Myown - Wisdom For Daily Living

Myown - Wisdom For Daily Living

To act as a support system to men and women across every sphere in the achievement of set goals and




2 Timothy 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. (Matt. 28:19-20)

Mentorship can be defined as a system of influence, guidance or direction provided by a mentor. A mentor is someone who teaches, or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often a younger person. However, we must note that mentors do not necessarily have to be older or senior to the people they mentor. What matters is that they have experience that others can learn from.

One could require mentorship in many areas of life - spiritually, academically, professionally, financially, etc. One individual most likely will not be able to represent every dimension. Therefore, it is possible for someone to have more than one mentor.

Mentorship is a system of advantage for anyone who wants to succeed or go far in life. You get to learn by acquiring more knowledge and through observation, not just personal experiences. It helps one avoid unnecessary mistakes.

Mentorship is also a system of accountability. It helps keep one disciplined and on-track. Many persons have not been able to achieve their best because there is no one to monitor them, advise, correct and caution them. Everyone of us needs a mentor in one area or the other.

We must however note that mentorship is not friendship or sponsorship. Do not mix romantic feelings/relationships with mentorship. However, if one is able to strike a proper balance, one's spouse may serve as a mentor in a particular area.

DAY 1 - Do you have a mentor?

DAY 2 - Have you identified the areas where you need mentorship?

DAY 3 - Identify the people who possess your desired characteristics in those areas.

DAY 4- Make up your mind to submit to authority, then pray.

DAY 5- Communicate your intentions with the person.




1 Peter 2:1 Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,
St. Mark 11:25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
St. Mark 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
(Col. 3:6-10, 13, Eph. 4:30-32, Matt. 18:21-35, 6:12, Lev. 19:17-18)

Malice is the intention or desire to do evil. It is the desire to inflict injury, harm or suffering on someone. Malice is a sin of the heart and usually starts with jealousy.

The sin of having an unforgiving spirit puts people on the sure path to hell. It puts one in enmity with God because your own sins will not be forgiven. Having an unforgiving spirit creates bitterness and hate. It is said to be synonymous to taking poison and expecting someone else to die.

Malice and an unforgiving spirit are both very subtle but deadly sins because they cannot be seen. They are like very heavy weights in the heart which anyone carrying them must lay down.

Who have you become so jealous of that you have started working against the good of that person? Who have you vowed never to forgive? Instead of being jealous of another, why not work on yourself to become a better person? Why not make up your mind to lay down that burden you have been carrying for days, weeks, months and even years? May the Lord grant you grace and peace as you allow Him to purify your heart, in Jesus name, Amen.

Day 1 - Recognize that malice and having an unforgiving spirit are both sins unto God.

Day 2 - Accept that they are heavy loads with both grave spiritual and physical consequences.

Day 3 - Determine to let go in your heart. Read and pray with the scriptures attached here.

Day 4 - Ask God for forgiveness.

Day 5 - Meet with, call or text whoever you have been holding in your heart.




Proverbs 17:27-28 He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. (Tim. 2:16, James 1:19)

Talkativeness is the state of being talkative. It is engaging in unnecessary and irrelevant talk without a sense of restraint and privacy while at the same time, neglecting possible consequences of such talk.

Talkativeness is a form of gross misconduct and indiscipline, and the Bible admonishes us not to be talkative. We are not saying one should always keep his/her lips shut, however, we ought to learn when and how to speak a word in due season. The consequences of being talkative include: loss of respect and value in the eyes of people, people will no longer be able to trust you or your words, you make yourself open and vulnerable to all forms of attack, it can lead you to sin, among others.

Therefore, we must learn to control the way we talk. Even a fool is regarded as wise when he/she remains silent. Learn to keep what is private, private. Stop engaging in irrelevant discussions. May the Lord grant us the grace to be disciplined in Jesus name, Amen.


