Winners Chapel Aba

Winners' Chapel Abayi, Aba is the provincial headquaters of Living Faith Church Worldwide in Aba, Abia state, Nigeria.

Many years back, precisely on May 2, 1981, at the end of a visionary encounter that lasted about eighteen hours, I saw a roll of afflicted, battered, beaten, tattered, deformed and all that one could ever imagine, groaning and agonizing, as a result of pains and pangs, crying as it were for rescue. I was so moved with compassion that I began sobbing profusely asking, "Why Lord?" I hear...d the Lor






Week 1

Day 1: Monday, January 8th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, t in the name of Jesus, thank you for confirming the “My Case is Different” prophetic agenda of 2017 in the Winners’ family worldwide – 1 Kgs 8:15

Prayer 2: Father, by the revelation of your word, hasten the fulfillment of the 2018 prophetic word in the life of every Winner – Jer.1:12

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to send us the rain of your word of wisdom that engenders supernatural breakthroughs, thereby attracting abiding multitudes to this church this year – Matt. 13:54

Prayer 4: Father, we decree that the oil upon your servant, the Apostle over this Commission, remains ever fresh and let him continue to experience ever-increasing anointing – Ezk. 47:1-5

Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, let every contention of hell against the ongoing revival be visited with divine vengeance, resulting in the continuous influx of record-breaking multitudes into this church this year – Is 49:25-26

Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, let every assembly in this Commission, experience supernatural church growth this year – Ezk. 36:37

Day 2: Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for answers to all our prayers yesterday, both as a Commission and as individuals – Psa. 118:23

Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, open the eyes of every Winner to the reality of the prophetic provisions available to us this year – Eph. 1:18

Prayer 3: Father, by the blood of Jesus, give us the heathens for our inheritance and the utter most part of the earth for our possession all through this year - Ps. 2:8

Prayer 4: Father, by the blood of Jesus, open the seal of your word to our pastors, culminating in unusual revelation that will result in the invasion of abiding multitudes into all our churches worldwide this year- Rev. 5:4-5

Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to send us the rain of your good Word that will engender strange order of testimonies among your people this year – Heb. 6:5

Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, plead the cause of this church and fight against them that fight against her continuous growth resulting in the influx of record-breaking and abiding multitudes this year. Ps 35:1

Day 3: Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for answers to all our prayers yesterday, both as a Commission and as individuals – Psa. 118:1

Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, baptize every Winner with the Spirit of obedience, to keep the prophetic demands of the year, thereby experiencing the reality of the New Dawn era – Ezk. 36:27

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, let this Church continue to experience supernatural growth after the order of the Acts of the Apostles, thereby retaining this church as a city without walls all through this year and beyond – Acts 13:44

Prayer 4: Father, strengthen your servant, the Apostle over this Commission, to relentlessly pursue the New Dawn prophetic agenda with outstanding results – Psa. 89:20-21

Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, shed your love abroad in my heart, both towards you and the interest of your kingdom, so that my life will keep springing surprises among men this year – 1 Cor. 2:9

Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree judgment against the gods of the land and all satanic manipulations targeted at stalling the growth of this church resulting in the invasion of abiding multitudes this year – Exo 12:12.

Day 4: Thursday, January 11th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for answers to all our prayers yesterday, both as a Commission and as individuals – Ps. 118:23

Prayer 2: Father, continue to unveil divine secrets to every Winner, thereby causing us to ride prosperously all through this year – Gen. 41:38-41

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, we invoke the vengeance of the Holy Ghost upon all resistances of the devil against the salvation of souls of the lost across our harvest field, resulting in the invasion of abiding multitudes all through this year– Ps 94:1.

Prayer 4 Father, in the name of Jesus, set a seal of protection over all our members and their families against all forms of attack all through this year and beyond- Psa. 125:3-5.

Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Ghost sweep across our harvest field with strong waves of convictions, thereby drawing multitudes into this church this year – Jn. 16:7-8.

Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Mystery of the Passover Blood, let every captive ordained for eternal life this year be released and established in this church – Acts 13:48

WSF: Saturday, January 13th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for answering my prayers since this 21-day prayer and fasting began - Jn. 11:41

Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, meet the need of every member of this cell this year, thereby attracting others to Christ – Zch. 8:23

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, let this cell replicate minimum twice this year to validate the ongoing Wonder Double prophetic agenda - Exo. 1:7


Day 8: Monday, January 15th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for gathering great multitudes into our service(s) yesterday and for granting every worshiper diverse encounter by your word – Isa. 9:8

Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to send us the rain of your word of grace all through this year that will engender access to the inheritance of every Winner – Acts 20:32

Prayer 3: Father, by the blood of Jesus, we destroy all interferences of the devil against the continuous growth of this church all through this year and beyond in the name of Jesus – Rev. 12:11

Prayer 4: Father, by the blood of Jesus, open the seal of your word to our pastors, culminating in unusual revelation that will result in the multiplication of disciples in all our churches worldwide - Act. 6:7

Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, rain upon all agents of the devil arrayed against this church and our members, snares, fire and brimstone, thereby silencing them forever – Ps 11:6

Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, let your master reaper angel, cast his sharp sickle into our harvest field, to thoroughly reap every soul ordained for salvation all through this year – Rev. 14:14/16

Day 9: Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for answers to all our prayers yesterday, both as a Commission and as individuals – Psa. 118:23

Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, anoint every Winner for supernatural dimension of breakthroughs this year, that will turn each one to a living wonder – Isa. 45:1-3

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to send us the fire of your word to burn off every chaff in the life of every Winner this year – Jer. 23:29

Prayer 4: Father, let your hedge of protection be strong around your servant, the Apostle over this Commission, and his family and let every arrow targeted at them return back to sender -Psa. 89:20-22.

Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree judgment upon all the evil beasts in the land seeking to scatter the flock of Christ in this church this year – Ezk. 34:25

Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, cause your acts in this church to be noised abroad as in the day of Pentecost, thereby drafting multitudes into this Church all through this prophetic season – Acts 2:6/41

Day 10: Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for answers to all our prayers yesterday, both as a Commission and as individuals – Isa. 58:9

Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, empower every Winner to walk in the light of your word, thereby commanding supernatural abundance this year - 2 Cor. 9:7-8

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the release of fresh and life-transforming Word in all our services, that will gather and retain multitudes in this church all through this year – Ps. 23:2

Prayer 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, renew the prophetic grace upon your servant, the Apostle over this Commission, all through this year as you confirm every word of his mouth – Isa. 44:26

Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every spell, curse and enchantment against the glorious destiny of every member of this church, including all our new converts this year– Col 2:14-15

Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, defend all our assemblies worldwide and let there be no evil occurrence anywhere throughout the year - Zech. 2:8

Day 11: Thursday, January 18th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for answers to all our prayers yesterday, both as a Commission and as individuals – Jer. 33:3

Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, let every Winner experience higher dimension of spiritual growth this year, resulting in supernatural breakthroughs in all areas of life - Gal. 4:1

Prayer 3 Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be a continuous increase of the word from our altar all through this year, leading to the supernatural growth and multiplication of this church – Acts 6:7

Prayer 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to unveil the pattern for the sustenance of this on-going revival to your servant, the Apostle over this Commission, as he leads the flock this year – Heb. 8:5

Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, grant supernatural wisdom to our pastors and leaders at all levels, resulting in the continuous growth and establishment of this church- Pro. 24:3-5

Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, and by the Holy Ghost, silence every voice seeking to manipulate people from coming to Christ and this church, thereby resulting in supernatural multiplication of this church this year - Tit. 1:10-11

WSF: Saturday, January 20th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for answers to all my prayers since this week began – Isa. 58:9

Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, turn this cell into a solution center where every member’s need is supernaturally met – Zeph. 3:17

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, let our soul winning endeavours in this cell be impactful this year, leading to continuous growth and replications of the cell – Jn 6:44.


Day 15: Monday, January 22nd, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for gathering great multitudes into our service(s) yesterday and for granting every worshiper diverse encounter by your word – Isa. 9:8

Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, and by the power of your word heal every Winner that is a victim of any conception-hindering condition and let them bring forth their miracle children this year – Gen. 21: 1-3

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, unveil the right word to your people in every service all through this year, resulting in turnaround testimonies for every worshipper – Job 6:25

Prayer 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, let your reaper-angels appear to all the unsaved across our harvest field in visions and dreams of the night, pointing them to this church for their salvation – Acts 10:3/34-35

Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, let everything mocking the glorious destiny of every member of this church be judged – 2Kg 2:23-24

Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, let divine utterance be granted to our pastors, leading to supernatural growth of the church all through this year – Acts 6:7

Day 16: Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for answers to all our prayers yesterday, both as a Commission and as individuals – Psa. 118:23

Prayer 2: Father, by the Holy Ghost, break every spell of family unsettlement in the lives of your people, resulting in the restoration and sustenance of harmony in every home – Num.23:23

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Holy Ghost, let your word have a free course and be glorified among us in signs and wonders all through this year– 2Thess. 3:1

Prayer 4: Father, release afresh upon the leadership of this Commission the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to match the demands of the year - Eph. 1:17-18

Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Spirit 'Whistle' across our harvest field, thereby compelling the ingathering of abiding multitudes into this church all through this year – Isa. 5:26

Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every agent of the devil and his cohorts against the full delivery of the New Dawn Church Growth Agenda for the year, resulting in an invasion of unprecedented multitudes in all our services this year – Job. 22:27

Day 17: Wednesday, January 24th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for answers to all our prayers yesterday, both as a Commission and as individuals – Psa. 118:1

Prayer 2: Father, cause everyone who desires to be married among us in the Winners’ family to be supernaturally connected to their marital destinies this year - Gen. 24:13-21

Prayer 3: Father, empower all our new converts and new members by the Holy Ghost, so they can live a triumphant Christian life – Zech. 4:6

Prayer 4: Father, by the Holy Ghost, quicken the spirit of your servant, the Apostle over this Commission for enhanced sensitivity to every directive of the Holy Spirit - Is. 50:4

Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree continuous business and career breakthrough for every Winner all through this year – Is. 60:1-3

Prayer 6 Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of the Holy Ghost consume every agent of the devil seeking to frustrate the full delivery of the New Dawn Church Growth Agenda for this year - Heb. 12:29

Day 18: Thursday, January 25th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for answers to all our prayers all through the ongoing 21 days of prayer and fasting – Isa. 58:9

Prayer 2: Father, thank you for restoring total health to everyone in the Winner’s family in response to our prayer this year – Isa. 58:8

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for opening up the glorious destiny of every member of this church though the ongoing 21 days of prayer and fasting – Isa. 58:6/8

Prayer 4: Father, thank you for granting your Servant, the Apostle over this Commission, supernatural utterance all through this year in response to our prayer, as he continues to unveil the mystery of the kingdom - Eph. 6:19

Prayer 5: Father, thank you for diverse visitations grated us, both as a church and as individuals all through this ongoing prayer and fasting season – Gen. 21:1

Prayer 6: Father, thank you for empowering us to go from strength to strength since this 21 days of prayer and fasting began – Psa. 84:7

WSF: Saturday, January 27th, 2018

Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for answers to all our prayers since this year 21-day prayer and fasting began – Isa. 58:9

Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for making every member of this cell a living wonder, thereby drafting many into Christ and to this cell – Zch. 8:23

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for life-transforming encounters granted every Winner in the course of this 21-day prayer and fasting, thereby establishing the speedy delivery of our New Dawn Package – Isa. 43:18-19

Jesus is Lord!

Timeline photos 04/12/2016


‘From Glory to Glory’ greetings in Jesus’ name.

Today all over the world, we see the end-time prophecy of woes, terrors and horrors being fulfilled before our very eyes. Jesus speaking of these times said, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things, must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” – Matt. 24:6-8

But God has ordained to exempt His people from the evils of this hour – 1 Pet. 2:9/ Ps 91:1-16

These prophecies notwithstanding, we discover from scriptures that:

The last days, are prophetically the greatest days of the church of Christ on earth – Mic. 4:1-2/ Ps 87:1-9
God will be raising an army of saints that will make a difference in the midst of these horror – Joel 2:1-11/ Obd. 1:21
The present economic meltdown shall continue to grow worse, but God’s covenant people shall not feel the heat thereof – Mal. 4:1-4/ Ps 112:1-10
But for every one who is walking in the covenant of abundance, when men shall say there is casting down, we shall be saying there is lifting up – Job. 22:21-29/ Ps 33:18-19/ Ps 37:18-19
In these last days, God will be putting a difference between those who are serving Him and those who are not – Mal. 3:17-19/ Job 36:11/ Gen. 47:15-27
Furthermore, we understand from scriptures how God exempted the children of Israel from the plagues that came upon Egypt, which includes exemption from:

swarm of flies, which connotes decadence and stench – 8:20-24
death of cattle, which represents collapse of businesses and careers – Exo. 9:1-7
destruction by hails and tempest, which connotes devastation and destruction – Exo. 9:18-26
gross darkness, which connotes confusion, stagnation and frustration – Exo. 10:21-23
the scourge of death in every Egyptian home – Exo. 11:4-7/ Exo. 12:29-31
But thank God, our exemption from the evils of the day has been established by redemption – 1 Pet. 2:9

Therefore, the same way God exempted the children of Israel from the plagues that came upon Egypt, God shall be separating the redeemed from all the evils of these last days.

