Future World magazine

A human interest magazine that seeks to help our readers to understand issues of today, as we help t

Is Libya Better off after the death of Gaddafi? - Future World Magazine 22/03/2024

Is Libya Better off after the death of Gaddafi? By Kwaku Boamah Special security reports led to the invasion of Libya by the USA and Allied forces. That invasion led to the death of Liyan President, Col Muammar Gaddafi. Before his death, here is what Libayans used to enjoy. Please make a comparison of the status of Libyans today, after the death of Gaddafi. ...

Is Libya Better off after the death of Gaddafi? - Future World Magazine Libya was invaded based on security reports, which led to the death of Libyan President, Col Muammar Gaddafi. Where is Libya today?

- Future World Magazine 21/03/2024

BREAKING: FG reveals names of terrorism financiers The Nigerian Sanctions Committee on Monday revealed the identities of nine specific individuals and six entities that have been recommended for sanction following their involvement in terrorism financing. 👇 The nine individuals under sanctions are: 1. Tukur Mamu 2. Yusuf Ghazali 3. Muhammad Sani 4. Abubakar Muhammad 5. Sallamudeen Hassan 6. Adamu Ishak…...

- Future World Magazine BREAKING: FG reveals names of terrorism financiers The Nigerian Sanctions Committee on Monday revealed the...

Ohanaeze Ndigbo Holds Retreat in Enugu - Future World Magazine 20/03/2024

Ohanaeze Ndigbo World Wide Holds One-day Retreat in Enugu The Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide is pleased to announce the hosting of a strategic planning in retreat at the Old Government Lodge, Abakiliki Road, GRA, Enugu on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. The retreat, with the theme Ako Bu Ije, will be chaired by the former Chief of Naval Staff, Nigerian Armed Forces, Admiral Allison Amaechina Madueke, GCON, who also was the former Military Governor of the Old Anambra and the Old Imo States....

Ohanaeze Ndigbo Holds Retreat in Enugu - Future World Magazine The Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide is pleased to announce the hosting of a strategic planning in retreat at the Old Government Lodge, Enugu.

Understanding Public Leadership - Future World Magazine 29/02/2024

In today's rapidly changing world, public leadership plays a critical role in shaping the future of our societies. As a result, it is imperative to make public leadership a public responsibility. This means that the onus is not solely on the elected officials, but also on the citizens to actively engage and participate in the political process. By embracing public leadership as a collective responsibility, we can create a more inclusive and transparent democracy....

Understanding Public Leadership - Future World Magazine In today’s rapidly changing world, public leadership plays a critical role in shaping the future...

Make Connection with Youths - Future World Magazine 21/02/2024

Time to Build Inter-Generational Connection with Youths Helping young people to find their feet It's often said that once you hit 50 years, you should reduce the struggle to become something. You should reverse to make others become something. Working to make others become something has powerful implications for your life. Who are the others? It's the younger generation. You need to become deliberate in offering them support, guidance, and mentorship....

Make Connection with Youths - Future World Magazine You need to become deliberate in offering support, guidance, and mentorship with the younger generation to share your experiences.

Making Public Leadership a Public Responsibility - Future World Magazine 21/02/2024

Making Public Leadership a Public Responsibility _By Dr. Joseph C. Ibekwe_ Public Leadership is not a mere theoretical construct, reserved only for intellectual discourse and interrogation. Instead, it is about how the policies and actions of public leaders impact the people. In the journey into public leadership, every action or inaction of the leader becomes an object lesson that could be used for learning and process improvement....

Making Public Leadership a Public Responsibility - Future World Magazine Public Leadership is not a mere theoretical construct, reserved only for intellectual discourse and interrogation.

Give President Tinubu Time - Future World Magazine 20/02/2024

Let's Give President Tinubu Some Time By Dr. Joseph C. Ibekwe Public Leadership is not tea party. It's not cocktail 🍸 party, either. But it's not rocket science. And even if it were rocket science, there are masters in that field 🏑 The journey into public leadership in a democratic society has clear beginning and a definite end time. Having gone through the processes of selection, whether judged credible or not, once persons have been affirmed to assume the positive, every other controversy becomes irrelevant....

