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* Tuesday, _23Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Romans 14:7-8 KJV 7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. 8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's._

*Thus says the Lord:* What gives meaning to either life or death is relationship with Me; outside of Me, both are worthless. A life well spent is not a life long-lived but a life lived for Me. A painful death is not death that leaves tears but death without My presence. I am all that matters.

*To do:* DECLARE: For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Whether I live or die, it is unto the Lord, for I am His and He is mine. Hallelujah!

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Genesis 15 - 28 / Matthew 23 – 28* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Monday, _22Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Genesis 4:7 KJV If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him._

*Thus says the Lord:* If you leave your mistakes unchecked, they will evolve into sin. Be humble enough to accept and correct your mistakes once you identify them or they are pointed out to you. Failure to stop your mistakes will break down your door and let sin walk in majestically.

*To do:* PRAY: Precious Holy Spirit, please keep me humble enough to do the needful at all times to avoid making room for sin in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Genesis 1 - 14 / Matthew 17 – 22* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Sunday, _21Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _2Chronicles 6:11 KJV And in it have I put the ark, wherein is the covenant of the LORD, that he made with the children of Israel._

*Thus says the Lord:* Where have you put the covenant I made with you? Is it safely kept and deeply cherished in your heart, or is it casually lying around without any thoughtful consideration? Do you still remember that I have a covenant with you signed by My blood, and that you have a role to play in the covenant?

*To do:* PRAY: Lord Jesus, I thank You for the love covenant that we share. Thank You for shedding Your blood at Calvary to ratify this covenant. Thank You for the grace to faithfully keep my part, which is obedience to Your word. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Revelation 12 - 22 / Matthew 10 – 16* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Saturday, _20Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Revelation 4:6 KJV And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind._

*Thus says the Lord:* No, it’s not a scene from a science fiction but a revelation of how beautiful, peaceful, and exciting Heaven is. The next time someone suggests that Heaven is or will be boring, ask them if there are any beautiful sights or animals in hell. Not even a dog, man’s best friend, or a cat is in hell. You don’t want to go there.

*To do:* DECLARE: O, the beauty and wonder of Heaven, my eternal home! My mind is made up, and by the grace of God, I will not miss it for anything this world can offer. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Revelation 1 - 11 / Matthew 4 – 9* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Friday, _19Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Mark 13:31 KJV Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away._

*Thus says the Lord:* Not every word of Mine requires your faith for it to be fulfilled. This is more so when that word, according to My eternal purpose, has implications beyond the scope of your person. Your unbelief cannot stop such a word. Not even all of Heaven and earth can stop it.

*To do:* PRAY: Help me, dear Holy Spirit, to always align in faith with Your word and see its fulfillment. It is better to be aligned and see it fulfilled than to be unaligned and watch You use others to fulfill it. I align in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *1John 1 - Jude 1 / Malachi 1 – Matthew 3* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Thursday, _18Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Lamentations 1:12 KJV Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the LORD hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger._

*Thus says the Lord:* It is true that My anger lasts only a short moment, but that moment isn’t something you want to experience. Celebrate My mercy, which endures forever, and never take it for granted. Enjoy My grace, but do so reverently.

*To do:* DECLARE: Thank You, Lord, that I’m not living in Your anger but in Your favour. It is of Your mercies that I’m not consumed, because Your compassions fail not. They are new every morning: greater is Your faithfulness, O God!

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *James 1 - 2Peter 3 / Zechariah 8 – 14* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Wednesday, _17Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _1Timothy 5:7 KJV And these things give in charge, that they may be blameless._

*Thus says the Lord:* Never shy away from teaching what is right and true. Always insist on godly standards, even if people will judge you for it. By doing so, you not only acquit yourself but also help those who obey you to stand blameless before Me. Be courageous in this, for I am with you.

*To do:* DECLARE: I stand bold in the gospel and in the standards it prescribes. I am not ashamed to stand where it stands on any issue and to encourage others to do the same. I will always be on the Lord’s side as long as I live. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Hebrews 1 - 13 / Zechariah 1 – 7* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Tuesday, _16Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Exodus 15:11 KJV Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?_

*Thus says the Lord:* This shall be your song in a few days when I have caused all your enemies that have risen against you to fall before you. You will seek them diligently and shall not find them, for they shall be no more. Get ready. Your triumph is here.

