Kikiowo Ayoade David

Kikiowo Ayoade David

To report the official activities of the Communication & Info. Committee Chairman of @official_nyp1



I stumbled on this picture online, not sure if it's true but my message is still the same regardless. I was not surprised to see that he once sang in the church choir because many of the top circular musician today started their career in the church and later fell out, Mohbad must have believed that circular music would be a faster route for his career path, just like many others.

The devil has no gift to give anyone, he can only pervert God's gift over a man for his use, [John 3:27 (NKJV) A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven.]

It's really sad to always see how talents and gifts that God has placed over people's lives are perverted to glorify the devil. [James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.]

It is more painful that many young people don't want to endure the days of little beginning, they want to start from the top and want it fast... Forgetting that the way UP is DOWN and when you jump up, you will come down(law of gravity) but when you grow up you will stay up. (Proverbs 14:12 KJV - There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, But the end thereof are the ways of death.)

Within the short time that I have spent on earth, I have seen how many young people have messed up God's plan for their lives, just because they think they are wise in their own eyes.

The good thing is that many people now see the ugly operation going on behind the scenes in the entertainment industry but that is not the major point of this piece, the first thing that I want everyone to see is that circularity came just to shift people focus from God, so the devil wants people to go church on Sunday morning and in the evening to also go to the club and I know many people won't see it as a big deal but two masters can not be in one body. No matter how you normalize going to clubs and other circular trends, none of it gives glory to God.

It's best to stay on the God's side of everything

I pray that Mohbad gets justice!!!


All what you refer to as being circular is the world (Devil's system), there is no middle line to these things, it's either you are for light or for the darkness. 2 Corinthians 6:14 (NKJV) - Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?

1 John 2:15-17 (KJV) - If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

There are ways the world systems think and operate, they leverage different means (movies, music, etc) to propagate their ideology and you don't want to get trapped into their mindset. 1 John 4:5-6 (NKJV) - They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this, we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

Take home:
1. Don't listen to the Devil, he will defeat you. Psalm 1:1 (NKJV) - Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
2. Don't be wise in your own eyes. Avoid Worldly Wisdom. 1 Corinthians 3:18-20 (NKJV) - Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. 19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”; 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.”


Gear up to receive enough arsenal for new a week and the rest of the year as we get set for

# ph



I return all glory to Master Jesus 👏


Someone that is always indoor is boasting that bullets don't hit him, bullets hit people that go to war. Go to war, then you can boast.

Photos from Kikiowo Ayoade David's post 17/04/2023

On Sunday, 16th April 2023, the Nigerian Youth Parliament in partnership with Aspire Institute organized a Zoom conference with the theme "Bridging the Gap: Exploring Global Opportunities for Nigerian Youth". The event was a huge success with the participation of young Nigerians from different parts of the country.

MC of event: Anushka Shrestha - Unilever Ambassador

The event started with a welcome address from the host; Hon. Kikiowo Ayoade, the Chairman of the Committee on Communication and Information of the Nigerian Youth Parliament. Hon. Ayoade welcomed all the participants and expressed his gratitude to God and the Aspire Institute for their partnership in organizing the event. He set the tone for the conference by highlighting the importance of bridging the gap between Nigerian youth and global opportunities, and emphasized the need for young people to be proactive in pursuing their dreams and aspirations. The Aspire Institute Alumni Ambassador - Ademiku ADELEYE (Nigeria) also acknowledged the Nigeria Youth Parliament for the collaboration. He also further recognized the Aspire Team - Jenna Maurer (Communication and Outreach Manager), and other Aspire Alumni Ambassadors present.

The first speaker was the CEO of BeMORE Global Consulting and the Co-Founder/Executive Director of MORE Global Foundation; Mr. Musa Olutunji, who spoke on "Bridging Gaps of Global Opportunities". He shared his personal experience on how he has been able to leverage global opportunities to achieve his goals. He also spoke on the importance of having a global mindset and the need for young Nigerians to position themselves for opportunities.

