Prince Amaechi

I help businesses in achieve clarity and reach goals by implementing effective structure and process


If you are offered a million dollars not to share this post to the second person that appeared when you type @, will you?


Take care of your health, you can't truly achieve purpose and impact lives with a sickly body.


When I worked corporate “fun days” was always planned on a Sunday. When I was a baby in the faith I interpreted this as coincidence and harmless.

My interpretation of harmless and coincidental gave the corporate space a free pass because christians did not care,why should they.

The other religions was very strong in their convictions. On a Friday for example my colleagues got extended lunch breaks because they were serious about their devotion and worship.

The difference was one group was casual in their devotion,the other group was very serious in their devotion.

As long as we teach from our pulpits that Sunday is optional,Midweek prayer meeting is optional,fasting is optional,giving is optional,honor is optional,fellowship is optional we will have no grounds against the spirit of this world that takes our devotion cheap.

The world is not winning becuase it is strong, it is winning because it is dealing with a christian who see the weightier things of the kingdom as optional and not a big deal.
......And any christian who will not compromise on his devotion is marked as religious,over-zealous and legalistic by the very christian community.

Christianity is powerful,it is transformational,it is life changing.....If only christians believed this!

©Brandon Bailey


Warning signs in relationships.

I made a short post about being sensitive to red flags as a single in your relationships, that most of them are warnings from God to you.

Many have come to my inbox to ask me what kind of warning signs, I will give as many examples as I can.

A warning sign is a type of sign that indicates a potential hazard, obstacle, or condition requiring special attention. warning signs in your relationship doesn't mean you should end it immediately, though some might signify that. at times, it calls your attention to issues that need to be addressed before getting married to the person.

I once dated a lady who told me to my face that she would not be submissive to me after marriage. I loved that lady but that statement continued to make me restless until I lost my peace, I just had to end the relationship.

That was a sign to me, maybe God was still preparing her for marriage, but she was not yet ready or even meant for me. That doesn't make her bad but not for me then.

Warning signs are mostly subjective and might not be generally applicable to everybody. This is because of the difference in value.

Intelligent ladies attract me more than dull ladies, to me when a lady is dull and shows no sign of interest for personal development, no matter how emotionally I'm attached to her, I will soon get tired of her.

To others, a lack of interest in personal development might not mean anything to them.

My friend complained to me about the lady he wanted to marry. From the story, I noticed the lady is hot-tempered, but the worst of it is that she told my friend he has to learn how to live with her temper and that she can't do anything about it. Come on, that's a warning sign.

I warned my friend that living with her would be hell, and he said she would change. They got married but went their separate ways after two years. He ignored the warning signs. If she had admitted her shortcomings and is making an effort to improve, that would have been better.

As a lady, he hit you twice and apologizes each time, that's a warning sign. he or she doesn't have regard for their parents, it's a warning sign.

He sleeps with your friend, it's a warning sign. He can't hold himself till you both get married, it's a warning sign.

He is too stingy, he always wants to spend your money, it's a warning sign

She dishonors you as a man, she doesn't know the difference between respect and disrespect, you always have to explain to her that her words and actions disrespect your person, my brother, it's a warning sign.

He dishonors her sister and talks to them anyhow, my dear, you won't be an exception.

He likes the company of other girls more than yours, mmmm mmm🤔.

As I said, most of the signs are pointers to an area that needs to be worked on or settled before getting married. It then means if those things are not settled, don't marry.

Lastly, the greatest warning and more sure warning sign is your peace of mind, please note that this can only apply to you if you are born again ( many will disagree with me here but you are free).

Whenever you lose your peace concerning your relationship, please for your safety and future, pause that relationship and go into prayers.

Losing your peace means something is wrong somewhere, your senses haven't picked it but your spirit has

Press more in prayer until you get a specific answer or regain your peace.

Note: you will be more sensitive to these signs and if you have values and have developed yourself, it will be easier to pick up things that are not consistent with your values.

If you are a merry-go-round kind of person, in most cases you will be blind to them.

May God Help the singles to make the right choice.


This is me at my first event in 2017.

The entry fee was N500, not dollars, I mean N500.

I spent 40k to organize this event and only ten people came, do the maths.

The hall was given to me free, so I didn't pay for hall, no light, no fan, participants were all sweating profusely.

But they were happy, to me then it was a huge success, I felt big and important.

Now the story has changed, through the process of time, I developed, I networked, I learned, and I evolved. This is really important in sharing our success stories.

We should also learn to share our struggles, and let our followers appreciate the truth and lessons embedded in the process.

There is no overnight success, but if we keep emphasizing our success without our struggles, we tend to mold a generation that only appreciates success without the process that brings it.

I call on all mentors, coaches, influencers celebrity to share their struggles sincerely, this will help to break this get-rich-quick syndrome that is damaging our youth.


If you want your workers to stop stealing from you, do this.

There are two solutions I recommend for every business owner, whether big or small so long as you have somebody working for you.

You need to find a way to protect yourself from losing money in your business.

I have consulted for many companies that complained of how their workers steal from them, delving deeper into the matter, most times I discover the problem is 50% from them the business owners.

