Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo

Community Activist, Sportscaster and Katutura Central Constituency Councillor

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 24/01/2024

In this photo, I was conveying to Hon Likuwa of Tobias Hainyeko Constituency and Hon Ndengu of Moses Garoeb Constituency that it is unlikely for their SWAPO party to secure 50% of the vote in the upcoming November national elections.
In the realm of politics, we may hold diverse ideologies and visions for how our nation should be governed, yet we are united by our humanity and a spirit of fraternal affection.


The Christmas gifts for our senior citizens arrived just at the right time! providing much-needed support as our community faced economic challenges in January(worry). We presented them with food parcels, encouraging them to share the joy with their families, especially their grandkids returning to school, ensuring they don't go hungry as they embark on their new academic year.


As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”

Blessed Sunday

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 09/01/2024

In my four decades on this earth, I've learned to cultivate unwavering faith in all my endeavors. A defining moment occurred in the early 1990s, as we gathered around a crackling fire. One of our uncles, inquiring about our aspirations, challenged us kids to share our dreams for the future. At just 11 or 12 years old, I boldly declared my ambition to become a Radio Presenter (Omuisana). To my dismay, he swiftly responded, "You will never be a presenter because you are deaf." I felt dejected that day. However, years later, I defied the odds and carved out a distinguished career as a Sportscaster.

During my final days at NBC, a close friend attempted to dissuade me from contesting the Katutura Central Constituency election, asserting that I could not defeat SWAPO against all odds. Stubbornly, I stood my ground, citing the biblical adage, "Blessed are those who believe before they see" (ovaningandu mbekambura ngunda avehiamuna). I resigned from NBC three months before the elections, and against all expectations, emerged victorious. I have always maintained that what seems impossible to man is possible with God.

Presently, my aspiration is to establish Wi-Fi access points at every corner of our constituency and to transition our conventional electricity-dependent homes to solar power. While this endeavor may appear daunting, my holiday residence in Cape Town, where solar energy powers the house and a gas stove serves for cooking, serves as a testament to the feasibility of such a transformation. The lessons learned from dealing with load shedding have fostered a newfound resourcefulness.

As we navigate through this year, let's hold fast to our dreams and inspirations, refusing to be swayed by the multitude of voices that seek to confuse us.

I will be back in the office on the 15th January 2024.



As we usher in 2024, the year of tangible outcomes, as proclaimed by the esteemed President of our Republic, Dr. HG, I extend my warmest wishes for a joyous and prosperous New Year to all the outstanding citizens of our Constituency. May it be filled with abundant blessings and robust health.

1.As I enter my fourth year serving as your Regional Councillor, I reflect on the remarkable progress we have achieved in the relatively brief span of three years. However, there is still much work to be done.

In 2024, our priorities are clear.

2.We are committed to easing the financial strain on pensioners by implementing initiatives such as the conversion of municipal electricity-dependent homes to solar energy systems and promoting the use of gas stoves over electric ones.

3.Additionally, we must address the pressing housing crisis, which demands deliberate and proactive intervention from the central government to prevent recurring fire outbreaks in informal settlements constructed from flammable materials.

4.The challenge of youth unemployment persists as a major concern, and we are determined to tackle it head-on.

5.Furthermore, we intend to undertake a comprehensive initiative to enhance the living conditions of pensioners by painting their homes and ensuring their security through engagements with law enforcement agencies, the establishment of numerous neighborhood watch programs, the installation of security cameras, and increased police patrols in crime-prone areas.

6.Recognizing the urgency of the situation, we will advocate for the implementation of basic income grants for all unemployed citizens aged 24 to 59.

7. Moreover, we aim to expand access to digital connectivity by adding at least one additional Wi-Fi access point within our Constituency.We require at least one additional WiFi access point in our Constituency for improved connectivity.

8.Let's strive to channel more of our youth into schools rather than the streets. We should empower them to pursue education and seize every opportunity, including those in the burgeoning green hydrogen sector, so they can realize their full potential.