During the event, the Speaker of the Nigerian Youth Parliament, Rt. Hon. (Dr.) Azeezat Yishawu, emphasized the importance of Nigerian youth being proactive in volunteering and applying for available opportunities. She stressed that this is a crucial step in achieving personal and national development.

The Speaker also highlighted the commitment of the Nigerian Youth Parliament in providing continuous support and guidance to young people. She assured the participants that the Nigerian Youth Parliament will continue to dig for more opportunities and share them with the Nigerian youth and encouraged participants to stay connected with the Nigerian Youth Parliament and follow them on social media platforms for more opportunities update. This is to ensure that young people are well-informed about opportunities within and outside the country, and they can take advantage of them to achieve their dreams and aspirations.

The next speaker was the Aspire Institute Alumni Ambassador - Xochitl Gonzalez (Mexico) who shared about the fully funded opportunity within their institutes (Aspire Leaders Program) and how Nigerian can leverage this opportunity. She highlighted the opportunities available to young Nigerians, ranging from community action award grant up to $10,000 to having free access to learn from top world University Professors.

Jenna, Aspire Team and Ademiku responded to the questions and answer regarding the Aspire fully funded program, sharing more on the application and insights on how young Nigerians can explore these opportunities.

Participants were actively engaged in the conference, asking questions and showing gratitude to the organizers for putting it together. The event was a great success, and we hope that the participants were able to gain valuable insights and information on how to take advantage of global opportunities.

In conclusion, the conference has highlighted the importance of bridging the gap between Nigerian youth and global opportunities. We encourage young Nigerians to be proactive in pursuing their dreams and aspirations, and to take advantage of the resources and support available to them.

Photos from Kikiowo Ayoade David's post 13/04/2023

Attention Nigerian youth! Are you looking for opportunities to broaden your horizons and explore the world? Then join us for the Bridging the Gap Zoom conference, brought to you by the Nigerian Youth Parliament in partnership with Aspire Institute. Learn about global opportunities and gain valuable insights to help you achieve your goals. Don't miss out! Register now using the Link:


Know exactly the provisions for young people in the party’s manifesto. Ask party candidates/representatives about critical provisions of their manifesto, especially in the areas of Employment/Job creation, Education, Social Inclusion, and Health. Abuja-16th of February 2023



It's another opportunity to be trained to be the preferred candidate at your next interview at the . But what's more? You can land your dream job at the job fair where reputable companies will be hiring instantly. With several testimonials from delegates who attended the past editions, you too can start living your dream when you attend the Job Seekers Summit & Fair at the COZA Auditorium Guzape Hills, Abuja from the 8th-10th of February 2023 by 10am daily.





Prepare to attend 🤗

Photos from Kikiowo Ayoade David's post 28/12/2022

Team Ondo


On behalf of the entire youth of Ondo Central Senatorial district, I want to use this medium to celebrate our excellent leader, the Ondo state Honorable Commissioner for Finance, Hon. Wale Akinterinwa as he celebrates another year in God's faithfulness.

May this special day bring you endless joy. Henceforth, wherever your feet may take, whatever endeavor you lay hands on, it will always be successful.

Happy Birthday, sir! Wale akinterinwa for governor


Application for Rural Youth Skill Acquisition (RYSA) Programme 2022

The Rural Youth Skill Acquisition Programme RYSA is organized by the Centre for Rural Youth Entrepreneurship and Environmental Development with support from the Federal Government with UNCDF, UNIDO, and EU as funding partners. The program is designed to take the skill acquisition programmes to the rural youth population with the objectives to create income-earning opportunities, stem youth restiveness, discourage rural-urban drift, and grow the local economy. The target youth’s demography are Nigerians youths who are of native origins from a rural community and are also in need of business start-ups and fundamental business skills. The target youth’s demography under this Programme are semi-literate and non-literate youths, who have acquired skill training, needs start-up and fundamental business skills.

Benefits to RYSA Trainees:
1. Monthly Stipend
2. Work Tools
3. Seed Grants

RYSA Programme Application:
1. Interested candidates should visit to submit an online an online application form within the stipulated timeline.
2. Candidates must enroll for online proficiency tests based on the skill area of choice.
3. Applicants for RYSA must fill and submit the guarantor’s form.
4. Shortlisted candidates must undergo oral interviews and take online proficiency tests based on the skill area of choice.
5. Selected candidates must abide by the rules and regulations set by Rural Youth Entrepreneurship and Environmental Development .

