Al Furqon Dhawa Organization

to propagate islam


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Am back and better


Salam alaikum, longtime to my Fans. Am sorry for not post since. Am back now. I will be posting as from tomorrow. Thanks to you all.



Photos from Al Furqon Dhawa Organization's post 01/06/2022

Good morning to you all in All Furqan Family, and happy new month, this month will be beginning of our success Insha Allah. Once again HAPPY NEW MONTH.

Today's lesson
By Ustaz Muh. Tajudeen.
Contact us on +234 7066218350

Photos from Al Furqon Dhawa Organization's post 31/05/2022

Today's lesson


Our new video
Titled: The different between COURTSHIP AND DATING.
Very interesting and educative


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What husband need from their wife part 1 18/05/2022

What husband need from their wife part 1 When you ask many wives, what their husband wants from them, the answer from them will be s*x. Don't get me wrong, that is what they want, s*x is among the t...


Good morning to all
We have drop another 3 videos, titled: What husband need from wife.
By Ustaz Tajudeen.


Ustaz Muh. Tajudeen

Photos from Al Furqon Dhawa Organization's post 06/05/2022


1. Why do you want to marry?

2. What kind of marriage do you want?
( Kingdom marriage or Regular Marriage.)

3. Who do you want to marry?

4. How do you want to achieve your good marriage.

Pls answer the questions by clicking our comment session. May Almighty God protect our marriage.


Pls subscribe to our YouTube channel


Moh Sha Allah

Different between love and marriage 08/04/2022

My new video is out, pls watch till the end.
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Jazakumullau Khairan
Difference between love and marriage

Different between love and marriage Love vs. MarriagePeople have lots of definitions when it comes to love and marriage. Unlike marriage, love is the most subjective of them all. Its definition...

Photos from Al Furqon Dhawa Organization's post 05/04/2022

Today's lesson
Tuesday 5 of April, 2022
Topic: Divorce in Marriage.
By Ustaz Tajudeen Hamzat

Divorce is the process of terminating a marriage or marital union.
Dissolution of marriage is a formal, legal, ending of a marriage or marital union by a court of law. It is otherwise known as DIVORCE.


1. Women Independent
2. Too early marriage
3. Economic factor
4. Poor Intellectual
5. Educational
6. Social skill
6. Conflict, arguing, irretrievable breakdown in the relationship
7. Lack of commitment
8. Infidelity
9. Distance in the relationship / lack of physical intimacy
10. Communication problems between partners
11. Domestic violence, verbal, physical, or emotional abuse by a partner
12. Realization that one’s spouse has different values / morals
13. Substance abuse / alcohol addiction
14. Absence of romantic intimacy.
15. Financial problems
16. incompatibility between partners


I. Infidelity (trust issue)
ii. Lack of Communication
iii. Financial Troubles
iv. Spare S*x
v. Intimacy Session


- Infidelity by either party
- Spouse unresponsive to needs
- Incompatibility
- Emotional abuse
- Financial problem


1. MAKE TIME TO CONNECT LOVINGLY WITH YOUR SPOUSE EVERYDAY: You could wake up a little earlier, and spend the extra time in bed cuddling, making love, and reaffirming your love for each other. Take time every day to have meaningful conversations with each other.

2. COMPLIMENT YOUR SPOUSE REGULARLY BOTH IN PRIVATE AND IN FRONT OF OTHERS:Even if your partner seems embarrassed at first, the glow from sincere praise lasts a long time.

3. LOVE YOUR SPOUSE IN THE WAY HE / SHE WANTS TO BE LOVED: Find out what your spouse yearns for, and then deliver it with love and no comments about how "stupid" it is to want a cordless drill/a picnic on the living room floor/a tuna casserole. Remember: the best gift is something your spouse wants—not merely something you want him/her to have.

4. TAKE CARE OF YOUR APPEARANCE: Look your best for your spouse. Lose the ratty sweat pants or frayed sweater he/she hates so much; you can find other comfortable clothes that aren't a complete turn-off for your partner. This also means taking care of your health—including eating properly and exercising regularly.