At Shiloh 2016, which is the 18th Shiloh, God shall be setting a seal of exemption upon the fore-heads of all His people and that will not allow the destroyer to come near our habitation – Ezk. 9:6/ Ps 105:13-15

Therefore, the theme of Shiloh 2016 is:

MY CASE IS DIFFERENT – Gen. 47:15-27

It shall be a highly prophetic event. Every participant shall return with his/her own inheritance and the land shall be further subdued before us – Jos. 18:1-3

It shall be a mountain of encounters indeed, in the name of Jesus Christ!

We must begin to get ourselves set in order to make the most of this mountain of life.

I shall be looking forward to seeing everyone of you at Shiloh either on ground here in Canaanland or in all our viewing centers around the world.

Remain ever blessed

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo

Timeline photos 14/11/2016

Prophetic Focus for October 2016

From Glory to Glory greetings in Jesus’ name.
I believe we have all had an awesome time in the school of vision all through the month of September and I am persuaded that every Winner is sure to see the Glory of God in unprecedented dimensions this month in Jesus’ name. Amen
What then is the Holy Ghost saying concerning the month of October 2016? We must discover and engage vital biblical key.
We recognize from scriptures that:
 Every child of God belongs to royalty – 1Pet. 2:9
 Everyone that is born–again is born to reign as a King in his field – Rev. 5: 9-10
 Redemption spiritually repositions the believer for the top – Matt.5:13-16
 Every believer is redeemed a star – Rev.22:16, John17:18
However, to realize this awesome heritage we must discover and engage vital biblical key - Matt16:18, Lk.11:52.
We discover from scriptures that every true lover is ordained a high flyer, a star, a man and woman of exploit.
Examples here include:
*Abraham – Gen.12:1-3/Gal.3:13-14 *Joseph-Gen 39: 7-9/Gen.41: 38-44/42:18
*Moses- Exo. 1: 1-4/Num. 12:3-7 *Job– Job 1: 1-3/ Job 29:4-17
*David- 1 Sam. 13:14/ 2Sam. 18:3 *Solomon – 1Kgs.3:3-4/ 1kgs.4:29-34
*Peter- Jn.21: 15-17/Gal.2:8/Acts 5:15 *Paul- Rom.8:35-38/ Acts 14:11
From all the above, we understand that every true lover of God ends up a path-finder, apace-setter and a trail-blazer – 1Cor. 2:9
WHY? Because Love never fails –Love is an ever winning force– 1Cor. 13:8
While it is clear that every Child of God is destined for the top, but the fact remains that we can only gain access to the topmost top by engaging the virtue of unreserved love for Christ and his Kingdom.
The love of God has proved to be the sure foundation for a glorious and enviable destiny but when the foundation is destroyed the righteous can do nothing – Matt 22:36-40/Ps 11:3
Therefore, the Prophetic theme for the month of October is:

Recommended books for the month authored by me include:
*Exploring the Secrets of Success
*Success Strategies Success Systems
*Success Buttons.
*Ruling your world
*Possessing your possession

Remain ever blessed

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo


Prophetic Focus for September 2016

From Glory to Glory greetings in Jesus’ name.
I believe every one of us must have had definite encounters with the Holy Ghost in the course of the month of August 2016, and because whatever God does shall be forever, may our diverse encounters and experiences remain with us forever. Amen.
But what is God saying concerning this new month of September?