Application Deadline:
Application Deadline for RYSA Nigeria is 31st of December ,2022.

For more info:

News source:


I want to use this medium to celebrate our leader, the Honorable Commissioner for Youth and Sports Development, Otunba Bamidele Ologun as he celebrates another year in God's faithfulness.

May this special day bring you endless joy. Henceforth, wherever your feet may take, whatever endeavor you lay hands on, it will always be successful.

Happy Birthday, Leader!


I want to use this medium to celebrate our leader, the Honorable Commissioner for Youth and Sports Development, Otunba Bamidele Ologun as he celebrates another year in God's faithfulness.

May this special day bring you endless joy. Henceforth, wherever your feet may take, whatever endeavor you lay hands on, it will always be successful.

Happy Birthday, Leader!

Photos from Kikiowo Ayoade David's post 30/11/2022

Nigerian Youth Parliament visits DG NILDS, seeks partnership

Members of the Nigerian Youth Parliament led by the Rt. Honorable Speaker (Dr.) Azeezat Yishawu yesterday paid a courtesy to the Director General of the National Institute of Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS), Prof. Abubakar Sulaiman.

Speaker Azeezat discussed ways of leveraging the institution in providing capacity development services to members of the Youth Parliament and how to promote best practices in youth legislative activities.

She also discussed how to broaden engagements with the institute and relevant stakeholders for the realization of the Legislative Agenda of the 5th session of the Nigerian Youth Parliament (NYP) and accelerating sustainable empowerment for young Nigerians to the peace and progress of the nation.

The DG NILDS , Prof. Abubakar Sulaiman thanked the NYP delegation for the visit, promising strong support of the Institute in areas of mentorship, training, and equipping of youth parliamentarians for a more purposeful youth representation.

The Speaker Azeezat was in the company of southwest caucus leader, on. Omoleye Adedoyin, Ondo Central Youth Rep. Hon. Ayoade Kikiowo, Adamawa Youth Rep. Hon. Fateemah Abubakar, Kogi West Youth Rep. Hon. Sulaiman.


Press Release: Ondo Youth Rep. Hails Akeredolu over NBS's rating of Ondo state as lowest in poverty rate
...says other Governors should emulate Akeredolu’s visionary Leadership

The representative of Ondo Central in the Nigerian Youth Parliament (NYP), Honorable Ayoade Kikiowo has hailed Governor Akeredolu on the latest report from the National Bureau of Statistics on National Multi-Dimensional Poverty Ranking Index which adjudged Ondo State as the State with the lowest Poverty rate in Nigeria in the country. He described Governor Akeredolu as a visionary leader.

Kikiowo on Saturday said there was a time Ondo state was tagged one of the poorest states because of the dominance of civil servants, thereby causing the government to spend a major part of its internally generated revenue on recurrent expenditures like workers’ salaries and government maintenance but since the inception of the talk and do Governor, Ondo state has been enjoying a full-time people's focus government that has been dedicated on resuscitating of dead industries, security of lives and properties, capital support for small business owners, youth empowerment, etc.

We, the youths of the state, are not surprised about the NBS rating and with projects and programs that Mr. Governor still has in the pipeline, I'm certain that Ondo state will soon emerge as one of the top three richest states in Nigeria.

He also expressed appreciation to the Special Adviser on Public Affairs and Inter-Governmental Relations, Dr.(Mrs) Olubunmi Ademosu whose office has played a major role in driving Social Investment Programmes which in return showed forth in poverty alleviation and wealth creation in the state.

Kikiowo said that state Governors like Sokoto and Balyesa should follow who knows road, he added that if Akeredolu's path can be replicated in any state in Nigeria they will get the same result.

Photos from Kikiowo Ayoade David's post 25/06/2022

As we continue in the task of bringing Nigerians together to build the Nigeria 🇳🇬 we want, continuous capacity building is a necessity.