Give President Tinubu Time - Future World Magazine Let's support the government of President Tinubu to stabilize and deliver on his Emilokan mandate for our collective good.


Tracking events of today, interpreting them in context, stirring up discussions for future engagement.

That's what Future World magazine is about .

Catch your breath 🫁


The Search for Transformational Public Leaders

Change is the most important thing leadership must deliberately initiate and supervise.

Planned change delivers maximally to the benefit the majority of the people. Unplanned change or poorly planned change renders majority of the people helpless and disorganized.

The Hallmark of transformational public leadership is the ability to implement planned change in the community or a nation. Incidentally, it is the minority that initiates and ensures the implementation of planned change. The reason is that planning requires a lot of time and intellectual investments. This minority is what we call "the leaders". Leaders do the planning and carryout the implementation, in concert with the people.

How do you raise the minority that understand the critical role of leadership? It has to be done through deliberate efforts, because if it's important to have transformational public leaders, then it is important to also groom them. Because, transformational leaders are not born, they are identified and groomed.

This is what we do FLED Institute does through the Centre for Public Leadership. We identify potential leaders and bring them into an ecosystem where they continue to learn, grow and impact the public space. In a country of 200million people, FLED Institute is determined to identify at least 0.01% (20,000) from this population and groom them to take leadership positions across country and get them to demonstrate transformational leadership. This is doable.

We have a target to induct 20,000 professionals into public leadership within the next five years (2023-2027). These leaders will occupy strategic positions in different organizations and political parties. They will work to transform their communities as they implement the principles of transformational leadership.

This is key. The fact is that you can't effect transformational changes in any society unless there is a critical mass of such leaders who act in concert and in collaboration.

The Centre for Public at FLED Institute is committed locating this elite niche. Anyone inducted into public leadership is actually admitted into an elite group that will work for socio-political transformation of their own society.

This is the focus of Centre for Public Leadership at FLED Institute. This is what informs what we do. We induct individuals to become transformational public leaders.

Africa needs transformational public leaders. FLED Institute is established to help supply these leaders to serve in the public space. Our role is clear. We take this responsibility seriously.

We believe it is better to train leaders who will lead right than to complain and bemoan over what bad leaders do.

Public leaders drive development. Let us raise more qualified and committed public leaders in Africa.

Start by sending message to


Dr. Joseph C. Ibekwe, FSGS
FLED Institute, Abuja


Author Challenge: 30 Authors/30 Books in 12 Months

✍️ You have ideas, please put them in a book.

✍️ You have garnered professional and life experiences, please put them into a book.

If you don't know how to go about it, not to worry.

I'm here to help you get it done in, 12 months.

No quick fixes. No wild promises. But sure strides to get your book out, in 12 months.

If you follow my coaching!!!!

As an author Coach, it's always a joy to see my students complete and publish their books.

That's why I am launching a special "The 30-Author Challenge"

I want to get 30 authors to publish 30 books in 12 months, _December 2023 - November 2024_ .

I am super excited and ready.

Here is my calendar for you:

December 2023 - March 2024 -

You are to complete my online 4-Module, *Book Writing & Self-publishing Course.* The course is worth N150,000. But you will get it for just N30,000.

This is 80% off.

April - July, 2024

Book Development Coaching.

We will work with you to develop and get book ready for Publishing.

August - October, 2024

Book Publishing Work.

We will work with you to package and publish your book, online and on hardcopy.

Tuesday November 12, 2024

Public Presentation of your Book in ABUJA.

🌱 Finally, I will show you how to become an authorprenuer by building a business out of your author engagement.

🥦 Why am I doing this?

Just to help you get published ..

I want you to stun the world.

30 Authors presenting 30 new books on the same day, at the same event!

Are you hungry to be an author?

Let's go!

Join my AUTHOR CHALLENGE COACHING platform group.

Click here 👇👇


Space is available until October 25.

T & C apply!

For the _Book Writing and Self-publishing Course_ ,

check here



~ Dr. Joseph Ibekwe
The Author Coach.