Day 1- Do you always jump into people's conversations or release more information that is unnecessary for a conversation or question asked?
Day 2 - Do people find it difficult to continue their conversations around you?

If you answered 'yes' to any of the questions above, then you are most likely talkative. Kindly follow the rest of the actions plans below:

Day 3 - Ask God for mercy peradventure you have sinned with your tongue. Ask Him to help you tame your tongue.

Day 4- Practice the act of meditation daily. You can use whatever helps - books, the Bible, audios, etc.

Day 5 - Always pause to think before you begin to talk as well as during conversations.




Proverbs 13:11 Wealth [not earned but] won in haste or unjustly or from the production of things for vain or detrimental use [such riches] will dwindle away, but he who gathers little by little will increase [his riches].

Proverbs 23:20 Do not associate with winebibbers; be not among them nor among gluttonous eaters of meat, [Isa. 5:22; Luke 21:34; Rom. 13:13; Eph. 5:18.]
Proverbs 23:21 For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty, and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.

The English dictionary defines greed as a selfish or excessive desire for more than is needed or deserved, especially of money, food or material possessions. Whereas gluttony is the bad habit of eating too much. Both are directly linked together as gluttony is a form of greed.

It is imperative for us to strike a balance between greed and the drive for success and mastery. The desire to get wealth or become successful in itself is not greed. However, when that desire overrules the desire to obey God, overrules your empathy for others, you do not care whether others are harmed or even about your health, then it means that you are greedy. Greed is also manifested when you are not liberal. Always withholding more than is meet.

Greed and gluttony are forms of idolatry. It means wealth, food and material possessions have taken the place of God in your life. It is a sin and we must be very conscious of it as well.

Greed and gluttony have their respective consequences. Asides being a sin against God, Greed only brings you momentary satisfaction but in the end trouble and poverty. Gluttony causes you to lose your self-respect before others, good health and tends to poverty as well.

Make up your mind to change today and ask God for help.




Prov. 4:23, 1 Cor. 6:18-20, 1 Cor. 10:31, 1 Thess. 4:3-4
John 8:34, John 31:1, James 1:14-15, Rom. 6:19, Prov. 6:25, Matt. 5:28, Gal. 5:16.

The conscience of many people have become hardened, seared with hot iron. This is to say that that idea of committing sin or performing the action itself does not prick their hearts. A lot of persons have been unable to break free from po*******hy and ma********on because their consciences have been seared. In fact, they have become comfortable with it and see it as "normal".

Quite a number of factors can be attributed to this among which are misguided reports from the social media, internet, scientists, psychologists as well as religious leaders.

Most of them portray po*******hy and ma********on as not only a normal way of life, but also beneficial. Generally, they report po*******hy and ma********on to be healthy, cheap, to increase libido and sexual satisfaction, to relieve stress among many others. These reports are quite outrageous and have no real basis. The word of God is our basis for determining what is truth and and what is not. Take a critical study of the scriptures outlined above to discover the truth for yourself.
In addition, even science and psychology has proven that po*******hy and ma********on not only ruin your with God, but also ruins your social life, wastes productive energy and fuels loneliness and depression. Po*******hy and ma********on are a menace to society and we must go all-out in our fight against them.

Repeat action points from WFDL025, ie., last week and pray along with these scriptures.
Rom. 12:2, Psalm 119:37, 1 John 1:9, Phil. 4:8, Prov. 3:5-6.



"PO*******HY AND MA********ON"

Romans 6:13 Never offer any part of your body to sin's power. No part of your body should ever be used to do any ungodly thing. Instead, offer yourselves to God as people who have come back from death and are now alive. Offer all the parts of your body to God. Use them to do everything that God approves of. (Roman 12:1)

Po*******hy can be defined as the explicit literary or visual depiction of sexual subject matter. It is the display of pictures and/or videos which are highly erotic in nature.

Ma********on is like the elder brother of Po*******hy. It is the manual erotic stimulation of one's sexual organs to orgasm,ie., sense of satisfaction and high pleasure.