5. REMAIN FAITHFUL: Fidelity was essential to a successful marriage, and 94 percent agreed or strongly agreed that marriage is a long-term commitment to one person. And these "lifers" weren't making the best of a bad lot: a whopping 90 percent of the couples she surveyed said that they were happily married after 50-plus years.

6. SAY I LOVE YOU EVERYDAY: This is especially important when you're not feeling the sensation of love; at these times, you have to actively generate it. Saying those three little words, and performing loving gestures, will warm both your and your spouse's hearts.

With all these my friends, why can't you change your mind and follow this steps to maintain your home and become a happy home.

Thanks for reading
For any comment or you feel like talk to us, pls contact us on our WhatsApp Number +234 7066218350

The important of love to our marriage 04/04/2022

Today's video is out
Topic: Important of love in marriage

The important of love to our marriage “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other...




Ramadan Kareem to all our lovers of AL FURQAN DHAWA ORGANIZATION. May Allah accept all our deed as an act of Ibaadah. Amin. Pls don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel
Also click the notification bell to notify you when we drop a new video. You can also like and follow our page on Facebook and Instagram. Al FURQAN DHAWA ORGANIZATION. your happiness is our pride.


Pls our new video is out
Tittle: The act of helping each other
Pls Subscribe, like, share and comment

AL - FURQAN DHAWA ORGANIZATION - YouTube AL - FURQAN DHAWA ORGANIZATION is a Muslim organization established for the purpose of the educational development of Muslims and also as a body to enhance t...


Today's Lesson
Tuesday 29, March, 2022.
By Ustaz Muh. Tajudeen Hamzat.


S*x before marriage is also known as (PREMARITAL S*X).
Premarital s*x is s*xual activity which is practiced by people before they are married. In some periods of human history, in some societies, premarital s*x has been considered as "a moral issue which is TABOO in many cultures and it is also considered a sin by number of religions, but since the s*xual revolution of the 1960s, it has become accepted by certain liberal movements especially in western countries.
Premarital s*x was not accept in some Muslim countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Jordan, Pakistan and Egypt, each have over 90% disapproval.
The Western European Countries were the most accepting, expressing less than 10% disapproval.

Religion plays a significant role in how we raise our children, and in the Islamic faith, a child's identity and status within the family can be affected by whether he/she was born in or out of wedlock.
Note: In Islam zina refers to premarital s*x, the Quran is the Muslims' holy book, shariah refers to Islamic law and Allah is the Creator.
Muslims and premarital s*x
According to the Quraan Allah says, "Do not go near adultery, surely it is an indecency, and an evil way [of fulfilling s*xual urge].
Al-Islam states that countries where shariah governs the law of the land, premarital s*x is considered an immoral and sinful act that is punishable by an Islamic court.


Although a child born from premarital s*x is innocent of the parents' crime, he/she will still suffer certain restrictions.
According to shariah law, the following applies to a child born of zina:
- The child will be called and recognised by the name of his/her mother.
- In terms of inheritance, the child will legally inherit only from the mother.
- The child will not be a legal heir of his/her biological father and thus he/she will not be entitled to inherit from the father.
The child and the father will have no legal obligation towards each other.

May Almighty Allah forgive us (amin).


Premarital s*x involves any kind of s*xual contact prior to entering into a legal marriage relationship. There are a number of reasons why Scripture and traditional Christianity oppose this. God designed s*x to be enjoyed within a committed marital relationship of one man and one woman. To remove it from that context is to pervert its use and severely limit its enjoyment. S*xual contact involves a level of intimacy not experienced in any other human relationship. When God brought Adam and Eve together in marriage, He established the “one flesh” relationship. Genesis 2:24 tells us that a man will leave his family, join to his wife, and become “one flesh” with her.

There are, in general, two contexts for premarital s*x. There is the “we love each other and are committed to each other, but just don’t want to wait to be married” s*xual relationship, and there’s “casual s*x.” The former is often rationalized with the idea that the couple will surely marry, so there’s no sin in engaging in marital relations now. However, this shows impatience and disrespect to oneself, as well as to the other person. It removes the special nature of the relationship from its proper framework, which will erode the idea that there’s a framework at all. If we accept this behavior, it’s not long before we’ll regard any extra-marital s*x as acceptable. To tell our prospective mate that they’re worth waiting for strengthens the relationship and increases the commitment level.