FLED Institute Appoints New Board - Future World Magazine 01/09/2023

FLED Institute Announces New Board ABUJA - FLED International Leadership Institute, Abuja has announced the addition of 6 new board members at the Institute. This was made public in Abuja on Thursday, August 31, 2023, by the Institute’s President/CEO, Dr. Joseph C. Ibekwe, shortly after the board inauguration. “Today we are delighted to announce the appointment of a new set of professionals and leaders to the Board of the prestigious FLED Institute....

FLED Institute Appoints New Board - Future World Magazine FLED International Leadership Institute, Abuja has announced the addition of 6 new board members at the Institute.


You Need Professional Certification in Public Leadership!

🎯 The requirements for workforce of the future is not going be solely dependent on your academic qualifications.

🎯 Your appointment into higher positions of responsibility in your organizations will no longer be dependent on length of service and academic qualifications.

🎯 You must understand that there are positions of responsibility in the public service, corporate or international organizations you cannot be considered for, except you have some extras.

🔑 The possession of leadership skills and competencies are the extras that will determine your future professional advancement whether is politics or corporate world.

🗣️ Unfortunately, conventional educational institutions will not give you these extra skills and competencies.

*Where then do you get them?*

This is why FLED International Leadership Institute, was established to help you.

If you are a professional in any known discipline, if you are a civil or public servant, if you are futuristic about your career progression, the Centre for Public Leadership invites you to apply for Induction into Public Leadership.

*Who else is qualified to apply?*

✍️ If you lead an organization- a business, an NGO, school or any such.

🔑 If you are at mid-level management and above in your company or organization

✍️ If you are a civil servant on grade level 10 and above

🔑 If you are a fully employed professional and desire to improve your leadership competencies

✍️ If you are in the academia or a private citizen seeking to become a public citizen through political participation.

*Validate of Leadership Induction* .

Public leadership is an approved professional leadership development program for those that desire understand the nuances and intrigues associated with higher leadership positions.

It is conducted by FLED International Leadership Institute, a professional leadership think tank established in 1999 and approved by the Federal Ministry of Education.

If you care about your career advancement, we invite you to take advantage of this opportunity.

📚 The next induction holds on November 10, 2023.

Start your application now.

Visit here for details 👇👇

For inquiries, please contact
FLED Institute
Plot MF 57 Cadastral Zone, KMC Street,
Karu Site, Abuja
WhatsApp: +234-7080157176

_Promoting excellence in public leadership since 1999._

No Military Invasion in Niger Republic - Future World Magazine 03/08/2023

No Military Invasion in Niger Republic Nigeria should not invade Niger Republic because of coup. Coup, though not acceptable in our world of democracy, is still an internal affair of a sovereign country. The Federal Government of Nigeria and ECOWAS should continue to engage in high diplomatic discussions, working hard to persuade the new military government on ways to resolve this impbroglio....

No Military Invasion in Niger Republic - Future World Magazine Nigeria should not invade Niger Republic because of coup. Though unacceptable coup remains an internal political situation.

FLED Graduate Leadership Program - Future World Magazine 20/06/2023

FLED GRADUATE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Foundation for Leadership & Education Development in collaboration with FLED International Leadership Institute announces the 2023/2024 Graduate Leadership Program. 🌱 It is common knowledge that many youths are graduating from tertiary institutions today with expectations that cannot be fulfilled. 🌱 They face exceptionally uncertain future either due to inadequate education or inappropriate education. 🌱 These young graduates, pushed to frustration, are increasingly engaged in bahaviours of faced with conditions which jeopardize their lives and prospectives for independent productive lives....

FLED Graduate Leadership Program - Future World Magazine Foundation for Leadership & Education Development in collaboration with FLED Institute announces the 2023/2024 Graduate Leadership Program.

President Tinubu Dissolves Boards - Future World Magazine 20/06/2023

President Bola Tinubu Approves Dissolution of Boards of Federal Government Parastatals,etc. President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, has approved the immediate dissolution of the Governing Boards of all Federal Government Parastatals, Agencies, Institutions, and Government-Owned Companies in the exercise of its Constitutional Powers and in the Public interest. The dissolution does not, however, affect Boards, Commissions and Councils listed in the Third Schedule, Part 1, Section 153 (i) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended....

President Tinubu Dissolves Boards - Future World Magazine President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, has approved the immediate dissolution of the Governing Boards of all Federal Government Parastatals.