These two factors may look inconsequential, however, they are great destiny killers. If we truly want to live, holy, productive lives, we must FLEE from both Po*******hy and Ma********on. They both have spirit forces behind them and the spiritual, physical and/or psychological consequences are far reaching.

However, if you have made up your mind to break to break free from these, know that psychology and personal effort alone cannot help you. You must turn to God for help.
We cannot exhaust these concepts here; therefore, a book on this subject has been attached. Kindly go through if you are being tempted to indulge in any of these or are already into it. Also know that there must be someone who you can talk to about your situation. You may not be able to achieve deliverance in secrecy.

Day 1 - Make up your mind to break free.

Day 2 - Look to God for strength.

Day 3 - Read recommended book.
Note: Action point 3 can be run concurrently from day one.

Day 4 - Talk to a mentor, counselor or spiritual head.

Day 5 - Pray fervently and continuously.




Proverbs 20:1 Drinking too much makes you loud and foolish. It's stupid to get drunk.
Proverbs 23:29-35, Isaiah 5:11, 1 Timothy 5:23

Smoking and alcoholism are two very distinct subjects but usually go hand in hand. A great percentage of smokers are also heavy alcoholics.

Smoking has to do with the burning and/or inhalation of to***co as well as other substances for the sole purpose of exciting oneself or to induce certain abnormal physical and emotional responses.

Alcoholism on the other hand can be defined as a chronic disease caused by excessive, compulsive and uncontrollable intake of alcohol and alcoholic beverages, leading to addiction and deterioration in health and social functioning.

One similarity between these two concepts is that they always go hand in hand. Wherever you find and alcoholic, you will also most likely find a smoker there as well. Secondly, they are both addictive. Thirdly, they both pose severe health damages to the individual.

It is of no doubt that smoking and alcoholism are twin brothers which have the capacity to hamper our walk in life as well cut short one's life span. Therefore we must abstain from them. If you are already addicted to any or both of them, it will be more difficult to quit, but you have to make the decision first. Then seek the help of God. After which you ought seek psychological and medical help.

Day 1 - Are you a smoker or an alcoholic or both?

Day 2 - Are you just an occasional smoker/drinker or are you already addicted to any of them?

Day 3 - Could you sincerely identify the way(s) through which any of these factors have hampered your health/productivity.

Day 4 - Are you willing to quit? You must decide and prepare yourself mentally.

Day 5 - Schedule an appointment with a Therapist.




Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom. (Matt. 5:48)

The English dictionary defines Excellence as the quality of being excellent. It means the ability to excel, i.e. do well. Excellence is a virtue. It means to do your work WELL, any work.

Excellence is both a product and a process. One can achieve excellence in a particular field but the overall concept of excellence in a person's life is truly a process. One can never say that he/she has arrived.

Excellence is not restricted to a formal workplace or business area but it is interwoven into the very fabric of our entire lives. It shows in how we dress, talk, plan our schedule, organize our homes as well as treat other people.

How do you present yourself or your work to the public? Are you the type who does not care how crumpled your clothes are or how discolored your shoes have become due to lack of polishing? Are you the type that never shows up for a meeting on time? Do you always have an excuse for not being able to do something? Are you just comfortable with being average or do you strive to be better - a better spouse, employer, employee, business person, mother, father, leader, etc.

It is God's desire for us to be 'perfect', excellent even as He is. Reflect on these. God bless you.


Day 1 - Using the parameters outlined in paragraph 3 above (which are however not exhaustive), access yourself.

Day 2 - Rate your level of excellence as a person.

Day 3 - Is there any need for you to strive towards excellence?

Day 4 - What areas of your life or habits do you need to adjust to step up?

Day 5 - Do you have hindrances to living a life of excellence?




Luke 18:1 And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.