Casual s*x is rampant in many societies. There is, in truth, no such thing as “casual” s*x, because of the depth of intimacy involved in the s*xual relationship. An analogy is instructive here. If we glue one object to another, it will adhere. If we remove it, it will leave behind a small amount of residue; the longer it remains, the more residue is left. If we take that glued object and stick it to several places repeatedly, it will leave residue everywhere we stick it, and it will eventually lose its ability to adhere to anything. This is much like what happens to us when we engage in “casual” s*x. Each time we leave a s*xual relationship, we leave a part of ourselves behind. The longer the relationship has gone on, the more we leave behind, and the more we lose of ourselves. As we go from partner to partner, we continue to lose a tiny bit of ourselves each time, and eventually we may lose our ability to form a lasting s*xual relationship at all. The s*xual relationship is so strong and so intimate that we cannot enter into it casually, no matter how easy it might seem.
Premarital s*x involves any kind of s*xual contact prior to entering into a legal marriage relationship. There are a number of reasons why Scripture and traditional Christianity oppose this. God designed s*x to be enjoyed within a committed marital relationship of one man and one woman. To remove it from that context is to pervert its use and severely limit its enjoyment. S*xual contact involves a level of intimacy not experienced in any other human relationship. When God brought Adam and Eve together in marriage, He established the “one flesh” relationship. Genesis 2:24 tells us that a man will leave his family, join to his wife, and become “one flesh” with her.

This idea is carried through in the New Testament as well; we see it in Jesus’ words in Matthew 19:5 and Mark 10:7. Paul elaborates on the idea in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, in his discussion of God’s lordship over our bodies as well as our souls. He says that when a man has s*x with a pr******te, they have become “one body” (verse 16). It’s clear that the s*xual relationship is special. There is a level of vulnerability one experiences in a s*xual relationship that should only occur within a committed, trusting, marital union.

There are, in general, two contexts for premarital s*x. There is the “we love each other and are committed to each other, but just don’t want to wait to be married” s*xual relationship, and there’s “casual s*x.” The former is often rationalized with the idea that the couple will surely marry, so there’s no sin in engaging in marital relations now. However, this shows impatience and disrespect to oneself, as well as to the other person. It removes the special nature of the relationship from its proper framework, which will erode the idea that there’s a framework at all. If we accept this behavior, it’s not long before we’ll regard any extra-marital s*x as acceptable. To tell our prospective mate that they’re worth waiting for strengthens the relationship and increases the commitment level.

Casual s*x is rampant in many societies. There is, in truth, no such thing as “casual” s*x, because of the depth of intimacy involved in the s*xual relationship. An analogy is instructive here. If we glue one object to another, it will adhere. If we remove it, it will leave behind a small amount of residue; the longer it remains, the more residue is left. If we take that glued object and stick it to several places repeatedly, it will leave residue everywhere we stick it, and it will eventually lose its ability to adhere to anything. This is much like what happens to us when we engage in “casual” s*x. Each time we leave a s*xual relationship, we leave a part of ourselves behind. The longer the relationship has gone on, the more we leave behind, and the more we lose of ourselves. As we go from partner to partner, we continue to lose a tiny bit of ourselves each time, and eventually we may lose our ability to form a lasting s*xual relationship at all. The s*xual relationship is so strong and so intimate that we cannot enter into it casually, no matter how easy it might seem.

So, is there hope? When a Christian engages in premarital s*x, or when one who has lost his/her virginity comes to Christ, the Holy Spirit will convict of the sin, and there will be grief over it. However, it’s important—even vital—to remember that there is no sin beyond the reach of the blood of Jesus. If we confess, He will not only forgive, but will cleanse us from “all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Furthermore, in addition to the forgiveness (which is in itself glorious), God restores. In Joel 2:25 God tells Israel that He would restore the years the locusts had eaten. This is not a direct promise to Christians today, but does indicate that God has restorative character. Premarital s*x is like a locust that consumes our sense of self, our self-esteem, and our perception of forgiveness. But God can restore all those things. Scripture also tells us that, when we come to Christ, we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), so one who engaged in premarital s*x prior to conversion is recreated by God into a new person; the old is gone, the new has come.
God is good to us all the time.

