The Lion of Judah Prophetic Ministry

The church is dedicated to serving the poor and the hopeless. A church established to express love


Good day everyone. I trust in God that we are waxing stronger in the Lord. Praise God.

I want to bring something to our notice. Please please and please, I don't do spiritual work. I will never ask you to bring money for any spiritual work or works as they call it. I don't even believe in it and I don't collect money for prayers. So please if anyone should use The Lion Of Judah Prophetic Ministry to dupe you, it is not me.

Someone contacted me because she was duped by a man with same name above. It wasn't a small money. She had to sell some of her valuable things to pay the man for the work. First and foremost , I don't believe in it so I can never do it. I am also not condemning those that are doing it because we all have our doctrines. But any doctrine that does not look like God's doctrine, count me out. Whatever I say here, I back it up with the word. I was praying for someone who could not walk and after the prayer, the person still requested that I touch the leg. I told the person I am not lead to do that. You are healed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and she got healed. Some of us are the reason why the fake ones are more than the original, the reason is because we don't believe we are healed until we see the man or the woman of God mixing the oil with whatever they mix. Please listen, it is your faith that matters most and the power the person praying is carrying. When the two jam haha , every knee must bow.

This is why it is encouraged to engage with God one on one instead of running after ministers of God. I am not saying don't go to a man of God but Tares are planted amongst wheat too. Not everyone who calls Lord Lord is the Lord's servant. So please be warned.

I have been teaching you here how to connect with God. God speaks to all of us but only those who listens can hear Him. How do you listen? It is just by sitting with Him and listen to what He has to say to you just like mary did. I will not stop using mary and Martha as an example because it is a perfect one . Many of us call ourselves Christians but we don't have Bible, some have but they don't open it. Some open it only when they are in trouble. Please I beg you , all that I teach here is for your own good. It adds nothing to God if you do it nor does it subtract anything from God if you don't do it. It is all for our salvation and protection. There are wolves in sheeps clothing. You need to watch out please.

God bless us all.

Thank you Jesus.


Happy Easter everyone! I pray today that all the destinies that the enemy has proclaimed dead is resurrected today in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ . Amen.


S*X, a potent weapon of the devil against the children of God. Hmmm. ( Speaking of fornication and adultery)

Our topic today is about S*X. S*x is fun right? Yeah it is but I need to let you know that after the s*x, what comes next is the destruction of a great destiny. A destiny prepared to deliver nations or the world . The devil knows whom you are created to be so he must come. The devil does not go to someone who is already his, no. He goes to those that God is preparing and has prepared to win souls either now or in years to come. Let he who stands watch lest he falls hmmm.

Our body is the temple of God and needs to be pure and holy. The devil knows that so he comes with the pleasure that s*x gives in other to make you unworthy of that assignment. We see married woman or men sneaking out to have s*x. You can cover your sin so that no one may know but you cannot hide it from God. God sees you, angels sees you, even the demons sees you and this is why you cannot command that demon responsible for fornication or immorality to give way.

Wake up and fight for your destiny . Do not allow the devil win this battle. Go on your knees and call on God to deliver you from the spirit of fornication and adultery. It is a call for war.

A spirit is fighting against your destiny and you are thinking you are having fun? This same serpent sent Adam and Eve from God's presence i.e the garden of Eden. This same serpent brought a curse upon the world though Adam and eve until Jesus came through the mercy of the most High upon His children. That same serpent is still coming after us today and we are falling for his lies? Thinking we are having fun? Please wake up. Tell that spirit that it is enough.

Prayer: Father in the name of our Lord Jesus, I intercede on behalf of your children. I ask for mercy , have mercy o Lord. Forgive your children. Father the King of Kings, you know this is a serious battle and I believe all that are reading this are ready to surrender to you for deliverance from this demonic spirit of fornication and adultery. This does not exempt those already working for you and with you. Let there be cleansing o! Lord. Make us all worthy of your assignment and kingdom. Restore those that are lost. Equip those that are undergoing temptation, deliver those that have falling in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.

Be free from the spirit of fornication and adultery today for the sake of your destiny in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thank you Jesus .


1Corinthians 10:12 "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall"

Examine yourself always using the word of God above. Meditate on the word and ask God to always help you to remain standing. The fact that you are standing does not mean you are perfect , it is His mercy that is keeping you standing.