The place of prayer in Christian living cannot be overemphasized. Prayer is not for some selected few. It is not for pastors and preachers alone. Prayer is not for those in the prayer team alone, nor is it only for people who are less busy. Prayer is for all believers. No Christian can survive on earth or even make heaven without prayer. Prayer is an essential. 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️

We must clearly define the concept of prayer as communication between God and man. It is not "talking" to God. It is a dialogue. A conversation must take place. Many at times our prayers are characterised by we asking and asking for things, whereas we do not want to hear what God has to say.

As people who want to really have good success, we must cultivate the habit of effective prayer. Pray at all times. Nothing is too little or too big to pray about. Prayer MUST be the bedrock of our daily living for us to get to where God wants us to be. How is your prayer life? Do you only run to God when you need Him or thank Him only when He has done something for you? Reflect. God bless you.

Day 1 - What priority do you give to prayer in your life?

Day 2 - When you pray, do you actually 'pray' or just 'talk' to God?

Day 3 - Have your prayers been effective?

Day 4 - How many times do you pray in a day on an average?

Day 5 - On a scale of one to ten, grade your prayer life.




Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (Exodus 23:25-26, Gal. 6:2)

The word "service" means so many things. It means to serve, offer assistance to someone, bringing oneself into subordination to someone or something. In its essence, service is an act of worship, loyalty and kindness.

Anyone who wants to go far in life must dedicate his/her life to service. Service first and foremost to God, and service to humanity. It is an error to a Christian and you're not serving in God's house. You're not filling any gap or meeting any need in the house of God; just occupying space.

Every great man has a problem he is solving in the world today. Our world is filled with problems. Your relevance is tied to the solutions you bring to the table. What problem are you solving?

Dedicate yourself to serving God. Find ways to serve humanity with the gifts God has given to you. Pour out yourself as an offering. Only then will you realize the true essence of purposeful living.

Day 1 - How is your relationship with God?

Day 2 - Do you have a regular place of worship?

Day 3 - Which department or unit do you belong to in church?

Day 4 - What problem are you solving in church, the society and your neighborhood?

Day 5 - How do you respond to the needs of others around you?




Deuteronomy 28:1 And if you faithfully obey the voice of the LORD your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth.

Obedience is a word many people are scared of. Especially when it comes to obedience to God and His principles. This is because obedience to God and His principles draws the line between the right and the wrong, the good and the bad.

Our world today is filled with darkness and people who do not recognize God nor His principles. People just want to live their lives anyhow, without restrictions. People do not want to hear about Godly principles because it sets them on edge and pricks their conscience.

If we want to go far, we must diligently learn such Godly principles as tithing, faith, offerings, giving of alms, honesty, etc and abide by them. How many Godly principles of life do you know? How many do you actually keep to? We run by principles. A life void of the right principles will eventually crumble; just give it time.

Let us learn to obey God. It may not be easy or convenient, may as well involve some level of sacrifice, but it is always worth it. May God grant us the grace to always obey Him, in Jesus name, Amen.

Day 1 - How many Godly principles do you know?

Day 2 - Which ones do you actually apply in your daily life?

Day 3 - What are the factors that hinder you from obeying God?

Day 4 - What can you do to remedy those factors?

Day 5 - It takes the grace of God to obey God. Ask Him for it.




1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. Matt 5:37

I'll like to state that consistency is a means, not an end. Consistency is a process, not a product. Consistency is not what we do once and for all, it is an integral part of our daily lives.

Consistency means being reliable, trustworthy and staying true to who you are. It means that people can count on you. That your yes is yes and no is no. It means that you have a habit of not disappointing people. Your 10 o'clock is 10 o'clock and you do not observe "African time".

Many of us (myself inclusive) are not consistent. We go "on" and "off" in our resolutions. This may be the reason why we have remained stagnant, not progressing. We must make up our minds to be consistent in our character, word, actions and decisions. We must also realize that consistency is progressive. You may have built consistency in one area of your life; you'll also need to do the same in every area. It will take sheer discipline and diligence to be consistent, however, God's grace is available if only we are ready.