9.I am committed to advancing the following initiatives that I have spearheaded: (a) Katutura Central Constituency Information Sharing Day, (b) Katutura Central Constituency Health Awareness Day, (c) Katutura Central Clean-up Campaign Day, and (d) Sharing with the Less Fortunate Day (providing old clothes, blankets, and food parcels). Additionally, we are planning training programs for at-risk youth who have fallen in with negative influences and are engaging in harmful activities.

10.Let us be guided by the spirit of compassion, empathy, and solidarity with those in need.

As we move into 2024, let's press forward with these endeavors.

In the spirit of progress and unity, let us embark on this new year with unwavering determination and a shared commitment to the well-being of our community. Together, we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead and build a brighter future for all.

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 22/12/2023

As many of us today were busy traveling to the remote areas of our republic for the Christmas and New Year celebrations, I spent my day bustling around the office, journeying from house to house, street to street, and location to location, distributing Christmas food parcels to our elderly residents. In total, we provided about 50 food parcels, amounting to a cost of approximately 20,000 NAD.

During my visits, I encountered some elders in very vulnerable situations. Some were bedridden, others were living in solitary conditions without a caregiver, and some were shouldering the responsibility of caring for numerous grandchildren while their own children remained unemployed. I deeply value the opportunity to connect with these individuals firsthand during this season, as it allows me to gain a deeper understanding of their circumstances. I believe there is a pressing need for more care facilities in Namibia to offer a secure and supportive environment for our elderly population.

In the spirit of love that defines this season, let us generously share what we have with our neighbors. As the Bible teaches, "God loves a cheerful giver." If you are planning to celebrate by slaughtering a goat or sheep, consider inviting others from our village to join in the feast. Similarly, if you are fortunate enough to own farms, let us extend our generosity to our farm workers, or take a calf to the village of your origin to share love with those you left behind.

As we prepare to gather in the name of our Lord and Savior, let us be reminded that the Bible tells us, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Let's unite in singing hymns and offering words of praise and worship wherever we find ourselves during this special season.

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 19/12/2023

As the year draws to a close, I take this opportunity to reflect on the successes and challenges we have encountered at the Katutura Central Constituency office in 2023.

1. Health Initiatives
* Successfully organized a mental health care day in collaboration with UNAM.
* Hosted the Katutura Central Constituency Health Awareness Day.
* Facilitated the renovation of the Katutura Health Centre, also known as Katutura Clinic. We are in ongoing communication with the Health Director to ensure that the issue of nurses taking extended lunch breaks is a thing of the past.

2. Educational Advancements
* Implemented community wifi access points at the Katutura Library and Jacob Marengo SS, providing valuable resources for pupils and students in our Constituency.
* Established a soup kitchen at Namibia Primary School to support vulnerable pupils.
* We supply school uniforms to vulnerable students in our constituency, amounting to a total of 50,000 NAD.
* Personally sponsored a top-performing student at Theo Katjimune Primary School with a 500 NAD scholarship. Additionally, I plan to provide 1,000 NAD to each of our primary schools to support their highest-achieving students.

3. Social Development Initiatives
* Allocated 250,000 NAD to income-generating projects, aimed at providing informal traders with the necessary equipment to enhance their businesses.
* Distributed 50 blankets and second-hand clothing to vulnerable individuals in our Constituency as part of our winter safety net program.
* Consistently allocated 10% of my salary each month to identified individuals in our Constituency, with the aim of boosting their businesses and providing inspiration.
* Undertook the painting of several pensioners' houses to improve their living conditions.
* We organized the Katutura Central Constituency Information Sharing Day, where we extended invitations to governmental, semi-governmental, and corporate entities to share valuable information with our constituents.

4. Motions
* I initiated a motion to elevate the Katutura Expo to the Khomas Expo, aiming to enhance its scale and quality.
* I spearheaded a motion to empower our constituents in the Khomas Region by facilitating training across various disciplines.
* I championed a motion calling for a disbursement of 250,000 NAD to each constituency as an interim measure, in lieu of the Constituency Development Fund pending approval by the National Assembly.