Prayer: May God's mercy always be with us, may we never fall. Even when we are faced with temptation, may we rise strong in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

I pray against road accident. may God release His angels of protection upon you all in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

God bless us all. Amen.

Thank you Jesus .


Good day everyone. I believe you are all good. To God be the glory.

I want to share something little with you, yes! I realized that as you grow in Christ, something's that you attach much importance to in the past becomes like a waste of time to you. The reason is just simple, you feel that way because you have come to realization that everything is vanity. The only thing that is important in you and in life is your soul. Hmm no wonder Jesus Christ said and I quote "Mark 8:36 [36] For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Yes, your soul becomes the only thing that is important in you.

My question to you today is, have you come to that realization? Do you now understand that your soul is the only important thing on earth worth being nurtured? If you have not realized it yet then it is time to sit down and seek the Most High God for direction so you don't get lost. There is no time at all.

May God forgive our short comings and continue to be the light to our path in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.

Thank you Jesus.


Prayer is a form of communication with God right? So if it is, then let me ask these questions. For instance, you saw someone on the street and you approached the person with a question or asked the person for a favour meanwhile you don't know the person, will the person be comfortable in answering you? In another instance, you saw someone you know , you are not too close but you know each other. Then you ask for a favour or asked a question, how will the reaction of the person be? Then thirdly , you saw a very close friend whom you can tell anything and ask anything, how do you think the reaction will be?

These three people will definitely react differently. You who is also asking will also feel different with each of them. Both the one asking and the one granting will feel better and free when dealing with the third person right?

It is same with God. When you are not close to Him, you are not His friend, or you don't know Him, how do you think He will feel when you come to Him as the first, the second and the third person?

This now brings me to this question;
Are you born again? Meaning, have you surrendered your life to God? If not, then you are like the first person and the probability of God answering you when you call is slim. If you have surrendered to God then it's beautiful but not enough, why is it not enough? It is not enough because you are like the second person, you know each other but you are not close so there is limit to the level of discussion you can have with Him. Now if you are close friends then I say kudos to you because it means you spend time with Him, you have personal relationship with Him. You can tell Him everything that burdens you.

The third level is the kind of people God want. He want you to be close to Him like a friend, a brother or sister , a son or daughter and like a wife who is intimate or close to her husband. You spending time with God daily is the most beautiful and most needed. What keep friends so close is their relationship. You play your part and the other one plays his or her part and it will flourish.

So if you are the kind that only knows God to be a supreme being whom you can only ask for help then you are missing. It is time to start personal relationship. So you can go to Him when you are happy, when you are burdened , when you overwhelmed, when you have questions, when you are confused, when you are pained, when you are sick, when you are well.

Let your relationship with God not only end up in the church from Sunday to Sunday but daily. You and Him alone. Relate with Him to the level that even when you are walking on the road you are communicating with Him of course not like a mad man but in your heart because that is how He speaks to you too.

You need to know that there is no time to waste, it is better to key into this before it is too late.

Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7:21 21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Luke 10:38-42
Jesus entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. She had a sister named Mary who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak. Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me.” The Lord said to her in reply, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.”

The will of the father is for us to be close to Him so He can instruct us and we follow in obedience as we are created in His image. So please start personal relationship with God by fixing time daily ( covenant) it is called covenant because it is an agreement between you and your maker to sit daily at a particular time like Mary did in the Bible. Activities alone will not take us to heaven like Jesus told Martha. It is well with us all.

May God see us through this journey in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Enjoy your weakend.

Thank you Jesus.


(NKJV) Joshua 1:8
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Do this genuinely every day and you will see result.
Thank you Jesus.


Happy Sunday everyone.

What are your intentions today? I need you to be truthful to yourself. We lie a lot even to ourselves. You say you have forgiven your neighbour yet, you are very bitter on the inside. Who are you fooling? You pray the Lord's prayer " father forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that tresspas against us" really? Have you truly forgiven your trespassers? Stop lying to yourself. Be truthful so that God's blessings can begin to manifest in your life. Bitterness will tamper with your joy, your spiritual growth , your relationship with God, your progress. There is no gain in being bitter. Forgive and be happy.

God bless us all.
Thank you Jesus.