All through scriptures, we see God leading His people to where their blessings were. Examples here include:
 Abraham, who was guided to where his breakthrough was waiting.
 Elijah was led to where he was being fed by ravens at the brook called Cherith.
 He was further guided to the widow of Zarephath, where the widow and her household enjoyed supernatural supplies all through the remaining days of the famine.
Furthermore, when we follow the leading of Spirit, we cannot be stranded in any area of our life.
The truth is that, only those who are actively guided by the Spirit of God can really manifest as sons of God and this is why the more sensitive we are to divine directives, the more glorious our adventure becomes – Rom. 8:14
Therefore, we should all expect to be divinely guided to where our quantum-leap order of blessings are waiting this month – Deut. 32:12-14
However, we must recognize that:
 Every step we take is either taking us closer or farther from our glorious destiny in Christ – Pro. 3:5-7
 Every decision we make is either taking us up or bringing us down– Jer. 2:14-17
 Every move we make is either helping or hurting our destiny– Ps. 32:8-10
The reason is because, when we miss out of divine direction, we are robbed and spoiled– Is. 42:22-24/ Pro. 14:12

Therefore, all through this month, we shall be exploring the power of divine guidance in accessing ournext realms of glory– Is. 45:1-3

In the light of the above, the prophetic focus for the month of September 2016 is:

Recommended Books for the Month include:
* Understanding Vision
* Understanding Divine Direction - Authored by David O. Oyedepo
* In Pursuit of Vision

* How to be led by the Spirit - Authored by Kenneth E. Hagin
* Following God’s Plan for Your Life

Remain ever Blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo


Prophetic Focus for August 2016

From Glory to Glory greetings in Jesus’ name.
I believe by our encounter with the great physician, the health of every winner has been fully restored in the course of the month of July and to God be all the glory.
However, because whatever the Lord does shall be forever, everyone of us shall continue to experience a sickness-free life from henceforth in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
But what is the Holy Ghost saying for the month of August 2016?
As I have often said, ‘no divine agenda can be delivered in the energy of the flesh.’ We also understand that every divine purpose can only be accomplished by the operation of Spirit of the Lord’– Zech. 4:1-6
Therefore, the prophetic four-quantum leap order of testimonies ordained for this year, both for us as a church and as individuals will definitely require the engagement of the ministry of the Holy Ghost for full delivery.
In the light of the above, we shall be examining the person, mission and operations of the Holy Spirit towards the full delivery of the prophetic agenda for the year.
Furthermore, we must recognize that:
• Encounters with power primarily requires a crave for empowerment – Jn. 7:37-39/Ps. 63:1-3
• The mission of the Holy Ghost among others, is to empower believers to command exploits– Is. 45:1-3/Is. 61:3-7
• But it is not enough to be filled with the Holy Spirit;we must continue to be refilled,so we can remain battle ready – Acts 2:1-4/Acts 4:30-33
• We must continue to crave for the new wine and seek after the fresh oil for ever growing impact– Lk.5:38-39/Ps. 92:10-15
• However, a life style of prayer and fasting is a requirement for continuous change of levels in the school of power– Lk. 11:13/ Ps.63:1-3/ Is. 44:3-4/ Matt. 6:6/17-18/Matt. 17:21
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of August 2016 is:

I strongly believe that every area of concerns around our lives as individuals shall be turned into testimonies by the power of the Holy Ghost this month. It shall indeed be a turnaround month for every Winner in the name of Jesus Christ.Amen

Recommended books of the month authored by me include:
*Anointing for Breakthrough *Understanding the Anointing
*Anointing for Exploits *Release of Power

We must all get set to experience the power of God in new dimensions this month.

Remain ever blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo


Prophetic Focus for July 2016

From Glory to Glory greetings in Jesus’ name.
I believe every one of us must have been empowered to operate in the supernatural through the diverse encounters in the month of June 2016. May this experience continue to engender proofs all through the years ahead of us in Jesus’ name, amen.
But what is the Lord saying for the month of July 2016?
First, this is the closing month of the midst of the year, which is ordained a revival prayer month in God’s agenda, a season of raw demonstration of the power of God, where all everlasting mountains shall be scattered and perpetual hills leveled out.
This, evidently, includes all sicknesses and diseases of long continuance, all hereditary diseases and all long-term oppression of the wicked.
In addition, the midst of the year is ordained for our change of levels as we engage with our hearts in this ongoing revival – Hab. 3:1-2/4-6/17-19
Furthermore, we discover from scriptures that behind every sickness and disease is the spirit of infirmity, which literally translates to spirit of sickness – Lk. 13:11-13/ Acts 19:11-12
We also saw that Jesus was going about healing all those oppressed of the devil – Acts 10:38
Obviously therefore, behind every affliction of sickness and disease is the wickedness of the devil at work; “....So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown.” – Job 2:7
According to scriptures; “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”–Eph. 6:12
Therefore, the devil’s stronghold is darkness. Jesus said; “…but this is your hour, and the power of darkness.” – Lk. 22:53
Satan rules in darkness and he carries out his wicked acts in darkness– Eph. 6:12-13/ Ps. 22:20
But thank God, the word of God is the light that shines in darkness and darkness cannot resist it – Jn. 1:5/ Is. 58:8/ Job 33:21-25