5. Sports
I am a staunch supporter of sports activities in our region. Through my efforts, the Under-20 Governor's Cup and PstBet Governor's Cup have provided sports gear and incentives to each constituency, resulting in commendable performances by the constituency teams in these tournaments.

1. Our constituency continues to grapple with high crime rates, necessitating the establishment of robust neighborhood watch programs.
2. The escalating unemployment rate among our youth demands urgent intervention from the central government.
3. Coordination in Disaster Risk Management is lacking, as evidenced by the devastating fire at Squard Camp on Mungunda Street, leaving approximately 70 destitute individuals without adequate support.
4. Regrettably, we fell short of our target to paint the houses of pensioners as extensively as we had hoped.
5. The installation of speed humps is needed in numerous streets.
6. Implementing security cameras in crime-prone areas is crucial.

As we look back on these accomplishments, it is evident that our dedication to the well-being and advancement of our community has made a meaningful impact. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve and look forward to continuing our efforts in the coming year.

As the saying goes, "Rome was not built in a day," and the development of Katutura Central Constituency remains a work in progress.

Wishing you all a joyous Christmas and a prosperous New Year!


Today, I visited the house of prayer to seek blessings for our constituents as we approach the festive season. As we prepare to journey to the heart of our country to reunite with our loved ones and neighbors, my hope is that we may be guided by God's mercy. Let us endeavor to spread love and extend our generosity to those who are less fortunate, sharing the abundance of our hearts with those in need.

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 13/12/2023

At our final council meeting of the year, I proposed a motion aimed at securing resources to empower our constituents through training in key areas such as financial literacy, small and medium enterprises, sewing and tailoring, mental health, gender-based violence, and social development.

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 08/12/2023

In the 2020 local authorities elections, the residents of Windhoek granted a mandate to the opposition parties to lead Namibia's sole city. Of the 59,778 individuals who cast their votes, only 20,250 were in favor of maintaining the status quo after 28 years of absolute power by the SWAPO party. A significant 39,528 residents opted for the opposition parties, clearly expressing their desire for a change in leadership. This resounding mandate from the people of Windhoek presented a golden opportunity for the opposition parties to form a strong coalition and provide an alternative government for the 2024 national elections.

Regrettably, this opportunity evaporated before us, leaving me disheartened to witness the return of the city of Windhoek to the hands of SWAPO. This outcome could potentially be used as a yardstick against the opposition parties in the upcoming 2024 national elections.

What perplexes me is why the IPC decided to remain passive spectators while they were on the field. It is akin to agreeing to be on the field but refusing to participate. I believe that the 14,028 individuals who voted for IPC are deeply disappointed by this seemingly immature behavior from the leading opposition party in the Windhoek council.

As observed in the recent mayoral and deputy mayoral elections, it is evident that PDM, AR, and LPM joined forces, while N**O chose to align with the SWAPO party. Meanwhile, the IPC opted not to participate at all. Such behavior raises concerns and questions the unity and coherence of the opposition parties.

As we rapidly approach 2024, all political parties will undoubtedly intensify their efforts to garner as many votes as possible in the pursuit of securing a place in the next government. Speaking from my own involvement in politics, I feel it is crucial to be candid with my fellow opposition parties. Without a robust coalition, our chances of unseating SWAPO are exceedingly slim. No matter how loudly we may proclaim our convictions, if we do not prioritize the formation of a serious coalition, our aspirations of leading this nation after the upcoming elections may very well remain out of reach.

By Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo
Community Servant


At the Khomas Regional Council end-of-year evening, we were instructed to don vintage attire, and I did my utmost to improvise a suitable outfit.

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 29/11/2023

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning

It is with great pleasure and honor that we gather here today at the Lidar Foundation for the Empowerment Graduation and Handover Ceremony for Young Mothers in Katutura. I extend a warm welcome to all our distinguished guests and partners who have graced us with their presence.