So ask yourself "is it good to have s*x before marriage" mostly Ladies
Reply me on
+234 7066218350

Photos from Al Furqon Dhawa Organization's post 28/03/2022

Today's Lesson
Monday 28, March, 2022
By Ustaz Muh. Tajudeen Hamzat

Courtship is a period in a romantic couples relation when they are dating. Most partners go through a courtship before deciding to get married.
Courtship is an old-fashioned word, assuming that two people who love each other will eventually get married, if your uncle or aunt only met a few weeks before their wedding, you can say they had a brief courtship - and if you have friends who aren't married but have been together for year, you could describe their decades long courtship. The word is indeed old-fashioned from the 16th century when it meant "paying court to a woman with intention of marriage".
So you can define COURTSHIP as the wooing of a romantic partner traditionally, a man's courting of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage.

"Dating" as it is currently practiced in much of the world does not exist among Muslims. Young Islamic men and women (or boys and girls) do not enter into one-on-one intimate relationships, spending time alone together and "getting to know one another" in a very deep way as a precursor to selecting a marital partner. Rather, in Islamic culture, pre-marital relationships of any kind between members of the opposite s*x are forbidden.

The Islamic Perspective:
Islam believes the choice of a marriage partner is one of the most important decisions a person will make in his or her lifetime. It should not be taken lightly, nor left to chance or hormones. It should be taken as seriously as any other major decision in life—with prayer, careful investigation, and family involvemen

First of all, Muslim youth develop very close friendships with their same-s*x peers. This "sisterhood" or "brotherhood" that develops when Muslims are young continues throughout their lives and serves as a network, a way to become familiar with other families. When a young person decides to get married, the following steps often take place:

The young person makes du'a—a personal supplication—for Allah to help him or her find the right person.
The family enquires, discusses, and suggests candidates from among the network of people that they know. They consult with each other to narrow down potential prospects. Usually, the father or mother approaches the other family to suggest a meeting.
If the young couple and their families agree, the couple meets in a chaperoned group environment. Umar, a senior companion of Muhammad and a powerful caliph, related that the Prophet Muhammad said, "Not one of you should meet a woman alone unless she is accompanied by a relative (mahram)." The Prophet also reportedly said, "Whenever a man is alone with a woman, Satan is the third among them."When young people are getting to know each other, being alone together is a considered a temptation toward wrongdoing. At all times, Muslims should follow the commands of the Qur'an (24:30-31) to "lower their gaze and guard their modesty… " Islam recognizes that we are human and are given to human weaknesses, so this rule provides safeguards for our own sake.

If the couple seems compatible, the families may investigate further—talking with friends, family, Islamic leaders, co-workers, etc. to learn about the character of the potential spouse.
Before making a final decision, the couple prays salat-l-istikhara ( a prayer for guidance) to seek Allah's help and guidance.
The couple agrees to pursue marriage or decides to part ways. Unlike some cultural practices in which marriages are strictly arranged, Islam has given this freedom of choice to both young men and women—they cannot be forced into a marriage that they don't want.
This type of focused courtship helps ensure the strength of the marriage by drawing upon family elders' wisdom and guidance in this important life decision. Family involvement in the choice of a marriage partner helps assure that the choice is based not on romantic notions, but rather on a careful, objective evaluation of the compatibility of the couple. That is why these marriages often prove very successful in the long-term.