Hello FANS of Future World,

We welcome you here

- Future World Magazine 22/05/2023

Rebuilding the Broken Walls: A Collective Responsibility Introduction Nigeria is a huge project. Nigeria is a mass-mix of growth potentials and socio-political tragedies. Nigeria’s public space – its business and economy, politics, and the socio-cultural milieu – is in a flux. The country is convulsing in the pains of under-development. The nation suffers massively from false starts and dropped batons in her leadership relay race....

- Future World Magazine Nigeria is a huge project. Nigeria is a mass-mix of growth potentials and socio-political tragedies. Yet Nigeria is Africa’s epicenter of investment opportunities.

We versus Them - Future World Magazine 14/04/2023

We versus Them There is a narrative that I have seen being elevated in our public engagements. I wonder what people tend to achieve when they promote narratives of "we versus them". You see, we are all important. We all have made contributions. Each of us also has potential to make much greater contributions. I find it disgusting, albeit inconceivable, that someone will come to the public square to undermine the image of someone or castigate the contributions of someone, in place of amplifying the image of another or the contributions of another....

We versus Them - Future World Magazine There is a narrative that I have seen being elevated in our public engagements. The narratives of "we versus them".

Vision, Values and Organizational Culture - Future World Magazine 14/04/2023

Vision, Values and Organizational Culture There are three things make an organization stable, productive and long-lasting. The first is vision. What is the vision of the organization? What is the organization working towards becoming? Is this vision clear enough to attract interest from others? Is the vision big enough to accommodate other people? Can the vision when actualized lead to a significant improvement in the lives of those that subscribe to it and others that might not be directly subscribed to the vision?...

Vision, Values and Organizational Culture - Future World Magazine There are three things make an organization stable, productive and long-lasting.

International Women's Day - Future World Magazine 08/03/2023

International Women's Day, 2023 Hello Woman, Produce after Your Kind Nature is designed in species. Nature produces after it's kind. Nature does not compete with itself. Light does not compete with light. Water does not compete with water. Any segment of nature that competes with itself will drives itself nuts. The only way to enjoy nature is to align with nature, cultivate nature, and not compete with nature. ...

International Women's Day - Future World Magazine Women bring so many good things to the political domain. They bring intellect, loyalty, managerial, multi-tasking skills and humaneness to politics


FLED Institute Honours Uganda Deputy Speaker & Others Public leadership is for public benefit. Those who have demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities and have excelled in public leadership ought to be recognized and encouraged to serve their people better. This is the inspiration that gave rise to the Award of Honourary Fellow in Public Leadership to the Ugandan Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Rt....


- Future World Magazine 20/01/2023

Your Friends & Associates Joseph C Ibekwe There is a general saying, "Show me your friends, and I will tell you who you are". Individuals are usually defined by the friends they keep and the associations they mingle with. This statement is universally accepted to hold true. That's the reason responsible parents warn their growing children to be wary of the friends they keep and groups they join, in school or in the community....

- Future World Magazine There is a general saying, "Show me your friends, and I will tell you who you are". Individuals are usually defined by the friends they keep and associate with

Grooming Transformational Leaders - Future World Magazine 20/01/2023

Grooming Transformational Leaders Change is the most important thing leadership must deliberately initiate and supervise. Planned change delivers maximally to the benefit the majority of the people. Unplanned change or poorly planned change renders majority of the people helpless and disorganized. The Hallmark of transformational leadership is the ability to implement planned change in an organization, a community or a nation....

Grooming Transformational Leaders - Future World Magazine Change is the most important thing leadership must deliberately initiate and supervise.

Political Common Sense - Future World Magazine 19/12/2022

Political Common Sense You know the truth. But you choose to live in lies. You know that tribalism and religion are the two problems of Nigeria, but you support these two. You know that Nigeria is down because incompetent people are appointed to oversee strategic positions because of their tribe or religion. You know this is our problem. But you don't want to talk about it, yet you want Nigeria to progress....

Political Common Sense - Future World Magazine Are you not tired? You know the solution to your problem: elect competent people to serve in Government. Other things will fall in place.