In attendance, we are honored to have Ms. Serley Eises, the Executive Director of the Lidar Community Foundation, Ms. Constance Muparadzi, the Head Social Worker of Regain Trust, Assistant Representative of the United Nations Population Fund,her worship the Deputy Mayor Ms Lombard, the esteemed Honourable Laura McLeod-Katjirua, Governor of the Khomas region her absentia but I recognize her Representative Platini Katjaoha, as well as His Excellency Mr. Hisia Nishimaki, the Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Namibia.

Today's gathering is a testament to the power of collaboration and shared commitment to the well-being and empowerment of our community. As we come together to celebrate the achievements and resilience of the young mothers in Katutura, we reaffirm our collective dedication to the principle of "Leaving No One Behind."

The Lidar Foundation, along with our esteemed partners, has been instrumental in providing support and opportunities for the empowerment of young mothers, recognizing the importance of their role in shaping the future of our society.

As we reflect on the journey of these remarkable young women and the challenges they have overcome, we acknowledge the invaluable role played by our partners and supporters in making this program a success. Your unwavering dedication and support have been crucial in creating a platform for these young mothers to thrive and contribute meaningfully to our community.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to the success of this program and the well-being of our community. Your commitment and generosity have made a tangible difference in the lives of these young mothers, and for that, we are profoundly grateful.

In closing, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to each and every one of you for being part of this momentous occasion. Let us continue to work together in solidarity, ensuring that every member of our community is empowered and supported.

Thank you.


Today, I delivered a few food items to the family of the deceased individual who was tragically struck by a car on Monday along the Western Bypass B1 road. This family resides at the youth complex in Katutura, representing our very own marginalized community. I am deeply grateful for the individuals who have generously provided food items without seeking recognition. What is truly distressing is the absence of remorse and empathy from the individuals responsible for this fatal accident (culpable homicide). They claim to be traumatized and in need of an extended period—potentially weeks, months, or even a year—to recover, as conveyed by their lawyer. Shockingly, they have shown no willingness to contribute to the funeral expenses.

To compound matters, no statement has been taken from the primary witness, who happens to be the deceased's husband. The police officer handling the case appears to be procrastinating, and I am on the verge of reporting this behavior to their superiors. The central question remains: why has the white individual who struck this woman not been apprehended?

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 21/11/2023

Yesterday, I paid a visit to our fellow residents in youth complex who come from marginalized communities. I was deeply saddened and shocked to learn about a tragic incident that occurred. A lady from the community, accompanied by her husband and carrying their 1- and 3-month-old baby on her back, was involved in a car accident on B1 in the Western bypass. Tragically, she lost her life at the scene, while the baby was immediately rushed to Katutura Central Hospital, where she is currently receiving intensive care.

In light of this heartbreaking situation, I am reaching out to any compassionate individuals out there, urging them to extend their support in providing a dignified burial for our departed loved one. As the Councilor of Katutura Central Constituency, I am also drafting a letter to the Ministry of Poverty, seeking their assistance in this matter. Furthermore, we are in discussions with the parents of the individual responsible for the accident, exploring the possibility of their contribution toward the funeral expenses.

During this difficult time, we are grateful for any support and solidarity that can help us provide comfort and closure to the affected family.


Yesterday, two young individuals approached me during a concert at the NFA Technical Centre, mistakenly assuming I had the authority of a police officer.

They claimed to have arrived late to the show, a mere 20 or 10 minutes before it ended, and demanded a refund. They identified me as their elected community leader and believed it was my responsibility to address their grievance.

As I listened to their argument, I found their reasoning to be misguided. I requested their cellphone numbers to contact the event organizers and provide them with a response. However, to my surprise, one of the individuals accused me of being indifferent to the community's needs due to my assumed financial stability.

They threatened to remove me from my councilor position, despite the fact that our personal financial situation(Councilors perks) are publicly known, and I currently have no money in my pocket.

It was in the early hours of the morning when I calmly responded, stating that if they wished to remove me from office over a mere 60 NAD, they were welcome to proceed with their intentions.

The challenges I face on a daily basis are often difficult and at times unimaginable. Occasionally, I can't help but wonder if these individuals are being manipulated by my political adversaries.

Psalm 91!