Matthew 5:14-16. "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven"

Stay strong.
Thank you Jesus.


Glory to God the most High and the most faithful. Testimonies are coming in. God is lifting people and granting weddings. Father we thank you. To you alone be all the glory.

Continue with praise and worship. Thanking Him for everything. We agreed that we will not ask for anything this year, we want His will to be done. He knows our needs. So let's keep it up. Praise, worship and thank the Almighty for what He is doing and what He is about to do. Amen.

Glory glory, Haleluya.
Thank you Jesus.


May the plans of the enemy against you backfire in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I don't care whatever the plan is, but it is back to sender.


Psalm 121

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

3 He will not allow your foot to [a]be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The Lord is your [b]keeper;
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
6 The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.

7 The Lord shall [c]preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve your soul.
8 The Lord shall preserve[d] your going out and your coming in
From this time forth, and even forevermore.

Amen and Amen.

Thank you Jesus.


NKJV Bible. John 6:44
[44]No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.

Amen. This is deep indeed. This means in all that we do, if God has not picked you , dusted you , prepared you for Himself, then the kingdom is not sure. This is why we preach that you draw near to God that His mercy might prevail. We live by His mercy . Everything is by His mercy.

Father! Have mercy, that our names might be amongst those you have drawn to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May our strive not be in vain in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Thank you Jesus.


Our topic today is on the RIGHT CHARACTER.

Walking with God shapings our character in the way we do things, say things, perceive things. No man is perfect, but as we dedicate our lives to God in consecration , His spirit takes over and make us whole. Our character is what makes us the children of God or the children of the devil. This is why when we come to God, He starts working first on our thoughts because a man is what he thinks.

Let me share a revelation with you. I had a revelation where I was told that a test was coming for me to write. When I woke up, I started praying for God to have mercy and help me pass it. What is test? Test is what God use to train us to be like Him. The funny thing was that, when the test came, I got blinded by greed, I did not remember the warning anymore. And I failed the test. One thing with God's test is that you must pass it before you get promoted. There is no shortcut. It is either you pass or you fail. It is a form of training. It is His way of teaching us His ways. I failed the test and I am paying the price right now. This will help me remember to sit up when the opportunity comes again. May God's mercy always prevail for us in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

The reason I shared this revelation is to help us understand that a man's character towards anything is who he is. Now I know my weakness. Until I get it right, that thing I am praying for will not be handed over to me. I need the right character to handle what I am praying for. I hope I am speaking to somebody?

Then the next revelation came, and in that dream , I came to see my boss and he was seated with an apostle who was so elderly. I greeted them and my boss told the apostle to impart on me. The apostle said the only impartation available is that of character impartation. I said sir, whatever impartation is available, please give me. Impartation is impartation. No impartation is useless , and he prayed for me and it ended.

This second revelation is teaching us that no matter how we try to be good in our character , it is only God Himself that can perfect us. But is does not mean we should not keep trying. We will keep trying and falling until He says it's enough, rise and shine and the grace will be released to us. Amen. We can only surrender to Him and be willing. When He sees that we are willing, His spirit will come to our aid. People will see you and will be like Ha! The hand of God is on this one or the Spirit of God is in this one. Amen .

In conclusion, I will like us to consecrate ourselves to God, let Him work on our character that we may be transformed in His image. Be willing and He will manifest in your life, amen.

God bless us all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ , Amen.

Thank you Jesus.


NKJV Bible. Philippians 2:14
[14]Do all things without complaining and disputing.


Welcome to 2024

NKJV Bible. Revelation 21:3-7
[3]And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.
[4]And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
[5]Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”
[6]And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.
[7]He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.

Amen in Jesus name
Thank you Jesus.


You are all welcome to 2024. To God be the glory forever. Amen.


Haleluya !!!


Thank you Jesus. Please adhere to this instructions so God can manifest powerfully in our lives in 2024. God bless you as you do it. Amen. Happy new year in advance.


Good morn everyone. Please read Psalm 51, 91, and 121 as prayer points for our selves , family and our nation from now till 2nd January. May God hear our prayers.


Merry Christmas

Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ which is meant to be a day that we rejoice for the great gift that was handed over to us because of the Love of God upon us. So let there be no regrets. It does not matter if you have or not. What matters is your heart. So the question is, is your heart in the right place? If it is, then you don't need to worry about what to eat or drink. Our God above who sees the heart will provide one way or the other. Please read the book of Matthew 6:25-34.