1. Firstly, you need to put a system in place, I mean a procedure for how everything in the business is done,

For instance, a step-by-step process of how to buy inventory, a step-by-step process of how to sell on credit, and how to determine who to give and who not to give.

A step-by-step process of how to handle money that comes into the business, a procedure of recruiting and onboarding new employees.

These systems help the company run by itself, everybody understands the process and procedure of how things are done, there is no confusion about how any particular issue should be handled,

Systems and process help you monitor your business even from afar, It helps detect errors faster before they skyrocket.

2. Secondly, after putting a system in place, make sure the system is not oppressive to workers,

Make sure the system helps them work effectively and become better. People always find a way to beat a system that doesn't allow them grow.

Any system that makes it difficult for people to make money legitimately will always experience corruption and stealing from the people.

Apply these two solutions and thank me later.


The Evangelist.

Some are called to preach the gospel on the pulpit, some are called to spread the gospel of sincerity and integrity, some are called to spread transparency in the banking sector, and others in the legal and politics

We are all called to be an evangelist, we operate from different alters, and we are sent to different people, with a mandate to showcase a dimension of God given to us.

We are all carriers of a dimension of God, our service, our work, and our business must be seen and done through that dimension.

If you are a banker, let God be seen in your banking,

If you are a cobbler, let God be seen in your services

If you are a cleaner, let God be seen.

Only then can your work stand through eternity.

I have a question for you.

How is your work showcasing God?


Somebody can actually 'love' you but wouldn't know how to love you.

In the equation of love, feeling which has to do with your emotions is 25% only, while the remaining 75% of it has to do with your will and mind.

Your will and mind is strengthened by knowledge, which means, 75% of the requirements to sustain love is knowledge while 25% makes for your feelings.

Unfortunately, lots of people are controlled by emotions which is just 25% of the love equation.

Even in your normal exams, 25% is failure.

You need the following to complete your love cycle,
◾Pleasure or feeling

All these four must be in the right proportion to have a successful relationship with your partner.

That you feel pleasured with a person doesn't mean you can love them right, you need to subject that feelings to test if they pass sacrifice, commitment and pursuit test.

Take time to learn how to love your partner, learn how to respond to them, learn their nature, etc, these will help you to build a sustainable relationship.

Emotions can go wild and messed up, but only with the right knowledge can you control how you feel and take right decisions.

Emotions are unstable, they are not fit for making decisions.

Before I forget, the beautiful lady on the pics is my wife🥰



It's very dangerous and demonic to start comparing yourself with your colleagues. I mean every word I just said.


The moment you start blaming others for your misfortunes, that's when you start being a failure.


Praying without working is playing without knowing.


How do you know you are selling to the wrong market? What are the indicators


When you are around big people, they make you feel bigger, when you are around small people, they make you feel smaller.


Let them divorce each other and marry each other🤷


Let me reshare this important post

Money Doesn't Grow Business

One of my friends won a grant of N4.8 million during the former president Jonathan regime.

He used the money to start an ICT company in Owerri.

The money was given to him in batches, the first batch was N1.5 million. He used it to establish the company, when the rest money came, the business is already running.

Fast forward to 2015, the business has failed, he became an intern in another person ICT company receiving 20k as monthly salary.

I remember telling him that money doesn't grow a business, receiving funds is not a guarantee that your business will stand.

Almost every business person believes that his major challenge is funding.

You are the one that grows your business not money, money is just an asset that helps you grow the business.

Your business is a total reflection of your knowledge, experiences, exposure, intelligence and network.

When you lack the right knowledge to grow your business, no matter the amount of money invested in that business, it will surely reflect your deficiency.

Starting a business is easy, but growing and sustaining the business is very difficult, it requires every ounce of knowledge in you to keep it going.

It requires discipline to manage your finances right.

As you seek funding and partnership, go for the relevant knowledge required to run your business.



Wisdom might not be loud, foolishness can even win wisdom in an argument, but time reveals the wisdom and foolishness of a thing.


You can help small business owners grow on social media.

Running a business has never been easy, business owners need all the support they can get from friends, families and fans to grow and sustain the business.

Don't be like that friend that come under his friend's business post and says 'good one' without any effort to promote them.

Friends in need are friends indeed.

You can support your friend's businesses without spending money in the following ways.

1. Write about their business on your page and tag them.

2. Share their business post on your timeline and platforms to increase their visibility

3. Comment constructively on their business post, and say things that will encourage others to believe in them.

4. Write a review about their business and share it with your friends.

Doing the following will not only help them spread but also increase their credibility and acceptance.

Let us not just help in words, let us help in actions and deeds.


It's to a man's Honour to avoid strife, but every Fool is quick to quarrel.

Photos from Prince Amaechi's post 11/01/2024

Nothing I haven't seen inbox,

He wants me to connect him to become a drug pedl*r

I'm a business consultant please, a clean and certified one for that matter. Come with all your legit business.

This one pass me 🤦


Gen Z's and the Tech Industry

My friend runs a tech company, he needed the services of a programmer for a mega project he was handling, he employed a 21-year programmer.