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Dear fellow residents of Katutura Central Constituency,

I extend a warm invitation to each and every one of you to join us for the highly anticipated Katutura Central Health Awareness Day, scheduled for November 18th, 2023. This special event will bring together key players in the health sector, ensuring a comprehensive experience for all participants.

The highlight of the day will be a invigorating 10-kilometer walk and run marathon, taking place along the boundaries of Katutura Central Constituency. This engaging activity promises to promote physical wellness and encourage an active lifestyle among our community members. Additionally, an exciting 7-a-side tournament will be held, providing an opportunity for friendly competition and fostering a sense of camaraderie among our residents.

I urge each and every one of you to partake in this remarkable event. No matter your age or fitness level, there will be something for everyone to enjoy. Let us come together as a community and make this day a resounding success!

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 02/11/2023

Today, as I stand before you, I am reminded of the profound journey I embarked on many years ago. It was 1988 when I took my first steps into the world of education. However, my path was not an easy one. I encountered obstacles and faced setbacks that tested my determination and resilience.

In those early years, I stumbled and faltered, failing grade one not once, but twice. It was disheartening, and doubt crept into my mind. But I refused to let those failures define me. I knew deep within that my potential was far greater than what those setbacks suggested.

Then, at the age of 11, another challenge presented itself—a hearing problem that threatened to derail my educational journey. Society, with its opinions and judgments, whispered that perhaps I should remain at home, believing that my inability to hear properly would hinder my progress. But I refused to accept such limitations.

I refused to let circumstances dictate my destiny. Instead, I embraced the power of perseverance, fueled by an unyielding determination to achieve my dreams. I chose to rise above the doubts and surpass the expectations others had set for me.

And here I stand today, as a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Despite the adversities I faced, I never gave up. I overcame the odds, defied expectations, and pursued my dreams with unwavering passion.

As I look at each and every one of you, the bright and talented students of this remarkable institution, I see the potential for greatness. I see the same fire within your hearts that once burned within mine—a fire that pushes you to reach for the stars, regardless of the challenges that may come your way.

Remember, my dear students, that your circumstances do not define your capabilities. You are not limited by the opinions and judgments of others. The power to shape your future lies firmly in your hands.

Let my story serve as a reminder that setbacks are not roadblocks; they are merely stepping stones on the path to success. Embrace every obstacle as an opportunity for growth, and never allow anything to extinguish the flame of your dreams.

Today, I celebrate your achievements—the outstanding students who have excelled in their studies. Your dedication, hard work, and resilience have earned you this moment of recognition. But remember, this is only the beginning. Your journey has just begun, and the world awaits the brilliance that lies within each of you.

As your Regional Councilor Katutura for Central Constituency , I stand here not only to honor your achievements but also to pledge my unwavering support from next year 2024 onwards will give 1k for the dux leaners in each of the 4 primary schools in our Constituency. Together, let us build a community that nurtures and empowers every young mind to reach their greatest potential.

Congratulations to the best students of Bethold Himumuine Primary School. May your futures be filled with boundless possibilities and may you continue to inspire others with your remarkable stories of triumph.

Thank you, and may success always be your faithful companion.

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 30/10/2023

I had the extraordinary honor of being the keynote speaker at the prize-giving ceremony held at Theo Katjimune Primary School last Friday. During this remarkable event, I was profoundly moved by the exceptional achievements of a young girl named Uapingena Ngujapeua, who was bestowed with the prestigious Dux Learner Award. In a gesture of appreciation for her remarkable accomplishments, I presented her with a token of admiration—an amount of 500 NAD.

Witnessing the dedication and excellence displayed by Uapingena and her fellow students filled me with a profound sense of pride and hope for the future. It is through acknowledging and supporting the remarkable achievements of our young learners that we can inspire them to reach even greater heights. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to their academic journey and look forward to witnessing the continued success of Uapingena and her peers.

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 29/10/2023

Councilship has no days off, on this very Sunday after church, I dedicated my time to attentively listen to the concerns of our esteemed pensioners.

These respected members of our community express genuine apprehension regarding issues such as noise pollution from neighboring properties, exorbitant water and electricity bills, and the regrettable behaviors exhibited by some of our youth within the Constituency.