This is a season of thanksgiving. You might think you have nothing, but when you count your blessings, you will see that you actually have much. Is it by your power that you are healthy? Is it by your power that you are alive? Some people are praying to be like you by walking in good health but they can't. If you have ever experienced ill health , you will understand what I am talking about but it is not your portion to experience it in the name of our Lord Jesus as we walk in faith and do things through faith.

That which you are seeking for, you might not have gotten yet but it does not mean that it is the end of the road. Things can change the next seconds. Keep being prayerful, hopeful and faithful. Your season will come in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen.

So, with this short message, I say Happy Christmas and a very prosperous new year and new season. May the next season bring you new graces. Grace to love, grace to grow in wisdom, grace for understanding, grace for open doors of financial blessings, grace for multiplications in the area of finance and fruit of the womb. Grace for open doors for marriage, both for men and women. Grace for safe deliveries for expectant mothers.

Thank you father for the answered prayers in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless you all.
Happy Sunday.


I pray I am not late with this video, I have been having strong urge to make this video since last night but couldn't, but here I am now. May it do what its meant for in your lives in Jesus Mighty name. Amen.


God did not reveal to scare us but to help us prepare for it. When Noah was asked to build an ark, he did it in obedience but those who refused to follow instruction got flooded. So please beware.


Please preserve the little you have. Some of us get too excited in December and then when we cross over, we start saying had I known. God has warned and he is still warning. Please preserve especially food. This revelation is for us in Nigeria but it does not mean other countries should not take precautions. There are already revelations that speaks of problems all over the world so please take precautions now. God bless us all.


Today's insight on our work and walk with God is on Faithfulness.

There is something very important we need to know and correct in our lives. Some of us come to God only when there is a problem or because we want Him to bless us and not because we love Him or want to fellowship with Him. Remember, our motive is what God works with. I hope we all know that we cannot deceive God? You can pretend to love God and I will believe because of what I see you do but you cannot do that with God. We know He knows all and He sees all and because He knows all, He will also reveal to His prophet or prophetess what is happening around Him or her.

I am not saying if you don't love God, you will not be blessed , no. Because the Bible says even the dogs eat from the crumbs that falls from the Masters table. (Matthew 15:26-28 ) God's mercy prevails on whoever He wishes to have mercy on.

I just want us to know that though He bless whoever He want, you can be sure that He is more faithful to those who are faithful to Him. Psalm 18:25.
Psalm 31:23 “Love the Lord, all His saints! The Lord preserves the faithful, but the proud He pays back in full.

Our faithfulness to God means trusting God and loving Him no matter the circumstance. No matter the situation, keep trusting and loving Him. You don't shout God I love you only when you are blessed. Even when sad, shout God I love you. I know it is not easy but when you are faithful , you can do it. Amen.

Therefore, as we wait for Him to answer us, keep the faith. Keep trusting even when it looks like it is not going to happen, just keep trusting and your hope in God will not be in vain. Amen.

So our prayer today is this: Father! In the name that is above other names, we come to you in total submission to love you and remain faithful to you. Help us to stand galant with you even when it looks like you have not answered our prayers. Help us to believe in you and your promises because you are not a man that you should lie. Even if it is remaining just one day for the year 2023 to end , we believe that you will fulfil your promises in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

God be with you all.

Thank you Jesus.


Today's prayer point.
Father! Deliver your children from the plans of the enemy.

A door filled with darkness was opened 2days ago. This door is meant to lure people into destruction.

So our prayer today is - father! In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, let all doors that are not opened by you be closed by the power of the Holy ghost, in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

Thank you Jesus

Happy Sunday from here .


Good day everyone, I am back. I want to say thank you to those who condoled me and to say, I appreciate you more. God bless you all.


This kind of day bring to our remembrance that nothing under the sun last forever . Good night sir.


We are preparing to celebrate the burial of my Uncle who passed on, on the 25th of November 2023. It is written in the Bible that in all things we should give thanks. Thank you father.


Our topic today is about facing our assignment and stop judging others. Please try read till the end.

