was creating money: attracting abundance workshop. It was a two days workshop. In the workshop, we explored how to manifest money and abundance. We also shared about what is the belief around money and what blocks you from getting wealth. Do you think this type of workshop works on creating money?

The answer is YES
I managed to sell off essential oil (goods) that is reluctant and get money. I use it to buy things I like. Money is an energy that can change in various forms.
Abundance can be in various forms. It can be your points gained from credit card/ charge card, coin collected in Amazon/ Lazada/ Shopee, bitcoin, shares, bank interest, investment profit, skills, and knowledge you have. It also includes the extra time you have to do things you like. For example, we have more time to do hobbies we enjoy during this pandemic that we do not have time to do, baking, cooking, etc. Plus, you are using a more efficient way of doing things, for example, Online shopping that helps you save time, also in abundance. You have various tools to simplify everyday life, live in peaceful and efficient ways Do invest in equipment that can help you to stay efficient and in peace.

I recalled I offered a treat to my family members as appreciation for their help in looking and
set up my house. One main point is about GRATITUDE. By being grateful for all the assistance and whatever God provides, we can attract abundance.

In creating money: attracting abundance workshop, it will explore hidden belief and clearing. There is the belief that limits our ability to attract wealth and abundance.

1.Family of origin
3.Fear around safety, money
4.Belief around money
5.Not deserving of having a large sum of money
6.The ability to receive

I will be sharing more about the topic above. Stay tuned.

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The secret of Blue Magnetic Hand
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Radiate Metta PrayerMetta is a Pali word, means loving-kindness. It is wishing well for everybody. We are in need of lov...




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