The Blue movement 💙💙💙

Photos from Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo's post 10/10/2023

While dining at a local eatery, I unexpectedly encountered the distinguished National Assembly Speaker, Honorable Professor Peter Katjivivi. Upon our initial exchange, he remarked that my voice was sorely missed in the realm of sports. Curiously, he posed a thought-provoking question: Could I not simultaneously fulfill the roles of a sports presenter and carry out councilship duties? In response, I reaffirmed my unwavering commitment to serving my nation in any capacity.

As our conversation progressed, the esteemed Speaker began imparting wisdom through the art of parables, urging me not to succumb to the pressures and allow others to undermine my endeavors. He assured me that he possessed keen insight into the situation around me, and thus, I should remain steadfast, resilient, and unwavering in the face of adversities encountered along my path. Oiri imue hirire omukueyuva😂🙏


Last night, at approximately 11:59 PM, I received a distressing call from concerned residents regarding a devastating fire that broke out in the Squard camp on Mungunda Street. Tragically, the lives and possessions of approximately 60 to 70 individuals were at risk. Unfortunately, I was out of town at the time and could only respond to a few emergency calls. However, upon my immediate return to Windhoek, I swiftly engaged with John Moonde, the Chairperson of the Khomas Regional Council, and Mr. Hiskia, the Disaster Risk Management Coordinator.

In light of this calamity, we are faced with two crucial options to address the situation. Firstly, we urgently provided these affected individuals with food parcels to meet their immediate needs. Secondly, we must develop a comprehensive, long-term plan to relocate these individuals to a more secure location where they can be provided with proper shelters.

At this time, I implore the esteemed members of our society to lend their support in any way possible to aid our fellow citizens. Let us unite under the principles of love, empathy, and humanity.

Vezemba Rodman Katjaimo
Regional Councillor
Katutura Central Constituency


In a delightful reunion with my former senior schoolmate from Okahandja Secondary School, Betuel Tjivii Tjaveondja, who now serves as the Constituency Regional Councilor of Okahandja, we shared some lighthearted moments. However, the joyous occasion was tinged with a touch of rivalry as mighty African Stars outperformed his beloved club, Okahandja United, securing a resounding victory with a score of 4-0.


In recent weeks, I have been receiving heartfelt messages from a young, struggling single mother who is in desperate need of assistance to provide for her family. Yesterday, I decided to share some of her messages on my WhatsApp status, hoping that someone with a kind heart would come forward to help her. Fortunately, a compassionate individual by the name Jefrou Novengi uaKamatapati answered my plea and offered her a small contribution.

However, upon speaking with her this very same evening, she expressed her desire for assistance in starting her own business selling baked goods. She believes that setting up her venture on 8th Street in Laan would provide an ideal location for her business to thrive and grow.


You are cordially invited to an informative event dedicated to the residents of the esteemed Katutura Central Constituency.

We have curated a diverse lineup of esteemed organizations to share valuable insights with you. Join us as we delve into topics such as the Bank of Namibia's perspective on unregulated businesses, the Namra's expert advice on taxation, the City of Windhoek's commitment to exceptional service delivery, the Ministry of Mines and Energy's focus on solar system soft loans and the exciting world of Hydrogen, as well as the enlightening programs and courses offered by Namcol and Unam. In addition, we have esteemed representatives from Sanlam and FNB who will shed light on their insurance and product offerings respectively.

Not to mention the presence of the Social Security Commission, Law Society, and the Master of the High Court, among many other distinguished guests. The list of contributors is truly extensive, promising an enriching experience for all attendees.

Please be there don't be told at all.

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Videos (show all)

Today, I delivered a few food items to the family of the deceased individual who was tragically struck by a car on Monda...
Last night, at approximately 11:59 PM, I received a distressing call from concerned residents regarding a devastating fi...
In recent weeks, I have been receiving heartfelt messages from a young, struggling single mother who is in desperate nee...
Today,  As Katutura Central Constituency Councilor and responsible citizen of this great nation, have taken the initiati...






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