Heart2Heart With God



Hello Beautiful people of God.

First of all i sincerely wants to apologize for being silent for a long time and though i have tangible reasons for this but God has continued to be faithful and true to his people and me in particular.

Am so thrilled and amazed by how many people that followed or joined this group despite being silent and posting nothing.

Beautiful people from different countries. Oh my God ! , It tells how much you love God , and eager to share from his words and also the big love you've shown to me.

Am sincerely grateful and humbled.
More so, I really want us to start afresh because there's much I truly want us to know and learn and also exercise our faith in God.

To kick start this NEW BEGINNING, can you all introduce yourselves again in the COMMENTS SECTION. I will love you to tell me your name and your country.

This will signify your full support for and also sign of LOVE❤️.

Always here waiting for you (smiles) 😊☺️.

Thanks once again, and is still me your favorite servant


TOPIC : Be Warned
BIBLE READING: Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17, Isaiah 44:3

I love visions and prophecies but am not after them at all. Visions and prophecies are good and not only that it's biblical, they're also gifts from God.
But many of us have been destroyed, life taken,and had been led astray all because they pursue and are after these.
The Deceiver, Father of all liars ,the Devil have seen that many sought after visions and prophecies more than the way they seek God.
That's why he(devil) uses it as a weapon of destruction against the body of Christ.

He raises false prophets, false prophecies & pastors to deceive and divert the hearts of believers. Even many of the Men of God that was truly blessed & given other beautiful gifts from God but they chose to ignore and neglect their God given gifts and focus on fake prophecies in order to acquire more money & members.

Just only few still stands firm to tell you the dangers of sin, how real hell fire is.only few focused on preaching about the second coming of Christ. thank God my bible made it plain that 'Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen".

Why are we struggling this hard to see the MAN OF GOD instead of the GOD THAT DWELLS IN THE MAN.
OH !! you so called Men of God, how long shall you continue enriching your pockets & bank accounts? how long shall you continue to lead the sheep astray. Or have you forgotten so soon that, " Though Hands Join With Hands,The wicked Shall no go unpunished ".
When will you stop turning & preaching the word of God the way that it will suit your mischief?.
No wonder the bible made it clear THAT JUDGMENT WILL START FROM THE ALTAR.
we're all created in the image of God which means you possess all the qualities & attributes of Christ and you still have that access to God then why allow an ordinary man to mislead you. if you're genuinely BORN AGAIN you will get all things you need. have you forgotten that we are Joint Heirs with Christ.

Therefore instead of running after fake prophecies,prophets & visionaries why not run after righteousness. Study your Bible the word of God which tells you fully the mind & ways of God, also stands as a map leading you to God and heaven.

Dearest you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Seek God now that he's near.
And the very time is now. Beware and Be careful.
Lastly, I will encourage you to seek first the Kingdom Of God and all Shall be added into you.
Matthew 24:11, Mathew 24: 24, Matthew 24: 26, Matthew 17 :15, Jere




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BIBLE READING : Jeremiah 32:16-42

We all know that there's nothing too hard or impossible for God to do because all powers belongs to God both in heaven and on earth including beneath the earth.

But there is something that denies us the blessings of God and restricts us from gaining access to that which God has promise us thereby making us limited, stagnant, crippled & pinned to a place.
And it's nothing but SIN. Sin stands as a barrier or an obstacle preventing us from reaching our promise land. Sin dents our records & image before God.

Ecclesiastics 10:8, God's glory , mercies & love is a protection & is like a hedge and a covering around us.we also know that God hates sin & cannot behold sin or stays anywhere sin dwells because he's a holy & righteous God.

Sin is the hammer that breaks God protection over & around us. God absents himself where there's sin therefore giving the devil the serpent access over our lives. He the devil comes in & takes control then bites us hard.
Remember the bible says he walks tro & fro seeking for whom to steal , kill & to destroy but him the Most High Hod has come to give us Life Eternal.

All these can be possible only if you give God a chance to rebuild you again by Confessing all your sins, forsaking them then cling unto God.
From then onwards , you will see all the DRY BONES IN YOUR LIFE RISE AGAIN.

Our reading of today Jeremiah 32:36-42 GIVES US THIS PROMISES

1) Gives us a promise of restoration

2) Promise of acceptance

3) Everlasting covenant of goodies for us & our children

4) Promise of more contracts signed & Land purchasing.




Bible Reading : Ezekiel 36 :22 -23

We sing "that there's power mighty in the name of Jesus". but many of us don't know how mighty it is, don't know how to access it or make it work for us as a Christian &many are yet to feel the power in the name Jesus.

1) PHILIPPIANS 2 :9 -11
a. Every knees bows in the mention of his name. Both things in Heaven, on Earth & Under the earth.

