Coach Oche

life coach, motivational speaker, public speaker, career coach, movie actor.


If she tells you she is in a healthy relationship with a man who treats her right, then she has no reason to keep close contact with a toaster.

Every w||man knows that the best way to resist cheating on her man is to cut off/avoid close relationships with potential suitors.

If she insists on being close, It means she has seen boyfriend potential in you and would like to friendzone you as PLAN B in case her relationship fails.

Think about the innocent man, put yourself in his shoes. Would you encourage or tolerate such behavior from your w||man? The answer is No.

Do not pressure her any further. Do not become the distraction or basis for comparison. Do not feed her curiosity and long throat.

Do not try to be her relationship counselor. Help her, Help herself stay true and faithful to her good man.

Now, Go to your phone book, Scroll down on your contact. You know what to do. She must be faithful in Jesus name. 🌚

®️AAbraham Oche JeremiahOAbraham Oche JeremiahJAbraham Oche Jeremiah
OOche D KingDOche D KingKOche D King


Augusta knew exactly what she was getting herself into but ignored the red flags and enjoyed the privileges.

All the expensive trips around the world in private kets, luxury cars and latest designer clothes.

She definitely knew what she was getting herself into, she couldn’t have been that blind not to notice something off about his source of wealth.

If you are dating a Yahoo boy, You will know. You are not that stup|d. Do you not read your environment? Are you blind?

The same blindness has stroke the eyes of many young w||men chasing men who offer glamor.

To those of you who envied Augustina, I hope you will also envy her muti|ated body?

Stabbed and k|lled by the same boy who sponsored all her lavish lifestyle. Dude practically desecrated her b||_dy. St||bbed, No bre||st, No eyes, No kpekus.

I know many of you lad|es will like to think you are smarter than her but you are not, any w||man who follows a Yahoo boy is damaged.

Not all these lad|es are innocent. Many of them are accomplices to cr|mes and the k|king of other girls. Infact, some of them were used to lure other g|rls.

I have no sympathy for the outcome of any g|rl who intentionally date a ritua|ist. You deserve to d|e because every privilege you enjoy is from another dead g|rl.

I don’t p|ty her because all that luxury lifestyle she enjoyed came from his other v|ctims. It was just her turn.

I pray the b||stard rot in pris||n.

Abraham Oche Jeremiah
Coach Oche


MISSED TARGET ( EPISODE 1) The devil will always look for a way to kill and destroy your destiny when ever he sees that your destiny is very clear, he knows what God have for you and h...


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Can I advice those who intend to get married soon?

Marriage is one of the institution that is so dangerous to rush into. In a jiffy, your excitement can turn into a burdened countenance.
Why? Because you did not set things in their proper places.

This post is for believers especially, because we are the ones who love to marry by faith and disregard all kinds of reality because you know how to pray and quote scriptures.
You want to get married because you don't want to commit fornication with your's one of the reasons Paul gave in the Bible but it is not enough.

You need to plan for bills. Times have changed and times are changing. You cannot follow the style of your aged Pastor who married without an apartment or a job and the wife didn't have a business too. Then they had farmers who gave them food. The house rent then too was more or less like it's free. School fees was free. Transportation was cheap. Times have changed!

As you plan wedding, please plan bills. Faith is good but faith without work is death. Faith without planning is foolishness. After s*x, your wife will need good cloths, you will pay anti-natal bills and buy baby things and baby food and school fees and house rents and nepa bills and so many fees and bills.......Times have changed!!!!!!

Some of the sorrows we go through after marriage is because of lack of is not part of our divine syllabus at all!!!!

If you are going into full time ministry as a man, then don't marry the lady as a student just because you don't want to commit fornication. It is not honourable for you as the husband if her father is still taking care of all her academical needs right under your roof!

A little patience....just a little patience, everything will be fixed. You don't need all the money in the world but you need a source of income....very important!
Let the lady get a job or do business or learn a skill....but to marry empty is not spiritual sense o!