I feel I should share this with you here as it was something I wrote in response to a discussion I had with others. The discussion was about men or women of God who do good deeds and snap for posting.

We are quick to judge each other's actions, meanwhile the bible is very specific about it. Please read Matthew 7:1-5

If you are a chosen one, you will know that each assignment comes with its own instruction. There is something called consecration laws. This is not taught in the bible class because it is a personal dealing in the secret place where only you and God communicate. Each person on God's assignment have their own instructions. So it still land at don't judge. If you feel the person is not doing the right thing, go to God and pray for the person and God will show you why or God will call the person's attention to it.

Babes in Christ will always pick a verse from the Bible for criticism, not knowing that the person being criticized is only following instructions. Face your assignment so you don't call on the wrath of God.

I remember some years back when I criticized a man of God because I felt I know better based on my understanding then. You know when you start newly , it will be sharking you and you will start thinking you know it all because of the little secret God is sharing with you. ( The funny part was that I didn't say it out, I just told myself that how can this person say he is serving God when it's obvious that he is not) That night I had a very serious rebuke from God. He said to me , ("is that the message I sent you? What is your business with how another person is seeking me" so go do what I ask you to do and go where I asked you to go.) When I woke up, I asked for mercy. Since then I try to be quiet even if I don't understand why the person is doing whatever he or she is doing. It was later I realized that it is only in the secret place this kind of things can happen. As we grow , we learn. Don't think you know it all. Sometimes God can really surprise you.

Now let me clarify something's. Though it is writing that we don't allow our left hand see what the right hand is doing, in your secret place , an instruction could come for you to allow a third party know about your deed with a particular person. My question was , would you now say no I can't do that because it is written? He gave that instruction for a reason and you saying no means going against the Holy spirit. And if you do that continually , He will stop speaking because you are not in obidience with Him. This is why this kind of things are not taught in the bible class because not everyone will understand since it is a personal experience. You are the only one who have that conviction, if you like tell it till tomorrow, no one will understand except those who are relating with God personally and who have reached that level. Then I also need you to be very careful because sometimes the devil can come in disguise. This is why constant dwelling in God's presence is very important.

Then in some instance, Some instructions from God might sound foolish, just like the man with l***r who was asked to go to the river to bath. His response was , is there no better river in my place? Did I come from that far to come and just bath in this river when there are better rivers in my place? But that is the way God want to redeem him. 2kings 5:1-17

Most times, God will give instruction but he will not tell you why, then later the why will be so pronounced . But if you had disagreed because of what people will say, you would have missed it and it might take time for the circle to come back. God has asked me to leave my job once, he kept repeating for like two months. I lost my peace so I had to put in my resignation. Haha, when I did, two months later when He had seen that I was ready ( it's a govt job so the process takes time) before they could conclude, He said go back. Meanwhile people have been beging me to reconsider I said no that God has spoken so I can't do otherwise. And now He is saying go back? I refused , I said father! Why are you ridiculing me? He kept repeating until He had to send another prophet to me, I heard all that people were saying about me, both positive and negative. Hmmm. It is well with us all.

It will be good if we christians learn how to stay focus on our own assignment and stop seeking for attention through criticism. It is not easy for we that are given the assignment so please help us to maintain balance. I know how I love my sleep in the past , but now, some nights are like day to me. If I can get just 2 hours sleep , I will thank God. It is not because I can't find sleep but because that is when He likes speaking to me. And that is when I pray well without distractions. Now, back to examples from the Bible.

There is a man of God name Hosea in the Bible, God told him to go marry a pr******te Hosea 1:2. If it's in our days , we would have finished that man with our critics .

Another example is Ezekiel ;

If today, someone comes to tell you he or she was asked by God to use p**p ( s**t, human defecation to cook) I believe many of us will say that person has been visited by a demon. And we will argue over it. How can God tell someone to use p**p to cook? But God told Ezekiel. Read Ezekiel chapter 4 verse 12-17.

So as you study the Bible , open yourself to the Holy Spirit so He can guide you with His understanding. Know God personally so you can have your own encounter please. And try mind your own business as God once told me lol.

I end my discussion here.

May God Almighty forgive our shortcomings and give us the understanding of His word and may His blessings always be with us in Jesus mighty name. Amen

Happy new month and not just any month but the month of December. Love you all.
Remain blessed.

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