The salary agreed was 250k per month with accommodations.

He noticed the guy comes to work late, wear all manner of crazy outfits, sprays his hair multiple colours, hardly obeys orders from the boss.

But he does his job well,

I advised my friend not to lower his company standard just to accommodate one arrant rule breaker. He warned the boy but wasn't resolute because according to him, he is afraid of losing him.

After one year of this boy working in his company, my friend lost his most trusted and valuable staff because of the boys behavior,

Long story short,

Before my friend could realize the the harm he had caused himself, the company lost two mega projects, and Gen Z left without notice.

Went behind my friend's back to contact the company with a proposal, the company did due diligence on him and realized he worked with my friend's company and called him.

On further investigation, it was realised this GenZ was the one that leaked the information that led to my friend losing the project.

No matter how good a worker is, dear Business owners, don't lower your standards to accommodate excesses from these younger generation,

Yes, my emphasis is on Gen Zs, many of them are still inexperience about life and feel entitled, they think they can do anything just because they are skilled.

We need to teach them the principles of work ethics, they need to know that sustainable business is not built on smoking and chewing gum in the office, they need to understand that for any organization to survive must, it must have a strong culture that sustains it.

That for a system to function effectively, everybody must obey it.

I have handled cases involving the Gen Zs, yes most of them are skilled but lack character, not just character but ignorance of life, they need to be mentored, and they need to be handled with care.

We are losing a generation that thinks everything resolves around tech skills,

They lack empathy,
They lack leadership
They lack corporate governance,
They lack relationship skill
And much more.

Tech hubs and training institutes should include these courses in their training.

Kindly share your experience and possible solutions.


Igbo Apprenticeships System is still the best, our youth should embrace it

Photos from Prince Amaechi's post 11/01/2024

Sibling coexisting shirt is out

They must agree by force, thinking of buying it for my son and daughter, there dragging is too much.


Every woman deserves to be called beautiful at least once a day. So,to all the females reading this.. YOU are beautiful!


I've received 25,000 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉


You can forgive some people without welcoming them into your life back. Apology accepted, access denied.


Never admire people so much that you abandoned your uniqueness, you are special and unique in your own way, you are special and have a special gift only you can activate. Don't limit yourself


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The business spirit of Anambra men needs to be studied.

A woman shared a story with me yesterday, a young man he recommended to an Anambra man to learn trade was settled this year with N2,000,000 naira.

The young man is from Abia state, due to the relationship the Anambra man has with the woman who brought the young man, he added extra privileges like:

1. The young man can live with him and eat his food
2. The boss ask that they do combine business, he want to add another N3m to him to share the profit 50-50
3. He offered him his shop in one of the best locations in Onitcha for free for up to one year.

The boss narrated that his intention was just to see the young man do well shortly.

But you know what,

The young man refused almost all the offers, that his boss still want him to be under him, that he still want to control him, that he want to enjoy his freedom.

Most of my Anambra friends got settled this way, they stayed with their boss for many years even after being settled.

This enabled them to still ride on the wings of their boss, though free but due to the influence and interest of their boss in the business, they tend to be more careful in managing funds.

They utilize the contacts of their boss, because they are just starting out on their own, their boss becomes their shock absorber Incase of emergency.

But all these benefits the young man declined because he want to be totally free from his boss.

All manner of advice was given to him to accept the offer, he bluntly refused.

He doesn't want to live with the boss probably the boss won't allow him to come back with women, and he feels he won't be allowed to enjoy his newfound freedom.

But this system has produced thousands of Anambra billionaires, an Anambra man will still be living with his boss while he controls billions to his name.

I think this mindset of service and the master-servant relationship has become a culture to them, it's no longer difficult for the younger ones to imbibe that spirit, unlike other clans.

In my place, young boys find it very difficult to submit to mentorship through the apprenticeship system.

Even Harvard Business School has developed an interest in the Igbo Apprenticeships System, saying it's the world's biggest business incubation hub.

How do we introduce back that spirit of apprenticeship to the younger generation?


Build and maintain a solid relationship this year with all your strength, with all your might, with all your resources. Relationship is the highest currency in the world.


Picture A is the business idea in your head.

It appears so alluring and feasible, so enticing that you swear with your grandfathers grave that if only you get N10million, you will become a billionaire in two years.

You are so sure of the idea, you are so pumped up and full of energy to get it running. Your rich uncle doubted you and you declare him a witch and enemy of progress.

You put the idea down on a business plan, the financials came out powerful and mouth watering, you calculated your profit after tax and nod your head.

Then time and chance happens to you, you got N10million naira,

You rushed off and start implementing,

You went back and look at your business after one year, what you saw is Picture B.

Your mind cut,

This is not possible,

You started looking for who and what to blame, economy is bad, Buhari closed boarder, Dollar increased and bla bla blah.

Dear startup, business in the head is different from business in the street, don't be too attached with your idea.

The market have a way of calling you back to reality,

No matter how fantastic the idea may seem, no matter how professional the business plan is, there is still the element of risk that you must put into consideration.

Never stop learning about business, that's the only guarantee you have, your knowledge and experience.

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