*To do:* DECLARE: In the name of Jesus Christ, I step into my moment of triumph. Since it is a righteous thing for God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble me, let them now be thrown into sea. I put on my garment of praise and celebrate God for the victory. Hallelujah!

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *1Timothy 2 - Philemon 1 / Habakkuk 1 – Haggai 2* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Monday, _15Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Hebrews 4:12 KJV For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart._

*Thus says the Lord:* My word is active, sharp and piercing. It cuts really deep into the very fibre of your being. When last did you yield to the piercing of My word, letting it have its full course in your life to separate what shouldn’t be from what should? Allow Me to cut you today with My word.

*To do:* DECLARE: O Lord, I yield to Your word surgery today. Operate on me like only You can, and make me what You want me to be in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Colossians 1 - 1Timothy 1 / Micha 5 – Nahum 3* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Sunday, _14Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Proverbs 5:17 KJV Let them be only thine own, and not strangers' with thee._

*Thus says the Lord:* Your marriage cannot be a public affair where everyone is free to come in and contribute. Upon the foundation of love and mutual respect, you and your spouse must have boundaries of privacy; as with intimacy, so with conflicts, resolutions, and some important decision-making. With Me, your team of two can win anything.

*To do:* PRAY: Dear God, leader of our marriage, help my spouse and I to respect You and each other enough to keep strangers out of this union, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Galatians 4 - Philippians 4 / Jonah 3 – Micha 4* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Saturday, _13Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Ecclesiastes 7:16 T4T So do not think that you are very righteous and do not think that you are very wise, because if you think those things, you will destroy yourself._

*Thus says the Lord:* As you received the gift of righteousness from Me through faith in My finished work on the cross, so also did every other believer. On what basis, then, will you assume yourself more righteous than another believer? Such is pride and leads to destruction. Beware.

*To do:* PRAY: Dear God, help me not to think of myself more highly than I ought to think; but to think soberly, in accordance with the measure of faith that You have given to every believer, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *2Corinthians 4 - Galatians 3 / Amos 6 – Jonah 2* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Friday, _12Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Philippians 4:6 KJV Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God._

*Thus says the Lord:* Anxiety beclouds good judgment and leads to avoidable and regrettable mistakes. Nothing improves with anxiety. So when you’ve done all you know to do and things don’t seem to be working out, do yourself some good and pray some more. Then relax, knowing I’ll sort you out.

*To do:* PRAY: Heavenly Father, I cast all my cares upon You for I know You care for me. When I’ve done all I can and it still doesn’t up, then I know it’s only You that can fix it. So now I let go and let You do the needful and take all the glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *1Corinthians 7 - 2Corinthians 3 / Joel 3 – Amos 5* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Thursday, _11Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Romans 12:6 KJV Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;_

*Thus says the Lord:* Operating My gifts has to be by faith. How do you know that the vision you saw is accurate? How do you know that the sick person you prayed over is healed? How can you tell that the unknown language you speak is genuine? Without faith, you can’t use My gifts.

*To do:* CONFESS: The Spirit of God dwells in me. He has endowed me abundantly with His supernatural abilities. These abilities work mightily in me. There’s no logic to these gifts; I just believe what they do in and through me to the glory of God.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Romans 10 - 1Corinthians 6 / Hosea 10 – Joel 2* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Wednesday, _10Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Leviticus 5:7 KJV And if he be not able to bring a lamb, then he shall bring for his trespass, which he hath committed, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, unto the LORD; one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering._

*Thus says the Lord:* I have always had accommodation for the offerings of all economic classes. Never feel intimidated if others seem to be giving more offering than you. Give your size, but give it cheerfully and willingly. The more abundance you receive, the more you give.

*To do:* DECLARE: Little or much, I will always, with my whole heart, give my best to God who deserves it all and more.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Acts 25 - Romans 9 / Hosea 3 – 9* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Tuesday, _09Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Exodus 16:5 KJV And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in; and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily._

*Thus says the Lord:* There’ll always be seasons of multiplied supplies from Me, just like the sixth day of manna supply. Understand that the surplus is not for you to squander but for you to save for the rainy day. The seventh day is coming when you can’t work or get inflow and must depend on your sixth day savings.

*To do:* CONFESS: I have the wisdom of God. It teaches me prudence for endless abundance. My sixth day seasons neither go untapped nor wasted. I don’t lack in my seventh day because my Shepherd already provided in my sixth day. Hallelujah!