Day 1 - What areas of your life have been unstable and inconsistent?

Day 2 - Can you identify any factors - internal and external - that may be the cause of your wavering decisions?

Day 3 - How can you remedy the hindrances? Outline the action points.

Day 4 - Learn to plan ahead. Outline your daily, weekly and monthly tasks.

Day 5 - Ask God for help.



Psalms 25:9 The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way. (Psalm 147:6)

The English dictionary defines meekness as being submissive, non-boastful and modest. Meekness is an aspect of humility that makes you stop, listen and learn. Therefore meekness is teachability.

Many people, believers and unbelievers alike are not teachable. We go around priding ourselves in ignorance not knowing that we do not know and neither willing to bend our heads low and learn.

Meekness is key to greatness. Without teachability we will rob ourselves of Divine instructions; we will rob ourselves of Godly counsel and help from men.

Let us realize and accept that we do not know it all. There's always something new to learn. This is one of the ways we can remain in sync with the Holy Spirit and maintain relevance in society. May God help us, Amen.

Day 1 - Are you proud? Check yourself.
-Do you think you know it all? Do you believe you are better than everyone else? Do you think you are always right and can never be wrong? Do you never listen to advice? Do you always want to have it "your" way? Do you depend more on your ability than on God's?

Day 2 - If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you really need to realize and accept that you are a proud person. You'll need to ask God for mercy and help.

Day 3 - Accept that you do know it all and begin to identify your areas of ignorance.

Day 4 - Identity resources and people through which and from whom you can learn.

Day 5 - Make up your mind to devote yourself to a lifetime of continuous learning, never to arrive at an "apex".




St. John 1:22 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself?
St. John 1:23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.

"Who are you?" Many would respond to this question by saying their names. However, rat would be incorrect. In most part, probably out of ignorance, people respond this way. This question talks not about your name but about your purpose, your personality and what you represent.

So let me ask again, "Who are you? What is your reason for existence? Why did God create you?" John knew exactly who he was. You must find out who you are from your maker. Find yourself in God. Discover your potentials. Know what you can and/or cannot do.

A man (as a general term here for humans) who has not discovered himself will never be great. If you do not know who you are, you will never be relevant. Knowing who you are gives you direction and focus. Go back to the drawing board; to the roots. Discover yourself and rise from there.

Day 1-What does God say specifically about you? If you do not know, find out by asking Him.

Day 2 - Where do your passions lie? What areas of life get your attention easily?

Day 3 - What skills come naturally or easily to you?

Day 4-Check your association. What kind of people do you naturally love to hang out with?

Day 5 -Who are your role models?

Note: These questions answered correctly and sincerely will help serve as an indices to point you in the right direction of purpose. God bless you as you follow through.




Genesis 1:1a In the beginning God...

Many people do not believe in the existence of God. We call them atheists. They argue that nature and science prove that God does not exist. However, on the contrary, these concepts point to the fact that God IS. Many others believe that He exists not as Creator nor the Highest of all but as just one of the many supernatural beings out there. And thus do not accord Him the requisite reverence due to Him. This is an error.

We must come to the realization that God is the Alpha and Omega. He was, is and will be. There is nothing we can achieve without Him. Even if we do, at the end of the road, we will come to the realization that the absence of God has created a deep vacuum that will render whatever successes we have recorded inconsequential.

We must learn to give God His rightful place in our lives. God FIRST, in all things. He MUST be first, not second. Not the last option when all other options have failed. It is too risky to stand alone. Victory is assured only when you stand with God.

Kindly reflect on these questions. They will help you determine if you really give God His rightful place in your daily affairs.

Day 1 - What is your concept of God?

Day 2 - What is the first thing you do when you encounter success or good news?

Day 3 - Who is the first person you think of in times of challenges?

Day 4 - Are your daily decisions in line with God's principles?