Journalism Is Now Cash And Carry - Future World Magazine 19/12/2022

Journalism Is Now Cash And Carry By Tunde Akande What is the story of Nigeria's failure as a nation? It is the the story of the failure of journalism which refused to watch over the power players but rather watch over the pockets of the journalists. My friend and workmate, Professor Jimi Kayode, now of Lagos State University, teaching mass communication but formerly director of the Nigerian Institute of Journalism in Lagos where we worked together told me a story about the decadence that has become of journalism and journalists in Nigeria....

Journalism Is Now Cash And Carry - Future World Magazine What is the story of Nigeria's failure as a nation? It is the the story of the failure of journalism which refused to watch over the power players.

Africa's Age of Enlightenment - Future World Magazine 18/12/2022

Africa's Age of Enlightenment. Throughout generations, societies have moved forward, made progress and created new system when thinking people begin to ask questions, interrogate existing facts, realities, practices and cultures. So it was in Europe between the period of 1685 - 1815. This is preferred to as the Age of Enlightenment Thinkers, philosophers and some people dissatisfied with the overbearing role of the church and state across Europe began to ask questions and revolt over certain issues....

Africa's Age of Enlightenment - Future World Magazine Throughout generations, societies have moved forward, made progress and created new system when thinking people begin to ask questions.

Prepare to Ask the Hard Questions - Future World Magazine 18/12/2022

Ahead of the 2023 General Elections Prepare to Ask the Hard Questions Show me a political leader who has no dark sides and I will follow him without hesitation. Show me a person who has no flaws and I will worship him without reservation. Show me a man without faults and I will prostrate without qualms. Nigeria is not seeking for a faultless, super hero personality to assume public office....

Prepare to Ask the Hard Questions - Future World Magazine Show me a political leader who has no dark sides and I will follow him without hesitation. Show me a person who has no flaw.

Peter Obi and 2023 Presidency - Future World Magazine 18/12/2022

Peter Obi and 2023 Presidency Deconstructing the issues Mr. Peter Obi is not the project of the Church in Nigeria! Because the church is not united on political issues, just as it has never been united on doctrinal issues. And Obi is not the project of Christina Association of Nigeria - CAN as the apex body has never issued any public statement to that effect....

Peter Obi and 2023 Presidency - Future World Magazine Mr. Peter Obi is not the project of the Church in Nigeria! Because the church is not united on political issues, just as it has never been united on doctrinal issues.

- Future World Magazine 18/12/2022

An Important Thing to do in 2023 Plan to Professionalize Your Leadership Competence Professions exist for a number of purposes. The primary purpose of every profession is to guarantee excellent provision of services by members that practice that profession. And the reason is that professions exist to serve people. No profession exists for itself. As a leader in professional practice, certain behaviours and conducts are expected of you, while some are too low to be associated with you....

- Future World Magazine Professions exist for a number of purposes. The primary purpose of every profession is to guarantee excellent provision of services.

Leadership Induction - FLED International University 01/12/2022

Leadership Nuggets....

The Power of Good

Good is good. Doing good is a good thing. Doing good will not shield you from disappointments and betrayals of life. But doing good will give you stability of mind and conscience. A clean clear conscience is the greatest thing you can have on earth. Nothing in your material acquisitions can compare to it.

Don't withhold good from anyone on the basis of the person not from your tribe, religion or is in disagreement with you. Just do good because you are good and because doing good is the right thing to do. Just do it.

As the year begins to draw to a close, it's time to review your "Doing Good index -DGi - " in the passing year.

What good have you done to where you work, the associations you belong, the people around your circle of influence, to your community and to your nation? Do good in words and do good in actions.

One attribute that marks out transformational leaders is their inclinations to doing good for the greater number of people. After all, leadership is all about people - their welfare, security and prosperity. As leaders, the concept of doing good for the greater number of people should be your disposition to public life.

Doing Good to young people is even much better because it has potential to generate more good.

Happy new month 💖❤️

Dr. Joseph C. Ibekwe, FSGS
Leadership Coach
@ FLED International Leadership Institute, Abuja

We invite you to be Inducted into public leadership at FLED Institute.

Leadership Induction - FLED International University FLED Leadership Induction connects you to a multi-disciplinary network of transformational leaders in Africa.

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