Wedding is cheap....yes, very cheap. It's marriage that's expensive.
Somebody can buy the cow for your wedding, another person will send the gown from U.K, the good women choir.... especially when you are useful for the Lord, they will buy the bags of rice and ingredients. The men of valour will pay for the hall. Your friends will give you an envelope, your suit money will be sorted out. The choir in your church will form the band at your reception.
One Baker you once prayed for and God gave her buisness explosion will sow the wedding cake. The single sisters will do the decorations.....abeg, tell me, na wetin remain for wedding again?

But after that show 👆, you will face your bills....plan for the bills not just the wedding.
Love is strained when there is lack, no matter how small, let there be a source of income....that's wisdom😇🌻💞🌟🕊🌻💞🙏🕊🌻


*Dear Sister..*

Do you also prefer a Romantic brother to a spiritual brother ?

Before you conclude, know this:

_Being Romantic can be learnt but being spiritual can only be achieved.._
You can teach a Spiritual brother to be Romantic to you, but you can't teach a Romantic brother to be truly Spiritual.

Marriage is not nollywood o and it's not zee world.
...okay, maybe you're not part of them....
But wait oo......

Are you also praying for God to give you somebody that carries fire ?
But, are you sure you're not a fire extinguisher? ?
Check, check well..
Because if you're a fire extinguisher and you're praying to have someone that carries fire, God might not answer you oo.. why ?
Because you do not deserve him.

It's not only the responsibility of daddy to pray, you can also pray for daddy when he's out...
Even, wake up in the middle of the night to pray for him and the children...
Work on yourself, you're not a parasite, don't be fully dependent.

*Leviticus 26:8A ......And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight.*

that's the power of unity, don't give room for the devil to pe*****te the family through your weakness..



1) No man is perfect

2) Men are like children. So be like his mother.

3) Hear quickly; talk slowly.

4) Never compete with a man.

5) Never try to be equal with him.

6) Be fast to apologize when you know you are wrong.

7) Don't be too jealous with him. This is good for your peace of mind.

8) You may check on his phone if you want, but that isn't necessary.

9) Always be honest as a wife.

10) Never leave your house for a long distance without his permission.

11) Make sure you know the food he likes, and prepare that at least twice a week if money allows.

12) Don't let your husband get in the house with a parcel in his hand.

13) Try to make a budget together.

14) Be his adviser, not a critiser.

15) Don't ever forget that a wife is a helper of husband.

16) Learn good things from your mother.

17) When God blesses you with children, never give more attention to your children and forget your husband.

18) Learn to smile at your husband.

19) When your husband knocks off from work, greet him. If possible, hug him.

20) Don't let your husband leave the house without eating. This may mean "eat" and "eat".

21) When you husband becomes angry, stop talking.

22) Keep the bedroom clean always.

23) Never put cloths on the bed. Some men hate that.

24) Be a clean woman.

25) Look romantic.

26) Always remember to do what a wife should do. You are not his sister.

27) Treat his relatives as you would treat yours.

28) Oftentimes ask how his relatives are doing.

29) Go to church together.

30) Never compare your husband or your house to someone else's.

I wish you all the best in your marriage. And may Jehovah bless you and give you a number of children you want.


Not everything that happens in life should throw you off balance, give room for your shock absorbers, to work. You've got them.

A woman sells garri to you, she tells you, this garri is very sour; good for drinking, then you go home, but after making the mixture you discover the exact opposite, garri feels like sand in your mouth.

It shouldn't be the reason your day goes tumbling down, like jack and Jill on a hill.

You buy and register a sim card for 500naira, aside the transport and time it took you to get to the sim card office.

Just two hours after registration of a new sim, you try to fix the card into your phone and incidentally the sim card breaks or the chip is destroyed.

It shouldn't be the reason your day goes spiralling, confused and upturned like pack of cards.

Give room for shocks and save the rest of your day.

I shouldn't have spoken, I shouldn't have left when I did, I shouldn't have laughed, I shouldn't have given, I shouldn't have stopped... I shouldn't have done this and that.

I should have checked better, I should have taken that course earlier, I should have accepted, I should have rejected the offer... the list is endless, point is, you already did. So move on.

If I knew, if I had known, now you do, salvage what can be salvaged already.