Day 5 - Do you depend more on your ability than on God's ability?




Matthew 10:36 your worst enemies will be the members of your own family. (GNT)

Paraphrasing a quote by one man, which says, "Be mindful of the enemy within. The enemy without can do you no harm". To a great extent this statement is true. Whatever has the capacity to stop is from without is only but a reflection of an existing mindset. The enemies without - peer pressure, environment, association, bodily illness, social media pressures, etc - will be of little significance if we have conquered the enemy within - our mindset and emotions.

We will not neglect the fact that our mindsets are influenced by what we see and hear; therefore, guard your heart with all diligence. Mind your association. Carefully filter who and what you listen to. Pay attention to your environment; keep it physically clean and ensure to avoid anything or anyone who may be toxic to your growth.

The enemies without can only exert an influence on you when they have crept within. Therefore, do not let them, and you will have moved even closer to your greatness. For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Day 1 - Identify what God says about you.

Day 2 - Believe what God says about you and confess it.

Day 3 - Check your association. Identify your additions and subtractions, your divisors and multipliers.

Day 4 - Critically evaluate who and what you listen to.

Day 5 - Begin to eliminate one by one every source of toxic information/emotion/substance around you.




Proverbs 6:10 “I'll just take a short nap,” he says; “I'll fold my hands and rest a while.”
Proverbs 6:11 But while he sleeps, poverty will attack him like an armed robber.
Proverbs 23:20 Don't associate with people who drink too much wine or stuff themselves with food.
Proverbs 23:21 Drunkards and gluttons will be reduced to poverty. If all you do is eat and sleep, you will soon be wearing rags.

An addiction is a habit that damages or shortens one's life. A repeated practice in which the individual seems to have lost control over his/her actions but compulsively indulges in them. Every repeated action that has the ability to separate one from God and cause one to live an unproductive and unfulfilled life is an addiction.

Many of us are addicted to either sleep, food, alcohol, hard drugs amongst other things. Some may even be addicted to more than one. Many are not unaware of the harmful effects of these addictions; which have both spiritual, physical and psychological as well as financial consequences. Not only do they affect us negatively, they also affect our environment - family, friends, etc.

The dangers of addiction cannot be overemphasized and we must determine to break free for them in order to fulfill God's plan and purpose for our lives. Yes, it may be difficult, but not impossible. No matter how deep you've sank into it, it takes first and foremost making the decision to leave it behind. Acknowledge that you cannot do it on your own and seek for help appropriately.

Day 1 - Identify your own addiction(s).

Day 2 - Identify both present and potential damages they have/may cause(d).

Day 3 - Make up your mind to drop those habits.

Day 4 - Pray to God for help.

Day 5 - Seek spiritual, psychological and/or medical help.




Proverbs 20:4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing. (Proverbs 6:9cc)

We can keep on learning and learning, gaining new knowledge daily and our lives will remain the same if we do not apply what we have learnt or are learning. Just we learnt in a previous series, action is essential for progress. You cannot fold your arms and expect to be productive. Being productive involves work.

Laziness, procrastination and pride can stop us from being productive. When we do not show effort (LAZINESS) or keep postponing actions or events when we can do them now (PROCRASTINATION), we are at a high risk of living unfulfilled lives. Even pride can stop us from being productive; when we think we know it all already and do not need to grow or be taught.

We must rid ourselves of these in order to make meaningful progress.

Day 1 - Have you ever exhibited any of these attributes?

Day 2 - If yes, pray to God to help you come out of them.

Day 3 - Get a book. List your daily activities on one page and your weekly goals on the other.

Day 4 - Ensure your daily activities align with your weekly goal(s). Strike out the ones that do not align.

Day 5 - Arrange those activities in order of priority and importance. Allocate a time frame for the completion of each activity.

Note: The daily action plans could actually be done all in one day. However, it has been split in this manner to help the participants imbibe the culture of discipline, consistency and conscious effort.

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