Christ is the only standard we have.

Jesus Focus Network is a non-denominational, anti-religious and kingdom minded network of saints who are committed to revealing the depths of Christ to the world.


Thank you saints for your prayers and wishes.

Love you all.


Love is the Greatest!

Beyond how much you can pray, fast, how many people fall under your anointing and how many people get healed by your hands…

Spirituality, spiritual maturity and stature is seen in your expression of LOVE.

The absence of love is EMPTINESS.

God is Love




While we prepare to make New Year resolutions, so that we can experience 2024 with good success…

Remember, the will of God is that times and seasons EXPERIENCE you!

You are the experience creation seeks.

It’s not confusing…

Join us on Telegram, let’s look into the I AM.

Details on flyer

JESUS FOCUS 17/12/2023

When we say God gave us the “ministry of reconciliation”…
What exactly do you think God is reconciling in Christ?

If we dig deep into that mystery, we will see how deep and wide the family of God is and the true meaning of salvation.

Join us tonight…

JESUS FOCUS Drawing sons of God into Christ Consciousness


“But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation—“ Col 1:22

There is something about the ministry of reconciliation that is beyond religion…

This ministry is completely spiritual and deals with the souls of men..

Join us today as we explore this mystery

Venue: go on telegram and search for JESUS FOCUS… join us.


During my days in the school of ministry, my pastor then taught me many things but one thing I learnt and BECAME was his words, “every minister is an agent of hope”.

This statement has stuck with me ever since I finished that school and I see myself living it out, sometimes, unconsciously.

Being an agent of hope is our calling.

What does it mean?
It means that you’re able to see the best in situations and people, not the worst.
It means that, when people come to you with issues and complaints, your job is not to break them more but to try to lift them up…either with your words, body language or actions.

You don’t need to solve everyone’s problem to be an agent of hope, but you have a part to contribute and that is why God led them your way.

They could be friends or even strangers, they could be siblings or loved ones… don’t let over familiarity or your knowledge of right and wrong rob you of that opportunity to give hope to people.

But how do I do that?

KINDNESS… I mean intentional kindness.

Kindness in words and actions.

Kindness doesn’t cost as much as we think it does, you can use your words or body language to make people see that they truly matter and that everything will be fine with them. If you find this difficult to do, please it’s better you walk away than do the opposite.

On the other hand, some people are not able to receive kindness hence they abuse it.

Some abuse it by letting it get to their head, they may start feeling more important than others including you who was kind to them… they may also want to ride on you.

Some others take it to heart such that they now want more of you, not just your kindness… which could lead to another extreme that you didn’t plan to get to.

But you can draw the line, you can communicate kindness either as a giver or receiver, without attaching anything to it but LOVE.

Kindness is a spiritual gift you can give to people.

Be kind with words, lift people up, encourage people, help those you can, make sacrifices…BE KIND.

Yes, some may abuse it, but don’t let them abuse you.


Letting them abuse you is letting them change who you are…

Keep being kind… don’t change!

You’re an agent of hope and God is happy with you.


Have you seen?


Click on it…


Revealing CHRIST and our ONENESS with HIM.

It’s a 3mins video, watch and be blessed


You activate Gods power and Glory through consciousness…

Have you joined the Conference yet?



A major spiritual awakening is upon the church and this event is a major portal.

Then you shall have reason to remember your September.

Click flier for details

Click link to join


Understanding Sin and Salvation…

Watch and share!!!


How to know you’re maturing in Christ…

Watch and share.




There is a popular proverb that says "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
Another one says, "One man's meat is another man's poison".

Someone is wondering what Kingson is trying to say...

Let me show you 👇

Colossians 1:22-23a
"But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy IN HIS SIGHT, without blemish and free from accusation—if you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel..."(Emphasis mine)

You see, God reconciled us to Himself through Christ, to present us holy IN HIS SIGHT...

He is not presenting us holy in the sight of our pastors, neighbors, enemies, critics or Satan!

So while your holiness preacher may see you as a candidate for hell because you held a lady by the waist, your neighbor sees you as demon possessed because you went to a nightclub, your critics see you as bad just because you don't share same mindset with them... What does God see you as?

The God who reconciled you to Himself sees you as HOLY IN HIS SIGHT.

As scandalous as it sounds, this is the gospel that saves. That picture are saved not by works but by faith!

The truth is, in this matter of righteousness the one to judge you is the one beholding you from the eyes of perfect righteousness, and that is GOD!
God is the one beholding you, and what He sees is what matters, and guess what? God sees you as HOLY, RIGHTEOUS AND PERFECT, so long you're in Christ.