However, it is the understanding of the word, that is,revelation of the word that transforms, heals and delivers – Ps. 119:130/144
This is why God’s word is the ‘Balm in Gilead’for the cure of all manner of sicknesses and diseases– Ps. 107:20 (Matt. 8:8/13/ Lk. 5:17/ Lk. 6:17-19)
Therefore, as we meet Jesus Christ,the Great Physician, this month, understand and apply His prescriptions – the Word, we are sure to take full delivery of our total health package– Matt. 9:12-13/ Job 33:21-25/ Pro. 4:20-22
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the July 2016 is:
This month every Winner shall experience true and total liberty from every harassment of sickness and disease forever. It shall be a month of total restoration of health indeed for every Winner in the name of Jesus.
Recommended books of the month include:
*Keys to Divine Health
*Rescued From Destruction
*The Healing Balm
*The Miracle Meal
*Fulfilling Your Days, Authored By DavidO.Oyedepo
*Healing, Health and Wholeness
*The Power of the Communion
*The Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ, Authored by Pst. Faith A.Oyedepo
I welcome you all to a world of total health in the name of our Lord, Saviour and Healer; Jesus Christ, amen and amen.

Remain ever blessed!

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo


Prophetic Focus for June 2016

From Glory to Glory greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
First, we give thanks to God for the fulfillment of the prophetic word upon this Commission till date as the Mandate turned 35 on Monday, 2nd May 2016.
In addition, we thank God for the impartation of the spirit of faith upon every winner all through the month of May. To God alone be all the glory!
I have no doubt that our encounters with the word of faith in this season shall remain a growing experience with ever-abounding testimonies in our lives in Jesus’ name – Amen.
But what is the Holy Ghost saying to us as a church in this great month of June?
Remember, it is written; “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: SO IS EVERY ONE THAT IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT.” – Jn. 3:8
From the above scripture, we recognize that:
• Every child of God is born a wonder to his world – Jn. 3:8.
• Every child of God is a sign and a wonder to his world– Is. 8:18
• The supernatural is the natural estate of everyone that is born again – Is. 7:14-15/ Jn. 17:18
• But miracles are no accidents; they are the deliberate acts of God in response to the desperate faith of men – Mk. 10:46-52
• Furthermore,divine presence has proved to be a covenant platform for the manifestations of the supernatural–Mk. 16:20/ Acts 10:38/ Acts 19:11-12
It should also be noted that everyone on the go for Christ, including those engaging in kingdom-advancement prayers are empowered tooperate in the supernatural – Matt. 10:1/ Lk. 9:1/6
We must recognise that the supernatural does not ‘sit down’ with people, it follows believers– Mk. 16:15-20
This is the secret behind, the diverse testimonies being shared by many of us, who have been engaging faithfully since the wonder-double prophetic agenda began.
Furthermore,we observe that, when Jesus sent His disciples without purse or shoes,they lacked nothing.This indicates that they were simply operating in the supernatural – Lk. 10:1/ Lk. 22:35
In addition, on their return, the disciples reported that even devils were subject to them in His name.This shows that when we are on the go for Christ, we are empowered to command the supernatural – Lk. 10:17-19
In the light of the above, all through this month of June 2016, we shall be exploring from scriptures, the hidden forces behind the command of the supernatural, which is key to actualizing the prophetic minimum FOUR-quantum-leap order of testimonies for every winner this year, as we continue to engage passionately in kingdom-advancement endeavours.
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of June 2016 is:
Recommended books of the month authored by me include:
*Walking in the Miraculous *Operating in the Supernatural *Releasing the Supernatural
*Commanding the Supernatural *All you need to have all your needs met

Remain ever blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo

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