Although the words “courtship” and “dating” are not found in the Bible, we are given some principles that Christians are to go by during the time before marriage. The first is that we must separate from the world’s view on dating because God’s way contradicts the world’s (2 Peter 2:20). While the world’s view may be to date around as much as we want, the important thing is to discover the character of a person before making any commitment to him or her. We should find out if the person has been born again in the Spirit of Christ (John 3:3-8) and if he or she shares the same desire toward Christ-likeness (Philippians 2:5). The ultimate goal of dating or courting is finding a life partner. The Bible tells us that, as Christians, we should not marry an unbeliever (2 Corinthians 6:14-15) because this would weaken our relationship with Christ and compromise our morals and standards.

When one is in a committed relationship, whether dating or courting, it is important to remember to love the Lord above all else (Matthew 10:37). To say or believe that another person is “everything” or the most important thing in one’s life is idolatry, which is sin (Galatians 5:20; Colossians 3:5). Also, we are not to defile our bodies by having premarital s*x (1 Corinthians 6:9, 13; 2 Timothy 2:22). S*xual immorality is a sin not only against God but against our own bodies (1 Corinthians 6:18). It is important to love and honor others as we love ourselves (Romans 12:9-10), and this is certainly true for a courtship or dating relationship. Whether dating or courting, following these biblical principles is the best way to have a secure foundation for a marriage. It is one of the most important decisions we will ever make, because when two people marry, they cleave to one another and become one flesh in a relationship which God intended to be permanent and unbreakable (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5).
With all this fact, ask yourself who is my partner?

Read carefully, share, comment and like.
Call or WhatsApp me on +2340766218350


Today's lesson
Saturday 26, March, 2022
Topic: Trust In Marriage
By Ustaz Tajudeen Hamzat.

Trust is an indispensable ingredient in building and maintaining a healthy marriage.
Trusting one another is one of the most important elements of your relationship and a crucial elements of any life time commitment without trust , the quality of your relationship will deteriorate.

1. Picking up the pieces
2. Rebuilding trust
3. Rebuilding the Relationship
4. Getting professional help

It takes much time and effort to reestablish the sense of safety you need for a marriage to thrive and continue to grow.
Recovery from the trauma caused by a break in the trust is where many couples who want to get back on track can get stuck.
Couples must address the following five sticking point in order to effectively move past a breach of trust.

#. Knowing the details
#. Releasing the anger
#. Showing commitment
#. Rebuilding trust
#. Rebuilding the relationship.

Getting a professional help, you can work on building a healthier, happier and more honest relationship, if you address the five issues listed above and hold onto the bigger pictures: on getting through, this is only possible if you stay strong and commit to working on it together. A therapist can help you process what , why and how happen to help you both move forward..

Both parties must be open to seeking counselling to have a better understanding of what caused the trust to be broken. But you may want or need to seek individual therapy.

May Almighty God protect our marriage.
For any questions or counselling on your marriage
Call or Chat me on +234 7066218350


Today's lesson
Title The Union Of Marriage
Pls share, like and comment
Juma'at Mubarak

Photos from Al Furqon Dhawa Organization's post 24/03/2022

Good morning and welcome to All Furqan Dhawa Organization.

Today's Lesson
By Ustaz Muh. Tajudeen Hamzat

What is Marriage?
Marriage is called (Matrimony or Wedlock). Marriage is a culturally and often legally recognized union between people called (SPOUSES), it establishes rights and obligations between them, as well as between them and their children and between them and their in-laws.
You can also define marriage through the religion you belong to, or the culture you are in to.
Marriage is recommended of considered to be compulsory before pursuing any s*xual activities.
Individuals may marry for several reasons such as legal, social, emotional, financial, spiritual and religious purposes.
Marriage can be recognized by a state, an organization, a religious authority, a tribal group, a local community or peers. It is often viewed as a (Contract and Life Bond).
A religious marriage is performed by a institution to recognized and create the rights and obligations intrinsic to matrimony in that religion.
May Almighty God protect our marriage.

For any questions or advice on your marriage please contact me on
+234 7066218350

Ustaz Muh. Tajudeen Hamzat

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Videos (show all)

Our new videoTitled: The different between COURTSHIP AND DATING.Very interesting and educative
Pls subscribe to our YouTube channel
Moh Sha Allah
Today's lessonTitle The Union Of MarriagePls share, like and commentJuma'at Mubarak
Am coming soon





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