Curse the day I met her, damned be, the day he asked me out. Are you now going to let that sorry tale run the rest of your life ? Are you now going to remain stuck in some mud, maybe of shame or of regret ?

Cars have shock absorbers, and the better the shock absorber, the better the car or engine.

Build you some capacity, accept in good fate, what's done, what has happened.

And make onward progress with giant strides.

©Idio Phebe Ehikowoicho


*Prayee should be part of our life..... See it as the food you eat.... As long as you cannot do without food, you cannot do without prayers too..... Jesus is an example of a Prayer Warrior..... He prayed until His sweat turned to blood ..... We never start at all. Please Lord🙏, give us the grace to pray and study the word more*




A Man or Woman can be quite good at giving, they can be GENEROUS, and at the same time, DANGEROUS.

Do not be fooled, that he is always subbing for you, spending on you lavishly, that she is always sending you airtime doesn't mean they are good for you.

Proverbs 17:23 "A WICKED man taketh (giveth) a GIFT out of the bosom to PERVERT the ways of JUDGMENT (reality)"

A Good Man can give.

A Bad Man can give.


Aunty, Suit is not Anointing

Uncle, Long skirt is not Fear of God.

Just because a lady doesn't MAKEUP doesn't mean she can't MAKE TROUBLE .

Some ladies use MASCARA to cover their bad CHARACTER

Be Wise. Avoid "I thought he's born again" don't thought anything. WATCH.


He's a Marriage Counselor...

He's a Youth Pastor...

She's in the Prayer Band department.


She's a Nurse..

He's a Doctor


Be Wise.


I've come to discover that some people have what we call "innocent face" or what we call "church face"

They naturally look harmless, and God fearing. You'd never suspect them of anything.

They look too cool, delicate and fine to be capable of harming a fly..

But I've come to discover that the popular mantra "looks can be deceiving" is not a joke.

He looks Peaceful.....okay oh

She looks God fearing...... May it be so.

Don't conclude just by looks alone..


He can play the keyboard very well

She's a good Sunday school teacher.

When he's singing, angels will be falling. You forgot that lucifer was a choir master before.

A person's abilities or capabilites by virtue of nature, is different from their abilities by virtue of the new birth (of the Holy Spirit.)

Hear the Master of Wisdom
Matthew 7:20 "Wherefore by their FRUITS ye shall know them."

FRUITS of the Spirit are the hallmark of a true Christian and a Husband/Wife Material. .

Don't be deceived.
Marriage is not a Talent Audition.

(c) Musa Gift



I thought I would meet my husband during NYSC.
Shortly before I traveled for my NYSC program, I listened to my friend, (let's call her Joy) as she narrated how she met her husband during their service year in Benue state. I had such high hopes too.

In her words, "We went for the joint corpers fellowship and the brother that sat next to me ran up to meet me after the close of service. We exchanged numbers, one thing led to another, and here we are today."
The story sweet no be small. Her's was a beautiful wedding and she has such a beautiful marriage with their first child on the way.

Last year, my relationship with Dave ended. Till date I'm not sure what led to the separation. He woke up just like that one morning and sent a message to me that he was no longer sure God was leading him to me. I laughed at first, it seemed like a joke. Reality dawned on me when I called him and he said "Sister Faith," not darling or sweetheart, ah! "I feel it so strongly in my spirit that it is not the will of God for us to marry." I was broken. I cried for months. Funny, Dave sent me his wedding IV three months later, opening up fresh wounds that were still trying to heal.

My number one prayer point before going for NYSC was that God should connect me with my husband. At 28, I thought I should be married already. Financially, I wasn't doing badly. I had heard countless testimonies of people meeting their spouses during NYSC. I was seriously on the look out for any signs of "the husband." Every young, christian gentleman that said hi seemed like a potential husband but each time I went to God, he was silent. Greater than my desire to locate the husband was my desire to marry the one God would lead me to.

It was getting frustrating. One month left to passing out, still no husband in view. I was getting desperate. I went from one program to another, trying to position myself for 'the husband' to locate me. Every moment spent in prayer was focused on what I told God before travelling for NYSC. "I must meet my husband this year."