I may see you as unholy because you fornicated or stole or gambled, but my opinion doesn't matter in this equation of righteousness. The opinion that matters here is GOD'S, for He is the one beholding you...and He is the righteous Judge.

So I boldly ask, Who is he that condemns you? It is God who justifies!

Just as you can't tell me that my wife isn't beautiful just because she is not your spec, you can't tell God that I am not holy just because you don't like me!

Dear saints, stand firm, be rooted and established in this Faith. Refuse to allow their condemnation sink into your soul because indeed their judgement doesn't count...what counts is how God sees you!

And I just remembered another adage that says, "Monkey no fine but him Mama like am"

Because God has accepted Christ, anyone who comes into Christ has been accepted in the beloved!

If you believe right you will live right

(First posted 2020)


For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
-Galatians 3 : 27

What makes you a certified lawyer is that you were called to BAR, not that you have a good heart towards humanity!

In Nigeria for instance, if you go to the High Court you will see lawyers dressed in a particular way that distinguishes them from the litigants and every other person in the courtroom, so that when the judge looks down he will quickly know those he must address as lawyers without asking questions.
So it is true that the testimony of a lawyer's IDENTITY inside the courtroom is WHAT HE IS CLOTHED IN, not his good or bad behaviour. To stand before a judge in the capacity of a lawyer you must be dressed as one. The truth is, some of those lawyers in the courtroom are fornicators, some are liars, some beat their wives, some insult their husbands, some cheat people, some are envious...BUT that's not what gives them right standing before the judge. I am a lawyer because I am a called to BAR, and I am addressed as a lawyer in the court because I am dressed as one not because I do not beat my wife!

This is just for illustration purpose.

This is how it is with God, our righteous Judge...when He looks at people He looks out for CHRIST in them not their behaviour. This is why scripture says we should PUT ON CHRIST, that Christ be formed in us by faith.

Be clothed with Christ!
By believing in the finished work of Christ, that He is your saviour and Lord...boom! your spirit is clothed!

There is another dimension of this clothing of Christ which occurs in your soul realm… and this happens by you being Christ conscious and not sin conscious.

But ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.
-Romans 13 : 14

When you put on Christ in your soul the flesh will be actively in order, and shall follow the direction of your renewed mind.

When God wants to determine those who are righteous and holy, He does not look out for people who never fornicated or people who never lied or people who never stole before...NO...He looks out for those in whom He can find Christ, He looks out for those in whom He can find the seal of redemption which is the holy Ghost.
It is only in Christ that righteousness and holiness can be found.

What gives us right standing before God is that we are born again and Christ dwells in our hearts by faith, not that we haven't fornicated or cheated someone since this month.

What I'm saying is simple,
The identity of a believer before God is CHRIST. By faith you put on Christ before God but by Christ consciousness you put on Christ before creation.

NB: Be of good conduct for your own good, to have good relationship with people and live good on earth, because men judge by outward appearance but God judges the heart.

These above stated scriptures makes us see that once we focus on Christ by putting him on in our minds, we will be able to make no provision for the flesh and it’s lusts…

So don’t invest your efforts in trying to overcome flesh, rather invest it in building Christ consciousness.

God sees you as Christ, see yourself the same way and overcome!



Salvation can be likened to marriage… and considering the fact that you can lose your marriage to divorce would you now say that one can also lose their salvation?

First thing to know is…

It is the Reality that gives definition to the shadow...not the other way round.

This is why The Old Covenant should always be read through the lens of THE New covenant.

You should FIND The Immortal reality of the marriage UNION, and it’s attributes...Then and only then can you spiritually define the imperfect shadow called Marriage.

You cannot come and say Since the shadow is Black 🖤, it means everyone is black complexioned.


Shadow must be defined through the object that it reflects, not the other way round!

God established marriage to give us a picture of the Indivisible union man has with God in Christ.

God hates divorce because it erroneously shows that what God says is indivisible, can actually be divided.

And of course Divorce exists only in this fallen civilization of mankind.

In as much as many natural things teach us truths about the nature of God...We need to know when it is the Fallen depraved state that we are using to define an unchanging God.

It's like me saying...


Then someone goes… “Has Buhari disappointed you before? That means God can disappoint you”

Can you say because man can disappoint you then it means God can disappoint you? No!

Salvation is Oneness and there is no separation!

Marriage is oneness and there shouldn’t be seperation!

But God dwells in a higher consciousness where there are no imperfections… and even if marriage fails salvation can’t fail!

God is committed.



Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
-Hebrews 12 : 2

There is a reason why God shows you pictures of your glorious future, in dreams, vision and revelations.

Most times God won’t show you the process!

The reason is for you to focus on His will and purpose for you and then let it guide you through the process.