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Acts 12 - 24 / Daniel 9 – Hosea 2* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Monday, _08Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Psalm 30:5 KJV For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning._

*Thus says the Lord:* You’re praying and asking Me if I’m still angry at you over your error of months ago. My answer is: No. I keep no record of wrongs once you repent. I taught you not to let the sun fall on your wrath, right? I don’t demand of you what I don’t set an example of. My anger doesn’t last.

*To do:* PRAY: Thank You, merciful, tender, and forgiving Father; slow to chide and swift to bless. You do not mark iniquities, or else no man will stand before You. Thank You for the blessing of a guiltless conscience and for the blessedness of knowing Your forgiveness in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *John 20 - Acts 11 / Daniel 3 – 8* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Sunday, _07Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Zechariah 8:23 KJV Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you._

*Thus says the Lord:* It shall soon be your experience that My presence and goodness in your life shall attract many to serve your God with you; for I will distinguish you by My glory upon you.

*To do:* DECLARE: Even so, amen! Be it unto me according to Your word, O Lord. Show the world the difference that You alone can make in my life. Let it be a pull factor that draws men to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *John 7 - 19 / Ezekiel 44 – Daniel 2* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Saturday, _06Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Revelation 4:3 KJV And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald._

*Thus says the Lord:* Imagine My splendor for a moment. Your limited human vocabulary can only attempt, like John, an inadequate description of what you see when you behold My beauty. A being or thing more beautiful than the Most High is a scam and does not exist anywhere. Stay with Me, and I will beautify your life.

*To do:* DECLARE: Lord, You’re beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words, too wonderful for comprehension, like nothing ever seen or heard, and I stand in awe of You. Thank you for making my life amazingly beautiful.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Luke 18 - John 6 / Ezekiel 38 – 43* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Friday, _05Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Jude 1:7 KJV Even as S***m and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire._

*Thus says the Lord:* Be not deceived, I still judge sin with the punishment of eternal fire. The popularity or political “correctness” of sin will never make it acceptable to Me. Grace and mercy end the moment this life is over; after that, judgment follows.

*To do:* PRAY: Dear Lord, may Your mercy pull out of sin all who are entrapped by it before it is too late, in Jesus’ name.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Luke 5 - 17 / Ezekiel 31 – 37* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Thursday, _04Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _3John 1:4 KJV I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth._

*Thus says the Lord:* Are you standing strong in the faith? Do you have children – biological or spiritual? Are they standing strong in the faith? Don’t be content with being saved and going to Heaven all by yourself. Be sure your children are coming close behind you. Nothing can be more fulfilling.

*To do:* PRAY: Dear Lord, keep in the truth all my beloved children by Your mighty power. Never let them turn away from the right path that I have shown them. Help me also to keep travailing until Christ is fully formed in them in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Mark 8 - Luke 4 / Ezekiel 25 – 30* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Tuesday, _02Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _1John 5:3 KJV For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous._

*Thus says the Lord:* I am the God Who gives you an order and proceeds to help you carry it out. I only want to see your submission and obedience, then you will see My grace at work in you to do what I demand. So, my commandments are not burdensome after all. Won’t you rather say, “Yes Lord”?

*To do:* PRAY: O Lord, it is You that works in me both to will and to do of Your good pleasure. I want to always do Your bidding without hesitation. Please help me to do so with all my heart, always, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Matthew 10 - 22 / Ezekiel 12 – 17* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Monday, _01Apr2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _2Peter 2:12 KJV But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;_

*Thus says the Lord:* One quick way to destruction is meddling in things you don’t understand. In this social media age, be sure you’re competent to call a person out on a matter before you engage. Avoid the temptation to join the online frenzy of criticisms. You’re royalty; don’t jump on bandwagons.

*To do:* CONFESS: I have the mind of Christ; my utterances are always guided by the Father’s will. I have the wisdom of the Holy Ghost; my words are measured. I have the maturity of a true Christian; I don’t speak before I know. Glory be to God.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Malachi 1 - Matthew 9 / Ezekiel 5 – 11* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Sunday, _31Mar2024_*



By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _1Peter 4:18 KJV And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?_

*Thus says the Lord:* Knowing the eternal hopelessness of the ungodly and the sinner, it would be absurd for the righteous to feel comfortable going about his normal business without concern for the perishing lot around him. It should fuel his passion for evangelism and intercession.