2) ACTS 4 :12
a. His name saves

(3) MARK 16:17, LUKE 10:17, ACTS 16:12
a. Demons are cast out in his name & demons obey that name JESUS.

(4) MATTHEW 18 : 20
a. His name brings down his presence

(5) ACTS 3 : 6, 16
a. The name of JESUS heals &strengthens

(6) COLOSSIANS 3 : 17
a. You can connect to the Father or give thanks to GOD thru the name JESUS.

1) Do everything in the name of JESUS

I can do all things thru Christ who strengthen me.

b. MATHEW 19 : 26
With God all things are possible

2) EPHESIANS 2 :18
Appreciate him or his name because thru him everyone is granted access in one spirit to the father &also for the greatest sacrifice he made for us on the cross.


You must know that Jesus Christ who's also God honours his name more than every other things. He's a respecter of no one but his name alone.

One thing that gladdens me so such about Christ is that when he SAYS a THING,that he must DO. He said let Heaven & Earth pass away bt my WORD REMAINS THE SAME
REVELATION 19:13 tells us that the NAME of JESUS is the WORD OF GOD.

Today's text said, HE sent a message to the Israelites saying "that whatever he's going to do for them is never for their sake but for the sake of his HOLY NAME. because they sinned against God & dragged his name to the mud."
When he will demonstrate to the nations the HOLINESS OF HIS GREAT NAME, that same name they disgraced then they will know that he is the LORD & He the Sovereign LORD had Spoken.
Even when you sin against him, he keeps his words either to BLESS OR JUDGE .
To have a feel of his name you must

Acts16:31, John14:1, John 20:27, 1 thess 2:1, 1 Timothy4:10, Hebrew 11:6

Psalm50:15,Psalm86:5,Psalm116:2, 2Timothy 2:22

ISAIAH 43:25-26,
a) JEREMIAH 30:17-22
b) NEHEMIAH 4:14
remind him of how awesome is.


Topic : Making a Shift For Deliverance To Come.

Bible Reading 7: 1-4,9,20-21

Until you make a shift, you can not or find it hard to receive your miracle or deliverance.

From our today's bible reading, we were shown or reminded by God of our fore fathers who made a shift, was shifted and got there victory. They prospered, enlarged and was made famous. All you have to do is to make a POSITIVE SHIFT.

1 -4 told us about FATHER ABRAHAM who obeyed God, left his father's house as instructed by God with any complaints or murmur and today he's known as and was made a FATHER OF NATIONS.

9 - was about JOSEPH who was sold out by his brothers to Egypt. A shift was made. Do you know that Joseph never complained to any one there or tell them the story of how his brothers betrayed him but rather he put more effort and trusting wholly on God and he was made a Governor.

20 -21, MOSES was also shifted after his birth to Pharaoh's daughter and he grew with them. He after he met and heard the voice of God at the burning bush, he was instructed to go deliver the children through the power of God which was in him. He never complained or murmur even after what he did (killed an egyptian) and what his brothers an Israelite told him after he defended them, yet he moved on and today HE WAS MADE FAMOUS & HIS NAME IS RECORDED/ WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE.

JABEZ also made a shift by not being relaxed by his bad state and went ahead to seek the face of God in prayer. So did HANNAH, JACOB etc


When you love , fear , trust and obey God, he will help shift you if when you couldn't shift yourself.

You can now make a positive shift starting from giving your life to God, surrendering all yourself him. Make him your LORD, MASTER and KING. leaving, rejecting and confessing all your sins & sinful act then watch yourself swimming in Victory & Happy Endings.

It must surely end in praise for us all in Jesus Mighty Name We Pray. AMEN AND AMEN

Heart2Heart With God Send a message to learn more.


Topic : Making a Shift For Deliverance To Come.

Bible Reading 7: 1-4,9,20-21

Until you make a shift, you can not or find it hard to receive your miracle or deliverance.

From our today's bible reading, we were shown or reminded by God of our fore fathers who made a shift, was shifted and got there victory. They prospered, enlarged and was made famous. All you have to do is to make a POSITIVE SHIFT.

1 -4 told us about FATHER ABRAHAM who obeyed God, left his father's house as instructed by God with any complaints or murmur and today he's known as and was made a FATHER OF NATIONS.

9 - was about JOSEPH who was sold out by his brothers to Egypt. A shift was made. Do you know that Joseph never complained to any one there or tell them the story of how his brothers betrayed him but rather he put more effort and trusting wholly on God and he was made a Governor.

20 -21, MOSES was also shifted after his birth to Pharaoh's daughter and he grew with them. He after he met and heard the voice of God at the burning bush, he was instructed to go deliver the children through the power of God which was in him. He never complained or murmur even after what he did (killed an egyptian) and what his brothers an Israelite told him after he defended them, yet he moved on and today HE WAS MADE FAMOUS & HIS NAME IS RECORDED/ WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE.