Last two weeks, I attended a youth program at our church headquarter and I met someone, Sam. An ex-corper that was invited as one of the guest speakers. We got talking and it felt like love at first sight. I thought, maybe this is God's last hour miracle and his own way of comforting my heart. I wanted to pray about it but I feared it would be just like the others, no response, and it was just as I feared.

I cried. Sam had already started showing interest. Our hearts were knitted in such a short time. Everything about him screamed HUSBAND MATERIAL! Why would God be silent on this one.

"Why don't you go ahead!" A voice said. "You know, heaven helps those who help themselves. Besides, there's nothing wrong with Sam. He loves God, he's well to do." I made up my mind to go on ahead with Sam.

That night, I had a dream. I saw myself holding a cutlass on one hand and a hoe on the other hand. I was standing in a bushy farmland. I knew I was meant to cultivate that land but I abandoned the hoe and cutlass and ran to pick up a bucket. I kept toiling to and fro a stream, trying to get water to fill up a basket. I woke up that morning and a word dropped in my spirit- WASTED EFFORTS!

I went through that day pondering on the meaning of that dream and asking the Holy Spirit for interpretation. Then I remembered a dream I had just before I went for NYSC. I saw myself harvesting some corn in a farmland and I heard "The harvest is plenty but the labourers are few."

Then it dawned on me, My heart had been so occupied with my own selfish desires that I failed to carry out the assignment God had given me at the beginning. I wept and asked the Lord for mercy. I made up my mind there and then to let him have his way.
I don't know who God wants to speak to today, but I've learnt something very important in life. Whatever it is you desire from God, it could be marriage, admission to higher institution, a job, money etc, never desire it to a point where it becomes a do or die affair. In other words, never desire it to a point of desperation. It worked out for others in a certain way doesn't mean it will work out for you in thesame way. God has a unique plan for us all.

He wants us to learn to trust him and act on the instructions he gives us. It is in obedience and childlike faith, that we find fulfilment. Humanly speaking, it is not easy to totally abandon everything in God's hands without checking on things every now and then, and trying to hasten him up. But God wants us to have the kind of faith that Abraham had, that even without knowing where God was leading, he followed, acting on every step by step instruction.

Don't expect God to perform some kind of abracadabra for you when you've failed to obey that instruction he gave you. Sometimes when it seems like he is silent, slow down and check on the last instruction he gave. How obedient are you to his instructions.


Episode 79
© Ayo Omolayo

I sat down on the floor one of my hand in my head. My hair was just a complete mess. Who cares about the hair? It's completely glaring that God wasn't going to kill me. So what's the new plan? I don't know what exactly is going on with me?

I had to do something to help myself. I remembered how I used to get myself out of my senses in the past. How did we do it back then? Alcohol! Yes! That's how we did it. Whenever I and my friends were so depressed, we would drink to stupor to knock ourselves out of our senses.

But how do I get some of that stuff? There was no trace of alcohol around my house anymore. I guess I'll have to send Evelyn to get some for me. No, I can't! She would be so shocked such a request came from my mouth.

If I need some acholic drinks, I'd better go get some myself. What was the first step? I had to get myself dressed as soon as possible to go a nearby bar and get drunk.

I don't know where I got the energy from. I waw struggling with my prayers, but immediately it was time to go back to sin, energy came. I rose up like a lady ready for action. I had to at least do something to my messy hair. So I spent sometime to pack it and hold them together with a string.

What about my bath? Nah! I'll do that later. I was in a hurry I cannot explain. Who was rushing me to go and drink alcohol? Who? Why was I in such a hurry? This is something I don't understand. I sprayed perfume on myself to make myself smell good. I just needed to taste alcohol as quickly as I could.

I rushed out of the room and told Evelyn to prepare something light for breakfast. I got into my car and drove to a bar. A classic bar around my area. I was sure no one there would recognize me, so I sat down immediately I entered.

"Miss Kolapo!" I heard someone call.

I turned to look and tried to remember where I saw that face. Obviously, I couldn't remember the face. He came closer and sat down with me.