This is also the reason God speaks about your glorious destiny through Prophets.

That is Him giving you something to hold on to as you walk the process of life.

The process of birthing purpose is seldom easy!

Even natural childbirth is not a walk in the park…

But the picture of your baby and happy home will make you endure the process and pass through it with focus on the end goal.

What if I don’t have dreams or visions or prophetic words to hold on to, what’s my fate?

There is another place God puts those glorious pictures but you just don’t know how to use it…

That place is called your MIND and you engage your mind by IMAGINATION.

When you want to embark on a journey, desire it and imagine a glorious outcome… then start embarking on it.

You will meet land mines, obstacles, challenges… many things will appear to set you back and discourage you… this is almost normal… BUT…

That picture of a glorious end created by your imagination will sustain you through the process... that’s if you sustain the picture.

This was how Jesus defeated death on the cross.

It was a painful process, He cried and bled, He was heartbroken and body broken yet His eyes(mind) was fixed on the JOY HE SET BEFORE HIMSELF.

He saw the birthing of the glorious church and the dominion of the saints, so He just had to endure the painful process just to obtain!

Dear brothers and sisters, set a glorious picture of your future before you… keep your gaze in that picture as you walk the process of life.

This is your strength
This is your courage
This is your power
This is your faith
This is your victory.

Fix your eyes on that which the Lord has finished in your imagination/vision… then the process will be, though painful, worth it!

There is nothing you can’t overcome… as a matter of fact there is nothing you have not overcome.

Focus on that which is glorious, then move!


In the church we have taught and believed that on the last day, after judgment day, in heaven, believers shall be awarded CROWNS.

We taught and believed that there are levels and dimensions of crowns that shall be awarded to each Saint based on certain factors like,

•How many souls you won
•How holy you lived your life
•Martyrdom.... etc.

These factors caused a sense of heavenly segregation, even in the body of Christ...
A segregation God is not aware of!!!

My first worry is that, believers have interpreted the Bible with their carnal consciousness, such that people now think everything that appears in the Bible is as literal as it appears... and this is the highway of error!

Let me leave that for now... for the sake of sticking to the real message I want to pass, I'd just flow with you.

Talking about the award of crowns, in heaven.

Let me ask you?

Which head will you use to wear the Crown?

So for instance if Bishop Kunle won plenty souls and planted many churches, and Bishop Nzube was killed by terrorists while defending his Christian faith... these two individuals will in heaven wear a more sophiscated crown than Brother Charles who only preached on Facebook and Brother Daniel who was saved but didn't attend church till he died?
These "unserious" Brothers may end up getting a "papas cap"...abi?


Again I ask, which head will Bishop Kunle use to wear his crown and which head will Brother Daniel use in wearing his papas cap in heaven?

The annoying but most sacrosanct truth is that, these two individuals have One head as far as they both belong to the body of Christ.


No believer has a different HEAD, whether you won 1000 souls or you didn't go to church at all!

Drop your stones sir...

I didn't say you won't win your crown.

I only said that the HEAD that will wear the crown is the same head that will wear the papas cap.

And what that means is..
Just as your body enjoys the glory of the beauty your face carry... Everybody who is part of the body of christ will share in the GLORY of every CROWN in God because the head wearing it is our collective head, CHRIST.

Don't play religion with this thing called ONENESS with christ!!!

So the crown you think will make you bigger than your brother when you get in HEAVEN is already on the HEAD of the church, Christ, and we ALL are wearing it!

As a matter of fact we are already enjoying the Glory.
Jesus Himself gave us His Glory, and that's how we share in the glory of one another as those who are ONE in the I AM.

There is nothing more God has to give you, apart from what he has given you in CHRIST!

So let your motivation to manifest christ be because you are One with Him, not because you're expecting one crown that will make you bigger than your brother.

In Christ, there is no individualism...but ONENESS.

And to add...

How much of the Glory(Crown) of Christ you access experientially depends on how deep your consciousness of your oneness with Him is!

For those who are angry with this post, let me ask you...

Could it by any chance be that your crown expectation is equivalent to THEIR 7 Virgin expectation?

Say no to religion...

Christ is the Only inheritance you have in God.

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Videos (show all)

Happy birthday Apostle Kingson!
Revealing CHRIST and our ONENESS with HIM.It’s a 3mins video, watch and be blessed#Jesusfocus
You activate Gods power and Glory through consciousness…Have you joined the Conference yet?
Understanding Sin and Salvation…Watch and share!!!#Kingsonahaneku#Jesusfocus
How to know you’re maturing in Christ…Watch and share.#jesusfocus #kingsonahaneku




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