Former NAOSS President, Ayoade Kikiowo Eyes Akure South Constituency 2 Seat 20/04/2022

Former NAOSS President, Ayoade Kikiowo Eyes Akure South Constituency 2 Seat The immediate past President of the National Association of Ondo State Students, Comrade Ayoade Kikiowo, has declared his intentions to run in the 2023 general election. The former NAOSS is president is eyeing the Akure south constituency 2 seat in the Ondo State House of Assembly. Comrade Kikiowo m...


Ramadan karem 🌙 to all Muslims around the world 🌎 may allah accept our ibadah

Photos from Kikiowo Ayoade David's post 10/03/2022

Throw back to the 24th of February, 2022 when the representatives of the Nigerian Youth Parliament, Federal Republic of Nigeria, paid a courtesy visit to the Country Director of Plan International Nigeria, Charles Usie.…


Watch Ikhonede Joshua, Ugoala Emmanuela and Kikiowo Ayoade as they discuss The Effect on Nigerian Students on DAYBREAK AFRICA showing Monday-Friday on KAFTAN TV Startimes Channel 480 DTH, 124 DTT at 6AM nationwide.

Visit |

DAYBREAK AFRICA :ASUU STRIKE Watch Ikhonede Joshua, Ugoala Emmanuela and Kikiowo Ayoade as they discuss The Effect on Nigerian Students on DAYBREAK AFRICA showing Monday-Friday on KAFTAN TV…


The member representing Ondo Central at the Nigerian Youth Parliament (NYP), Hon. Kikiowo Ayoade David will be live on DYNAMIC DIET on NTA AKURE tomorrow, 16th of February by 9:00 am to discuss the ASUU strike, its consequences on the students, and how we can end strikes in Nigeria. Don't miss it.

Photos from Kikiowo Ayoade David's post 02/02/2022

Yesterday, I alongside members of the 5th Assembly of the Nigerian Youth Parliament led by the speaker, Rt. Hon. Azeezat Yishawu was with the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth and Student Affairs, Hon. Nasir Sa'idu Adhama.

We discussed ways of advancing a progressive course for the young generation as well as strategizing to ensure core Nigerian youths are the beneficiaries of government youth programs and initiatives.

We also meet minds on how to broaden engagements with government and relevant stakeholders for the realization of the Legislative Agenda of the 5th session of the Nigerian Youth Parliament (NYP).

Top on the issues discussed was accelerating sustainable empowerment for young Nigerians to enhance peace and progress of the nation was also brought to the fore at the meeting.

Hon. Ayoade D. Kikiowo,
Member representing Ondo Central Senatorial District,
The Nigerian Youth Parliament,
National Assembly Complex, Abuja.


Happy New Month 🌹


Get your PVC ❗️❗️❗️

“In every democracy, The minority can have their say but the majority will always have their way.”

In giving credence to the above statement in a democratic setting, this sacred principle states that the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail as against the Minority will.

The reason is simple: The majority are those with their rightful tools (Voter card) with which they can democratically affect their will.

It is a disservice to ourselves, to our dear state, nation, to our preferred candidates, and various Political parties, if we get to the next election without our PVC.

Be among the majority.
Go Get your PVC.

Hon. Kikiowo Ayoade David
Member, Nigerian Youth Parliament.


Member Representing Ondo central at Nigeria youth parliament, Ayoade visits new CP seeks improved security architecture

The Member Representing Ondo central at the Nigeria youth parliament, Ayoade Kikiowo yesterday paid a courtesy visit to the new commissioner of police in the state, Mr. Oyeyemi Oyediran.

Mr. Ayoade congratulated the new police boss and welcomed him to the sunshine state reminding him of the myriads of challenges bedeviling the state.

He sought the corporation of the CP with other security agencies in combating crime and criminality in all crannies of the three senatorial districts.

Mr. Ayoade particularly stressed the need to enforce stringent measures that would put an end to cultism, gangsterism among youths.

The police boss, Oyeyemi Odediran thanked the youth leader for the visit promising not to betray the confidence reposed in him.

Mr. Ayoade was in the company of other Youth leaders.

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