JABEZ also made a shift by not being relaxed by his bad state and went ahead to seek the face of God in prayer. So did HANNAH, JACOB etc


When you love , fear , trust and obey God, he will help shift you if when you couldn't shift yourself.

You can now make a positive shift starting from giving your life to God, surrendering all yourself him. Make him your LORD, MASTER and KING. leaving, rejecting and confessing all your sins & sinful act then watch yourself swimming in Victory & Happy Endings.

It must surely end in praise for us all in Jesus Mighty Name We Pray. AMEN AND AMEN.


TOPIC : Be Warned
BIBLE READING: Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17, Isaiah 44:3

I love visions and prophecies but am not after them at all. Visions and prophecies are good and not only that it's biblical, they're also gifts from God.
But many of us have been destroyed, life taken,and had been led astray all because they pursue and are after these.
The Deceiver, Father of all liars ,the Devil have seen that many sought after visions and prophecies more than the way they seek God.
That's why he(devil) uses it as a weapon of destruction against the body of Christ.

He raises false prophets, false prophecies & pastors to deceive and divert the hearts of believers. Even many of the Men of God that was truly blessed & given other beautiful gifts from God but they chose to ignore and neglect their God given gifts and focus on fake prophecies in order to acquire more money & members.

Just only few still stands firm to tell you the dangers of sin, how real hell fire is.only few focused on preaching about the second coming of Christ. thank God my bible made it plain that 'Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen".

Why are we struggling this hard to see the MAN OF GOD instead of the GOD THAT DWELLS IN THE MAN.
OH !! you so called Men of God, how long shall you continue enriching your pockets & bank accounts? how long shall you continue to lead the sheep astray. Or have you forgotten so soon that, " Though Hands Join With Hands,The wicked Shall no go unpunished ".
When will you stop turning & preaching the word of God the way that it will suit your mischief?.
No wonder the bible made it clear THAT JUDGMENT WILL START FROM THE ALTAR.
we're all created in the image of God which means you possess all the qualities & attributes of Christ and you still have that access to God then why allow an ordinary man to mislead you. if you're genuinely BORN AGAIN you will get all things you need. have you forgotten that we are Joint Heirs with Christ.

Therefore instead of running after fake prophecies, prophets & visionaries why not run after righteousness. Study your Bible the word of God which tells you fully the mind & ways of God, also stands as a map leading you to God and heaven.

Dearest you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Seek God now that he's near.
And the very time is now. Beware and Be careful.
Lastly, I will encourage you to seek first the Kingdom Of God and all Shall be added into you.
Matthew 24:11, Mathew 24: 24, Matthew 24: 26, Matthew 17 :15, Jeremiah 23:1-40


Topic : Praises
Bible Reading : Psalms 34 vs 1-end

There's so much need to praise God all the time. declare his Goodness to everyone and to all nations. tell them all his has done for you.
Praise or praising God puts Satan to shame.
Praises means victory. When you praise, you're happy. meaning that something good or great has happened in your life or you're expecting God to do some great things in your life. In other words trusting God & telling him i know you have done it already and that's why am praising you. Even when you know ,in the physical it not yet done or manifested (Faith & Trust in action). This is what the devil hates most.
Praises moves the heart &heart of God. It activates and fasten's the answers to our prayers.
The devil wants to see you sad, grieve, tormented and ungrateful to God because when you praise God ,you're showing gratitude.

There are so many reasons why yi should praise God. e.g for the gift of life, health, deliverance, shelter , protection e.t.c.

But it doesn't only ends in praises. remember the prayer of the wicked(Sinner) is an abomination in God's sight like wise PRAISE.

GOD hates SIN but not SINNERS. No wonder he(God) never stops inviting sinners. He said "come let's reason together", " he also said though your sins be as dark as Scarlet, he can make you white as Snow" through his blood.that's why he sent he's only Son JESUS to die for us.

That very moment you accepts him as your personal lord & saviour, he will not only FORGIVE but FORGET all your sin. Then OLD things will be thing of the PAST and all will be made NEW. when Christ was about to give up on the cross, he made the SWEETEST statement ever which is " IT IS FINISHED ".

He has taken all your Sins, Sorrows , Sickness and the Chastisement of our sins was upon and by HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED. HALLELUJAH !!!.THESE ARE THE SO MUCH REASONS WHY WE NEED TO PRAISE GOD. He paid the debt we owed &yet couldn't pay.he died for us even when we're yet sinners.
2corinthians 5:17, Isaiah 53:5, Luke 13: 1-5 , Luke 14 :25-33.

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