"Wow! I never thought I would meet you again. I was surprised!" He said smiling.

Yes I remember him now. He's the psychiatric doctor Maggie called to treat me at my office. What's that his name again? Yes! Doctor Francis!

"It's so nice to meet you again woman of God", he said as he said as we both shook hands together.

"So what do you need, let me get it for you!" He asked.

As badly as I wanted to taste my alcohol, I dared not tell him what I wanted. I was not supposed to be seen in a place like this to begin with. So how did I get here? What must he be thinking about me right now?

Perhaps he's trying to confirm his doubts by asking me what I wanted. He's going to figure out I was here to get drunk by ordering what I want. I may have gone so far to bring myself here, but my reputation as a child of God was more important than anything right now. I can't lose that now.

I stood up immediately.

"Actually! I came here hunting for a guy!" I started a line of made up lies.

"Hunting? You hunt for drunken men and take them home for the night?" He asked.

"God forbid! I'm engaged to a man I would be getting married to. How would you think such negative thing about me?" I said expressing my displeasure.

"I'm sorry about that! Please forgive me!"

"Why would you think I pay men to warm my bed? What kind of imagination is that?"

"I just said I'm sorry!"

"And you expect me to forgive you because you said you were sorry?"

"What else do you want me to do?"

I exhaled. Cris! I don't like this version of you ooo! What's happening? Control yourself please!

"It's alright! I'm out of here", I said and took my purse.

"Wait!" He called and I paused.

"So you came here hunting for who? I need clarity, so I don't have the wrong impression about you!"

I turned to him and gave him a cold stare.

"Think all you want. I don't owe you an explanation. I don't care what you think about me. We were supposed to meet again, but you never called since the day you left my office. I don't know what kept you from calling me but it's fine by me. Whenever you are ready, feel free to call me. Just wanted to remind you", I said and walked out of the bar.

I can't believe he would take me for a harlot. I was so angry, but I couldn't blame him for thinking that way. I was not supposed to be seen in a place like that. I entered my car and drove back to my house. I had lost my appetite for beer. I don't know who I may meet at the next bar I would step into. I don't want to lose my temper and make a fool of myself.

I sat down on the sofa in my master's bedroom. I had to eat something, but I just wasn't ready for anything yet.

I noticed the room was hot. I was already beginning to sweat. I was feeling too uncomfortable in the room. Did I turn off the AC?

I quickly stood up to turn it on. But from where I stood, I could see it was working. Ha! What kind of heat was this?

My air-conditioning was on the wall at the other end of the room, so I had to go around my bed to get to it. I moved around and saw a human being on the floor of my room.

I jumped back in fright.

"Jesus!" I exclaimed.

I had left the TV on the news stations and the sound system overpowered my ears. I rushed to get my remote and turned it off.

Then I started hearing the voice of that one person I never expected here. What was she doing here? How did she get here? How come no one told me?

She was blasting in tongues on the floor. How could she leave her busy schedule to come here to pray in my room? Perhaps she came to see me and when she discovered I wasn't in the house, decided to spend her time wisely.

I had tears in my eyes as I watched her groaning passionately for me.

"Kings shall arise from you and nations shall arise out of your bosom. Satan knows what he's up against and will never stop fighting for the thinest loophole.

But Lord! This daughter of mine will not be sacrificed as meat for Lucifer. I call her spirit out of the cage where the enemy had locked her up. Cristina! Hear me clearly! You don't have a choice! You will serve this God till you die!

No power will be able to hold you down. No power will keep you bound. You shall continue to wax stronger and stronger in the Lord. Your back will never touch the ground in defeat".

I broke into tears and cried loudly. Sure, she heard and stood up immediately. She was dripping out sweat as she walked. Her sweat rained on me as she picked me up from the floor.

She placed my head on her chest and patted my back as I wept in her arms.

"Cris! Jesus would never had sent me here, if he was done with your life. He's arms are widely opened. Going to the bar is not the solution. It's going back into the waiting arms of Jesus!

That's the reason why many people are going into ma********on, po*******hy, casual intimacy with strangers, alcoholism, drugs, gambling. Anything to distract them from the pain they're feeling.

Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above him there's no other. Jesus is the way! Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above him there's no other. Jesus is the way!" She sang.

"Mummy! I'm a failure! God had invested so much on me. He had taught me so much that my generation would be shocked at what God has done in me. But look at what a failure I have been?

I'm such a waste of divine investment. Mummy! I'm no use to God! I have sinned so many times. I have hurt him so often. I don't deserve his forgiveness". I wept.

"Cris! If God were to grant us salvation based on how much we deserve it, no one would be saved. If God were to save the lost on the grounds of who was more deserving of his forgiveness, we would all be lost.

We never deserved God and will never be. He came to us out of love and mercy. He offered us a new life not because we deserved it, but because he loves us. So who told you that you must deserve God before he can forgive you?

The bible says in Hebrews 8:12. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

He's ready to forgive you and accept you. Despite all you have done and do you know what?"


"He's not just going to forgive you. Here's the best part. The bible says we are justified by his blood. Do you know what it means to be justified?

"I don't think I do", I answered.

"In the court, when the judge forgives a man, he may be released. But he will have to lower his face around people and walk in shame. Because he was guilty but forgiven.

But in the court, when a man is justified. The judge announces to the court that this man is hereby declared innocent of all the charges laid against him and stamps it.

Can you imagine Cris? God has not only forgiven you, but he calls you an innocent baby girl! His harmless little dove", she said and squeezed my nose.

I didn't know how a smile appeared on my face.

"Oh my God! Satan is such a big liar! Satan is such an accuser! Satan really takes advantage of the ignorance of a Christian. No wonder! Ha! No wonder God said that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. The bible is such a gift to man. Many of us fail to read it. Ha! Satan! You have really done alot of damage through the ignorance of many of us".

I wept in my mentor's arms, but they were not tears of regret, they were tears of joy.

"Cris! God takes away your sins and place them on Jesus. Then takes the righteousness of Jesus and places it on you. So when he looks at you. He doesn't see that fornicator. He sees a beautiful and harmless baby girl. A righteous and wonderful Princess of the most high.

No he doesn't see that ma*******or, that liar, that cheater, that alcoholic, no! He sees a righteous and innocent lady. Abba's love! The love of his life!"

"Sweet Daddy! I'm so sorry for everything! I believe you have forgiven me. There's no sin on earth that is too powerful for the blood of Jesus to wash away. There's no power that is greater than what is written in your word. Your blood is so powerful. It turns a ma*******or into a saint. It justifies me and declares me innocent.

Thank you so much sweet Daddy!"

Immediately, the peace that flooded my soul was out of this world. Joy took over me in such an overwhelming way.

"He touched me!
Oh he touched me!
And oh! The joy that filled my soul!
Something happened and now I know.
He touched me and made me whole!" My mentor began to sing.

I joined her in the song and we both began to sing it together.

"WELCOME BACK MY PRETTY EBONY!" Came the gentle voice I had missed so badly.

"Daddy! Where have you been?" I asked within me.



Song of Solomon 3:1 By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.

Verse 2. I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.

Verse 3. The watchmen that go about the city found me: to whom I said, Saw ye him whom my soul loveth?

Verse 4 It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.


Overwhelmed with joy, I laid on the floor in gratitude.

"Thank you Jesus! Thank you so much!"

To be continued.....

You may be Christiana Kolapo. You may have risen and fallen so many times. And all you think about is how much of a disgrace and disappointment you have been to God.

Here's what God has to say to you.

John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

The Message translation says John 6:37. Every person the Father gives me eventually comes running to me. And once that person is with me, I hold on and don't let go.

Here's what the Amplified version says.John 6:37. All whom My Father gives (entrusts) to Me will come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will most certainly not cast out [I will never, no never, reject one of them who comes to Me].

He says he will never reject whoever comes to him. Why do you keep allowing Satan tell you that you don't deserve him?

Is it Satan you will spend the rest of your life with in hell?

Run to Jesus now and watch him throw a welcome party for you.

Please don't be a Ghost reader! Say a word of gratitude to God for his endless love for all mankind.

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