*To do:* INTERCEDE: Lord Jesus, in Your mercy, draw the sinner and the ungodly, for whom You died, unto Yourself. Use me as Your tool for this purpose. This is my heart’s cry.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Zechariah 1 - 14 / Lamentations 4 – Ezekiel 4* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Saturday, _30Mar2024_*



By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _James 1:10 KJV But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away._

*Thus says the Lord:* Never become too attached to wealth or allow any level of wealth get you puffed up. Remember, I was rich but, for your sake, became poor that you might be rich. I even laid down my life for you, not counting it too precious. Be ever willing to lay down anything for others.

*To do:* PRAY: Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me a heart like yours and for helping me know that my life does not consist in the abundance of things You’ve blessed me with. Help me to always love You and others more than my wealth. Please keep my heart this way. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Micah 5 - Haggai 2 / Jeremiah 49 – Lamentations 3* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Friday, _29Mar2024_*



By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Hebrews 4:9 KJV There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God._

*Thus says the Lord:* You’ve always been working so hard at your dreams, but it seems like you’re not breaking through. You keep asking, “God, when?” But it won’t always be toils, sweat and tears; your rest is coming. All your labour will soon pay off. I will reward your consistency, My child.

*To do:* PRAY: O God of rest, I have suffered a while. But now, according to Your word, make me perfect, stablish, strengthen, and settle me so I can have my rest. I receive rest from fruitless labours and painful exertion. I receive bumper harvests and rest in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Amos 6 - Micah 4 / Jeremiah 43 – 48* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Thursday, _28Mar2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Philemon 1:13 KJV Whom I would have retained with me, that in thy stead he might have ministered unto me in the bonds of the gospel:_

*Thus says the Lord:* If letting go of someone will benefit them more than you, let them go. Be selfless and do what’s best for them. Be it in ministry, employment, or relationship, do not be the reason they feel unfulfilled. It may be a tough decision, and their departure may leave a vacuum, but trust Me to fill it.

*To do:* PRAY: Father, give me the grace to release anyone I need to let go of in this season. I am trusting You for a great future, even in their absence. I know You will do for me better than they did, and I thank You for it in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Hosea 10 - Amos 5 / Jeremiah 36 – 42* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Wednesday, _27Mar2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _Titus 3:2 KJV To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men._

*Thus says the Lord:* Don’t make a habit of talking bad about people. It’s easy to form this habit and not even realize it, especially when you have cheering fans. Make it a personal policy to speak good of others or speak nothing at all. I have called you to be meek, not troublesome.

*To do:* CONFESS: My speech, my thoughts, and every part of my being is under the control of the Holy Spirit. My conduct is governed by the fruits of the spirit. I am intentional about seeing and speaking good about others. Fault-finding is not my hubby. I am helped by God in this. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Daniel 9 - Hosea 9 / Jeremiah 29 – 35* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Tuesday, _26Mar2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _2Timothy 4:6 KJV For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand._

*Thus says the Lord:* One day, you will surely come to that point when your departure from this world is imminent. Some people will sense that moment, others won’t. But what will matter most is how prepared you are for that moment. Live every day like it’s your last. Live ready for eternity.

*To do:* PRAY: Dear Holy Spirit, You are God’s gift to me to help me prepare for eternity. Help me to live a prepared life every moment of every single day so that my moment of departure will never catch me unprepared, and I can say, like Apostle Paul, “I am ready” in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Ezekiel 44 - Daniel 8 / Jeremiah 22 – 28* on your digital audio Bible.

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* Monday, _25Mar2024_*


By Pastor David Ofurum

*Anchor:* _1Timothy :17 KJV Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine._

*Thus says the Lord:* While everyone’s role in every organization is important and everyone is a leader in their own rights at various levels, the importance of overseeing leaders cannot be over-stressed. This applies to church as well. Honour your church leaders and honour will flow to you.

*To do:* REFLECT: Do I genuinely and sufficiently honour my church leaders in heart, words and deeds? Can I be a little more intentional about honouring them? How can I influence others to honour my church leaders as the Bible enjoins?

*Bible in 90 / 180 days:* *Ezekiel 31 - 43 / Jeremiah 16 – 21* on your digital audio Bible.

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